-lA arcrra V1?CS .pushed every eealn. Sundays cepted by JOSH T. JAME3, . .V sditob aicd rnornixroa. ' - ,,.RscRlPTIOSS.F03TAai rAID rear M-00- Slx month, $1.00. Three Mentha. 11-00; OM 0th, S3 cents. ; The paper will be denvered by carriers tree ! L. la any part of the city, at the above , or lOCenU per wee. ; . "SittelV rates low wd liberal. i.-bprrlber will report any and all Call ulew their paper regularly, 5T6S 1J . ,.- Hit Daily Review has the largest il f circulation, of any newspaper ptfiihrt. in tte Of Wilmington. ''tj-p .rravc f Biconfield fcas been iioeJ f ,ltM a dilapidated jconjiti""- Xbere is a bitter struggle going on kniiao mt S(i Ma Tt Mtsasaliry ol $8,400 per jcr. but f:rfjlli? ollicerpieniy i uajs n uta . It I'icUiJelpbia alone ihn- facilUtcs 1 MintiiiniAil Ininin Kara ktii aiuiuplieil by ten in the nine jeais . ,i' hnv'' elapse! f.ioce no UcnicuTJia Kxhibit was c? scd. ... - rbil3'Jt';phiaPre33: Rev. Sam Jones uitl o u a big i b in proposin to .rk!e Washinston wTth his revival setting clarinsf a session of Consress. Kn opp-'It in sbo'r stands small chance Sure- - ; - The Inncet states that a German -oJ- Lcrrcr b:s louud that cows milked three hiM a il iy give nuicb more milk than Uhen milked twico only, and that the roportii!- of fat js the same in both TbcMortnona are Fending missionaries k the Sandwich Islands and tlrtadj :yc a congresation of four thousand inverts in Oahu. The leper island in ait group would bo a capital plate lor ie entire Church of Latter Day Saints h (literate to. A will rcgnlaUd newspaper man jaathave faith in hts wood 'pile, hope ha bright future, and charity that eacics out bsyond delinquent sub- Icnbers. Faith, hope and chanty com- :ie tbe most difficult tripartite alii cce licre is in this world to keep np fitb. Tbe English cheese . manufacturers re urged to learn of Americans, and riin a lost supremacy in the market. J The 'irrand centrifugal1 process may U beyond us." says a writer, but tbe kiuvulous cleanliness of the American Liries. the saving of labor by ingenious i.pp. aDces. nau ine amuirauie eyskciu t their factories are well worth our Housekeepers will be glad to know, p view of the advent of Thanksgiving, :it the cranberry crop is very large. ad that Cape Cod berries have fallen irom $' to S6 per barrel. The "conn- :j" berries, raised in the Eastern unties, but not on Caps Cod and along :ore, bring from $3 to $4.50 per bar- The Wisconsin and New Jersoy pops are iarge. - The French Govern ment would liko . . . i give the army the pri vilegeT of wear- l beards, but feels the necessity of consulting several high military tthories, as the opinions.on the sub- p are coatradictory. : Meanwhile the ess falls back on history, and finds fiUhe conquerors of all ages were oat equally divided between the 3rn and the unshorn. mmto . ... The Supreme Appellate, Court of catta, after fifteen months', lttiga i has pronounced marriage with a peased wife1 sister when contracted FKoman Catholics, with the sanction Church, to be legal throughout -i- Marriages with a deceased s ster is now legal tor all classes pri-.Uh subject in lndia . except u Ittan Protestants. There is no ex" poo in Ceylon. . .. tere waa great excitement in Louis Ky., last week oyer the discover? : lne remains of a lady, who had 3 buried for. oyer six years, had nlio stone. The. discovery was Je by a sexton- who' J was 'to ye the remains to another cemetery two men tried to raise the coffin 3 the grave they found they could ttove it. It required six other men Je the coffin. Several phyaiciani 5 to see the curious spectacle. They J the trunk, head and arms bard as ccept in a fow spots where the cation aDnarentlv was not com- Strained His Side. Xo.'ll WestISOth St., . New Yobk. March 5. 1885. Ija pretty well know In Ntw York One arm oi hcifMira tntr nt lb l-Central Dpnnl ThrAA month a lifting a heavy trunk, I strained dreadiullv. I Immediately red an AlleoA- Porons Piaster. FJ hour felt less pain. -1 wore the rnaree davs. than unnlfpri an. weu m a wees and attenamz FJbus 'ness. Jakes B. Kehxzdt. th ist. nn VOL. IX. H. B. Clafflin.' the merchant prince of New xork, died of apoplexy cm Satur day afternoon at bis residence in Ford- ham, N. Y. : Lonts Kiel, tbe balNbreed rebel had he succeeded be would have been dubbed a patriot was probably, hung this forenoon, in accordance with the edict of the Governor-General.' An Intimate friend of Jas. G. says that tbe ' late Presidential date rejoices over Davenport' Blaine Blaine nomi- in Newrtli o says in at propose titythe Kepublican nee in-Jt88, and wants the records lo show that his Presidential vote is the strongest Republican vote that has been cast in New York since 1884. He thinks that the Mugwumps, should retire from 'the political . arena since their recent tfeleaU Wv o LOCAL NEWS. II DEI TO NEW AOYEirmEMEITS. . OperiIIoc8E Sla Museum of Womlers F C Miller For BaiUo M U KATZ-Cisa etore C W Tatks School I Books ; s Uxiksbxroeb BestKoreU. ' " f 't Sam'l BXAJt, Jr Proposals - ' , Geo W Faica, Ja Auction." B M McIktibe Ladlea Wrapt Fabkek Taylor Dcn't Tall to Call W Spkixgeb Jb Co Sportman'8 Goods Koncx Postponement Complimentary Ball T I I . For other locals see fourth page. There will be two eclipses of the sun next year, both visible here. ? - i i Ash Wednesday fll3iiext jear on March 10th and Easter on April 25th Those Brass and Silver head tacks arahere. Jacobi's lid w Depot. , t Schr. Anna & Ella Benton, Ireland, cleared at New York for this port Nov. 14th. t i-- . '1 V Schrs. J. F. Wyman, Sorrey, and J. R. Andznon, Boone, cleared at Phila delphia for this port Nov. 14th. L Schr. Uarold G. BeecJier, Bond, from Weymouth, Mass.. for this port, ar rived at Vineyard Haven Nov. 13th. , , ,i - i i H urn i j When you.tbink that you need a new hat, you will be reminded that the "Melville" is tbe best, and it is sold by Dyer. " ' f A great lot of Gem's heavy Canton Flannel Drawers, from 40c and up wards, at tbe. Wilmington Shirt Facto ry, 7 Market St., J. lscach. Prop, f .There is a reviyal of religion in prog ress at Diria Street Al.'?J5.j Church, under the conduct o! the Pastor. Bey. D. II. Tattle. It began last Wed ties- day night s t - ' The atmospherejast might was un usually clear and Venus, "star of the eveniag, beautiful star," ; was -simply dazzlios; In her splendor. She shone like a younjc moon. . . v Food cannot be properly cooked, in a poor stove, so don't blame your cook but go to JAcoBfs Hdw. Depot and buy one of his fine stoves. Then you will have Peace, Comfort, and Happiness at home. , f The Winter schedale of the railroads of the Atlantic Coast Line system goes Into effect to-morrow, and will be found published iu this issue. Another train is added between ' Richmond and Charleston. - To Clothing Uuyers. riSliniJLTE is ouiuomg ail previous efforts to please tbe public jjhe offers new attractions, magnificent in quali ty and unprecedented in price. Now is your chance, as he will allow no one to undersell him iu goods of quality equally as those he -offers.- Shoddy can be sold at prices lower man any honest article he can ofier: Such goods are dearly bought at any. price and those that are misled .into purchasing are welcome to their so-called bargains. With' this class of trade Fisiiklate does not compete. Comparison solicit, ed ; goods freely shown and experienced buyers especially invited to look at his new line of seasonable goods. Call and see his stock and prices, and if he can not plainly show you thU it is to your interest to give .Mm-your trade, yon are under no obligations to purchase. To all who seek that aiorioaa boon, A fragrant ana a wholesome breath ; To all wno seek to shield their teeth s From swift decay atd early death. Take this advice from us as friend. Use SOZODOHT aod a an your ends. Personal Comeliness is greatly enhanced by a fine set of teeth. On the other hand, nothing so detracts from the effect of pleasing fea tures, fine eyes aod a: graceful figure. as yellow teem, inat popular tonet article SCfZODONT checks their de cay and renders them as white as snow, j WILMINGTON. N. G. MONDAY. NOVEMBER City Court. , There was a large docket lor the Mayor's consideration this morning, mainly four misdemeanors committed on Saturday night. - James Boan and Cambridge Ilines. both young colored men. charged with firing a pistol by which a man came near being shot, was the first case Upon the confession of the boys Roan was discharged ana Ilines was bound over to the present term of the Criminal Court in the suns of $50 upon the charge of carrying a concealed weapon. James , Willis and Thomas Brown, both colored, for disorderly conduct at tbe Market House on Saturday, were the next on the docket. Brown was find $3, and Willis, whose case was aggravated by an attempt to resist the officer, was find $10. Richard Uargrave, colored, disorderly conduct, discharged. Thomas McClammy. a colored 'boy, disorderly conduct, -10 days ia. city prison. Joseph Aaron, colored, disorderly conduct, con tinned until to-morrow. One white man; whose name we sup press by request, charged with disor derly conduct, was sent to the city pris on for 10 daya. How to make home happy. Buy an Othello cook stove from .Iacop.i'5 Hdw. Depot. t Merry Weddln&r Bells. The Star, ot- Charleston, W. Va.. gives us a full and graphic account oj the festivities and ceremonies attendant upon the wedding of our townsman! Mr. Rafus W. Hicks, and Miss Sallie M. Spears, near Charleston, on tbe 21st nit. We clip from the account as follws: . Society has been long on the qui vive St tbe approaching nuptials of Mr. Rnfus W. Hicks to Miss Sallie Moore Spears, one of Kauawha's most lovely and. popular daughters. Atjan oarly hour Wednesday evening the invited guests began arriving at tbe gtand old man sion al "Riverview." some five miles above the city on the northern bank of tbe Kanawha. Here for many, many years Col. John D. Lewis, the step father of the bride had resided, and had made it one of the finest country homes in the State, whose generous hospitality had become proverbial. About one hundred guests were pres- ent. many of whom were from Virginia and North Carolina, and among the former Hon. W. A. Glasgow, of Vir ginia, uncle and guardian of the bride. Promptly at 9 o'clock tbe doors ot the large reception room were opened and i tho bridal party entered in the order named: Mr. Charlie Coleman, preceding and wss followed by six little a iris, three dressed in white and three in blue. Nellie Brown; Elizabeth Noyes, Annie ! Lewis, Bessie Dance, Helen Gallabcr and Rebecca Brown, to each of whom was handed by Mr. Coleman, a broad ribbon suspended from a beautiful floral bell of ferns, camelias, roses and geran- lums, hanging from tho centre of the ceiling. The little Misses were arrang ged with their pendant ribbons so as to form a very picturesque avenue in which tho bride and groom marched until reaching the marriage bell under which they were married. Then came tho attendants the first couple in rank comin? last. Henry Winkler and Miss Marvllill. J. L. Logan and Miss Mary Moore Brown, Hon. E. J. Hill and Miss Mary R. Houston, Dr. Win. Tompkins and Miss J. tlowcock. (Jam Lewis and Miss Mary L. Hicks ; the groom follow ing with his '.best man," K. K. Hicks, and finally the bride leaning on the arm of her first maid of honor, Miss licttio Glaszow. followed by tbe mother of the bride supported by Mr. W. a Glaszow. Rev. J. C Brown of the Presbyterian church at Maiden, assist ed by" Rev. J. C. Barr of the First Presbyterian- church, performed the ceremony, which was brief and strik ingly appropriate, ine scene was a charming tableau in every detail. The bride was arrayed . in a rich cream; colored satin with brocaded velvet- front and made cn train, and flowing veil ornaments, diamonds whilotbo groom was attired in full evening dress, as were his attendants. Two of ihe ladic3 were in white, two in pink and two ladies were in blue. Tbe cor gratulations were hearty and fervid, for the bride has a large circle of de voted friends, wherever known. The groom is a prominent merchant ' in Wilmington, N. C, aud is certainly to be congratulated. At 10 o'clock tbe dining room was opened, where the guests found a bountiful feast of "viands of various kinds to allure tbe taste." and refreshments of every kind. The orasents were very rich and numerous and bore witness of the fond friends of the young couple. The affair was a good old fashioned Virginia wedding, whieh from our standpoint, is a most pleasing description. The arrange ments of Mr Colem, who bad charge, were superb. The bridai party left Thursday on the fast express to visit New York and elsewhere and will make their home io Wilmington. North Carolina. . . Indication ; V J For the South Atlantic States fair weather, no decided. change in tern- pfrratnre, and variable winds, v n The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 667 bales. NEW ? ADVERTISEMENTS. Embracing almost every style of LADIES & GENTS UNDERWEAR, in all grades and weights. CORSETS, an elegant assortment i Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Lacesj &o. - laclt Dreoo GroodoV Silk Warp Henrietta. . J Silk Warp Drad DeAlma, All Wool Alma.' . , ; Surges, Cashmeres, !cc. Carpets, Oil Cloths, and Rugs, in all sizes. ART SQUARES & SUNY VINA RUGS from small to Iarge. OUR CARPETS T Are selling freely. Making and laying Carpets at TEN CENTS per yard Window Shades Personal '. : Mrs. Tbos. D. Pitts, with her children, is in the city for a few days, the guest of Mr. Charles H. King, Mrs. Pitts is on her way to Florida. The venerable Mr, Luke McClammy, ot Scott' Hill, was in the city to-day on One of his rare visits. , ,v , &fessrs. Walters and Newcomer, of the Directory ot the VV. & W and" W, J C. & A. R. Railroads, are in the city to day and others of the Board will arrive to-night. - . - ' . - r This Jadlcial District. There is already much l merer t mani fested as to who will be Judge McKoy 8 successor, lion. D, K. McBae aar Hon. A. M. u addell, of this city, hav both been spoken of tor tbe position, aL has also Col. E.T. Boykin, of Samp son county. The' Indications at this time seem to point to Col. Boykin and yesterday's Charlotte Observer ' claims' to have information direct irom Ral eigh to tbe effect that Gov. Scales will appoint that gentleman. The JSews and Observer says that it is understood in Raleigh that the appointment would be made to-day. Snureme CourT In this Court, on Friday morning tbe consideration of appeals from his. district was resumed and causes dis posed of as follows : . . Barksdale vs commissioners, from Sampson. Argued by Boykin & Faison, Battle & Mordecai for plaintiff, and E. C. Smith and attorney general for de feudant. ' - Mlddleton ys Duffy et.ais; from On slow. Batchelor ?and Devereux for plaintiff and Battle & Mordecai tor de fendant. Continuance struck, out by consent, petition for certiorari petition dismissed. This ends the consideration of appeals from the sixth districts Just received a lotot burglar proof blind fasts. Call and see them at Ja corn's Hdw. Depot, and you will buy.f Our November Trade Opened with wholesome. promise of a lively business and findsus thoroughly prepared: Our stock, notwithstanding the great rush we had, has been renew ed, increased and strengthened when necessary and is now in splendid con dition. Oar enormous purchases from the largest clothing houses in the conn try this Fall enables us to give bargains in all grades ot Clothing that others jn the trade have found it impossible to ap proach. Hence it is that our trade has exceeded ;all former years. r Should it become necessary, wo cin do still bet ter, for wo arc determined to deserve aod hold tho patronage we have won and to increase it by ail honorable and legitimate means. We have never published an untruth; We stand ready and prepared to discount in value quali ties and inducements any house may off er in the State. Shiuer. the Old Re liable Clothier. 114 Market street, f ; We have a largo lot of glass for Hot houses which we are offering low. i Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. , . t I new ADvmmaTniEUTa Museum of ; V7onders. l JljOff 4ON EXHIBITION IN THIS CITY for a few days only, on South Front Street, near Market. Admission only 5 cents. - a- rjoticb. i . IJTHE MANAGERS OF THE CATHOLIC rair hare, on account of the nnaroidable ab- senee of the chief manager, deferred the pro- posed CofltpUmentarT Ball 'till the Cnrlataat HoUdavt. Tlic drawing for the Plaao will Uke place in the City JU11. at the Mayor's Office, at o'clock, oa Fridty Nlgkt.Nor 1 . Tho Mayor has kindly consented to preside at the drawing. The Chance list ii not vat n alta filled and Will remain opea 'till Friday night. bot 17 2t 16. 1885, NO. 267 NET? ADVERTISEMENTS. the seapon for Ladies and Misses. R. V3. f.lcirJTIRE. nov 16 C-30UGE. Tiro Kfefcts .tote WEDNESDAY TIHJRS DA I, OV, 18 AND 19. A MERET MISCHIEF ot tke Flmide."- r NcwTork7FdrW.i ?; i , c The TalsntcdT Toutur Soubrette.' MISS MYBA GOODWIN SnppQrted bTAtke Favorite Comedian; UR. GEO. aiCIIARBS. and a sunerlor Comedy Company, wljmcnt for the flwt lime In this cuy. aaw. iu. juauer a Rnecessini Comedy, in toree acts, enuueu New Boners ! , New JJanoes ! Kaw Kfrr.ta ' Box Sheet opens Tuesday at Heoisberger's. W ILMIJJGTOy, N. C, Nov. 14, l$85.-BWs trill be received Vntll f-.h2Kf h in.t fnv pairs and alterations on thi Adrian Engine Ftr plans and speclScattoDS tfpply to r , . SAM'L UBAB, Jr. nov 16 1 1 Chairman Committee Geo. W Pricey Jr., AUCTIONEER k COMMISSION MERCHANT f. 1 Auction Sale. m X EDNESD A Y. NOV. 18. COMMENCING , T f at 10 30 o'clock, will offer forsale a laree iu. ui nouseaoiu ana AJicncn r urnitare, a ShOAV Casca,4Cooklnr Stoves. 9 Parlor and led Boom Stoves, 2 Bed Boom Pets, a lot of JAUfJCTJLi, DAMAGED MlttSFlT and BJE4JUJSW-11AND. One very fine French Mo quett. bordered; Lounges, 3 Orates, 4 mis ceiianeovs assortments of Crcokery and Tin ware, 8 Baby Carriages, 3 AhtfqueSIdeboarda, an assorted lot of GROCERIES, a lot of Chairs, Mattresses, Beds, Tillows, Blankets, Quilts, Pictures, fcoap, Machines, Lamps, Clothing, ji y wwub, ac. nor lo -t Sportsman's Goods. FINE ASSORTMENT OF BREECH Loading Gnna, Ammnnilion of all kinds, Ec loading Tools. Come and 3 look "through our Riworimenj. no can snow moie ouas than an inc sioc jts m the city combined. If WM. E. SPRINGER A CO.. - , ,19, 21 m 28 Market Street, nov 1 .WUmmcton, N. C. For Sale and Rent. STORES, DWELLINGS AND kJ7 VACANT . LOT 8 . Apply to D. O'CONNORT au24 2taw3m mth Real Estate Agent Beat TJovelG Out milE PROPHET OF THE GREAT SMOKY Mountains, $1.' - .r. : . . . . . i.i .; ..... 1 " : ' ' ' Down theRavincr $1. In the Tennessee Mountains, 1 1 . 25, . . . " ; af Charles Egbert Craddock. - - )T' 1 For sale at 5 ; -HEINSBERGER'S, nov iu Live Book and Mnaic Stores. Don't Fail to Call A LOOE, WHETHER YOU BOY OR iiwu xaose wvominxs, Ltawoodj. Ad . nesiTi ana iseautiei Seif-Feeders of all kinds; Cook Sto ail nae jueatra and Bean tie.. Aim are Perfect Charms: Oil store: iidMi have cot inai what von vint hold affairs comfortable. s rr PARJtER A TAYLOR'S. PURE WHITE OIL. . nov 1G For Eafflo. JT ttc AND tOc A GHANCF, COMPLETE Manienre Dressing and Smoking Cases will be for Baffle before imas Call and take a mumuix. T.,U. MILLER. 1 ivJllT -German Drust, . Corner Foorth and Kna ata vT? rescripOona fillet at all hours day andalgnt.. , novl! Florida" rangoo I . -i 4fcV LARGE AND SWEET, 25 CciltD iPerDozcn.; . , For this evenlag choke lot CREAM-CANDIES, FRESH FROM OCR FACTORY. E;i J. MOORE & CO. HI CCTId. ITS CCl ts gla4 to rscUvt ccsasaieaSas fjoaowfrtaadaeaaay sad sil!sstjtets gaMrallatarestbTit . J 7 . '. ' The nana of the writer must always t , aishadtotheEditox.1 :';'V; '.' 'I Oonannlcattona must b written oa e oae aide of the paper.' - Pezaoaaauea must be aroMod. ' ' And It la especially and particularly and stood that the Editor does not always ados Ibe views of correspondents union so etatv hi tbe editorial eolnj&&a . . new AnvmnnizriEiiTB Cash v Store I o- fl LI 116 Haricot Gt. Resides our Regular Desirable Stock , . ... .. .... : - f will open . On Monday, Nov. 16tli, ! A UKE OF ., GOOD DRESS GOODS, lO Cents Per Yard. ROBES, . superior quality, 6c per yard ; . , A fine assortment, in all colors, of -:: Boucle, Tricot, . . and Ladies' Cloth. LADIES' HEAVY JACKETS, $2 up. LADIES' DOLLMANS, $2 up. A variety of CHILDREN'S WRAPS. Corsets, Good duality, 40c Ladies' Vests, Worth . 50 for $ 1 .00. Specialties in extra Heavy Blankets.' Another lot of UUGS.by next Steamer. EVER SO MANY Desirable Winter Goods. AT- THE LOWEST CAS II PKICES -AT- TJ. ICATZ'C nov 10 HO MAUKET ST, WILMINGTON A WELDON R. It. CO., SECI'Y A TREASURER'S OFFICE, WlLMlo l OK, KTC.; OcLJHk 18S5.. AHiiL . tUJ. - v JHIC FIFTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockitoldcra of tho Wilmington A Weldon ' B. R. Co. wlU be held at the Onlce of the Company, in Wilmington, on TUESDAY, the 17th of November proximo. J. W. THOMPSON, -nov2tdm Secretary. W1L., COLUMBIA AUGUSTA Rv RCO.. SECT' Y A TRE AS. OFFICE, . WlLMIaT01, N. C., Oct. 31, If 65 rjiUE ANNUAL MEETING' OT THE Stock holders of the Wilmington, Columbia A- Au- gnsUR.B.:Co.wilI be held in the Office of the President, in Wlunlngton, on TUESDAY, the ltth of Norenber proximo. - J; W. THOMPSON, nov 2 tdm - Secretary. rJo VJatered Stock' TTTE ANNOtNCE TO TIIlB mrirp'v mtj . ii v mm' mmw m WlIaBlnarton and thennbUA rnriiv. th.t are receiving daily tresh supplies of , CHOICE GARDES OYSTERS, FREE - ''i from : Water, or mixture with other inferior Oysters. 7 -HEAD OF FAMILIES - ' Will please note that all orders left with ns will receive prompt personal attention ami free delivery la all parta of the city. T .; 1 C. O. Ds .ORDERS . from all parts of the country trill be promptly executed, caxef alfy packed la lee and dlapaicu tashipmeat. , fc ' also keep on hand fresa supplies of f CHICKENS, EGGS. FISHBOE AND COUNTRY FRODUCS GENERALLY ! W. II. YOPP, ICG So. Front Street. BOTH H - - :C! rr t r V

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