MISCELLANEOUS . mm. a a sr ) AND CROUK uou The Pail v Re vi o w. "7" WOMANr .S5 II-.! .mall rrm.i " . i .v. . lr,. ".,. ., ,X!wctrxnt principle tht looaenf ihMrt morning cough, and lUmo ' ' . ,.ff ih" fal mcmbrmne in eroup nd V '"w'h-n cnmhined with the healinif m i miiU'-in plant of the oM field.. pr- known r-medy for Cough. Croup, 1 t-oriU-nption " Pltb"; n ..-wit S iii'ir drni.t tor iU rrice, V ' t TTTtt A. TAYLOR, Atlanta, Ga. 5. h' . KLKBKRRY CORDIAL lor ni Children leoimuj. rumw Z- .!-- - I mi ly tcnrni MORE EYE-GLASSES. Give us that grand word "woman" once again. And let's have done with "lady." One's a term. Full ol One force strong, beautiful and firm, , Fit for the noblest use of tongue or pen And one's a word fur lackeys. One6uggcsls The mother, wife and sister, one the dame Whose costly robe, maybap, gave her the name, One word upon its own strength leans and rests The other minces tiptoe. Whn would be The ''perfect woman" must grow brave ot heart And broad of soul, to play her troubled part Well in life's drama. While each day W6 SCO The "perfect lady." skilled in what tp do. And what to say, grace in each tone and act ('Tis naught in school, but needs serve native tact). Yet narrow in her mind es in her shoe. Give the first place, then, to the nobler phrase, And leave the lesser word tor lesser praise. ElIa Wheeler Wilcox. so .Weak I took Clara on the Up of her angelic nose, just as the looked up to tee Augustus, retiring herein - short order. The old man lay down on the grass and roared, w hen i just as he. turned oyer, one of the . heaviest clubs " that lodged in the branches took mm across the month, knocking out two oi ms teeth and changing his laugh to a roar L knew he would do somemiscniei." shrieked the old woman, rushing to the relief of her husband , and- gazing ,re- Drochtullv no in-the tree just in time to receive a bis hickorv not in the eye. Clara." shouted the old man. "lead uo the horse and let us eo home and leave that infernal young fool up in the tree." Clara, with a heart swelling with in dignation toward her lover, did as she was bid,when, just as the old horse came under the tree, poor Augustus, who knew nothing ot tha damage he was doing, rained down a perfect avalanche of clubs and hickory nuts and started thfl old hnrsp. on a run. "Got all you- want down there?" cheerfully shouted young Augustus from the imcer branches. r r a ' a 'Cama down, vou contoundeU idiot, and see!" shouted old man Brus-eis, with a gleam of war in his eye. "What's the matter?" asked the be wildered youug man. as he reached the ground. Old man Brussels started to wards him, but was held by the women folks, who briefly and sternly explained the situation to bim in such a way as to let him know that alll was at aa end. "Mr. Jones," said Clara, as be turn ed awayto hunt his coat (and ab, how cold the words sounded alter being so lately called "dear Augustus!") "you sre about to lose your handkerchiel.' 15ut poor Augustus well knew that his handkerchief was in his coat pocket, and Clara would have known better had not her eyes been swollen with pain. The Courts Under- tlio How Ar rr ransrement.;; FIRST DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPHERD. Currituck September 7. one week. Camden September 14, one week. 21, one one WHOLESALE PBKJE3. MISCELLANEOUS The followlzujr enotrttona ' iepreea wholesale prices generally, mixing mall orders ktslier prices have to be EYES. MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. v ccrta'-i. Sufc and Effective Eemedy tor WEAK -AND INFLAME EYES. V SORE, Pro iaclntt Iyng-SlKhtedneB9 Be" storing the Sight o the Old. rns Tear Wrova, GranulaUon, Stye TnmerB, S -t Kvea, Matted Eye Lashes, and Pro t ucin Quick Relief and Perma nent Cure. ,.n- cfftctclnns when used In other A:so,. -4 C iti, Vovpt Sorea. Tn- nhniim. Burns. Piles, or whereveT r' i n exists. MITCIIELL'3 Court JBtiqaette. Adam Badeau In an article in the Sun on TheCourt of St. James des cribes the arrangement' of the royal personages ifi the reception room. "The Queen,? he says "and not the Prince of Wales, is at the centre of,the line ; next are the ladies of her family. and then the heir apparent and nis brothers, r any royal strangers. Her Majesty wears a black gown and a widow's cap. ; Over the cap is , usually placed a small diamond crown, " while the ribbon of the Garter and similar nrdprs nre on her breast as well as the Koh-i-noor and other jewels worthy of nmiPAii. Tho Princess ot waies anu tho nther nfiniesses are in lull dress- petticoats, trains, leathers and all. Behind them stand their attendants, "male and leroale," as the court circu horn " When the diplomatic corps has fully recommend its use in every family mrwlft-its reverences and taken its place, as a family medicine Clara nw bas young Smith for her steady company. The new -gallant laughed heartily when told of De Jones' misfortunes. "He doesn't un derstand nutting. Clara." said he, I will go to the woods to-morrow and bring you all you want." He accom plished the feat by hiring a buggy and hncinor a hushel for a dollar of a farm- " j - - a - ... .. boy. Chicayo Tribune. ers Kind Wordsfor a Good Thingf. Dr. David Kennedy: My wife has ncpfi vnnr ''Favorite Remedy", for Gen eral Debility and Liver Complaint, and i frettincr stroneand well. I can ceeer- SALVE p,y be u?ci to advantage. Yours with gratitude, LUNDY, Baltimore, Md. Soli 1 bv all Druejeists at 25c. nov 2 Iw A cyclone is like a waiter. everything before it. It carries tho P.npHsh ladies follow, and as each enters the throne-room, with her train over her arm. two geDtlemen in waiting deftly seize the appendage and spread it behind her, till it hangs like a peaccck s l.nnninrr toil Thflfl t ho ladv. handing i,r rmrrt tn a lord in waiting. passes up Rescued Irom Ucatli. nnr.ni i.o l.rrl Chamberlaint and William .T TJouffhiD. of Somerville, tTwio till hi nroncunces her name. foaa. savs: In " tho fall of IHib 1 n ti!,. C1 nrtfl Unnn hpnriii? it sho Drostrates bersell ws taken with Bleeding of Lungs lapllili X IJiC .M before the oueen so that one knee near- ollowe(i bv . severe cough. I lost my Iv or auue touenes tno noor. n it 'Wedohtnly certify that e tuperywint trrangenenU for all the Monthly r Jnn-Jt Drawingi of The Louisiana State Lcr rnmnanv. and in person manage and con trol the Drawings . iTj nnrtr fivmm. ana tnme ere conottctet w-v, , . flood faith toward ell parties, and we author ?JtheCopan9 to use this certMcate.wth fa iikuetofour signatures attached, in its adver iinienis." 7yt nrceonlntinn hnd with the back upward, and the themselves, and that the nfionhvte. Dlacine her own hand trans- mraoiv nndpr that of the sovereign, raises the royal extremity to her lips. When the lady is oi tne rans oi au Earl's daughter tho Queen bends slight ly forward to kiss the cboek ot her sub jest, and the homage is complete; but there have been - occasions when the novice was Insufficiently insiructeu in M,wansa nnri kicsea the monarch in return, very much to the disgust of her Majesty and the horror-struck amaze ment of the courtier. Alter the obeis ance to the Queen, another must bo made to every one in the royal circle in turn, the depth of the courtesy being graduated according to the rank of the personage: and as the last pros tratfon is Dertormed. and tho subject Louisiana State Lottery jSSSi eo- tlemen. fas skilful as the first, catch up hor train and throw it once more over tiv TaVlv'a arm. and she slowly stum hies backward out of the room, having been at court." - As a remedy for accidents common to everyday life, such as cuts, bruises, sprains, burns, scalds, frostbites, and hit nf noisonous insects, Salvation appetite and flesh, i tny bed. In 1877 I and was confined to -I : t f tntka v hea. in lost 1 WUS HUlUluru w m Uncniiai Tho rinntors said 1 naa a hnlfi in rriv lunz as bis as a half dollar Atone time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a fiiond told me of DR. WILLIAM HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE Lungs. t t hftlt when, to mv surprise T mn-(orinod tn rrnt well, and tO tlftV I feel better than f or three years. Pasquotank September week. Perquimans September week. -' Chowan October 5, one week. Gates Otober 12, one week. Hertford October 19, one week; December 21 : one week. Washington October 26, one week ; December 14, one week. . Tvrrell November 2. one week. Dare November a. one wee. Hyde November 16, one week. Pamlico November 23, one week. Beaufort November 30, two weeks. SECOND DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS. Warren September 21, two weeks. Northampton October 5, two weeks. Edgecombe October 19, two weeks. Bertie November 2, two weeks. Halifax November 16, two weeks. Craven November 30, two weeks. THIM DISTRICT JUDGE . Franklin August 17, one week; No vember 16. one week. Martin September 7, two weeks; December 7, two weeks ; for civil causes and jail cases only. Pitt September 21, two weeks Greene October 5. two weeks. Vance October 19, two weckj. Wilson November 2, two weeks. Nash November 23, two week. FOURTH DISTRICT FALL TERM. The fall courts of the fourth district, composed of Wake, Harnett, Johnston and Wayne, will beheld as follows un der the new act: Wake July 13, to hold two weeks ; oriniinal causes onlv. August 31, to hold two weeks ; civil causes only. Sep tember 28. two weeks: criminal. Ucto hftr 2. three weeks : cm causes only. Wayne July 27. two Weeks; civil and criminal. Scotember 14, two weeks: civil causes. October 19, one week : civil causes only. Harnett August 10, one weeks; civil and criminal. Johnston Ausust 17, two weeks; civil and criminal.. VTVT1I niKTRICT JUDGE GILMER Oransre Ausust 10. one week: No vember 9, one week Caswell August 17, one wees ; .No vember 16, one week. " Person August 24 , ono week ; JNo. vember 23, one week. Guilford August 31, two weeks ;Le rem her 14. two weeks. Granville September 14, two weeKs ; November 30, two weeks. Alamance September one wees Chatham October 5, two weeks. Durham October 19. twe weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCKOT. .Tnnas Auerust 17. one week ; No- vfimher 2. ona week. Lenoir August 24, two weeks; sso vember 16. two weeks. Duplin September 7, one week ; JNo yember 30, two weeks. Pender September 14, one week. New Hanovei beptcmoer s, iwo weeks, for civil causes. Sampson October 12, two weeks; December 14. one week. Carteret October 26, one week. Onslow -November 9, one week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCRAE. Cumberland July 27, one week ; No vember 9, one week, for criminal causes only; November 16, two weeks: for civil causes Columbus August 3, one weak. Moore August 17, two weeks ; De cember 7, two weeks. BAGGINb 8 tandard. s a.......... 1 lb BACON Norta Carolina Hams.V lb....... Shoulder, V h............... Sides, V b... '. WESTERN SMOKED Hams........ Sidea, y fl.. ....... ........... Shoulders.... ........ DRY SALTED Sides, r ft- .. ........... Shoulders. V ft.... .......... BARRELS Spirits TurpcnOno 11 fl It 8 10 14 9 S r Second Hand, each 1 New New York, each 1 New Cltr.each BEESWAX, V ft- BRICKS, r M 8 BUTTER, IB- North carouna...... NortherB. ....... ... CANDLES, T ft sperm....... . ....... Tailow ........ Artamantlse CHEESk, V lb Northern Factory.. Dairy, Cream.... State COFFES, r ft Java.. Laguyra... Bio. CORN MEAL, V bus.. In sacks fO 24 00 25 O a a n & a CO 10, 00 ' 7 oa t e.v 1 c 1 65 oo 9 0) 25 3 LV; SIMON & CO. ; Snccessors to H. B&U$IIILX A BUO.J t " WHOLESALE DEALXRS IH Liquors, Cigars ' and Tobacco, 114 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N.C. IS m llVo is a 12 14 10 17 12 9 75 85 14 COTTON TIES, V bundle.... 1 31 DOMESTICS Shectlnjr, 44, V yd Yarns, V bunch........ .... KGGS.v dozen... risu Mackerel, No. 1, r bbi is oo Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl.. 8 50 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl 9 60 Mackerel, No. 2, y half bbl. 5 00 Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl 5 00 Mallets, r bbl. 4 00 Mullets, Pork bbls 7 00 N. C. Roe Herring, V keg.... 3 00 XSk J VVi, V iJJ. .... w rERTILIZKRS, V 2,000 fts " reruyian uuano, ko. i ww No. 2 36 00 " Loboa 00 00 Baugh's Phosphate. 00 00 Carolina FerOilzer 45 00 Ground Bono, 00 00 Boue Meal 00 00 Bone Flour.....:..., 00 00 Navassa Guano...... ....... ..80 00 Complete Manure.... ....... ..00 00 ' Whann's Phosphate 00 00 Wsndo Phosphate, i 00 00 Berger A Bufz's Phosphate.. 00 00 Excellenza Cottom FerUHzer.65 00 French's Carbonate of Lime... 7 00 8 50 o a a a a a a a 60 a o 12 13 15 J 3 25 13 12V 81 4f 15 . BRANC1I OF H. BUUNHIIiU & BKO. bicumosd, Va. SOLE AGENTS FOB HICKS & BKTJNUILD BROS., . Manufacturers of Tobacco, BrcitMOSD, Ya. dot 2 .. ' - . - . . - : Homes in North Carolina. 0 00 3 75 4 75 600 660 5 75 f 60 9 75 74 72 70 65 25 1 5 11 20 15 75 8HO 00 Commissioners.: XPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! MILLION DISTRIBUTED! , The Secret oftiiviner. RnrwTT.T.'s SARSAPi:iLLA. OF liLOOD tober 12. two weeks. Anson Sentember 14, one wecK, lor Rvuttp. will cuse bcrotulous criminal nAUSeS I November 30, OflO Taint. Kbeumatism. wnue oweijing. WceK, lor civil causes. TI OVER HALF A Oompany. Incorporated la 1868 for 25 years by the Leg Jala tare for Educational and CharltaWe pur-posea-wlth a capital of $1 ,0300-to jrhh reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been By an overwhelming populai rote Itofran ehlse was made apart of the P"n. Stett Constitution adopted December 2d, A. u..iaa. Its GRA1TD SrSGMNtTMBXK DKAWISGS Will take place monthly. It never scales or post pones. Look at the following Distribution: ISTth Grand Monthly Xnd the EITKAORDINAKV SEMI ANNUAL DRAWING, In the Academy of Mnejc, New Orleans, Tuesday, December 15, 1SS5. Under the personal supervision and manage ment of Gen. (.;. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and Cicn. JURAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. ConsumDtion. Bronchitis, V V M W f j - ; J 11 MervAiu TiP.b htv. Malaria, ana au diseases arising from an impure conai- of t hn hinnri. certificates can du IIUU Vf W w.w.- " . nrospntpH from manv leaamg pnysi biuu, ' , . ... . ! thrniiffhmitlhp. land, enaorsing it m lue hiirhPfit.fP.rni3. we are consiauuy receipt of certificates ot cures from the ir.Cf rp.iiahla sources, and we recom mend it as the best known remedy for the cure of the above diseases. MISCELLANEOUS nn lino nn poual in the market.. literally annihilates pain, cents a bottle. Trice Augustus Comes to Oriel', Vonncr Aueustus de Jones and Mi33 Capital Prize $150,000. r Notick Tickets arc Ten Dollars only Halves, $5: Fifths, ti. Tenths $1. LIST OF TRIZES. 1 Capital Trizb of tl50,0C0.. l ti kan d Prize of 1 Grand Prize of - Large Prizes of 4 Large Prizes of S Prizes of i -", 21-0 " UOO " ,000 " approximation prizes. 100 Approximation Prizes of $200.. m loo.. HO i. 73;. 50.000. 20,000.. 10,000.. s.ooo.. 1,000.. 500.. 300.. 200.. 100.. 50. were tbem Clara Brussels never speak any more as they pass ty. - A Tew weeks cEo i-he world looked bright to tho young cou ple. Augustus loved Clara and Clara loved Augustus. The young man ad mired the old man, Brussels, respected old Mri. BfusseU; and.wai on latimate iprms with the house doc. A few days ao the young man received an inyita- 'ooo tion to go wilU the lamuy on a uuiuuj 2oooo expedition, which he promptly accept 20. ee The roomy old family carnage wasccmiortably filled with .Mr. and 3o;ooo Mrs. Brussels on the front seat and 40.000 Augustus and his darling on the bacfc MS oneT The day wasf" a delicious one, f with the warm mellow glow of the I n 20,ooo dian summer air bringing a delicious io.ow Unnnr to the soul. Arriving ou me ground, thy soon found there nlentv of nuts, but how to get was the question. Clubs were pro cured, however, and the work of pelt ing the nuts from the trees commenced. The first attempt of young Augustus was a success. He drew back to throw and took Mrs. Brussels under the chin mith cnoh forra as to draw an asoniz iniF shriek from the old lady, iinally all tho clubs were lodged in the trees on,) it wa decided that it was necessary . i:.K tha mnnnrnhs rtf the forest if P A ftrra mvM snd'ai-1 nroenred. Of course l.i ? mnrr fnr Allffnfit.riB. HP. avowed a willingness to try, and was so KB,;irioTfi h n thankful clance from Clara's blue eyes that ho promptly nnmmBnMri thA Ropntiof a black oak under the impression that it was i hickory. . That young man win no some iu.o chiet yet." said old Mrs. Brussels, who waa still inHiyn.nt. And then Augustus attempted the explanation that he had intended climbing the oak and then jumping over from there on the hickory, which, the limbs were about iony i et would have been a very neroic fontinHppd. The voune man unary succeeded in reaching one of the branch es ol a hickory and dislodging a few consumptive looking nuts, one of which It i rN N IH 11 m. 111 35 iAUlilJJu"11 (pln(W 7,500 ?,"27d Prizes amounting to. ... ..$522,500 Application tor rate to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company in New Or leans. For further laf orraatlon, write clearly, giV JX full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in or dinary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of t5 ard unwarda at our expense) addreaaea ALA. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, CT 11. A. DAUPHIN. Washington, D. C. im IVisterel Letters t NEW ORLEANS RAT1QIAL BaNK. a Uk. I OR LOUISIANA NATIONAL Uh. STATE NATIONAL BANI, 0sLBm, 6WMAN1A NATIONAL BANJV oLMSt noTll dxr ; i ' 1 rjhanTttfflli irrcefrolToriate9 Emetics aucft Poison. SAFE. :i nVK'Ptc SURE. yi2.' PROMPT. 3 0- " " T PRr;ISTS AND KEALEKS. . THB CHABtFS A.VOliELEB CO., BltTIMOKF, !t. 2 eo.l tcnrni Brunswick September 21, one week. Richmond September 28, two weeks ; December 21, one week. u Bladen October 26, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE 1 rcdell August 10, two weeks ; No vember 9, two weeks. Rowan August 24. two weeKS ; No vember 23, two weeks. Davidson September 7, two wceKs; nwAmhftr 7. one week. RandolphSeptember 21, two weeks. Montgomery October 5 two weeks. Stanley November ID, two weeks. Cabarrus November 2, one week: for criminal cases and no jury civil cases NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Rockinsham July 27, two weeks; November!); ona week. . Stokes August 10, two weeks ; No vember 16, one week. Surry August 24, two weeks: No vember 23, ono week. , Alleehany- September 7, one week. Wilkes September 14. two weeks. Yadkin September 28, two weeks. avjeOctober 12, two weeks. Forsyth October 20. two weeks. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY. Henderson July 20, three weeks. French's Agricultural Lime FLOUR, Y DDI Fine . Northern Super Extra Family..... City MillsExtra Family Extra Family. 0LVE r lb - GRAIN, bushel Corn, from store, bags, white. Corn, cargo, In bulk, white.. Corn, cargo, li bags, white.. Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags.. Oats, from store Cow Peas..................... HIDES, y Jb . Green.... . ............. . Dry............. HAY, r 100 ft Eastern Western. ...................... North River. HOOP (IRON, V tb UARD.V lb Northern... ....... ..... . ..... North Carolina........ ....... LIME, V barrel 1 40 LUMBEB, City Sawod, M ft. Ship Stuff, rcsawed. 18 00 - Rough Edge Plank.... .......15 00 Weal India Cargoes.accordlng to quality .IS 00 " Dressed Flooring, seasoned. .18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n..1 DO MOLASSES, V gallon- New Crop cuoa, in nnaa 'in bbls Porto Rico, In bhds.. ........ . to bbls.......... Sug&z House, in bhds . in bbls. ' Syrup, In bbls... NAILS. V Keg, Cut.lOd basis.. .Kerosene. Lard..... Unseed.. Rosin..... Tar.... .. Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, lite, grown... spring.. Turkeys... ..... PEANUTS y bushel POTATOES, bushel Sweet ........ ...... Irish. V bbl . - PORK, V barrel City Mess.. .... rame. . Rump....... RICE Carolina. V lb.. Rough, V bushel SAGS, Y lb Country- City R1PK. IT ft RAT. TV w Mtck. Alnm. ........ .. 00 Liverpool.....-.- Jj Usoon. ....... ................ w American... 00 O30 00 010 10 010 (0 0 6 50 0 0 (0 0 0 8 60 0 4 00 O 9 000 (X 037 00 .051 00 060 00 050 00 040 00 045 00 057 0C 040 0C 067 0C 070 00 07C 0C 060 00 060 00 0 7 AO 090 0 4 00 O 4 00 0 5 25 0 7 00 0 65i a 6 oo 0 o o . 0 0 0 0 0 a a 50 11 00 80 75 7t 78 Only 20 Hours Hide from New York ! 69 MilesSouth of Italolgli Onhe Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line R R. 1500 ACBE3 or LAND 111 THK lonft leaf pine region, ror saie on easy verms lots to suit purchasers.- Four acres for $25. Larger tracts $5 per acre, In monthly pay menu of 10. This land adjoins the 'South ern Pines",-a recently established health ro sort (or sanitarium), and Is specially adapted for f ruit culture, as wen as an tne cereais. A number of New England people have bought lots In the town of "Southern Pines," ana n Is the desire of the owners of this land to In duce small farmers, mechanics and others from the New England and Middle 8tates,as well as elsewhere, to locate here. No State In the Union offers greater Inducements to eet tlcrj than North Carolina. Nowhere can a better farming country or as fine a climate be found. This is the opinion of Northern men who have settled In North Carolina. This Is a bona fide offer, and Is limited i ' For further particulars write at once to JOHN T. PATRICK, Commla'r of Immigration, Raleigh, N. -C. orB; A. RICHARDSON, jan 21 tf Chronicle Office.. Augusta, Ga. a : 0 1 0 0 Cape Fear & Yaflliln Val ley Railway Co. UH Condensed TimeTable No.12 0 0 020 016 01S 022 015 25 25 85 10 IJK) TAKE EFFECT AT 8:00 A. M., M0 DAY, June 22, 18S5; . , TRAIN NORTH. (... ....... 26 0 ro 2i 0 30 28 0 30 10 ' O 33 18 0 2D 0 ' 40 0 2 tO 0, 11 o 10 '0 90 0 90 0 00 0 00 0 21 O 35 10 0 25 75 0 1 00 0 F0 0 Arrive. ' , Bennettsvllle "... Shoe Heel 0.30 a. m. Fayetteville 12.15 ?. m. Sanford 3.0a Ore H1U . Liberty.... o.s Greensboro.... ....... 6.45. - Dinner at ayettevine. TRAIN SOUTH. Arrive. Grconsboro. Liberty 11.00 a. m. Leave. 8 oo a. m 9.50 v 1J!0 p 3.10 4.30 5.30 m Leave. 9.50 a. m 11.05 12 00 1.49 p. m. 4.00 6.40 V 1 75 0 2 25 .13 00 .12 00 .12 00 5 . 95 0 0 00 003 00 00 00 0 0 D40 mo 14H0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 1O0 00 00 oo 00 6 7b S5 0C 75 00 00 6 ev 6 11 nov Just Arrived Burko August 10, two weeks. -o- . .-..- niTt rrtTK V'flTi- J)ES STEAMER A.tu ftAi"i ' lowiag attractive goods: ALBERT CSACKBRS, in 2 -lb tins, Cocoanut Taffy, Cocoanut Jelly, Cocoanut Macaroons and Almond Macaroons. go ms'ii rap-Ti'ora. I Have a po.lUToremedT for tf mf inou.i.ndgof caeoirtU irontM4 f.d Cu la xu efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLXS n J safferer. Olre expreti indP. 0.alUr. DK.T. A.6LOCUM,lurellSt.,htw T. may 13 6m eodldAw as apart, TURKISH PRUNES, Ecedlcas, LONDON LAYER AND DKHE3A RAISINS All New and of Very Fine Quality ! Boston Brown Bread, Thorber'8 White Heatb Peaches, Devlllcl Crabs, to Cans, with Shells. Ihe Epicurean Soopa: Macaroni, Julienne and, Mock Turtle Jno. L. Boatwriglit. nov 9 Asho Auirust124.' ono wecki Watauga August 31, ono wcck. Caldwell September 7, one week. Mitchell September 14, two, weeks. Yancev September 28, two ,weeks. McDowell October 12 two weeks.' ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHIPP. Alexander July 27, one week. Catawba August 3, one week. -Cleveland August 10, two weeks; October 26. one week. Mecklenburg August 61, tnree weeks, civil cases only. Union September i, two weeas, Lincoln October 5, one week. Gaston October 12 two weeks. Rutherford November 2, tW o weeks. Polk November 16, one week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE UUIHiK.it. Madison August 3, two weeKs; No vember 13, two weeks, civil causes. Buncombe August lb, tnree weexs; December 7, two weeks. m Transylvania September . , one week. Haywood! September 14, two weess. Jackson September 28, one week. Macon October 5, one week. Clay -October 12, one week. Cherokee October 19, two weekj,' Graham November 2, one week. Swain November 9: two weeks. sugar, v ft Cuba.. Porto Rico A Coffee......... - C " - Ex C OiinhrHl...... tn AD W If Knrthern S 0 sHiNG7TmrMT.:7.::r...io g 011 . UJIUDIUU (t. " .'v " CypressrSaps.......... 50 252! Cyprecs Hearts 0 CO 0 7 60 STAVES. V M W. O. Barrel.. 12 00 018 00 R. O. Hogshead 00 00 010 m TALLOW, fib... 6 TTMRKR. r M feet 3hlmln.12 00 014 00 FlneMJU.. 11 nUW Mill Prune 7 s 50 Mill Fair.- 6 000 6 50 Common Mill 6 00 Oo;oo JnfcTlor to Ordinary 0 00 O 4 00 WHISKEY, V ical Northern. .1 00 0 4 00 North Carolina 1 00 0 . WOOL, r lb Washed If Unwashed.... J zt Bnrrv . . 10 a 16 Stoves, Hardware, Paints, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Rope, Gill Twine, Oars. 1 Call and examine our com- nlete stock and Low Prices i t foraBbfe"gb6dsnd you will Liberty ii.uu Ore Hill..... 11.55 Sanford.. 1.20 p. m. Fayetteyille 3.50 Shoe Heel. 6 25 Bennettsvllle 8.15 Dinner at Sanford. W. M. 8. DUNN, Gen'l Snp't JNO. M. ROSE, Gen'l Pass. Agent. - June 22 tf : . When Yon Ride. QALL ON, WRITE OR TELEPHONE TO us and yen will get good horses and sound vehicles ana careful drivers. We try to please always. . Horses boarded by the day, week or month. We respectfully solicit the attention of the public to our facilities. ' K. C. ORRELL. Livery and Sale Stables, Corner Fourth and Mulberry fits. , augix Kick Ont Civil Service ! ALWAYS READABLE Pomeroy's Democrat ! $1 Per Year. MARK M. POHEROY, oct 3 tf 224 Broadway, New York City G11NTS, LADLKS and GEjTTLEMENWanted sure bUV. We Will nOt low , a imtrocb hm pillow 'n. t DOB mcuucm w w om, K . w-. en staffed pillows, cu be pieced wnoer ym power wr occupied s i i. m.kR ftnm to B&tM oij. xroia i e ii 4hA vwtlLraeV i undi Attention end housekeeper niTSTieblT . Duj; . tot 54100 sold since Feb. 1st. Acknowieopa w d futd uiiinr honemhold arUde kaowa. Reuul 1 2. 00 per pair. i NATH L JACOBI. oct i2 dftw lm sept 23 lO So. Front St. First National Bank of Wil mington. CAPITAL BTOCK.. SURPLUS FUND.. ttJ.00 RDpomit reeerred tad eollecUoiu: m4 all acceHlw points la ths United Stater, i DIRECTORS . , E. C ZUSBUSS, O. Q. WORTH A. fiCARTIH ' : ; ; JAS.SPRUIX. OEOEQE CHAD BOURN. OFFICERS RURROSS. tTALKES. TT.LACTng.n. apl23 PreJ.tni ... Caafcio. Ant Caakle

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