r1 TU13 rAXAA sbiuaed etery evenlag. Soadaya epted by JOSH T. JAMES, eurioB 4DporRLEToa. 4i: B6CRl?TIO-sd POSTAGE PAID 4.00. six month, fx oe. Three '.. i.x: One tnoptn. a cents. re aieT win be delivered by earners free jX crs. cy P or tne city, at im i -a" or :o cent per week. I'TOStl-Jrera10,5 and liberal rllcr8 will report any and aU fall- recede their per regularly. r- 77t Auty Review has the largest korui file circulation, of any newspaper J MMJI ' T MMMM : v II l -pv . lt . , . , . U r jweajm kotics. : - Trrvt V wl- JA. WrT.CT"Nrfirrrxr . , ' . u.. muUAi, UUIOBER 26,-1885 LOCAL NEWS. TB IIO AOVCITIXEafiTS. C W Tatts School Books Gluts A Mubtchisox l4unp Mrs k A Lchsdm-ininaery erafBBBWxa-The Baas Piano Pa&KK & T a r lo r The Demand K WiKMK 8ox-To the Ladles XaieBeneToleiit8oc'ety.leeUTg , Jobm I Boa warcHT-Juat Arrived r C MitLM-Sweet Gum ad Mu'leln J S MlxsiiAXi-Applea anl Oranzei Tats.j Dazaak Hsts, G lores, Ac 1 BxnxntKS ft Co Florida rvr.M. Comparltlre Worth of Bakln Powder., its f - W K 8PBINOEB & Go-Soortm.n , 'WWW A V laced For other locals see fourth page. The receipts of cottoo at this port" to day loot up 1,477 bales. Spiral f h JOU'Hf wimm rt th JIarv.ir! Annex ride tf their recitations There are now 1.2W caws on tbe jucket ot the United States Supreme Court, wcich the judges hrpe to clear by 1: A'bany Tiracs:- Mr. Daren pari i n.,t o v 'tin? a man a his piniuns in Jicate. Indeed, he will mil attain bis rusj.irity this Fall. . -- - - -- : Every manner who has run the new Grand Oera-House at Paris has there by incurred financial failure, despite the Government allowance. M. Gounod has left Paris and se- . The Vapor, Chamberlain, cleared at eluded l.iaiseSf in the country lo finish Philadelphia. Oct., 24th.. lor this p jrt. i new oratorio. He is sanl to bare be- ""7 ' a,me a aliioui enthusiast and to suffer fnlZ "Ul (rom me..tal excitement. found a strik.n2 and mHructive illus- fation of the comparative worthsof the Aut. 'a Constitution: "The bloody varios kinds x)f taking powder now ihirt." ys tho St. Louis Globe-Demo in the market. ltd&w crat. "i a grand old garment." It U When yo think that you need a new indeed. It keeps the South solid and hat.-you wilKbe, reminded that tho the people contented. Shake it up. Mclvilfe" Is the best, and it is anhi l.w A stimulant for hesiiatine Demo- - - : - ' - t crkts: "Brooklyn ladies have rogiater- A 8reftt ,ot of . Gent's heavy Canton eJaad will try to vote at the approach- p,anDel lowers, from 40c and up io? election. The experiment will be wards al tfac Wilmington Shirt Facto ln'.erei'.in, successtui or unsuccess-1 j. aiaoauu, i rop. y lui." . NO 250 Citr Court. Acting Mayor Bear bad a Urge docket wis moinmg. Mary Williams, colored; disorderly conduct, was invited to make a deposit of $3 for the benefit of the City Treasury or go below for two days She went below. Grace Austin, colored, disorder! conduct, was required to pay a fine Dolly Shepherds colored, disorderly . . conuuetwas discharged. Urns Martin, colored, disorder v con duct, called and failed. Aaroa Lloyd, colored, assault with a deadly weapon, bound over to the next term of the Criminal Court in tbe sum This finished the docket and court ad journed. ' ; Ilewaro Where You Trade The question that should interest you NEW ADVERTISEMENT Ladies Benevolent Society. The; otfickbs and visitor aue u. .fi6 to-mee. wlibout fa 1, at aihs Barfs Echooi Boom, at FOUS o'cleck. r m oaWKDNtoDAY.tbe Sth inat Tlnetekd "of luesday, a heretofore. Ko msetlng havtnir been called for three months pwt, a f aU at ndancelaeieclalty Important: Fire at Smithville. The "Walker house," at Smithville. occupied by the family of Mr. Cramer, pilot ot the Revenue Cutter Colfax. caught fire on the roof yesterday, but tho flames Irere extinguished before any very serious damage was done, further than the burning of rather an ugly hole in the top of the building. The Laurlnbarcr Affair. We glean from the Charlotte 'Observer the following particulars in rezard to the unfortunate shootincj affair between two lads which occurred in Laurinbunr on Friday last: From Dassene.r8 on flA niini!n Central yesterday afternoon an Observer reporter learned ihe particulars of a tragic occurrence in the town of f.nr inburg, and one which ha ornate cited the people of that town. Daniel May, aged 13 years, son of He v. D. May, of tbe Nonb Carolina Conference was shot and perhaps fatally injui rd by a companion named Ht-rhfirt nirir hu n.,.t:,u...1L , . , .. . aced II voors n r i rJ i? wUr toe oest clothing for Clark, of Laurinbur?. The two bovs men boys or -'diilUren can be had for outu sreurtu a irun aDU nai hPon "bi uiuhcy, wiinout anv nnnspnsa ?,?rtAnl-r,s, jnJ.'U'Wa9 oa i iheir re' orhumbugging. JuH think for a mo turn home and alter entennir the tnun Lmn. i.i . i . - . x-a . h h.n.. i " . uww uuuiu mese scnemme con "ItU'lCU. 1IIUIWO ... . - TTAVIWd Itun. nrtmf, n... . i ads were immediately in Iront of th ucl,,scxl sucn was not the case; if H 7n ' V ,T "M" u?i ut;s3 residence of Cant. 1). K. F. Eceritt tlieir prices were not ahovn Sirnrrs thelat twoseasona. wo am iim m.vin.5 trumiucior oi tne Uaro ma lntra vlif m lrn r . 1.1 Ml. - . 'i "uc wih. jjvuiiils w.ie. woo was incnmCt n ber room, was starUed bv th . une cioinmg as Don ot a gun, and --hurrying to the can bc Sht ready made of tho larg Iron t door, she saw young May lying est clothing houses in this country, but Apples and Oranges, yyiLL II AVE A CAR LOAD OF THE the 30th or lat int . whi, i -m L ! duced prices. fcpecfal ntea wlU be jriven t h28feJi,0Allrilliihc,r 0VD barrels or rwelve toe iruitat the C. K. R. Den it win n I ark receive a few boxes Oranges tits week. oct 2G d4w 24 North Water St We wsi be dad to receive eommiuueauoa trea our trleada oa asjr aad all Snxttfteta ; Cssaxalbttcrestbtu - 4 Xfea nxae of tha writer meat 'sJwiys 'M ttUhed to the Editor. .v.-7' Oonuaunleatloaa mukt be wrtrUa oa o oaWot the paper -.V Peraoakcaes xnxut be arolded. And Wis especially and particularly ud tood that the Editor doee "not always endoi the vlowa of eorrespondeats aslene ao atatt us the editorial eolnjnaa. NEW ADVEBISEgIENT8. The Demand FOll OUR HEATING STOVES 13 IS creatnr dallr. Cmii n.i At :l ?e0sur4ck,,3b?ke,l ?w to UmT R?.VSia.da on lta own merlt8- horary an'1 staau Lamps cbcan at ? 001 c v 23 South Front St School Books and School Supplies. pENS, PENCILS, INK. - SPONGE, PENHOLDERS,' 1 ? SLATES, CRAYONS, ' .... JtOOK BAUS atil STRAPS. corr BOOK5, Sportsman's Goods. FINE ASSORTMENT OF 1JREECII .tf r . m0 aml look inTourh our cheap. c W v Sfi? Vc.faQ ebovr more Guna than oct 2i " niu all the stocbs In the cl-v combIncl tY a. Bi. SJfKLNGKlt A CO.. . , 19, 21 A 23 Market Street. WItmlngion. N. C. 1 KTKTtniSTC nrkoi.'Q . . c will mate It to your advantajfe to bnv afford to sell ATFS ' 119 Market fct. Lamps. For Sale and Kent, DWELLINGS OTORES, VACANT LOTS Applr to acgr24 2taw3m mtu AND d.' ocok: Real EEttte Agcni issatuflod wilh the smallest nv- SSSS" StSfflLTSSlSE Oysters Oysters ! - " - cii4 no uuu UlUlillliif As I . ' wMvtjv. 1 -. , r?BESa NEW RIVER OYSTERS, The Baus Piano. will be on h nd at the Acme Sa loon, in tne street, ms lieaa an! face covered we also have iow and morlinn, 103E00D. 713 dCTAVKS nMiii H, E. corner Front r.i nr- KTI1 'VS Llk. wilh ta, ,.r every one ta r' h. O.' L,, ,. " im gun ill ill" uiUBr, was f . t . " 1 - . """fi"! ioufc 1 . v.. a. uiBUViU Ci.l, X TOP 1 : j . . I hnosf If Jc n 1 4 I Oct fit ef mnn . r v. jumsuen ua returned iiome. iSews of the affair spread rap every garment in our house, whether from the North with an fWnt lino idly, and verv ouicklv n thrnnir ftf v. iho ni.nanaCf tu i t , After a sseech of Fitzhuvh T.p nt . . . :- ' nitpd npnnU :.r:i,T .T: Tl. "w "4 ut, is strong, au- . i imuuei goous to wncn tne pies. ,..n ,in cifed PePle surrounded the wounded L.KrZn-. Virginia. 1,400 men w, nt to th. local cf the lads is invited in a"rT I" efts,PicV'ed P carried - ?r"J f:" skatinjt rink and ate op 1 200 pounds ; thli ina " .uiu api. venu s nouse. wneropby- vwus ao any price.. ot beef, twelve hams, four sheep, 700 ' - na-were soon ,n attendance upon member also, you are not taxed for loaves of bread and a wagon load of . Two tramps apphed for lodgings at A plance ; at 'young 'May's wound -sn10 ccn ffif We are not showed it to be of a very serious I char- UUt wo ao Suarantee to give accommodated and discharged this acter- i load of shot had struck him you more aaU better value for your An old penknife of Gen. Grant's morning with a warning to obtain IB ine ,acc out tortunately for asudden money than you get elsewhere. This was sold in New York on Monday for work or leave town within 24 hours. the eUn fired he SnS w?! is the eecret that ,ies at foundation $100. It was bought by Dr. C. B. A.;' . . . t ; . . " . a glancing one. One of voun Mnv's ol the success of Shrier, the Old Reli ... . . . . i nucuiiuu is iuvilku ui i n 14 nnupnisa. . . . " ttcbstcr, ot bhcOield, England. The money was given to the Grant monu ment fund. mjjioish, Marvelous ln.Povrer, Brllltant In! Tone, Eiuisltc In Toch, Solid In Ccnstrnc- Every Day.: : tlon, Uaequaled In Darabllitv. Our Motto : 7B'S NEW R.VER OYSTERS zis . .. ... . - k-i-, . . -ixceisior!" . j u every aay this month. The BAUS PIANOS are unquestionably tho Tne celebrated WINBERRYO YSTERS. Hard best new ma'le. oct 26 For tale at nEINSBERGER'S, Live Book and Music Stores. 2,W f -i w 61110 l0aarCr l"e waslhot out, his nose was per" able Clothier, 114 Market St., sign of I mnnt nr lira u: IVirrun C-r I, I r , i .1 . . . . , . . . - ' n . ....isuw uuuiii luis loianju. nnu a portion or me cnees bone tne uolden Arm. issue, it speaks lor itself, as do their "nuer tue destroyed eye was torn away, candies whenever you taste them. Tbe The shot wounds bled profusely and 4. I Just Arrived ! iftA 4n.S-AMn I I l - n- 1. tu. " disnlav of fruits, nandie. Srr nrt- .f Ll"0"u.8lJ"usreat a mcuity in ex- auc ncauuj muu who oppose lac i . ' " i iraciin? tne leaaen pellets. We ask those in need of a heating rvn.-. StOVO to examine mirstnplr finH hoar - r I ti 1 . .... I . 7 . . " uiauj ui I ,. nnning cf a street car line on Fifth ACUaDB corner is inaeeu an attrac- waicn bad gone in too far to be reach- our low prices, before purchasing nenae. New York, have subscribed " one . . ?' "r aXe"f lT&cl??"??l JAC0 Hd. Depot. f NEW ADVERTISEMISNTS. 200,000to put a new line of stages on Tho officers and visitors of the Ladies wounds had been dressed young May ihe avenue, with tho hope that they Benevolent Society are requested to regained consciousness and was borne can tead oil tbe street car scheme. meet, without fail.at Miss Hart's School VV uomo oi nis parents ? lie nas fT ct fji t tt iTLmTf Rrtrtm n vv- u- rto.u "ce oeen-in a semi-conscious condi- -a.. AJUiUOlXill Tie new marriage law in Pennsvlva- ' t wa "uo u tionana tne doctors are unable to say . .11 -ama-l lawi 16 nnyiYa hnst, at 4 o'clock p. m. . iJo meeting how it will probably end. but thev cive to teat and best Oysters In the world. ' - InfQ, "GEO, F. HERBERT, ' t cpt30 1mnac star Saloon. Oysters J . iiurne Oysters, best Draocht 1 Beer in the cltv. brt Whuic. r Sfe;,! Uouc and Jr8ter Saloon at Mechanic's Saloon. No. (, South Front et oct 17 J. M. MuGOVVA, Prop. HJIHE GBEAT NATURAL REMEDY, Con X centrated Crab Orchard Water, f A Natu ral Water found only in Lincoln countv. C . PEE STEAMER AND RAIL, THE FOL- ;Sa7f Sln W ,,s prepared by evaporating the Natural. Crab Orchard Water. l ine HprlnS3. to a consistence cot Xff&f transportation. All of ti JJ'.u,r"ca 01 e water are Pre- t:.,?oseS so map, penalties open he taiio taen cal.e5 for ihree months opinion lffi Btank" .Su16Jiiiu .Doiiguw oy DMtafnll atitnH.no i. ..n.ni.ii. 13 e!' serious, it ia leared that nml.i:.. iL.i , l 11 1 I " . . 4cSujauuu tuiii a epociai nanuDOOK orjgjre(j rune nas beeu usued, with which the wary minister eoes around on all cccas:on3. lead, colors, oil, etc., can get the best allv believed to have hpn nn.i ..t. ad save by, baying at JACOBi'sHdw. dental; Tbe principal witness is a lit- Philadelphia Times : The cordial Depot.' t e Sirl who was in the street near . the cntnimitv wlthh;.iKonfK;a. - : uuya, aim wno says sno neara uiark . u.wu uvu awv f u is esneciallv de- ooy 13 Tety "o113- At 18 feared that is especially ae- some of the shot may have penetrated tue orain. rT U ? Painters and thnB in ntA i i,5f .. AUUro ai" counicung reports as to wa me cause ot the aflair. but it is w.npr- HAS RETURNED FROM THE NORTH j WITH A FULL LINE OF "W INTER lowing attractive goods: ALBERT CBACKRS, In 2 lb tfns, Cocoanut Taffy, Cocoanut Jelly, Cocoanut Macaroons and Almond Macaroons. JEillinery T'V. I :: J i i ? I (tab- K.1 a tt . 'fl. rr. m- . i i ird I. i . , I Moiw icijuinugueeus io DO regis i"o icuvu iu suuui tea tattooed politicians unite in de- fered by the. fi rst of Jannarv 1886 va." Ht the same time pointing his gun Mding vindications is a fcmchtaL7iI?S at May. May said. "No. I won't "but . .. 1 1 1 id m m 9 u m rm. iini. in iu km narnr r w - a j j t tribute to the genius of our race. But ; 4 u n J JLT . . , just men tne gun urea, rney appear- whtdo th t rstered shall be registered, but only ed to be in play. Clark had evidently ffrLtJ neyer unite in- any In- those that have never ' been registered Pointed the gun at his companion in twant demand for justice? r .hall be registered by tho time men- J!Sfg Ai 'nntor, . ,, , , " . . , accidental result. The affair created a here is a rough tariff- obtained from "0ed. Some people are laboring under great sensation in Laurinburg, and 1 . U . : IL.1 1 I 1 . L. . I . r . employment aeent of various grades I fc "iota.o mi iuey are requirea to "ucu sympainy is expressea, ior ootn -'uuip ia uaiiiornia; Cooks, $240 toj UttU lucli "lu ueeos re regiswreu nurses, $180 to $360; house aids. S180 to $300; coachmen. $360 lST20; butlers. $500 lo $600; Chinese woks anJ general servants, $240 to Kven A nhiM n( ti .....I W vuiiu vrt -m VBUUUb UV Ladles are invited to call. at . octSG ltr Prsouai Mr. S. A. Craig, who has been quite To the Ladies. JJAVIKG FIT1ED UP THE STOtCE, EX CHANGE CORNER, as a Frtit and Confec t'onery Store, la the lateet and neatest style, the parties concerned, as well as for and bavins engage! a young lady to' attend their families. I . M , wuiou couniers, we arc now prepared to Wear ail d Tear. 8Crvc tLC Ladles of Wilmington the best, fresh- sick for some-days past is again at his Wear and tear is one thing to be con- cst and purebt Candies, and the finest Fruits hired as a nurse under $120 a year." htti ha3 accepted an offer oi 480 a MiLa r i ui ior a series ot riris. post. 4 , sidered when you buy clothes. Dura- Mr. W. A. Whitehead has been quite I bility is what one should look to as well sick for some weeks past bttt we were as style, shape and color. Ferhaps you glad to see him on the streets again to- have learned by bitter experience that day. I a suit, which seems all right at the Mr. J. C. White, Manager of the store, in many cases proves any thine appearances in She ha also signed a onntrnot - 0 ra-- - C3 'uiije, securing her JC 450 a night for Telephone Exchange, arrived in the but all right when you wear it' a short 8 next London season, for an extend- city last night from a visit to friends time. Buttons drop off, seams give Mengagement. Mr. Gye pleads tbe at Richmond, Va. way, material wears out, and colors wrrent depression in trade as a reason Capt:.W. M. Parker and wife arrived fade. Such things are common to the Slower receipts at the theatres, and home last Saturday night and we were lot of man, for but few aro expert a53 that his financial prospects, 4n lad to see him looking as hearty and enough to detect clever imitations of 'tbe condition of busineis. in. well as ever this morninsr. Messrs. W. honest goods offered by nnscrunulous ever before offered In this city. Call and see i our GRAND DISPLAY OF SWEETS, E. WAR KEN & SON, . ct 26 Exchange Corner Taylor's TURKISH PRUNES, Seedless, LONDON LAYER AND DEHESA BAISINS. All New and of Very Fine Quality I 1. Boston Brown Bread,, . rl Thuber's White Heath Peaches ' I . Devilled Crabs, in Cans, with Sbcl's The Epicurean Soups: Macaroni, Julienne and Mock Turtle. Jno. L. Boatwright. Oct 26 Florida Oranges 1 First of the Season, 30c per Dozen. eerved. some of wht-h am . . , - MUou UJBU1UU1C in U18 process Of urnnarlnor tho "Vol, t tffirfffsa"? and'moro lea8ant ft,tol JAMES D. NUTT, Dmgirist, oct 24 218 N. Front St- Another. JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS THIS day, another large lot of Millinery and Fancy Goods, among them a fall line of JERSEYS, all col ors. The attention of the Ladles As respectful ly invited. MISS E. KARREit. l1.?' Buildlnar, oppoelic New Market. Wew Dru Store. J HAVE OPENED AND NOW OFFER FOR sale all the articles usually kept in a Drug Store. My Drygs aro entirely now and fresh, manufactured by some of the best chemists In the world, f Not puo particle" of niy stock In Old. Any one iifprechdifTg the . value of NEW, FRESH and FINK GOO I H 11 And it to Uielr advantage to purcLae'6f jc', . ' " ROBERT R. BELLAMY, ' o-t 21 N W Cor. 31arkct and Front Sts. Z fn rn . . . . - - - areuuctioa of the price which he -heretofore paid Mme. Pa:ti -Bartholdi. -wine over to this country to super- ,-"ac ng his atatna rr 'T :v. t? n n " uuoa its peuesuit " ne wm aiTiTe in w ork on November 7. Ha will to the Congressional committee was he baa drawn for. the ftatue al6tte thev have n ofiiklWhicAwm erected at a cost m Washington. -tt. - wciuma ueozer savs: jeathe Ohio Democratic bosses l.o . : ' v'. wisjn iu URiRxiinv n 1 0K11. r " - L i enaieton, and in ignoring ex or Thurman, they little dreamed I lueJ were sattlinir tJo oW . mv wwmwu .180 a?ftinef tU:. r, E.w 0 destroyiug thechauces of their ierm ?lrant for Senator in John n Place. The wails over last tjj. v" o uui iue ecnoes oi r arrahs over th iinikta r and Thurman." . A FEW REMARKS WORTH K OWING AAR MapleSyrup.ManlllaSyrup, : N. 0. Molasses. FIRST Florida - We will sell IhU week H. Jordan, of the Raleigh News and dealers. Observer, and B. W. Cobb, of the There is. one certain way to avoid Goldaboro Messenger, arrived in the being deceived and that is to deal with city last night en route for Bladen a house who base their reputation and FINE felt hats for Ladles, Misses and Children, ia all styles atd colors, for only 7Jc. each and upwards. OSTRICH TIPS. 39c. for 3 in a bunch.. Handsome OSTRICH PLUMES reduced to An immense line of Birds, Braista, Wings, In fact evenr kind of Feathers, " at equally low priirs. Orang es! Court, which convened at Elizabeth- success on keeping only honest, reliable town this morning. j goods; who aim to secure continuotts Mnsiipn.1 patronage by supplying their customers Remember the piano recital which bg0013 which shall invariably prove will be given by Pror. J. H. Denck at 8allsfactory- s- u- Fisiiblate isde MIss Annie Hart's school room to- lermined that Jour-purchases of him nfirht- ProL DaWfe u nn. r,r h f saa ofsjusi riqru every time. . All bis NEUFCHATELCHEESE. Fresh by each Steamer. PifACH, PEAR, PLUM, PINEAPPLE AND QF THE SPVA SON f CHERRY PRESERVES, 1a Bu'k. OX!il.OUll ATsa, Apple Butter ani Jelly. o - oct 24 tf -AT E. J MOORE 4 CO'S. masters of the piano In the South and his programme ior to-night will em brace selections of the very highest or der. There will be nothing light or trivial about it, and those t Who attend may be sure of hearing tbe language of the composer ably and understanding- y interpreted by the performer The price of admission . is placed at . the small sum of 50 cents and we hope lo see the house crowded to iu utmost capacity to give Prof. Denck a cordial greeting. ' f The Othello is. without doubt, the best cook stove in this market. Call at Jacobi's Hd w. Depot, and see it be fore buying. f clothing is expressly manufactured for him, with an eye to durability and last ing qualities. He uses tho best of ma - tei ials. and : tastste that thorough work GLOVES Ladies Kid Gloves UK per pair. suau De put on every article even to tbe minutest detail. You will find Fisii blate's clothing all tint could bp de siredand equal to the best tailor made garment.,. He . keeps no shoddy goods or clap trap baits. Try him and we guarantee that you will be perfectly satisfied. f. ; .- . : ' : ' l- The semi-annual meeting ot the stockholders ot Belle vneCemeteryfora pany will be held this evening in tbe office of Mr. John D. Bellamy, Jr., on Princess street. Ladies Driving Cattor Gloves, extra fire quality, reduced to 90c per ialr. Of theee Gloves wc have only a limited number. Aw early call win secure some cf tbe above goads t- Taylor!i( 11 MAKtCET ST.7 - Just opened anew lot of JER3EYS, the latest 1 J "v. . :.". " atylea, toother wl;h ether new noveleUea,' oct 26 Elegant Sweet Mixed MAKKE).iXwx ; PlClCleS A G0D OPrOJJTUy FO BUYERS Tn Dnllr OA Ti . ". to foiul In the Prlccslam now offer- In -Balk 30c Per Quart. oi oU -- -z: 1 n Pnrc Li Ben Table Damask po j worth 7Sc. - - Oct 26 HO Nortb Front 8t. 'a Book; Spring Hotel. MY FRIENDS IN THI3 CITY AND 8EC tlmi are respectfully notified that I hive l&TSSPSi&Jf-1 root ; " o worth fOc. " M Crcaui Double ' 9c wordi $1 od. " " White TaWe " J $1 00 worth fl 3). " "I "! Double - t 1 worth 1 1 C3. audi s, fable Napkins and Dovfici In rro- portion. . ' Cur stock of Casslmerei la being rapidly re- xafeslllle tow CVprtc : V ; oct 1 lm KesDectlnllr. v .,, , MRS. JOHN SMITH, Lately of Baraw. JNO. J. HEDRICK.

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