u-iJJ-l'".. v O - ---LLAIJEOTJS. ' , jT uauy. Heview 7ms the largest . bona fide cirauatt07k, ot any nctcspaper miblishad. in the city of WiltrxuijUm.- jK WEDNESDAY; DECEMBER 0 S5. 1 day for twelyo nad, a half cents p,er pound, which Was cheap enough. W i ml a lid Kalu full. The rainfall to-day.' up" to 3 bVl' ck tli afUiruotn,. amounted to I.4I-10Q Ineies. The maximum -velocity of wii.d her was 2(5 miles an hour, f om tht-Si.uthwet The maximum velo city f wind at SinithviPe to-dav was 38 m ilea a.n'hou, also from the South we?'. Absolutely Pure. Thlj powder never vailes. A marvelrf purity, strength an t waoleaoraeneis. More economical than the ordinary ki d, and can not b9 sold In competition with the multitude of Jow test, short weight xhiin or phopph.tq Kwders. Sold only in cans. ftovAL. Pak; o wdf.k Co.. loo Wall fct. N. V. oct 2t dw ly tenrm 4thp LOCAL NEWS. William II. Vanderbilt died very suddenly yesterday in New York. So many millionaires hay died recai tly that there are but lew of u3 left. $ I 000,000 to the Charity Hospital, N, O. Te btpM Cfmrity llipital at New ( Jeans is class-d bv the medical pruh'yion f.s "tin 4 the finest ins'i'u- Uons of tin kind id the world. Over iwi. c r turie it has siood at the at9 of ihe Mississippi hsi savior of the na t:ona! h alth in the South and West. Th L uisiana State Tottery contribut- e i in I8G8 on million of dollars, paya ble m intalnrent3, for its support.and is reimbursed by tbf franchise of the Dra-virus. Th r.ext Grand bemt-An . . . X I I Mai ir. lMini win ibkc piace on D.c- 15. a. when over half a million ot o i!r.r" be scattered to its patron everywhere. All information can be nad of M A. Dauphin. New Orleans, La. Thu3 you can do goid. and the world will be none the wiser, ' and you may tret $150,000 to ease your declining years. Ju.-t received a lot ol burglar prno' blind fasts. Call and see them at Ja cor.i's Hdw. Depot, and you will buy.t tho banks and posloiliccs tfco company drew on its patrooa f or 1 assessments. This association- had a new and se tibcJve Drinclole of lite insurance busi ness, and -prom i sed u n 1 i m i t ed 1 oar. 8 if casn to t he insured; upon certain terms. Some. of the patrons tro so far as to say that they beiieveu mat mey 'couiu in Mire (i It me dav and borrow from it the next dy any amount ot money So far as heard from, none of its Oha:- lotte patrons hav secure J anytoing from the company in the way of loans, but all ot them bold rtceiyia for mem brshi fee and assessments. The c ncf ru had its headquarters in Furt Worth, lexas. and nai a division llice in Greenville. S. C. At Fort Worth. Saturday lafct. three garnish tufnts were issued by members of the association, cu e for the recovery of the amount of dues and assess ments paid, and the other two for the collection rf matured coupons No one has been made wealthy by the fail ure, but hundreds of- poor people have been roads poorer. Julieo Fild, postmaster at Fort Worth, is president of the association. The or ganization has collected over $1000- H00, and now has $14,000 on hand. A loss of confidence ou the part of mem bers caused the stoppage of payment- f assessments, and thi. in turn, caused thesuspension of payments on coupocs. It is estimated that rjot less than $10, 000 cash was iuvested in this concern by citizens of Charlotte and of Meckler -burg county. More people have been caught by it than by any failure since that of the Southern Life Insurance Company of Memptfts. about the year 1875. At about noon today when it was raining at its hardest, Market street was fairly flooded with water, even on the sidewalks, and several stores were threatened with a deluge. The Bella Moore Comedy Company arrived here from Chailotle. where tbey played last night, on this morn ing's train. Appearances now indicate that it will be a bad lime for the "Mountain Pink" to-night. To.day was fixed as the lima lor the ladies to visit Messrs E. J. Moore & Co. sand witness the process of candy making, but the weather was so in clement that there were no visitor?. Another day should be appointed at once. Remember, young man. that your character canDot be essentially injured except by your own acts. It is you alone who has' charge of jour reputa tion and it is your conduct and your associations which determines whether it shall bo good or bad. Gifjffer liecr. The following receipt lor making a' very superior giugor beer is taken from the treatise ot Dr. Peroira on diet. The honey gives the beverage a peculiar softness, and from not being fermented with yeast is less violent in its action when opened, but requin s to be kept a somewhat longer lime before use: White sugar five pounds; lemon juice, quarter of a pint; honey one-quarter of . a p"Und; gincer, bruised, Qvh ouocps; water, tour and a half gallons Coil the ginger in three quarts ot the water tor half an hour, then add th sugar, lemon j:iii-c and hoiicv , with the re miin!fr r ih tt-r. and strain ihrouin . cl-tli; ri. n cold add a qanrter of iru while of an e?jr and a small teaspoonful of essence of lemon. Let the whole stand four days and then bottle; it will keep for many niomh This-quautity will make 100 bottles. STATU METV8 Greensboro Workman: There came vory near being a serious affair at the McAdoo House last night. A lady came in yesterday and put up at the hotel, stating that she was going out to see some relatives to-day, who reside several miles from thi3 place. Early this morning one of the chambermaids smelt gas escaping. On examination it was found to be in the room occupied by this lady. She knor-ked on the door and succeeded in arousing the sleeper. WILMINGTON MARKET. Dec 9 -4 P. M SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 34 cents. Sales of 100 casks at these figures. ROSIN Quiet at 82 cents for strain ed and 874 cents lor good strained TAR-Virm ot ai in Kmmm. a at ii w -p - v nPTTni1 TTTPPPMTTVP Qror1 xr at $1 and $1.50. COTTON Quiet. Sales of 100 bale on a basis of 81 cents per pound for middling. Otueial quotations: Sill "The Greatest Core on Earth for Pain." Win rdlBTB more quick lr than any other known rem-' 007: icneumarism, neuralgia, Swelling, Staff Keck, Braises, Burns. Scalds. Cats. Lamba- 3 cro, fieunsr, sores, Tost-oii6, UUUU9, XX9C Toothache. Sprains, etc jJct a boule. Sold by all arnggista. Caoaon. Tbe gen uine Salvation Oil bears our registered Trade-Mark, and our fa&sunU0 eirmarure. a. u. Meyer x iso., coie rroprietors, iiait itimore, McL, U. S. A. Dr. Ball's fjoaeh byrnp Trill cure yonr Conch at once sept d&w l'rice only 25 Cta. a bottle. tenrm 4p NEW STORE ! QOME AND THE TOY3, TINWARE and FANCY GOODS j net received. Pome tains: to suit every housekeeper In the city. Prices low at o; Dockets. nov 3'J tsoutb SecoDtl and 1-21 J. F. A. EE AVE 3. Our Cook Stoves ARE OF VARIOUS STYLES AND.Quallty. We keep the BE-T, such as Farmer," "Gold en Harvest" and otbeis. Tin Wax?. .House Furnishing Gocd-i, Lamps, Toilet -ets, Kero- Bcefctovoa. come ani see our stock. AKKEIi & TAYLOR'S. PUKE WniTK OIL. dec 7 who came and opened the door. As ! Good ordinary 8 ; low middlinsd: 8 7-IG; List of Letters Remainiug'in the City Postoflice, Wednesday, Dec. 9?h. 1685: A Andrew Allen, Tena Atkins. Christ Andersorl B J II Bern. Lcce Boyd, J B Branch, S S Brice. C Mary Carmer, VvTm Ccoper. L Colony. Chas LCowles, l.iz.le Council, i Henry Carry, PrUcilia Carey. S t Clayton, Carmichsel and Thomas. (-2). t a. uean, iv ionic ucat. kj i'iuts. E Sam Esers. care David lla.ll. G Emorv Green, Horace Garland II A E'Hill. Sue Hill. Morris Humphrey, Eliza A Hid. J Moses Johnson, care Gripham, Harriet Jones. Kls S King. L Easter Lamb, R W Livermore. M Johnson Monroe, Rosie S Mc Clammy, G II Morrison, E J McKoy. O W Moore. Mallard and Dewery, Kate Merritt, J McCiammy. N E F Newlardt. P Simon Pearsall. Peggey Pickett. Henry Price. Annie Pearsall. R B R Russell, Millie -Robeson, Mary A Ross, EmmaF Robioson. M G Redman, W W Register, Annio T Roundtree. S Mary J Steed, Harriet J Scheever, Jno S C Smith, Kate O Sneed, Archie Smith, Jasper Slater, Mary Sounds, Ned Simmons. T -Jordan Tire. W Jno Washington, Fr.ink R Wil liams, Francis Wood, Chas Williams. Lizzie Walker, Jeanie Webble, App:s Wadkins. Mary Wright, Robert Ward. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised." Let ters will be sent to Dead Letter Office at -Washington, D. C.r it not called for within thirty days. X Ed. Ri Brink. P. M.; Wilmington, New Hanover Co, N.- C. she opened the doi r (he tell in a taint on the tloor. Afier being brought to consciousness she said she blew out the gas on retiring, not having slept in a room where they burned gas before. . Goldboro Aratis: Late yesterday evening. the news was brought to this city to Mr. A. B. Ihompson, one of our County Commissioners, that one of h s small children had fallen in the fire and been badly, perhaps fatally burned. We fear the news if ton sadly true, and we can only extend oar sin- care sympathy to the family ihat have been thus sorely afilicted. -I here was a large attendance at Dotn tne morning and evening services in St. Stephen's church last Sunday, to hear tbe sermons of the Rt. Rev. Dr. A A. Watson. Episcopal bishop ot the East North Carolina Diocese. All who at tended were highly pleased with him and much edihed at his eloquent, earn est and scholarly discourses. He left yesterday lor LaG range, his next ap pointment. Charlotte Observer'. Mr3. Susan Lavinia Jchnson, daughter ot Bartlett and Mrs, Susan Farney Shipp, of Lin coln county, N. C , and wife ot Capt. V. Q. Johnson, died in San Antonio, Texas, on December 5th." By the ad vice of her physicians, tbe deceased was on her way to California, in the hope that its erenial climate mightj lengthen her days, but her failing strength compelled her friends to stop at S$n Antonio and in that distant city pacu away this lovely Christian wo man. May G d oe with the lather and his two little motherless daughters,; sanefiiy to them this greatest of all be reavements and in his own good time,; reviving in tho liie eternal, the Jies that death has so sadly severed. Mrs. Johnson was 48 years of ago. In hft charge to the grand jury Judge Alt-ares too occasion to refer particu larly to be crime of arson and burg lary, and said that the law in regard to burn burning should be changed. He charged that the Legislature sbouM ba recommend d to change the iaw in regard to tbe burning f barns and s'ores so as to make tbe penalty death. The law in regard lo burglary he considered right eous and should be permitted to remain as it is. Within a lew months past, four barns in thi3 county, with forage, wagons, farming implements, and horses and mules, have been destroyed by ihe torch ot tbe incendiary. This crime - has been largely on the increase in other counties, and Judge Meares is doubtless right; in bis opin ion that strong measures should be adopted to put a &top to it. At coon yesterday, a large number of Charlotte's leading citizens gave tone to the crowd that loitered about the court house, listening to the auc tioneer and exchanging gossip with each other. One of tbe court house ring just hit a prominent lawyer with a chestnut, and the surrounding group ere in the midst of a big laugh, when an Observer reporter edged in with the information that the Mutual Self En dowment and Benevolent Association f America, had collapsed. "What!" yelled the crowd in chorus, 4 what's that you say ?'' The information was repeated, and after giving a whistle expressive of astonishment, one of the group advanced the hint that he had been singed. "Well my forty dol lars are gone," added another. "And I also mourn with yon," chirped another. An experience meeting was organized on the spot, and after all had been heatd from, it was found that of lh9 ten men composing tbe group, only one was nnscatbed and he bad fortu nately been absent from town while the agents were here "writing up" the business lor the M. S. E. and B. A., of America. In truth, nearly one half of the male populatioa of . Charlotte had taken stock in the concern. Tbe business of this company was rep resented here by Miller Brothers, who came well recommended and who worked up a large business by their perseverance and energy. After ex hausting this field, Miller Brothers re signed tbe agency for this Association, secured the agency for another concern, and took charge of territory in South Carolina. Since their departure from here, the Mutual SelfEndowment and Benevolent Association has been with i middling $&; good middling 91. Receipts to day : Cotton. 1 051 ; spir its. 239; rosin. 911; tar, 185; crude, 19 Provisions and Cotton. Chicago, December 9, 2:30 p. m- Whea? market open d at 88i and closed at 87A for January. Corn opened at 39J and closed at 3b for January. Pork opened at 9 90 and closed at 9 90 asked for January New York. Dec. 9 2:30 p.m. Cot ton opened at 9.20 and closed at 9.22 for December. Opened at 9 28 and closed at 9 30 for January. Opened at 9 39 and closed at 9.44 for February. Open ed at 9.51 and closed at 9.53 for March. Opened at 9.02 and closed at 9 C5 for April. ARRIVED. Steamship Benefactor, Tribon, New York, II G Smallbones Nor brig Ellida. Matheiscn, Bremen, Heide&Co Steam yacht Louise, Woodsides, Smithville. Master - Steamer D Murchison, Smith, Fav etteville, Williams & Murchison. CLEARED. Steam yacht Louise. Woodside. Smithville. Master Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay etteyille, Williams & Murchison. IIANDSOxME CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ! -pR LADIES, GENTL1MSN ANB Child ren. Swansdowo and ether lijfht material for making up Evening Bonnets. Kew Millinery in tday. Nun'a Velllic for Mourning Veils, All the materials an-l designs in vegue this season for mikKig up Fahcv Work. Very hacdjome tIIS IIan3terchifftj wbicb. with all otlir Handkerchiefs .a' it Linen Good3, stamp ed free of charge, at MISS E. KARSER'S, dec 7 Front st', oppot.I:e Market. Piano for Raffle. THE REQTEST OF MAY LADIES and gentlemen, I have consented fy raflle a line Upright BAU3 jIaNO catalogue price $900 for $350, at $1 per chance. Any one taking or gettiag up ten chances will receive one extra without charge. List now open at ApplQS.i Apples ! Apples ! A CHOICE LOT OF Selected Apples I CONSISTING .OF - Baldwins, Russets . and Greenings, $1.75 per Barrel. GUARANTEED IN P2BFECT ORDES. A BARGAIN ! Jno. L. Boatwright. k core l urn 116 RQarket St. lirab'e Stock nov 18 15 & 17 So. Frdnt Street DTI A 1? YPSVJ its Causes and cure, - - " by one who xr&a dcat tventy eight years. Treated by moat of the roted specialists f the dar with n benefit. Cured himself Ixukhree months, and since then hundreds of others by tame process A plain, simple and successful home treatment. Address T. S. PAGB. 12S East 2Gth st, New: York City. , " nov 30 -twd&w 0 -OUR U U C 2J B When I sav core I do not mean mAmlr tn t, for a time and then have them return agais? mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of i iTS. KPT. LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-lonj study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cweu Because others have failed is no reason for not no i . " living a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free ottLeof my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and I will cure vou. Address Da. EL G. ROOT. 183 Pearl St, Jf iv York. nov TO 4wd&w - nov 30 liEINSBERGSU'S, Live Book and Music Stores. Holiday Gifts. VESSELS IN THE POST OF WILMINGTON. H. C. DECEMBXB 8, 1885. No vessel under 60 tons reported in this llst.1 BARQUES.. Ger A E Vldal, 346 ton , Schultz E Peschau & Westermann Nor Hovduasr, 473 tons. Hansen, Helde & Co Ger JEoius, 481 tons, fchwerln, Helde & Co Nor Mida 4f6 tons. Johnson, Helde & Co Nor Insula Capri, 410 tana, Danleken; " Helde A Co Ger C Rodber us, 581 tons, Knuther, . E Peschau A VVesfr rmann Br Fairy BelJe, 621 tons, Jean, C P Mebane 8wd Liana, 310 tons, Andersen, Helde & Co Nor Hjemmet, 301 nns, Ingemundsen, Heide&Co Swe WIdga, 7J9 tons, Pahlsen. c P Mebane 8we Boomerang, i73 tons Fockberjr, . , Heile&Co Nor Tefdata, 36 eons, Andereen, Helde Jfc Co Br Esielgle, 403 tons. Dent, C P Mebane BRIGS. Ger Clara, 479 tons, A eijahi, E Pechau & Westermann Ger Augusta Sophie. 29J tons, Dethloff, E Peschau & Westermann Nor Emma, 305 tons, Andersen, Helde & Co SCHOONER. Clara E fcergen, 484 tons, Cook. , Geo Harries & Co John Shay, 206 tons, Clark, Geo Harriss 3s Co Anna Belle, 181 tons, Macomber, K G Barker & Co J P Wyman, 157 tons, Torrey, , , EG Barker & Co Caleb S RIdgeway, 384 tons, Townsend, GeoHarrssCo Vineyard, 2C4 tons, Fosebrook, . Geo Haniss & Co Harold C Beecher, 346 tons, Bond, E G Baiker-A Ca Annie Alnslie, CSS tons, McAndrews, ' Geo Harr 83 & Co Brigadier, 295 tons, Cousins. 4 . EG Barker & Co Ettie H Llau;r, 320 tons, Mason. Geo Harriss A Ci Ella R H1U, 72 tons. Hill, ' . EG Barcer Co AT An Entirely New and Ele gant Stock! dec 7 For Christmas. JUST OPENED 303 DOZEN LADIES', Gent's and Children's Hdk'fs, embracing La- uie v;oioreu rsoraers. uem stltcnea. Jtmbrolrt- ered and clear Linen Hdk's, from 5c each to the finest. -Gent's Colored Bordered, Plain White, Hem ouwBfu, am jnina iik ttaK'xs. Gent's Hdk'fs in fancy boxes for Presents. Children's Colored Border and Hemstitched Handker hiels. A pretty stock of assorted Jewelry, very cheap. Table Cloths and Napkins in splendid stock and at a great reduction from former prices. JOHN J, H ED RICK, dec 5 115 Market Street Geo. W. Price, Jr., AUCTMEEil k COMMISSION MERCHANT. Office and Sales Boom, 215 Market St., Wilmington, N. C. o Attention will be given the sale of Goods, Wares, Merchandise, &c , on Consignment, and a General Commission Business. STRICT attention to busine s and QUICK returns of ales july 10 Pureed House, WILMINGTON, N. C rjlHORO UG HLT RENOVATED First class accommodations. " Kates reasonable. Oct 19 3m B. L.' PEBRTi Prop Fire! Fire! Fire! "Yf ILL 800N BE NEEDED IN EVERY house In Wilmington. B. E. LLOYD A ;CO. have mora WOOD on hand than any dealer in the city. Call on them for bargains, at foot of New Market. , ' nov 21 Business fliotice. QUR Mi:. BfUDGERS, ANTICIPATING removing to South America, has secured the 6ervice3 of Mr. N. B. BANKIN to conduct tbe Grocery Business of P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. Mr. Rankin's familiaiity wi h the grocery business, and his well known push and energy, wlU be a sufficient guarantee to all that the business wlil be conducted well and satisfac torily. ne vrill devote hi" whole time and attention to It, and we will be In a better position than ever to citer to the trade. P. L- BRIDGERS & CO., 1 lO Nortb Front 8v Wc will announce liter the date he will take charge.. ' dec 7 For Raffle. 25c AND 0c A CHANCF, COMPLETE Manicure ITreseing and Smoking Cases will be for Raflle before Xmas Call ani iake'a chance. F. C. MlXiLKR, - German Druggist, Correr Fourth and Nun u P. 8. Prescriptions filled at all hows day and night. dec 7 INSURANCE. Thk Accident Insurance Co of North America wlEhes to iccure good Agents in every town in North Carolina in which it Is not represented - This company was incor porated in 1S7; has paid $404,000 in claims. auu iiaa never i-umesieu a CiUUll ai law. ope cial arrangements made with managers of manufactni'ing establishments for insuring all employees on Installment plan. Address M. . WILLARD. State gent, -nov 304wdw Wilmington N. J. will open On Monday, Nov. lcth, " , A LINE OF GOOD DRESS GOODS, lO Cents Per Yard. ROBES, superior quality, 6C per yard A fine assortment, in all colors, (f Boucle Tricot. and Ladies1 Cloth, LADIES' HEAVY JACKETS, 2 op. ladies; dollmans, $2 uP. A variety of CHILDREN'S WRAPS. Corsets, Good Quality. 40c Ladies' Vests, Worth 81.50 for $1.00. Speciallies in extra Heavy Blankets. Another lot of RUGS by next Steamer. Parker's Tonic A Pure Parailv MedieiBA thai Hmr hhxinhs - j - w s aivawa uiviiviVVU If you are a lawyer, minister or business manexhausie l by mental fctrain or . anxious cares do not take intoxlciiing Etimulan's, tut use PABKEa'sTy:iTc. If you have Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Kid ney or. Urinary Comp'alnts. or if you are lr ublcd with ny disorder of the lungs, etom- j ach, bowels, blood or nerves you can be cured by Parker's Tonic. . HISCOX & CO., 163 Williaai Street, New Xrk. nov30d&w4w., . EVER SO MANY Desirable Winter Goods. : :- at- THE LOWEST CASH PRICES . AT ' M. KATZ'S nov 16 11(5 flIAKKET ST. New Yorfi & Wilmington Steamship Co. PENNYROmLPIIlS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." The Original and Only Genuine. Safe and always Reliable. Beware of worthle Imitations. Indispensable to LADIES. Ask your DrureUt tor 'Chiehestcr'a tufflinh" and take no other, or inclose 4c. (stamps) to us for particulars tn Utter by return mall. NAMt KAFtK, Jiie&ester Cbemlcal Co., tcr's EngUn nov 3D d&w ly D r t K nicnester cnemical Vo.. am 8 Mudiiion Square, PhtUdju, Pa. for "Chlchei Take no other. Sold byDruffffiHts everywhere. Ask for Chichee ft" Jt'ennyroyal MfUu. WE EXPECT HALF A CAR LOAD OF 13L -t L Sausag,e? &c, here TUESDAY or WEDNESDAY and have made arrangements io bring it here fresh . v . . . . ...... every y, eek or ten days. We offer special In duccments to the wholesale trade. This meat is idertical in every respect with that obtained In New York and other Norlh em cltiei i, excepting as to size, WM. E. WORTH & CO. nov 23 i FliOM PIER 34, EAST RIVEK, NEW YOUK At 3 o'clock, P. M. B EN EF ACTOR. . ........... Saturday, Dec 5 REGULATOR. .... .. .Saturday, Dec 12 BENEFACTOR.. ....Saturday, Dec 19 REGULATOR. .............. Saturday, Dec 26 FROM WILMINGTON REGUL ATOR. . . . ........... .Friday, Dec 4 BENEFACTOR. ............... Friday, Dec 11 REGULATOR... ......'......Friday, Dec 13 BENEFACTOR.......... Friday, Dec 25 Through Bills Ladinz and Lowest Throturh Rates sruaran teed to and from PolnU in North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to U G. SMALLBONES, superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. TJIEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, New York. WAI. P. CLYDS A CO.. Qenera. Arentr, " S5 Broadway, New York. nov 28 ' . . Thomas & Jeremiah JJ AVE ARRIVED AND HaVK MADS their Ileadquarters at the Green House, correr Second and Princess streets. Also, choice Wines, liquors and Clears. Some of Ihi best Oysters and the snuggest Lunch Room in ne city. 'dec 2 I. B. RHODES, Prop. Vaseline. aW IS THE TIME TO LAY IN YOUR W inter supply at prices tha t will 'tell.' HUMPHREY '3 HOMEOPATHIC REME DIES, the most complete stock In the city. Little book free, cachmere ' Bcquet soap sic per cae. . JAME3 D. NUTT, Drugciat,' nov 12t 218 N. Front St. ' Oyster Depot. CONSTANTLY ON HiHD A fine lot of NEW RIVER OY8 TERS both open an 1 In the thelir urders respectfully solicited finoda riiiwv ed promptly in all parts of the city All or ders from the country will meet with prompt tteation. Call at KINGS OY8TKR DEPOjl' In store N. K. Corner Front Street Market! not the stand. Oysters sold In orizinal pack' fcTfl r. W. KING. The BesfNewspaper in America, and by, far the Most Readable. ' . Agents wanted everywhere to eam money in distributing the Sun's Pre miums. f - The most . interesting and advanta geous offers ever made by any News paper. ' ? -t No Subscriber ignored or neglected Something for all. ' Beaatifal and Substantial rreroioxoa in Standard Gold and otherWatches,Talaabla Books, the Best Family Sawing Machine knwn to the trade, and an tineqnalcd I3 of objects of jJeal ntility and instruction. M&t&s, by Ma.il, Postpaid: DAILY, per Year (without Sunday) 56 00 DAILY, per Month (without sman . JJJ SUNDAY, per Year . . I J .. . FOR EVERY DAY IM THE YEAR 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year. . . 100 nov 2