MISCELLANEOUS. WHAT HAPPENED TO H. C. COOK, CF STAMFORD, . Y., AID SQMEHUDS01 BIYER RAILROAD MEM- Mr. If. C. Cook has been citizen of Stamford,' Delaware Coar.tr, N. Y., dart g a perlf-d of 10 year. P sajs: "1 "unbred wl:h dizzy sick headier e fcr many years, and wa com nle'elv cured lrr n-us of Pr krEDY' FAVOKITK RB' Knt. anw mat It's a taurine wo thv f all that en be a" o it " What hapmntd to Mr ftok imwew to hundred ot o ners, ana "i Dim thU rr KR NMiT,- FAV 1 ' Is. R M KDY givs lmmf drate tvl ef.- Keul what a Hudson Elver Kal riad ra-n ay '.Me " lioals the ve'erao cnIct r of tie Poura kcepl fpeclal. ''d reeHwi u t narrit-on street. Pougbkc'ps'e if Ktb 2', litti, he wrote to Or. Kennedy. tbu: - t ,t Dear FiarI have usd ymr medicine call ed Or DVID KKNNKOY' 'VnRITiC BBMEDT for Indigestion and nizztnes, to which I wu subject t time, and I know from expc-i-nethattti wrrthyof a 1 that can be said of it for disorder of that nature Another railroad man. Mr. A . Oe Revere Sta im gent at Tarry town. rit s folio ts: Tarrttoww - TATIOX, reb. 22, Ie84 Dr David KEXKor, Rondout, V tkak8ir: ror a lore lime I had been troubled with severe tractsof oizzifkSS anl BL'ND SICK HEAD 'CUES I lhdUgbt it "Tas dae to Impure blood and a disordered state of tiiesv'etn I was ad Led o ry i r KEN- NKDf'S FAVORITE R-MKDY I (Id "O, and hac been completely er red. It's the best thing I ever heard of for any diaorde of that nature, and Vic recommended it to many witn like success ' PeBkveub . Dr. KENNEDY'S FAVORITK UKMKUY Is a rredicine which n family -or Individual should be wl bout. The 'atortng man. the echanlc. the itudentatdllierary rosn ehoul l hare It It will build up a system wbksh ba been run dom bv overwer. 1 1 1 not fxpen sive and it ls.e flic lent. Ask jour cruggi tf r It. Price $1 per bo'tie. oct 23 dw nrm QOfi ((fin presents given away Send tpuJ)JUJ tis 5 cents potagA, and von will get free a package of goods of large vlue that will start you In wnrk that will at once bring you in money faster thnn anything e'e la America. All about the $200,00 In presents with each box. Agents wanted everywhere. of either sex, of all ayes, for alL the .time, or spare time only, to work ror us at meir own homes. Fortunes for ail workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H. Haixbtt St Co., Portland. Maine. aec a asw ly ""Health ls"Wealth. CUBE GUARANTEED Dr E. C. WEST'S Nkxyk ad BRAiar Trkatmext, a guar anteed epecllic for Ilysterla. Dizziness, Con vulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgt" Headache, Nervous Prostration caused bv the use of al cobo? cv tobacco, ; Wakefulness, Mental De pression, 8of tenlng of the - Brain resort leg Is Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature old Age. Barrenness, Los of power In either sex, Invo untary. Losses ana 8 permatorr hcea caused by orr exertion of the brain, self abuse or over-lndalgence. Each box contains ono month's treatment. $1 00 a box, or six boxes for $5 00, sent by mall prepaid on receiptof price. . WK GUARANTEE SIX KOXE3 To cure any case. . .With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied Ith o, we will sena the purchaser our written guar an tea to refund the money If the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by JOHN C. WEST & CO , 662 W Madison st Chicago, 111. ; oGtSllyd&w HE? I ' CI for sorting ' peop'e Send 10 Ea mm r cents postage, ana we - wil mall you free, a royal, valuable sample box of goods that will put you In the way of mak lng more money in a few days than on ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. Ton can live at home and work la snare time only, or all the time. All of both sexe, of all ages, grandly successful, to cento to $5 easllv earned every evening. 2 hat all who want work raav test the business, we make this unparalleled offer: To all who are not well satisfied v6 will seed tl to pay f the trouble "f wrlthigjift; Full particulars, directions, etc.', sent free. Imnarn-t) pay ab solutely sure for all who- start at'onco. 1 lHn'i delay. Address Stiksom & Co. Portland, Malte. , t dec2 d&wly I The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale? Magnolia Balni is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. ebSdftw cm tu th sat nrm Men Think1 Vhey know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Not to know is not to have. . feb.J dw cm in h sst rrtn X: S G EBS LITV DtcrB numerous !in? tl.0 F'ciilGd hy- sicisr.-.. rt-r.nr. trots. yovAMv.l i.idicr&tion. inn free irKinS?mcL or overbrai-itrcik. Avoid trouidca. G r tnr I rea Orctilif tnaXril i'ack R0,cnJ learn important CicU before Ukuiii treat wteri eXrtvhsr. Take r SUKE KMElYthatllAi CUKEO thouMiida, docL not Interfere with slten tion to businera, or causa pain or inconvenience im any way. Founded on scientific medical princi ple. By direct application to the eeat of disease its specific raflsenee to felt without delay. The sat. ml fsnctionso the ho man ortani?m la restored. The CBtmating elements ot Rfe. which Tiare been piiysicai. m DECAY, InVountc A Middle Aged Men. . rtTED for over Six Vears dy use in many THOUSAND CASES. TBEAT3LENT. Onl9iith, - S3 OC! wested are rriven back oind the patient becomes cheer TWO Months, - 6.GCU -ilful and rariJlvruiM both j,arejs.o&ULS, vooytrensta and exual Tigor. HARRISRSM E DY CQ.t M'rsCirassTt . SOH K. Instil et., ST. X.OTJIS. JTOL . P 11 POURED PERSONS l Not a Truts. A LendiRgLnndoaPhy. eirian nbluthra iui -iiincts i u Sew ' or k Yn ira' Am. JiicniU OlMiXU tl ratca a specialty cfEpilepEy LI ilusa -witaon aouo ireawu etrred mar ease than any other living plinciaa. tin sccoesa nas aunpiT been sstai'n'uin: we haro heard of caaes of orer 20 rearaataodlcff cured by him. lie guarantee acura." Large bottle and Treatise at free. Grre P.O. ao4 i)r. AB. ifJiSEROLr; ITo. S5 Joha SL.TTswTora. . pi a ftr' ''"-f 4 pU k J, tFITl more money han at anything else WW II U by taking an agency for tho beat elSng boost out. Beginner succeed grandly. Nose fail. Terms free. Uaxlktt BooxCo Portland, Maine. deoSdAwly 1 " - " S7 5 i I H II rr is a s c Tho Daily noviov. JSH. T.. JAME3.. Editor 6 Erop wilmiiigton; m; c. THUR3IAY y)(VEMDEIt 12.: 5. 'I ' ,. i , r. , i . Kntered at the Postoffiee at Wilmington. H. C. aa aecond-ciaaa matter. I E J IlM Pil LJlf Ala at . Geo. f. NewBpaperAdvmiirins Bureau ( Spruce Stl when advertising fllfFf "f i t flPif f contract way be I I IP I - si I L i 1 V : Mrt A l A fA ft M M3BJJ ft. A ! ILJI1H1I All ol thH prominent Denjcrats in Wabini!tin are delighted at the result oi the recfBt 4lectio'n.: Secretary Bay- ard said: "I think the Mugwumps were ili'gical in their position, and that mul haye had its inflaence. How an independent voter who couldn't vote for Buine in 1884 could cast his ballot lor Davenport in 1885 is more than I can understand." . oecreiary v nasi aid: "it sht-uld be understood that the Administration desired that result." Secretary Lamar said: "My gratifica tion at the result is profound. I think it denotes a well-settled and increasing! confidence of the people in the presentHae. and timid.'y followed leaders dan political conditions; tho absence of all apprehension of any danger to the great interests of the country from the policy of President Cleveland. It was a most signal rebuke to the effort to rekindle sectional aniraoity und conflict.' First Assistant Postmaster General Sieven-J son fait! : 'The result in New York .'sjers are scattered over the Territory and an endorsement of tho Administration. The day before the election the Rich mond Whig. Mahone's organ, announc. ed that it had its roosters and cannon and star-sprangled: banners ready to be placed at tho head of its columns so soon as the election returns should came in l ho seoorid h oay atter tnef lection It said fhij": 4 "There is no way I there can be no way out of this hate- fdl bondage, as long as i is upheld y tCi-K ceptharthrougtuwarnd ftevklisP& Nor, so longas it is upheld, can thene oHta, cauipaga the incompetency rest of the Union escaDe its encroach-1 meats and usurpations by any othlr I way. Bu- will not the better elements among us, that have so long-aided; and abetted Bourhonism in its mad career. I now call a halt, when the precipice I before us is so near and obvious? i Ah, I we have hoped and laborel for these minv vfr. mi wn mwnnir Wn have warned we have cried aloud andl spared not: but the aDDliances and nuans at the command of Bourbonism , t i have countervailed all our alarms- all our appealso right, truth and rea- son anrl nil nr oniroatios in Iho nnmo of ti.A Prinr rf ppnno nnri irr win 1 The last resort is all wo see left, unless the God of Justice shall interpose by ways wot not ol." There had been no I roosters, or. cannons, or star spangled banners at all. but there was a decid ed smell of brimstone and scorched tail in tha. ; neihbh&dd.1 i ! ? i There is a general impression at the North says the Ktwininil )bserve'n that the recent Democratic victories in that seclitiu for the gains in Connecticut I and4he greal rfeductign in .the '.repuTjK 1 c.iu voits oi jrennsyivama ana lowa were no less victories than the positive triumph in New York were due in great jaeasure lo thdraring of te?ao JKISS, DUl ine ' 2'aer,11? ,coli?. ine V' -i f. r t. lsT -"r .2' -i . I harder thn nnro Rnl 'a (InntrU alnniliehii-r n i'rb)thNnMKAi.n ...kf. U Xr-rr7tJcr " XriS1' asr sco any potency in mat argument ard they are disgusted with the inde tency ot the display. Messrs. Foraker and cohfpany. who dealt in iheDuliirca! Bt(f,)d referred to-Hurp Iow4admjtled"ro uavuuuuu uiu nepuoucau party mucn more harm than good in"5 the Empire Statpapd to. tbir . methods is .no wnas cribetf ihegenerkl defeitKof that' p4fry. Of course we hold, since it seems very clear to us, that it was the Democracy pure and simple that carried-the day but it is interesting to observe the weight of responsibility 4 for the :i result which is now attached to - the ensaugu ined garment, by Democrats an i Re publicans alike. Itr is maoifest that the plan of campaign originally map ped out by Blaine cannot be adhered to. It ha9 already proven disastrous.1 The gory gonfalon of Sherman and Foraker no longer fires the Northern heart,, , It exciies only derision and aisgustl It has become so thin that despite its bloodiness it can be seen through by - the dullest. It represent nothing nore now than abuse oi the South and the good sense of the reunited country turns contemp tuously away from it. Some argument more potent is demanded by the rank and file ol the Republican party. What shall this be? The leaders ot the party are unable satisfactorily to reply. For some time it has been evident that the bloody shirt was their last resort, the proposal to disfranchise the negrois resting necessarily upon tbati and ; the Democracy has beeo.. decidedly Amused while not surprised at their paucity o' resource. Its last gun being, spiked, the) Itcrjpblicaa, parly) hits hereiore nothing to do but surrender. It . has failed. JLot give goorL,accpnnrlpf its stewardshipTandifil peopfeiHhi'sove reign j people, haye simply -retired! it from he management of public affairs and vat in 1:3 , place the Democracy, which "has already afforded 'splendid proof of its trust worthiness and ability. The death knell of the party was run in 1876. and it is its funeral dirge which we now hear. Soon H will be interred toltwajta poshille ea; inly resurrection should it repe.it of its political sins and adjust itsHf to .Democratic doctrine which is the doctrine of the people.- And as'f"r :iho iti'ner.ahle ensanguined irarmentit will be shipped up Salt aUn rr rih th ilpfontPrl Krllh I Jican candidates ami Jones, of New York, "he pays the freight. I I ; ' ? r tfpar Yi.rk Snn: The colored DleoDle I " w - of Virginia have tound thai Instead of I barrning them the election of a Demo- Icratic President has been tor their j benefit. They see. alter the experience I of many months, that their Republican headers humbuggfd them when they j drove them to the polls toyote the Re publican ticket on the ground that Democratic ascendancy meant danger jto their rights. They have discovered that tboir lJemocrauc wnue neignbors j have no hostility to them as a race, and L are really their most trustworthy j friend?, whom they alienated only be- I cause they themselves insisted on a political separation based on a color . - erous to both races. j Advices from Irdian Territory fay j the invasion of Oklahoma is creating apprehension. The country is full of I boomers. The United States troops are moving lo expel them, but the intrud- it is impossible to reach them at once. Couch, it is said, desires to force a fight between bis followers and the troops in the hope that Congress will interfere and will open Oklahoma to settlement. The situation it grave.5 The injiaus are becoming restless, and mutterings of dlscontt nt are heard on ii hM. U s an open secret in Anglian mm Itary c ircles that, in a recent communi- I cation to the Secretary of War, Lord Vol?eley went so far as fo fay that in of a large proportion of the regimental c namanders was so clearly demon Utrated that the commander in chief did not feel justlfled in sending them with their men to the fronts 1 he Iondon Times, in commenting on this remark- able statement, argues that it is con ciusiveiy snown -.mat seniority as a qaalification for command most promptly disappear. ' A lew nays ago a smalHrerman town 11 .1 .11 1.1 rieoraLBU lD inou5anui ann,erBar !j"L All , ' 1 1 f - - J1'1 lls existence - vu me innaouanis Weill lO WOrca. Ufl lUO . Eaffle OUV a town, in Dakota celebrated the first an- niversary of its existence. AH the in nat,ltams went to the principal saloon in the town, partly because tbere is no church yet. At Amoy, China, the British consul states, tne consumption oi opium is ai.',a . - - " . " largely ou the increase, as well as mor phia. This latter drug was fir-t used by the foreign physicians as an anti dote for opinmsraokinsr, and the traffic tn tt has so increased that there are 8hP3 n tho large cities where it is the uuj ttl ncia su u. The shorter the tunnel the sweeter I . . . syrnp "has; broken many stubborn coughs. NOVEMBER NONSENSE. Civilization is making gratifying pro gross in the Congo country. A few years ago the inhabitants ate white per sons raw ; now they roast them, Wash ington Republican. - The man whohas to endure, all the agonies of solitary confinement is the clerk who- works for a firrh that does not advertise. 1 IVs the next' thing to being buried alive. Maple . Leaf, , Little cricket on the hearth, Little children full of mirth, - Little breezer blowing long. . Little onions smelling strong, Little lovers in the dark, . Little kisses hear them spark, 1 ..1 .'7 . Chicdgo Sun. Customer (entering unexpectedly) "So, air, Vve caught you pnttirig water in tho milk." Milkman 4Yeser no no. that Is. sir. I'm only -washing it. You; don't 8pose I'm going to serve my customers with dirty milk, do you ?"---Chicago Nevis. t A thief on his .trial refused to be sworn. "Of what ose,,,, queried he, will my V evidence be? If I tell the whole truth. I shall get the Old Nick; - - If I tell what's not true, the p!d Nick will get me." - ' - Century. ' 7 G. W. B. It is quite true that you can get a bottle of that splendid medi cal dir covery,Red Star Cough 1 Cure, tor twenty-five cents. Our experience of it is that its powers are magical, and we feel confident that it will cure your throat trouble: " 7 , . . A census shows 3.000,000 skeletons in that closet of : Paris , the Catacom bs. : Walking advertisements. 7 for Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy arc the thou sands it has cored.: ; I, v Dealers and Shippers. Yjf E AM RECEIVISG AND r ahlpplng fraah NEW RIVER OYS-HjS fj - ---v. i . . bn.i. - vj." i TERS every day. Orders prompjy filled. We will guarantee the best ana cheapest Oysters martet, ieUyered Ta any part ofthe city frrofjichirge. -- - ' . ! 6 . - . f . 1 JENKINS ft WlLfiON ' is the: restoration of a woman. after Years of ' sickness to perfect iiealtn. Imajrinp. Ukti. the jv ff th faniily of Mrs .cr iviBESiun. a. a- hn.d snCered for over five tears,' con sequent upon the diseases and weakness moaliar to females. She was induced totrv Dr. Kennedy's -'Favorite .f.Rem- edy. - After using only two bottles alf her ailments disappeared, and she says that she feels and considers herself in perfect health. , .. . i The. bird family must have a jolly time they have so many larks. Nervous Debilitated Men You are allowed a free trial for thirty (lays ot the use of J)r. DyeV Celebrated Vo taic Blt with Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Nervous Debiliry, loss ' f Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred, troubles Also, for many other diseases. Complete;, restoration t& health, vigor and manhood guaran teed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated pbamphlet. with full information, terms, etc, mailed free by addressing Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall. Mich. w s m 62 w 1VK Wealth screens d jpravUy, but it isn't worth shucks as a preventive of corns. Advice to Mothers. Mits. Winsloav's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth! It reiietea the little sufferer at once ; it produces natural, quiet sleep hy relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awaKes as 'bright as a button." It is very pleas ant to taste. It soothes the child, sort- ens tbe eumsi allays all pain, relieves v ind. regulates the 'bowels, and is tho best ( known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes.: Twenty-five cents a bottle, jly 6 deod&wly MISCELLANEOUS One Experience ol Many Having experienced a great deal of "Trouble!" from indigestion.so much so that I came hear losing my Lift! My troubles always came alter eaiing any food However nht -And digestible, For two or three hours at a time I had to go through the most Excruciating pains, 'And the only way I ever got" Relief!" Was throwing up all my stomach contained!! No one can conceive the pains that I had to go through, until "At last?" I was taken ! "So that for three weeks I lay in bed and Could cat nothing!!! My sufferings were so that called two doctors to cive me something that would stop the pain. .Their efforts,-were "no good to me At last I beard a good deal , .. 'About your Hop Bitters! - And detemined to try them." rot a bottle in tour hours I tc ok the contents oi - Oee!!!! Next day I was out of bed. and have not seen a 5 j Sick!" 7 Hour, from the same cause, since. I have recommended it to hundreds of others. You have no such Advocate as I am." '"' Geo Kendall., a list on, Bostou, Mass. Downrljrtit Cruelty. ' To permit yourself and family to Suffer!" With sickness when it can be preven ted and cured so easily With Hop Bitters!!! JmW None genuine without a bunc.i of green Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile. poisonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" in heir nar oct. ;3lm d&w nrm to BIG' OFFER. 'SSS5KB give away 10 6 self operating Washing ai&cbines. if jou want one sena us your name, t. u. ana express omceat once. TCHIC NATIONAL CO., 21 Dey8t.,N. Y. nov2d&w4w. WANTED An every counts active man or woman in to sell; our goods. Salary $75. per month and expenses, or commission Expenses in advance Outfit free. For -foil particulars addresa STaNDJ WARE CO., BOSTON, MAS. nov Sd&w 4w;. "D 1? A "WTVPfiVl its Causes and Cuke, H ftJuAJj liOO by one who waa deat 0 twenty eight years. Treated by' most iiar ox the roted aoeclansts of the day with n benefit. - Cured himself in three months, and since then hundrda-of others by same process. A plain, simple and successful home treatment. Address T. S. PAGE, 12S East 26th et.. New York City. nov 2 4wd&w ; Parker's Tonic. V If yon are wasting away from age. dlsatpa tkm or any disease or weakness and require a almulant take Pakkk's Ton c at once ; it wUl invigorate and build you up f rem the first dose but. wlliTiever intoxicate. It has saved hundred of Uvea, it may save yours. - nov x .. i , ruouujw oi xsew xcrsx. : RALEIGH REGISTER. Bj P. H. DALE, Printtr to the State.' Bubscrlbe to your Home Paperand pay icr it and then remit $2 to pay for your ' State Democratic Paper, ... ' . . - - .-' - the Raleigh Register. Etch new sub scribe! remitting direct, la entitled to the aKGIsteh ror one year ana to .... - - . - . : " ,l j. WEBSTER3 PRACTICAL DICTIONARY, which, until August l,pS83, la offered aa a Premium. - .-it. . f 1. K Sample copies of he Rsoisxss mailed on application. Address, f JL4ULEIGH BEGISl'ER, - , may 19 Baleizh.NP C. ; Urn Having met wrrn GREAT success in Belling a fins line of LAMPS dnrlng the last two seasons. ; we are now offering a handsomer Una than usual -and invite pur chasera attention to them. Prices Very Low. nov 9 GILES & UURCilliON. 1 ThoHelsrlit of Happiness LIISUELLAITEOUS Ije7 YorH & Y7 II Winston kv .ric. FliOM PIER &4. KAST RIVER, NEW YORK i At o'clock, REGULATOR-.... ...... Saturday,' Oct. SI BENEFACTOR. ... . .... ... JSatuxday , Kor BEGU LATOR. ............. .Saturday, Nov 1 4 BENEFACTOR Saturday Nov 21 FROM WILlirSGTON 5 V ' G TJLF ST REAM . ............. .Friday Oct. 30 ... . . . ' i f. x - " . ' REGULATOR Friday, Nov 6 BENEFACTOR Friday, Nov 13 REGULATOR. rjllay, Nov SO 49" Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from' Points ro Norsn ana soutn "uaroxma. - For Freight or Passage appry to H. G. ttMALLBONKS. ouperintesdent, s Wilmington, N. C TJIEO. G. EGEU, Freight Agent. New York. wit. P. Ci-vrw row Aa-eaw, , ; Pr-vflway, New YoV' . t 1 Ui U' IV U' I 14 A iff . It 1 :job o p p i e e J4 ''if i4 i4 MARKET STREET, NO. U2Xr(Ul .TAIRS) 13 COMPLJE1E in eVert respech, AND WE ARE PREPARED TO DO 0 ALL MANNER OF-r- I EL IT MIIIIBII WHEN YOU -WANT PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS,. CARPS, LET-TER-IIEADS, BILL-JIEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS, -. PAMPHLET .PRINTING, 7 O . . TAGS, LAND DEEDS, , ' - ' ' MORTGAGfiDEEDS,SHER- . ' IFPS' DEEDS, "CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES JTJDG- -' MENTS, JUSTICES' .EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, AC, CALL ON tTS AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS 1 7' - , , , , ij- .. . r - f t Address 4 - . REVIEW'JOB OFHCE , WILMINGTON, N.,C Female School. MisseBurr & James, PRINCIPALS. V Mrs. M. S Cushing, Musical Instructresa. riiaE TWENTY-SECOND i ANNUAL 8ES- elon will commence on TUESDAY, Cct Sth. instruction aa heretofore, thorough and sys tematic. each child receiving individual attcn tion. The course of instruction Includes Sing ing. Calls henics. free hand Drawing, and ob ject teaching, without extra, charge Paint lam . in uu, w aier ioiors ana tr ascei, aieo, Cravon Drawltg taught at moderate charees - On account of tho unfinished stateof the utuirch. and the present necessary use of the School Hcuse la connection with the building, the school will be opened and continued for few weeks in the Hall of the Hook & Ladder Company, on Dock, between Third and Fourth streets. Entrance in the tear of the building at tne least side, jror particulars see PrlncI pals at 301 Market street, or 324 No. Third, - sept 19 , . v.. . . .-.y ff..iv.' COME: SEE TO! is-.5 TT T HENEYER YOU ABE IN DEED l iSISIlHrRULlSB. -or' BIHDIK5,' U .come and see us. ' ' We have the most complete establishment in the city, carry a; large stock, of different qualities of paper to select, from, do. your wors prompuy ana sausiacioruy, ana ai prices thatwe can live at. . ..fa -J . Give US your orders. ir, s. ; ; ; f a f L,, .-; Si t.- JACK30N 4 BELL, ; --ATI Laime. J K. Tt 1800 BBLS. ROCKLAND HUE, ; ESr QUAULIY, ' FOU8ALJr. SEND IS TOUR ORDERS. WORTH c -yi ORTH, mm KATLlIOABa, !ic Ziimin-ton cTwii Raiirc-a Coiapanj. CONDENSED SCHEDUT.P -T ...... .: ' " r rk Dated Aug., '85 No. 48, Dally No Leave Weidon.. a li p. m. r"S-b Ar. Rocky Mount 3 S3 . f rTT Leave Wilson... 4 05 P. 11. 4f4 5 64 TOO 7 50 - 6 56 pV 7 3G Arr. Goldsboro. Leave Warsaw. leave Burgaw. Ar- Wilmington. TRA1K3 GOINQ NORTH. 1 1 No. 47. Dallv Na .. r ....... I 1ve Wilmington Leave Uurgaw.w I-eave larsw.. Arr. -Croldsbo'-o. 9 27 axs: 1 is 11 17 12 16 P. M. 04 1 37 - 50 J1 11 '3 M I 12 W A. If Leave wi'son... Ar.Kocfey Mount Arrive TarborQ., ! 4 55 P M ' lave Tarboro. 1 11 5 a. M. Arrive Weidon . 3 OA r ; &7 Train on Scotland Keck BranchRnIrfr Halifax for Scotland Neck at S5S p V'l turning leaves JScotland Neck at n. aally.,,-r:-4:-:---...i-.::'-: , M. Train no. 43 North will stop nt all . Train No. 40 South will atrt.T.i i'o. Goldsboro and Magnolia i r ' v ' " xrauijNo. 4. maaea close connection at i . doaforall points North Dallv Richmond, and dally except Sunday yjfg'j -Trains make close coe nectlon for i 1 . North via Richmond an Washtogtoa AU train? run BoJid between Wi'iBrt . , era attached. 77 "" wce 8feJN . JOHN P. DIVlXirV - & Augusta R. R; Co. - IM I I 1 M CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOINQ POUTH. PatedAug.2d,85 No; 48, Dally No. 40,Dall Leave " w limia arton.. j" I' -a 9n r r- 10 10 P. M. 11 17 12 40. &. V. 1 15 4 S4 6 40 jaau y accawaw I 9 42 - fliaiion... j j! s m Arrive.. . I j riorencc... 1 72 m Sumier. ;...;..... t 4 st A. s.M- J wwumD a........ I 6 49 TRAINS GOING NORTH. r -V No 43, Dally No.47,DaUj L eave Columbia ... .......... 9 fin i Af Arrive umter.. li S'j Leave Florence. 4 30 P. M. 5 07 A. M Leave Marlon... 6 14. 553 Leave L.Wac'w 7 14 7 44 Ar Wlimington. 8 33 M 9 07 No. 4S and 47 stop only at Brln k Joys, White villc. Lake Waccamaw. Fair Bluff. Hlchols. Marlor, Pee Dee, Florence, TlmmoDBrWo. Lynchburg MaycBvillc, f ujnter, IKcdg-eUeJd. Camden Junction and Faetover. Passengers for Columbia and all polnta on C & G. R. R., C. C 4 A. R. R. BtaUoxa, Alke Junction, and all polnta bevond. should tak the 40 Night Express. ' Pullman 81ecpcr for Augusta on this train. ' ' Pullman Sleepers for Savstnah on Train 48. All trains run solid betweea CoarUsstot and Wilmington., , JOHN F. DIVINE, 'C-' v . ' v General Snperhitendent T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Axent aug3 f" - Carolina Central Rs Tu . J ; -Company. i Oman or $ekkbax sdfkbintevpkbt. i . Wlhahutton. N. C, Sept. 27. 155. I Change of Schedule, AS AND AFTER -THIS DATE, THI following Scheauie win be operated oa i Railroad: . . j PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TKalli. Daily except Sundays. - i- j Leave Wilmington at....."...7.tOP. I. i No. 1. J Leave Baleighat 7. t. S . ) Arrive at Charlotte at....... 7 JO A, ; " ' - 1 TipAvft CharlottP At.'.:.I.7...8.15 P. I 1 No. -S. J Arrive Raleigh at........9-C0f I Arrive at Wilmington at....8.25 A. ; LOCAL FRE1G HT Passeuger Car ... - . - . . Attached. . 'J Leave Charlotte at.' 7.40 A. Leave WUmington at...... Arrive at Laurinbnrzat 2' Leave Laurinburg at.... ....... -5 . Arrive at Wilmington af. . .4, r P; t Trains etop at regular only, an point designated in tne ww-. inU designated 1 TimeTabfe.- 8HSLST DIVISION, PASSENGIB. lUl' EXPRESS AND FREIGHT ' DaUy except Sundays. Nn ;"I Leave Chariotte........ No'8- i Arrlveat Shelby ...J2J3F.JJ- Wrt , ) LeaveShelby....-.-..... JJ 4 ?0' Arrive at Charlotte... Trama No. 1 and make close corEct Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to andfroa- lTirough Bleepnir Cars between Jtf and Charlotte and Raleigh and Char - syssa an . t - ft. turn 1 I 10 BUI " AflVAW aiZ41 Wfk JB - - .'a Vrm 4rr -a.- T n ti " a 1 wWlllllS W Vf CBtuS J lh Xlw LSUeTlXK? a VJWi4L A Ism a. QnaWaKn 4ainTllitf. A"1" Green vlllDf Atlanta and all points Southwest ,L C J? St F.W. CIARX. General PaaseBgff .aepijaj ... The. t Western Tribune. haSTw V!r.a- iMsrard VfU' and Proprietor, Asheville, ' "wn entire 1HB IEIBUNB wl'l dlsp freedom all questlona of "iHcdoetrine, in pontics it win teaca i;en--pureand simple. - -rvbnlUlnf it w 111 labor zealously for tho BPL tetel- Anrhn1 htalA. anrl eoDecialiT 1Ql utter opent' of the. varied resonrcea OI t t . - aona uarouna. t ,i,,dj so it will be the friend of all Ba" as they are the t rlenda of the W 18 cf W I twill a?Pire to deserve the a fitf sni dallied manner, and bfJ?T:z 0if eluding from IU columns everyma a r ew and improved Powerless. Ter, lhe price of the paperjrlli L sce- $1.50. tlx Months, 75c, Three Momu variably In advance. Arrive at Laurioburg at S Leave Lauriaburg at.... W 5' f :'

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