y it V lUSCELHAITEOUOr ,.WHA.T.. HAPPENED IO H..C. C3CX, OF lUUrC83. T.? AID SOME HUDSON R1VIR' RAHMAO tlEli tl.. rr.Yt.rwtk haa been ac!t5zea of SUmfortl. Delaware Count r. N. .T.;'doT V a"pei of 10 jeari. a3: "I air rea wfchdltzv "sick headache fcr many jear. and WM ertxn- flelv enred tv tV-ueofrr KRNEny AVORITK RSlflCi -I sn-w that If a Tnlirlne wo thv f all that 'an be a' o' It " ..What hapinflto Mr Ce 1 titwrs it hundredsof oirrs. and th- . I tesmy wlh hini ChfttCr'KK' mciT AVI K Rt M t KtY gia lmmd?a rlef-i- Re id whxt a HnriaAit Rlrr Ualiroa1 mm rar"'- v. ".Me lius is, tbe vc'eraa.coad. et of 'h keepff pectat. ad reMes t street, PouhkeepaJe tnFb Vjpai. be wrote to Or. Kennedy, tbu : rtr w STB- I hW D9l T' nr medicine sjI- 5lCVE0t! tar TdJjteliontatf-THznBe.to "Vwkfca t jraa suble-tt Um, an4 Ik-ostfrom ''eXpee that ltli worthy of a'l that can be said of It ttr disorder of tbat natare Another railroad man. Mr A I e Revere Sta lin a;entatTarrytawn,rltsMolk-a: TAKRVTOWK TATIOW. 1 22, 1884 Dr David KKKVtVT. Kondout, Y j Din 8is-ror a lor tlmo ,1 Jiad been troulHed with severe ttaoasof t izzj4ss ad i 9L1 !CK HKAD'CHKS I hKJght ttas I duo 14 hup are blood and a dlforJred st at of tne syeai I was ad bed o y r hM NKDt'S FAVORITfc R'MROY I dd b, and hare been completely cored. It's tbe beat thlnz I ever beard of for any dlsorde' of that nature, and Pje recommended it tamaty will lit iirr(, V f V A . DSKKVERK i Dr. K NN X D Y AV) Rf Ta? KKMKU1T )s a medicine which n family or Individual should be wl hout. The 'aborlna; man, the mechanic, tbe student and literary mm sbonll have It It will build up a ayrtem which has lipnn Tnin rinw hv nvfiTwurk. It la notexoen siye and H la Efficient. Askjeur druggf J. III Price Si nerJJDttie. I; HM ! ftQA f(fi inr presents friptn aworS Nnd fp M 1 )V vy cento otae, and, yQ- will tctkfrt apcka8 of good of larpt vahia, that will start yon In work that will at once bring yon In money faster than anything e'-ft In America. All about the $200,000 In presents with each box. Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex at ai) Sffe f or, all Hme. or spare time oniy, to won tor ua at tneir own homes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay.. H. Halijctt CoH PortlandMaine.j dec a axw ij llealth isi Wealth, i fltR GCrkRA;NTK:D r E. C WKST'i y Nkbte ad Braut Tkkatmkwt. a rnaif anteed specific for Hysteria. .Dizziness, Conj vulBlons, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headachei Nervous Prostration caused by the nee of a! cohol or tobacco, Wakefulness Mental D vresslon. Softening of the Brain - resulting 11 insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature old Agew Barrenaess; Los4 of power In either sex, Invo untary Losses ana 8permatorrhcea caused by ovr exertioij ot the bralA, self abuse or over-Indulgence Each box contains one month's treatmenti $1 00 a box, or six boxes for $5 00, sent bi mall prepaid on receipt of price. WJ GUARANTEE SIX BOXES J To cure asy oase YHh e&ch order received by us for six -boxes, accosapanldd lth $5. oj we will send the purchaser our written guar, an tee to refund the money If the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued oady. by JOHN C. WEST A CO , 862 W Madison it. J Chicago. 111. , , . ., f : . ,i: h .ct2iidwj Hr IT for working peop'e. Send i C la a cents postage, and we wll ; mail you free, a royal, valuable sample box of goods that wilt put you In tbe. way of mak . lng more money in a few days than vou ever thought posslblo at any business. Capital not required. Yon can live at horn and work In SDare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes of all ages, grandly successful. 1 0 cent to $5 casllv earned every evening. 1 hat all who want work mav test the business, we make this unparalleled offer; To all wno axe not well satisfied we will send-1 1- w rpay fo the trouble "1 writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay ab solutely sure for all who start at once. Don't delay. Address bTlNSON A Co. Portland, Malte, !, dec2d&wlY i The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale I Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the Iookinp--crlass. 1 i I eb 2 d&w cm tu th aat nrm Uiey. tpow all .about Mustang I&f iment Few do. Not to know U not to have. feb.t dAw era ta th sat nrm H i !! ! ' I I II i I m ! MUM Mil I I WEKVOUSOEDIUTY UnOAMIOWSAKnn obnciif dijeo. baft m.rthn -fllml nil. sicinis. rwnlt from youthful ifulifcrotion. P rrADJCAUCURE FOR too f roe indulgence, or IIUUVOXJS i qvr)MlRirorc. Avoii tb S!Sa2ic.nt prrtei uo mimci(m i or tnewm trouble. G I oar it Circular snd Trial Pck iie.and learn intportmaC weaiiess, rl-'KYSICAX. UeM betam tskinra DECAT: . ft mr Irvhcr. Take t a SURE Rem est that iiaA InYouns A Middle CURED thouMixU, doo. not interfrr wtUl ?ttci tion t bosiaMa, turn paiai or inconvenience ia anr war. Foaaded o geo wen. Tkjtvd ton over Six Tears by use in many; ctentite meuMal ihousand oases. ,. lY TRIAL TBllATXLEirTl' Ms.S7 dtraet 1 09 ae aeat CcLacaM ha ' UTt-Aiietioa of th ka ii 'of lia. vaieh -am bM rr aaanaiinr tri On Xmth, S3-OC Two Months, A.OC t Thr Hont BS. 7.00 ' 'yasteq are tsrtn back.aad t , rtoe erietbmoBaechre falutd rapkUy ratnaooth jttraojpa HAnnio REMEDY CO., ttTorgtssn D 1 1 D TV REP PERSONS 2 Woi a Tru Aa tor yrny "tPV&Pplltno dwl i V i-' ' -Tk, tllfiwmU. who Tr Ah. UoaeroML WbO k raake3 a upecialtr of Epilepay II... -.f K.uit. rimbt Irnafnrt WTl t J nd mini mora oaae tbM I a outer liv.cz tuyu4aiu li suc-ceaa nas maunj wen aatontniuj( : m n bars brl ofauMtiarattS I by him. Hraararitjywacuro." roars standing curfd Larire bottln and Treatiw ee&Lfroe CUto Jr.O. M . AB. la&ROLE. No. 96 John St.. New York. apl Aw;- n IrAffl pi more raaney han at anythlsr else VwllU by taking an agency for the best selllnjr book out. 1 Beeinneu . succeed gnndly, NoneialU Terms free. haixkttBookCo n a f .1.. . A . j i., i deoadawtr' I f aMeiiWliink riTmf J .It J S 1 23. I rj tu TIio ESaily Qoviow, J SH. T. JAMES. Editor & Prop .-way if i fv H f T : H-IIJ IN TOIL I. Cjf ' ' f 4 ' 4 j v ' I r"" T i1 1 : : i FRID4 YiN JVEllK IR 6i !'85." ntarfV the VoatyOes AWT alnirtiXjfTcT. seoond -daaa caaUex. T3IS2lEi nmaybafonndon Cl at Oca P. Li Uowrvb fc Oot. Newspaper Airrmtoni Bureaa( Bpra 8t. wnera aareraains .MatracUnar A riiolinf h? ?499 Sl-irY Stale w.uld seem lo fter extryagant etti fti&tiv of thn ratuetr fcasbands. at least tmnnr wires."? it ta ttatra mat in ine United States Circuit Jourt M Galves ton, Texas. Mrs. Fannie IJ. Gibbi. pt Alabama, has brought suit against Eugene N. Bmrkv. of Wharton. Texas, for $100,000 tlamsges for ' kniing WiU liam Stewart (Jibbs. husband of plain sheriff ofAV barton county, and brotbor of Ed en'e Brook , and tbe falter inturn killed Cibbs M he 24th of last April, at Wharton - Both .families are prom- lrent and wealthy. . . : ' ,, Mars is peopled by intelligent beings, wiinaretryitf of dwefleVs on this planet. So says ah Italian astronomer, Sigmr Norzadl, who mentions that he will yet discover what is meant by i tbe. messages. On the face of the planet Mars be has re marked the preiloejof y1fjQUByj3urniD oiis points exceetlingly-bVIlIIant, which ahitt about from place to place, just as I regularity wnn wnicn they move. He has reached, therefore, the rather basty conclusion that the sparks he observe? ara "telegraphicai,; sigrjals'Jtjfie&b a. random by thje inhabitants of Mars to the earth. . ? f fKirfjeAieiisorC his.liealth te Hl"i. and liis f if 1 U . . w4y: ana fiis umess can imti as to m spire popular dynastic uneasiness. An eminent physician, jay ft tb&lKing Al-j for so was the son ot a herpetic womanj and that, tbe King himselt iaof a s'crof-j ulous constitution and has alresdy sufi r red t berefrpji h&J hjijeiiy xieck"1 ing naaiy scarred .from tbe disease.: Such constitutinnsclncline to cohsumpi tUlOpsfsoli kielemltrexi cesses, as King Allonko has done since he was in his teens. Kine Alfonso Jias all thE:ontward ippekrarKbpa sufferer from tuberculosis , , flia personal doc tors are alone capable of deciding whetUeMho appearance is deceptive.1 Very lew Spaniards believe that King Alfonso will be long-lived. The hopes . ot tbe Carlins and , Republicans are largely based on his Majesty's, death occurring before he reaches tbe age of 30 years. : He will be 28 years old on November 28. , Tbe Radical estimate of the result cf the approaching British elections is 400 Liberilaf gl f sideSjlfiTorfei ana o irin mo rubers., jord Randolph CHurchaP3estir4teiis327 Tories, 268 Liberals an J 75 Irish members. Tbe London correspondent of the New York Times records his own ' guess '-as 3lL Liberals. 273 Tories and. 87 Irish . mem bers. A majority in the new- House will be 336. The borough elections be gin on November 25 and will mostly be completed by the end of that' week. Tbe polling of the county divisions will begin on tbe following week. . . By the 7th we shall know about whM the;ef suit is to be, though the elections - will not be completed before the middle of the moot h. The elections are likely to how a curious reversal of the historic distribution ot the strength ot .the j two parties. Heretofore towns have gener ally been Liberal and the country Tory. Now the Tories expect their chief sup !port.frorajvtbe; boroughs, while the Liberaliif ryier-rptTtrrb Some 'interesting statistics of the world1 population have just been pub! lished, which contain tidings of comfort and joy for the fair eeav It . appears that women have a greater tenacity of life than men. , Nature very properly worships the female in all it yarteties. Anoni- insects the male 'pertshea at a' relatively i i earlier 1 : period .! Female quadrupeds nave more endurance than males. Jtl.tb e,hu man race, despite the intellectual aiphysicaltreirhrci tbe a. lli .TSaanfiCa anaSril! arirriTo whlcfilnetronX est man tuccumbs.; Zymotic diseases are more fatal to males, and more male children die than female. Tha propor tion dying suddenly is one . woman to seven men One thoasand and eighty men in the United States in 1870' com mitted sukado to 285 women. i-lDtenii rranw apopia the heart1 and In to males than femaleat . Pulmoxxai y icoo j snapo'njs more deadly, to.the .laVef.fj emigratfofi; nave a majority oCfcnaisa. Royal families' lahdwJ more daughUrj than sons ex- ception ally lonl-lfvOT.ahVcolftred j maq exeta-.;)y shorjThftttairied stall i it-a LupcuioDgaiionpiIliea women. .,,ty ? v . i& , -'Lft 'rV.'iti. coVers t F rer are more ratal An cstrsnai piece of scandal comes from Fort 7ayne, Ind. On Saturday, M. .8. Wick!;!T3rrtatarer of - Alien fwnjtiriTas r irric 1 to the dfrorrt iiM of I fm Urk! a few honrs i aCer frnm blrf I Bj a d cree ot tne firt property but the Clark woman brought hint more than he lt. Wickiiff is thcJadinir Drmocratia politkiaa the jcunty. and Iem Uiars: is proprietor mHWMFH1 Ail 1 3 6rnator-8tanffTrd rf -Carttomin h given orders tofieed in"1 frbst his ihrpo immense .ranches:, known asiVinai Gridley and Psl Alta, for-thsendow m?nt(f a university and schools about tobcerecirtlat Palo- AIta. t The 'three ranches comprise eight jfivB'-ahoasand acres, and together represent .a. value of $3,500 000. , It IsJSenaton Stanford V iqtentiott r make this t InstitdUoo f the best io this country,:. ur:. Europe,' and thje able t. professors Irom both bime and abroad will be eecoredii ciu. Ut Bnergeije efforts are being, made,, to aye tbe life ofReil, the half breed Canadian rebel. The New York Herald sayaznu 'v-!iu 1 It is reasonably, certain that, the Ca nadian authorities are slowly., reaching the conclusion that It would be oily to haogi Riei. Trio jnatoral tnil gnatlon with which the people regard a rebel & giving way tt ihe convicUop , that,be peace and harmony ' of Mhp pomlniou are the first t blngs to be 1 attended to. It is betlei policy ta commute! the hsll- breeq s sentence, even Jf;hteservestto bo hung, than toiiane bim. nd there- try canse lH feeling wLtchVmay not be allayed for years; ; .Tttat is the pomtwbictt the. tieratd h as : been emnhasisinir and .which: the Cabinet have been. considering, , The maw t toot orth' ttiinkihg about, but If be is to be madem raaryr.landi:if his execution will intensifytha-already x Lstinz. opposition, to the government. that is to he fhoucht of.not once .onlv.i bnt thrice: J It Is a very important mau terand ought. to havegeat weight with oil vuuii iitki'uiiaiu. Our correspondent in Ottawa, whose telegram .weprinti this morning, .giyei us a'irtterestlng'cohveraation itli BishapIGrkhditti'wntiSB2 diocese covers th Saskatcbervan ,-dUtricM. 1 Tne Bishop declares ' that .. the: Metis . rn i m o rtorJ.t-uKlti v-iriT? f ?rri WfiFii ootfodot clothing' thev lace the Win tec. :i Riel Was a prophet, . half insane wbocontroliedjthem .by cu.iping. land rude eloauence. " He has : alwavs been tin balanced. " To-rTay he s com pletely demented: The government can'make another; . uprising,, irti possible ?i byt ?im prisoping Riel and , being justi tojthe scattered Metis. That" Is the short way, as it Is the honorable wby,' out 'of , the muddled si .'-ss sul i : . j .. a ' . i f Neuralgia, .rheumatism, erysipelas. tumors; swellings, sore r throat, . tooth ache and all other1 pains and: ' aches ' are promptly cured by ba!vation'a Oil fnce twenty-tSve cents, bold, every where. " , " ,! . , The Heijrtit ol Happiness the restoration of a woman after 13 year 8 of 'sickness to perfect health. Imagine; then, the joy of the family of Mrs.- ot Kingston.- N- Y . who had suffered for over, five years, f con sequent upon te diseases and weakness peculiar to females. She was'5 induced to try pr. .. Kennedy's 4Kavferite ' Rem edy.' After using only two bottles ' all her aflments disappeared, and she. says that she feels and considers herself in perfect health. f".- : , We ask farmers and those in need of a corn shelter . to examine) our stock and hear our low prices before buying aTAcoBi's Hdw. Depot. f MISCELLANEOUS ' One Experience of Many 1 'laviryr experienced a great' 'ifeal of .iaTrUDiesv irom maigestion.so mncn so that J came near losing my " My troubles always came alter eating any food . ... .. . However lUht' ( v 1. K: Aad dlgeattblev - i For two or. three hours at j.a time 1 had to go through thi jnosC. f "Excruciating pains, , V(fI n ,r!, ! -And the onlyfa? f ever $ of 'a ! Reliefr-i k .,; r, f--' i Was throwing up all my stomach contained ! ! No one can conceive the bains that I had to go through: until I lay tn bed and1; ; r. ! Could eat nothing!!! ' . , ; i I My sufferings werav so . that 17 called two doctors to give me something that Jvouldstop the paio.t , ' - . n; ;' I Theif;effbrU were nip good to me . At rast T heard a good deal v -t "Abootyour Hop Bitters ! - ? ,And detemineditOttrythem." ; . w .i t -Opt a bottleih (our houra I took the contents i i.as ,irwt nu ,i.nui ,v,.j.- iOnelll! M7:'41i, v-11 Next day I was out of bed. and ' have not seen a.j. i ? y ;,..;; -riv.it J Sick!" ". .. , .t-i:;f j tlottr, irbr4 the samo capse since.', :; , I have recommended It t to . hundreds of otbera- - Yon have no suth ' - . , ? 4Advocafe as I am M v :' Gxo. Kbndaix, Alston. Boston. Mass. k a A ra nalntt flan .1 j HP To permit yourjtolf and jfaoily tbU ' ' . ouneri " t i t . With sickness when it can be nreven Ud and cared o easily ; - With HopjBillersni :S9 Kane fennlna wtthmit k lrm Hopaoa the. whl labet Shun ail tha vile. polsoaooa stnit wltlfliopr' ot MHopM In waao?Jt i -oet.nim nswnrmtc Oysters Oy sto rs . Oyst e rsNV RECTI VINO DATtT 1JLRGB rONSIGN menU'of Fine Fat NEW RIVER OYF 1K&S, which-1 will denver .to ay Express Omco la worth or Brtith t atottna, at lowest possible mica - L Delivered ia any parr of the city free of fkca. mu wueraprompuycuea and quality Xi ran teed or money refunded. .sw:-ijj..ii ? j . t4 u. uuauui, Art .' ' !i.iii . f 4 aus emai rro&t st . J OCtS IHSCELLANEOUS. 1 ' a ... m I WW ' , - n Si, itiL-JLW Batkaraa, Heaaaeaa, Taaikaafea, prana,raMa aaaaucr UfiaiaaaadAeaaa. - TtfJfE CUMSF0CS j.taco-HfJii-w.jtcfe.ai. wio4tcrmn r, ,LnVt ?fl r!iFw 1 - tSAw fWtta at faa-wirarlaiaT snil laiai1aia-ai It m i. In id .i . mitl m e - w ' r i , d T Trie IT? f?X? O ; Tr lntrodofe - mja- vrx: ar.juiaaa them we will aire awav IDs 0 self operating Wasbln VA i'Cine. if jon; wanfjeae eendua yottr name; r. vr. and express office at once. J ikji U.)Hil,iiili . .ill .11 W'A NTS D An acfire , ra&n or woman. In ''ercrv tsonntv to sell onr srooda. Salarv 75 rer monthand exneoaeSi: or : eomaissten. ixpenresln advance Outfit free. For full psntcclara address' 8TKDABLX SILVEtt nov f d&w 4w , - . 1 DEAFNESS by one who was da'( J II weniy eijcoK years., .iTeaieajoyou i!aav of the pnteu soeclailsts of the day with. n oenent. 1 ixirea ' tttmsetr m inree n on ins. and since L then handpnisof others by came process. A. plain. Blmple and snccessf n home treatment , Ai(tre8S x. s. jrauic,iS 'Sast Sljtb st . New York City. , 4 , nov S 4wdAw j 1 - ; - -; " - kaV - a Parker's TohUSl ill-- it If you are wasting awav from atra.dlsslrja tVn or a'-y disease or weakness and require a almnlan tale .Parks a's Xoxie: at 'Oiicerit will Invigorate and build vou up from the first uuw .uut win iwTeriiwjuosHi a nss savcu hundreds of lives It may save yours. rv i nor a'- mscu-v & CO., New Tork. ? 1 I '!" a. -::a:i' vr.n u d uurauLiuw o n uticuii PMrjAEANTbrfc VBTH? KTBT Of Wltl mTsOtON will be enforced from . Mav 1st to Novemberls as fellow u w . niots wii bring all vessels from Porta south of Gape Fear, from all Mediterranean Ports j and all vessel which have fca&anv kindofeleki ness on board during tbe passage, or which have sickness on- arrival, to 'the Quarantine anchorage; and will cause a signal to beue$ In the main rigging on the port side, is soon as yusBj,Die axser erossmz: uie uar K ' J j tneiiar ' e.ni-. r apciai nonce win do issued to tne puotsj by the Quarantine Physician, to bring vessels from other ports tp the Quarantine Stalled whenever It shall appear , to the Quarantine Board that they are infected -or" fctrepected of being r. .-, -vr.,.! ? in-jml 1 So vessel ntuBt leave the Quarantine anchor! sm. or allow any person- steamer ortutrboati lighter, or.bdat of, any kind, to go. alongside, I unless, written antnontyirom the Quarah ! tine. Physician ; and, every vessel Jntist; be aj-i chored as far to the eastward 'of the channel asisconsiatentwiibHafety?,il rioqii ti&ww , Begulatlons governlngvessels while In Qnar-' atiilnA -may be had -on application at the office of the Quarantine Physician at Smithviilet ; AimTIcations for termlta to visit vessels In' Quarantine must be- made to Dr 1 Thomas F. ; Wood tr ur. Heo .'lhomaa, ana permits so obtained will he endorsed by ?thel Qaarahtlne physician, uinmi opinion, , it as '.proper ana safe to allow commanlcatlonwithsuch vessels. ,:-,A penalty of $i0 for each and every offence will be enforced against any .person vio 'aline any of the Quarantine Ueffnia' Ions of the Tort. Quarantine Phy lcian, I'or.t of: Tyumipglon,.s TH6S. T. WOOD, M. D. ) . . . .. , v:1 - i. vi i- V ConeXilfahta GEO. G. THOMAS, M.-.D. ),,.;', v.. .-, apl 28 2am em ri5 . - Mortgage Sale. THE UNDEBSIGNED, BY" VIRTUE OFJ the powers in a mortgage deed made to him by AJavld G. LcwU, the 1st January, 1SS1, and re coidedln tbe office ol the Register of 'Deeds of Brunswick county, the 8 h Jannary, ,ih&lf In Boos Z. or p pes 36tf isl and 362, nd'to satisfy the conditions of said mortgage deed, ill expose to public sil, tothe iitghest bl " -df r, at the Court Wouse door, In the t&whiof Smithvllle," Brunewi Mt county, at 12 o'clock, M , .on the 4tB ?iMveinberf 1885, tbe 1m -of land and tenements thereon, described ia aa'd mortgage, Ivtog -n ihe county or B' una wick, on the .Northwest side of Allen's Creek coni talolng 513 acres, more or lees, for a more par ticular description of 'which' refeience is made to said mortgage deed. Terms cash. r C. W McCLAMMT, oct220t ai ; n n f ti o,. Mortgagee. - nrst National Bahk bf Wilw v , i x mingtons - iAPlTALSTOCE SURPLUS FTJNTJ ....... $25C,0f 66,00; J i .t ssD jpodts recerved aad eollectlons : made '.: all; aooaible points tn the United Eta ter. a a'1 f'i DIRECTORS E. B. 2UREU3S . :-. . . Ji. I D.G.WORTH A. tCARTCR.' ,i y,j . . JAB. fiPKUEJ. 1 OBXSOlC CHADBOUBK." r i rc orTicxsai a. SL BURRgaa . President A, jc WALKER - r ' - caihier r v. a wvW i; ; r 4 tJ i' I aia w -J a g'.5 la fJoierc-kai 'u Earn I lilQa'O i! r S flMlli r v -n'.;.,'; ,t;uj iii ininfnj Lirrie: ft 'i...iU4&i.ti'-" 18Q0 v u . t " eU VJ o J i BEST QUAilTT. l l Ltb-Jil1 V.tiiii'fila. i?t FOB SAljR SEND ftOURWDKrti W 'sept -1 Purcol! Houce rpHOBOCGdLY RENOVATED- Flrat elasa accommodations. Kates reasana.hu n -v .,vv .o .y8TBa,r tox now "open. , Best. New River Oysters aer red on half shell.1 ' -;7 cell 3m B. L. PERRT; Propn ort m t m i. fit. Jrvu ' 6-irn --.ill i:fr"i wrcrttrrH LIICCSLLAITEOUS Iiew Yovli - u Winston 1- "! . srm it i - a -m SI i -1 LiLjULilk -. . :.v w.srv ifnki!. T.tT n. - Tsuir pijeu u. teiSTTSTvkii. new yobjo , 4 ' SkBJ V VA4aJh.ft & Sk . 1 " ' KKGDIiaTOR.V.........r Saturday, Oct. El fKJUtru-j'uu... ,...3arnraay, Joy KtGytTOnt.rv.n..--V,Saturdayr;cni 14 3JKSBrAjCTLlR-I.;..i.... Baturday.KoV 21 Ml t ' tTttOU IflLlliNQTOK 1 1 GULF STBEAM7.. ........ ..Friday. QctSO BENFACTOe-;.'. I wh:J .tFridajU ovi3 uirottgh.IUtea guaranteed to and from Points rTor Jrelghi or Passage appr tr3' 'i in NrrrtR inn HAntrt f 'jtmnni. ; , st , , . u. u. aMAiiiOMta. ftuperinteodent, . ,u ; ' Wilmington, N. U fi T1IEO. G.5 EGEK, Freight Agent. fJ WM.4PwCl.VfW r".: 'lm. arsnu, I H , ... ...rJ JOB '.Si. X 3 f ? tf- C. "" a," jt ' ... jtij I I '! I l I I a t 'M i ! I .li , I V ll I . MARKET STREET, KO. 112V. (U , TA! (3 rrfT til Vl j 25 COMPLM1E IN EVEBT 4Z,Z MjUWKA t O.FV--1 t iiuunu PROGItA&MES,CIRCTLARS;;pARl)S;,t TER-HEATJS? 1 BILL-IIEADS,' POSTERS, w ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS, .-!- JyTAq&LANttDEEDa;; ;iiJatu ,MORTQAGErEBS.SriERr ?lf rFFS', DEEDS, illYIL :WARR4I5T3 . ,;3 f STATE" WARRAJITS JTOTICES' TODG MENTS; cSTICES?. SXEfcUTlON CHATt TEL,MORTGAGES.&C.,,. .r .1--W Cl:! ..-J i--a-V.iteJii.V uai CiXL pN gSANg .OBArRIfJE BEJf pB -1.! .vtJ-w,.r ..-avl' rttvitw dUDiimi WILMINGTON, M. CU ii i .Cchi ;jfl ii io i05.mb Tt.Urt KM- Misses Btiri4 i&' Jaines,' PRINCIPALS. 7 . Mrs.' M.-iii iinahiTii? ., Atusicai ilcal Inatrnctrftfla. . 9" TVaf M M M m AS? TBE TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL SES,JW' .lrtJ CillltKi taoii f i . - rAS2G23.1IATlJUSTJEXPEZSISiai sion will commence on xuesd AT, Oct. 6th. Jematlc, each chUd receiving mdlvldulatteiv tloni The course of instructionlnclu?e Sing ing, Calisthenics, free-hand Drawing;' ah d? ob lectteachujg, without extra cbarga ; .paiat laa in ..OH, Water Colors and PasteT, -also. Cravoa Draw lesr taught at moderate charges , ! -On accounf of the unfinished state' of tbe Church, and the present necessary use of the School Hcuse la connection with be bnlldlna, the school will be opened and eon tinned Am-a. few weeks lathe Hall of the Hook & Ladder. UMnpPf y on Dock, between Third auil Fourth streets. Entrance in the rear of tha.buildliia at the East aide; For oartlenlani see Princi pals at30l Market street, or 224 No-, Third i' sept 15 ' ' - " : r- . .. HENEVER YOU ARE IN NEED Miilll . fw-'c 'corns nt see ns. bc; 1 tTe have tbe most complete establlsbmerit itf&e iclV?Sarryirffarge qualities of pape ork promptly Mftd 'afftractoHly and ! tft prices that we can live at." " y " 1 QJve ta yonr ordersv s r. til -ii i tiiw 3i t'Uai obUr nsrjT it; v J ,'at;i ! JUST, BECEJYEOJ BYTBXPJiESS lXIZIJ D ! BY4 EXPRESS i tali Iarglotai? day-anoibe JVIillinerv i i . ST 4 J autpBj tben H fall Hwriof : JESSSYB; alb eoL orSTne attenUorf of the Ikdcs is respectful .qftjs a-iU 4inm tiatow Yt: I ijirts?rt"i. T--f -".ibtl;l 5ict fill t I VoTlers' Bn .tdlnr! oDTja!!e4Kew tiihil its rtt i Thcheapcst -and best '- heatloi and coak atoyes can bo had tAcofefs Hdw. Depot. - .:a-; ;.: f f T I m uu rilnln-rton , j T7elfl 011 i- ..... Orit PatcdAcV3 Leave ivo . . c 1 ?on. .-1 i Ja 1. U. t a Tii- -Rockylfeuntl S 23 . tr j.f !v M. ive 1 arboro. I 4 b p. .-iri-- Ar, arrive 7 arboro. I 4 JUeare xarboro.I ll s -leave TTilson.. 4C5 P. U. 4 14 6 t4 : 'An. Goldsbora. Leave Warsaw. Leave Bariraw. Ar, Wilmington. IS8. 'aT t TRAINS GOING North. No; 47T Dairy ; -. - - v - Ko.4V Ballf lve Wllmlnrton 9 27 a iaiS'ju ,11 J7 v tlaan Bargaw.. i eave vnriw.. Arri'Kroldsuooi l eave WPson..: Ar.RocsyMoTjnt i2 i P.' at. A. u 1 57 M Arrive Tarboro r.fB im- lave Tarboro. A. M. Arrive Weld on 3CdJH!atT Halifax lor Scotland NPrV at an ternlng leaves Scotland Neck "at S.)l j !.lnS Nortkarlllatop st alliuti. Train No. 40 South will stop only at Goldsboro and Maimoiial f - i Fm .make class" eoimbetloa siw., SSLtSS1. Pf.North Dally. aS ST ' - - xccpt Sunday vtaBvr tf "conrQonforall niat. North via Rtohmoad and WaslaaSav .S XllUaln- run solid between Wirnrto, .1. Washtnsrton. aad have Puiir- - i v-Vr "1 era attacbei, - .r. Oilmiiisrtoiiv Cdinmbii Augusta Cii R; Co. to4 .niaj i . jfTff;r.tG tr- - a- . . . 4 ., t a . kk - 4 TR4XN3 GOING, SOUTH. f Noiaa ttmy- Nd.40,Danj Florence.. n't . A WaV v A 115 , '4 84 i "! 6 40 aumiep.,...J.v Colrfmb'a..,,... a s li ar BAA... T TRAINS GOING ORTlt t itPVVii Noi43'DaUy1 N. 47,Btllj Leave CoWmbla. Arrite.rmmter. Leave, Florence, Leave- Marlon... 1 9 M H w Leave L.,Wacw Ar. Vviimington.- 553 7 44 9 07 " Train 4S stops at all Stations. Nob. 4Sand 47ntni. nnitr c.n. vtllo. Laae WaccamawT'r; " Bluff l&EZ uvnchbnrcr. MftvpvlllA Nnm. nr. j .iV Ciridetf Jantftnanij TiastoverV sfcSrWm xoroiumb andallpolnt. on C Ct, n ii poinu beyond, should tar . J.1""!.??188' .Pnibnan Sleepers lor Augusta on this &abj.; -' -f s t SH10?? Sleepers tor Savsawh'on Train it -'All traidSruh solid hatwpjm i '.hrio JOHN F. DIVDrx,--f w General Superintendent" T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Arest , ng3 ,,v ... , . .,-r whiii.i .'i.i l ill t i . i:-' . ; it" . Carolina. Central !B;fBi 1 didd'l any . i r JDPIMffTXKDiaT.- 1 Wit ChanudT)fSchedu!e;f y'Awn:A'lrrrrrr Trrra nine wt. 1. 'Alii .!..: vi'm: -'ii.ir.. vi ". I r ? . DanT exeetSnadara, ? . v .) Leave Wilmington at.... -7.C0 T. M &0.2.I Lavelac:5hat..........;.7.55 r.H fT jArrjve at CbarlotteaU.7,'lt f T: V liavtj Charlottf .t..., S.15 F. gj a!a.Xl Arrive Raleigh at....;;.9.c a. 1 i J Arrive at Wiimingtoa af SJ a XOOAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Lt? itrfT4 iNAttaehey ; T t. s - Leave Charlotte at................ 7.40 A. f-j Arrive as Laurlaborg aL........ a45 r. V. Leave Laurlnburg at...M4..S.li A. a. Arrlveat Charlotte ' a. ............. MO F Leave Wiltaiagtoa at..;.. .ii.;... a. Arrive at XaurinburE aU.. .... 5.W f5 Leave Laurlnburg at..s.;;.;.'.;;.;.a50 A Arrlye at WUmlngtonat. MO P j J?aasCTrer Trains stop afcavaiilarsisdM duly, and pomU designated la the CQvnWi TtTsaSsIai - i2v- 'f , ,v' 8HSLEY piYISlOn.i PASSES GEX'M-tU r t. . SXPRESa AND FRER1BT. Ut'tU- L??? 1 Arrlva at f:hr "rr AillJir11, tlfji - c-r-r-- . . - ,, I Leave efcc!-..--. HSpsl' tg'M Arrive at c-irlotta..'..... Mpf ; Xlamletwlt&R. A A. Tralna to and from' MThrough SleeplnrCars betree,wRaferS8, Cad Charlotte and Bsleljaand Charlotte. TTake Train No. 1 fo5 Statesvllle, 8noai mn win Miyviin. ovuun "f rW. Cderal Taaseafer Alt" 4- I I T5 7lSF??i--'Ji aau rropritar, Aaaevuie, . v. nori xnEM&RlBU SIS . will cfSV ). f Lf 1 1 1 freedom all questions of pnbac f 1', in politics it win teach Ihraoaatiejr pure ans simpia '..nijiir0i ' It wiUUbor zealously, for the jggfiS- pur wno is eiaie.'ana ckpeaau v aresters ' bbment of the vnrlaol.rsouroi: ti- Jtorth Carolina. , ' .i-d loa it Mill liAiba Aletid of all RaUr" T. I is they are tfce frtenda cf the peop of ltf and dlgnliled rnasner, and brfriJi 0fan elnding from Its columns ev erytauB " clous i7',T,.wttPt I The TXtiBCNAla printed txomtt" " , a pew.and Improved Power Pfff; PeT Yer. SLfiO.lx aionihs.250, Three Afontas variably la adrance. , , t ... trac:3 coi2:g gtjtoT- i Wflmlf Ktona. :2oai.iu 10 Wp.i m Lake Waccawaw J 9 42 w . , ll 17 . Vfestsm C SB ArarSa and poiaa Also, for 8rartanbur?.,GreevUa, AU AtlanU aad all points bouthwest. j 4 r if 4 I

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