LI MISCELLANEOUS m r vflD COUGHS AND CROUP U8S TVE XT Hi Xji 3E3 1 3XT. AUTUraN LEAVKs rkfaj JhJ?iw int. I . biu . iiu w. jinn nAn " V A V n. mt ram. as nthercd from tr of tW alone the imll treama U th Soathara Stataa. a Minulatia xpeelornt prladpte that loose ,hf p!i:m pnwueiM u emnj wxjraia; Mara, b H1n. l ei t-V ch U w hr',w off i aroap ud -vwinr ")Ch. Then coaihiaed wits U fcrtiinc mad UfiB'HM prioipla la tM tnajlola plant of th oM flVHa, prt .t. in TTLna Canocm E km car 9wrr Go t,;uii he ooeat Kfwwn rmncuj tor CoacHa. Croaa, irK-ias-Co?h aal Uoi j aa4 -palatable; 2Se. a l. WALTER A. tATLOR. Atlsata. Gal I:rrh ija7 ua couont inuuh. For Bale bf ait drai." itar 27 mon wed eat ly tc urn V" ' , -Capital Prixe 375tOOOjCl Tickets only $5. Shares In pro portion. ... r J Louisiana Lottery Company; JF do her ay certify that moe 4 V -y- svzrvfstJk vrmgtntntt foraU the Monthly and m- iwmwu vrawtnffi of tm. Louisiana State Lot- try company, ana in person wtanagt and con trol Vn Drawing themlves, and that the tnnt are conducted with honesty, fairness, and n gooajatm towara au partus, anm we author ia the Company to use this certificate, with fao pnilu of mar signatures, tUlackttL im Us eutver ixnentt. ... , i t. . - ji V IrJ m nrst i If "d xia i? I A.-W.ffiGim of Faro. ; SPilttl.?anBl0 truth of jwbict 13 . ITCIi, JLHOnfl mnn ann-tini Jon about earns be t rc n Jnhn MnfHu -MH wo V0 wei.iampas gambler, i5?7 canning a game at Nol trpA ia I I M PVT.' a W A M L . . m.T k - Sl ofder gradaal York tny where the Hoffman Hos? . . i now standi: I waa coing homeaboal M-kJ1";; Te bol and boaah f f. J99 P' ni?cningwiet'J seeing a Of netlA) nnua tn a.UI. ll oriuo luere, ana prove Juat! who then will noiioa bach bygone thingi ? ye J?? 5riJio5ibe Is she nnt lurv la XU IDOSe Who Pn Irmlr for get? ye'iy.opasQ.nursaihe-.yiolfit : I hnrt iK wuuiu gu up lor a lew minutes and 4eo wuai. was going; oo. 1 - is f I II found obly abouthilf,1 aleti men there, the rest looking nif . whiio Wri and Morrissey were playing faro. About tDe lim I came in the came stoDDed ana Wood was S&2.C00 winner. The company .took aUew-drinka. afod, alter! some talk. -Mofrfsaey said to AVond: can double - thai 62,000 or lose forward and Ton u tv un cowslips fair her fragrant fields 1 "All right." said Wood' Get be- T a - V t v n ' 1 mna ine 13018 aort Pve me 62 chips Anci Crjclfed . Wtterflies representing $ 1,00 each, , and Til. go And hfe look, larger, as each lengthen Wood to play; against the ban? At JJl? a.L L ftrst Wood'slBCk seemed to have tura- Lxqjitft haJL2)e jouth Xarever.-aHd-ih 33 chins left. roDrescntW non . ,aY . f w I . fc - - . w . m w iraV. thll nnilt ha mada im (.;. . - i Hia-bearted Summer with her nnm nn I the whole of this Sum nnnn a dinlo f i A c rarn. x nere were only three cards left in the box the tray, eight and six spot. Wood placed his $33,000 on the eight; it was the largest bet ever made in this country over a gatnbling ta ble. Morrissey drew the fatal cards In w In nf a A ft. - T wmwaw. iiuLLDi i j I I ll I r ." nn n (v I wnv I 1 w a a l Km lite the warmth ot that hftrhrim umnM nA wr f ACurr:tuckV3et 5m' 7, one :3jc. Deeemt ar 51 g one week: fYZJiXs Washl&2totli-3ctobr fesXnk wii-. is near. Yes; soul that meditates and but the grieves. Andfnarda tho niwinno m And feels that neither joy nor loveliness I can last- Is $62,000 ! nothing. - CommlMloners. lncorjoratol la 1S68 for 25 yean by the lej to'jturefor KUucattonal and Charitable pur poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to wiuch a rwerve fund of over $550,000 has tlnee been added. By an overwhelming popnlai Tote ltsfran December 2d. A. D..1S79. ebfse was made apart of the present State wnsutution adopted The only Lottery ever voted on and endorted 't the people of any State. - x It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take lice monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TQ WIN A f)RTUNK. Eleventh Grand Drawing, Class L, In th Jkci&my of Music, New Orleans. Tuwaay, xsovcmDer jo, ist;tn Jklonthlj Dnwlnir. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at FiveOoI- iars Kacli. Fractions in Fifths tn proportion. r LIST OP PRIZES. the "saab is "broken" and tliA U at an end.- . t hall To the scared- bird, whrnu wf.n wearied winer Shot through it once, and came not back at all. t u Foor, shrunken soul! She knows her fatt too well; r . ToesnrelvaheMn fAii - That each most delicate jtoy.her fancy And she herself, and what aha and knew. Shall soon lie low. lorgotten and de caved, ! 1 Like Autumn leaves. . ... , rEvery Other, Saturday.. A Mes8ace by Mr. Lincoln that , . wm Never Bent. I Hob. John Usher,, of Lawrence, "i " ucui ciai v or me inia-i . . nQTfliadeJresident Uflcoq,!wjitei'ib lI11 new dVsc?vc St J the Leoia-Globe-Demofcrat' in refe Co.h Cur? contains ence to a message , said o have been prepared by Mr. Lincoln on his return from the Hampton Roads conference. Febuary. 18C5: "Soon after his (Lin coln's) return from the Jamesriver the cabinet was convened, and he read to it for approval a messages blob'her h"4d prepared to be submitted to Congress, in which he recommended that Con gress appropriate $300,000,000, tj be apportioned among the Several States in proportion 10 slave population, to back: AU and held ktneir breath. Tha. turn - camRitniv ei&bWr&LMoQdp&ped fn $33tfdo in onrfbanl, VThUVeauIt of thii ttrrrn gave Wood SO6.0C0. The luck changed frnm that point and Morrissev war snnn cleaned out.. When tha he handed Wood a check for $80.000 1 civil causes only. ' auu uuiD aw miny aays ior tne re mainder the $124.O0 he owed him astheresHltofthatnleht'sDlav. Th sort of game I have just described is called aVsnapor.Vfrceze-out." It is usuauy played by only two men, each of whom puts up an equal amount of money, iyvhen either rfc, cleaned out i December IC one weekTrf 7T f wrekvi ! Daj-e November 9. one; week I HydeNovember 16. one week:i I ramllCO November 2 nna tceJ I Beaufort November 3a, two weeks. BBCOND DISTRICT JU DGK PBUXIPS. , Warren September 21. two weeks. -tj vw vcwoera,iwo weeks. ffd5?TbbrPctrbprL ' SHNovember 2 two weeks.! Halifax November 16, two weeks, THIRD DISTRICT JUDGE r-. I rranklin Anrast IT hno . va. vembezl6,one,weok,i j M , ' i Martin SeDtemW1 V irLi,J. i wa ill WttUDW auu jsu cases only. . ; t -.: n . Pitt September 21, two weeks i Vance October 19; two weeki:-' nson November 2, two weeks. I ixasn November 23, two Week?: FOURTH DISTRICT V A T.T.Tfmr !i: The fall courts of the fourth district, uuuiposeu oi v axe, Harnett, Johnston and Wayne, will be held as follows un- ueruienew act: ; ?n : -t-.iji Wake July 13. to hold twn wf.i criminal causes only.irAnffnsttU hold two weeks; civil causes only. Sep tember 28. two weeks nriminail irwni npr Vr I hrea nraoVai o;.:! i Wayne-pJnlyST.-two nreeKrf; civil and criminal. September ,;H,,5 twJ nwaa,uiuuauses. iAJcODer la, weea; civil causes only. Harnett August 10 u auu criminal. ;1. t whoratoStalr:iri fordex Wxhe? pricea &rtf Ho duoed BAGOTNi. Standards uvtuiuuvuna . 5?!! wkt.eatks.-;.. : 175 S i VW"--"--"-.- l"cY i fes uuMnajk, rr . 91 -fwr.o, . X IM1 8 . . - i 1. - : The pes Newspaper in America, hMost; Readable. , Agent wanted everywhere to earn money in distnbVjngthe Sun's Pre- BRICKS, fll. BUTTKR, -t ft North CiwMti - orthrn.... CANDLES, is K 8nerm.-.lJ'- ,0 9 a ft t S into - ft V. CORN MKAL: V bqLln COTTON TlH yuad5S 1 DOMXSTICS VT cf , 1 o u 11 a .15 4 V r DolfCSTlCS aeeu5,4, r yd.i.i.. sua -.w'm KO. 1, bbl.i.....l8 00 O20 00 . liuUetS. Pfrk- KK1. . i X DbSPi1'-- 3 00 a 1 00 The most Interesting and advanta geous offerreYermad by anyTJsw. thinI - for in.;. . Beaatifal SshstiiUil Prendnms ia Standard Gold and etherWatches.TaluaWe Booksthe Beat Family Sewing ITsnhine taoTO to Ihatrade,5 sad aa nncoraaed list SilM'' P6 fiaadiy) 00 eM.hJ. Month (without Sanda,) .50 SJJJJ0AY, per Year . . . 1 00 WEEKLY, per -Year . . 1 00 -; keints, THE SU5, New lork aty. . nov2 HdAes in-North Carolina. WEB.TIL3ZRB&, r a.oooaa"" ' d PeruYlan Guano, No. 1 ia - MM Quel 00 tffinn m No. 2 Xft r mi trMOV''-....00 00 O40 00 . 0nlv 20 Hours Bide from - Now York I aa one : weeyr kJE'S'-v-:oosg5?ffi, 69IIiIesSoutIi ofBaleigh No- No! Answers to Correspondents.! ,W, H. S.-Your sageestion is excel lent. . There really ought to be more care exercised in the sale of Doisions. discovery, Bed Star no Doison or upuiies, nu can tnerciore oe civen with safety, even to infants. It effecte a uiusi, wouuenui cure in eveiy case, and costs only twenty-five cents a bol- tie. " A Cold spell ic-e. Dansrer Ahead ! There is danger ahead for you' if ybu neglect the warnings which nature is giving you of the approach of the fpli be distributed to the holders or slaves destroyer consumptien. Night-sweats, December 14, one week. civil and criminal. rirrn dirtrict-jitdgb gilmeb! ; urange Angust 10, one week; No- vemDer , one wees:. , Cas wen August 17, one week : vember 16, one week. Person August 24 , one week cujuefi, one wees. , Guillord August 31, two weeks ;De voiuuer i4f two weeKS. , v . , -4 Granville September 14, two weeks : November 30, two weeks. Alamance September 28, one week. Chatham October 5, two weeks. Durham October 19. two weeks. f SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCKOT. ..v Jones August 7, one week: No vembers, one week. Lenoir August 34, two weeks: No vember 16, two weeks, Dualin September 7. onft wftpfe- No vember 30, two weeks. Pender September 14, one week. New Hanovei September 28, two weeks, for civil causes. oampson October 12, two weeks: it AxeelleiiM fitt iT. )Z rrencn'a c&rtna t t M orUwra Supa.. atyJaiastotra..i;C3C.";ri' Q&AIN, r buihet- ai trom a tore, bajza, wilts . Corn, cargxf In bulk, white.. Corn, cargo. In bags, white.. Corn, cargo, mixed. In bags.. vaia, uvn OHi,iMi,Mt SS 8fi0 0 00 a 73 4 75 6 00 e eo 8 79 60 9 75 ; 73 70 060 00 O 760 O?0 . O'l OCT 0 4 00 OS 25 O 7 00 O 5C oeoo or sale on Four acres for f3 T 6 or .saie on 'easy lots to suit purchasers. ments or tio. t h i a i n H At zii . r. P HIDES. Vis-. wrecn Drr BAT. r 100 ft- Kastera,9.'.u...M.J... o 0 O 0 o : 60 V u 00 A 72 75 6 0 11. 0 1314 I ab1 0i 2s is 0125 75 0 80 I 00 1 Capital Prlxa 1 capital Fitze 1 Capital Prize 2 Prizes of $6,000...'. 5 Prizes of 2,000 lorrizes of 1,000 M Prizes of 500 100 Prfiea of 200 W Prizes of 100 500 Prizes of 60 1000 Prizes of 25... APPROXIMATION FRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 9 t tut MA. 75,000 25,000 10.00C 12.00C 10)00 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 za,ooo in those States upon condition that they would consent to the abolition of slav ery and the disbanding of the insurgent army, and would 'acknowledge unrl 8ub.jjit.lo the laws of the United States. The members of the cabinet were aTl opposed. He seemed somewhat sur prised at that and asked : "How long will the war last?" No one answered but he soon said. 'A hundred days. Well, we are now spending ia carrying on the war 3,000,000 a day, which will amountito all this' money besides all the lives.1 With a deep sisk he added But vcu are all opposedto me and I will not tend the message,"' spitting ot blood, loss of aDDetite- these Carteret October 26. one wnoir symptoms have a terrible meaning. Onslow -November 9, one week; lOU Can be O.Iired if von rrt nnt nr.i'f SKVKVrTT.TVrWTTJTT Trmnn until it is too late7 Dr;PiereBV:Goid- Cumberlard-JulV wrSnTwSK keSSSS- .7 VP vuoa, m anas..... Western.. ............ nortn JUvnr UUOP pROJi, r ft LAED.r lb wortnern.... - North CaroBna........ . t nm as, . ???U t pazm i 40 onlp stuff, resawed, 00 BpuxhEdfe Plank... ..15 00 WeatDidlaCarcoefl.&iwMfii to quality J. ..11 00 Pi? Xfoortog, seasoned.. 18 00 fH0 en Aiedical Discovery," the greatest vember 9, one week, for criminal causes uiuuu-puuner Known, win restore your u.u1.j; ovemoer it, two weeks, for as a nutritive, it is tar su lost health. penor to cod liver oil. All druggists. Iowa has five women lawyers and one huidred and twenty-two women physicians. civil causes Columbus August 3, one weak. Moore Aucust 17. two wonb-a Ta. i . . , ' " ucLuuer , iwo weeKS. In. KK1. PortO Rico, in buds. 0 " " In bbls sug ar House, in hhds " lnnbla. 1'. BVTUp, U DDIS..... 28 2J 28 iO IS 29 40 Svrup. v Robeson Anmst 31 f r . n iJiL-cut.l0d basis.. to ' A remarkably handseme woman is said to bathe moving spirit in a phil antbropical. movement in Russia to supply tne poor of the country with Dr. Bull's CouehSvruD. tha ay ior cougns ana, colds. . Kind Words for a Good Thin&r. Dr. David Kennedy. My wife has used vour Favorite Remedy"4for Gen eral Debility and Liver Complaint, and is getting strong and well. I can ceeer fully recommend its use in every family as a family medicine Yours with gratitude. WM. LUNDY, Baltimore, Md. 9 250. C.750 4,500 l.7 PrUes, amounting to... $265,500 t??llcjltl011 for rates to oMba should be made D7 to the office of the Company In New Or . . - - i i r ; t i wro''Ftherhifonaatlon, write clearly, gt ; tuU address. POSTAX NOTES, Express ooey Orders, or New York Exchana in or- wy tetter. Currencv br Sxsress rail rtmu Some WeatiierSlffns. Cats The cardinal point to which a cat turos and washes her face after a rain shows the directioa from whicq the wind will tjlow. Cats with their tails up and hair apparently, electrified indicate approaching wind. If sparks are seen' Whdtf .stroking a I cat's ' back, expect- a cnange ot weather soon S.2iS? iY?i? ".s'Sri te - rjjnv . . ftew Orleans, ia. i : - ..v., v.,, . tiJcTT m wi a. dauphin. .1-. -Iter. Washington, D.G. wio- Buzzards A solitary turkey buzzard f 4!it.lii):.u. i t - r J W 1 n a if' ai ,. i'l 2 iuuiuaiea uiii. Duzzaras lue r. 0. Aam OraVra rivibli andlxK-lflyiDa hich indicate fair weather. rM(...l t.i 1 i " 5 I . Crows One crow flying alone is a os affbtered Ulters t i Uisn of foul weather: but if crows flv in pairs, expect d no, weather. Quarterly Meetings, The following arc the Presidinc El- I der's appointments for the Wilmington msincc oi me m. n. Uhurch. South Appointments for the fourth round: Topsail Circuit, at Rockv Pninf November 7th and 8th. Bruiswick Circuit, at Shallotte Camp, November Hth and 15th. , , vvilmington. Front Street, Novem ber 21s and 22afd. Si I J. . VyAllUA W AI, L . 111. ORLEANS NATI01AL BAHK. MSW UBLKAKS. LA. OR 'HIIIAMA RATIONAL BANK, ITTE NATIONAL BANK, ttmmm New Orleajts, La- tlmm NATIONAL BANI, saW Okleavs. La. -SIB UAw ..... , - The Secret of Living. Scovill's Saksapkiua., of Blooi and mvek Stkup. will cure Scrofulous Taint. Rheumatism. White Swellinff. Geese If ' the 'breastbone of a froose !ut- Goitre, Consumption. Bronchitis, is red or has spots; expect ,a' obld and Nervous Debility. Malaria, and all stormy winter; but it only a few spots diseases arising from an impure condi are visible the winter will be mild. If tln f the blood. ' Certificates can be domestic geese walk east and flv west Presented , from - many leading physi expect cold wiathex. u When geese or cians, ministers, and heads of families docks stand on one leir exDect cold throghqnt thQ land; endorsfng It in he weather. - - i higuest terms. Wer are cofistanlly Tin ikuusiers tYoen tne roosters -co t , " w MORE EYE-GLASSES. SKStiS, bed lhey wi riso with . Spiders,When they are seen crawl in? on the walls marri (thani usual iri- dicatoe that rain will urohahlv. ensue. ! this prognostic1 sewora fails. It has been observed for many years, particus larly in winter, but mora or Ipsa nt nil ouskb, ktb oerore rata; ana i are, loereiore, more easily killed. Electricity Increasing atmospheric l"SALVEs "?.f01?n8. nitc acid, which afiecU inn jw, uiua accounting ior souring ot milk by thunder. MITCHELL'S EYI EYES. 4 Attain, Sale and Effectlva Remedy for HE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, facing LonsSixhtednass, and Be- Tear Drooa. Granulation. 8tre Tumin aueu AJV I alanwB, m. uclng Quick BeUef and Perm- '0. - .. . . . - - .... w1, such aa Ulcera, Ferer 8ores. Tn- . '. a.i t iu t mi - uicuu. jmltob, ruca. wr WUCJXTCI receipt of certificates of cures from the most reliable sources, ansl we recom mend it as the best known remedy for the cure of the above. diseases. n -i i , , . , ; Advioe to Mothers. Mks. Winslow's Soothing Sykup sboald always be used when children are cutting teeth. It reliefer the little;on(cef .Ujproducas aatural, quiet sleeo by relieving the child from pain, and the. little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very oleas- ant to taste. It soothes the child, soft ens toe gams, auays an pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for diarrhea. tober 12, two weeks. Anson September 14. one wftV. fi.r criminal causes; November 30, one week, for civil causes. Brunswick September 21, one week.' Richmond September 28, two weeks : December 21, one week. , Bladen October 26, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTOTCT -JUDGE i : a ' Iredell August 10, two weeks No vember 9, two weeks.. ; 3 . -1 Rowan August 24. two wwta . Mn. vember 23, two weeks. Davidson SeDtember 7. December7, one week. Randolph September 21, two weeks. Montgomery October 5 two weeks. Stanley November 19. two weeks. . -aoarrus JNovember 2, one week; for criminal ; cases and no jury civil cases . t . - - -. . . ., . ; NINTH DISTBICT JUDGE GRAVES. Rockingham July 27, two weeks; November 9 ; one week. Stokes AUguEt 10, two weeks; No vember 16, one week; Surry August 24, two weeks: No vember 23, one week. Aiiegnany September 7, one week. Wilkes September 14. two -weeks. ' ; Yadkin September 28, two weeks. Davie October 12, two weeks. Forsyth October 26, two weeks.' ' TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE ADVERT. ; Henderson July 20, thrte weeks. Burke August 10. two weeks. Ashe August 24, one week, ;f I Watauga August 31, one week. -Caldwell September 7, one week: -w Mitchell September 14, two weeks. Yancey September 28. two weeks. mcisoweii uctober 12 two weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHtPPV Alexander July 27;bne week, 4- 4 4 Catawba Augusts, one week. Cleveland August 10, two weeks: October 26, one week. Mecklenburg August ' 3i; three weeks, civil cases only. . - , : i , Union September 21, two weeks. Lincoln October 5, one week. ' ' A Gaston October 12 two weeks. Rutherford No vem ber 2, two weeks. Polk November 16, one week: XWfiLriu U13TKICT JTTTK3TC fllHWrR Madison August 3, two weeks: No- ELerosene. Lard ... LlxBeed Rosin....... Deck and Spar..., POULTRY : Chickens, Dve, grown... .... s - Spring Turkeys.. ....... PEANUTSr bushel........ POTATOES, bnahel- Sweet.. ......... Irish, r bbl....M........ii... PORK,ebnl Cm Mess.........M..MM....i3 00 , Prune.. .....12 00 &ump....... is 00 11 10 90 90 00 00 .2) 10 75 1 00 . 50 1 75 0 0 030 016 018 022 01S 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 z 0 0 0 0 10 ern Pines- a ntlFtablledHhJl1nU la' the deTi of th .W" found. Ihlalti th .1. J-r climate be he settled in No CalSa! TMsu' S onafide offer, and Is limited 8 w runner particulars write at once to .ConiWrofl janati ' Chcleo. Cape Fear & Yadltlii Val ley Bail way Co. Condensed Time Table No.12 (0 30 30 83 nnO TAKE EFFECT AT 3:00 A. M., MON DAY, June 22, 1885: TRAIN NORTH. Arrive. BennettsvtllA tte2Hef " 9 -30 a. m. SaYffii.V.V 132-oo5?:m: ,u ;;;;;;; fg ytj 5.25 I Green boro 35 25 6.45 ayettevlllc. Leave. &00 a. m. 9.50 Loo p. m 3.10 4.30 5.30 0 0 2 25, RICE Carolina. &.... ttougn, r bushel RAGS, r Ib--Country.... ny................ ROPE, v tb........... SAA.T, T sack. Alum. Laverpooi... Lisbon....;. ;' American. suGARjjr Ib-Caba. i'orio Jtuoo...... A Coffee. 5 0 95 0 140 ,10 oo a 0 o o 000 oo 00 00 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 .104,0 0.0 C Ex C -v. unutTU. .A.. ............ ...... ftOAPijf ftV-Northern v&UNUAJGS, 7 in. fH.'.;;;..... .10 50 Common.... .................. 2 eo , oypreas-saps 50 STAVES, r M-W. 0. Barrel..l200 - R. O. Hogsheal........'......O0 00 TALLOW. 4T ft. -iT 1 "E.,r U feetrUpphi,13 00- oil 00 l ympTr"-.......11 25 015 00 ? Slu 5-","-""--- T 50 O 8 50 MRi F air. ... . ........... ..... e 000 6 50 Inferior to OnUnary. 0 00 o 4 00 WiOTirl-rforUusrn..l00 O i 00 ' North Carolina;.....; 1 oo 0 n WOOL, f BH-Waahsd... 1 Ls-l gnwaehed. . ..... ...... is 20 10 a is en 75 85 00 75 00 .1 Qreonsboro... Libertv Ore Hil l Sanford "." Farcttevlll " Shoe Heel ijcnncttsvllle. Dinner at TRAIN SOUTH. Arrive. a. m. .11.00 .11.55 1.20 p. m. . 3.50 . 6 25 8.15 Leave. , 9.50 a. m 11.05 12 so 1.40 p. m. 4.00 1 6.40 Wnncr at Sanfnnl i- When You Ride. QAU, ON. WJUTE 01 TKLBPHOHl! TO ovum I 11 6U 0x1 uu 0 S 00 0 5 00 0 7 60 018 00 010 00 0 "6 will get good horses and vehicles and carefuf drivers. We try to please " always. , Horses boarded by the day, week or month. , We respectfully solicit the attention ot the public to our facilities. t-..t!Iw,rirOBO Bfl ttandla tat torethei touyasflerer ; lS;3toveof Hardware; Paints, f Gaoh, Blinds, -las?; 'v -.f , 1 Doors, r 1 LAmp wices: I nrViaf Viov . n . - ia.: .1 . ' l 11 tJrj,,..TT.. nT!f It f cci-r.aiiw :. J 6 dwd&wly December 7, two weeks. ' tol,.4Jf'n8j & .iwvw iuv. puliu lUIIWUUlUE IB tOO I , TTSMT nnitt nervous Aeoiittated Men wees. if tfc.. ' " . ' -M--: .... . : ' j -ot-ptemoer v, one wrtv 1 n sirviiiiii sa ni sblw a i tsrAAr -r WbCffl?adSPS lhfir Tore allowea And in their sockets oilv hnhh. danon voitaic ueiiwitn Jbiectnc Suspensory ,uY,;,wwrj'. 0b weer. rv.. . .- . APPuauces. ior the smedv mlipf hri vJ ?-woer ia. one week.?, is a o i . L- l r". i wuauier. vvnea corns ache raid F Ration exists, M1TCULLS SALVE J Fx)gS An pasv splitting loz a. U V M II 1S1 fw mwm a nr SPB) mr AW VT aa r-- . ...c. . ,v,.-.-. . miik makes cream most frl j ivlrh Mi-;-: u"; Oats; Call and examine our com- Hit- plete stock -and Low 'Prices i i cfca loiiows. r v''-ru.isiA cw"lkj:i 1 oim-mi; cc", s rjj 1 - ' i wui UiOMUOv iUUJ ULtihB , lrnrMlnti t I m ' g"issssasBssMBsssMsMMssssMssssMM 1 ff?: sportsman's, Goods 1 r,Vl, ? f 4 tl I L,INl ASSORTMENT OF RREECH ivL0?8 A,mDnniifcm of all kinds, Ee- . mo arMi iook lonvu our tin. the corernor of i A An .Ka Vi . m ' 5i5 lhe combined WM. E. SPRINGER CO.. i. 21 a Market btreet, Wilmington, N. C. north winil. - Rbeamatle diseases' lhereforo the moon, -a i j - uuuus, Pale i n her amer. washa a.11' f Ka l r That rhenroattc diseases do aboupd. Wo have a larco lot of rlaas ior Hot houses which we are offering low. Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. f i it 1" to health, .vigor and manhood : a gentsl libmt riwitfum. - lUed. No risk is incurred. Illnstiai hT?5.? pamphlet.' with full' information. I gnM . r"T.?'." ptacea nnoer um Doister or tras. etc ru ailed free by addressing SSS oltaic Belt Co.. Marshall. Mich. - rdeanTst9k: . i - t , w m W Ijfi ads attention asd ' ' . . , ( 6S0O sold mkacm ' ti . ,--..' tb firaw aaUjM hn Wr mttm Ukl nm.i I. 1 mate from to C&dO day. Frai attontiitii Mil - - . . vr 6&000 aold Mnea 1 How to rn&L-A hums hartav T)n I m.:r73 . . , rrj . miv cku i w f vu uuim. - , OieUooookstbte from Jacobi's Hdw. Ifl . 3 Aepot. ioranably boy: tedcedto b HiffSil Dej sure-ta bti WeITIiol LJACOBI. T. A. our Bam. Iblai... J , i re ezpreas and P. O. addr.aa may 18 6m eod.dAw -" 'i t . n u. v Kick Out Civil Service 1 ALWAYS READABLE f X. jur; i 4-ri ...'it S -i . S 1m 10 So. Front St. Pomeroyfs Democrat I ; ' UABK pomerot.! t ocU tf 234 Broadway. Wew York cVty t The Landmark, pUBLISHED AT STATES VILLBJ," Iwlall ounty.3ff, cVl4 the leadln w.-i,' western north Caronna. rS5S?i SP"?. ?Pe? pubnsbed - per ey- hexetofore imbllsbed in JKJK-U-- latlnw i i. thl f5mJlr,pl',,y,-DC'alnr clrcu- CoSa!dAddf mcdIani ta We8tera LyNDUARK, Statcsv11Ie,N. C. oct 12 UAw Ira se?t2S

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