eventaE, Sundayvx septed by JOSH T. JAMES, XDXTOB AJD PBOPKISTOB. TPTION3 POSTAGE PAID; 3L,tVi . Six months, f2.0Q. Tnret ' 41.0C; One monm, so censa. Ttc I'M"- - . r Willi) deliver.! by carriers free in any part of the city. at tn? above or locenu per wee. . - r:tv!Dg rates low and UberaL - ; . 7 -c,iJ!cr!ier8 will report-any and all fall. t j receive their paper regularly, ' ' gr Vac Daily Bevino has the largest fje circulation, of any newspaper pitied, me cirjqr tvwnwujjt. Ilifhmond Stat":' 1 Mahone wa de fveil in I?S3. Mahone wa9 defeatftl in iH-l Alahoro was defeated in 1885. . . An agent cf tbe Chicago Citizens' lg-jpr charged with repressing the insular sale of liquor, has just been Sjtdf'r a two hundred dollar bar bill. - . ' rchdeacon Farrar drew the largest auienco ever crowded into Trinity Chuscb, "itoston considerably ." Urger than bi It-c are audiences will be inibe svne city, as the prencbing was' free. '" .... .. , A confectioner in Indianapo'.is give3 customers the privilege of eating all the candy they can get away with at one lime in Lis store for25 cents each, and declares that he makes money on nine out of ten. . . St. i'eter'i Cathedral, just completed at Moscow, has five cupolas, and 900 poands nt pure gold were used in over lav ing them. The doors of the torn pic cok 310,000 and the marble floors $1,500,000. An expert in fine foreign tobaccos ?ays that "the American tobacco Is str c7, because only the male plant grows on this side of the At.antic, while the temalo plant U Iho exclusive pro duct ot Turkey and the Orient " . his said that Ira Davenport spent S73.000 in his canvass for Governor of Xew York. Andrew J. White, of New YorkjCity, is said to have put $it),000 in his fight lor .sheriff John V. Jacobus also spent $10,000 in bis etbrt3 to be elected sheriff. Russia has decided to construct as speedily as possible four more stecl cruisers for the Baltic and three ships for the Black Sea fleet. Work will be- ein as soon as three enormous iron clad?, each of 10.000 tons, are launch ed from the dockyards of Sebastopol. Lnnl Roseherrv has been tellies a pretty little story about his pretty little daughter. Her nurse had told her that Uta. would think Ie33 in the day she would dream less at night. "Bat lean t help thinking!" answered my lady; ' hr you k'now l can't make my mind sit down!" . ' The leading physicians of New York are much interested in- Prof. Louis Pasteur's experiments io inoculating tbe huoiau body to prevent hydropho bia. Drs. Alexander B. - Molt and John C. Peters have studied the sub ject carelully and praise the new treat ment. New York World : The (act that Got. Hill was the representative of real Democracy, and not of sham Mug vamp Democracy, secure1 his election by a majority probably fitlcen or twen ty times greater than the State gave Mr. Cleveland last year. This i3. tbe lesson of the election. . A young actor named Bishop belong Chin... .1.. - r c-il reverses He adopted a novel plan ofreturningtohis homo in Philadel phia. As be had no money ho could not buy a ticket, so he went to the po 1'Ce Station mitniirrnndprwl Viimeolf k 1 forger, who was wanted in Philadel phia. Oscar Wilde is now engaged in work lDS up a relorni in ladies" nightdresses Quoted apostle of re3theticism con Siderj the present style of uight ap parelworn by ladies wholly unbecom lD and advocates the use of soft silk in "hades suitable to the complexion of the wearer. He advises also consider h!e alteration in the cut and the modes "'trimming now in vogue.- : , There was much discussion at the national Convention ol the Woman's wjristiaa Temperance Union in Phila 'Phia as to the proper way of ad 3in2th0 presiding officer. Some i'ed that she should be addressed as rs. President." and some as "Ma. klDe 4rpaIlAnt hnt Miss Fmnrii ffiird, the "President," decided that f3 should be addressed as 4,Miss PresN v ashinston letter to Alexandria Ga- Ue. 4th: Ex-Congressman Dezen rt When eVnri trwdav what he n2ht of the result in Virginia, said ;13 TiCit t aYI cnrnriaMl fit if in fflPt t turned out just as he had said as ""ginians murderers and assassins. lad hen he ignored and contemned 'he Ji'ginal and real Republicans of .u!nhed every nn Ij1 - - lr lb. VOL. IX. We clip -the following from the Asheville Advance. There were two iinea more out we did not cdre to pnb- lisned those: - - ' UTTLE BOSS BILLY. Here lies the body of Bill Mahone. Dead as a dog, dry as a bono. Little in soul, little in figure. ' Came to bis death by swallowing a nigger. Here is the spot where the little boss lies, And everybody laughs and nobady cries. Mr. Andrew J. Morrison, of Bufl'alo, JN. X., has invented a system for rapid transit in the air. It consists of a con tinuous series of balloons, anchored to the ground, adjustable as to height, with a wire cable stretched from one to the other. Along this cable cars are made to travel by the always relia ble motor gravitation. The courageous passenger enters the ear from a conve nieot housetop orclevatcd station, after which the anchor rope is paid out. and the balloon allow ed to rise high enough to make the cable between it and the next balloon an inclined plane, down which the car coasts at great speed. At the next station the operation is re pealed, so that the line becomes a suc cession of inclined olanes. LOCAL NEWS. 1IDEI TO NEW AnVERTISEMEITS. WE King Tlnoaflng C W Yates School Books Ox Exhibition Saw Fish J F A Kevep New Store Giles A MUKcnisoN Lamp3 Hciksbxrokb Bridal Presents Pabkeb & Taylor Look Out Mb E A Lumdek Opening Day F C Miller Sweet Gam and Ma'leln Johst li Bor.wjr ght Juot Arrived P It Ekidgees & Co Spiced Pig's Peet WE Spbikceb Jfc Co Sportman's Goods re duced i ' Miss E Karreu Millinery and Fancy Goods. The receipts of cotton at this port tc day loot up 1,088 bales. i r - Schr. L. S. Levering, Corson, hence, arrived at New York Nov. 7tb. The matrimonial fever . is rather stronger than it has been for the past three or four months. Miss E. Karror has a new and at tractive ady. in this issue, to which the attention of the ladies is invited. Just received 'a lot ot burglar proof blind fasts. Call and see them at Ja COBi's Hdw. Depot, and yoa will buy.t The New Hanover Criminal Courti Judge Meares presiding.r will conven6 at tbe Court House in this city on Mon day next. It is considerably cooler to-day than it has been for the past few days and tbe atmorphere is : invigorating and healthly. We ask farmers and those in need of a corn sheller to examine our stock and hear onr low. prices, before buying 1 tacobi"s Hdw. Depot. t In consequence ot the inclemency of the weather tbe congregations at the different churches in the city yesterday morning wero rather small. A great lot of Gent's heavy Canton Flannel Drawers, from 10c and up wards, art the Wilmington Shirt Facto ry, 27 Markets!., J. Elsbacii, Prop, t There was' one whito tramp accom modated with lodgings at the guard house last night. He was a very intel ligent Irishman and was bound to Savannah, Ga. ... The ladies are interested in knowing that next Friday , and Saturday have been set apart by Mrs. Lumsden as opening days, on which occasion she will display the? beautiful things pur chased by her recently in New York. Our November Trade Opened with wholesome promise of a lively business and finds us thoroughly prepared: Oar stock, notwithstanding the great rush we had, has been renew ed, increased and strengthened when necessary and is now in splendid con dition. Oar enormous purchases from the largest clothing houses in the coun try this Fall enables ns to give bargains in all grades of Clothing that others in the trade have found it impossible to ap proach. Hence it is that our trade hasn exceeded all former years. Should it become necessary, we can do still bet ter, for we are determined to deserve aod hold the patronage we have won and to increase it by all honorable and legitimate means. We have never published an untruth. We stand ready and prepared to discount in value quali ties and inducements 'any house may offer In the State. - Sokiek. the Old Re liable Clothier, 114 Market street, t : T 7 "IT 1; WILMINGTON. N.C MONDAY. NOVEMBER More LI s lit. . There is a. movement on foot among some of the progressive men of the city looking to the organization of an elec tric light company! It is proposed to have electric lights here and those ' in terested in the matter will make an effort to secure the privilege of using them for lighting the streets of the city as well as for stores, hotels, offices and dwellings. . It is clai mod that electric lights can be furnished as cheaply as any o'Jier illuminating power. - and of better quality. The idea as yet is only moot ed, but those who have taken an inter est in the'matter are men who will be apt to push the work to completion. lliffhway ICobbery. -Gregg, colored, who keeps an eating saloon in the Holiow. while .on hi3 wav home at about half past 1 o'clock onSunday morniog,and when at the corner of Sixth aod Bladen streets, was assaulted by some . unknown colored man and, besides being 4 badly cut, was robbed of all the money which he had about bis person, amounting to three dollars and a half. The robber also stole Gregg's knife. The cutting is serious and in a dangerous locali ties, one gash being across the right side of his neck and the other across the left breast. Gregg camo here from South Carolina. No arrests have as yet been made. j -v ; ! f When you think that you need a new hat. you will be , reminded ' that the "Melville" is the be3t, and it is sold by Dyer. f We Visited Mr. Fishblate's great Clothing Em porium on Saturday, and we must say that he has the largest stock of clothing and gents1 furnishings that we have ever seen South of Philadelphia. His store was full of customers and he was doing an immense business. He states that there is no dull times in bis store, that his business has grown to such an extent that he had to employ addition al salesmea. His country order de partment is a business in itself. x We are glad to note these facts for his es tabSishment is a credit to any city and it is just such houses that go a great way in improving and help to a great extent to build up a city. We congrat ulate him upon his success. f Cltv Court. A white man, whose name we sup press by request, was brought before the Mayor this morningcharged with disorderly conduct. Ho was fined $50 for the offense, in default of which he will be required to work at hard labor on tbe public streets under the direction of the Chief of Police until the fine and co3ts are paid. . Fan uie Gore, for a like offense, was lined $25, or to work upon the streets until fine and co3ts are paid. In passing these sentences the Mayor slated that he was determined to try and break up tbo frequent recurrence of the violations of the law by chronic offenders, and should hcreaftcie impose and enforce tho extreme penalty. A. Curiosity. Mr. C. J. Gause, of Shallolto town ship, Brunswick county, has on exhibi tion at No. 11, South Front street, a nrammolh saw fish. It was thirteen feet long when first caught and weighed about 000 pounds. The saw is three feet and a half long and is a tearful looking weapon. Such fish are seldom seen in these waters, and we had much rather see them dead than when alive. The fish in question was caught at Bland's fishery, on Cause's Beach, Brunswick county, and has been stufled ana preserved for exhibition. The price of admission to see this wonder ot the deep has been fixed at ten cents, which is cheap enough. It will remain in the city several days, and is' well worthy the attention of the people and espec ially of those who have a fondness for natural history. The Festival. The ladies connected with St. Thorn as1 Catholic Church were busy to-day at the City Hall, in arranging arti cles and decorating the room for tbe festival which will be given to-night. There were quite a nujuber of them thus engaged and with nimble fingers and womanly taste they made the hall a picture ot animate and inanimate loveliness. Appearances now indicate that there will be pleasant weather for the festival and we hope that there will be a full attendance every night as a recompense to tbe ladies who have worked so faithful to : entertain the pablic. Mayor Hall will deliver the opening address and Prof. Denck. who is a host in himself, will preside at the piano. ! Pergonal 1 . Mr. Wm. A. French has returned to the city from a two weeks1 visit to Northern cities. , " ' . . .. . Mr. W. J. Sutton, Representative in the Legislature from Bladen connty, was in the citir loday, : ' ; l; Mr. G. Pngge, Jr., has recently re turned to the city from Jacksonville, where he has been ' for the purpose of putting up electric bells in two of the hotels in that city. ; .' Mr. James A. Taylor; of the firm of Parker & Taylor, is one of the dele gates 4i the Baptist Stale Convention, which will convene at Reidsvilie to morrow, and expects to ieave for there to-night. - 4 Mr. Eugene McKeuzie, formerly of this city, but now living in Savant nah, Ga.. arrived hereon Sunday morn ing's train. He will return to Savannah on Wednesday night, taking, with him as a bride one of Wilmington's fair daughters. , K , r , , Mr. Frank" V. llawley, 1 business manager of the My fa Goodwin 'Sis"' Combination, a musical comedy, which will be presented at the Opera House on tbe nights of thev18th and 19th inst., is in the city to-day making theneces. sary arrangements therefor. Mr. J. II. Guasmann, business agent for the Madison Square Theatre Co.t is in the city to-day making the neces sary arrangements for the presentation of the drama of ''Young Mrs. Win throp," which will be presented at the Opera House on the night of the 1 4th inst.n . r.'. - - v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. On Exhibition NO. 11 SOUTH SECOND STREET, an enormous SAW Fisn, 12 feet, 6 Inches In length. Raptured on'. the North Carolina censt. nov 9 Opening Day. QPENING OF ALL THE LATEST STYES OF WINTER MILLINERY,: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. November 13th and 14th. ' MES. E. A.LUMSDEN'3. Ladles invited to call. nov 9 lw Sportsman's Goods. A FINE ASSORTMENT - OF BREECH XX. toadlntr Guns. Ammunition of all kinds. Re loading Tools. Come and look thronxh our asHortment. we can show more Guns than all the stocks in the city combined. WM. E. SPRINGER A CO.. 19. 21 A 23 Market Street, nov Wilmington, N. C. Tin Roofing, JJOOF REPAIRING AND PAINTING, JOBBING GENERALLY, .. W. E. KING, Practical Tinsmith, South Front st . nov 'J Rear Mallard's Harness Store Look Out JJOU COLD WEATHER AFTER THIS ? unseasonable heat, and buy you a good Stove, over which you can be comfortable. Look, out for a good Cook store, none of .your "Pinchbacka", but a durable and fine worBlog 9 .ore. sucn as are aepi at . PARKER A TAYLOR'S PURE WHITE OIL. - "nov9 HAVING MET WITH GREAT SUCCESS hi selling a lino line of LAMPS daring tbo last two seasons, we arc now offering a Handsomer line than usual and - invite pur chasers' attention to mem. prices rent Jxrto. inov 9 GllJ3 & MURCH1SON. Sweet Gum and Mullein, VIrlLL CHERRY, TAlt AND TOLU, Bull's Cough Syrup. Red Star Cough Cure, lioscuccs ucrman ovrup, Aycr s Uacrry sec toral, Allen's Lung Balsam, Hydrolinc, &c. Also, a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Ac Prescriptions tilled at ail hours, day or night. r. U. MILIAR. German Druggist, uov 9 Corner Fourth and Nan sta JgKSIDES ONE OF THE BEST SCLECT- ea and stylish assoitmcnts of MILLINERY GOODS, which is added to every week, I have a large dne of Hdk'fs, Linen and Silk, which I stamp free of charge. Also, Table Linen, and Towels, Silk and cashmere Gloves and Hosiery. Plush, Felt, Pompons, Crescents and Cards for Fancy Work, Linen Collars and Cuffs. An. Pclite and attentive sales ladies. Respectfully, MISS E.KARRER. New Store, oppoclte Nw Market. nov 9 . Bridal Presents, -JJSEFCL AND ORNAMENTAL. iieautlfal Steel Xngravlngg and Ollographa, elegantly framed, standing on Easels; FatBily Bibles, Fine Albums la 1 lush and Russia Leather, Looking Glasses on Marble Standr, fine Phuh Idiea Cases, Large Music Boxes, Upright and SqaarePlanos, Organs, etc, A lso, Bore's Illustrated Bo ka. elegantly bound, ann many otner rancy Article. f . riease can ana saake your aeiecuons at HELKSBERGERtS. - nor 9 Live Book and Music stores. 9, 1885. k. at r i a jmvecL-1 2 r r Wft IB STEAMES AVO BAIL,f THE JFOL- lowing attract ve goo is: 1 i ALBERT CRACKERS, in 2-lb tins, Cocoanut Taffy, : - V i .1 -r Cocoanut Jelly, ' r'x ;., r . ; - - , , . . ; Cocoanut Macaroons and 'Almond Macaroons. TURK IBII 'PRUNES, Eecdleis, v - - " LONDON LAYER AND ' i,, ' . -..x DEHESA BAISJKS. All New and of Very Fine Quality ! ' Boston Brown -Bread, . ' ' J Thnrber's White Heath Peaches, ' ' ' ' DevUled Crabs, in Cans, with Shells. ' 1. ;r. - The Epicurean Sonps .. 8 Macaroni J ullenne : and Mock Turtle. Jho Ij. Boatwright . : nov 9 - Spiced Pig's Feet and Tripe, IN HALF BARRELS AND KITS, ELEGANT FOR BREAKFAST OR . 1' " . ..'.-I- SUPPER. - : SWEET MIXED PICKLES, Loose, 30c Per Quart, (very popular. ) , Colored Wax Candles, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Ac. VERY; NICE FOR DECOR ATIONS. Elegant Country Cider, Ob Draught, Fresh from Tennessee, ' 40c Per Gallon. Send in your orders early for Celery 011 Tuesday's Steamer.1 Will have another elc ant lot this week. :"." P. L. BEID&ERS & CO., 110 North Front Bt nov 9 School Books j 7 and School Supplies, ' JENS, PENCILS, INK, SPONGE, PENHOLDERS, SLATES, CRAYONS, 1 : BOOK BAGS and STRAPS, - J COPY BOOKS, " 1 EXERCISE BOOKS. Ac We will make It to your advantage to buv of us. Wc buy for cash and can afford to sell encap. ' C.W.YATES, novo 119 Market St. ST. - THOMAS' CATHOLIC CHURCH FAIB yiLL OPEN AT THE CITY HALL, ON MONDAY EVENING, Nov. th. There will be a great variety oj magnificent Works of An ana iancy ana nscrai arucies ior voung, sale and raffle. Choicest refreshments at mod erate prices. Music, Instrumental aad vocal. Admission rrc. nov 7 ?tnac For Sale and Rent. CTORES, DWELLINGS AND VACANT LOTS Apply to D. O'CONNOR. aug 24 2taw3m m th Real Estate Agent Dealers and Shippers. XJITE ARE RECEIVING AND shipping fresh NEW RIVER OYS- TEES every day. Orders promptly filled. We will guarantee the best nd cheapest Oysters ou incmariei, ueuverea 10 any part or ihe city 1 rrc 01 cnirge. HOYS JENKINS A WILSON Sand Shoal Oysters, XpEOM HORNE'S GARDENS. gVi Also, WIN BERRY Oysters. Best Xiw glass of Beer in the city, on draught as good Whl&krr and 5c dzmra. at iforhantr ,bm 6 South Front at. oct S9 , 4 J. M. McGOWAV, Prop.. Oysters. Oysters. Oysters. RECEIVING DAILY LARGE CONSIGN menta of Fine Fat NSW erven (ivn. 1ERS, which I will deliver to any Express Office in North or South Carolina, at lowest possible price. r , , , Delivered la anr nart of thi tt t r I charge. All orders promptly filled and quality JUSG ? . z it' r , . L. G- CHERRY, Agt , .M - ' 110 SonUUTront St., oct 93m . .Wilmington, w.c. PLASS KOTICS. TrtmitcU3 to. rmrrt eoaauaicitioa from onrfrlsncLs on aay tad . all !snbjcis Ctasrallstsreatbsl ' " . &a atTza cf vtn wrtr neat always t MsiM to tiacducr.'- " ' ' - ' ' CbiTamiTcagona mast M wrttua ca o c&eaideot the paper." ? '-."' rtnoaaBUes uTutbe avoided. - And It la especially and particularly und tood that the Editor does not always aadoi the views of correspoadenta , umlaas so a tats &i the editorial cohuana. NEW ADVEKIJ3EMEirT3, A FEW REMARKS WORTH KKOWING ! .'4 ' We will sell this week : FINE FELT HATS for Ladles, Misses and . Children, in all styles axd colors, for only 7Jc each and upwards. OSTRICH TIPS. 393. for 3 in a bunch. HaadBome OSTRICH.-PLUMES reduced to 'H r " - r V i i J i 75c and upwards. ' 5 . ' ' 1 An Immense line of Birds, Breasts, Wings, v hi fact every kind of Feathers, '.' ! . at equally low prices. GLOVES Ladies Kid Gloves 73c. vet pair. ladles Driving Castor Gloves, extra lire ':' . quality, reduced to 90c per pair. Of uieee Gloves we nave only a. r limited number. An early call will secure some of tne above - i- : goods st ' t " Taylor's Bazaar, 118 MARKET ST.' Just opened anew rot of JERSEYS, the latest styles, together with other new noveleUea. Wall STTirlAaT JN FELT AND STRAW HATS. . .. FANCY FEATHERS in great variety. Oil Tips and other. MllIlnbry'Goods. MRS. KATE C WINES, 119 N. Second Street, near Postofllco nov 2tt By Steamer Yesterday. 1,500 OSANG153' 15 Bbls APPLES, (choice). 300 lbs. GRAPES, (choice varieties), BECK EL PEARS, 1.009 Florida ORANGE, by Rail. 15 Bunches fine Aspinwall BANANAS, Persian DATES In ono pound cartoons, Choice DRIED FIGS, In large boxes, i " Our elegant, fine CREAM CANDIES, made at home, by an expert workman, have a grow ing reputation a t homeand abroad, u We guarantee satisfaction as to prices ahd Quality. f i t -Z:, .. ,7: ' ; '.Z i I ?, B; J .;MOOKE & CO, -. nov o - . , - - I : : : - : . , . . 1 WILMINGTON A. WELDON R.' R. CO.,' SECl'Y A TREASURER'S OFFICE, j ,' WlLMIsroTOV, N. C, Oct. 31, 1695. rjlHE FIFTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of tho Wilmington A Wcldon E. R, Co. will be held at the Office of the cmiiinf., ln.WUmlngton,'on TUESDAY, the . iijh 3 ''"" Z, '' x 17th of Kovcmber proximo. J. W. THOMPSON, ' nov 2 tdm Secretary. WIL.; COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA TL B.CO. !. SEUT'Y A Tit K AS. OFFICE, . WlLMIWOToy, N. C, Oct. 31, 1885 ' THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock holders of the Wilmington, Columbia A Au gusta R.B. Co. will be held in the Office of the President, in Wilmington, on TUESDAY, the 17th of November proximo. J. W. THOMPSON, nov 2 tdm ' : Secretary.; Announcement J -pEMEMBER THAT IN MAKING AR- rangements for the Vocal Class which I am now forming, I have fixed the tuition at $S for the term of Is Reasons. I shall begin the course as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers have been obtained. iTnorongh instruction will be given in tbe rudiments of vocal music, and the pupils will be advanced as fast aa pre vious acquirement will warrant, and so last er. There will be no teaching by rote: cob sequently there will be so attempts at Operas or Choruses from the great masters until tbe oupils are able to readordlnary church music correctly and - with considerable flnencv. Tfcose wishing to iota the class may leave their names at me bookstores ot air p. ueasber- or f r. C W. Yates, or with the subseri- at the Review office. oct?8 H. TL FOSTER. QOMB AND SEX THE TOYS, TINWARE and FANCY GOODS Just received. Some thing to suit every housekeeper io the city. Prices low at No. 24 SoutU Second and Vt Dock sta. nov 7 ' - - J. F. A. REAVES. - OYSTERS ! . HUMPHREY A SNEEDEN will 0 fTl receive dally fresh New Elver V. 1 f Oysters during the season, and will Xv deliver them in anv nart of th ritw in mr quantity wanted. Also, Fish and Oysters Mnt U. 0.1J. jstajia head of Front street Market Taylors B:AZAA OCl ... ,: . , . , v -