' . t T J (royal XI Absolutely Pure. This powder never vailea. ; A marvel of purity, strength ant wholesomcGess. More econ .mical than the ordinary ki d, and an notb? sold in competition with the mubltude of low teat, short weight slum or phosphate Ttnwlr8. Soldonlv in cans. Povjl Bakiho POWDIR Co . 106 Vall t. N. Y. oci 26 dAw ly tcnrm 4thp The Daily Review. cy any Jievieic tua the, largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper uublished. m Vic cuy ot wiirKtnvinn. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 11. '85. TERRIBLK 1) IS A ST Kit The Steamer Algoma Wrecked iu a Storm on Lako Superior. Winnipeg, Nov. 9. A fearful dis aster occurred on Lake Superior, oil Port Arthur, on Saturday night. The magnificent ironclad steamer Algoma.ol Canadian Pacific Railroad. w wreck ed and tbirty-seyen lives lost. Only meagre particulars have been received up to the present hour. They consist mainly ot telegrams to private persons announcing the loss ot friends. The steamer was from Owen Sound and was wrecked off Ile Royal, just out9it!e Thunder Bay. ' , . ; A heavy rain storm prevailed all Friday afternoon; and night, and the steamer iay to for a time. When the weather cleared sligiAly the vessel started again, but made slow progress. The next evening a dense leg prevailed, and the steamer -frit her way along, blowing fog horns. She struck a reel and went down. The steamer was bound for Port Arthur with passengers for Western points. iJohn G. Brown, a bricklayer otthis city, accompanied by his isi.er, is known to be oa board. Cayt. Mo re is master of the vessel, and Air. Mac kenzie, nephew of the Hon. Alexander Mackenzie, is purser. She left. Ouen Sound last Thursday, and was wrecked on Saturday , night The ursi known of the oisnsler wa when the steamer Arthabasca, of the same line, arrived at Port Arthur late this evenine with the crew of the ill fated steamer, consisting ot thirteen sailors and two passengers, who were the only ones saved. The Arthabasca, which left Owen Sound two days after the Aleoma. came upon tho wreck at Isie Boyle, and found the crew and two passengers in a perishing condition on the island. The wreck had been dashed by the waves against the rocks, and had ti naliy beaten against the shores of the island The crew and two passengers saved themselves by. taking to the life boat, and battling' with the waves until the shore was reached. The b;at wa washed over several times by waes, but righted aain, while the ueu clung closely to its sides. They succeeded in reaching land aituos:, dead from ex posure ami ' exhaustioo. Tne storm continurd to rage luriously. Ail niirht long tho rescued remained on the beach watching the wreck beat against the rock-bound island, and seeing the dead bodies dabbed in the surf agaiost the shores. The Athabasca care aling about noon to-day, and, as the .channel is narrow, could not avoid seeing the wreck. A boat waa scot ashore and brought tho rescued to the Athabasca, which 6et sail for Port Arthur, whf-re it ar rived about 7 "o'clock this evening. There is intense excitement 'in the city to-night, as many had friends on b -ard The list of cabin passengers can be bad at Toronto orSault Sta. "Marie, where the manifests of pSssenVehr is given to tba cuitorus officifUf , ,,. , , . c 1 The Algoma ' is a thoroughly butV. and splendidly equipped Cld built steamer, lighted by electricity. Her gross tonnage is 1,780; length, 27o feet; breadth. 38 leer. She wa complete in every detail. The furnishing was lux urious, eqaal to the finest ocean steam ers. The vessel cos! $450 AGO; and i understood to havo been insured for $300,000. She was one of three steam era Alberta. Athabasca and Algoma purchased two irears aeo by the Canadian Pacific Railroad for lake traffic, and since that time she has been plying between Owen Sound and Port Arthur, doing a large business. I hU nnlv dntv was to obey.1 This Is not i tiv nv mtftns the onlv .rebuff -pf :tlw hat 11. do Gieri, has t re ceived from his imperial master within tha nast tweivtt Jiio'Ulis and the war nirt.w i dflisrhU-d -over-h s new dis comfiture. lSj most persona in St. Petersbure the Cz ir's lnsulr to Prince Alnxander is regarded as a lamentable inc.iden-. especialfy as Austria and Germany have not followed suit, as the Czar evidently hvlteved they would.; In view of this ceurretce few poliical ohacrvers at the Kussian caDtttu nw -hooe Tor wace. The Russian Govern ment certainly entertains no sncn n pe. Evervthinff is subordinated to fevrih war DreDarations lor meeting the enaer gency. It looks now as though Russia won Id be comnelled to fisht. and to fight practically alone, to maintain her Dresent decree of supremacy in the affairs of eastern Europe. s Vif.xna: Nov 9. It is paid that the Ozar erased the name of Prince Alex ander in a fit of anger, without consult in his Ministers, on hearina that Prinon Alexander had handed British Consul LascWles paprp showing Gavril Pasha's intrigues with Russia, with the View that their publicity would justify the revolution. The Austrian Government is slowly but surelv massinir trooDS in Herze govina. Provisions and ammunition are being forwarded in large quantities daily. Pestii Nov. 9. Fiftv Servians re cently crossed the frontier near Trn and attacked a Bulgarian outpost guard of ten men. One of the Servians was killed. The attacking party subse nuently retired. A party of Servians, inspecting the Bulgarian frontier, fired on tbe Bulga rian commander in the Kustendil dis trict. The commander was not injured The Chi ues a May Stay. Portland, Oregon. Nov. 9. The anti-Chinese agitation in the Northwest is probahly a, an end. There may be a few more meetings, but no more out rages will be perpetrated. Nine-tenths of those who have engaged in the dem onstrations are of the same class as the notorious "sand lotter" of San Francis co, and a small number of them were members of the sand-lot mob four years ago The leaders :f the agi tation at Tacoma and Seattle were not workingmen, but professional politi cians of smai calibre, who hoped to make capital out of it. Since Saturday these leader have suddenly awakened t-a realization of the fact that they have committed a crime against the United States and Territorial laws, for which they will be held responsible Possibly there may be secret agitation, but no one will hae tbe hardihood to publicly order the Chinese away, as was done at Tacoma and towns in the Ticimty. The outrages have been confined ex clusively to Seattle and Tacoma, and small towns within twenty miles of those places. There have 'been no demonstrations at Olympia or Port Townsend The alleged Labor Con- g'e-s which met at fteattie h bout a month ago was called some days ago to meet at Olympia on Nov. 24. A tele-! gram irora Olymphia says the citizens of that city will use : every endeavor to prevent the meeting being held there. The has been no agitation in Eastern Washington and none in Oregon out side of this city. The attempt to arouse feeling here was started by B.P.Pen tingiil. a stranger from Vermont, who was soon ridiculed out of his self-appointed position of leader. A few meetings have been held. At the last one a resolution was adopted censuring the action ot the mob at Tacoma and pleading obedience to law and order. Washington, Nov. 9. Secretary Endic tt has sent instructions to mili tary commanders who are stationed in the neighborhood in which uprisiugs against the Chinese are apt to occur to nave their troops in readiness to in force the provisions of the President's proclamation, issued on Saturday. STATE NEWS " JSewi and Observer : Yesterday Gov. Scales appointed tho folio wing delegates to ibe "Farmers National Congress:" First distiici. Rev G W . S.mdtrli E:zabeth City; i)r W R Capehart, Aoca. Second di.-irict. Henry Wil liams, Warrantor; I)r F &1 Rouniree. Kington. Third district. Jonathan Evans. Fayettvi!l; Dr (J L Kirby. Goldsboro. Fourth district, B P Wil liamson, Raleigh ; T T Oliver, Pir.e Level- Fifth district. G A ? Wilson, .fr. Sassafras Fork; Peter Hairsto.i, Wal nut Cove. Sixth district, Fred Kidder. Wilmington ; S B Alexander, Charlotte Sevent ft district. R B Davis. Hickory: F Al Johnston, Farmington. E'ahth distrit-t, W A Graham, Iron Station; J F Finlay. Wilkeb ro. Ninth di trict. William Curtis, Democrat; Henry Siewart, Webster. Charlotte Observer : Out in Biddle villf, last Sunday, two darkies, Joe Jamison and Frank Shipp, became in volvd in a qaarn l orer a woman, and lha atrair ended'.by Jamison drawing a knife and using it on Sh'pp, who re ceived a deep and probably fatal stab in the abdomen. The physicians whit attended Shipp testified before Esquire Severs yesterday that the wound was of a very serious nature.. Jamison was accordingly committed to jail in default ot $1,000 bond, to await trial by Judge Meates. The nudden death ot Scout, the $1,000 bird dosr. in Salisbury, lasf Friday night, was considered of suffi cient importance to warrant a post mortem examination. It was well, too. that this course waa pursued, as it resulted in vindicating Salisbury from the suspicion of possessing a man mean enongb to have poisoned the dog. This was believed to have been the cause of the dog's death, a conclusion ii seems that was too hastily formed. The post mortem examination was con ducted by Dr. J. W. Jones and Mr. Hammond, the Kennel editor ot Forest Steam, and revealed the fact that Scout's death was the result of conges tion of the lung?, all the other orgar.s being in a perfectly healthy condition. WILMINGTON MARKET. Nov 11-4 P. M SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 34 cents. Sales of 250 casks at 34 cents. ROSIN Quiet at 80 cents for straiu- ed and 85 cents tor god strained. TAR Firm at. $1 10 CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at $1 and $1.50. COTTON Dull. No sales reported. Official quotations : Ordinary 61 ; good ordinary 75; low middling 8; middling 9 ; good middling 9 5-16. " Keeeipts today: Cotton, 672; spir its. 346; rosin. 1,061; tar, 191 -.crude 30. The Insult to Alexander. London, Nov. 9. The St. Peters burg correspondent of the cable news, being prevented by tho - rigorous cen sorship over press despatches frcm making any effective use of the telegraph, has : forwarded . ; a - letter describing the situation at the Rus sian capital. He "Says that the acton ot the Czar in striking o3f the najieot Prince Alexander of Bulgatia from the honorary list of the Russian army was taken cot only without the ad vice of his Ministers but in Opposition to the earnest entreaties of M. de (iters, the Russian Foreign Minister. M. de Giers was necessarily informed of the Czar's intention, as the latter desired that timely notice of his comtem plated action should be sent to the Austrian and German Emperors, , in tb'e hope that they would also revoke the Prince's honorary appointments : in their armies. M. de Giers implored his Majesty to reconsider his decision, ;but the Czar was thoroughly angry and gruffly I old the Foreign Minister that Failure ofMahone's Newspaper Richmond, Nov. 9. In the Chan cery Court of this city to day a general creditors' bill of Henry L. Pelouse against the Richmond Whig Publish ing Company was filed and the appoint ment ot a receiver asked for. Judge Hollady granted an injunction restrain ing that corporation from further pub lication of the Richmond Whig, and appointing Charles C. Clark receiver, withabondot $10 000. The receiver is ordered to continue the publication of the paper and manage the business of the corporation. Mr. Clark ha been tho business manager of the Whig for several years. Pelouse's bill amounts to nearly a thousand dollars tor rent and printing material. The Whig is in its fifty-second year. That it is allowed to no into the hands of a receiver is considered a certain in dication that Mahone has decided to permanently retire from politic. The oaper .has had a varied career. In its earlier days it was the leader of South ern ttptnton. ami was the organ of the Whig party all, over the country. One ot the most noed pbliticaUluels fought in the South was that between John HampaeaiPleasants. its editor, and Williau Richie, the editor of the En quirer, in which the former was killed. Soon after the war the paper was for a short time He publican,, but soon went into Democratic hands, and wai con tinued as a Democratic paper until Ma hone declared himself a Republican. It began to be his organ about ten years ago Next to Pleasants Alexan der Mosely waY.;its. tnot distinguished editor.. Ridgeway was another of its prominent editors. The paper has been.considered as losing money for many years past It is rumored that Gov. Cameron will purchase it, and, atter the expiration ot his term" in January, run it as an independent paper, but the rumor lacks confirma tion. f Mabone as been a great sutierer from dyspepsia for many years and the fact that he has surrendered his organ leads to the belief that he will join his wife and daugLter in Europe. Provisions and Cotton. Chicago, November 11. 2:30 p. m Wheat market opened at 69 and closed at 891 to 885 for January. Corn opened at 38 and closed at 37 bid tor Janu ary. Pork opened at 9.45 and closed at 9.H7A for January. NEwYOEK.Nov. U. 2:30 p. ra. Cot ton opened at 9 20 asked and closed at 9. 17 asked for November. Opened at 9.27 and closed at 9 22 forDecem ber. Opened at 9 40 and closed at 9.34 for January. Opened at 9.52 and closed at 9.46 tor February. Opened at 9.65 and closed at 9 58 for March. MISCELLANEOUS. Cures Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Oough, Incipient Consump tion, aaa relieves vuwiujnpuvc persons in advanced stages of the disease. Price 25 cts. Cau tion. The Genuine Dr. Bull's Cottah Syrup is sold only in trhite irrttppers, and tears or registered Trade-Marks to H'it -. A BuXVslIead in a Circle, a Bed Strip Caution-Label, and the facsimile signatures of John W. Hull & A. C. Meyer Co., Sole Prop's, Baltimore, Md., U. 8. A. Chew Lance's PIng The great Tobacco An tf dote! Price lO Cts. Sold by all Druggists. . gept 1 il&w tcnrra4p Tayl ors AAR A FEW KEMi.RKJ WORTH 1 0 ." We will sell thld week : FINE FELT IT ATS for Ladles, Miaees and Cfcil lren, I i all etyles f.rd coloxs, for only 7 c. each and upwards. O iTRICII Tl rS. 39c. for 3 in a bunch. Hasdsome OSTRICH FLUMES reluced to 7cc and upwards. An imiaesEe line of Bird?, Brantts, Wings, In fact evey tindf.f Feathers, at equally low pr iv: e. GLOVED Ladies Kid Gloves 73c. per pair. Ladies Driving Cast 3r Glove?, extra fi'e quality, rtduccd to 90c per pair. Of theee G!ove3 we have only a limited number. An early call will secure some of the above goed3 t Taylor's Bazaar, 118 MARKET ST. Just opened anew lot of JERSEY?, the latest styles, tosjethcr wi h ether new novtleties. oct 26 UISCELLAITEOUS. I tHjSCELLAITEQUs, 2 We are offering so ru 8 beautiful styles and at very low fignres i : -,.. - - - - CARPETS. CARPETS;;, , CARPEfc IIT- 1 1 . 1 -1 , . . . .- ue are now prepareu wun a gouu siw:s auu can pieasa me most fasliclio Art Squares and Orumb Cloths in various pattern oiii VJUOTiis, ail wiatno.- In all styles Ions and short. Children's and Misses Wraps SSgr" Jerseys all grades and weights, . novv R. P-lflQcirJTlRE, OPENING OF- Fall & Winter Goods 3 AT- ninW fiPVAT VAfMTn.r 1 ccntiatod Crb Orchar 1 Water !vr ta'ay.) The Concentrate is Vv."T'K. evaporating the Natural OahOrchatSv J obtained at the Springs, to a coSSSS veniBt for use and traasportatiftr the Valn.bla Properties of the wiS i, Jl f erved, come of which are rtndered inf8, in th s procees cf preparing tbe gnluwu 18 JABBiftltUIT,; VH nr - - . 1 116 rJJarlret St. An Entirely New Stock -OF- 51 Alt mi3 N JEWS. ARRIVED, Steamship Benefactor, Tribon, New York, H G Small bones Steam yacht Louise, Woodsides, Smith ville. Master , Steamer D. Alurchison; Smith, Fay etteville, Williams & Murchison. CLEARED. Steam yacht liaise Woodside. Smith ville. Master Steamer D Murchison. Smith, Fav etteville, Williams & Murohiaon." School Books and School Supplies, JpENS, PeNCILS. INK, SPOJGE, PENHOLDERS, SLATES, CRAYO -S, B 30K BAG 3 ad STRIPS, COPY BOOKS KXfc-KCLSB BOOKS we will mate U to your advantage to buv of U3. We buy for cash and ctn aflforl to sell VTn ot va'pbs r cheap nov 9 Ac. W YTFS. 119 Market ?t. Sportsman's Goods. FINE ASSORTMENT OF BREECH t oadlng Guns, Ammunition of all tlnds, Re- loading Tools. jui3 and look th?ouh our assortment. We can enow more Guns than all the stocks la the cl y combined. WU. E. SPRINGER A CO. 19. 21 & 23 Market street, nov 9 VVllmlnarton. N. C. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND NOV. 7, 1885. Cotton ashore, G.322; afloat, 2 981; total, 9,303. Spirits ashore. 3 988. Rosin ashore, 1 13,007 ; afloat, 3,003 : total, l: 0.070. Tar ashoro, 2 ! 00. Crude ashore. 851. RECEIPTS FOR WEEK ENDED NOV. 7th. Cotton. 3 369 ; spirits, 968 ; rosin. 4,045: tar, 1.059; crude, 366 EXPORTS FOB WEEK ENDED NOV. 7tb, DOMESTIC. Cotton, 838; spirits, 177; rosin. 358; tar, 716; crude, 50 FOREIGN. ' Cotton 5,200; spirits, 40; rosin, 7,294. Tin Hoofing, JJOOF KK V DIKING AND PAINTING, JOABIX i GENStiALoY, W. E. KING, Practical TInamitb, Fonth Froct st . ro -9 E ear MalUrts Harness Store Just received a lot ot burglar proof blind fasts. Call and see them at Ja CQBis Hdw. Depot, and yon will buy.t OYSTERS ! RET 8KE BITES vrWtVZ dally fresh New lrer V ! 1 -J leg tna season, ard will V. TTDMPHKET jjl receive cut Oy ersdurinjr deliver thenain part of tin city lnany quantity wanted. Also, Fish and Oysters sent V'.Jr" CWU1 cau or front etreet Market oct -0 VESSELS IN THE PORT OF WILMIH6T0N. N. C. ., NCVKMBEK 10, 1885. , ; ., UNo vessel under 60 tons ieiorted In this llst.1 PS. . STEAMSHIPS. I BrCyahnes. Heslop. 1.061 tonal if i ' I T; "n iCPMebane BARQUES., t. . , , v . Nor Alaska, C29'tons. Buck, E G Barker & Co Swe Vulcan, 373 tons, Lenader, Ilelde & Co Ger Marie, bSltons, Dlllwitz, ': ? " Peechau 4 Wcsterniann Nor Odl, 2.7 tons, Christiansen,' Heide & Co Swe Widga, 709 tons, Pahlsen c P Mebane 8 we Boomerargr, &73 tons, Foekbgrjr, ' lici e St Co Nor retdara, 36 sons. Anders en, r. IIeIIeCo Br Espelflc, 403 tons. Dent, cj e Mebane Ger Charlotte & Anne. 431 tons Krieger, . ! ,. , . ' fi csclura dt Westormann Ger M eleor. 64 tons Voss, c P Hebanc Ger Anna, 63 tons, e'cowemer.j c P Mebane iSSSSi ff.SfeJStU. nM Ger Clara, 479 tons, Nel j ahi, . t r ".K Pe;chau4 Westermann Ger Augusta f ophle, 29J tons, Dethloff, ? v -' . E Feschau & Westermann Nor Emma, 305 tons, Andersen, Heide & Co SCHOONERS. Albeit HjCroaa, 840 tons, Henderson. T " . . : , Geo Harrlss St Co F.ttle H Lister, S20 tons, Mason, ' fW Ranis. r Beseift Brown. 943 tons, PbiUips, ' - . Geo- Harrlss St Co naltfe 1 urner. ?91 tons, Keen, "L KG Barker St Co Wm Denning, 170 tons, Hodfdon, John A Griffin, 305 tone. BcSeU; " 8 C B 8 Graba... 341 turn. aS?"1" 00 Fnnicjracy. 232 tons. Tiltfn? C Kli B mil. 72 ton., Hill. G HtelM f ? Koger Moore. $si tons. repair?Dg.BarrCr C Bpan NaUvldad 170 tons, Gonie?rebklg 00 BG Barker A Co LobK Out f - OR COLD WEitllSR A FTER THIS unscaeouable heat, and buy you a crool btove, over which yoa can ba comfortable. Ixoa out tor a-g )el Cook - to e, none of y ur 'Pinchbacfes", hut a arable andficewori iDg S'o e, such as are kept at "AKKEB ft TAYLOR'S. PURE WHITE OIL. nov 9 Sweet Gum and Mullein, YILD CHERUY, TAB AND TOLU, Bull's Cough Syrup, Red Star Cough Cure, BoEchee's German tJjrup.'Ayer's Cherry Pec toral, Allen' Luag Balsam,! Hydroline.lic; Alsd, a full line-of Drugs.tCheni'cals, Ac Prescriptions filled at ail hoars, day or night. F. C. MIJULhzi, i H German Druggist, nov 9 rTer Fourth and Nun eis Silks, Rhadams, Ottomans, Velvets, Cashmere? Tricots, ; Ladies1 Cloth, Henriettas, Flannels, &c &c. White Goods, Laces, Edgings Fur?, Gloves.? . Corsets. Men's and Boys' Wear, Hosiery. Housekeeping Goods, Domestics, Not ions, &c . &c. At prices lower than they have known for years. ' yentions and patents ever pnblishe'lEJ.'11' ber illustrated with splendid m HE?" r'i.t)iicationfurBi8hMmo8tvluibleenCTdnnL. iiiwrmson waico no person shon d be wither Tht popularity, cf the Scientific AotSci snch that its circulation nearly equa!sffi?.S ubuer papers vi ua ciasa combined. Prii T7 year. Disco-jnt to Clnhn. RnM.n,! MUNN & CO.jPablisher NorBroidTnwvl ihhmmhmmm e,". fears' . practC9 bttcn the Patent Office and have prmtMi more than One Hundred Thou. Band applications for patents in thi mtea btates and foreien eonntri r . . I ! 1 oay-rithti er papeti f uaveats. TradA-MnrtiL Aasia'nnients. and all othi securing to inventors their rights in tfct United States, Canada, England, Frio nni4 ith k A . : - J it ' Information as to obtaining patents ehae fully given without charge. Haad-booki a information sent free. .Pafanta nht.i.i through Munn & Co. are noticed in the Scientist American free. The advantage of such notice it well understood by all persons who wish to do. pose oi ineir paxrms. Address MUNN & CO., Office Scaamra been Terms Positively Cash ! The Best Newspaper in America and by far the Most Readable. Agents wanted everywhere to earn money in distributing the Sun's. Pre miumsjr -z - ,. ' ' . '- The most interesting and advania geous offers ever made by any News, paper. -H.- s ; , No Subscriber ignored or neglected. Something for all. ? Beautiful andSubsiantial rrciiM'i in- Standard Gold and olherWatcliG'Vnl'iJ : Books, tho Best Family ScTiiig 31 known to the trade, an-l anr.ncri''.-J of objects of real utility and icrtructL I shall sell my goods as low, as the lowest cataloeues. All I ask is the same treatment " ' Cash ! Cash ! Cash ! And assure you at tbe same time, my kind patrons, that I nropOsc to main tain in the fu'ure the reputation gained in the past of having - Rates, by Ks.il. . ' DAiLYper.Ysa? o . DAILY, per Month ,i f SUNDAY, per Yc-r FOR .rVfc'RY DAY ! ' - ' t l f si - nov 2 Foreclosure Sale. By: vibtuk of, the po wbk ur contained in a mortgage aeca maue w " Davis & Son to Valeria A. Meginncy, rwm M M. vm - j j - j rPU n T)n4 T, nU W I In Book RUB. page 754, et scq. of immot AUC AlCDbi IUC VjLlCdUCb I of Sew Hanover county, tne unacrw.- L 1 . tt-.n-r. nm Yi . mn.tira mM nrlll PTIW C AND- MOST.'COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS To be found outside of New York. Call and be convinced at (V2. TwQ. KATZfS sept 21 MAKKET ST. Attornev for the mortgagee, sale at public auction, to the highesi for cash, at the County Com t Horn ap thecitv of Wllmhutun, ontne "w",J November, 18S5, at 12 o'clock, M., 0 lowing described lot of land situate a" city and beginning at point on the line or ront streti ai me uiu.tw -a saW line with-the Northern line of Alley ahd running thence with the ; 2L Front street, Northwardly tblrty-elx M to the Southern line of a lot former log to John Walker, deceased ; them w Riser's line Weitwardly parallel wli"- .a. r 4 thn i'nriA rear '"; thenco with the edge of tbe wharf andeuw" ?f ft? 27JZ! lit 1 11. rcoriiiif.i II Hilt? UI A 1U , Geo. W. Price, Jr., s&X-SWJrWyls AUCTIONEER k COMMISSION MERCHANT. Fall Styles ! J N FKL.T AND &T SAW II ATS. FANCY FEATHER3 In great variety. Oil IIpj and other Millicery Goods. iim. kat? c wises, . 119 N. Seconi Street, near Posioffice nov 2tt - Announcement f JEMEMBER THAT IN Ma KING AB- rangemento for the Vocal Chtes which I am now f "rming, I have fixed the tuition at $S for the term or 48 lessons. I shall begin the course as s?on as a sofficient number of subscribers have been obtained. 1 borough Instruct" on will be given in the rudiments of vocal muelc, and the pupils will bo advanced as fast as pre vious acquirements will warrant, and no fact er There will be no teaching by r jte ; con sequently there will be no attempts at Operas or Choruses from the great masters until tbe Dupils are able to resd ordinary church music correctly and with considerable floencv. Thee wishing to join the class may leave the'ir names a; the Bookstore of Afr P. Hemsber geror r C. W. Yates, or with the subscri ber, at the Eeview office, oct 28 H. H. FOSTER. oi me lot jLaatwuruijr ti ivj - urn of said street Northwardly tTrentT-w" feet to the Northern line of Muteri thence with the f aid line of eaid ml " Office ard Sales Boom, 215 Market St. . Wlltt lngton, Nfc C. ' . wardly to the beginning oct 30 tf AuJorJI MARKED DOWN Attention will be given the ea?e of Goods, Wares, ' Merchandise, &c on Consignment, and a General Commission Basin ess. STfclCT attention to bufiinefls and QUicit retarna of I Ini all kinds of Tablo Gcol3. GOOD OPPOBTUNIT1 tjS Will fce'fosnl In the low prlccBlam n''55 sales. July 10 fPoro llcen Tablo Look Here! AT MY SNUGGEBY.TIIE GREEN HOUSF, corner Princess ard F ccond sts., yon will i find not only good Wiie and Liquors, but! any style demanded a Beading room ahd pri vate dining room attached i , 9Sr Cold Lunch at all hours. oct 17 tf I. B. KUODE3, Trop. " Cream Double" J'Cwhite Table. " v ... roubio low Prices 50 9c wor- , and 3i Table Napkins an! Vof portion 4-. fuU' Our sck of Ca6lmereJ ia .ViB'''''1 f?23 rrnt (in Ciothier'a prlCfc -J ' jno: J. HEDKICK; oct SEEMIN4 TO B E IN I) ED SB J C8T KOW von can find at f 4. North Water Rtrppt. Oranges at SO to 23 cents per dozs. fl 7ft per 1 T K O Pv PI irCinfl ltO;che tnnts 40 jcesta per peck; Fine lied I I Ho XaOUI OlUll md Pic t, IEAU3 13 OYER AND TUB iuo rounas ; uoney e cents per pound ; sweet 1 . r av k ro ha Potatoei, Corn. BJacfc K;e. Grey Eye, Xady CAL AND KJrhe practkal Finger and reel Peas. PeanuW titers. 1 and JOHN WEENEB; the IoLV Tirira ThlofrAn, Jti ha. r CtT 1 1 Rarhrr Jind reriUHier. c.1nL nor 19 dw j. b. MABSIIA1X.1 l.tendince at hU IlsJr Vrcesis, S Winter is Here I : ; C1LL ATK. E. LLOYD & GO'S SEW Wood Yard aid leave your orders tot Saw ed Wood one-thli d cheaper than you can have it sawed at yoar houses. Try us. . , R. E. LLOYD CO . oct 30 At foot of New Market. Barber . tena mce at ni y",-nd ket Street, tetrcen Water ana mington. N. C. V Lamps. AYING MET WITH ffilpijt In selling a one Une of i , thelaet two Jlr Vnd WT'Tti handsomer line than os'p ytriV chasers' attention to them. g&cfjlS teg ITnov