abided ax THIS PAPER tcf7 evening, Sunday cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, SPITOB Jj" P.30PRIKT0IS. T.lStBlPTION8 POSTAGE PAID: "ear f4-03' Slx m0Utb8 2-00' T16 .v., ' OC: trae mon;n, w c?aa. 1 VT;-j i.e delivered by carriers free 1' Vr -rv pari of the city, at the tbove 3:3 1 1 1 n'.:f . 07 -'ICC"." m i. ritw low and I!lcral. epcrtanyand U fall- VO.IL. IX. Uu'lr i:t-cr regularly. WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1885. ; - . ii r-f;. Rt i imr-hn the. larrAxil' . . ' i ,.:,; 5 ones the principle ot Liberalism to be M WeJ"eeti learn that the wife oi V.'i-.ard Ward has " beoi "fotftd UuSt in tho PPla qaaliBed by pru, oVwt'.K- .n ?ied at about 11 X 'UluMW. what will be, lone with and the principle of Toryism to painVmT016!: V ?? f s be mistrust of the people qualified bv 5"?f? !l,es3; w.hlch bore with h'T V I near. NO 254 The pr,-v?iai.Ti i . - uuawan lortituue and resignation. X-w irk biaiwarts openly . ouu eave a nnsoand and five children i v ihr-v will mini,h Dawn. 1 ne registration in New York rdfv four sons and a tlanhtpr-.t mni-n j r w. i f J i a . w uj v w u .- -.-.! I IOr inC C01Tlin(r Stain nlantinn S- t I hp . ,rt v. m ' 1 ' 1 4 "w I. ' -'--tv u itti ter i - I to An was tl (iref .i mi .... w I -. Uib cipwieu. xne. loiai it. l ... t!l I.I .1.. I m r . . 1!lfr.' v- .i e oiu iiiue aiimuio j .nn fia.wo, is larger than any previous . .. ulrr fine nntl rl I n I rr I m I va tftvnn..t.i tr 11 " ' j " i " v.vJh at luu l resiaentiai election :n the lrginia campaign. of 1880 and I8f4 The I Vrrlfl coon flt.ilj Il:ni . fien.-FVzhugh Lee is conducting the L:. ' i 7 a " her death. I'errtouai Dr. W. T. Ennett, of Burlaw. Pen New York I"" Vuu tuy l-uay- Rev. C. C. Qain, rector of Calvary Church, at Wadesboro. is ia the' city and the guest cf Mrs.Kate DeR.Meares. fjr.cra' exorcises of John S. Wise very a 1 ! I TL I T- - ,! reel ii v i nprn ia o r a i KtiBeiAtrt a Imi se-ii - - ic-1 wMiufim:, xuu. uiuiuis io nave a i. m l. 'ii n I :jf f i 1 F nmn rn -e in lU 1 rc ilnn &f M "v.. I . Ic oirkii. -..v.. ... ......v,o ... ,w ui.. voiitr, woo waia sislcr wuse oecame much worse at about sreccss-on. oi Lommotioro Terry and was born in noon to-day and at last rennrt wq in ' Indications. ror me South Atlantic States. faif weather, winds irenerallv frnm Noh to West, higher barometar, colder in Northeast portions, stationary tern peratnre in Southwest portion. The best ready m?xed paint can be naa at jacobi's Hdw. Depot. He has it in ali size cans from half pints up. f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Winter is Here ! gO CaLIi AT R. J5. LLOYD & CO'S NE V Wood Yard ard leave . -.j - - v aw i n - We regret to learn that Mr. J. H.KffirffittBtaw oct 30 R. K. LLOYD A CO , At foot of Hew Market. Ai ' z.r. his.i soft and most delicate i,o ( ,l .,. . ... ue - t i . , " th9 oldest Methodist living, havinz birk iMund f.i pink sky asainst which ; .u . uawiujc D , s. , , . . united with that Church seyentVfive Ai-.ai ht-T loveliness, and her ad- , - J clrtrs 5f Il. -in Kayo a more favorable opp..rtuni;v t stuJy the planet. Announcement ! JJEMEMBEB THAT IN MAKING AR- raneemencs for the Vocal CAaah whifh t .m fow f rmln?, I have fixed tie tuition at $3 for iuc icrui ui s lessons, i snau begin the course have been obtained. Thnron COJKIKG acd HEATING STOVE? nni V At ahnni .u- J r r"!"10 " uyanceua last as pre- At about y o clock thi3 morning, as rak.it t., vlous acqntremenu will warrant, and no fist. Mr. S. L. Yodd. Clerk of th Fnnrfh "aui anu ciauonary Delaware in 17fiQ mb-;nr . Un nnnn.n..i:.:.. . i . . ... "T1? LIT" QfTlAT? T7i TrnrroTi Vpr..iterless queen of our October L ' . "cl.,;n:,cul . . uumou, wuq qui ill- xii i f oivffi XlVUOI3i, tiu6 19 aiy saiu 10 oe lAU uuues ni his recovery. Painful Accident. yEHAVE ADDED A FULL LINK OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Come and See! QUR FIN WESTERN BiEr IS STILL SELLING at 10c a Founi for Choice Cut. Our List rar Load contained few Extra Large Fat Cattle: which we sold for 12-. for Cholc Cut but from thU date the FINEST BF.KF i U irJiVl?1c"y can be fonnd on our .wuu. ,XI, oxtia&i- UAKK KTl. at ICc aJ imvh- POB? LAMB. VEAL andl MUTTON at sanre nrlrft. s. nri na I Meats promctlv delivered ,.fn"y keeP a supply of those fine FARSIER SAUSAGE,! the best sold In the oct 23 L J F. GARRELL&SON. Wt trxa ta glad to Wceitt eoasaualcaOoi Croa on frlcndj oa any td - all jiubjeca ; senemintarejt but Tbl Mm n ha .... . . . -. JcaedtothaiiBtbr.- Cknnlcat!oas zatut b wrtttu ca 04 tnstldeof tho paper. Ftrsoaanaea most be avoided. Andlt la especially and partlctilaxli tad tooa that the Editor doe. not always endoi the view of correspondent- txum m .i.t. in the editorial eobuuis. ' NEW AD VERISEMENTS. OP EKTIKTG OF- Fall & Winter GoodSj -AT- 1. 1; Urn, It U reprlTthat there BUC on the "-'-. OAS-ra- M'r'S.X'S is a erowina iodiDation ia the Nonh- walk io front of the new building on TINQ BuslDe39. and are prepared to ivc Very cS5"th c'onidwibiV'SSl0 .voutn ton of switches to the towards annexa- I nncess street, in course ot erection for Low Figures on our NEW GOODS. Slate BaTeSI? . .. ' " t,on to lhe United States. This is nat- Mr. S. Bear, engaged in conversation Mintela and Hearths furnished at nrt J. c. w. Yates, or with the subscri- .c .randing. when dried. 900. ural enough, but "Barkis" is very far with Mr. C. D. Morrell, the contractor P1 IT T taaAtlctMVM EE' nice. U as the leaves and bark sell at from beine willing Wn m Jni and builder..a nin nr-,ii. Plumbers ana " Fiera' Supplies always H FSTEB- "fel 1 . MUU,!! . I 1 "-V u,cl,-uw 41 WUU" uu" tue atone very comfortablv a wn flr ,nri was bein? lowl tmhn mn,i d;. esterprise pays better than cotton. there is no rosnn k au: nP.d frnm ihQ ' u had it in charge, and fell, striking Mr. I finn Qnnarn nrnr . c u:n 1 Iho Iiichmonri Sfafp. ma rora I . . . . . Northern army in the late war died at ;i .v, . - auu nuueung mm prostrate to the i v.a iud ncau wilii Kimn irir.-o oa: . .. his resMcnce on Orange- Mountain. N. when it said that th ci nn nnn Z-T Krouou- Drst it was thought that J n tip nbht ol the 2Sth inst His ?rfnio! i? m the'&50'000 whlch he was killed, but after a moment he ihb -jom inst. nis Engineer Melville wants to n. his M, i asu was neuralgia oi the heart way to the North Pola xvith h.ri tc UIUBUlu cnscionsncss ana was withwhichbehad been suffering tol be eC ocd taken to Messrs. Munds Brothers' drug iLoattw.. weeks. hn fh' ,J5.!. store where hIS wound was dressed and lien. (Jeorgc B. McClellan, the great- should be made to the country. fs'. best and purest military man of the on hand. Trv 113. Oct 29 2t R. II GRANT & CO., 410 N. Front St. Just Received 116 Market St. An Entirely New Stock OF a large supply of' music fouos, Silks, Rhadams, Ottomans. jCTL Vocal and Instrumental, such as American new!0 10 Collection- 8methirg entirely Velvets, Cashmeres, Tricots, Folioof Music Bijou Collection, Duet Al- lnrlia' rioi, it bum, the Piano Seuvenlr. an e:eKant collection ad,es Cloth, Henrietlas, x niiur ugttii xono ptuueni's cones, yonsr I , tvc. While Mr. Fish. ( convict.' as hadescri Court of Ojer and Terminer, evidently Jesircs to have Ferdinand Ward con lr;eted, be probably prefers to have him to some other prison than that at Auburn, at least lor the ten years of his )a residence there. Z T J5 ",e un'ortnatMJ heretofore he was soon able to go about his busi- by occupation a ... "'iC uu ""ereu useless lor ness. ditiomv Foreclosure Sale. "gY VIBTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained In a mortaire deed mailP l.v w w , ?"S.U'S" xouo piaacnvs ongs, Song anuiucy iur Liio morisratree. win einrun tn T. . , . . i t -r . . . sale atpul.lic-auctlon, to the highest bidder; ern JKVt l -gmgS. Urs, Gloves. 'l?yy0 d?or' VVinBcri Cabinet and Orean' Tntor0" White Goods, cabinet and organ Tutor, etc., Corsets. Men's and Boys' Wear, I the cltv of Wllminzton. on tha :iOth d nf I "v-w,c..v.. M , , ........ 1 " n j t luituuaio csutiuB iiuluix- 1 -too- '.. r '.v bed himself in the Dy S,ID'1 rooltord, expe- death. rSScXi TtViffltSfc 'ff X' QlUtar S!!!i-S& ., ITU. h,.-. n-A. cur.u.lbeglnnlnsata point o tho Wctcrn , , Ti.T'ffiSi'SKi. .wF.. JillO Ot P Vllllt Kfrp.ft .If thl n oraiuKnn r.f lhn . u.Uou uwim. said line with the Northern Hue of Muter') LOCAL NEWS. I1DEX TO NEW AQVERTISEWE3TS. C Vf Yatbs School Booka Hkijisbekoer Jnst RecaKc J. XV B McKov Foreclosure Sale R H Gbani New Stove House. R E Loiu ft Co Winter la Here. . F C Miller Sweet Gum and Mu lcln Flag Presented. The schooner flewer ILVUOLKX 1JjL.1A-V AVE KENTUCKY FOUR YEARS OLD t T?,o, rVf ...u. . L I street 10 the edic ol thd Cane Fear River - P" ' " luegar, tor making " w u"v uuuor Bno Hicnce xvith the e.lgc oi the Avhurf and ehamiel nlrkle, , was namco. to Capt. R. II. Beery, was Drcscntcd t() lhc gutlicrn line ol a lot formerly belong. TT u . ... J .L , , mg to John Walker, deceased; thence with H to day With a new SUlt Ol colors by Walker's line Westwardly parallel with Dork udc Domestics, Notions, &c , &c. At prices lower than they have becn known for years. Shfi was InrmorW t h,. of the river tfonthwardlv iiflv-ninn cn toA ,ca- -Piccb ana tceus-lcntils, Carda- .. . . 1 ... . .. vi.-.i I!.. . r . . , ' si WCA. Cter. and was cast a wav nn wTn" Carraway, Uereantcr, Mustard and - ' j - - I J - "nil Cdl' I lllli; I Stump Sound several months ago, and wa?S;yti!fn Ani8C Sced8 rig f orfe, corned Beef, Roc Hcrricg, Dried Wna Qnhoan nntitin lint tl f L. n f 1 I i .t' o..;.-1 . t t XT.v4l.,,.....i . ... 41 . i- II I uuij,iuv,iii,i 1 UVUiiUli L V 21LIL. 1 "l " oiitot I'UllllHillUIV I Cll I V -till CC ISO 1 here was no Citv Con rt thi mnrn. ninnr nn.i u-. .. ut .1 .. I lect to the Northern line of Mutcr's Allev. and . V . . I ...1 V .1111. I II I II I ' M I II 1 I IF II I 1 111 into Sill TT 111 - . 1 . 1 . . . . I .V.U.. W KLllCJ where she has been completely over- oct -iO tf W. B. McKOY, Att'y for Morlgagoe Tne importance and value of the to- fibioco crop in Virginia is very clearly ii'tui in the statement of the Lynch x.Y Advance that Lynchburg pays aenrevenue iolo the United Stales! 0 J.-casury. un tho single articleol tobac- The off-3hore storm signal wao flvinr hauled and made as good and strons: as IV... nn,. '.-. f U n VT C 1 1 I . . I nxrn r 1-.t l,... L.l I : . vS.atespajs on everything it produces. r. z " : to lloqer Moore, under which she will X UI KJdlG alia XieLlli K r . 1". . wo iaw pore hereafter be known. Tho colors wercKlTOREs, dwellings and Discussing the new suffrage Kir of r "mp oaics. ordered through Mr. Georco A. Peck, vacant mts Ln.and, the 2scw lork Jo..nal of Schr." Reindeer. Bsnjamin. cleared at who received them thi3 mornins bv Lomruerce says : In England, as in the New York for this port Oct. 23th. express. They are manufactured from m nrl VJfntnn ll. -.. I t 1 i : I ' 1.1 t .1 .. . o.a..s. tuu iusu . oi ueuuous Ur. D. Q Tfr. , , .. tue very oeso ouuung anu consist ot the u a aiiinci mw tjLtt- iliiv ki imi inr i 28th. .. r-'.- iuiaLii a oana snoai uysters. Terms Positively Casli ! I shall sell my goods, as low as p. Bacon, Smoked Tongues, No. 1 Mackcre), same Maple fcyrup, Buckwheat, N. O. Molasses. Oat Apply to aug 21 i.'taw3m m th D. O'CONNOR. Real Estate Agent 'llOM HORNE'S GARDENS, ff. WINBEKRY Oysters. Best auiunucss ii iuautia, iuu siriciuess i 'tf party discipline, and the free cm- Thanksgiving Day. this year, will be border and the legend. "Roer Moore " ;:pymenttt all available influences, on Thursday, the 26th of November. in blue letters, and the Union Jack Also uiX bv the mpr.ta rf tho nrmpintea I t-ri rt -r 7Z 7 .. . I whirh io alar, rf thn rniri.lni.Vr, I ... v-.. w. v.wvi -inn 11. vi k'w .1 1 ttr ipvrrir la ihn nlnnn l t..... uiou w . .iiv cKuiatiuu a ii . .. VM, "vii.Wil.iu,Fia.c - 8u.u ieer in uc city, on draught-as good -u ,v m tuuui.t. I CO PP.t rrnnn wnrL- nf mnrlornto nriAii A -i.t... ..r . v. i . I niSMy anu OC Clears, at Mcch.inir.R Snlnon i - u.vu.. fvw. i n c cm iui ui neuL s Raw iin nn i::n..i, r. t- w I- I . j . v i j uuuih XiUllb Ob. Three .tram ns two white and .mn Flaouel Drawers, from 10c and ud-1 ocU'J J. M. McGOWAv, Prop a, reports 2,000 conversions as the colored were accommodated with ward3 at the Wilmington Shirt Facto state of North Carolina. HAS RETURNED FROM THE NORTH WITH A FULL LINE OF "W I 1SJ TER ry, 27 Market St., J. Elsdacii. Prop, t Superior Court of New Hanover County. We understand, that there arc not many rrore than 500. applications for A Uooni. saitofhis meetings at St. Joseph, lodings at the guard house last night Missouri. Ot Sam Small, "OldSi," I who aided him, he says : -A li s sermons were remarkable. He cnunrj;nofn ... ' . .. . A baom in the clothing business has I iin ah0 c ti I subordinate Dositions at the nnstnfhep a lfonn.;r.t'uw olunurO U3 iairL lo . : ' - struck this town and Mr. S. II. Fish: , . v. Vl luu mOS. nfiweriiii Dreacners i :n it . ... . . - . - athisninpfpnnthfn I- oo auima urso, mo iamous lemaic blatm is lue originator of it. How did a tellow as I ever mixed with, violinist, will probably appear in this it happen ? . He made un his mind to 1 . . I . . - . I ,Diustrions and thoroughly con- city sometime during the present sea- do an immense busiucss this Fall and -"-u, i oeaove." son. : I The New York Star predicts that the When you think that you need a new Scents of Virginia will carry both hat vou wil1 be reminded that the r is-ate ticket and the legislature. It Melville" is the best, and it is sold by that Senator Voorheesand other 1JTEU- t '1V r- a.l rt t all If --wi.ai:e speaKers are prepared tot xnerewasa neavy lan oi nan yes -t any effect that Sherman. Foraker terday about noon, a mile or-two East Otber imnorteil Rpnnliiipnns mn v I of the CtV. but no dania?( hits Imon rn Jce. Tho Democrats, it savs, nre ported. Fill Crr a i . . t i I ; pnfk " , i ne uayetteyille Observer comes out . Mthusiasni. The Republican ap this week with a half page supplement oraea prejudice are not doing deyoted. almost exclusively to the -aiany good, but tends to unite the nnrnuorant c-:- u;u m v " " ww. m u v. wut.lij A. 0. 1 , ITUiVU mil be held in that city next week. aiestaota than ever. 9 C. 1 - -J -L- --a-ictJi nas just trausacieu vue Th0m.r!mm r i-f , , , . .i. w iukaiuiuiu cvi.hj w vviuu ab week s business on its record I QM:ik:ii.-.Mi.i.- ort k i lj lu i Lit 1 1 in vr.Mfi h.m v w vi v .'m ill l iuu nor 'J.Sl P.,.fi i . o -no I J ' ' hl T . T''" hour, but no damage was done either 1 r "npfece,dented vtolae tp the buildings on shore or to the ship- iUO viiiue oi ineir privilege oi pcatiaj crders at the Exchange, and Painters and those in need ol white I- &o has been bid for the right to lead, colors, oil, etc., can get the best one of the exclnsive- eleven aid save by buying -at Jacobi's Hdw. Hrcd, The buying craze continued Depot. j f J fucked during the first three days of ' We call attention to the advertise aDd everything good, bad ment ot Messrs. R. II. Grant & Co.. , V M.frerent-went up. which appears in this issue." This firm futile cunning methods ol de- f . recent,J maue important auauionj :":!he Federal Trfinr. i, ror lo ine,r Alness ana are descrying ot a 2 to discover objects of world-Vide fuU share of poblic Pronage. qaence and then rtresa it onthnl ti, in: : a i pr-.; , i uo luiiuniuc n icucivcu ab tuc -vi congress in sucn a shape signal office here at 45 minutes after 10 UVlrpo rvrit.." : - T. I F.lia miervbia. n is o'clock this morning: i reason weuireglad to scolthat Hoist off shore signals. Wilmington lfie becretarv of War and th and Wilminirton epntinn. Rtrrm vn. ! llry of the Naw h Itral East ot Jersey coast, dangerous rite tok i .. ..... . i ixonawesL ninaa riaUong for expeditions to the Winter, and accordingly purchased an immense stock of the latest styles and te!l"be! BaUl Beef, Lord Baltimore flams. S. C. Shoulders, the lowest catalogues. All I ask is the treatment ash ! Cash ! Cash ! MRS. E. A. LUMSDEN And assure you at tho same time, mv kind patrons, that I propose to, main tain iu the fui uro the reputation gained in the past of having The Best, tho Cheapest ! AND- MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMEM OF GOODS To be fouud outside of New York. " j Call aud be convinced at M. M. KATZ'S sept 21 1 1 C M AKKET ST. Every Day. pUESII NEW RIVER OYSTERS on hand every day thJ.i month. Tho celebrated WINBERItYO YSTERS IT-ird Fruits to beat and best Oysters in tl.e world - icptao lm nac JMLillinery 3" Ladles arc Invited to call, oct 20 lw N. W. Rty, Administrator of Peter P. John son, i-JAintm. To the Ladies. JJAVIKG FIT! ED UP THE STORE, EX CHANGE CORNER, as a Frnit and Confec Margaret Garrett, Administratrix ot Edward lfoncry Store, in the latest and neatest style, aiernerson. jtarirarct linrrptt riin iw i Phcron, John M. Gilchrist, Daniel A.Gil lintX navln cuSgcl a young lady to attend Christ, Mary Gilchrist, John C. McPherson i tJ and Mary McPherson, Defendants. behind the counters, we arc now prepared to vs. , Jnht? tLcLadlcsof Wilmington the bcst.frcsh , .v. ,i0 juiubc, mi; Bale OX a I SS?br.! finest rmmtir n k!li nr r-. asv. .1 ji newest fabrics., in all the fashion nhle ward JflcVhcrson Thoi TR n. , h cur ucloie cuerca la th Call and bco colors, to be had in the market. Fish- theDrnen?S our guand display or sweets. liLATE S SUCCeSS of his cloth ess is due to the exce once n,i .V ' ?ni,.cli?rPC8.f administration And , , the defendants Colin McPherson, John M.Gil ing. ile keeps a class of Christ, Daniel A. Gilchrist, ami Mary Gilchrist uvicuy wmmanueu ana requirca to ap- oct 20 Tailor-made ciolhinrr that the neonle " - - - r r .11 me wmw ui iuo icrK oi ioc superior want such clothing as no other house .oa,;t of New Hanover County, aforesaid, on . -r n r i . i - i V1 c btn day of December, 1SS5. and answer or contains, rou win una at ins lanre demur to the comDiaint whirl. E WARKEN & SON, Exchange Corner day of Octol-er. 18S5. , - S. VANAMKINGE, Clerk Superior Court, New Hanover County oct'221aw6wfr stores a lull assortment of the square ralcUhShS cut sacks, and four-button cutaway frock coat?, which arc now all the rage. He keeps no shoddy or clap trap goods. He takes as much interest in the make up of his cheapest class as be docs in his finest goods. Mr. Fishblate has certainly gained the distinction of being the leading clothing house in this State. 'Rfiof Mijftnn Qoncao-n X,n and we take great pride in referring tp YlUCtOfij fcailSage, &C. his success. t mething Good. "OUR- Taylor's A Z AAR AND OUR 0EEAMEET BUTTER All in a Nutshell Giving the best that money can buy. and always at the lowest possible prices has made the Old Reliable's the safest Canno bc excelled la this city or elsewhere. place for rich or poor, young or old to trade. The better you know the value of goods the greater will the cheapness appear, bee our Fall and Winter suits or men. bovs and rhilHron i"nr rmnAa Vi fcuyuj ,.,.., t. . . arc all square, honest and well made 6 15661 tfPPMi Our prices arc more reas0nabl3 than In any other market in the United States for slm- l. 1. ,r s . "uuusu me anu money Already been oTnomin.! in n..t .1; rC IOr a PPnlnr. We ask those in need ot a heating stove to examine our stock and hear our Iqw pi ices, before purchasing Jacoki's IIdf. Depot. f in pvery respect. We guarantee them from top to bottom and we will stand by them to the last point, and will re fund the money if any representation made in our house is shown to be false. II any gentleman, who has not -desired to i"jcre us, has taken offense at any expression of ours in yesterdav's ad vertisement, wc are sorry for it, as we have no desire to reflect on any one's honesty or integrity. Shriek, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market streetf We respectfully request your patronage. W. E. WORTH & CO. oct2 , , Come and See Mel J 11 AVE RSTITTED AND OPENED THE Ot-D CAPE FEAR PILOT HOUSE, with le found In the city. Also. Oysters and lodg 001 7 Im No. 15 South Water st A FEW. REMARKS WORTH KKOWING ! We will sell thla week : FINE FELT HATS for Ladles, Misses ard Children, ia all styles atd coJois, for only 7 Jc. each and upwards. . OSTRICH Tlf S. 39c. for 3 In a bunch. Handsome OSTRICH FLUMES relnced to 7Zc and upwards. An iraoaense line of Birds, Breista, Winps', In act ever kind of Feathers, at equally low prices. GLOVES Ladles Kid Gloves 73c. per pair. Ladles Driving Castor Gloves, extra Are quality, reduced to 00c per pair. Of these Gloves wc have only a limited nam oer. An early call will secure cox e of the atre - gotdaat " ot? s Bazaar, 118 MARKET ST. : Jnst opened anew lot of JERSEY 8, the latest styles, together with other new noveletiej, oct 26 GEO. F. HERBERT. - :-- - Star Saloon. New Dru Store. J HAVE OPENED AND NOW OFFER FOR sale all the articles usually kept In A Drug Store. My Jfrpg arc entirely new and fresh, manufactured by some Of tho best chemists In the world., Not one particle of my stock is old. Anv one annrcrfMifnnr ' u,n , f NEW, FRESH and FINE GOODS will lind it to their advantage to purchase of me. ROBERT R. BELLAMY, . oct 23 N W Cor. Market and Front f ta. FIRST Florida OrfliTixrAs f OF THE SEASON ! -AT -roctSItf E. J. MOORE & CP'S. Another. JUST EECEIVED BY EXPRESS THIS day, another large lot of Millinery and Fancy Goods, among them a follllne of JERSEY'S, all coli 0rB Th Wentlon of lite Ladles U respectful ly invited. ; ; ;-- , MISS E. KARRER. Volters Rnildlng, oppotiuj New Market.

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