THIS PAPER, . obliged mry evenl. Saaaaja sx ceptcd by JOSHT. JAMES, PIT0K XKD rHOrUEETOK. -UBSCRIPTIONS P03TAGE PAID: -" f i.oo. Six month. $2.00. Three 7h tl.OC; One month, 25 cents. One The paper will he delivered, by carriers free ftea.orioeenuper.week.." Advesttfllng rates low and IlberaL t -Subscribers will report any and all taD , ma i receive their paper regularly. 2)at7y Review has the largest hmti fck circulation, of any newspaper Xew Yrk I'icayunt!: Candidate Vip-in Virginia, made tlic mistake of his lt!l i striking a man by the name Df Smith- , - Son of Old Hickory's adopted son. who b?ars the name of And cw Jack son, has just married Miss Amy Rich, cf Hamilton, O. Orl Schurz's quietude is explained. He is busy writing of the. life of the Mill Boy rI the Slashes" and grca con;tutner, Henry Clay. . M r. Jefferson has been received with even more than usuaijavor in Chicago, at McVicker's Theatre, where he is acting as "Rip Van Winkle." ' ,' . Florence Blythe, who bid3 fair to be acknowledged as the heiress of the $3,000,000 Blythe-estate in San" Fran ciico. is a little girl of 11 years. Senator Edmunds' manner is des cribed a3 "merely a crust congealing a warm, fer?id interior." A kind of social apple dumpling, as it were. Potter Palmer the other day sold ten acres of Chicago land to Marshall Field for $100,000 cash. It is situated on the grand Boulevard and Forty-seventh street. Kilen Terry introduced in this country the present fancy lor short hair. One of Miss Terry's husbands was a very irascible fellow, and to him primarily, perhaps, belongs the credit of the inno vation. New York Morning Journal: 'It is again reported that President Cleveland contemplates matrimony. Contempla tion ot such a serious -subject makes many a bachelor thoughtful, but hot necessarily sad Lasl year C14 divorces were granted in Massachusetts, 41 less than in 1883. Ol these 67 per cent, were granted on t he petition of the wire. Desertion was alleged in in 45. per, cent, of the cases, adultery in 26, and intoxication in 13. -. 1 Boston Post i. The Hon. William Maxwell Evarts aid not care to stajt bis boom for the Presidency by running for Governor in ; New York this Fall, bat it is evident that he means to begin work in Washington the coming Win ter. Buffalo Courier: -That Postmaster General Vilas'. action in tho mail sub sidy muddle will be sustained by , Con gress next Winter there is scarcely a shadow of doubt. Mr. Vilas' report on this subject wilt ha -'mighty inter esting reading.1' j Galveston News (Dem.): Now that the Mugwumps have gone borne some body should coax Hendricks to give us an essay on tho origin, rise, progress, habits, attainments, and general char arteristics of tho mugwump. He could do the subject up con amore. It is hinted th'at the reason Mr. Blaino and his. family give up the pleasant Winter season in Washington for the bleak winds of a Maine Winter is that he has an eye to the S,enatorship and wants to fdenf.ily himsall with the people by waking tho personal acquain tance of persons who will probably be in the Legislature. . - ! ; Democrats in Connecticut are look ing forward with strong hope of elect ing a successor to Senator Hawley next Winter. The election of a Democratic Legislature in that State is very proba ble, and, thissepu red, such a rectiflpa Uou will be made In the. election ma chinery as will insure the supremacy of the Democratic party in tho State. New York Sun : "If tho Seriate is to be redeemed from Republican ascen dency, and the Administration is to be sustained, by that body during the latter half of Mr. Cleveland' term, the Democrats have no time to lose in bar monizing their 'differences. Nor can the Administration stand a passive spectator of contests upon" the results ol which the future of the parky so largely depends. It is not oaen that in this country a priest of the Roman Catholic Church leave that Communion and goes to an other. Bat a case ot this sort occurred recently in St. Louis when the Rev. Richard L Knox, and ex-Roman Cath olic priest, was received in Che Protes tant Episcopal Church. The statement was expressly made by the Bishop who received him that the ceremony was not an ordination to the ministry, the Episcopal Church recognizing a3 valid, the orders of the Roman Church . . r YUJL. JLa. W riiMrNrrrTOlvr K n MOIYa V nnTmn?'D:in- LOCAL NEWS. IIOU TO IEW . AQYEBTISEUEITS. A J Lucas No Uce C W Vate School Books Bktksbkrqek The Baus Piano - . Johh I Boa wokt Thla Week " Tabkes & Tatlob The Demand Craiq a Thomas a. Fresh Arrival r c Miller Sweet Gum and Ma'leln J B Maksii Aix-Gen. Com. Merchant t x J ames' Church HenUng of Pews Knights op IIoxok Eegnlar Meeting W B Sfrixgek A CoSportman's Goods Pukcbli. Hocsi Thoroughly Benovated PL Bkidoees A Co The Circus Bepro- Uaced For other locals see fourth page. The receipts of cotton at this port to day toot up 1,939 bales. acobi's Hd w. Depot isUhe place to buy a stove, if you want to save money f Ger. barque Richard, Paske, from Stettin for this port, sailed from Swine njundo Oct. 12th. It has been uncomfortably warm during the forenoon, the thermometer indicating full Summer heat. See noli -eot the annual rental of pews in St. James' Church, which will take plaee on Wednesday next. The most economical coal scuttles known are the galvanized iron ones. They never rust. You will find them at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t The regular meeting of the Literary Club connected with the Wilmington Light Inf&ntry will be held at their Armory to-morrow night. There were large congregations at the various churches in the city yesterday, with the exception of the First Presby terian, where no services were held. When you think that you need a new hat, you will be reminded that the "Melville" is the best, and it is sold by Dl'EU. - 7'- f Ger. barque Clara, Neijahr, cleared for Antwerp on Saturday last, with 2.040 casks spirits turpentine, (incor rectly reported as rosin) valued at $34, 000, shipped by Messrs. JChess Carley Co. . ' . Tho regular monthly parade and inspection of ihe Wilmington Light Infantry will be held next Thursday nigbt Any one wishing to become a member of the Company can make out an application and have it acted upon that night. Capt. B, L. Perry, proprietor of tho Purcell House, has recently beon en gaged in making some marked im provements there. Carpenters and painters have both been busy .there for weeks past. Among other things a handsome lunch room has been laid off and the reading room nas been reno vated and improved. . Indications. For tne South Atlantic States, fair .veather, followed by local showers, winds shiAjng to Southeasterly and be coming variable with nearly stationary temperature. Knlfirlits of Honor. Carolina Lodge No. 434. Regular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock. Full attendance is cjesired as business of im portance wiU be transacted, f To AJark the Snot. On Saturday last a handsome monu ment, which will mark' the spot at Oakdale where rest the remains of the late Charles B. Fennell. was taken out to the Cemetery and erected there under the care and supervision ot Mr. John Maunder. It is about ten leet high, made of Bedford marble, and in design represents the broken trunk of a tree, surmounted by cross and dove. It bears the inscription "Charles B. Fenueli. Born Dec. 4, 1856. Died May 1, 1885" Mtkado." -T he Bijou Opera Troupe, under the management of Mr. C. T. Alwood, arrived in the city last night and regis tered at the Orton. They will appear at the Opera House to night in the Japanese Opera of -The Mikado," one of Messrs. Gilbert & Sullivan's latest and most popular productions. The company were here last season and won high praise for the excellence of their performances, and tho press of the cities in which they have appeared during their present tour bear abnnd ant testimony that the record which they made last year has been main tained intact: It Is a fine troupe, under excellent .management, and there is every indication that they will be greet ed by a crowded house to-night. The best ready ni'xed paint can be had at Jacoci's Hdw. Depot. He has it in all size cans, from half pints op. f j Declined.. Rev. Dr. Pritcbard, who was recent lj elected President of the "Gun and Kennel Club" oi this city, while in full sympathy with the objects of the Club, and especially wherein it relates to the preservation of game, bas declined the position. CItv Court. There were several trival ; cases lor Mayor Bear's consideration this morn ings which were speedily disposed of: Jane Hines. colored, disorderly con. duct, was permitted to" pay a fine of $2.50 or go below for three days. ; " One case of disorderly conduct was fined $ Wc suppress the name by request. One case of drunk and down was discharged and one case ot disorderly conduct was continued. ? Keliffious Meeting's. A series of religious meetings were begun at Brooklyn Hall last night which will be continued through the week. The sermon wa3 preached by Rev. D. W. Herring, who will soon leave the country for missionary work in China, and he will conduct tho ser. vices during the week. There was a large congregation and much interest in spiritual maitera was developed. Meet ings will be held every night, services to commence at haif past 7 o'clock. Keliglous Items. Rev. Chas J. Soon, a native Chinese preacher, who lately graduated at Vanderbilt University, is now on- a visit to the cify, the guest of Rev. D. H. Tuttle, a fellow student at the Universi ty. He preaahed an interesting sermon at Fifth Street M. E. Church last night to an immense congregation. It will be remembered that Mr. Soon was converted at this Church during the pastorate of Rev. T. Page Ricaud tie will deliver a lecture at tne same church next Wednesday night, having for his subject, "China; its people, cus toms, manners and the missionary work." A Credit to-iiiiy City. In all successful and prosperous cit ies there is a leading house In every branch ot trade to which the citizens Doint with pride and pleasure. Mr. S. H. Fishblate, regardless of expense and labor, has endeavored to win that position in the city ot Wilmington, and has achieved that distinction. It is con ceded by all that in the variety, excel lence and cheapness of clothing his em Dorinm has no equal in the State. It there is any one left who doubts this, let him call at his commodious stores and he will be thoroughly satisfied. He has also added a merchant tailoring department ti his business and his styles and fits surpass anything ever turned out in Wilmington. f The Point Caswell Mail. We have at hand some further infor". (nation relative to the daily mail route between Rocky Point and Point Cas well, via mule express, which delivers a letter at a point distant only about 20 miles from this city in forty-eight hours alter it is written Mr. Gurganies has published his side of the story, and now we will publish that of the people In the first place, Mr. Gurganies is nott he contractor with the government, as might be inferred from reading his communication. The real contractor resides in Washington and he may or mav not have taken the contract for iess than it is worth ; that is his own lookout. Mr. Gurganies is the sub-contractor. V Another thing: Mr. Gurganies says that it is 21 miles, over a rough road, between Rocky Point and Point Cas well. This is a strange statement on the part ot one who has ridden it as often as he bas done. Any one who has ever ridden that road knows that it is one of the very best roads in the State and that the distance is but 16 miles. according to the mile posts, instead or 21, accord ing to Mr. Gurganies, or 19, as called lor in the mail contract. It is true that Mr. G. has to go into Cedar Dale Wice a week, which is only li miles distant from the main route, and he only stops therein returning, which makes but three miles additional, and only twice a week. A good horse instead of a slow mule, could easily make the distance in nine or ten hours, instead of twelve, as is allowed by the Govermment, and then not do a . particulary hard day's work-not as hard, at all events, as it would be if kept plowing in the field all day. For the best unlaundried white shirt in the city, call at the Wilmington Shirt Factory; only 75c. J.Elsbach. Prop., No. 27Markctst. tf Eeyteic f 7. - J. . r 1 " ' - - - 'I 1 I 'I it Tuc Banker's Daughter. - The audience at the Opera House on Saturday night was very small. The play, however, which is one of the best, was presented in excellent style and with a conscious regard for deUil and ef fect which could not have been improv ed upon had the company been greeted with an overflowing house. It was an excellent performance and deserving of a crowded house. Personal. Mr. E. R. Fishblate, of Greensboro, is in the city on. a short visit to his brother, ex-Mayor Fishblate.. ,? ftev. Peyton H. Hogc. of Richmond, Va., has accepted tho call, to become pastor ot the First Presbyterian church in this city. Mr. S. Bchrends, of the furniture house of Bebrends & Munroo. has re turned to the city from a two weeks( visit to the Northern markets.' We were glad to see that Mr. Charles D. Willson. who has been sick for tho past week, has so far recovered as to be able to be on the street this morn ing. Hon. R. R. Bridger3 has returned to the city from Saratoga Springs, where ho has been, with his family, for some time past. His health had become seri ously impaired during the Summer, but we are glad to note that it has decidedly improved. We were pleased to receive a call on Saturday afternoon from a "friend of other days" Mr. Samuel S. Peterson, who is here on a visit to, relatives and friends, and as the guest oi his uncle, Mr. B. F. Mitchell. Mr. Peterson left North Carolina 27 years ago and is now iocated on Prince Edward Island, Dominion of Canada, where he holds a position under the government. Lippincott's Magazine. Among the articles in LippincoWs for November, the one which is likely ta receive most attention has for its subject "Queen Anne, or Free Classic Architecture." As this is the fashion able style of the day, especially for suburban residences, some knowledge of its distinctive features and relative position is a general requisite, while, owing to the laxity with which the name is used, and the apparent lack of well-defined principles "which it covers and eyen implies, clear information and ideas in regard to it are not easily ob taincd. In this paper the subject is treated with fulness under its tbreefok'. aspect, historical. instructive and aesthetic, many specimens, old and new, being cited and described by way of illustration, the whole with special reference to American usages and need3,' the lines on which further development should proceed, and the improvements to be aimed at. Another article full bt solid" and interesting information is on "The Peabody Museum of American Archaeology." "A North River Ferry.'1 Nos Pensions," and "The Art of Reading," are lighter but suggestive sketches ; while 'Van." is an admirably painted study of animal life. The fiction includes the second and concludinjpart of "The Lady Lawyer's First Cnerit, "A Random Shot," by C. W. Wil- merding. and "A Backwoods Roe mancc." by S. H. Swett. There is th usual variety of poems, short papers and editorial matter. Beware of Parties that hold out tempting baits. Honest goods and low prices are tne only in ducements necessary. If more is re quired the patron must pay for the ex tras pro rata, as hundreds of our pat rons have, and who can truly testify that such are facts. Wc have saved our customers many dollars when they have taken : the time and trouble to compare our goods and prices with scheming competitors. s This is the only true and reliable test. We will cheerfully send goods to your residence, letting you be the judge. We have a standing offer to donate $100 to any charitable institution in this city, if $100 worth of goods selected from our large stock, viz: clothing for men, boys and children, gents' furnishing goods, and hats and caps, are not found to be 15 per cent, less than the identical goods, of as good value, can be had elsewhere; in many cases we would be safe in saying 25 per cent. It is very gratifying lo us to know that our trade has increased, which goes to show that notwithstanding the different schemes and new competition we have to contend with the masses will not be gulled, preferring rather to trado where goods can bo had for the least money, and whoever offers other inducements with their goods, you will find that the purchaser is taxed either directly or indirectly to -support these schemes. Siikiek, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market St., sign of the; Qolden Ann. t 1885 NO. 244 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . : Notice! Notice! JH JUSTICE TO MY CUSTOMER?, AND for the benefit of them a well 88 ether. I will rubllcly announce that $QDA WATEli is selling at 25 cents per box. oct 19 It A. r. LUCAS. St James Church. ; rjruE a xnual Resting of pew3 in fit. James Church, under control of the Vest ry, Including the new- seats In Traoscept and Gallery, will take place by auction, at 12 o'clk, on Wednesday, 21st Intt, at the Chur. h. -oct 19 2t nas Purcell House, WILMINGTON, N. C. JIIIOKOUGHLY BENOVATED . First claw accommodations. Bates reasonable. cct 19 3m The Demand FOE OUB HEATING STOVES 18 IN creasinjt daily. ' Call and select oao be fore our stock la broken. Now is your time. Pi ices very low down. The UNIVERSAL FARMER, the best Cooking Stove in the mar ket, stands on its own merits... Library and Stand Lamps cheap at . PARKER TAYLOR'S, oct 10 23 South Front St J. It. MARSHALL is daily RECEIVING CONSIGNMENTS OF M any good thinga from the Farmers And the Village Merchants, .for which he Returns Peanuts, Fish, Oyster t Rce, Sugar. Coffee, Tobacco, Ac Bes'des other Household and kitchen necessaries. Also, he is receiving CASH orders for Larger shipments of merchandise, and Is Looking upward in the Gen. Com. Bus'nees. oct 19 d&w Sportsman's Goods. FINE ASSORTMENT OF BREECH Loading Guns, Ammunition of all kinds, Re loading Tools. Come and look through our assortment. We can show more Guns than all the stdeks in the city combined. . ,;WM. K. SPRINGER A CO.i 19, 21 A 23 Market Street, oct 19 Wilmington, N. C. The Baus Piano. JJ03EWOOD, 71-3 OCTAVES Orchestral Upright Grand. Beautiful in Design, Elegant In Finish, Marvelous in Power, BrUllant in Tone, Exqulslto in Touch, Solid in Construc tion, Unequaled in Durability. Our Motto: "Excelsior!" The BAUS PIANOS are unquestionably the best now ma e. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, oct 19 Live Book and Music Stores. AFRESH ARRIVAL! -yjyE HaVe JUST RECEIVED A FRESH lot of Jelly, in Buckets, and Oat Meal. Remember, we keep Virginia Water Ground Meal, and a selected stock of Groceiles Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigar j, &c. Orders for Fresh and Salt Fish, Oysters, &c solicited. CRAIG & THOMAS, No 113, South Front St-, Opposite New Market Oct 19 The Circus Reproduced , - , IN THE CELEB KATSD ANIMAL 0RA0KEES! EARLY EVERY ANIMAL DELINEA ted, giving the children pleasure and Instruc tion at the same time. 15 cents per lb. New Hulled Buckwheat OF THE BEST QUALITY. Those Imported Onions are being rapidly sold, 1 hey are not only the largest ad handsomest Onions grown, but they have the remarkable distinction of leav ing HO ODOR ON THE BREATH. Courting couples can consume them without fear of dis covery. F. L. BRIDGERS & CO., HO North Front St. Oct 19 Every Day, THRESH HEW RvVER OYSTERS on hand every day this month. The celebrated WINBERBYO YSTERS. Hard to heat and best Oysters in the world. GEO. r. IIKRISKKT, iept301mnae Star Saloon. Wc have a large lot of glass for Hot houses which we are offering Idtv. Jacoex's Hdw. Depot - t trca cor tzlzztz ca "tsj tr 3 tn Izztl : :n ; Ecacrallatcrcstbrl -. , - Xta tana cf tie writer atut iftr&yt h -niched totkeEdttcx. . , Communications must fc wrilUa ca o one side of tha piper. : , PtrscnalltlcaEiiistbo avoided. And It is especially and particularly tad too that the Editor does tot always todoi tha views of correspondents uilsss icfcatt In the editorial cohuouaa. NEW ADVEKISEMEirT3. nights. I Monday.and Tcfsiay, Oct 19-20. A Message from the Laid of the Tea Plant. By pcrmlsEion of the Japanese Government. Tho New York Bijou Opera Co. 4 headed by tho charming young American ' Prima Donna, i s: : ? ADELAIDE RANDALL, Will produce Gilbert & Sullivan's new and original Japanese Opera In two acts entitled THEMIBJDO,; Or, the Town of Ttiipo. ' New and Sparkling Music, New Songs, Real Antique Japanese Costumes, librettos for sale by the ushers. - cct 18 5t This Week I AM OFFERING Specialties in Cereals! PREPARED ROLLED OAT&IEAL, HICKS WilEATEN GRITS These goods have just arrived and are fresh and sweet. ... . aQINCE MEAT AND Plum Pudding, ... . ' . ,t ... r New Currants, Fresh Nuts and a fresh lot of the Celebrated PAROLE FLOUR. dno. Li. lsoatwright. oct 19 , -and School Supplies, J3ENS, PENCILS, INK, SPONGE, PENHOLDERS, SLATES, CRAYOSS, T? ruiir T Ana A omn a tta . ' - COPY BOOKS, EXERCISE BOOKS, &C We will make It to your advantage to buv of u3. Wc buy for cash and can afford to sell cheap. C. VV. YATES, oct 19 , no Market at. . The Orton. JS NOW OPEN FOR RECEPTION OF guests The Hotel Is new and elegantly fur nished, and tho i rices reasonable, ost 15 lm W. A. BRYAN. Proprietor For Sale, and Rent; gTORES, DWELLINGS AND VACANT LOTS. Apply to D. O'CONNOR. aug 21 2taw3m m th Real Estate Agent New Store I New Goods ! QOME AND SEE THE TOYS, TINWARE and FANCY GOODS just received. Some thing to suit every housekeeper In the city. Prices low at No. . 24 South Second and 121 Dock sis. " oct 17 J. F. A. REAVES. . Day and Night. WO ACCOMMOEATE THE PUBLIC, from this date. W. 8. BRIBGS & CO'3 NEW DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION STORE, 117 8. Front St., opp. the Market House, tciU be open aU hourt for filling Prescriptions, itnd supplying other urgent needs, oct 17 et MORE OF THOSE FINE UORNE OYSTERS, best Draught M ueer in the city, best whiskers and fine 5 c!s. Cigars. Eating House and Oyster Saloon at Mechanic's Saloon, No. 0, South Front ft. oct 17 x J. M. McGOWA, Prop. Look Here I JT MY SNUGGERY, THE GREEN HOUSE, corner Princess and Second st.. yoa.wUl find not only good "Wines and Liquors, but splendid NEW RIVER OYSTERS, t cr r cd In any style demanded. Reading room and pri vate dining room attached. s r Cold Lunch at all hours. oct 17 tf O. RHODES, Prop. Tocal Class.- 1 CAL CLASS of 43 Ipjmnna vv fn. . . : " woaiwua of 12 le&sons each, providing sufficient encour agement Is given. Tuition for tho court e 85. panlculars will be given upon application at berry street. - , oct U Si H. II. FOSTER. t fl f 1 n more money 'nan at anything ctee selling book out. Beglnneri succeed grandly. None fail. Terms free. Haixext Book Co Portland, Maine. dec 2 U Aw w ,

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