.cbluiied every evean. aepted by JOSH T. JAnE3i : I udito a raurarrroa. .nBSCElTTIONS JPOSTAGB PAID - , ; JnriU. sir BMnxtb. fXCA. TLrea J,,fSJ1.00; Onemontli; S3 eesta. -nTnancr will be dcnverwl by carrier tree wrpeVla any par ox he city, at tk abov 0r 10 cenu per week. JrSubsortbers will report any and all CaB- M iv' 77i Z)aiy Bcvutw has the largtst JufLle circulation.' of any newspaper Slishtd. inthe cUy of Wilmington. "fassicfcUJpHs 1n?nirr beal all I he previa records lat wet-k by - taking ot iorty-fur pn'nJs. ; ' Hijbt Rev H. A.Shaltz senior bish--, the Moravian Chuich. dte!-at Peihleh ", Pa . on I he iml. aged 80 jer ara . ; ., " Evangelist Sam Jones claim, daring lis 'campaign at St. Joseph, Mi , to j),vc c-nerted 25,000 pcrple, including ooc tbuund children. . . . -m ' - William ilussell.of Indiana, altera' pt edtoblowupa dog with dynaoiito His recovery is probablL. though not jssored. The doe. t coarse, escaped Tbe Ferdinand Ward case becomes mil aure premising. Warner now ex presses a willingness to testify against W'jrd. although be himself is under arrest. .- . i mm . ' i Tbe uulerground telegraph lino be ireen Taria and Marseilles is working jaccesstully in spite of the protests of American telegraph manager - against the lystem. t. 1 So many of the favorite horses that Gnat rode during the war, especially at Vicksburg, are turning up.that one ij led to thick that perhaps tbe Genera followed the example of the Hurricane Eider ni tbe Western prairies, and rode four or six horses at once. ' : i - At I) well. Mass., five girls of 11 or 12 jears of age have been arrested for getting drunk and fighting in a vacant lot near the Merrimac. ' They were too drunk to give a connected account of their doings; ani reviled each other and tbe officers in language of inex- preisible filthiness. New York World: Mr. Thoman, of the Civil Service Commission, is a mod el reformer. Not long ago he purchased a bouse in Washington City with fraud n!ent Indiana bonds. He now refuses to make restitution upon the ground" that he paid out the bonds in good faith and they were accepted after due exam taation. Kcbmond State : The fact that some citizens of Norfolk baye ''commenced shelling" a road in that vicinity does not excite a tithe of the alarm it would have done bad it occurred in 1884. At thai limo tbe shelling of the road between Richmond and Petersburg was perfect. 1? disgusting to those who had to go oyer it. . . Recent statistics show that the French railways kill one passenger out of 2,000.000 annually, while outx121, 500,000 there is only one fatal . accident on the English railways. , On the French railways one person out of 500, 000 ij injured,, while only one oat of -50,000 is injured on the ogUshtt jail; ways. Mr. Andrew Carnegie, the Pittsburg millionaire, has expressed his tympa ny with the Parneli movement in a "abstanlial way.. On Wednesday. he handed to the chairman of the Parneli fund in that city his check; tor. $500, "To aid Mr. Parneli in compelling the British Government to girei Irishmen their rights and Ireland an independent lorernment." : ' In the National Convention of Cigar Manutacturers, lately in session Va't New York, a resolution urging1 the abrogation ot all discriminating . duties OMooacco and favoring a uniform doty of 55 per cent, on all imported, tobacco tbe text for a long debate. Final 'y substitute was adopted which con demned the existing tobacco tariff and Provided for the appointment of a .com mittee of seven to cooperate with rep Natives of the Tobacco Growers1 As sociation and the Leaf Tobacco Board l Trade in securing desired legislation Thomas Manahan, No. 32 Montgoqi fry street. Hudaon, N.Ytwo years Mowas given up by his phytieians. e was afflicted, w Hh dysj epia and tbstinaie constipation; hadIost7drty founds in wttight and wa bedridden nvalid. He coQimencedlakini Brand reih's PiiU in docses of five. - four, two undone. Then betook two every niht rr a month, gained eight pounds in ight. and was able to attend to bnsia He took two pilU every night ,Qr the following six weeks; and was erely cared. -lath sat.- fe ask those in needol aheaUog e to examine "our stock and hear r low piices.v before, lpurcbasingv Jai's Ha. Depot.' f ,v A " '? v .'t;-S-I . I '-. A'V i'it i; i t ; i -t - TV - -"t ''A. 1 . I, . ; "l V- "V - A ' i 1 5 -7 - ' - , ' ' '' .... ii r , . . m . LOCAL NEWS. zzzt to Birr AovEinicuEiTt. - . C tT YATxa School Book - . QxxvsBxsoKaramilj Bibles . ,; "; - t Routes & Tillt aw Groceries " ' K T.Tatijo 1, 8herUT-Tax1 Notice , ; tt M MclMTiBJt Ladies Wrapa. Ac r . : r C If iixxs Sweet Gam aiI Ma Jeta -Gbasd BxtiGeraanU CoroeiBand i For other locals see fourth page, n : There were no tramp at the ; guard house last night. J ' s' - i x j "'- - ' " - '' 1 v-i'- '' . The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,65 bales. h "'J S This is delightful Autumnal, weather. although rain is somewhat needed Steamship duff Stream from New Tork, arrived at her wnarf in this city at bout 10 o'clock this forenoon. ' Painters and those inneed .pf T white, lead, 'colors; oil Jetc. can gt t the "best ad save by buying' at slconis Hdw. Depot. t The United States District Court, Judge Seymour presiding, will convtfne at the U. S. Court room in this city on Monday,next. ( Wboyou think that you need a new hat, you ilf ba rqminded that, the "MelviHcn is the best, and it la spld Jjy. DrEn5V ' I VI r-. U J-- A great lot of Gent's heavy Canton Flannel Drawers, from 40c and up wards, at the Wilmington Shirt Facto ry, 27 Market st , J. ElsbAch, Prop, f .Nr. barque Forluna, Kristiansen, cleared to-day," for. London with 500 casks spirits turpentine and 3166 bar re!s rosin, valued at. 11,889, shipped by Messrs. Williamson Murchisoo and Paterson Downing & Co. ; It has been suggested to us that' there should be a society ' lor tbe prevention ot cruelty to animals formed in this city and organized Sunder the laws of the Stated as cases are frequent avhere dumb animals are most cruelly and outrageously treated. The Grand Ball atGermania Hall to be given to-morrow night by tbe lady friends ot tbe Ger mania Cornet Band, as a benefit . to that, organization, promises to be a grand affair. The management is in excellent hands which bespeaks success. Of course every young man will go and carry his sister or some one else's sister. Death of Mr. Alacindoe. Mr. George P. Macindoe, a natiye of Scotland, but for a number of years a resident of this city, died yesterday af ternoon aged 63 years. His obsequies took place this afternoon at the real deuce of Mr. J. W, Monroe, on North Second street. He left two daughters one of whDta' waS with bini at tho.lime of his decease. ' - This MorniDg's Fire. At about half past 2 o'clock this morning tbe grocery arid bar room of Mr. J. G. L. Geischen, on the corner of Chestnut and McBaeT- streets, was discovered to be on fire. Mr. Geischen sleeps in the room overhead and closed his store at about midnight last night. The first he knew of the lire was at the time indicated, when he was aroused by tbe volume of grijbke-whlch was pouring into -his .roonf . He hastened down stairs and found the counter in - a light blaze, but after a hard struggle, for a short time, he succeeded in extinguish ing the flames. The bar. money drawer and contents, together with a fine mirror in the rearof the counter and a few bottle were destroyed. No general alarm was given. Lss estimated at $250. q.. A. Uooiu. Ab 4omin tbe clothing business .has struck this town and Mr. S. II. Fisn blate is the originator of it. How did it happen? He made up bis mind to do an immense business this Fall and Wioter and accordingly pbrchased an immense stock of the latest styles and newest fabric, in-all the fashionable colors, to be'had in the market. Fisn bi.ate's success is due tn the excellence of Irs clotfng.' He keeps a class of TaiUr-ade clothing that the people want, such clothing as no oiher house contains:' Yon '" will find "at" bis larjeje stores a tull assortment f the f qaare j cut sacks -ana lour-puuou cuLwjr frock coat, which are now all the rge. He keeps no shoddy or c ap trap goods. He takes as much inter si in the make up of his cheapest class as he loesln his finest' goods: f Mrl' Fishbla'te fcas certainly gained the distinction of being the leading clothing house in, this Stale and we lake great pride in referring to his success. - 4 t ; The best ready mixed paint can be bad at Jacobi's Hdw. DepoL " He has it in all size cans from half pints op. f ' - 1 ' ' : : Citv Court. Florence Dent, colored, was brought before Acting Mayor Bear this morn ing charged with disorderly conduct and was fined $3 for the offense. 1 ' : Orris Martin, colored, charged with the same offense, was .'fined 1 Taylor Smiths German sailor, with an American name, tor disorderly con duct "was fined $2. :v j. 'U'tr- J'":; -f ' : iMt NixUVs Ijecttire. ; ' Kev. Charges J.; Soon, the converted Chinese, who has been in our city lor several days, delivered a v lecture at Luther Memorial " building," corner of Sixth and Princess streots, , last night, to a large and interested audience. His subject was. Life in China," a matter wIlli whlch."he "was "entirely" familiar, and which he discussed with ease and fluency. 4 It was an interesting theme and was made thoroughly instructive by the speaker. Mr:' Soon will soon leave for China, his native land, where he will become missionary, under the auspices of the M. E. Church," among his brethren of that land. . He was con verted to Christianity in thiscity, under the preaching bf Key. T Page Blcaud who was then pastor of Fifth Street M. E. Church, and subsequently prepared himself fur the ministry and missionary work by a course of theological studies at Vanderbii: University. , ; Our Cotton Mai ket. ' Upon more than one occasion we have, in tbe colomns of l he Review, shown that Wilmington was one of the best cotton markets on the South .At lantic Seaboard, , and that it was a better place for tbe sale of the staple than some , of our neighboring ports, and that higher prices obtained here than elsewhere. To show that such is the fact we copy from the Charleston News and Courier, of the 21th iost., the prices quoted for cotton at the ports ot Charleston; Savannah and Wilming ton for the week ended Friday October1 23d. The quotations are for midling. Saturday, 17th inst., the quotations at Charleston were 9 3-16; at Savannah 9 316; Wilmington 9 516. Monday. 10th, Charleston 9 4 ; S&vanuah 9 3-16; Wilmington 9 5-10. Tuesday, 20th, Charleston 91; Savannah 9 3-16; Wil mington 9 5-16. Wednesday, 21st., Charleston 6i ; Savannah 9 3 16; Wil mington 9. Thursday, 22nd, Charleston 9 3-10; Savannah 9J; Wilmington 9J, Friday 23d, Charleston 9i : Savannah 9J; Wilmington 9i. Here we have quotations for six day sf which may safely be taken as the rela tive basis for the cotton year, and on only one ot those days did the prices at Charleston jreach Wilmington figures There is no question about the impor tance of this city as a cotton jnarket and with increased facilities for expor tation it is bound to be one of the lead ing ports of the South. The Talk of the JDay Is the immense clothing trade now being handled at Shkieu's." It is the subject of constant remark that while a general dullness is complained of elsewhere.- the Old Reliable is strained to the utmost to serve the immense pat ronage now flocking to his establish ment.- Competent observers1 attribute this exceptional activity to the fact that Subiek will not tolerate any of those scheming ways which is being intro duced by some dealers In their efforts to get extortionate prices for their goods, thereby enabling them to get double .and treble their value. Their gifts are. their baits to gteeqies. as honey is to catch' flies and cheese to catch mice. Ever bait and gift they offer i's only to dazzle your eyes and blind your iaritrment. This community knows that they carrfdcpend J On U3 and as for honor and pride which ought to build up the city, we will let the people be the judge asitb who bas done ;the niost- They have tried us for over hi teen years and we have been successful in gaining the respect- of all j giving to each and ever one one hundred cenis in full value in return for every dollar the yl pay us. andwe,haye also paid full value lor every dollar's worth wc have p?prv hoiight. We will rec -iv'c by to day's steamer '?bVsecrVil instalrnent of straight cut sack coats, which we expect will be the fmest lioe in this city. Csli and see them. . SnuiKU, the Old Kelt- abie Clothier, 114 Market St., sign, of the Golden Arm t ; .., indications.; ' i For me South Atlantic States,, fair weather, followed by local showers, winds generally from 1 North .to : East and ixcasibnally: Variable,1 BtaUooarj temperature and lower toromctcr.' We have a large lot of glass for; Hot houses c'which we are .offering low. Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. -W;t. - HEW ADVERTI3EMIJNT8. ' DRESS GOODS, embracing all staples ' ' FINE SUITS in combinaUon. . ' , HOUSE r j When it is desired,- we make and lay "' - ' wilt be In plain cloths or Dude borders, at the lowest prices, put upcomplcte. . ' : 'A good general stock of Staple Goods- ; . - . t.:; UespCdfully, : r-ii' 3.",. i-, - A "AC- .R TJl.irJcltJTIRE. . ; PeraouajA v . Mr. John R. Paddison, of Point Caswell, was in in the city' to-dav -and favored us with a call." ; Mr. Jeronep. Cbace. a, prominent lawyer of Florence, S. C. was register ed at the Orton last night. ' ' ' .Mr. ?Henry Burkheimernwitb hs young bride, to 'whom he was married a few days since in 'Philadelphia;, arrived here last night. 4- s Mr., L. ' B. . -'Brady, general traveling agent of the American Press Associa tion, was in the city to-day and gave us the pleasure of a call.' ' ' Good Crops. . The good people ot the Point Caswell section are joyous over their good crops for this season. There is rather less of cotton than in farmer years, , as. there was a smaller acreage planted last Spring. The acreage in corn' is large and the yield is much larger than usual. Nearly or quite twice as much rice was. planted last Spring as in former years and the harvest has been corresponding ly larger. Another pleasant and satis factory feature of their condition is in the fact they have managed to get through the year without running in debt to any considerable amount, and with this incubus - taken from their shoulders, and a plenty to cat, drink and wear, they are 'happy. The only real drawback which they have had to encounter has been the inroads made upon their herds of hogs by the ravages of the cholera. But meat is cheap.1 : . ,( The Postmaster. n A telegraphic despatch was received here last night announcing t reappoint ment of Mr. p. G. Parsley to 7 be post master in this city, vice Col.-.E.': iC Brink. Mr.' Parsley received his ap pointment' last night, and will take charge of the office as soon as practica ble. He is a native of this city, is well known to all 'our' citizens and it be comes a singular fact in political histo ry that, in all the squabble for, political preferment he had no competitor. The appoinment Will give general satisfaction to our people who will look with pride upon the fact that now all tha ' goyern" ment officials in this city are in full ac cord with the administration and aj?e uncompromising Democrats, as they should be: Col: Brink has been a good and competent officer, but he is a Re publican and a partisan and as such he has very properly, been required tol step "down and out " J i A ,n - Piano Kecitat. There was not a - large audience at Mis3 A.nnib fiar'ts School room last night to listen to the delightful piano re cital of Prof. J. II . J)enck, of Colombia, S. C. The openlnpiece was Beclhoy -erii3 Souata. Owzisioi' which is one of the mrisfer pieces of that wonderful musi cal genius. It was rendered ..with 'ex quisite taste last night, - the .pianist seeming to catch the inspiration- of 'the ttierua. His shadrnz and rbhrasinV were admirable, and his audience5 we re. delighted. , The programme, was, var ied, butcxcellen. . Among theprioci- pal of the selections may be mentioned.' "Ituproinptu,' by Chopin Walta Elude," llaff; "Ilemiciscences of 'Lu cia de Jjam-aaermoor.""by; Liszt; and .Uond" by1 Mendelfsohh-5 Th6se were all rendered with the - taile, rire? . cision ana expression wuicu oniv a true: musician in thorough: sym pathy . with' the grand 'Jd?as .of the composer could- accomplish; and 2' hey arc named here in or der to show the , wide and diversified field in which ProfvPeock hsd gleaned mu3icTs sweetest, rarest, .richest f and most beantifal flowers. 'Ho is a piaa- ih ui rare AfWimnliahntonft t rut wc are glad lo . know ? that - His 'valuable services have been secured tor "the env tertainment to be givetfbythyjaSg; PeopUi'a' Asocialion at Iithex Mem ial buildiog next Friday night. - NEW AJDVEKTISE3IEVTH T and many novelties. FURNISHING GOODS I . ,' Almost anything; you can call for. Carpets at lOc. per yard, and the work irsfewss. 1 r Ta Notice 1 - I-WlLIi AT 15UUKU8IUKIW 'OLD STAND on TllUltSDAY, OOTOBElt t rcwlvc Taxes cine Tor tli year 1S8J. l'ly iqi by 1st ot Xovcwbcr aud aavo cost. s J 'E; WlTAYIiOff, hcriff i .oct i7 2t9-ilt Brunswick CountT- Ball! ,17 JK THE BENEFIT UFTUE lUFEMANJ A X: COItNKT BANL, under the auBplccsof the !Lady f rieiuls bf thc'Band.'at ' ' ' , (lefmania, Halt Weincsda?. Ockbfr 2SlL " i Tickets $l,W'. Ko Go&UeBian adoaitloa wUh outalitly. Oct 27 It ! HOLMES & FILLY AW CI AVE KENTUCKY TOUR YEAitS OlA) Cider and Vhltc4,WIaC Vinegar lor .ro-O-iux. ' i ' A' ' ,m m pickles. Spices and Ecedu lentil, i Cant a mon, Garraway, Cereanier, ' Mustard and Ailsc Seeds A- i: A ' rl-. M r'Hrf;i m, 2 f: : Pig Pork, Corned Beef, Boe llcrrin Dried Beef, Lord Baltimore flatus, 8-,C,j fchouklcri, :B BacoD 8mokod Toncriies. No. 1 Mackerel,' Muplc Syrup, Buckwheat, N. O. Molasses, Oat vtrits, new uaronca Bice.- " - i " Call aid tr r our Nickel Cigars, $5 per J.00. ; oct2f ' " c ' " , MBS. El A. LUHSBEN HAS RETURNED FROM THE NORTH WITH, A IULL LINE OF W I T 33 let ; . JKf Ladies are Invited to call. ? oct 2C lw ' " r ' '"- To i the! Ladies. ITTAVIKG STmBD'UF-THB STORE, E3C CHANGE COBNUt; as a ' Triif and Confcc t'onery Store, In the latest and neateet style. and having engage J a young lady to attend behind tne counters, we are now prepared to serve tie Ladles of Wilmington the best, fresh est and purest dandies,' and the finest Fruits ever before offered in thi?: city. Call and see our GRAftD DISPLAY. QTAWEET8. ; v E. WARREN & SON, oct 26 . Exchange Corner r ,. 1 1 ,' i . 1. , ,i i '. i7 t i--- ... - , ' t A FEW REMARKS WORTH KK OWING ! . We will sell this week : lima RUJl IIAT3 ior Ladles, Miues and ! ' Cbiklrtn, lot nU styles atd colors, for ; r onl 7c. each and opwardar ; OSTRiCH Tlfs. 3fe. for 5 In a bunch. Handsome OSTRICH PJLUME3 .reduced to - Jc and upwards. An immense line of Blrtl?, Braitts, Winers, ' 4 "in fact evey kind of "Feathers, ' A A iA uv.i-,r.. if i i , at equally low prirs. , . w , L fLOV&S--Ladiefl Kid Ulovea ,7Jc per pair. Ladies Driring Castar Gloves, extra ; Dr e t 1-aallty, rtdttecd to 90r per pair..4 Of Iheee "Gloves we have only a . izi u . i ' -" . , Mmltel Duifr, . i .1 . . : ..... . : ' ' . i ' - ' An itarifc. caM wlil cceure some' of tbe a'tore - " goi) t - ' ?- or?s ; il8MAUKETST. '' -Just opened a new lot of JEBSBXe, the Utest , styles, tosthef with other new noveletiea. oct 96 ' , ... , . . Oyoteraf " U i fa.. . i , " - Montr of those fine W HOB5E OYSTERS, best fraught S?'M Beer la tbc; city.' best Whiekevs and fine 5 c's Cigars, i Kattaa llase od Oyster 8aloon'at Mechanic's Saloon. No. tf, Sonth Front st. r oct 17 - J. II. iICGOTAr, Prop. r -Taylor's , Uewat'it.i tJ tzzJLn escairicattoa troa osx claoa tay lad all :xbiacu ; ireiiTaliataettmi " " SJ v . TasKxuaVf vba irrlttr Bust afWiyibS nJahed to thaMtor. " ' ComntmlcaOonj miut , be wzlttss ta i one side of tna paper. , ' . ,; . PszaoaaCCes nnxstbe avoided. . Aad It Is especially and part!cul&try tx3 tood taat tae Editor does tot always eadot the views ot correspondents ulaaa so auti ta toe editorial oohunna. A NE ADyERIBEUENTS. Family Bibloo. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORT MENT of FA I LT BIBLE." heautlfully llhtstrsted nd hanUromely bourn! !n Moiocco, ' Fr sale rheap " L r" UE(NSBERQE&'3 Cheap Choice Book rpnE UNDERSIGNED IIA8 NOW IN HAND jl Tery iaxp consignment oi ne Tamous choice standard and wonderfully low price publications of John 11. A Men, New York, Which Will bft AThtLttAit ith nM. tn all callers Catalogues furniheit same as by the HEINSBKRGER'S, . oct il A ? Live Book and Music Stores. k Purcell House, Wilmington; n.j. ? rPUOUOUGULY RKSOVATEII First class accommodations. Bates reasonabha p' .t- t OyBtcrf Raw tox now open. Ectt Xew River Oysters tcrrcd on half shell. Oct 19 8m 5i II. L, PERRY i Prop Ladies Benevolent Society. rpiIE OFFICERS ATn VISITORS ARE I desired toroecf, wllboUt,fa'l, at Mir? Hart's Fchcol Room, at FUCJJC o'clcek, p.m., on WEDNESDAY, the ?Sti lost., instead of Tuesdar, as heretofore. No meeting having' been called for three, months . pst, a. full at tendance is cppcclally Important.. " r, ;., t Applet nnrtOraiigcs; ILL Lt AVE CAR XOAD OF THE flncst quality of Western N. C. Apples abou inc sum or sirsi mst , wmcn i will tell at re duced prices, "special, rates; will, be given wiosc wno-iurn'eii tncir own barrels or receue tho fruit at thp C. O. U. R. Dept. Will also. rwclro a tevr boxes O ranges this week. 11. MARSHALL, , 24 North Water St oet-J dftw' - "Hi e Ortonv NOW OPEN FOB I RECEPTION, OF guests'. s The II kcl la new and elegantly fur. nlsbcd,f and the j recs reasonable. -I . ' .,octlf lm W. A. BRYAN. Proprietor Every Day. JUESU NEW R VEE OYSTERS on hand every day this .znoalh. Tho celebrated WLNBERRYO STERS.4 Hard to Leat and best Oysters in the world. GEO, F. HERBERT, -iept 30 lmnac . . fitar Saloon. The Demand poit oub ' Heating stoves is in- W a a a k m . i creasinz uaiiy. ana bbioci osc uc- fore ourstoek is brbkeur Now is your time. Prices very low down. .The UNI VEILS AL. FARMER, the best Cooking Stovo In the mar ket, stands on its own merits. Library and Stand Lamps cheap at PABKEB A TAYLOR'S. oct20.jA :i : , 23 South rrontst ; Another. JUST DECEIVED BY EXPRESS TUI day, another large lot of Millinery and Fancy Goods, among them a fall Une,of JERSEY, all co, ors. Tha attention at the ladies Is respectful ly Invited. A MISS. Ei K AliRElC oilers' Building, oppaelte NewJIarkct. Oct 23 r.'. .ji .j j i Rlew Drug Store. J HAVE OPENED AND NOW OFFER FOR salo all the articles usually kept in "a Drug Store. My Drpgs arc entirely new and fresh, ' manufactured by eomc of the best chcmltU In the world. Nooiie particle of iny, slock Is old. J .AByOU9LappTCclaUnj; t!iC,vawc. of NEW, FRESH and FINE GOODS1 Vill find it to their advantage to pun-hate of oc, t . Robert r. bellamV, , ;ua -oJ Aj "' ia v-v. - -; -a" oct 25 ,N W Cox. Market and Front Sts. ZlhnVinl FI RGT A :'l AA I, o Florida Oranges ! OF THE SEASON ! -AT- A; AAA':'. E. J. MOORE COS. i oct 21 tf MARKED DOWN ! A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FO BUYERS - . .. v .. .. . , .' r ' -A:'j . -; - will be foe nl in the low prices I am njw offer ing aR kinds of Table Ccodst - A T ; Pure li ten Table Damask 50i worth llr. ' V . M ' C9c 'worth fCc. " Cream Double f9c wor.li ! fl OO. If bite Table $ I 00 worth fl $ J. " Doable " 11 13 worth fl W. H!yn&i TabJc 5apklos an4 DovKci in pro- portion. A.'"'-' v-""' . " ' A : Our slock of Caijelmerej la being rapidly ducoU. Boy's SulU made to onler at a s- of5 per cent cn Ciothurs prlcea-t V i JNO.ATAEEDRT oct 21 - ft ft f. .,

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