1 " V -; --' - ... f'. j . f I . THIS PAPKB .B wished every evening. Sundays lax ccpted by JOSH T. JAMES, editor Jtf rBOPxnrroR. lCRIPTIOXS- POSTAGE PAID? rear Six month. $2.00. Three netRr.ti3,$1.0G; One month, 35 cents. e7,alVr will be delivered by carriers free of charge, m any part of the city, at the Abort ..tea or 10 cent per week." A ivesiislng rates low and liberal. $ -ubs"rlbcrs will report any and all faU to receive their paper regularly. jr The Daily Review Tins the largest v n fi.l circulation, f any newspaper .iji' ' ... -a TTT'T J M .Mh'd&cd. in l fie city oj ninninyton. "l:i I.onWn proper land U very dear. 1 .-ivitii recen ly fon sld at th8 rata of (HO.OiX) an acre. fn Hfil MtGlcllan, v Rg npily describ P,l tr ne who knew him well as a man wi,oi-ouM bilild an excellent bridge an,i i! n vou!dwant to cross it on all i'iiiir!elphia Times: Som'-body 0JLt to tell John Sherman that among the riirhts guaranteed to Ihe negro is the privillego of voting for a Democrat jf he caoo'ci. An inexperienced Georgia bailiff was eut the other day to arrest one George F.ewellyn, alias Brown? Ho returned with Fiewellyn. but reported that Alias Brown had escaped him and fl d to Alabama. ' ;' . St.. Louis Post-Despatch: When Bob cirersoll said," "Let the gods have the heavens, but let ua have the earth," he wn evidently thinking, about thbse land grabs in which be had acquired an interest with Dorsey. A convict in the Ohio State . peniten tiary at Columbus has beon notified lhat an uncle who lately died in the D.nbadoes has left him $75,000. The prisoner has another year to serve, and is in lor burglary. He has a wife and child living. General John A. Logan has filled his new Washington house with American Iuilianjruocca3ins, leggings, hunting shirts, blankets, robes and other abo riginal bric-a-brac, aul his proclivity fur such curios is said to be due to the Inc'ian blood which is rumored to ran in the Senator's ?ein3. New York Herald : No prayer ut tered on Thanksgiving Day (26th) ought to be more fervent than that which beseeches deliverance from the machinations of these political agita tors and the frustration of their plots, to involve the Republic in sectional dis n nl and hatred. We learn from the News and Courier that on the day of election "the Repub lican Sports 'in Charleston were en deavoring to get even on the Presiden tial election, and put up their money freely at odds of $100 to $75 on Daven port a.ainst Hill on the. New York election." The Democrats on Wednes day morning took the money down at the same figures. A short time ago the Vbung ladies of Hastings, Michigan, entered into an agreement not to go with any young man that drank, smoked, chewed or swore. No the young men have agreed not to go with any young lady that bangs her hair or ' wears corsets. Mother Hubbard dresses and hair cut pompadour are all the style in Hastings A characteristic of the late Cardinal McCloskey was hi3 remarkably attrac tive voice. lie was a close friend, of Charles O'Conor. who once told him that he should have been a lawyer. Said the great jurist: Yovo got an houest ring in your voice fhat would win you points before judges and be fore juries that no amount t)t argument and no sort ot evidence can effect." Petersburg .Index-Appeal: questions of tariff, currency. Even silver coinage, and other economic mysteries that threaten to divide and to deluge the dear people are preferable to the abominable sectional issue that has been the rallying cry of demagogues and adventurers for twenly years. Let us hope that the election yesterday is the last contest of the kind that will be waged in this State. A New York woman has the sole right to manufacture paper dolls to be dressed in paper. Commencing in a small way, while in her father's home, he has been enabled to extend the business quite gradually. Today she eaiploys thirty girls and women. A loston woman controls the business of the manufacture of legs, arms and bodies of dolls, arid a very iogenious woman controls the manufacture of stockinet baby dolls, which bear a striking resemblance to the real live article, and are nearly indestructible. From tlie Sisters of Charity. PKOVIPENCE HOSl'ITAI., Washington. D. C. April 21. 1884. We take pleasure in attesting the Hieritsand soothing qualities of All foek'g Porous. Plasters, having used them on various occasions with much hanefit to many of the patients under our charge during many years. . Sisters of Charity, i r J VOL. IX. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER The Baltimore San says: The pres ent advances in slocks and bonds of railway properties is probably die. to a large extent; to the growth ot a belief that the immediate future will witness a large, revival ot busidess. . One case is reported in which it was profitable to have a divided household politically at least. The postmaster ht Berlin, 111., being a Republican, he has been superseded in the office by his wile, who is a Democrat. World : Dr. Dio Lewis and Edward -Ml. Eyerett Halo are in dispute over the proper diet oHiterary workers, Iewis advocating only two meals a day and Hale going in for five, and meanwhile the literary workers e.U all they want, or in.some instances all they can get. LOCAL NEWS. IIDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Thk Gem Trea Ltmch' St Thomas' Catholic Fair C W YATES-Scbool Books J F A Revej New Store R M McIntibe Lace Curtains Hkiksbkrosb PI in os and Organ F C Miller Sweet Gum and Mullein Edwuu r Johssox Apples, Qranges.&c Day's length 10 hours and 27 minutes. There was no City Court this morn ing. There were no tramps at the guard house last night. There were no interments in Oakdale Cemetery this week. . y Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 5" minutes past 4 o'clock. The receipts of cotton at this port to day toot up 661 bales. There were two interments, both adults, in Bellevue Cemetery this week Port. Brig D. Anna, Bettencourt, sailed from Rio Janeiro, Oct. 14th., for this port: There were four interments two adults and two children, in Pine Forest Cemetery this week There will bo no preaching or other services in the First Presbyterian Church to-morrow. The Rev. J. W. Gurganious will preach at Brooklyn Hall at 11 o'clock a. m., Sunday morning. Br. steamship Fannie, which got ashore off Big Island in going down he river, was gotten off this forenoon The weather for the last two days has been soft and warm with a misera bly enervating effect upon poor hnman nature. When you think that you need a new hat, you will be reminded that the "Melville" is the best, and it is sold by Dyek. t The Register of Deeds issued five marriaze licenses this . week, four of which were for whites and one for a colored couple. We ask farmers and those in need of a corn sheller to examine our stock and hear our low prices before buying Jaoobi's Hdw. Depot. t Ger. barque Louise Wicliards, Eh- mcke, cleared to-day for Glasgow, with 3,5l5 barrels roiin, valued at $3,205,43. shipped by Messrs. Robinson & King. Easter next year falls on St. Mark's Day, April 25. its' latest possible date Tho lasi time tilis occurred was in 1736 (old style,) and it will not so fall again until 1913. , . 'i i , At the First Baptist Church Ruv; pr. Pritchard will preach to-morrow niht the second of a series of sermons espec tally for women. His subject will be ' Mary and Martha." A great lot of Gent's heavy Canton Flannel Drawers, from 40c and up wards, pt the Wilmington Shirt Facto ry, 37 Market st . J. Elsbach, Prop, t The colored woman who was held al the guard house yesterday, subject to a medical examination, has been pro nounced insano and taken to the poor house for safe keeping while arrange ments are being made to tako her to the insane asylum for colored people at Goldsboro. . Mr. F. V. B. Yopp has a fine tea plant growing in the back yard of his resi dence, 813 Chestnut street. which is fully three feet high.- It has been grown in the open air and is hardy and thrifty. He has bad some of the leaves cored and they make a nice beverage. Just received a lot ot burglar proof blind fasts. Call and see them at Ja- cor.i's Hdw. Depot, and you will bny.f j .,. - . : ' i i i i Duo Historical. To-day is the seventy fourth anniver sary of the battle of Tippecanoe.Indiana. where Gen. Wm. H. Harrison, who commanded thS American forces, ac quired the name which was so famous in the Presidential campaign ot 1840, when he was elected President by the Whigs over Hon. Lewis Casi, of Michi gan, who was the Democratic candi date. The battle was fought November 7tb, 1811, against the Indians. Personal Mr. R. K. Bryan, of the Hickory Press, was in the city to-day and paid U3 a visit this afternoon. Mr. M. W. Hart, of the Tar River Talker, published at Rocky Mount, N. C, is in the cityto-day. Mayor E. D. Hall returned to the city last night from New York, .where he had been for several days. He is in good health and enjoyed his trip very much. The Festival. The Festival gotten up by the ladies of St.' Thomas' Catholic Church will be given at the City Hall and will com mence on Monday night. It will be a grand affair. Two beautiful dolls and a piano will be raffled for; an elegant silver pitcher will be voted tcone of the three white fire companies and a gold medal -will be voted to one of the white bands in the city. Aside from these there will be many articles of elegance and value to be disposed of. Be sure and attend. It will be continued sever al nights. The Fair and the Fire. Col. F. A, Olds, of the News and Observer, was in Fayctteville on Thursi day and writes as follows to his paper, relative to the fair and the fire there on that day : At 11 o'clock to-day a special train with Gov. Scales, treasurer Bain, at torney general Davidson and Maj. Finger, superintendent of public in struction, in charge of Mr. J. A. Gray, arrived from Greensboro, N, C. The party went in procession to the fair grounds on arrival here.- Congressman Wharton J, Green introduced Gov. Scales, who made an pxcellent speech, also attorney general Davidson. Robert S. Huske, E3Q.. introduced Messrs. Bain and Finger, who made brief speeches. As the latter was conclud ing, an alarm of fire was given, caused by the burning of the 'ayetteville hotel. The fire broke out at 1 o'clock, caused, it is thought, by a de fcclive flue in the kitchen. The build ing burned slowly. It is of brick, three stories high, 150 feet on Hay street and 155 on Donaldson street. The value ot the building is $40,000. The owners are Messrs. Thornton, Ray, Hinsdale, the John Gilchrist estate, Hollingsworth & Robinson. The lurniture is owned by W. G. Matthews and Charles Glo ver, proprietors. The house has been refurnished in the last thrco months at a cost ot $2,500. Insurance on the buildinjr, $11,000; nothing on the lurni ture. The scene is one of great confu sion. The tiro department is misera ble. the water supply poor. The indi cations are that the buildings west on the block, owned by E. J. Lilly and A. B. Williams, will be burned. They are among the finest in the place. Ihe Governor and other State officers were all at the hotel. No person wa3 injured The military are guarding the property. The Raleigh fare department was called on at 1:15 for aid. LATER, AYETTEVIIXK, rOV. 5. 'J:1U p. IU. The fire in Fayctteville hotel did not extend beyond that building. In the hotel building were three stores: F. W. Thornton, clothing, nearly all the goods saved, loss $250, do insurance; J. M Lee. groceries, many goods saved, loss 500. no insurance; u. w . aiarcn, con fectioneres, loss $250. There was also an office occupied by the Singer Sewing Machine Comnanv and Gen. A. G. Brady. These suffered slight losses In the west winsr ot the building was Favelteville Hall and above this the lodge rooms of Cumberland Lodge Knights of Pythias, the Masons and the Independent Order of Red 'Men These orders all lost considerable property and .valuable carpets. They had about 1.000 insurance. -There were 280 guests in the hotel. None suffered any losses of . importance save Capt. John B. Broad foot and II. M. Robin son who lost furniture. Ihe peo- Dle in the hotel were kindly cared for by the citizens. The Governor and State officers, together with Mrs. S. M. Finger and Mrs. T. F. Davidson, were taken to the fair by Congressman Green. The train bearing the Rescue steamer and thirty-four hremen. in charge ot chief T. W. Blake and fore man W. R. Dick, arrived at 5.20, having left Raleigh at 2.40. The engine went to work at once. The firemen were cheer ed and treated with the gteatest cordial ity by the residents. Water was taxen from the historic Cross Creek.. The firemen saw tho smoke of the fire when ten miles away T. Mortimer Flem ing was the engineer and made quick time over the road, which was strange to him. The firemen expect to return home to-night. The exhibit at the fair is highly cred itable, especially as to farm products. The attendance to-day was fairly large. To-morrow it will also be large. The fair ball will be given at Williams' hall to-morrow evening. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 3Laa,o Curtains! We are offering some beautiful CARPETS. CARPETS. CARPETS. We are now prepared with a good stock and can please the most fastidious. Art Squares and Crumb Cloths, in varipus patterns. OIL CLOTHS, In all styles long and short. Jerseys all grades nov 7 Marriasre Bells. Mr. R. W. Hicks, of this city, was married near Charleston, West Virgin ia, on Wednesday evening, the 21st alt.,' to Miss Sallie M. Spears, of that city. The happy couple arrived here last night and have to-day received the hearty congratulations of a great many of their numerous friends, to which we beg to be permitted to add ours. Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ending with to-day foot up 3,369 bales against 5,687 bales for cor responding week of last year,- a de crease this week ot 2,318 bales. The receipts for the crop year to date foot up 49.830 bales, against 51,290 bales to same date last year, a decrease this year of 1,451 bales. The Baptist State Convention will be held at Reidsville, N. C. commencing on Tuesday next. Rev. Dr. Pritchard will attend, and will leave here for that purpose on Monday night. - Church Services To-Morrow. St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets. Rev. F. W. E. Pcs chau. Pastor. German services at 11 o'clock, a. m- Ed g dsn services at 7 30 o'clock p. m. Sunday Schcol at 3.3'J p.m. W. H. Strauss, Supt. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell 6treeta. Be v. J. W. Primrose, Pastor. Services at 11 a.' m. and 7.30 p.m. Sabbath School at 3.30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. Young Men's Devotional Aesoclatlon Thurs day at 8 p. m. Firat Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. I., pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7.38 p. m. Sunday School at 3 .30 a. m. Prayer and Praise meeting Thursday night at 7. SO o'clock. Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church hud Castle streets, licv. J. P. King, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun day School at 1) a. m. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. Services at St. Mark's Church, corner Sixth and Mulborry streets, are as follows: On Sun days. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock, and Eve ning Prayer at 7 o'clock. On Saints Days at0l. a. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday School at St. Barnabas' School House at 3 p. m. Seats free. Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets, Kcv. D. II. Tuttlc, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. No services at night. Front Street M. E. Church, South, corner of Front ami Walnut streets, ltcv. Dr. K. A. Yates. Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 i m. Sabbath school at 3 p. m., W. M. Parker, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening after lirst and third Sabbaths, at 8 o'clock. Scats free and strangers and visitors cordially Invited. St Thomas1 Pro-CathcdraL First Mass at 7 a m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock p ni . Daily Mass at 6:30 am. Religious services In Tilcston Upper Room every Sunday at 3 P M. Public cordially In vited. Christ Church (Congrcgationalist)Nun street ; between Sixth and Seventh. Kcv. D. D. Dodge, minister. Preaching services at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 8 o'clock, p. m. Piistor's Bible Class at 12.15 p. m, Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday, 8 o'clock, p. m. Snnday School, i 3 o clock, p. m.. In Memorial Hall, corner th and Nun sis. First Baptist Church, (col.) corner of Fifth aud Campbell streets, A. M. Conway, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 3.30 p. in. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. ST. THOMAS' CATHOLIC CHURCH FAIR ILL OPEN AT THE CITY HALL, ON MONDAY EVENING, Nov. th. There will be a great variety of magnificent Works of Art and fancy and useful articles for voting, ale and raffle. Choicest refreshments at mod erate prices. Music, instrumental aad yocal. Admission lc. nov 7 2tnac MEW STORE ! ! QOME AND SEE THE TOYS, TINWARE and FANCY GOODS just received. Some thing to suit every housekeeper in the city. Prices low at No. 24 South Second and 121 Dockets. nov 7 J. F. A. REAVES. Apples, Oranges, &c. QQ BBIJ. SELECTED N. .Y. APPLE 3, . 5nnn CHOICE WEST INDIA ORAN .UUUies. SbiDaienti of Cabb&ffft. Onlons and Irish Potatoes r. reived wcpklv and for sale low for cash. Order from the conn try promptly attended to EDWARD V. J6HNSON ' no f 7 It 173 N. Water, r-t. DIAMOND BACK; rpKRBAPIS 80UP, FOR FREE LUNuH.;- TO MGHT AT THE nov 7 U 26 NORTH FRONT ST. 7 1885. NO. 260 styles and at very low figures. all widths. Children's and Misses' Wrapsf and weights. R. M. McirJTIRE. L. K. Parson, TIIANO AND ORGAN TUNER. GRADU X ate of the. New England Conservatory of Music. Experienced both in factory and route work. Repairing a specialty. Terras reasonable. Orders left at the Bookstores. or directed to box 583, will be promptly attended to. oct S lawSms Oysters I Oysters ! JpBESH NEW RIVER OYSTERS will be on hind at the Acme Saloon, N. E. corner Front and Dock st., dally. Also, finest Wines, Liquors, Cigars, c. J. G. L GIEdCHEN, Prop, oct 3 6t sat mon Dealers and Shippers. yyrE ARK deceiving and shipping fresh NEW RIVER OYS TERS every day. Orders romntlv filled. We will guarantee the best and cheapest Oysters on me nutrseE, ueuverea in any part of ihe cisy irec oi cnarge. nov 6 JENKINS & WILSON HAVING SOLD ALL OUR Sausage, &c., and In order to make room for another CAR LOAD, we will, until further notice, sell our BEEF at from 5 to 10c. a Lb. We guarantee this Beef to be Bound, sweet a jd In first class condition in every respect, W. E. WORTH & CO. nov 5 WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R. CO., 3EC1'Y TREASURER'S OFFICE, WlLMIjfOTON, N. C, Oct. 31, 1885. THE FIFTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the Wilmington & Weldon B. R. Co. will be held at the Office of the Company, in Wilmington, on TUESDAY, the 17th of November proximo. J. W. THOMPSON, novitdm Secretary. WIl., COLUMBIA A AUGU3TA R. E. CO., SEUT'Y A TREAS. OFFICE, , Wilmington, N. C., Oct. 31, ltss rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock holder of Ihe Wilmington, Columbia A An gustaR.R. Co. will be held In the Office of the President, In Wilmington, on TUESDAY, the 17th of November proximo. J. W. THOMPSON, nov 2 tdm Secretary. Sand Shoal Oysters, J1ROM HORNES GARDENS. Also, WINBEBRY Oysters. Best glass or lieer in the city, on draught as rood wniaaey ana oc cigara, at Mechanics ba toon, 6 South front st. oct 59 j. McGOWA, Prop. Oysters. Oysters. Oysters. RECEIVINg'dAILY LARGE CONSIGN, menu of Fine Fat NEW RIVER OYS aERS, which I will deliver to soy Express Ofliee in North or South Carolina, at lowest posaible price. Delivered in any part of the city free of charge. All orders promptly tiled andqoality guaranteed or money refunded. L. G. CHERRY. Art . U0 South Front St., Wilmington. N. C. oct 971m 0YSTEKS ! HUMPHREY A SNEEDEN will receive dally fresh New Elver Oysfersdurine the wjunn una win deliver them in any part of the city inany quantity wanted. Also Fish and Oysters SS oct'' Street Market in3in: til K yT.gt?re Konc-L'i .! i. ; TTtwlHMcl-d to rtcarrt eioTfiiatiTvtki fwaourtrteadjoaaai tad all tntitfttto : ctBerairatereatbat : Taa usitox tat writer most always be abort to the Editor. - CoiamnnlcaCona mm be wrlttta CM oV oae aide ot the paper. : V FtTMaaQtleamastbo avolddd, Aad it la specially aad particularly sad atood that the Editor doe not always omdoi ' the views of oorreapondanta uloaa ao state la the editorial oohmas. NEW ADVKRTHRRTKTCTa. OPENING- Wall Rt Witinv -AT- 116 Market Gt. An Entirely New Stock - OF Silks, Rhadams, Ottomans, Velvets, Cashmeres, Tricots, Ladies' Cloth, Henriettas, Flannels, &c,, &c. .White Goodo, Laces, Edgings, Fura, Gloves, Corsets. Men's and Boys1 Wear, Hosiery, Housekeeping Goods, Domestics, Notions, &c. &c. At prices lower than they have boon known for years, t Terms Positively Cash ! 5ST I shall sell my goods as low as the lowest catalogues. All Task is the same treatment Cash 1 Cash I Cash ! And assure you at the same time, my kind patrons, that I propose to main tain in the foiure the reputation gained in the past of having The Best, the Cheapest I -AND- MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS To be found outside of New York. Call and be convinced at M. M. KATZ'S septal 1 1 MAHKET 8T. By Steamer Yesterday. 1,500 OBANUIs- 15 Bbls APPLES, (choice). 300 lbs. GRAPES, (choice varlctlca). i MECKEL PEARS, j 1,00 Florida ORANGES, by Rail. 15 Bunches fine Asplnwall BANANAS, . Persian DATES In one pound cartoons. Choice DRIED FIGS, In large boxes. Our elesant. fine CRKAIf candies, mad at home, uv an expert workman, have a grow ing reputation at home and abroad. We guarantee satisfaction as to prices and juality. E. J. MOORE & CO. nov 5 riiSLEK SECOND HAND PIANOS for Bale. l Chlckerlng, 6 Octaves, at $5D. 1 Metzler A Son. Tmdan m V ' a n.t... 1 United fitaiea PIatiaPa un... WW., . wwM.w, WUt' ern make, rural oii)t am - . . , w . .WW., wfc, lUIUI uiu ered cover and stnoU for $-10. LuV1 Z130 W stock of new Pianos, which I offer from $2C0 and upwards. Sana re orDnrlhts. Chlekprlnv t.T- r. .t.."l. Bent, 8tleff. and Arlon. Organs, Mason A Ham an. Baby Organs only $25; larger ones In proportion. PelOUbet A atari rlarvl 0... TTnM . i45"1 Orns at prices to o-.k uig uuiH. w-ieaae can at - HEIN8BE&GER8. nov 2 Live Book and af uslc Stores. School Books and School Supplies. pENS, PENCILS, INK. SPOHGE, PEHHOLDKR3, SLATES, CRAYOSS, BOOK BAGS and STRAPS, t y ' 1 COPY BOOKS, ! J- . EXERCISE BOOKS, Jkc , We Will make It to vnnr Hilvantoiro tn k,w Ot ua. We bay for cats- and can afford to sell cheap. C. W. YATES. urn, nov 2 m Market St. i .