0 ccpted by JOSH T. JAME81 KDlTOB AKD FBOFKOSTOB. rfilPTIONS POSTAGE PAU Ulte .1 00 Six months, $2.09. T X- Three r E J'T ttUi "CU.llVU TW ?ii .n acj par of lhe clty at tbe lwv 'cr-1- - , lV,r we. ' r..-3i raute low and HberaL il7C,Svcrla will report any and aU fall "3V :'K .1- fv.oir i&t-er reirnlarly. .r,M;H'' """" : n,v,-PcvirtP has the largest r" -; nnulnlion. ot any newspaper .At.-" '.. - (11 aprity over- W'Uc in . . ,.,1ra! brU! has reeoptly beo 13 200 fret long, 500 teet wide, a 3--- ' . . . -j i:n feet mgu. rv tevc lUys the report rraches Hntr.nt Caroline Patli has fallen s-.nirs and broken her leg j-.ng- :raphi3t3 are now beginning r how many legs she has. r. lib pr vJndc p is calculated that there are in Can . , m nno to 15.000 lacrosse play - AAA pnr pra. SUUW BUUCISI ftio 0" 4 000 cricketers, 2,000 m footbal i.ouu case p MM born our friend on amy al all lautjjsets . - -gtnarallnUrest bvt ";- ;:-"v ' i ;,, s ; Tat aama of the writer must Jwit tt : Blabed to the Editor. . L- CosusuBlcatloiis muat ba wxlttas o bv . -oatideof tiro paper. " rwnoBaStlesnQitbo Aroldedr Aad It U cpccllly and particularly Wid : -stood that the Sdltor doe mot alwaya aadoi VOL. IX. W ILMINGTON. N. C. FBI DAY. DECEMBER 4. 1885. OOO itherleiraofcoxreapoiidests umlasa ao autt U yj. ta the editorial colnmaa. LOCAL NEWS. ISDEX TO NEW AOVERTISEttEITl. Kuxds Bros -Bead tissoi & Co A Gift r C Mtllkk For Baffle C W Yates Blank Books. Ac Lobkkt C Bkluixt Druglat K J Moore & Co Very Choice Wakted ladles and Gentlemen Collier A Co Jewelry at Auction To Subscribers Telephone Exchange R M Mcl5TiRB New Window Shades Bktksbkboxb Holiday Headquarters J F A Braves Sew Store New Goods Geo B Fjresch & Eoxs Fash'onable Folk Just three weeks to-day to Chriats mas. ; The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 708 bales. Gcr. bris Diana, Schroeder, hence, arrived at Hamburg Dec. 2nd. Nor. barque Fortuna. Christiansen. hence, arrived at London Dec. 2nd. The wind got around to the Soath-j west to day and as a consequence the atmosphere is much warmer. I seems strange that tbe coolest wind in Soar mer and the warmest in Winter should both blow from the same point of the compass. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVEBISBBIENTS NEW APVEICT1SEMEWTB. Hew Window Shades. HOLIDAY '.vers. 1.C00 rowing men. hirsts and 1.C00 bicjclists. V . m-v . r 1 s C 1 v.-oindseem mat JMUtueia, in our- VinQ,hpr this for a ride to tbe i.r,iin!v. T.land. is the most healthy R . . b it f roastC(1 08ters. ,n world, as the rector has an ; Seed that, with a population of 1 v- If you need a meat cutter you can be fit only ore male aiea last year, auu he a; eighty-eight years old. The Review Job Office is the place - ; ' - , to eet good work at moderate prices. f- u a curious commentary on tbe al- . : 'aimriccunio3ityoftheEnslish land Tbe ladies were abroad in froce to eJ gentry that they manage to support day and Santa Clau3 was on a big grin. There was a good turnout of tbe members of the Wilmington Light In fantry last night and a fine drill. We are glad to note an increasing io teres1 in the prosperity of the company, which was made manifest last night by quite a liberal donation of books with wh'ch to iocreaieit3 library. ( , - Personal Hey. Dr. Yates has returned from Conference aod was on our streets to day. Mr. A. H. Neff and wife, formerlj of this city, but now residing in New York, arrived here last night and regis tered at the Orton. !rOIt THE HOLIDAY'S WE HAVE ADDED LARGELY TO THIS LINE of goods, , 7, 8, 0 feet and in great variety. New Wraps, embracing many new things. JERSEY WAISTS, ol Domestic and Imported, styles various. Dress Goods. We intend offering every inducement in OMrpowttrduriug the present month : .... . t and close bnyers will note this. . CWt or prompt pament is all we require anu lowest prices will be given. . CARPETS. RUGS AND MATS. Remember we arc making vekt low pbicf.. and a good assortment we Headquarters! i ny packs of hounds a3 ever, even in those counties wnicn are nisn icu w be 1 he most distressed . One white trarap was accommodated with lodgings at tbe guard house last n'ght. Chrislnias falls on Friday this year, eiving a good chance for two days holi- fhe cotton crop of Central Asia has K.-.n i-nUSUailV COOU LUIS veai. J .. .. :it t i n:- u laMftv In m&nv. owners 01 couon iuu: u uubsio, w - sid. seem to prefer Central Asian to I The attendance upon the Grade American cotton, and have established Schools is now ' larger thaa at any direct relations with tho planters of previoU3 year. Bukhara. laslikenu anu rvuia. ovsters are rather Is "ives a notion of the cost of royal scarce in this market now Ohl for .aii,.iM-krf- w r n n r nannw mini . trareling in the last century tnat tne a rautuau ..w bill of Ueorge IV at the Hotel d liars- Corn in lne opinion of some of our cimp, Namur, for one day was 3,009 besj. arraers. has beeu a. much more Iranci ($601.80.) The head waiter res profitabIe crop this season than cotton, ceived $40. Tbe charge at the table g ffoWj was being erected on the Me at that time was two francs. Kr.,:oi Rnirtn.d-iv.r,reDaratory irthPrabea'iomVlhine indicative of the to Ipaintiog building, of which it .i.wvnifivn temDerament no- stands in neeu VuC yunupio""" AT THE OLD HOUSE, OLD ' STAND OF - Heinsberger's Live Book and Music Stores. C HBISTMAS BUI EES WILL FISl AT 111 1 v uu vu ouivuv a a vu . . , BLACK IJUKSb liUUlS, m great, variety auu iuc pnuco Uiese stores tbe moat Immense stock In the hive I clty f rom whlch 10 naak0 thc,r clect1otl9 have everything in profusion and In Urge variety. R. M. fJlclHTIRE. liable in Mr. Swinburne's poems, it aaj bo accounted for on the hereditary theory. Hi3 ancestor. Sir John (temp. Charles II), bad thirty children by bis wife, daughter of Mr. Lawson of Brough. All kinds of dry goods and groceries are remarkably cheap now. but poultry and eggs are away up beyond the reach of ordinary pockets. Remember the lecture on Temper ance at Temperance Hall to night by One of the largest manufacturers of Rev, p A. Bishop. The public is cor- gloves in England recently Usucd a cir- Orally invited to attend.- cular to the lasbionaDie ueaiurs iu iu- rf ioWelrv. at , . ... p 1 no sate vi n vu - 1 don pointing out that the habit of at- near Front tempting to wear gloves too - J" Collier &' Co.. auctioneers, crown to Such an extent tnat it has D.. ? w w5ut crown to Such seriously affected tho reputation of the factory, and urging tho dealers to ex ercise their influence against this ex., ron3!ve manifestation of vanity. Tbe ntoderation in drinking practised by their American visitors tells heavily will be continued to night. This has been a lovely day and the ladies and children havf flocked the streets and stores, admiring the weather and the pretty Christmas goods. tl. iiioKru-o Mensenacr was di3- iUOUUluauw - For Thirty Days It has often been said that' it would be impossible for a man to eat a quai (with us called a partridge) each day for 30 consecutive days, "but a man in this citv is confident that he can ac complish the task and commenced the job yesterday. There is considerable money staked on the result. Fine Talent. Madame Camilla Urso, the celebrat ed female violinist, who will appear m this city on the night of the Hth inst., will be assisted by Miss Alice May Esty, primadonna soprano; Signor Carlo Ru3o, prima teacrre, from the San Carlo Opera House. Naples ; Mr. Auguste Sauret, the eminent French pianist, and Miss Janie G. Savage, the celebrated reader and elocutionist. Citv Court. J. A. Ashe, batter known as Toney j Ashe, a colored deputy snenn, was brought beforo the Mayor this morn ing charged with disorderly conduct yesterday at the corner of Fourth and Mulberry streets It seem3 that he was iutoxicated at the time and was brand ishing a pistol "sorter promiskers like." an offense for which the Mayor imposed a fine of $5. .Loss of the Fidelio. Ger. barque Fidelio. Meyer, hence, for Wolgast, Ger., was found on be beam ends in the English Channel and was towed into Dover. She had been cut down three strakes below the cop per on her starboard side, but partly righted after her masts had been cut away. One dead body was found on board. Two of the crew nave since been picked up and carried into Belfast, Ireland. Tbe Fidelio cleared from this port October 9lh. with 231,630 feet of lum ber, valued at $4,033, shipped by Messrs W. Walter & Finke. dec 4 Tbe Crazy Quilt. One of the prominent Jeatures in the comedy of the Crazy Quilt, tho original play to be presented this month at tho Opera House, will be a song and dance by Mr. JooConian. who will appear in the character of a Now York Irish boot black in the first act, aud aa a colore! depot servant in tho third act, and will also give in this character a representa tion of a neat song and dance man re hearsing for a cake walk and festival. We understand that Mr. Conlan is consideredone ot the finest dancers that has appeared on our stage, and the management ol Crazy Quilt is fortu nate in securing the services of so good an artist. T Sakribcrs Telephone MaBge. Our iPicture Gallery Occupying uearJy all of ihetvro floors, 1 JlUed with Beautiful Gems of.. Art, hamUoaely- -pLEABE ADD TO TOUR .LISTS : No. 93 .1011S L. BOATWBIQHT, Gracer. J frame-!, iroin otlcbi sit ei HVttets. dec 4 It J. C. WHITE. Manager. Very Choice. 8 000 FANC FLOBIDA ORANGES, ' SWEET ASD JDICT, Jast received and heM expressly for our re tall trade. Only 25 cts. per Dozen. FINE CREAM CANDIES MADE TO-DAY FOB SATURDAY'S TRADE. E. J.MOORE & CO. qec 4 . Auction Sale. WORTH OF GOLD AND BOOKS! BOOKS! We have the largest stock of Books offered anywhere In North Carolina; Sertom Books, Sober Books, Solemn Books, Good Books, Great Books, Gay Books, Large'Book?, Little Books, Learned Books; Books for the Old, Book9 for the Yoting, and In particular a line of rare editiouj, poetry and proEe, rich gems of art in binding, which are just the thing for Holiday Gifts. We mskp taislatter lines src clalty and can plcast the most fastidious as to style, binding and pr!cc. A beautiful lino of FAMILY BIBLES, some thing every family needs; Webster's and Wor- LMvislon of Conference. tha nroceedinS rth North Carolina Methodist Con- Ko.WoMphir amaiori- SILVEft WATCHES. DIAMONDS,. JEW- lCICUW. luavi wwmj v.w.- - m 1 i ty of 24 not to divide at this time. We ELRY, SILVER WARE. Ac , Ac, received ttst(irlj Koval Quart0 Dictionary Unabridged. , think the discussion has brougbt out tne tWg day from a jcwe:Cr retiring from busi t act that the main reason given by those "ightS 7 o'clock, and who ODDOS8 division at tnia ume w continuing uatu stoca is aisposea or, wo ouw ' - I m 1. - a Utn.a Nn IIH I - m m tk.Torir.l itiiiain Tni- Ilia lllllllllll A full line Of ALBUMS. and Silver that the educational interests oSi WCa woum uupi J - rrh TrdWid6eWchalns.Tiamonds. .... -...n.' Many Of those WhO oppose tbe move- ESEZ&ttlZ&Bi and Silver Ware of n e nave muBic fuuhiu u, , u. .... . . .... mant now are reallj in favor ot it, ana every aeKriPu, ever - IzeJ a, well M the eavage breast. will vote for it jus as soon as tney think the church's interests will not be damaged by it, even if that time should ba a year or two hence, but certainly in four years. By reference to the vote dec 4 COLLIER it CO , Auct'r. Notice. WILMINGTON, N.C , Nov. 24tM, US'). PIANOS AND ORGANS From the most , celebrated makers; brass and silver wind instruments ; Violins, ViollnceUcs, n.Anrr I hidf the NAVAMA GUANO COM- Guitars, Zlthenw, Clarionets, Fifes, Drums, "-w n infpr that the intellisent Ji: tnitP and lavmen who voted office to thlTcity on Thursday. December 10, &c.. Ac , Ac., in great profusion and at low a-ainst the measure now certainly 1S5' l 11 0 C10CJ' ' m' D. MacBAE. prices. ' know what they are doing. The min nov28 3ta7dec4 9 sec.&Treas. haye th0U8aD(1 artlclcB wblch wj have ority arc also able and intelligent gen; JJea( 1 Bead ! Ka(l ! not spac to enumerate here.- We have the tlemcn. and these facts furnish a safe Innto that ns a member Ot the rpiIE KING TOILET PAPER and; Holder goods and we are determined to sell them. &dto us m- SASKSSS SoaRkwS Allwe.sk from our friends is acalland.n contents and soreheads willbcdiiap- mnSffmii inspection of them, sure that! they trill And pointed in their desire for a squabble. 1 'or sale at 104 v. utos.f what they want at Wholesale and Betati Druggists How to Burn Coal. dec 3 iu.i - Baby performance London and'other cities frequented by in tht city. There re v.ety on. nrnnriPtorfo't that be had opinioris on tbe subject hcie. s.d "cause for complaint when Mr- Key K. A. Bishop will preach at which shows the number of deaths Mackay eogaged an expensive suite of Front street M. E. Church next Sun- the month ended v. 30lb, 1885. - and vet drank , nUi'nVlnek. Kev. Dr. as follows : I J k - w I fiav lUUll'tUK I . rW .. 1 icht A White males ; white lemaies , ... k-'.:..,- rnak n?r a total of 10 Whites, of Which 5 Mortuary Keport. Dr. F. W. Potter, city physician, has made his regular monthly report for were A great lot of Geat's heavy Canton a(JuUs and 5 wcrc children. Flannel Drawers, from 40c and up- Colored males 13: colored females (1 wine during the' time : . Unffo rtv Montana, has a popula tion of 18 000 4.009 to 5.000 of whom wards. at tho Wilmington Shirt Facto making a total colored ot 17. Of arcemDloved in tbe mines at $4.50 per irlt 27 Market aL, J. awB" this number II were auuus auu u rfcic tkv whiiA inllv as manv men are idle- mL t;i- nnmnanv closed children. Aggregate wnue ana coior -I 1DH ttlUUUlBlU i ' - I ... , i 1 . I-J. . 1 t Charleston on ed 27, from wbicii snomu oe ueuuu ineir eutascuiwu. . u.LS. 1 .ir ..till hnm whirh Wednesday night. They piayeu w wmwauu '-7; . 11 s-i a in tivhA fi an iriini i iiw cor- Ai winter is at hand, and ai much Jfew gtorC & FrGSh Goods. fuel is wasted in the manner 01 rcpien- HEINSBERGER'S, Live Book and Music Stores. Tho town suppoits five daily uews papers, fi?e brass and string bands, and fifteen gambling establishment, four variety theatres, and one opera bouse, which are doing a rushing busi ness every night. --- A dazzling shower of shooting stars was observed in New Jersey last Friday night. These blazing meteors were in all parts of the sky. appearing every few seconds, sometimes several instantaneously, the back lines mainly intersected near tho feet of Andromeda. Magnificent star showers have been witnessed recently at Teheran (Persia,) and a meteoric display at Naples In connection with Biela's comet has been unusually brilliant. In London, in the early hours of Friday evening, a show er of meteors was well observed. mm mm 0?man Digna 13 dead at last, just about as dead as Julius Caesar and stinkinsr abad as Billy Mabone. His successor is or.e Khalifa Abdulla El Taasha, a gentleman who has very few acquaintances in this section. lie 13 better known, however, to tho Brit- ish on the Soudan, whose acuuaintance he is ardentlv seeking. Ho has fixed his military and strategic eye on Lower E-vDtfnot Upper Egypt as some wu havB nS and at last accounts it was hinted that our British cousins should be careful about ' cultivating his.ac bousenrtueand Courier leave, loUl ol! whoUied froo. 5!u. 1. nf the enlertain- eease. This is U less than for the 1 I 1 T n . mnnlh laer rpof Wnnot be properly cooked, in a our Platform. mm WW ' " 1 poor stove, so don't blame your cook veare willing to let you take any but 20 tp Jacobi's Hdw. Depot ana Duy ocds home for inspection or compan nno nf his fine stoves. Then you will j ith from any house in this have Peace, Comfort, and Happiness as city and if our goods are not superior home. t to al lathers and at least from 15 to 25 nnr frnd. Mr. P. Heinsberger, has cent cheaper, or when our cus- added a new instrument to his stock ol tomers are not perfectly satisfied we musical merchandise in tbe snape 01 a wn cneerluuy reiuuu vue iuuucj. 'Roller Organ , and it attractea mucn protect our patron3, gooa juugea auu attention during the day. If if cheap poor judges aliKe. upon tuis rnuuru in nrica and can be playea oy anj uuu we nave cunt up uui m Prica ana ca p Wnocau vui w. - nn,iar f the - itnisciiv; ic uw Messrs. E. J.Moore & Co. bave tne rea f our lrade VeolQ 1 ......nmtnN l thanks oftbe Foreman anu uoui- g findout wbero they can savca in the Daily Review ouice tor a dollar. We can convince you ot tne to some of those fine Florida ornoff f t lhat we caa gWe vftiae for -Mwfl h? them in misnsuv;. iUBJ u, than you can una eisa- fine oranges, not the boys) arc 1&C wfaorel why is it? Simply because finest lot we nave sreu . we giv0 Joa n0nest gocus at lair pnwa months. and onlv ask you to pay for what you u;hon Watson held service at Fai- get. No nonsense of any 'UnA SnmEift son Duplin county, on Sunday last The Old Reliable Clothier, i aiarv and confirmed two persons. Thence St. , countv. I - " ne wen, , "Jacobi's has well earned the repa- Inmed Ho taUon of keeping the best and cheapest conUrmed three on StoYOjf Call and see his stock beforo IS DOW IU UUlUSW.v, m- . - . arrlre home to-morrow night. 1 busing. , isbin? coal fires, both in furnaces and grates, it would be well to try the fol lowing rule, copied from an exchange: "They should be fsd with a little coal at a time, and often. But servants, to save time and trouble, put on a great deal at once, tho first result being that almost all the heat is absorbed by the newly put on coal, which does not gire ftnt hMt nni.il it becomes red hot. Hence for awhile the room is cold, but when it becomes agiow iu ncai. " .nflrv-.hia The time to replenish a fire is as soon as the coals begin to i show ashes on their suriace ; tnen pus on merely enough to snow a layer . . .1 1 rpu.a mill a rrn blacc coal on tug reu. au vw kindle, and as there is much of it, an excess of heat will mot be giien out. Many also put ouUhe hre by stirring tha vrota a anon as fresh coal is put on, thus leavine all heat in the ashes, when it should be sent to me now sup ply of coal. Tbe time to tir the fire is just when the new coal is well kindled. This method of managing a coal fire is troublesome, but it saves iuel, gives more uniform heat, aod prevents the discomfort of alterations of heat and cold above referted to.' Just received a lotot burglar proof blind fasts. Call and see ihem at ua cobi's Hdw. Depot, and you will buy.t J. E. TAYLOR, BOOTS AND SHOES. .1Q9 Princess St. dec 1 dcc tf Fashionable Folk, S ALSO TJIOSE NOT SO FA8I1IOXA can H nd Goods to suit their fancy at our Store. We keep BOOTS AND SIIOK3 IN ENDLESS VAB1ETY, and will Fit your Eye, A" BllE. can NEW APVEBTISEailSNTS. iSoWKK'S SPECIFIC FOB ASTHMA. HANDSOME CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ! Uour Pocet ufl ,Tour Foot' aia chare yfcu XK LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND ChUd J . . I Best Class of Goods. rea STraniuovvn ana omcr ngu uiawmi v - making up Evening Bonnets. New MUlhicrr Call and sco s. to to-day. Nun's VelUoa tor Moumlng Veils, (jQQ, R, FrGIlCh & SOLIS, All tn materials and designs in vogue this j season for making up Fancy Work. Veryj handsome Silk Handkerchiefs which, with all other Handkerchiefs and Linen Goods, tamp- deel Front 8t', opposite Market. 108 NORTH FRONT STREET, dec 2 tf Piano for Raffle, T THE BEQTEST OF MANY LADIES At Yates' and gentlemen, I have consented to rafllea Una Upright BAUS i'lANO catalogue piVc. you WILL ALWAYS TIND A NEW and at el cbznee. Any one OAUCTLICA for Acute or Chronic Rheu- inatissa. dec 4 tf ROBERT R. BELLAMT, Draggist, . W. Cor. Front and Market sts well selected tck of BLANK BOORS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, C C. STANDARD WORKS in sets and single volumes, handsomely bound, and at remark- FfNrEURANGS. OIL PAINTINGS. Chromos, Ac ' , FRAMES, every aescrlptUu and all sixes. We have a large stock of Bronze. Gilt. Ebony, Plush and walnut Mouldings and manufac ture any size Frame at short notice Don'c forret that we keep fuU stock of GROCERS BAGS AN D TVRA PPING PAPER at bottom prices. 1 C. W. YATES, nov 30 119 Market St taking or getting up ten chances will receive ane extra without charjre. List now of cn at ' v nov 30 HEtNSBERGEU'S,' Live Book and Music Stores. WANTED Ladies and Gentlemen to work fnrna t their own homes: no canvass- lng;$ to $15 weekly; work sent by mall any distance: we have good demand for our work anl famish ateaay empiormeni. Auorew once RELIABLE M'Jt'G CO, Philadelphia. Pa., Box 1595. dec 4 d&wlm A GIF T Send 10 cents postage, and will mall yoar. a royaL walnKI Bam Til ft lHV, Ol goods tliat will ?ut yon In the way of making In. nMvH at once, than anytnlnjr ele in America. Bath sen of all aces can- live at borne and work w aparc ume. retinlred. We wUl start you. Immense pay sure for those who start at once . Stisox Co.. Portland. Maine. dec 4 m - TJEW STORE ! QOME AND SEE THE TOYS, TINWARE and FANCY GOODS jast received. Some- Thomas & J eremiah TTATB ARRIVED AND HAVE MADE j thina; to suit every housekeeper In the city. their Headquarters at theGreen House, eoracr rrlcea low at No. 24 South Second and 121 second ana jrnncesa airctra. ajbo, cautcc i - w Wines, LifjnorB and cigars, come ox the Dest n ..... -m,t t.a mmmmewmat Tjnuih Kiwim fit th I , LB. BQODES. Pron. I OyBter BOpOt. .1. T. A. REAVES. Few More Left, rt ONSTANTLY ON HAND A floe lot of SEW RIVER OY8 V1 xcoa Dotn open an x in inc sneu. 9 W . Mr -rr1 TTXtfTill mrAmA tZnAa UM.m. a au MORE ON tub KVv, v THAT I ed promptly la all parts of the city. -All or JUL, lo rears old Whisker, only by the bottle. Beat Draught Beer. FINE HORNS OYS TFM Kymthll the liMt. J. M. MCGOWAN. nov 20 - Mechanics Saloon dera from the country will meet with eronnt s ttsntlon. Call at KING'S OYSTER DEPOx. linatojeN; K. Corner Front Street . Market, not tut gzn. uyaters sold in onrujai pscK ajrea. - - F. W. KING. '. , i qxtaintance. !

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