. I : --. . -- IFWS Absolutely Pure. TJiIi 'powder' nivcr vailcs A jaarvelof parity, strength -anl w!Klcotncnc. -lore orun .mlcal than the ordinary klr.tl, and can not 1 Bold In compctUWiv wub ilc multitude 1. inst l)inrf i-cirht 111 m OT Il'.lftth!tte iowltrs. !tod only ia cans. FovAi. Hakibo Powder . iui wan rt. 1. oct ?r, d Aw lylcnrinlthn The Daily Review- 6ona uie circulation, of any newspaper vublisJied. in the city of Wilmington. t FRIDAY. NOVEMBER (. '85. HTA'l'K NEWS' , Goldsboro Messenger-. ' The many friends ol Judge McKoy will learn with pain that sickness prevented him from presiding Jcoes Superior Court this week. The Judft came here.iYom Carteret on Saturday quite unwell, and had to subjec himself to a surgical od eration. which was performed by Dr. J. D. Spicer. He left for hi home on Monday, in hopes that he would be strong enough to preside at Onslow Court next week. Laurinburg Exchanqe: With ap petites sharpened for iresh oysters, a crowd of gay young men gathered at the residence ot Prof. W. G. Quaken bnsh last Tuesday nieht for the purpose ofeDjoying ou oyster supper. After going out to see to their preparati in, he returned to the crowd and expressed his sorrow at discovering they were not Sound oysters. What a blow to their gay spirits! But with a kindness peculiar to his good humor, the Profes sor finally relieved their depressed spirits by stating that, though they were not Sound j oysters, they were New River oysteis.wuieh were equally as gcod. Home.: Our county fi nances are in a healthy condition. Our own citizens have bought bonds on the county just issued to the aniouut ot go 800. -Dr. Kirkuiau died at his home in Smithfield on the 30th of Oc tober, of typhoid fever. Dr. Kirkman was a nat've of Chatham and a brother of Dr. J. C. Kirkman. of Alt. Vernon Springs. He bad many Iriends in the county who will deeply mourn his death. On the 23 J ot October two shad were caugbl at Bland's mill on Haw River, and another on the 25th. This is the earliest catch we have heard of, and leadVus to hope that the incom ing season will give us many a pleas ant meal of savory shad. Charlotte Observer: The firm of Jones, McCubbins Co , dealers in dry goods and general merchandise, in Salisbury, made an assignment last Tuesday night. Mr. S. fl Wiley is the assignee. In their schedule ot pre ferred creditors are llurs?. Parnell & Co.. and their home creditors. This failure, we are intormed, has been an ticipated. The amount of the iirm's liabilities, a well as assets, are not kuown at the present time The Houston Thompson Eluctrie Light Co. has arranged through its agent, Mr Wni. C Maxwell, to esiabrsh the electric light in Charlotte, and promise that the system will be perlVcU'd and in thorough working order by the eaily part of next Summer. It is proposed by the companv to put up street lights in connection with the sS em U r indoor illumination and to c unptte with the gas company. No aid wiil be asked of the city, the company merely desiring the privilege to establish the plant. Shelby A urora: The Massachusetts & Southern Construction Co. have made and signed a contract to gral the road from Second Broad River to west bank of Beaver Dam inCeveland. These contrats. when performed, wili grade from 'Uutherto.nl ton to within six miles ot Shelby. .The' railway dis tance'fromShelby toRuthertordton is 29 miles, oy public road 2j miles. Tho engineers of the Carolina Central have located and surveyed the routq to Piney Ridge, distant twelve aiile from Shelby, and have returned to Shelby. Their mission is pertormed and they are awaiting farther orders.; We trust that Burke will vote $50,000 to the Cranberry route and that a survey from Shelby will .begin next month. .We seo tnrongh a gass darkly' when wo examine our railroad schemes, but trust that next month wo will better comprehend ;the situation. Mr. Henry Warlick, living in No 8 township, has a pig that weighs 700 . pounds, , It i a faotR inrhe&lon from tail to nose. w w w - m and 6 feet 4 inches around,. height at fore-shoulders 2 feet 10 inches, at hams 3 feet 4 inches, ears ? .inches broad, width across the shoulders 2 feet and 2 inches, across the hams 2 leet. The pi is so lat that the eyes are now near ly closed. Mr John Warlick - of the same neighborhood also has a pig of Jersey stock that is 3 ieet long, 3 leet wide and 2 feet high.. It scarcely has any legs, so that be sits ween he stands, and lies down when he gets up. When the pig gels on bis back he vibrates his feet in the air until the mistress calls for aid to turn him "right side up with care." The pig weighs 300 pounds. Chatham Record'. Daring the war Air. Winship Upchurch. a son of Mr. Sims Upchurch, of this county, was captured by the Federal troops and carried to a Northern prison, and did not return home until last week. Alter i . . -i i - the war closed he went out West, bat for several years past be-trts lived "Hat the Sandwich Islands ,from which far distant place he has returned to his 1 1 home on a short 4 visit. rOo I Tuesday ma cotton lactory of the By nam Manufacturing Company was sold at this place, at public .auction, and was bid off by.a com mitten repre senting the creditors, for $47.000. 'This snirj is about one-half of the original cost of the property, and was bid by the creditors to savo it Irom being soid at too great a sacrifice. We understand that it is not the intention of the pur chasers to operate the factory at least for the present but to hold it until it can be sold tor something like it value. Golds t.. ro Argus: Tne State Board of Pharmacy, consist fog of W. H. Green, of Wilraimtu n E H Mead ows, of Newbern. and Win. Simpson, of Raleigh, were in session in this city yesterday and the day before for the examination of applicants lor license to practice pharmacy. The Board com pleted its work yesterday morning. There were seven candidates lor exam ination ; tour pased. The per cent, is greater this year than it was one year ago. Last year there were eleven can didates and only three passed. Durham Plant: It is a rare thing to find a Jew in jail or in a penitentiary, and rarer still that they are ever hang. iut one named (iordison (so he gave it himseif. though the Danville UegisUr puts it Abrarus) hung himself in the Yanceyvillojail lat Sunday morning. He was jailed the dy before on charge of robbing a peddler named Nathanson be was with of $85.50. Gordison or Abrams was a young man just 21. He was a higher type of Jew than - the peddler, Nathanson. When arrested he cursed the peddler to his face telling nim be' knew what he took" his money for. 'He said ho was- employed by Nathanson. had been with him all the i summer ana ne nau never Daid him a cent, and he took the money because he consider ed that it belonged to him. When they placed him in jail it completely over oowered him. He said to Mr. Collins who is painting the court house. "Oh! I can't stand it! I can't, stand it!" Collins trold him to brace up; but it did no good. The next morning he was found swinging in his cell. . He had used & strap that he wore around his waist. His foot was nearly touching the floor, and his arms folded light to his breast in grim determination to die; tor he could easily have reached op and prevented his death. Friends in Dan ville had the body taken there and buried in the Jewish cemetery. Who knows but his blood is on that peddler's head at last lor refusing him his honest dues? ' M'OLELLAN-UL.YDE. London Discovers a Kelatiou Hhfp Between Two Heroes. ( Herald Cablegram) The St. James Gazette sajs in an editorial: It is not generally known that General McCleilan was a secund couin of Lord Clyde's only sister, Miss Alicia Campbell, who expired suddenly and istnstate in December, 1803. General McCleilan and Mr. Peter Steward Macliver. M. P. for Plymouth, :i3 next of kin. claimed and succeeded to the entire fortune of that lady, which comprised the moiety of the large resi due of Lord Clyde's estate. His Lord ship who sympathized deeply with the Confederate cause, was not aware of his blood relationship to General McCleilan, whose military strategy he uusparinglv criticised and condemned. "Miss Campbell was also unac quainted with the two gentlemen who, through her delay in making a will, became her legal heirs. On Christmas Day. 1863 she said to a friend. 'It was very wrong of mv brother to put off making nis will until his last illness. The first thing I shall do after the New Year will be to make mine.1 She did not live to see the Now Year." LORD CLYDE. Iiord Clyde, better known as Sir Colin Campbell, was one of the roost distinguishes! generals that Great Britain has produced. Born at Glasgow in 1792. he entered the army at the age at sixteen. He fought under Sir Arthur Wellt-sley (the Duke ot Wellington) at Vimeira, took part in the retreat of Sir John Moore and was present at the battle of Corunna. He was wounded while leading a storming party at the attack ot San Sebastian and again at the passage of the Bidassoa. He held command in the British expedition against this country in 1814. In the Sikh war of 1848-49 be was wounded at the battle of Cbillianwalla and took a prominent part in the victory of Gotjjerat. During the Crimean war he commanded the Highland brigade, and to bis skill was mainly due the snccessof the British arms atthe Alma. With his "thin redline"ot Highlanders he repulsed the Russian attack at Bat aklava. At the outoreak ol the mutiny in 1857 he was sent to India to take 6immand, and showed consummate ski 1 in the relief of Lucknow. where he headed the final assault. England owed the preservation of her rule in India mainly to bis generalship. For these services he.was raised to the peei age as Baron Clyde of Clydesdale in 1858 and was 'awarded a pension of 3.000' a year. He died unmarried August 14, 1863. -:' THE STORY CONTRADICTED. Mr. S. L. M. Barlow was aked by a Herald reporter, yesterday, what he knew about the statement made by the St. James Gazette. I drew up the will of General Mc Cleilan," he replied, "but I never heard anything about his relationship to Iord Clyde. The only man ialNew York niu u Knojruu posture lniormauon on the matter is Mr. W. C. Prime." The reporter called npon Mr. Prime and be,denied the statement made in the St. James Gazette. "General McCleilan," be said, r never succeeded to a dollar's worth ot proper ty or coin from the other side of the Atlantic, nor did, any member of his family. I am sure I should have heard of it if such bad been the case. I don't believe there is any foundation what ever for the story told by the St, James Gazette." Lamps. HAVING MET WITH GREAT SUCCESS In selling a Una line of LAMPS during toe last two seasons, we are now offerlnca .4 n i 1t . m B m m . uwiuauuicr uub wii nsuai and mTue pur- L cnasen' attention to Uea. Prices Very Low A Oct 26 , w (IIUCS ft MU CHIsON. f I Cur Coagrha. OoW, Hoarseness, Croup, Asn, Broncbitia, Wnoopinf? Cough, Incipient Consutnp- persona in advanced stages of th diaeasq. Price 25 eta. Cau tion. The Genuine Dr. Bull's Cough A'yruja is sold only in tchite vrrapver, and bc ra our refrirftftred Trade-Marks to Tit : A BuU a Head in a Circle, a Bed Strip Caution-Label, and the fac-simiJo signatures of John W. Hull dt A. C. lleyer Co., Sole Prop's, Baltimore, Md., U. S. A. Chw Lance' PlncaThe crrat Tobarco An tidote! Price lO CU.-4toW by 1 Druaxistt. aept 1 d&w tcnrroip OUMMiiltClAL f Hi w n WILMINGTON MARKET. Nov 64 P. M SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 34i cents. No sales reported. ROSIN Quiet at 80 cents for strain ed aad 85 cents lor good strained. TAR Hull at 1.10, CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at $1 and $1.50. - COTTON -Quia:. Sales of 175 bales on a basis of 8 15-16 cents per pound for middling. .Oflicial quota tions :-Ordinary. 6g; good ordinary 7 13-16 ; low middling suit); miaanng 8 15-16; good middling 9. Receipts to day : Cotton, 641; spir its, 145; rosin, 549; tar; 79; crude 198 , : 1 , Provisions and Cotton. Chicago, November C. 2:30 p. m Wheat market opened at tmi ana closed at 883 for January. Corn opened at 3G and closed at 36 tor January. Pork opened at 9.30 and closed at 9.30 for January. New York, Nov. 6. 2:30 p. ra. Cotton opened at 9 18 and closed at 9.22 for November Opened at 9.27 and closed at 9 30 tor December. Opened at 9.38 and closed at 9.41 for January. Opened at 9.50 and closed at 9.53 for February Opened at 9.62 and closed at 9 65 tr Marcb. MAKINK NJWa. ARRIVEIi Steamer A P Hurt. Robeson, Fay ettcville. Woody & Currie. Steam yacm Louisa, Woodsides. Smith ville. Mastfti . Br Schr Julia Elizabeth, Ingraham, Eleuthera, W. I., with fruit to master. CLEARED. Steamer A P Hurt, Robeson, Fayette ville, Woody & Currie. Steamer D J Black. Paddison, Point Caswell. U P Paddison. Stcamshin Regulator, Doane, New York, U G Smallbones Steam yacht Ivouise, vv ooaside. Smithville. Master Nor barque Boomerang. Frockberg, Antwerp, Paterson, Downing & Co. EXPORTS. FOREIGN Antwerp Nor barque Boomerang 3.352 bbls rosin. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND NOV. 1, 1885. Cotton ashore, 6,326; afloat, 5,646; total, 11,972. Spirits ashore, 3 237. Rosin ashore. 116,144; afloat, 3,533; total, 119.677. Tar ashore, 1,817. Crude ashore, 538. RECEIPTS FOR MONTH ENDED NOV. 1st. Cotton. 32.566; spirits, 5,333; ro3in, 18.618 ; tar. 6.317 ; crude, 2, 194. EXPORTS FOR MONTH. ENDED NOV. 1st, DOMESTIC. Cotton, 5 396; spirits. 1.854; rosin. 2.431; tar. 5.767; crude, 2,293. FOREIGN. Cotton 24,347; spirits, 3,620; rosin, 6.650. VESSELS IN THE PORT OF WILMINGTON. N. C. November 5, 1885. No vessel under 60 tons reported In this list. STEAMSHIPS. , Br Cyannea, Ilealop, 1,061 tons, CP Mebana BARQUES.. Ger Marie, 681 tons, Dlllwitz. E Peschan & Westermami Nor Od'i, 277 tons, Christiansen, Helde & Co Swe Widga, 709 tons, Pahlsen, C P Mebane ewe oomerang, 373 tons, ockberir, Hei ie & Co Ger Louise Weicoards, 3S0 tons, Elimcke, Helde & Co Nor Cetdata, 36 sons, Andersen, . Heide A Co Br EspeiKle, 403 tons, Deot. f J P Mebane Ger Charlotte & Anne, 431 tons Krieger, K Peacnau Westormann Ger Meteor. 6'4 tons. Voss, C P Mebane Ger Anna, 163 tons. J'cowemer, C P Mebane Ger Vrna, SSJ tons. Voss. Helde A Co Br Battle 11 , 403 tons, Cochran, ' EG Barker & Co BRIGS. Ger Clara, 479 tons, Neijahl, ' 1C Peschan Sb Westermann Ger Augusta Sophie, 290 tans, DethlofT, E Peschau & Westermann Nor Km ma, 505 tons, Andoraen, Heide & Co BCHOONKRS. . Bes&ie Brown, ?45 tons, Phillips, Geo llarriss A Co HalUe 1 urner. S95 tons, Keen, . ' , w G Barker & Co W m Denning, 170 tons, Hortgdon, Geo Hjrrl s & Co John A Griffin, 305 tons, Bennett, w .George Harrffs Co B S Graham, 841 tons, Avis, . Schr Kate V Altkea. 419 u'SrSSS? r.naleTra;2ja tons, TlHon? H88 C EllaRnUi;72ton..Hl.l, GeHa ' KG Barter Co Roge? Moore, SS4 tons,' repairing, . ' Geo Harriss & Co Span NatlTldad 170 tons. Gonzales, rebldg B G Barker A Co Come and See Me! J HAVE REFITTED AND OPENSD THE UD CAPK' FEAR , PILOT HOUSE, wlttt tne best Wines, Liquors, Beer and Ciffars to be found in the city. Also, Oysters ami lodg . . ;-. - CHOBP. -OCt 71m NO. 15 South Water at Tin Roofing, 3 i JOOF BJBPAIR1NG ; AND PAISTIXG. iwntSWU JiSKALLT, -" -' W . KING PractUlTlnait,8outh Frost st . J oct 5 KeaYtiUl!aanM8tore MISCELLANEOUS THAT -OAR ' LOAD1' OT BK AUTIFUL. Jar?e, Bed. Western N O Apnles are going 11 to hot (jakea. ad la our ordrra erl i have also. P ort 'a uranges. Flo rid Mullets, chestrnts. Bab ton Grapes. ffgs. Chickens, Potatoes, Ae All of which I sell at reasona ble pricee for CASH. i ' , , ; . J. K. MARSHALL, ' I. '. 24 North Water St., r norSdftw n- Wilmington, N. 0 The Reason Why o UE bTUVES SELL SO WELL, 13 THAT they have been TRIED ani found to be just what is WANTED, both H ATING and COuKING Our Fireplace Grates kaocktbe spots ui of oiherj in prices. ' Stock full gen erally. , - "A.BKEB A TATLOE8. PURE WHITE OIL. no? i Look Here 1 JT MY SNUGGERY, THE GREEN HOUSE, corner Princess d Fecond at., vou will find not orly good Wines and Uq org, but spienaia iw kivk uisusu1, tcrveau any style d'manded Reading room and pri vate dining room attached S" Cold Lunch at all hours. . -f oct 17 tf f. B, KHODES, Prop. Sweet Gum and Mullein, YHLD "CHERRY, TAR AND TOLU, Bail's Cough Syrup, Red Star Cough Cur, uoEciiecs uerman ssrup, Ayer s Cherry pec toral, Allen's Lung Balsam, Hydroline, Ac. Also, a full line of Druer. Chemicals. Ac Prescriptions filled at ad hours, day or night. r. a. auLLis, German Druarsrist. nov2 Vornnr Fourtb and Nan sts JN FELT AND ST liAW HATS. FANCY FEATHERS In great variety. Oil Hps and other Millinery Goods MB3. KATC C WINES, - 119 N. Second Street, near Postoffice nov 2tt Announcement ! "13 E MEMBER THAT IN MAKING AS- rangemeata for the Vocal Class which I am now farming, I have fixed the tuition at $8 for the term ot 48 lessons. I shall begin the course as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers have been obtained. 'Thorough instruction will be given in the rudiments of vocal music. " m3 pujjiia win ie aavancea as rast as pre vious acaulramenta trill wai-mni! .nH er There will be no teaching by rote; con- Bcijucuuy mere win oe no attempts at Operas or Choruses from the great masters until the uuuiiB Jira a,Die 10 rRin nrninnrtr ctinrph mm COrrOrtlV an) -orltVl rnnalHrahlo -H n- xuuhc wisoing ia join me cjass may leave tnetr n . ji . raiiica in. iuk jjoonsiores ot r jr. ueinsDer ger or r v.. W. Yates, or with the eubscri bcr, at the Review cflioe. oct s H. II. FOSTER. Announcement. rjllIE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCES that Dr. A. J. DsRos?et will, from this -ilate, be interested in hl9 FIRE INSURANCE business Any orders for icsurarce glen to either will l have prompt and strict attention, and will be written at the ljwest rates. M. S W1LLARD. 214 N. Water st nov 2 3t Geo. W, Price, Jr., AUCTIONEER k COMMISSION MERCHANT. Office and Sales Boom, 215 Market 8t., Wllulngton, N. C. o Attention will be given the sale of Goods, WareB, Merchandise, &c , on Consignment, aad a General Commission Business. STRICT attention to buslnces and QUICK returns of sales. July 10 L. SIMON & CO.. , Successors to H. BRUSHILD BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco, 114 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N.C. BRANCH OF If. BUUNHILD & BRO., RICHMOND, Va. ; J 'I -V t f i OLE AGENTS FOR HICKS & BRUNHILD iSKOS., Manufacturers of Tobacco, '-"I -ICHSIOSD, Va. nov, 8 . .. SEND FOR A SAMPLE COPY. THE STATE CHRONICLE, r. - ' (SuccetBor to the Farmer & Mechanic and the ... ; .( r chronicle.) . . - - Under New Management ! Newsy, Bright and Clean!, Up wl h the Times! The- VState Chronicle will be what Its name Implies a State paper.: Jt la not the Balsioh "Chronicle," and will sot be local or sectional. It will aim to keen ud with the teurrent news from Murphy to Manteo, or as lc poxuiciuj put n zrom uneroKeo to ourrl tnck. tt .. ; , It will be the organ of no man, no ring, no section, no party. It will be Democratic In politics, but will not hesitate to criticlzi Dem ocratic measures and Democratic officers, - Terms of feubacrlptlon One Year, $; Six Mont "s, l; Three Monthi, 80c. For a Sample copy address, ' THE bTATS CHRONICLE. Oct 13 - , Ralehrh. N. fL . Fall Styles! 1 tjjscaOTouo: J r..-4:i..'.-JTJJ.- .." f---- ... ITTT r TTT?XT5C? nT A Trn ? -i." -'-IV n Ladies, Gents and Children's 'Undemear 5i DC! Jerseys a specialy, oct 31 A FEW Rfe.MARKl WORTH KNOWING 1 We will eell this week : ' -FINE FELT Jl ATS for Ladles, Misses and Children,'! a all etyles and colors, for 1 . only 7 c. each and upwards. '. I OSTRICH TIPS. 392. for 3 In a bunch. Hafadsome OSTRICH PLUMES reduced to '1 -r"-- 9t-ti An immense line of Birds, Braaata, Wings, In fact evev kind of Te&thers " at equally low prifc? a. f - GLOVES Ladies Kid Gloves 73cv per pair. Ladies Driving rastor Gloves,' extra fire quality, reduced to 9pp perpalr. Of these Gloves we have only a - - , , . : . : limited number. . . . An early call will secure some of the above .? t . ' . . ' ' - good t . . Taylor's Bazaar, 118 MARKET 8TV Just opened anew lot of JERSEYS, the latest styles, together with other new novelettes.' oct 28 - i New Store! Hew Goods! - . - ' - QOME AND SEE THE TOYS, TINWARE and FANCY GOODS just " received. . Some thing to suit every housekeeper In the city. Prices low at No. 24 South Second and! 121 Dock sts. , i . Oct 17 ' J. F. A. REAVES. Winter is Here I s O CALL AT R. K. LLOYD & CO'S NE W Wood Yard ad leave jour orders for Saw ed wood one-tmr a cheaper tnan you can nave it sawed at your nouses. . 'xry us. J B. E. LLOYD A CO., oct 30 f At foot of New Market. HOLMES & FILLY AW "D AVE KENTUCKY FOUR YEARS OLD Cider and VVhlte Wine Vinegar, for making pickles. Spices and Seeds lentils, Carda mon, Cirraway, Cereanler, Mustard and Anise Seeds. Pig Pork, Corned Beef, Boo Herring, Dried Beef, Lord Baltimore Hams.B. C Shoulders, B. Bacon. Smoked Tonsmes. No. 1 Mackerel. Maple Syrup, Buckwheat, N. O. Molasses, Oat urits, new uaroiina nice. Call and try our Nickel Cigars, $5 per 100. oct 27 New and Attractive ! Ty KEEP THE TKADE SUPPLIED with the finest quality of Groceries at a small cost above cheap goods, and there is no rea son for any one complaining about adultera ted goods. . ( ... t .. .- OUR GOODS ARE PURE AND WHOLESOME! Extra Mes Mackerel without heads or tails. 17c ner ttonnd. Nothing lost by weight, and the finest Fish ever soid in Wilmington. -o- Elegant lot of Celery by Tuesday's Steamer. Send in your orders . eariyv , t 0 . ' . . ; ) '' i . 1 ! V. ' NEUFCHATEL CHEESE.: Fresh lot of Rotsteb'8 Ptjrk ''Akdie, three . .:; . ponnaaiorfi. Elegant Line of Dried Fruit; Prunes, Peaches, Apples, Fig and Raisins, (all new goods). r Evaporated California Apricots, something new and nice, 40 cents per pound, as good as Fresh Fruit. ' r P. L. BRIDGER8 & CO., HO North Front 8t. nv 2 The Excursion and PicNic S EASON IS OVER AND THE THE AT EI CAL AND CALL SEASON has opened agam and JOHN WERNER, the practical Uerman Barber and Perfumer, la personally in at tendance at hla Ilalr Dressing Saloon, 29 Mar ket Street, between Water and Front, Wtl ralngtou, N.C. ' - . oct 22 ' Taylors mSCELLANEOTJS. - ley Muy, r.fij.v ;-:--- - -. j, fV. . fi it - .?-'' inlleight - 7 rilHK GREAT NATURAL REMEPV Con- ral Water found inlv in i tnonin &'a- , vumsm;u viu uicuam nun. . " tu-lty.) The Concentrate la prepif evaporating the Ntural Crab Orchard wllr obtained at the Springs, to a consinc venlent for use and transportation the Valuable Properties of ffe witoai? terved. some of which are rendered In th process of preparing the ,ialtL' i? convenient, always ready, and more T.wore to take than the "Salts Vnm JAMES D. NUTT, DmgtUt, - j-j- ' 218 N. Front at. oct 21 The mosjt popular Weekly newspaper 4wrtd yontipna and patent orer publisbed. Ert w ber illustrated with pl.Ud pabhoatwafarnwheaamoetTalnabUencjeloiid of information which no person ahoold b witCS. auch at its circulation nixrlt mrCx.X..: " OthftP rtsnnni at it l.iu mmKii i'.'riL A P M f ? Mnnn A Ci 1 iilOifrJL? r tTmrM practic . Uion the Patent Office and have ptrMrtd more than One Hundred Thog. Band, applications for patent ia tb sited btatea and foreign Careats. Trade-Marks, Copy-rirhu. Asai cb eata. and all other TMt f r eeoring ta inventor their rirhta ia t United StalM, .Canada, England, iraa Germany and other foreign xoantriea, prI pared at short notice and oa reasonable termi Information a to obUininrpatents cheer fully ariven without charge. Uand-bookj of information aat free. iPatanta cihtn. throng h Mann A Co. are noticed in the Scieatifte well andentood br all persona who wiah to di poee of their patents. - Addres MUNN A CO., Office Sourrmo A uuc r. 361 Broadway, New York. American irwo. i ud fHiTaovscv vi cue a noiicf u , . ..,; .--i f . . . . . P ER STEAMER AND RAIL, TBK F0L- lowing attrACtlre goods: ALBERT CRACKERS, in Mb tins, Cocoanut Taffy, Cocoanut Jelly, Cocoanut Macaroons and Almond Macaroons. 0 lURKISII PRUNES, Seedless, LONDON L1YKR AD . I - i n i) ,-;-' DKI1ESA BA131NS. All New and of Very Fine J., Quality I Boston Brown Bread, Thuber'a White Heath Peaches, Devilled Crabs, in Cans, wlttHB helli. The Epicurean Soups : Macaroni, Julienne and Mock Tnrtle. Jno. L. Boatwrlglit. ' OCt 26 Foreclosure sale. ' m k BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SA contained In a mortgage deed made by W. Davia & Son to Valeria A. Meginney, recorfM lo Book BR , page 764, et seq. of tbe Beeora of New Hanover county, the undersigned, Attorney for. the mortgagee, will expoe sale at public auction, to the highest b. for cash, at the County Couit House door.s the city of Wllmmgton, on the 30th dsj November, 1885, at 12 o'clock, M-, the W lowing described lot of land situate is if cltyandbeglnnmgata point on the Westw line of Front street at the intersection ol said line with the Northern line of Mntc Alley and running thence with the aaJdpf 1 Front street, Northwardly thirty-six (36) W to the Southern line of a , lot formerly belong ing to John Walker, deceased; thence Walker's line Westwardry parallel street fo the edge of s the .Cape Fear Bn thence with the edge of the wharf and enB of the river Southwardly flfty-nine 3 to the Northern line of a lot formerly by R. W. Brown; thence, with the saw i" of the lot Eastwardly to the Eastern South Water street; thence with the saw of said street inortnwaraiy tweujj-;": feet to the Northern line of 3Iuter's Auefi . thence wli the raid line of said ' aiKJ wardly to the beginning. oct SOtf - Att'y fororir. "marked down: ' nrrflES A GOOD OPPORTUNITY Jiv will be form! in the low prices I am now o Ing all kinds olab?Gcodst ' ' Pure O-loesr Tabje Dsmask 504 ' 44 Cream Double ic worJ . 'iff '4 ' Lh si 33. White Table " $100wWV Double " $H9Wortkiai and Table Napkins and DoT-Itpr' portion. " " ' " 6ut stock of Cawlmcrea U llD rtp ,, at'" daccd. Boy's Suits made to onier si JNa J. HEDBICK oct , The Orton. rs now opis fob xxctWO guests. Tbe Hotel Is new and ew-' nlsbed, and tbe prices rea?oable. octlSIm A ;wU.BRyAK.Prorr fftiress" ?5 r " wr wwuawiuau. w rir Tin. Jiist Arrived 1 I A -

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