pushed .rery evenlag. 9TdT-& JOSH T. JAME3i J KDrro asto raorancro. 2- - - -UBSCKIPTIOXS POSTAGE PAID: " ar 0- 8tt "month t!LOflu Thet Sthi,. 11.00; On month, S5 cents. -J- npcr will be delivered hy carrlera free or io ocnU per -likens rate low and HberaL s.:,.rrliiera will report any and air tall. l0 rive their tper regularly. ' r Jta. circulation, of any newspaper ruhli-hol- in the city of Wilmington. J3 "7t i' belie wI that, in aId.tiont hi b'.utv Urt. the Hon. John Shftrman jsabo'i.: t Painl hIS inaisera rd. to. FA--r!:itor Tak'ir of 0InrJi. i ;jto o' suftVring from insomnia. This Ijnw fr ,;" a ten-cent ruan wearing j.j ,;( night gown?. jliss Cleveland sayafbn will nt j-ub-j;.h an-! her bo-k while her brother is inyA-tt. There is wheie the lady luske-a H-ri-'iH mistake. "Klien Terry introduced in this coun try the present feminine fancy fr short hair." i ! sJie nv known what she was doins, wW havegoDe and banged berge:- tiit. , . - - ; The- S ciHlist3 of Milwaukee have at lis: lak u a practical step - toward the fi!ue Oration of the condition of the workingia ui. They have declared for 3centbr. .- ; The coiupietion of the Atchison, To peki and Santa Fe railroad to San Diego, on the Pacific coa&t, dates the the plannics; of the seed for a new city. We shall hear mere o! San Diego by icd by. - . . . Ii is doubtful if any chemical pre paration can ioj prove tbd complexion. The eflects are . oxtrins'c and in most casrs leave the epidermis in a congested and devitalized condition The simplest! cheapest, purest and mo6t eincacioab applications are cold rain-water and sadist. ' : Wben Cardinal .IcCloskey died, or was djin?, prayers wftp uttered for him in a number of the Protestant charcbes. and thus is seen the benefit in this world of a teachable and chari table'spirit which lives past; the grave and in the act of djing inspires a com! passion which polemics can never briii 2 about. The canvasa in Hamilton county, O., elects the entire Democratic Ijegisla tve'delegation of fourteen, pu the face of i bo returns. Even with this the Republicans still claim a majority -of Uo on joint ballet. An effort will be tnifieV) unseat the Hamilton county senators, on the ground pt gross irreg- u'ari:ic3 in Cincinnati. There is stilt a season ot delightful political excitement ahead and another Cincinnati riot is not wholly beyond the possibilities. - At MidJlesborougb, Eng., the other day, Dr. Scratbern appeared as a. wit cess at petty sessions, but declined to take aa oath, on the ground ''that i' vis a very serious thing to kiss a book which was handled by all kinds of people." After some 'argument, the doctor oflered, by way of compromise, to kiss the book if a clean sheet of paper were placed over the cover. The bench declined to accede' to this, or to allow the doctcr to make an affirmation, and eventually he consented, under protest. to "run the risk of catching disease." Dr. Bross. the leader of the Canadian uti accination movement, vigorously feoie3 the!recently published charge that be bad been thrice vaccinated him elf. He says in a published card that fce was vaccinated fitty-one years ago. time when he was not in good ihape to resist, but from that day to . lti be has successfally thwarted alj ; i'tempts to inject the life-saviog virus fcto his noble veins. He challenges ttt Medical fraterniiy to examine hil body for Taeplnr mnrfcs nf n froaVi or ilto than tail a century ago. AVough there has been no definite aooaccemcnt of any speedy change! uthe St Louis postnffice, a dozen caadidate5 have already, been entered the free-for-all scramble for the. P'Jce. 01 one candidate it is said that konte.slept in the same tent with the Jtmaster-general; of another, thai frivate Secretary Lament is solid -for J; of a third, that his nephew gave a oaer to the Vice-President last week, of the remainder, that they possess Triou3 similar qualities of patriotism statesmanship. -Thomas Manahan. No. 22 Monttrom- lrJ street, Hudson, N.Y., two years ho was given ud by his physicians. kwas aftlictcd with dyspepsia and oUticate constipation; had lost forty Kfcnds in weight and was a bedridden laTalid. He commenced taking Brand- iila In Anocoa rt fitrn fnnr 1 vrr J8 one. Then he took two every night r month, gained eight pounds In e:2ht, and was &h1a tn attend to busin- w knu yiiio vtcij uiju. rjrtbe followinjr six weeks, and was VOL. IX. V7ELMINGTON. N. C.: THIJBSDAY, OCTOBER Sergt. Ellison, one of. the victims ot the Grcely expedition, was an entbusi astic botanist and collected some very rare Arctic plants, two of . "which had never been classified. The plants are from six inches to two feet in height and under a magnifying glass presents a very beautiful appearance. Ot the thirty-two classified specimens, all but two were flowering plants. At the lat itude at which they wero - gathered (81.41) the sun is quite warm in July and August and vegetation. though stunted and short-lived fs not a rarity. , " ,' ' : '. r i ' It p m rly tc eih acd fragrant bream . Are, as ihey should be, your ieelre, ; (Jo finl aom. rug or toilet store. And, then, you've only to esquire For tA ZUIJOKT, U3 all you need To Bake jour muutb a joy lndcc i. '. i A Fratrraut Jircatli and Pearly . , -v; Teeth, Arc easily attained, and those who fail to avail themselves of the means. should not complain, when accused of gross neglect- SOZOI3QNT will speedily eradicate the cause of a foul breath, beautfying and preserving the j teeth to the oldest age. "Spalding's Glue," no welt-regula ted family will be without it. . ,., local -news: IIOIX TO RIW. AQYERTISEI3EITS. C W I ATES School Books HKIirSBKROEB Jrjst Receive J. r C Millkk Sweet Gum and Mu lcla J M UcGowas, Prop Oysters, &c W E Wouth & Co Something Good Jko ? Gabsll & Sox Come and See It rained nearly ail night, some of the time quite'hard. 1 - '"j- .German baruue Texas Loof. hence, arrived at Hamburg OcL 27th. German barque Verein. Jahnke, hence, arrived at London Oct; 2Gtn. The storm signal was t hoisted last night and was wavtnsrin the bieezeto day.' : " r-v ' A ' K There was no City Court this morn ing, and there were no tramps at the guard house lasl night. Messrs. W. E. Worth & Co. haye a new and attractive advertisement in this issue to which we call attention. The British steamship Carbis Mai; went down tho river this morning drawing 15 feet and 4 inches ot water. When you think that you need a new hat. you wiir be reminded that the Melville" is tho best, and it is sold by Dieu. f . The J. B. Polk Comedy Co. will pre sent 'tMixed, .Pickles," a , laughable farce, at the Opera House next Thurs day" night. A" "' " 1 - The 8trobg j Westerly breeze; . this afternoon created quite a lively sea in the harbor and boats were tossed about without regard to the wishes of the occupants . It is thought by those competent to judge in such matters,, that the great tide of travel from the North will not fairly set in this year until after the Christmas holidays. Painters and those In need of white lead, colors, oil, etc., can get the best a-cl save by buying at 'Jacoki's Hdw. Depot. '-,- iwfi 1 j ' ', t- The weather was considerably mixed this forenoon, but it finally concluded to become fair and Ibis afternoon it was sunshiny, but considerably .cooler with a stiff breeze from the West. Oar thanks are due Mr. P. Ueinsber gerJora copy of "Students' Songs," a collection containing the most popular songs, serious, sentimental and comic, of the students ot the different colleges of tho country. The series of meetings at Brooklyn Hall, conducied by Key. D. .W. Her ring, which were commenced on the night of the 18tb iost.l are still contin ued, and quite an interest is being man ifested. Several have been converted and many penitents ask nightly for prayers. ' fra" ' -" ' A great lot of Gent's heavy Canton Flannel Drawers, from 40c and up wards, 'at the Wilmington Shirt Facto ry, 27 Market st., J. Elsbach, Pror. t Uandvcr Council , No. 25.; United States Benevolent Fraternity, of which the late Capt. J. C. Borden was a mem ber. has paid to his family the sum ot $3,100. the amount due on his life Capt. Borden had been a member of tho Fraternity about a year and a half at the time of his decease. Carolina Lodge 431 K. of II.. of this city, has also paid to his heirs the sum of $2,000 due by that order. , - - ln ,.., IILJ - - ' 4 - We ask those in need ot a heating stove to examine our stock and hear our low piices, before 4 purchasing Jacodi's HdtY. Depot. f A .Warning 1 " .' The following imnortant diSDalch N. 1 - - " - . was received at the tignal office here this afternoon : Severe storm, central in North Care una, moving Eastward, will cause dan gerous Easterly gales on Middle At jantic and New England Coasts- Not safe for shipping to leave "port; notifiy tnose interested in shipping. Com in sr. Arrangements haye about been com pletd for the appearance in- this city, sometime during the month of Hecem ber, of the; famous s American prima donna. .Miss Clara Louise Kellogg This will bo a rare treat, as there are many in Ibis city who would liko to hear Americans charming songstress. Alcoholism. ' Yesterday alternoon a man living on mm Air. iieorgc iiarpc-rs place, near Greenville Sound, was attacked with tZc lirium tremens, and was so violent that he had to be tied hand and loot to keep him from doing personal injury to the pcop'e on tho premises. Tho neighbors were kept awake all night by his fear ful ravings and this morning he was brought to the city and lodged in jail for sale keeping until he recovers. , Last N iglii'a Call. - There was a nice and, cocsfdering the inclement weather, a Targe party of ladies and , gentlemen jasschib.'ed at Gcrmania Hall last night to engage in the festivities oi the benefit ball given to the Gcrmania Come: ' Band by its lady friends. The Harpers furnished 2 T the music for the dancers, while , at in tervals the band played some of their nnc3t selections with a precision and expression which showed ' that they were making commendable progress in musical science. lho dancing was kept up to a late hour, the best ot order was maintained and there was nothing to mar the , happiness of the occasion except the violence of the storm which deterred many from going who would have gladly engaged in the pleasures of the dance. Klection of Oflicers. The regular meeting ot the stockhold ers of the Clarendon Water Works Co was h?ld at the office of the Superin tendent on Princess street, yesterday afternoon and elected .Messrs. E. E. Burruss, J. F. Divine, F. W. Kerch ner, G. W. Kidder and D. G. Worth as a Bsard ot Directors for the ensuing year. After tho adjournment of tho stock holders' meeting, the Board of Directors held a meeting and elected the following officers: : t. .. ' ; " v ; . ' - President-tl. F. Divine. -"Secretary and Treasurer G. W. Kid der. .. . Superintendent and Engineer J. C Chase. ' This re-elected the entire list of offi cers of last yearv ' Wear and Tear. Wear and tear is one thing to be con sidered when yu buy clothe3. Dura bility is what one should look to as well as style, shape and color. Perhaps you have learned by bitter experience that a suit, which seems all right at the store, ; in many cases provc3 anything but all right when y u wear it a short lime. Buttons drop oil,- seams give way, material wears out, ana colors fade. Such things are common to the lot of man, for but few aro expert enough to detect clover imitations of honest goods offered by unscrupulous dealers. . - . There is one certain way! to avoid being deceived and that is to deal with a house who base their reputation and success on keeping only honest, reliable goods ; who aim to seeure continuous patronage by supplying their customers with goods which shall invariably prove satisfactory. S. II. Fishblate is do term ined that your purchases of him shall be just rijM eveiy time. All bis clothing is expressly manufactured for him, with an eye to durability and last ing qualities. . Houses the best of ma. teilals, and insists that tlioroogtt woric shall be put on every article even to the minutest detail. You will, find isn blate's clothing all thU sould bc de sired, and equal to the best tailor made garment. He keeps no shoddy goods or clap trap , baits.: Try him and we guarantee that you will bo perfectly satisfied. . . . - i " ; f The literary and musical entertain ment to be given by the Young People's Association of St. Paul's Lutheran Church to-morrow night, promises to be an excellent affair. . It will be given at the Luther Memoaial building, coi ner of Sixth and Pnncess streets. . . . , j 4 ' ' . - . i- . The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 541 bales. .- ; : -; Indications . i For the South Atlantic ' Stales, fair weather, preceded by ' local 1 rains, cooler, v winda , shifting - to - West and North and higher barometer. . s . . . . . . 5 Peraouar ; - ,,---;:: -"- - --f - - " r Mr, JohnF. Reday, president and general manager of the New York In dependent Journal, arrived in the ; cily last night. ; M. H, B. Ilapgooti, business sagent tor the J,. B. Polk Comedy Co . arrivs cd in the city iast night and rcgisterd 1 at the Purcell House. He gave U9 the pleasuro of a call to. day, . . :. The rain "last night was ' General throughout ihi3 section!:. It rained hard all niht at Smithville,' although there was no damage done to the shipping as there wasV fortunately, but little wind. Ii also rained hard all night fit Fayette ville, which will probably cause con siderable of a rise in tho river. Wc bear that there was considerable ram od tho line? ot the ,, different railroads, but it was1 not' severe, and hardly amounted to the magnitude of a storm. Oil, tho Schemers,. Who opened in this city with' such a big flourish of trumpets and -with a boast that they would show the people ol Wilmington how to run a clothing store will find out that they will be simply butting their heads against' a stono wall, and that wall will prove to be the Old Reliable; fur these schemers have tried it heretofpre and havo always failed in their attempts and will again fail to succeed. Wo have frequefatly shown up.ibeir scheming ways i and they write Oilier words, : lor - they feel themselves guilty of everything we have said. They know that on a legiti . mate business basis they are no match whatever for us, and .they 'know too that in spite of all their schemes, tricks and threats, that we continue to grow and prosper. We have "built up a big business and we' propose to' hold it by continuing the fair and square dealing for which our house is noted far and wide. If our stinging words have done their work,- we shall; as the doctors. eay, repeat the dose.; ' It makes no difr ference how tiie pills taste so that they have the desired effect. "Again, we say, that we will give to each and every customer ono hundred cents in full val ue for each and every dollar they pay us, and we likewistfhayepaWorie biin drcd cents, full value; Jor each, and every dollars "worth wc have, ever bought and expect to continue to do so. We do not notice any insulting politl-f cat slang or threats, as it is entirely out of order, but tho Old 1 Reliable' Intends to remain in the clothing- busjness and continue to do tho'leadlog trae' ' 't . The best ready mixed paint can be had at Jacobi's Hdw: Depot. , J He has it Jin all size cans from half pints up. f . . ; t . ) . 1 - ' ' ' .i t . -. 4' ; CotifecTeratojPensibhS.1 I am directed by the State Board to say, as a nutober of applicants tor pen sions haye failed to i furhish Hhe1 addi tional testimony required of them thro' circular letters mailed to each 'Several weeks ago from this department, that unless this testimony is i furnished the Board an, crbclore f the 15lh ;.day. oi November next, their claims for a Den- sion will not b considered the : present nscal year. ; i A ' : 'i : The Board is desirous that lho appro-, priation (&30,000) should he apportion ed belorc the close of the'! fiscal year, November 30. 1885. and; tQ. lhis'end these Droofs are nesessary. . f W. P. Kobeiit. Auditor. ; NEW AOVEUTISEMKNTS.' Sand Shoal Oysters; FROM IIORNE'3 GARDEN.; 0' Also, WINBEBRY' Oysters. Best glass cf Beer in the city, on draught as good Whlstfry and 5c Cigar, at Mechanics atooa. 6 South Front st. octSO ; ; . iJMIlMcGOWA. Prop So m et hi ng Coo d ( r , . - i - - - - -OUR-t "i r'l : Beef, Mutton, Sa u sage, &Cb AND OUR- Canno : be excelled la this city or elsewhere Our prices are morejreasonacU than In any other lanrkct In the ' tTnltcd ?talcs for s'm- .-; ilargios. , ?1 itf. " We rcsiKJctfnliy n q:cs. your patronagrj. " W. E. WORTH' &" CO. 4 oct 21 29, 1885. - -NO. 253 NEW AD VJEBTJLS JEM JBVTH Comc and See! Z 0UK FINS WfiSTKRN JiEEF IS STILL SELLING at ICc a poan 1 for Cholee CMt?. Otir last Car Load contatned k few Extra Large Fat Cattle, which we soMfor 12i for Choice CuUbut from thla (Late the FINEST BF.ttF eter sold in this city can te fennd on our 6tnrt at 4T7T fcTRKfcT MARKET, at JCc a pound. Also. PORK, i LAMB, VEAL and MUiTuaju sance price.. Stua us your order. Me if 8 promptly delivered. Wo constantly keep a. fcuonlv of tWc fine "FARMER SAUSAGE." the hestsoJdln the city. 4-v ,,F. GAUUELL A SON., ,flct 2J3t. Announcement ! 13 EslEMCER THAT IN : Z'.t " MAKING AR ntvreniencs for tnc.Vocal Ciae '".which I am now frmlnjr, I have Jixcd the lultipn at$S for inc icroxoi 4? jcasonsv l snau ocfnn tnc'txBr3C a3 S"on as a snffictcnt number, oi subscribers h&vciijtoPir italnc(i. Thoronffh instruct ons will he plvep io the rudiments of vocal math, anl the pupils will be advanced as fast as pre vlou acquirements will warrant, and no f st er.i Tlicre will be no teaching .by role; con sequently there will be n5 attempt at OiVeras or Choruses from tho great masters . nutli the nupils arc able to read ordinary church mufcic correctly f and w Ilh ' con iiderab?c f ff nency . Those wishing to join tho ckiss may leave their Bamcs at the Bookstores of Mr J3, llclnsbcr ger or sr r C W. Yates, or. wlth Uic subscri ber, at the Revjew cilice. j- octra -': : II. II. FOSTER; h Just Received ; A LARGE JBUftLY OF MUSIC FOLlOS, Vocal and Instrumental, such aa American la no-Music" Collection, somethirg entirely cew.- i t- v j "r -u-'vo f "J '"! FoUoof Music-Bijou Collection, Duct Al b'um. the Piano Sou vcoir. an e cerant collection tqt l'opular Music for i iano or Reed Organ x'iirior u gan r ono siuueni's ongs, oong Folio, Phiuo Instructors, Clark's- Dollar Ins tructor, Bcelock's Analytical Method. W. F. Ludd's National . Sehoil, lllchar broii's New Method, etc., etc. "., ' Organ Instructors 1 boa. A'EcjkcJ.'a Modern- JJeofrs, W." LudJfcn's hew Orleans School, WiotprVi biuet ; sandi JUrgaa Tatori eto CtC ! " ' , " ,f ., Guitar and Bahjo Instractors. etc.,' etc.,' at. , ' . t , i II ELNSC ERGE U'S, ; oct 21 ' Live Book and Music Stores. U0LME8 & FILLYAW HAVE KENTUCKY FOUI1 YEAKS OLD Cider and lVhUe,Wlnc Vinegar for making plckjes.. , Spices .and .Seeds-Lcntils, Carda- mon; ; Crraway,s Cerein!er-MustaW and Anise Seeds. v - Pig Pork) CornedrBeef, Boa'Hcrrlog, Dried Beef, Lord Baltimore flams,' S. C. Shoulders, B. Bacon. Smoke i Tongues, No. 1 Mackerel, Maple Syrup, Buckwheat, N. O. Molasses, Oat Grits, New Carolica Bice. Call and try our -Nickel Cigars, $5 per 100. ; oct 21 MRS. E. A. LUMSDEN I1AS 1UTUUNE JTKOM THE NOBTII J. WITHfcA'f ULL LINE OF - "f : v.i'j- ii iO -.H Oil I . J A. id : '' 3-manna . r -i r c' iiUX, 1 . I m O 4Qi Xadtes are invited to calL the Ladies. Havifg 'Fitted up? t he 'sT&ffe, CHANGE COSNEB, as a Frtit and Coafec- L'onefy Store. la the latent and ncacet .style. and having, engage lav young lady to attend behliTd the cotintert,1 we are' bow prcpartd to serve Uc Ladles of Wllmlagtou the best, freth- est and' purest Candies, & nd the finest fruits ever ueiore c iiercam um'cty. us it ana see ourGUAND DISPLAY OF SWEETS'. i i :V: WARREN & SON, !'. t pet 2 . , . Exchange Corner A FEW BEM ARKS WORTH KKOW1N3 ! 'dYwul sell this week i U FINE FELT HATS for Ladles, Misses atd - Children, fa ill el ylea ntd colors, for ', ' f P?y each and5upwarcls. , : . 03TRICU ,T1 tfS. 39 e. for 3 in a bunch. . t ' Handsome OSTRICH PLUMES u " 7Ecand Mpwards. An immense line of Birds, Breiats, Wlogs, hi r in fact evey kind of Feathers; v. at equally Jo prices. 1 1 n I GLOVES Ladies Kid 51oves 73c per pair. uuues imvinj i aetor Gloves, extra are juilty, reduced, to U3e per pair. Of ,VJ1 !..-., -".---'. - ' . ; 4 bhceq Gloves we Jasvc only ; a Aa early ealt wiil sccure coaie'of the above t ,gosdat r:-- ,i W Xayior'q Bazaar Just opened' a new lot of JERSEYS, thclitctt styles, tocltCT with ether new noveleUej. OCtSS BA-ZAAR m1" C" T C. " ' . . f 1 - TTarTntir'-il to rt::?a ccnnrslcaccs' fc-ora cr frills ca ary tad U:ni3cu gts'srallstcrcstbl Tka nine of tie writer must tlways b ttlalxa to tie IMruar. wojiannTcauoas oust cs wrrrtaa ca tra tiasideol tta papcx. : . Fnonain!efl mast bo avoldad. . . . And It la aspeeUy mad particularly cad . stood that the Editor does tot always eadot the views of correspoadeats ' valeat ao atati la the editorial eohuaiut . . NEW AIVEIUSE2IEIIT0. OPISBTEETG OF- Goods, -AT- 116 r-Tartcet Stv An Entirely, New Stock OF- 1 . Silks, Rhadams, Ottomans, Velvets, Cashmere?, Tricot?,; , . s i - - - Ladies' Cloth, Hcnrictlas, . , Flannels, 5cc , &c. - - 1 ilfhitArnnHr& ,i -m m m m m w m m Lficcs. Edgings, Furs, Gloves. ; r Corsets. Men's and Boys' Wear, Hosiery, Housekeeping Goods, ' "' - " ; . , ... .. r ' " .."- Domestics. Notions, &c , &c. v . ; ; At prices lower thad they hayo been known for years. ; i . i Terms Positively Cash ! . Mi' 'EST I shall sell my goods as low as the lowest catalogues. All I ask Is tho sanfe treatment ' ;V ' ' 5 . . ' ' Cash . ! Cash I Cash ! And assure you at tho samo tituc, niy kind patrons, that I propose to main- ' tain in the future the reputation gained in the past of having The Best, the Cheapest ! MOSTi COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS To be foiind outside of New York.' 4 , ? "Call and be convinced at HA. Rfl. KATZ'S t septal 11C MAKKET ST. Everv Dav. on: hand; every day this month. ept301innac n a . . Fall minter mm r . . t t. . . '. i i 1 The cfelebr.itr.!f WINRMIittYn Y8TKR9. ir1. to beat and Besftdystcrs in tUo wortdi fT i , f GEO, f.'iierbekt; f . ... .... . .. . ' -M . . - T . : mwmm -stomp. I HA VE OPENED AI1 NOW OFFER .FOR sale all tt&,arUctef usually . kvyt , In a J3iug Store.' My Drygsj arc entirely newand freih, mauufiicturcd by some of the best chemists ui thoorld. Not one particle of my stock I okl;" Any one appreciating the value ot NEW, FRESH and FINE GOOD? will find if to their advantage to purchase of mc. , . I , ROBERT R. BELLAMY, - oct ii N W Cor. Market and Front Ft. FIRST Oranges! ? OF THE SEASON ! ... L -t AT r oct 21 tf Florida E. J. MOORE & COa ' - Another. JDST BECKIYED BY EXPRESS TH18 aay, another large lot of . . Millinery and Fancy Goods, anong thorn. fall line of JERSEYS, alt coV oi?. The attention of the Ladlealsresrcctful- ' MISS U KARRER. Vollers' Building, opposl'i' i c"w Market. oetSi . c - 7 1 j, J- V . f f - . .J ;l ' t - i