- I . ' 1 s i ,JC r , THIS PAPER .ubuhed every evening. SondAyt cepted by ' -' JOSHT. JAMES, BPlTOB-AlfD PROPKUtTOB. -..cTPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: SIBJW . r rear Six months, $2.00. Three '.thq 1.0G: One monui, cents. The p-pcr will be delivered by carrier free lc in any part of the city, at tbo above oricccnu per week. - : : - :: rites, i i nr..i advc&tktniT rates iow m iii. . . -rj--r f V ,,1 rlhcrs will report any and all fall- Y Ulj. IX, . rore'.vf their paper rcguiariy. ire 1 m 1 rr The Dai?! Review has the largest ; j fuic cirivfiition. of any nevxgaper MLU " 1 H N) A TIT JW -OLiLJJJ . 7. - ' W LMINGTON. N, C. MONDAY, NOVEBIBElt 2,' 1885. LOCAL NEWS. NO. 255: t "The N'e' Yik IleraM advise-e Mr. . Nnd r.')t tii v tfi tr Hill. This is hpek r;ir(1' si np!fe. unadulterated. kort Tnc New York Itcrald advises 1,1 lit"? Mugwump .point its (, ; sew here. Where is James ,.ri1,ii;1'nr,Pll.J AnJhoiv frten has h- v 1 ;M lhe last twenty years? N01 ore-', venture t'hti. assertion. This r' mrik -s ihe Herald' cheek sublimest The rriucipal -lection9 to be held to m.rrow are tho following: Virginia wf.l elect a (iovernor, a - Lieutenant Governor, an attorney general, twenty- Arp(,f tho fortv State senators and V..w members ff the hooso of delegates. Tht it.;i?lainre to bo chosen will elect 1 L'nitcil Siatcj Senator to succeed Ma. h:;e. Republican. UF-lhe nineteen ho!ilin-ovcr State senators thirteen re I ai oc rats and -six Republicans. ; IRDU TO lllWADYiniXCmiTS. - . - St Jabi Cll . .v ST, Page Deafncia ; ' Ko More IT ye-Blaise 3 1 es ad Kew Tork fun C W Tatks-cHcoI Books . J E Maksu ill llot Cakes iiEo.W Pbtc. Jk Auction. Ms WiLLiRD Announcement H isc Ox Co Parker's Tnlce Mk. Katjc C. Wiara-Mllllnery Ta b Natioiux Co A Bl Offer ? Ofiea II0U8E MMlxed Pickles a kins bkboebP linos and prgans ' F C Milleb Sweet Gum and Ma'leln Kxigixts of HoxoBnesular lleetlng Parkzr 4 Tatxor The Eeason Why Vkwxr Ajreuts, Ladles and Gentlemen L8IMON & Co Llqa'ra, Clgarsand Tobacco PI. Bbidgers & Co Neir and Attractive W K SPBrscKR ft Co Sportman's Goods re duced- . . . . ., . W Thomps jn, Sec Annual Stockholders Meeting of W. C ft A B B J YT THotrsox,Se- Meetlegof W ft W B K The lias t Kites. The obsequies of the late Mr. J. H. Muse took place at his late residence, 306 Mcttie street, at 9 o'clock yesterday morning and were conducted by Rey. Dr. Pritcbard of the First Baptist Church. A large concourse of . people assembled to manifest their respect for the memory of the deceased, among whom were representatives of almost every walk in life. A touching tribute to the respect in which he was held was the assemblage of nearly all the printers, bookbinders, pressmen and those con nected with the press of the city, who. at the conclusion of the impressive' i u-ru9, f VOivtwUJ I in front nf tho pnrriawoa rrvnl inincr Ika ! pall bearers, and thus escorted the re mains of their friend, co-laborer and NCW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENT8. w mm t FnrPnin t : MSB! ft r THE GREATTS Cores shenaatiia, ITeonlgla," Barkarb, H4arke, T(hachcb Sprain, BraW ud at her r my Lrnii, At itbisib inn ueaiers. "nov 2 eod tcarm '7'TZ ' l'Z. V;."i The Reason Why fellow citizen to their last resting placo QUK STOvm SELL S0 WFLL. Is that in the quiet of Bellevue. Arriving near tncy n"ve liecn tried an i found t be5 jast Annual Stockholdcn. tae 8rVe they opened ranks and facing COOKING. Our FrrVpla-c Grates knockthc For other locals see fourth page. inward stood uncovered until the funer eal, cortege had passed, when they assembled with the others around .Stock fair gen- spots tut of others in prices, erally. PARKER ft TATlvOB'S. . PURE WHITE OIL. . ? aov2. TfawiUbeciad to ractrn communicauoa froa ctar friends on any aad all JeatjscH , csaerallatcrest but ' y " " - Tnt inuae of the writer must always t nlahed to the Editor. Communications maat b written en on c no side of the paper. , Prsonantlea mnst be avoided. Ani It Is especially and particularly tnd tood that the Editor does not always endoi the views of correspondents unisss so stats in the editorial columns. NEW ADVEKJJ3EMENTS. BIG OFFER. StfSB. e away 10C0 self ottcralinf ichlnes. If you want una send n yoJf2.a2??:.0.; Rnd express olllceatonce. THB NATIONAL CO. U Dey St., N. Y. novtdftvrlw WANTED An ctlvo man or woman In every county to scU our goods. Salary f per month and croersc nr mmmieainn. OPERA HOUSE. One Sigki hh, fkursiay, XivemWr 51L . Th3 Favorite Metropolitan Comcdlain, . , JMOR'm jr. B. POLK, V In tbe greatest success New York has' known for years, the comical and satirical comedy' 3i -'in three acts, entitled ' . t MIXED PICKLES!" i ' By Dr. T. II. Sayre.f author of "The Strat- , cgisu and other highly popular plajs -? ?UapiUv ft bears no rrsemblanro. tn tlin roatic ami varietv ahanrcUtioa wlii.-.h hiva for SOmG If ntR nnlMil Piirrfnttarnniiiiliniii I nj bCnCllt. CurCtl kiniief In Ihrm mtnlh. . , f j , iuu Buico men - nundreaa or others by tame Act. 1 Prcnarlnar tn Plr.Vl. A -t ill process. A plain, e tin vie and suceegsf nl hom Pickles Gelling Mixed. Act III.Mixcdt'Iclc- ii;catment. Address T. S. PAGE, 12S East expenses in advance. Outfit frr vn fnii particulars address- STANDARD 8ILYKU HUSTON, MASS. . FVEAFNESS TySS; If Jf eniJreint Tears. Treated by inos iimw of tho noted specialists of thcdaywltl t 1th Parker's Tonic. Pronounccl bv the ureas of the entire r.fnin- j trV tn llftVA tlin U'ltt1at rtlllnmmil lia fnnina. ftiLllfttlnna nnrl lm 1nat oe- nt anv r.m. I ' If VOU are Wasllnir 1V1T from AffP.V dlnnimi- S 4 . . I Mam vm uuciion ion years, iienned. humor, talented I . U1s or weuKness ami rcquirca- company, perfect ensemble. 8 J!?ria1.11 11116 par keb's Toxic at once; it Box sheet open Wednesday morning. izuv m ji British barnn Tifn'yjrrf ClInrnMnon .7 1 "'' VfjVlMWJSlJ, ,1 . . - 1 . , Like Hot Cakes. rpiIAT CAB LOAD OF BKAUTIFUL, larcre. Kcd. Western N. C Annlna .irn rolrnr I 1 1 : '. - - " . .- " m o not esses, oenu in yeur oraers eiriv.' j , i! t n i... i.--iv, iviiu wiau(B( .siuiiua UUUHUt. I mg, sou especially so in me uorai iriOi Chestnuts, liabston Grapes, Eggs, Chickens, 1 mUS. FIFTIETH ANNJJAL MEETING OF A .., the Stockliolders of the Wllmtngton ftWeldon It. R. Co; will be held at the Office of the Company, In Wilmington, on TUESDAY, the Yesterday's weather seemed to be the spot where the body of their friend Sew ior win eiect a uovernor and conducted on the variety plan. . , . was to be consigned to the earth from . c. itj - - - ; .r : r i : '. i . . . jj?:cme court and both .branches ol iLelejIature. Colorado will elect a jjdge of the supreme court. Connccti-1 lhe cheapest and best heating and lutes which were offered. A sheaf of iil068' ?cA2l?f wnlch sell at reasona cat will elect one-half its State senate coot stoyes can be had at Jacobi's wheat with a floral tckle at its base. -. J. b. Marshall, v i,,f nnn roir nnlu and Ihn momKora rf I Htf Tlpnnt :. I n .- - i. :r.i I - 24 North Water St.. lulu.vjv v...j m- .v -vmv. w. f. nuu a uws auu wioaiu,wiB uc&uiuui nor 2 daw Wllmlnrton N C the house of representatives.. Iowa r,,..: and tender symbols that seemed to z - i!fc!eet a Governor and other. State 'n.!Z h Pre.ent. Theother AnnOUnCGITient. oEcrs and a legulature. lhe Ieslata- g uard hoDSO ,Mt , ht floral offering were appropriate and in rpns UNDKR3WNED announces that uircwu- i.uus-.u nm eict. a uuncu ; . I exquisite lasie. xnns. on tna morn -a. , , Sates Senator to succeed McMillan,Rc- When you think that you need a new of a beautiful Autumnal Sabbath the Dr. a. j. djRosset win. from this date be publican, juaryiana will eiect a comp- you wiu oe remtnaea mat iuui remains of our., loved friend and co trailer, a ciers ot the court of appeals, iueivme is tne oesi, ana u is soia oy laborer were laid to rest. The relent- interested: in his fire insurance business one-halt of the State senators and-LYEI1. t less reaper Death came to him as a sheaf meaibsrsol the house of delegates. The Thom ora fiva rn.r.u sn : fallr rine for the sickle and read v tn h Any orders for lasurance given ta either will I , -p legislature to be chosen wlll .elect a sue- yesterday. " which was a romarkabla Uarnered. May the turf rest lightly . i u i I ,1 ccssor to Hon A. IV Gorman. .Peno- occurrence. We have never known above him. and while the flowers which crat. ia the United States Senate and lhe like number of interments here in mark Lis last resting place will wither WILMINGTON, ft WELDON B. B. CO., 3EClfy A TREASURIR'S OFFICE, 1 1 I'Q&winssTSQTbir, N. C"; Oct 31" 18S5. Will Invigorate and build von nn from thn flrt dose but will never intoxicate It has saved minareus or uves. it may save yonrs. . rfw THCPf IV au ii r - t- " - "i an w. , vr iura, NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. V NO 1 -pT.-tT ; " Weak 1 MORE EYES. MITCHELL'S 17th of November proximo. V W. THOMPSON, : hov 2 tdm . I: m . EYE-SALVE. .. 'i . ' f -e i - :. j" i is Secretary. A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for WIL., COLUMBIA ft AUGU3TA B. B. CO . , CbKUVY ft TBE AS. OFFICE, :i .WlLMTNOTOir; N. C, Oct. 31, 1885. t.so a successor to ixoycrnor iioya. 0De jay Massachusetts will elect aviovernor and o'Jier Stfiffi nffipprs nnd a le?ifilatnre. It will also vote upon a proposed and bd th ennffQ"er reaved household. imendmentto the constitution proyiri- .c- Tfae pall bearers were Messrs. S. G. : ,r precinct voting "mPP J. W. Perdew, wia eiect a governor and otber state . ; " T. T. Seeders. J. S. McEachern and II legislature which will tu" auctAiWU C.Evans. Senators and die, may the fragrant, blossoms of m i t . - i m i v. M , a w vw, v utiuu auu uum lilts i , ,u a. shed their sweet fragrance over his be were hoisted at halt-mast to-day in re- have prompt and strict attention j and will be written at the lowest rates." nov 2 8t M. S. WILLABD. , 214 N. Water st npUE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock A holders of the Wilmington, Columbia ft Au gusta B. B. Co. will be held in the Office of the President, In Wilmington, on TUESDAY, 3cll00l BOOllS the 17th of November proximo. V J . W. THOMPSON. SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, . Producing Long-Sightedncss, and Re- storing the Sight of the Old. ' Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners. ueu jyes, jnafctea Aye A4wsnes,ana X ro- , , dueing Quick Relief and Perma- ; ' nent Cure. Also, equally efficacious when used in other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tu- inflammation exists, MITCHELL'S SALVE may do used to advantage. oia dv an Druegists at zoc, nov 2 itr , nov 2 tdm Secretary. ccers, and a MMfttwo llmtnri states senators to l Tha w ;.m n T:n: AM I liiiniu iii jiiuyitt Liav;v, wu i a i. i , . r -i ., . ad Senators Goorto and Walthall. Wrightsville Sound, was .old lo-dayat Fl"', , Z-.rT.,n .tahtterofwhon wai appointed to action, for partition. It was knocked ..." J?u, ry, 27 Market st., J. Elscach, Prop, f succeed Mr. Lamar. Nebraska will down to Hon. Chas. M. Stedman, at elect a sapreine court judge and a re- $700. subject to confirmation by the lentoftaebtate university. New Jer- commissioner. Mr.Thos. W. Strange. K'j will elect a part of Us Senate and a House of Representatives, and the sen An Outrage. Wall SfvirlAsiT JN FELT AND STRAW HATS. -FANCY FEATHERS lu great variety. Oil Tips and other Millinery 'Goods. MRi. KATIE C. WINES, Mr. If . M. Riahnn. who livna on Our thanks are due to Mr. J. R. Masonhoro SnnnH w,nt. . simn i -.i . t . ..' I f n rm o 1 1 FXTr. 04 Mn.tk W.fn. at.Aot l . . cnosen wia lase pari in me eiec- w. - soand, in Onslow county, on the first i u&a of a United States Senator to sue-1 or a nne lot 01 samples selected irom of October last, taking with him seven ceedSewell, Ilepublican. Pennsylva- entire carload of apples which he men and six boats, intending to'engage w will elect a State Treasurer, and nas jusireceivea irom. .yeswrn ortn ia the ovstGr busines for V VPniTi RJT .L-: .. i- roPnlin. Thnn fif, f-: - . uuvuviijuih w .vvillMlUUJVll JUBUVIUIUI, u iuc umeiceniu usirics a congress -awaa,,.. aUWBnv,B,6 anC, on the night of Oct. 3d, just three days win be elected to mi the vacancy juicy uu were niKmy enjoyeu, aflcP Ho had commenced operations, caused by tho death of Hon. Y. A. 119 N. Second Street, near Postoffice nov -it r - Geo. W, Price, Jr., Daacan. JXaiirtits of Honor, i Mr. Vm. J. Best will build no more aiiroads just' now in North Carolina. Iiie line to Salisbury is still incomplete. Best languishes in -Boston jail and aa't build any railroads there. Here a the latest in regard to the extinguish- so mo thief or thieves stole all the boats from tho laridimr where thev were kent Carolina ixxige jno. regular and took them about a mile distant on meeting .this evening at 8 o'clock. Full to the marsh and cut them all to pieces : attendance is desired as business of im- in Inr.t. making kindlinr wood of HiPm portance will be transacted. t Mr. BishoD wa3 worki ncr UDon the ground of his nephew, Mr. John Bish-i Office and Sales Room, 215 Market Sti, ; Wilmington, N. C. ' New and Attractive ! "YE KEEP THE TRADE SUPPLIED with the finest quality "of Groceries at a small cost above cheap goods, and there Is no rea son for any one complaining about adultera- ted goods. OUR GOODS ARE PURE AND WHOLESOME! Extra Mess 'Mackerel without heads or tails. 17c ner -nonnd. Nothing lost by weight, and the finest Fish j ever soia m Wilmington. .... : , and School Supplies "pENS, PENCILS, INK. ,. -. SPONGE, PENHOLDERS, . , SLATES, CRAYONS, uaOK BAGS and STRAPS, V COPY BOOKS, -EXERCISE BOOKS, Ac. We will make It to your advantage to buv of us. We buy for cash and can afford to sell cheap. C. W. YATES. nov a 119 Market St. For Sale and Rent, OTORES, DWELLINGS AND VACANT LOTS. f ft. j ' aog 24 2taw3m m th Real Estate Agent . ji I 2.1 : 5 f ON TUESDAY, NOV. 3d, at 1( o'clock, I will offer a large and select assortment of Household and Kitchen Fnrnlture. 7 Show Cases, 2 Cooking Stoves, 4 Parlor and Bed Room Stoves, a number of Chairs, Rockers, Lounges. Tables, tiafes. Oil Paintlmrs. Crocs b. auresecs, je earner iicaa ana lows, clocks, I , j Elegaiit Iaot pMelery V by Tuesday's Steamer. Send in your orders early. k. New Goods. For iSale. CLAYTON'S QBSI.r ALCOHOL STOVE, Boils; Fries. Stows 'Meat, JFggs, Oysters, etc; The very thing for the Dining Room. Kurserr and Sick Room. .Elegantly Nickel Plated- OalcQrore Cemetery. --rtt.I"n ;VV &lffl. NEUFCHATEL'CHESE.: nan V f T.m.. U. ktln n- . n Uiuyw OU1UU8, lajUUlC-lWDS, WinBCCS 811(1 , " v4... a. . .... .a. aa, aUU.j i u a - rc2ular contraot . and had rented soma curtains, y flne jsca itoom .Butts.- . 4 rst.t nished us with the number of interL.rTi. .u. Call and examine our iargeBk.;4WUl also Ach from Boston: ments in uik urovo icmeiery ior me lhls outraor0 both men are equally ft'A"' William J. Bast, tho whilom reenter I nionth ended Oct.. 31st, 1835.. Thetota m aired. Strom? susnicions noint to School Orcan. which may be sold either fori c I ' ' b- it in a ciii in?h(4rlS' "k?? ,nter k "f een' of ccrtam rlics the ptors of iVSSxSfP Elegant Li ne of Dried Fruit ilK:? 'e lm the khar es 1 treetjwl. which four were white and twelve were thflcrim. but as vet there is not auffi. ; ..'J. "Pa! h!!hM MUWU, ull v a ii .i ii nnu m rnr nanr nnonniviai . . i taitire from tho law. he is at last r010.., lvof" au118 ePcient proof to be able to secure their -flerstuct police surveillance. There we cnnaren. conviction. It is to be hoped that they rpURKE SECOND HAND PIANOS for sale. 1 Chickcribg, 6 Octaves, at $o , Maa excited aratherinc of Statn fitrork jokers and men about town in the Penor court this afternoon when a dressed in a Prince Albert coat, Uhcurlv hfiir noRtlv hrnshpfl h.nlr 7 shaven face, and cafpfullv robedsidewhiskers, came in accom- tiw by sheriff O'Brien. This was ronco eenial friend. 'William J. ri. Thp. rolino' of f h lndirtmnt r.ca contains nine counts, charging r- wwu embezzlement, was waivea, fa pleaded "not guilty," in a clear, Km lce' emphasizing both words. r'riCt nttnrnow Arlama then " o a Irnrl . . t ..-j . . km m a .ju aawu oai h. rtxort nfc ei nno m PrU Stone, of Morse & Stone, who raatL-f.H rtgai Should hft nlAOPtl much lnr client was not worth a dollar except , auui iiuui viaiijr iauur, Masked the court to fix. the bail in -Tnil (to Pitman aM I ho 3QPhlriTail n..:o n.. Cere was nothing to show that ri' bad not now in his possession a rfpmof the trust estate ot which t? control. Mr. Morse said he i"jUiQ 5nnnf that tha nrtOfna. m . i, vuai a.kiu aa iw4,4 .. tic Wot P a control ot tho fund and had nUken a Hollar ol if. .Tnrlfrn Pitman cot then listen to an argument on perils of the cas?, but would fix c6lin the sum asked for by district frey and later entertain a motion v.uun oi oaii. ine oonus were ordered by the court to be put at Stic smile. - t'ne of Ttat- r... r: r4' him. find than nnnr t rt n vrlt jer to him. He expects to be ej?nlby inQaential friends from ifini?1?. Som9 of them have tele- &SSar J maybe found; out and awarded the punishment the crime richly merits. Full of Year. Mr. Daniel McAllister, a venerable and worthy citizen of Pender county How to make home happy. Buy an died at his residence near Point Cas- Othello cook stove from Jacobi's Ildw. widen I offer from $iiO and upwards. Square welionThursday. Oct. 29th. at the Depot." H . ; . f nsulT?aSiArf alhueek advanced age of 80. He had been Prunes, Peaches, Apples, Figs and Eaiclns, (all now eoods). Evaiorated California Apricots, something nfftv oirf tiIao Alt pntifa nMw rwinnn . a rrrr 1 1 . a 1 HI f i etw Jr: Ran Tlnil i i t b o . f . 1 . . " . . . A..;- " . ' ' I WMM ilUiki 1 United States Piano Co.. 3 Octave, mod ern make, used only one year, neat embroid ered cover and stool, for 210. I havo also a large stock of .new Pianos, "Tr ior I many years a consistent member of tbe Presbyterian Church and died as he had lived a gooa man and earnest christian. ; Orsrans. Mason llamlln. Ealiv Orarans umy ; larger ones in proportion, Please call at inriMunvDnvuidU suit the times. 1 nor 2 Live Book and Music stores. A Biff Majority! Yon ar nhoiit. to b'riv some rJInf himr I Icloubet Co. Standard Organs, llant A xou arc aooui 10 ouy some yioininjr, Co 0rji:ans antl rac1tar,i organs at Uices to said a newspaper man to a Inend a few days since. Well, I'll relate a lit tle incident which may inflaence you in your purchase.1 : Last , summer I went to Clinton, to the Farmer's Dinner, and on returning homo X found niysell Wh&JSvMtt Liquors, Cigars, .. : A Credit to Wilmington. It is a Beltled fact that Mr. S. ll Fisiiclate is the leading Retail Cloth' ier of this State, and we point with among what Senator Vaneo - would pride and pleasure to his succesa and hayn called a lot of plain people. The distinction. His stock consists of a subject of clothing was being discussed, fine line of Tailor Made Goods,, which and somebody suggested that a vote no other house contains. All of his coals should be taken to ascertain who was have the patent tquare ; shoulder for Ibe most popular clothier in Wilming- which he is the sole agent in Wilming- ton- The result was big majoriiy for a J ..! i . : Sliniril fin holn it I ho nrinnini C a anri f n purchaser a written guarantee to this because it was conceded that his styles geous offers ever made by any News effect : We guarantee these goods as were more correct. his garments more PaPer'- . : VJ r 'J: ' ' P. ,L. BRIDGERS & CO., lXU North Front St. X. SIMON & CO., Successors to H.RU1SUII,D A MO., !;4'1 ' WIl0LESALE DEALKItS2 IN , Pricc $l.C0. Also, a Pocket Alcohol Lamp, price 50 cents. Oct 61 -it it. II. .GRANT & CO Legal Notice.- rjIIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ASSOIA ted themselves in the general practice of the lvuw unuer tne lirra name ox wauucll a KLLIOTT. Oflice second floor Kast end of the Journal Building .on Princess street. A. M. WADDELL, - twJMES T.ELLIOTT. Wilmington , C,, Oct 31 , 38M. ' 3t ' tilt , , ,' ., n , -' : - Oysters! Oysters! tj RES IT NEW RIVER OYSTERS A; V'.: and Tabacbo, 114 North Water Street, The Best Newspaper in America, ana oy Tar ine Most KeacJabte. - will be on hind at the Acme Saloon, N. E. corner Front and Dock et.. dally- ; Also, llne?t Wines, LiVinors, Cigars, Ac. J. G. L GIKiCliEV. Prot. oct 3 Ct sat m ou ;Swi3et Gum and Mullein, WILD CnERRT, TAR AND TOLU, f-'-i ' . t. ... - :-' Bull' Congh Syrnp. Red Star Cough Cnro, Bosrhce'8 German 8? run. A vrr'n Cherrv toral, Allen's Lung Balsam, llydrolinc, Ac. aw, a i a ii imc or Arugs, uncm'cais, c rrescriptions lillel at ail honrs.dsy or night. x. Aixxaivu, HOY 2 German DruirirUt. CoTEor rourth and Nan u rruums. ; The most interesting and advanfa-- t BRANCH OF J . . m . ' a represented, and the price is as low "as "nraoic. anu prices lar lower than any sane manufacture as sold Unv where other house in the city. in the United States." If not satislac- This was a Ter' bigb compliment to No Subscriber imored or neglected. Something, tfor, al I. Beautiful and Substantial Premiums in RICH MOITD, .Va.' t Every Day. on hand every day this r month. The celebrated WINBERRYO Y8TERS. Uard to Dcat ana best oysters in the world. UEO, r. HERBERT, iept30)mnac Star Saloon. (7) SOLE AGENT3 i OR LIVE TO WIN 1 C1 nnn cash in five years i yi,uvu r tory. and returned ' uninjured within SinuER, ; who" Is really the people's StandardGold and otherWatches.Taltuble IVBS BUVNUltU iSKOS:, f . . i ' ai .iAM ii. na i mnn. inn nmi trant ii How.nn ii.nhiii. j - - : - i . - ten davs. the full amonnt ot naah naid Clothier. He certainly has passed be- Books, tho Best Family Sewing Machine k rr. : i. vond succt?ssfui comoctition for nlPn-1 known to the trade, and! jw nnequaled Hat ii w tbiuuugu.t AU UCIWtll IH WAUk I " ' I V1m. ...I .im-i- a- i . i- I. of ready made or custonVmade clothing id quality ofgoods. and beauty of fit ofol?iecta oI reU n a "atmcbon. ; .i.nu ll i ," I nr1 finish J (kll nH " ornmina n 1 ; n jJ. " 1 ,1 Buuuiu Mali nuu vuujiuo uis immense stock before purchasing. His prices you will say are all right. it T I rnp FVERY day im TUP yfar i on I XobtCng Goaa. AmmnnlUon of all kinds, Be- c ii ii i '. I " - - " wmrm w I MMa.Tn&ll !flma aarf' AA 4hwml ml a Jnst received a lot ol burglar proof WEEKLY, per Year . , . , ,1 CO blind fasts. Call and sea them at 'J a- ' Aoart, the ST5, JTaw Ik Orj. , We ask farmers and those in need of a corn sheller to examine our stock and hear onr low prices before buying, jACOBi'a Ildw. Depot. t ICauuIactiuera of , Tobacco uu:iiciiiioij; vaJT 3 . 7 .4 ,l1Ul'i:il and finish Call and f examine our : lutes. 2y uji FtryMjrf-'.M,.. ci.-4-9 . stock before purchasing elsewhere. OAlW lr YWomaoat Saadayt. 60oM "tWjH When anger rises, breathe through oml.j, per Hccwitiiontsundayi tso Acn i fiNB assortment, opjbreicii I.. i a unurtif per lev . I w I w mm wsp mi. corn's Hdw. Depot, and you will boy.tjjj1 loa fftsigToods. Come- and- look tnrouxh onr as ectmentw We eaa show more -Onus than aU Ue stock in the dty combined : TTIL E. 8PEINGEIS A CO 1. Jl a Market 8tret, Wllonrgtoii. N.C, Composed of leadmx professional and basi cs nxm of the city, of undoubted lntcrrltr aivi executive ability, refers to any of the citf- l.nfl nf tin f t 1 f a I film i ti.1 A"a a .tA-- w - " - w . - ' J mMm wa,a9 fJuaai VI , I sliort period matnrity lnreetment, largely In 1 al vane 0 of any complicated endowment schemes now before the public- This Com pany invites tbe fullest investigation. Sitlafy yourselves of its standinz aid Us ability to do what it pro cs iocs by writing to your Senators -and Congressmen or any reputable business vs man of Washington. D. c i COWAN CONOLEY,' Local Agents QIDSON ft EA&TERDAY. oct3Ut 6pcclalXraTCta2Ktnitv : t-

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