TIH3 TAPES ,cD2fltca every even. -.Stnulaya; ex cepted by , x. . '. JOSHT. JAMES, EDIX03 AKU PEOPRIKTOB. UBSCBlPTIOSS POSTAGE PAU , ir 40o. six mpnuis, xnree -aissp ,srcr will be delivered by carriers free " m nart ot tbe cliv. at the Above r : oente per wees.. . .fc- rites low tnd liberal. 5. v!ierj wlU report any and all fill .,fivp their uaier rezularlv. ... - - - Thi Daily Peview has tlie largest n ' ir relation, of a?iy newspaper in r'ic city of Wilmington. , ... ch t land known ns Houe . . iff U'pit Pml I.iirtit Mii.s CievclahM's favorite flowers arc ...i :incl roses A "bUfiuct ol . ,1 i; ,h is taKPn io ner room fverv n i.u ii'" - - - - ' :u vl a I resh basket placed on ' - ;:ii)'e at breakfast. J no. XV. Daniel will succeed 1 j Ti) voto in caucus stood fG for million Jajne, of Setauket; N. J., died M,.,litf frim h!nnl nn!nnmr TJires nionias ago ue a uurse irom jiicJers, and in doctoring the animal hi !iL-' uvy f vi jwm hut uuu iuu li' - n no Mlio many Bibles scattered l : .fHAff ? o r"i f t -iT sV f ant 1 rn wi r4cr ur in lare letters on the title i n:';'ial for le33 Bibles and :' -r !s. i j laws regulating the goverumont !t'i.: i-:' that institution must bo acler- Pir!cr s place. It i hnpo sib'e to publish the novel (V: . Uurnaby ol Ibe uuaros. tuleu in : Sjudiin, left behind him, because no I I -Ll. I J . II C"- II tlHHII 1I11M1 II V (Jilt. . ii. i. i i i ' I , . . . . . r. l'i Tnn nil n r!l!nlt Well ilIlU lia9 UCCI1 iu IUD uauua i'i . a 1 1 , . . 1 I. . j-. a IKn .Manila nF a can be raaua oi u. i 1. f !i' ' The domestic felicity of Mr. and MrE. Iiesdricks was a provero in lnaiaoa. 4t wpi1i1in oGremonv in Sbeibvville three vears aso the ouiciaung ciergy- mu. aiLcr snaKiu uuu nu iuc newly marneu uuuuic, tiiro mtm up beued etion in lliese worus: ".may JO'J oq as oappy as I - I Im nnrl f ra Hendricks arc." The ocean fisheries of Franco and Algeria, according to the last tbrovern- aea: report, employ oyer 87,0i0 per sons and 24.000 vessels, while the value of the flab, taken is between sixteen and eventocn millions of dollars. The fresh water fisheries amount to 'about one- irJ as much. more. The cholera epi demic interfered with this trade very lppreciably, especially in the items of irdines and oysters. As a whole, the Mediterranean G3beries were deficient :ast year, and fishermen suffered great- y in some districts. The Star has opinions and if it had oae its mission would end. It pro- posts in a decent way to give expres- oa to them as occasion requires. : Dronosp.3 to utter its own views whenever it thinks proper, and to do .Ureely. and, it hopes, courteously ana ftr'.y. Star, Sunday morning. Is nn Mr. Randall hinnelf a Stronc advocate of the Blair raid on the Treas ury, that proposes to take out and mis- pplysomo $00,000.000:' Mar, 'lues- 'Jy mommy. It is evident that our neighbor has iwr a treacherous memory r that is very insincere in his expressions. la oue issurt he proposes, to utter his views, ' courteously and fairly 21 i the next he charges one of the aost distinguished Democrats in the ocatry with lavoring a "raid oa the reasury" aad a scheme to "misapply jQieS90.000.OOOr And the charge a not airainst Mr. liandali alone w.a-aiustmany others, pure, honor- tie, unriirht. jrentlemen. Tho Blair , ' - a--- Jill passed the Senate last winter and fas pigeon holed in the House, because -ere was not sufficient time to get it roperly discussed before that body. Senator Ransom, of North Carolina. A Senator Hampton, of South Caro- ca, voted for the bill and we saw it i'ed that. Senator Vance had said he. too, would have voted for it idhobeen present at the time. It is also asserted, and without contra cUb9. that every Democratic repre sentative in Congress from,North Car ina, but one, favored the bill. This is 1 of last winter. Fer the present the Pai'm has just been opened, iad opened handsomely, too. by the "riaia Democratic -. Legislature. rre Monday, in the Senate, a joint -'alutioa was passed by that body en- horing the Blair bill and calling upon fir Senators and Representatives in yQSrcssto vote for it. Ad now. a word for ourselves. We lvored tho iiir k?u Hst Winter, and f 6 fevor it now. There is a vast snr- hs m the Treasury and that surplus 1 VOL. IX. WILMINGTON, N. G. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9. 1885. NO. 286 is properly the property of the people1 If they, through their representatives in Congress, shall decide in what man ner this money shal be spent, then there is no power of appeal beyond that decision. The word raid is oi Scottish origin, and means a hostile in cursion. This cannot bo in such a sense. It has latterly become corrupt ed, in this country. into ex pressing something perhaps worse, something illegal and dishonest. There fore we are not disposed to sit down quietly and submit to the charge of favoring a ''raid" uptm the U. S. Treasury or any other treasury. Wc do not suppose, .for one moment, that our neighbor wishes lo intimate any such severe charges as these against those who arc so unfortunate (for him) as to differ with him in his views as to public polity. The charge is more in expression than in intention. It is as is too frequently the case with him, the unfortunate use of words without accurately considering their actual im port. But we are sure he is amenable to reason and wiiK, see wherein he has thoughtlessly ' erred. He will continue to discuss the Blair bill from his own peculiar and isolated standpoint that we insisi upon. but we are sure that in doing so he will carry out in the spirit, as well as in the letter, his own expressed de termination to do so "courteously and fairly." LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F C Miller For Bains C W Yates Holiday Gifts K J Moose & Co Extra Fbe K M McIntibe Window Shades MUXDS BEOS Christmas Goods Geo R Fkesch & Soxs Cutting W E Speixger & Co Breech Loaders HacssBERaEE Holiday Headquarters J F A Reaves New store New Goods Thomas W Stkawqe Administrator's No tice . For other locals see fourth page. Tke receipts of cotton at this port te day foot up 1,051 bales. The Review Job Office is the place to get good work at moderate prices. Nor. barque Mozart, Gjeruldsen, for this port, passed Dover, Eng.; Dec. 6th. Schr. Albert II. Cross, HendersoD, hence, arrived at Philadelphia, Dec. 7th. The merchants have had but little to do during tbe day on account of the rain. There was no City Court this morn ing and quietude prevaUed about the City Hall Sw. barque Boomerang, Frockburg, hence for Antwerp, passed Isle of Wight Dec. 5th. There was one white tramp accom modated with lodgings at the guard house last night. Tho largest-and best assortment of Pocket Knives in the city can be see at Jacob's Hdw Depot. t Christmas goods are coming in upon eyery steamer as well as by railroad and they are very attractive. This is just the sort of weather favor able to catching colds and to the con tinuance of those already on hand- "Jacobi's has well earned the repu tation of keeping the best and cheapest Stoves. Call and see his stcck before buying. - T Nor. barque St. Josepli, Christiansen, from Berwick for this port, was spoken oa the morning of Nov. 28th, in lat. 31.10. long. ?0- AH well. There has been a very disagreeable dampness in tho streets to-day. to say nothing of tho gale of wind which has blown in gu9ts all day. There is a remarkable fine display of fruit and especially Florida oranges in the city. We have never seen them finer than they are'this season. A great lot of Gent's heavy Canton Flannel Drawers, from 40c and up wards, at the Wilmington Shirt Facto ry, 27 Market st., J. Elsbach. Prop.f JVfter it had began to rain last night and everybody know that a storm was coming, the danger signal was ordered hoisted at the signal office in this city. Such weather as we ba7e had to-day is rough for vessels off the North Caro lina coast, and we would not be sur prised to hear of marine disasters from the effects of .to-day's gale. Food cannot be properly cooked, in a poor stove, so don't blame your cook but go to Jacobi's Hdw. Depot and buy one of his fine stoves. Then you will have Peace, Comfort, and Happiness at home. t Some people think that the trundling ot hoops on the sidewalks, which is now much in vogue, is a nuisance, but the sport is so innocent, so free from danger and the young folks seem to enjoy it so much, that we cannot find fault with it. It is an inconvenience at times, it is true, but it makes the children happy, so we say, let them enjoy it. Oangerous. The sling shot nuisance still contin ues and we see no reason to look for its abatement at present. It is a dan gerous sport, and if it must be indulged in, should bo restricted to the open fields where there is le3s danger, and not peraiitted in the public streets where there are ever present daogersto person or property. Cotton. The cotton is now nearly all picked out in this section and a large portion of it has already reached the markets. There is some yet in tho fieH3. although the amount is inconsiderable and there is considerable of that which has been picked &xn ginned is held by lb farm ers, in the hope of an advance in the price in the near future, The Ball. The anniversary grand ball of the Germania Cornet Band will take place to-night .at Germania Hall, rain or shine, and "don't you forget it." The committee of arrangements all young and decidedly good looking men have spared no pains to make the ball the occasion of the season, and it will be first-class in every respect. The kah ians will furnish music for the dancing, and the pleasures will be enlivened by occasional music from the band. ''A Mountain Pink. Miss Bella Moore and her supporting company seem to have captured the good opinion of people, as voiced by the press, wherever "A Mountain Pink." in which she appears in the ti tie role, has been presented. Our citi zens will have an opportunity to night of judging ot her merits as well as of those of her support and of the play. The L'ttle Rock, (Ark.) Democrat in speaking of the play, says: The audience last night was delight ful with "A Mountain Pink" as ren dered by Miss Moore and her company. She captured the audience with her first appearance and though her first part in the play consisted of three fourths of the hard work, she never tired and did not refuse to repeat when re called. The play is recognized as one of the best American melodramas and Miss Moore as an actress equal if not superior to the play. The ballads she sings and her manner of wedding them in part of the play is so skillful that "A Mountain Pink" presented without them would be shorn of halt its beauty and attractiveness. Personal Ex-U. S. District Attorney W. S. O'B. Robinson was in the city to day Lieut. Gov, Stedman left on this moruins's train for Washington, D. C, and will be absent several days. Mr. W. W. McDiarmid, of the Lum berton Robesonian, was in the city to day and gave us the pleasure of a visit. Mr. Deli Cassidey, formerly of this ctty, but now a resident of Jackson ville, Fla., who was married about two weeks ago to Miss Hull the beautiful and accomplished daughter of. Ex-Gov. Hull, ot that city, arrived here last night with his bride on his return from a bridal tour to the North. They will remain in tho city several days, the guests ot Mr. J. D. Mundf , where they would be happy to receive calls from his former friends. The Affairs of Xifle Hinge upon confidence. It is the ba sis upon which every successful busi ness enterprise is conducted, and with out it no concern can prosper. Shriek has done business a great many years, and the growth has been large, popu larity 'and success, an established fact. We attribute this satisfactory result of our efforts to public confidence. The people trust us and we never deceive them. Our resources are ample, and as a consequence we undersell all com petition and guarantee to the consumer the best value for his money obtainable anywhere. We arc offering superb bargains this week. Don't buy a dol lar's worth of clothing until you have seen our late New York purchases oj men's, boys and children's suits and overco.its. You will save fnliy from 15 to 25 per cent, on every dollar you will boy. If any article bought of us is not exactly as represented, or is La any respect unsatisfactory, "it may be ex changed or we shall promptly rcfnnd in cash the price paid for it. Shriek. the Old Reiablo Clothier, U Market street. t " " - - - . ' - NBWl ADVERTISEfllENTS. Window A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. 6, 7. and 9 feet long, ranging 75e, $1, 1,25, SI. 50 and up. Spring Fixtures. Ladies' Short Wraps, i Ladies and Missis' Long Wraps, Children's Cloaks. WE ARE SELLING DRESS GOODS at the lowest prices. EVENING DRESSES of Silk Tricotines. all light shades. VELVETS AND SATINS In plain, brocaded and stripes. FOR THE HOLIDAYS We will cet in next week nmnr nkw things. CARPETS are selling at the lowest point ever reached for good geds. NEW RUGS FOR THE HOLIDAYS will arrive next week. FULL STOCK UNDERWEAR fer Ladies, Gents and Children. dec An Earnest Woman. Carmilla Urso, the great female yioler inist, who will appear at the Opera House next Monday night, is one of the most remarkable women ot this or any other age. Born and reared in an at mosphere of music, at Nantes, fn France, she at tho early age of five years manifested an earnest desire to learn to play the yiolin. Her wish was granted and she began at once to take lessons and her progress was such that before she was six years old she played in public for the first time, the pierQ selected for the occasion being De Be not's Seveath Air with variations, which was rendered with such exquis ite taste and purity that at its conclu sion she wa3 crowned with a wreath of flowers. She was the first female who ever entered the Conservatory of Music at Paris las a pupil, and this9 she did triumphantly; and before she was ten years old she had contended for and won the first prize in a competition which extended oyer several days and included an examination in harmony, performance of a solo and sight reading in a quartette. Since then her career has been onward aud upward, and read3 more like a page of romance than it does like the earnest and patient labors of a weak, but determined wo man. If you need a meat cutter you can be supplied at Jagobi's Hdw Depot, t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Breech Loaders. f UTE HAVE ONE CASE OF FINE Double f V Breach Loading Guns, .which will be ready for Inspection to-morrow. These Guns we propose sewing at small advance on cost. Aro such Gans has ever been on this market before . WU. E. SPRINGER A CO.. 19. 21 & 23 Market Street. dec 9 Wilmington. N. C. Christmas Goods. 9 TOTTLES FOE COVERING WITH Satin JT3 or Plusb, entire new shapes and very nanasomc. coiogne isottics with fancy straw Covers; new shapes and sure to please. Laird's White Lilac Soap; the handsomest uoiiaay goods on tlie market. Lubin's Soaps, Pear's SoapB, Coudrey's foaps. and a bcautl f ul Line of Seasonable Goods selected with great care. MUND3 BROS., Wholesale Druggists & Fancy Goods Dealers, aec a iui . jrront St. Administrator's Notice. rPHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING QUALI- licd as Administrator of the estate of the la!c George P. Macicdcc and letters testamentary having been issued to him to admiuister upon the same, notice is hereby given to all persons baling claims against the said estate to prove and file the same on or befoie tbe 9th day of December, 1&S6, or this notice will be pleaded iu bar of a recovery. All persons indebted to me saia estate are requested to mate prompt payment. THOMAS W. STRANG F, Administrator. Wilmington, N. C , Dec 9th, 1S85. dec 9 lawCw wed EXTRA FINE. 1,000 Extra Fine FLORIDA ORANGES. RECEIVED THIS DAY, GOING FAST. CALL SOON OB YOUB WILL GET LEFT. E. J. MOORE & CO. dec 9 Holiday Goods. QLLFS & MURCnifiON HAVE RECEIVED their stock of HOLIDAY GOODS, which are now displayed for the Inspection of the public. The ladies are Invited to examine these goods, and all wUl be cordial y welcomed. Goods wiu be soiaonauuau, ruoriT. dec S GIl-ES A MUBCHISON. Wo Time TO WRITE LONG AND FUNNT ADVER tisements, but I wUl take time to fill Cash orders for Peanuts, Fish Roe, No. 1 AuUet, Apples. Orange. Co n. Feed Peaa. Eggs. Chickens, Ac , &c. Consignments of country produce Mollcited. J. R. MARSHALL, uenuom aiercnani. - 24 North Water at , Wilmington, N. C. dec 7 d&w ae ffl- NEW ADVERI3EMEN TS Shades. R. PJI. MclHTIRE. OPERA HOUSE. m m Two Nights and Matinee. WEDNESDAY k THURSDAY, DEC. 0 ni 10. The Brilliant Young Actress, MISS BELLA MOORE, Ssupportea by a strong Comedy Company of RARE EXCELLENCE. Wednesday Night and Thursday Matinee, "A MOUNTAIN PIJRK." Thursday "THE DANITES." Reserved Seats now on sale at Het&sberger's. aec o Gost. T AM SELLING FELT II IT 3 Till week L AT CST. DRESSES COT AND FITTED by a new aad perfect system; learned during my visit North. MRS. KATE C. WINES, 119 N. Second Street, near PostofQo dec 7 npiiK COLB WEATHER IS CUTTING, JL Dealers are catting prices, they say, and the people are cutting a swell in the new BOOTS AN SHOES trefc buy at Geo. E. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET, dec 7 tf AS WE ARE, WITH OUR Holiday Goods, Our agent in New York City has purchased and sent to us from a dclin quent manufacturer bis stock of Hats, which will arrive here MONDAY, A. M., Dec. 7th, In thl3 immense lot, there is every shape, style and quality. Hats to uit every and any body and their purses. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY Dont buy elsewhere until you have Examined Our Stock and Prices on Hats, Trimmed and Un trimmed, Hosiery, Gloves, (Eorsets, Underwear for Ladles, Misses and Children, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, Flow ers, Feathers, Silks, Sa'.lns, Plashes, Hand kerchiefs, Dressing Cases, Jewelry. MNayGooig! Hlaj Gods ! Holiday Gois ! For Grown Folks, and Toys! Toys! Toys! FOR EVERY ONE ! Call and satisfy yourself at Taylor's Bazaar, 118 MAUKET ST. dec 5 WILMINGTON, N. C. Special Offer. I AM OFFERING NOW GREAT BAR. gains In a complete line of Carpets. Unas and Oil Cloths. Blankets aad Comforts. Also, I offer special inducements in clothing ana ueouemn s nnu&Disg uooas. jay Wholesale stock of Boots andciboea. Hats and Caps, Shirts. Notions and Domestics Is com plete. Prices quoted with pleasure. - BVlu IHSAB, dec 51m 20 Market Street JpOWEITS SPECIFIC FOR ASTHMA. O ALICYLICA f or Acute or Chronic Rheu matism. ROBERT R. BELLAMY. w . Druggist. N. W. Cor. Front and Market sta dec 1 tf - : rj.r.xr. roues. . ' TTi will be gild ta receive cosa-caleauoa from our friend on aay aad all rabjesti gttDeraHatereat tmt r. ' The name of the writer must alwayi be -Dished to the Editor. ' Commnnlcatloaa must be , wxlltea o em "V oae Bide of the paper. ' PeraonaHtlea mut be avoided.' And It la especially and particularly and Hood that the Editor doea not always esdoi the views of correspondent naleu eo etatt la tbe editorial columns. k " ' NEW ADVmtTISEMJBNTS. ! AT THE OLD HOUSE, OLD STAND OF . e- i i- e rs Live : B ook and Music Stores. Q HRISTM AS BUYERS W ILL FIND AT these fctorcs the most Immense stock In the city from which to make their selections. We have everything la profusion and in hrge variety. ' .- . Our Picture Gallery Occupying nearly all of the two floors. Is filled with EeauUf ul Gems of Art, handsomely framed, Ironl cclehiatsd artists. -o BOOKS ! BOOKS! Wc have the largest s'ock of Books offered anywhere In North Carolina ; Serious Books, Soiber Books, Solemn Boots, Good Books, rsat Books, Gay Books, Large Books, Little Books, Learned Books; Books for the Old, hC.ks for the Young, and in particular a lino of rare editions, poetry and prose, Mch gems of art In binding, which are just the, thing fer Holiday Gifts. We make this latter line a spe clalty and can please the'most fastidious as to style, binding and price. A brautlful line of FAMILY BIBLES, soio thing every famllySieeda; Webster's aud Wor ester'a Royal Quarto Dictionary-Unabridged. A fall line of ALBUMS. Music for the Million ! Wfl llftTA Tnnal nnrtnorli t-n nhanm 4-.a Ized as well'as the savage breast. TJT 1 VAO IVTI ATlfl i vn From the most celebrated mafcrs; brass atd silver wind Instruments; Violins, Vlollncellcsl Guitars, Zltherns, Clarionets, Flfcst Drums, c, &c , &c.., in great profusion and at Jew prices. We have a thousand artldas which we have ciai-ij w vuuiucrabu iiere. . we nave the goods and we are determined to sell them. All we ask from oar friends Is a call and an Inspection of them, sure that they will And what they want at . HEINSBERGER'S, Live Book and Music Stares. dec 1 Toys. Toys. Toys. AT J. MUELLER'S Novelty Store ! Corncr;Maikct and Second gts.. - - FRENCH DOLLS, INDESTRUCTIBLE DOLLS, - WAX DOLLS, DOLL CARRIAGES, VELOCIPEDES, GOAT SULKIES, WHEELBARROWS, ' aan JTICXUKE BOOKS, ALBUMS, AUTOGRAPHS, AVAViW A. aa-fl an fVTg OUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES AND TOILET SETS. , JAPANESE GOODS, ACCORDEONS AND BANJOS. . Evcrvthlnc V1rt t . JULIUS MUELLER, Few More Left, aND MORE ON THE BOAD, OF THAT lu years eld Whiskey, only by the hotti ccmnic. aajoon New Store & Fresh Goods. J? E. TAYLOR. BOOTS AND SHOES, iuy Princess St. HOLIDAY Headqu arters neinsDerge udec Z tf

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