- ' t - J. .- . f t , turned w ma cepted by - 1 V JOSHT..JAME8, KDlTO XIO rBOPKIETOB. - ,.o,ripTIOS9 POSTAGE PAJJ ear fi.oo. Six months, $2.00. Three J yLtt3, f LOG; One month. 35 cents. r wm be aeuvereu oy amen m nJ , in any Pr of th e,t th . ,-iocont per week- t i .... --.tr low and liberal. -twelve their paper regularly. r- Unily Review has the largest fc circulation cf any newspaper ptfsfal. in the city of Wilmington. J3 jine r MHville wanti $150 000 ,5b which to pay hi way to tlo north f- . A Confederate O-lonrl has lelt bis jtr.anf a co'ored porter in a Pitts- Wi1 .... ' Xfaere ".re about J545.COO native Chrif . ,s in the Chinese Empire who bave n converted by Kiman Catholic The attendance at many'ot the Paris arttrc3 ban fallen off so much that taager3 are being urged to lower tr prices of admission. ; - O&ly one pound in ten of what is sold batter in Chicago, according to the Health Commissioners of that city, is j!,e (renuinc unadulterated article. The H"D. Daniel Dougherty, who lu3 won some laurels as a table talker, ssji r.o after dinner speaker should jjoore than ten minutes at a time; At a marriago in Arizona lately the poora attempted to shoot the officia ting clergyman because of his reinsal to drink a pint of whiskey m honor of the britle. .. - Josh Billings is said to have oecnlh0 only man. barring the single exception, possibly, of Artemus Ward, who over wanted to thrash a compossitor for cor recting bis spelling. Tbo fame of the city of New York has peaetratttl even Uusjian wilds. A lit tle station on one of the new railways bears th name of the American me tropolis, thanks to the Russian consul, who sought thus to honor bis tempo rary abiding place. A young clothing clerk of Spring 2e!d, Mass , who advertised tor pleasant rooms, heated by steam, and suitable for a young man who wants to be near the city, received a letter the other day liking him to call at 249 Slate street. He sought out the number promptly tad found it was the jail. A desire to return ' home 6eems to iare become epidemic, so to speak, amonjthe Chinese in the far West. The Chinese Registration Office in San Francisco was besieged on the 12th and 13:h of this month by Mongolian anx ious to obtain certificates. Many ot the Celestials spent a night in front of the office. A piece of cruelty of the most dis tressing sort is by the Mail and Ex press of New York, which intimates tin not a few of the Algernons,". "Reg iaaldi." "Arthurs," "Keynes" and "Granvilles" of society to-day were twenty or five and twenty years ago christened James. John, Peter, Robert or William. The Flood Rpek explosion was felt atllarward observatory. 190 miles dis tant oa an airline. A saucer of mer C3rJ was placed on the solid stone floor tag a speck or a flaw in it, on which m brought to bear a micros sope of ,5 magnifying power, the spider line coinciding exactly with the flaw. The Vibrations lasted about two minutes, '-ie greatest swaying of the mercury kins over a space of 1 500ih of an inch. - . At Whitbeth. England, two or three lsters were put away in an earthen Na. tad during the nijrht a counla of l0QDg mice inserted" their hungry within the shells of one of the bjrlTes. In the inornrnz the mi "Wound fast held by the oyster, and whole party were consigned to a ranst. whoplaced them in spiriU, laJ will pnt them in a local museum. There ppmo tn k r i . . : f the snnorshtinn il.t Si. i- lack. tn 7"W",MM" lua " uc JJ to be one of a social party of rn- The Lancet and Clinic quotes welet as saying tha taking thirteen fas of different ages, the probabili- re that one death will occur amorg ra Within fhn w j cat. ji course vne fienhe thirteen persons meet to- -.vr or nnT thll r v.4 iiajfuevuie, Aiiss.,a lofe!..-Ut year,, has displayed a ' DVe or c , . . . a,!. -' jcara oiu sne oegan io I Nr n now sne nas C col'cctio of mud cats, hogs, s . cows, horses, and men: NThe Kit &le Ueclared to be not childish Sbp,,, 1 uvs"' P'cce represents :ever 5ln?' and is said lo ery r H J V01 IX. WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER LOCAL NEWS. IIBCI T3 MSVf aOVESTISEU CITS. C W Yati School BookB HKnrsBXBaxsJcst Receive J. r C Miixeb Sweet Gam &zd Ma leln Extertaismkut Llteriry and Mnalcai. . There wasijo City Court this morn ing. , The receipts oT cotton at this port tr day foot up 1,121 bales. Durham Fair began to-day and will contino until Friday night. Cotton has taken another fall and the market to-day closed at 9 cents for midling. One white tram p. -was accommos flatedwitbri6dgings at the guard house last night. A gentle rain set in this afternoon which bids fair to last all night, "after which we shall probably have cooler weather. ' Painters and thosa in need of white lead, colors, oil, etc., can get the best aid save by buying at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. f When you think that you need a new hat, jrou, will be reminded' that the Melville" 13 the best, and it is sold by DlEU. " t Arioso Club gave the first hop of the season at Germania Hall last night. It was weil attended and it was a time ot pleasant and real enjoyment. A great lot of Gent's heay Canton Flannel Drawers, from 40c and up wards, at the Wilmington Shirt Facto ry, 27 Market st , j.Ei3sAcn, Prop, t Br. steamship Carbis 1 Bay, Ti ear then, 'cleared to-day for Bremen with 4,900 balea cotton, yalned at $216,000 shipped by Messrs Alex Sprunt & Son. It has been rather a bad day for shop ping, but it has been a good day for the salesmen to rearrange their goods so as to' be in readiness for the first sunny day. Br. steamship Cyanus. Ileslup, clear ed at New York, for Ibis port to load with cotton for Europe. She is 1.0G1 tons burthen and will take nearly 5,000 bales cotton. There was a sort of Punch and Judy show at one of the upper windows of the store on the Northeast corner of Front and North Second street this morning, which was highly amusing to the little folks and big folks as well. Schr. William Demincj, Hudgings, from New London, Conn., with guano for this port, sprung aleak and put into Norfolk in distress. She has received the necessary repairs and sailed from the latter port Oct. 26th. Can a spread of stewed oysters be more effectually spoiled than by serving tbera with milk? On the coast, milk and oysters are classed as deadly ene mies, why should they be friends in the mountains? Let them butt horns here as elsewhere. They do not agree. Butter, but no milk, and tor fried oys ter, butter and no lard. Asheville Citizen. . . . . . We rise to re nark that oysters stew ed in milk are served properly. It is the best and most palatable way to cook them. Indications. For ttte South Atlantic States, threatening weather and rain, Easterly winds, becoming .variable; slightly cooler in the interior and nearly sta tionary temperature on the coast. - Chow Cliow. Two quarts chopped tomatoes, one quart chopped belle pepers.one half pint chopped onions, one-half pint chopped cabbage, one cup white mustard seed, a small cup of salt. Coyer tomatoes with the salt snd drain twelve hours before mixing in the other ingredients and spices. Heat some vinegar till boiling and pour over the mixture till it is covered. Literary. The Art Amaleur for November gives a superb double-page desiga of birds (parrot and blue jay) for either oil or china painting; the first of a series of animal studies a rrost lovable cat; a fino fruit design ; one of nasturtiums to be painted on a desert plate; four valu able designs for ecclesiastical embroid ery and one for a table cover; a page of monograms; twelve studies of cupids from paintings by the old masters; a page ofr: delightful outline figure sketches ; a specially attractive figure study by Henry Mosler, and several small designs for screen and panel de coration. The value of this magazine to students nd lvers of art is not easily overestimated.; Price. 35 cents; $4 a year. Montague Marks, Publish er, 23 Union Square, New York. . - 1''- t.-' - - ; ' - . . ; - - t lienelit Uall. Don't fail to attend the ball at Ger mania Hall to-night, gotten up under the auspices of the lady friend3 of the Germania Cornet Band as a benefit to that organization. ' Remember also that it is stipulated that no gentleman can attend unless accompanied' by a lady,. There will be a good time, good music, good dancing, good refeshments and a good many present. Musical Kntertainment. The Young People's Association, con nected with St. Paul's Lutheran Church, will give a musical entertainment at the Luther Memorial building next Fri day night, to which some excellent musical talent will contribute. Profs. Denck, Hobbs and Greencwald will be present as instrumentalists, which is a sufficient guarantee that the music will be exceptionally fine. The price of ad mission will be only 25 cents, which places it within the reach of all. There will undoubtedly be a full house. Arrest of a Sailor. Yesterday' afternoon a sailor belong ing to one of the foreign vessels in port, which is lying at a wharf in the South ern section of the city, got on a "big breeze" ashore and went- aboard ship with the avowed purpose of whipping out the entire crew. He was yery drunk and was so uproarious that the officers of the law were called upon to arrest him. While on board the vessel he fill against some portion of the rail, by which an ugly gash was cut in the back part of his head, from which the blood poured profusely, .so that when he was arrested be was a sorry looking specta cle. His hands were tied with a strong rope, and there.wcre two deputies, both colored, in charge of him, but when they bad reached Second strec;, be tween Dock and Market, in taking the prisoner to jail, he became somewhat obstinate, be cause of some fancied or real abuse from the officers, and in trying to pull back from them he was thrown vio lently upon the brick sidewalk. One of the officers then beat him with his cane and the prisoner was also choked severely. His legs were thee tied and he was thrown upon a dray and taken to jail with one ot the officers silting upon him. Quite a coucourse of peo ple had gathered and there was great indignation among the bystanders1 at the outrageous and entirely unneccs sary cruelty to the sailor, and there came near being an attempt at rescue, which would probably have culmina ted in a riot but wiser counsels pre vailed. We hare beard but one senti ment expressed by those who saw the aftair, and that was that it was coward ly and brutal. Still Another Fact! It is an old saying and a true one, that you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's year. Neither can you con vert a fourth rate New York "Chatham street" style establishment into a first class store by common and coarse bil lingsgate. "Strong words very often come from a weak stomach.1'' The most obnoxious of all varmints has a well recognized way of showing his anger. From all such Fishblate keeps afar oil' and so do all first class customers. Bat, when it becomes necessary Fish blate does not hesitate to teach those who need the training, the instincts of gentlemen, however deficient they mav be in those qualities. The tide of pro gress still flows onward and a mighty throng daily visits the great Clothing Emporium, where neither vulgarity nor obscenity is allowed, but all are waited upen by courteous and polite attendants and go away satisfied and contented. t Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 27th, 1885. Josh T. James, Esq., . Editor Daily Review My Dear Sir: I have heard, to my surprise, that it i3 reported in the North Carolina papers and among others your valuable jour nal, that I am editing or otherwise connected with a newspaper iu this State. I am at a loss to understand how the report originated unless it be from the fact that my partner, Col. D. S. Troy, is a stockholder and Mr.'Joo. L. Cowan is General Manager ot a new daily evening paper in this city. I have never bad any intention or chpsire to enter the laborious field of journalism, even if I felt I possessed the qualitica tions. which I do not. My experience and observation have both taught me how arduous and frequently ill requited editorial labors are, and besides I am happy to be able to say that I am press ed with as much as I can do in my profession, and have no time, if I had both, desire and qualification, to run a newspaper. Simply to correct an erro neous impression, and to thank my friends who were good enough to speak kindly of me. in that connection, and especially you. I would thank you to publish this note. Very truly yours. Alex. T. London. lEMEW NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DRESS GOODS, embracing all staples and many novelties.- , V FINE SUITS in combination. ' . HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS f Almost anything you can call for. r MATTINGS AND CARPETS ! I When it is desired, we make and lay Carpets at 10c per yard, and the work will be first class, - ! "wiisrx)0"w In plain cloths or Dude borders, at the lowest prices, put np complete. A good general stock of Staple Goods Respectfully, R. M. MclNTIRE. oct 27 " j : A Bad Bird. What is commonly known as a screech owl was found this morning in the loft of the wood shed, on the premi ses of Maj. II. II. Foster, on Mulberry street, between Seventh and McRae. flow or when it came there is a mystery Mr. James White, who lives next door t happened to be at home and he cap tured the- intruder and says that he in tends to keep it. Thanks. Jimmie; you may have it and welcome! Sweet IMcklo. Three and one half pounds sugar, seven pouod3 fruit, one quart vinegar, one-eighth pound each, whole spices, cinnamon, eloyes, allspice. Let the spice come to n boil in the viQegar, then put in any fruit (crab apples, small peaches, apples quartered, little plum tomatoes) and let them boil up a little. Put up iu a crock. Tbi3 makc3 a nice relish with meats. Tho Tac of the Iay Is tho immenso clothing trade now bsing handled at Shriek's. It i3 the subject of constant remark that whiio a general dullnfcS3 is complained of elsewhere, the Old Reliable is strained to the utmost to serve the immense pat ronage now flocking to his establish ment. Competent observers attribute this exceptional activity to the fact that Shriek will not tolerate any of those scheming ways which is being intro duced by some dealers in their efforts to get extortionate prices for their goods, thereby enabling them to get double and treble their value. Their gifts are their baits to green ies as honey is to catch flies and cheese to catch mice. Ever bait and gift they offer is only to dazzle your eyes and blind your judgment. This community knows that they can depend on U3 and as for lionor and pride which ought to build up the city, we will let the people be the judge as to who has done the mo3t. They have tried us for over fifteen years and we bave been successful in gaining the respect of all by giving to each and ever one one hundred cents in full value in return for every dollar they pay us, and we haye also paid full value for every dollar's worth we have everv bought. We will receive by to day's steamer the second instalment of straight cut sack coats, which we expect will be the finest line in this city. Call and see them . Shriek, the Old Reli able Clothier, 114 Market st, sign of the Golden Arm - 4. 1 The Othello is, without doubt, the best cook stoye in this market. Call at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot, and see it be fore buying. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Entertainment. J ITER ART AND MUSICAL, BY THE YOUNG PEOPLE'S ASSOCIATION of Ft Paul's Evan. Lu-heran Church, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3uTH, at 8 P.M. Profs. Denck, Gicenewald and Hobbs will assist the Assocla li n in the Programme. AddwUslon only 25c. 03t23 1t. Announcement ! JTEMEMBER THAT IN MAKING AR rangemcnta for the Vocal Class wh'.ch I am now farming, I have lixod the tuition at $3 for the term ot 46 lessons. 1 shall begin the course as s"on as a sufficient number ot subscribers have been obtatned. Thorough Instxuct'ons will be given in the rudiments of vocal music, and the pupils will be advanced as fast as pre vious acquirements will warrant, and no fast er There will be no teaching by rale; con sequently there will be na attempts at Operas or Choruses from the great masters unUl the pupils are able to read ordinary church muic correctly and with considerable fluency. Those wish log to join the class may leave their aames at the Bookstores of Mr P. HeUisber geror r C W. Yates, or with the subscri ber, at the Review cflie. oct 8 U. U. FOSTER. Cold Weather is Here I gTILL THESE HAS BEEN NO ADVANCE in ifce price of Wood at the New Wood Yard of R. E. LLOYD Jk Co . at foot of New Market. lev order and have wood delivered promptly in anv part of the city. Oct 9 " R. JS. LLOYD A CO. t 28, 1885. NO. 252 I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 9 Just Received A LARGE SUPPL.Y Of MUSIC FOLI03, Vocal and Instrumental, such as American llano Music Collection. Bomethirpr entlre'y new. Folio of Music Bijou CoIIccUod, Duet Al bum, the Piano Seu-CGnir. an c cjrant collectk n o Popular Music for I iano or Heed Organ Parlor Organ Folio Student's Sonprs. Song Folio, Piano Instructors, Clark's Dollar Ins tructor, Bollock's Analytical Method, w. F. Ludd'g National Scho jl, Hier-ardcon's New Method, etc., etc."1 , , Organ Instructors Uios. A'J5cckcls Mod: ern (Jems. W. Ludc'en's ev Orleans School, WioBcr'a Cabinet and Organ Tutor, etc., eic. , Guitar and Banjo Instructor, etc., etc., at. IIKINSBKRGEUM, - o3t 28 Live Book and Music Stores. " Tax Notice. TWILL BE AT BURKHEIMEU'S OLD JL STAND on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1 1 receive 'l axes due lor U13 year ins. Pay up by 1st ot November and eavecosVi. E. W. TAYL.OU, Sheriff oot 27 2t Brunswick County, r HOLMES & FILL YAW JJAVE KENTUCKY FOUR YEARS OLD Cider and White Wine Vinegar, for making pickles. Spices and Seeds I entils, Carda mon, Cirraway, Ceieancr, Mustard and Anise Seeds. j ' Pig Pork, Corned Beef, Eoe Herring, Dried Beef, Lord Baltimore Hams, S. C. Shoulder, B. Bacon, Smoked Tongues, No. 1 Mackerel, Maple Syrup, Buckwheat, N. O. Molasses, Oat urns, new Carolina jbicc. Call and trj ourNickel Cigars, $5 per 100. oct 27 . '. MRS. Ei A. LUJIISDEN HAS RETURNED FROM THE NORTH t WITH A JULL LINE OF ; "W I N T EE Ladles are Invited to call, oct 26 lw ; To the Ladies. ; JJAVIKG FIT! ED UP THE STOttE, EX CHANGE CORNER, as a Frtlt and Confec tionery Store, la the latest and neatest style, and having engage 3 a young lady to attend behind the counters, we axe now prepared to serve tte Ladles of Wilmington the best, fresh est and purest Candled, and the finest Fruits ever before offered In thi3 city. Call and see our GRAND DISPLAY OF SWEETS. ! E. WARREN & SON, oct 26 Exchange Corner Taylor's AZAAR A FEW REMARKS WORTH KNOWIN3 ! We will sell thi3 week : FINE FELT HATS for Ladles, Misses and Children, ia all styles atd colois, for only lie. each and upwards. OSTRICH TIPS. 39c. for 3 In a bunch. Handsome OSTRICH PLUMSS reduced to 75c and upwards. An immense line of Bird?, Brarits, Winge, In fact evey kind of Feathcm, at equally low prises. GLOVES Ladies Kid Gloves 73c. per pair. Ladies Driving Cattor Gloves, extra fire quality, reduced to 00c per pair. Of thece Gloves wc have only a limited number. An early call wiil secure some of the above goeui st Taylor's Bazaar, 118 AIAIUCET ST, Just opened anew lot of JERSEYS1, the latest styles, together with ether new noreleticj. oct 25 , ,tti-jw;u3 3 rscciTt ccaaaaicauoa , Croa csx frier is ca try iz 3 Ul'jritjtcts r Eercrallntsrcstbxv '' ' ' Ttt tiaii ol tb writer a net alw its t fclahed to the EEicx. -. " : J Comm unlcaBoaa sanst t wrltta CM 01 osasida of th paper. FtrsdnaUOca mast be avoided. , . And It la especially and particularly xd uood that the Editor doca aot alwara eadoi the views of correspondoxU ajblftss o auii in the edltcrUl eolu &, - NEW ADVERlSEfclENTO. Purcel I H o u c e f rrmonocauLY RENOVATED First class accommodations. Rates reasonable. OTStPr- Haw Vnr nnw 'nnon' s T?ott V River Oysters jserved on half shsll. ,t Apples and. Oranges, W '.ILL II AVE. "A CAR LOAD OF THE finest quality of Western N. C. Avples abrct the 30th or 31st in3t , which I will tell at re duced prices, special rates will bo given those who furnish their own barrets or rcceite the fruit at the C. C. It. R. Dcp t. Will also reccrrca few boxes Oranges this week. - . .!. K. MARS1IAXL, oct 2G dAw 24 North Water St The Orton. - JS NOW OPEN FOR RECEPTION OF guests. The Hotel is new and 'elegantly fur nished, and the 1 rices reasonable, oct 151m W. A. BRYAN. Trpprlctor Every Day, E RESU NEW RiVER OYSTERS st Oh hand every day this month . The celebrated WlNBERRYO YSTERS. Hard to beat and best Oysters in the world. ., r GEO, r. HERBERT, tept 30 1m tac Star Saloon. The Demand FOR OUR HEATING STOVES Vi IN crcaeini dailv. Call aud select ooe be fore our stock is 'broken. Now is your tlm. Pi Ices very low down. 1 he UNIVBU3AL FARMER, the best Cooking Stove in the mar ket. Hands on Its own merits. Library and Stand Lamps cheap at Parker & taylor's. oct 2; , - .23 South Frsnt sr Lamps. HAVING MET WITn GREAT SUCCESS hi selling a fine lino of LAMPS during the laf t two seasons, we are now offcrlns; a handsomer Una than ueual and Invite pur chasers' attention to them. Prices Very Low. oct 6 GILES & MURCUISON. Another. TUST DECEIVED BY EXPRESS THIS day, ano. her large Jot of , Millinery and Fancy Goods, among them r f ullline of JERSEYS, all col ors. The attention of the Ladies is respeoif al ly invited. . , MISS. E KAEREK. Vollers' Building, oppobKo New Market. oct 23 . .. . - New Drug Store. J HAVE OPENED AND NOW OFFER FOR sale all tho articles usually kept iu a Drug Store, liy Drogs arc entirely hew andfrosh,. manufactured by some of the best chcmlsks in the world-. Not one particle of iiny stock is old. Any one appreciating the value of NEW, FRESH and FINE GOOD3 will find it . !. . : - r . ... i .1 ..: t. . v .' to their advantage to purchase of me. t" ROBERT R. BELLAMY, oct 23 N W Cor, Markejand Front Sts. " FIRST Florida OP THE SEASON ! - -AT '-; oct 24 tf E. J. MOORE A CO'S. M A T?TT"RT1 TIOWN f GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR BUYERS will tc fotni in the low prices I am now offer ing all kinds of Table Gcodsi Pure LIsen Table Damask 50j worth 75o. 0 " M COc' worth fOc. " " Cream Double 9c worth fl 00. W hite Table 1 00 worth 1 p. M " Double " II J9 worth fljno. 3'a, and 34 Table Napkins and DoyJlci in yiro portion. - Our stock of CassUnercs Is lclng rapidly re duced. Boy's SulU made to ordcf at a sating o25 per cent on Clothier's prices. oct 24 ' Sportsman's Goods. FINK v ASSORTMENT OF BREECH Loading Guns, Ammunition of all kinds, Re loading Tooto. Come aud look tfcrourh our assortment. We can show more Guns than all the stocks in the city combined. WM. E. SPRINGER St CO.. r 13. a A 23 Market Street, oct- .Wilmington. N. C. Oysters I jyjORE jOF THOSE FINE y . UORNE OYSTER3, best Draught Beer In the city, best Whkkevs and fine 5 c's. idgars. Eating House and Oyster Saloon at Mechanic's galoop. No. , South Front et. oct 17 .' J. M. MCGOWA, l'roj. Oranges ! - v -

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