caEsasd e very evening Bnndxyi . ex cepted toy '' ' JOSH T. JAMES, . EDTT03 AWD PBOPMETOB. 3'rcSCElPTIOX3 POSTAGE PAID: -.-"year $ 1.00. Six months, riOQ. Throe EOnihs, ei.00 ; One month, S5 cento. -v,c 2por wW be delivered by carriers free 'ctirgt la any part of the city, at the above 7e, or 10 cents per week. " vestas rates low and liberal. tT "subscribers will report any and all fall - t : xc oolvc their paper regularly,- '"- 17ic DfMy Review has the largest fulc circulation c any newspaper Zed, in ike cily cf Wilmington. II. Vanderbilt told a Cleveland. O'lhi. a'ian that bis income in 1S83 was c-m 000.000. : !'.:: r b-'auiifal American girh are s.iiil f. b among Ihe Italian Queen1. usa -ii 't b'jnr. - . - i i;o Richmond Whig says it is undei S o 'bat Gen. Yrickham has been ap-r,f.i:,ii-d eeueral manager of the Gheea- :iKo anil Ohio Railway. , I. 1817 Commodore Vanderbilt was worib $9,000. By 1885 this sum had inc. eased to something like $200,000, C io. What will the family foituno be A sensation has been caused in Lo r.v r.rt. Ind.. by tbo elopement of a rjsideni, who has thrice been married, u i' !t hU second wife, from whom he i-:;s twice been divorced. U is feared that Princess Christian, the tuo3t popular, as well as well a3 the most ponderous, of the English Trioccssos, is in a hopeless decline. The Queen is much worried. . . From tbo recent behavior oi Western Union, it is thought to bo highly im r.rubablc that Mr. Jay liould Has "re tired from Wall street" further than j :st around tho corner. Col. A. K. McClure, editor of the Philadelphia Times, denies being an spirant for mayor of that city. He says; he has "just as much idea of seek ing the mayoralty as he has of seeking to be emperor of the moon," Thcro are twenty-three constituent cies yet to vote before ths EDglish Pari liamcntary elections are at a close. Liberal whips estimate now that there will be a Liberal majority of six over the combined forces of the Tories and Mr. Paraell. It is said that Gen. Logan has a list ofall the soldiers removed from office by the present Administration, and will nrercnt tho confirmation of their successors by the Senate Some ot these days John Logan will bo sur prised to learn that he is not the Senate ol the United States. Mr. Parnell, in an interview with a correspondent of the New Yorkllerald, said: "The great lesson we have en" davored to teach all parties is that Ire land will stand no further coercion and that she desires liberty above all things I have no doubt thi3 lesson has been iearocd and will never be forgotten." . , 1 1 is stated with an air of authority that the officers of the navy on duty in tho department are in accord with the Secretary in his vlews'on the reorgani zation of tho rravy and Navy Depart ment. They all think that the affairs of tho department can be simplified, and fayor a reduction in the number of bureaus. . ... Dr. von Gallhorn, who bad been greatly troubled by insomnia, tells of the method which ho has found effect ual for two years in curing it. It con sists in bandaging one leg up to the knee with several layers of wet calico, and covering these with a sheet of wa terproof cloth. This procedure dilates the vessels of the leg, and, by diminish iu the amount of blood in the head, in duces sleep. . King Theebaw seems to bo as much of a coward as tho original Adam or as King Milan. He says that his minis ters wero to blamo for all his obstinacy against the English Christian invaders and that, of course, Burmah will be better off under the kindly Government of tho Empress of India than it ever has been before.' Some time Theebaw and Arabi may get together and talk it all over and tell a different tale. . Tho annual report of the New York Chamber of Commerce shows that the total value of foreign import at that port was $406,035,435, against $214. 734,217 for the rest of the coantry dur ing tho last fiscal year. The total valn0 of domestic exports from New York was $340,939,225, and from other ports of the United States S401, 119.831, in cluding domestic coin and bullion from New York of SI 5.220,933 and $9,155. 112 from elsewhere in the country. Friends of John 'Sherman say. that he accepted tho nomination of Presi dent pro tern, of tho Senate because he believes that the position gives him ad ditional prominence and that he can come down to the floor to take part in the debate when it will bo to hi ad vantage, whilo in a time when it might compromise him he can remain in neutral silence in the chair. r H VOL. IX. LOCAL NEWS. IHDEX TO HEW ADVERTISES! EBTS. F C Milueb For Baffle M II Katz Cash Store W E KrNCM-TIn Roflng Taylob's Bazajlb Crowded Mks. Katb c. Wines At cost Muxes Beos -Christmas Cards Julius Mueluek Toys. Toys Parker & Tatxok It is Known John J Hedbick For Christmas ' L SimoN A, Co Christmas Goods M Judge Valuable Cloths at Auction W E Speixgeb & Co Breech Loaders 1 J F A Reaves New Store The Backet Hkiksbsroxb Holiday Headquarters Miss K Kaerer Christmas Prc3fcnta K J Moore & Co Kid Glove Oranges -Giles a Miracnrsbs Holiday Goods C W Yates Souvenirs for the Holidays Pobert E. Beixaxt Hot Water Bags P I BCidgers & Co Bojstcr's Candies Geo,R Frksch & eoss Va'ue Becelved Mrs H B Jewett The New Novelty Store For other locals see fourth page. Eggs continue to be scarce and bigb. There were no tramps at the guard bouse last night. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 988 bales. Sehr. Ji. S. Graham, Avis, cleared at Philadelphia, for this port Dec. 12th. l There was quite a gale of wind from the Southeast at Smith villa last night. The storm has been general through out this section, and at some points it has been quite severe. A full line of silver plated tea and table spoons, at prices to suit the times, at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t There has been a rise of about 20 feet in the Cape Fear, but it was slow ly subsiding at last account. A good many of our citizens were be guiled yesterday afternoon by tho bright sunshine to go into the streets, and were soon caught in showers of rain. A great lot of Gent's heavy Canton Flannel Prawers, from 40c and up wards, at the Wilmington Shirt Facto ry, 27 Market st., J. Elsbach, Prop.f We had very nearly forgotten to state that yesterday, the 13th inst., was the ninth anniversary of the Daily Review. We are on the tenth year now. Yesterday's threatening weather kept a good many people from going to church, and the several congregations were comparatively light in conse. quence. The New Emerald, Zeb Vance and New Excelsior - Penn. are the cook stoves that please all. You can now buy them at reduced prices from Jacobi's Hdw Depot. t It 13 generally maintained that the recent weather has been of a very un usual kind for the mbath of December. Sailors,and those whose business is upon the water pronounce the weather as remarkable. It has been and still eantinues decidedly mixed. Yesterday (the 13th inst.) was the 23d anniversary of the battle of Fred ercksburg, which was fought on the 13th of December, 1862. There are two men in this city who were severely wounded on that occasion, one of whom wore tho gray and the other the blue. Table and Pocket Cutlery Carving Knifes and Forks, Razors, Scissors Shears.Corkscrews.etc, etc. We have a fine line of reliable goods. Give us a call before looking elsewhere. Jaco bi's Hdw. Depot. t City Court. Henry Sherman, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was sent to the city prison or seven days by the Mayor this morning. Fred Williams, also colored, for the same offense, was required to pay a fine of$3. One case of drunkenness was dis charged, and one case of disorderly conduct was settled by the payment of a fine of $1.50. We suppress the names of the last two offenders by request. Slirier as Santa Clans. You may just say to the people of your acquaintance" said Shriek, the Old Reliable Clothier, "that 1 am going to play Santa Clau3 this season and will distribute from my headquarters the following appropriate things for present: An overcoat of fine beaver, or a dress suit, a basiness suit, a boy's suit,- or a child's suit, silk handker chiefs, driving glove3, dress gloves, furnishing goods, &c., &c." Just in vite Santa Clans to call at our store, 114 Market street, and see the things I have selected for Santa Claus. t The Review Job Office is the place to get good work at moderate prices. WILMINGTON, N. C. MONDAY, DECEMBER NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' The New Novelty Store I NO 15 NORTH SECOND STREET, The cheapest place In the city to buy CHBISTMAS GOODS. A select stock of TOYS. CHRISTMAS CARDS and other goods suitable to the season. Mil LINES Y AND FANCY GOODS. These jrootU were selected by myself, and as they were bought at the lowest New York price they will be sold at correepondlBgly low rices. oec 1 tr RS. H. B. JEWETT. Valuable Cloths at Public Auction. JT TFE STORtt LATELYOCCDPIED by WM. LYNCH, all the stock of the dcceis ed will I c sold at rctal, in lots to suit pur chasers, oTuc3day mornlnir, Dec. 15th. 18S3, at 10 o'clock, a. m , by the undersigned, under the order of the Probate Court of New Hano vcr County. A good, opportunity to buy valu able and costly Cloths, Suitings and Material at low prices. M. JUDGE, dec U It Collector Christmas AND- Cash Store ! ! i. KATZ'S, 116 Market St. BESIDES OUR REGULAR DESIRABLE STOCK This Week, 250O Yards SG inch COLORED CASHMERE, ONLY lOc. 1 50 O Yards Extra Quality 3G-inch CASHMERE, worth 40e for 25c. Children and Misses' WOOLEN KNIT HOODS. 25c and 30o Children and Misses' WOOLEN KNIT JACKETS. 40c 50c and 60c. Another lot of ASTRACAN and Furs. LADIES' HOSE, Colored and Black, full Regular Extra Heavy, worth 40c, for 25 c. Ladies and Children's HOSE, great va riety, lOc lOOO Dozen HANDKERCHIEFS, 3c and 5c. All-Linen Hemstitched Fancy Bordered HANDKERCHIEFS, worth 20c, forl2c. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, 25c, 40c, 50c and 75c HEAVY CLOTH DOLLMANS.worth $5 and $6 for $2 and $3. Ladies' All-Wool BE AVER CLOAKS worth $15 for $5. Ever so many desirable Fancy Goods and Notions! which are not only useful at all times, but ESPECIALLY ECONOMICAL AS GIFTS, now at The Lowest Cash Prices, -AT TJJ. HI. KATZ'S dee 14 HO MAJKKET ST. Koyster's Pure Candies ! FRESH EVERY WEEK ! Three Pounds for $1,001 Christmas Goods. Raisins, Nuts, Citron, Malaga Grapes, Plum Pudding. o Boneless Corned Beef, . Smoked Beef Tongue. Our Stock of Liquors 13 UNEQUALLED by any In the State. . COOKING AND FINE . TABLE SHERRY A SPECIALTY. P. L.s BKID&EES & CO., - HO Nortli Front Bt, dec 14 new, advertisements; Hot Water Bags. A RNICA TOOTH SOAP, COLOGHE3, EXTRACTS, : SO A PS, TOOTH POWDER, etc. Compounding prescriptions a tpecialty. ' ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Orursrist. N. W. Cor. dec 14 tf Front and Market sis' KID CLOVE - First Shipment this . Season ! E. JT. MOORE & CO. dec 14 Christmas Goods Our Own Importation i . 0 JAMAICA RUM, N. E. RUM, SCOTCH WHISKEYS, HOLLAND AND OLD TOM GIN, FRENCH BRAND YS, In bulk and bottles. All brands of CHAMPAGNE, Port, Sherry, Scuppernong and Calif WINES, in various kinds and qualities, all at very low prices. DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Finest assortment In the State, Alto, a full line of Imported and Domestic C I GAR S. Come and see us. L. SIMON & CO. dec 11 AS WE ARE, WITH OUR Holiday Goods, Our agentln New York City has purchased and sent to us from adslin quent manufacturer hl3 stock of Bats, which will arrive here MONDAY, A. M., Dec. 7th, la this immenee lot. there Is every shape, style and quality. Hats to suit crcry and any body and their purses. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY Dont buy elsewhere until you have Examined Our Stock and . Prices on Hats, Trimmed and Untrimmed, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Underwear for Ladles. Misses and Children, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, Flow ers, Feathers, Silks, ?a' Ins, Flushes, nand kerchiefs, Dressing Cases, Jewelry. Holiday Goods! Holiday Goods ! Holiday Goods ! For Grown Folks, and Toysl Toysl Toys! FOR EVERY ONE ! Call and satisfy yourself at Taylor's Bazaar, 11S MARKET ST. dec 14 WILMINGTON, N. C. It is Known T3Y GOOD JUDGES THAT WE KEEP D THE BEST OF GOODS. No doubt about that; If you want a Cock Stove, strictly re liable, we keep it. Our sales of Heating stoves are large, xne cooee isiggm u the market. We sell Toilet Sets cheap, and beautiful Hanging Lamps and other goods PARKER TAYLOR'S. PURE WHITE OIL. dec 14 Value; Received. D ARTIES BUYING OUR LADIES' KID X v BUTTON BOOTS at $2.53 get a 8hoe worth $3. Ladles Feb. Goat Button Boots, $20; good value $3. Our Gents' Calf $3 Cong, and our Ge&ta' Calf $3 Bat. Boot, the best in the State for the money. Try them. Geo. E. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET, dec 14 tf - i The Signal Men s AY THAT A COLD WAVE WILL BE here to-nfehL so call on R. E. LLOYD A CO,, and leave orders for wood and keep warm. x dee 10 At foot of New Market. " jl VT ..ill W o 14, 1885. NO 290 NEW AD V ERI SEMENTS Holiday Goods. Q.ILES & MURCniSON HAVE RECEIVED their stock of HOLIDAY GOODS, which arc now displayed for the inspccU' n of the public. The ladles are Invited to examlnethese srooda. and all will be cardlal'y welcomed. Goods wiu oe soiaonaa&iAi'i. srKoriT. dec 14 GILES A MURCIIISON. : Tin Roofing, JOOF REPAIRING AND PAINTISG, V JOBBING GENEBALLY, .. w. k. rcrv. FrwticalTlnsmiib -fiaTtfauYrness Store" Breech Loaders. CITE HAVE ONE CASE OF FINE Double IT Breach Loading Guns, which will be ready for inspection to-morrow. These Guns we propose eclUocr at small advance on cost. No such Guns has ever been on this market before. WM. E. SPRINGER & CO.. 13, 21 ft 23 Market Street, . dec 14 Wilmington, N. C. J AM SELLING FELT H1T3 THIS week AT COST. - : ; " DRESSES CUC AND FITTED by a new and perfect system; learned during my visit . ... North. . -' . ! ; MRS. KATE C. WINES, 119 N. Second Street, near Postoffice dec 14 Piano f o r Raff! e r THE.REQTEST ; OF- MANY LADIES and gentlemen, I have consented to raffle a fine Upright B ACS jtIANO catalogue price $900--f6r $350, at $1 per chance. Any one taking or getting up tn chances will receive one extra without charge. r ' list now open at , HEINSBERGER'S, dec 14 Live Book and Music Stores. HANDSOME CHRISTMAS PRESENTS I FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND. Child ren. Swansdown and other light material for making up Evening Bonnets. New Millinery In to-day. : Nun's Veiling for Mourning Veils, All the materials and designs in vogue this season for making up Fancy Work. Very handsome Silk Handkerchiefs which, with all other Handkerchiefs and Linen Goods, stump ed free of charge, at MISS E. KARRER'S. dec 14 Front St, opposite Market. Christmas Cards. s UPERB LINE OF CHRISTMAS CARDS just received. New Goods, Exquisite Goods, and the cheapest Christmas Cards ever offer ed in Wilmington. You certainly should see ours before you buy elsewhere. Yoxi will then buy of us. MUNDS BROTHERS, dec 12 104 North Front St. Festival- rpiIE LADIES OFJFRONT ST. M.13. PAR- L JONAGE AID SOCIETY, will have a Fcsti val at the CITY HALL, TUESDAY NIGHT next., oysters, Jce cream, &c, will be serv ed in the best style. Will you test them? Admission 10 cents. dccl2 2t New Store. The Racket ! QORNER SECOND AND DOCK STS is going to RAISE A RACKET by soiling !TOYS as low as the? can be sold, come and sec j. a. a. iiHi a v x. dec 12 For Rent or Sale. o NE OF THE MOST DESIRABLE RICE FARMS in the South: 100 acres In perfect or der, larre barns, clean ditches, banks in per- fect order and price reasonable. Five tons of timothy hay has been raised per acre on a largo part or tne xarm. Apply to dec 10 4t NORTHROP & GUMMING. ( Star copy. . For Christmas. XUST OPESED 300 DOZEN LADIES', Gent's and Children's Hdk'fs. embracing La dies Colored Borders. Hem Stitched. Embroid ered and clear Linen Hdk's, from 5c each to tne finest. Gent's Colored Bordered, Plain White, Hem Stitched, and China 811k Udk'ls. , Gent's Hdk'fs in fancy boxes for Presents. Children's Colored Border and Hem Stitched Hand kerchiefs. ,f A pretty stock of assorted Jewelry, very cheap. Table Cloth and Napkins In splendid stock ana at & great reaucuoa rrom lormer prices JOHN J. HEP RICK, dec 14 115 Market Street. Souvenirs for the Holidays. MY COUNTERS ARE LADEN WIIH Choice Arjticles ! . , . . For Christmas. ' all and make your selestlons. A beautiful line of CHRISTMAS CARDS at - dec 14 .TTt frtattgua 13 ncarra essnssxesi from ocx frlenCa on any and all ItzlltzVt! . senex&llntereflt Imt r'tw.-r : -: ; The nam of the writer muat aUayi be Biased to the ECtor. :' Communications must be written oi 01. eneeideof the paper. . : Personalities mast be avoided . ' And It Is especially and partlcnUiiy nafl tood that the Editor does net always eadox the views of correspondents unless so lUto In the editorial columns. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HOLIDAY uarters ! AT THE OLD HOUSE, OLD , STAND OF ; 9. ers LiTp,"RnnIr.Qnfl "M- Stores. QHR15TMAS BUYERS WILL FIND AT these stores the most Immense stock: In the city from which to make their selections.- We have everything in profusion and In lirgo variety. Our Picture Gallery Occupying nearly all of the two floors, Is filled wlthTBeautlful Gems of Art,- handsomely framed, from celebrated artists. BOOKS ! BOOKS! We have the largest stock of Books offered anywhere In North Carolina; Serious Booksr, Sober Books, Solemn Boeks, Good Eooks, Great Books, Gay Books,' Large.Books, Little Bsoks, Learned Books; Books for the Old, Books for the Young, and In particular a lino of rare editions, poetry and prose, rich gems of art In binding, which are just the "thing for Holiday Gifts.- We make this latter llnea spe clalty and can please the most fastidious as to style, binding and price. . A beautiful line of FAMILY BIBLES, somo thing every family needs; Webster's and Wor: cester's Royal Quarto Dictionary Unabridged. A full line of ALBUM 3. -1 Music for the Million ! We have music enough to charm the civil iaod as well as the savage breast. , PIANOS AND ORGANS From tho most celebrated makers; brass and silver wind Instruments; Violins, Vlollncellos ; ' Guitars, Zlthcrn3, Clarionets, Fifes, Drums,' Ac, &c, Ac, In great profusion and at low prices. Wc have a thousand articles which we have not space to enumerate here. We have the goods and we are determined to sell them.' All we ask from our friends is a call and an ' Inspection of them, sure that they will find, what they want at HEINSBERGER'S, i Live Book and Music Stores. dec 1 .- v Toys. Tayo. Toys. AT- J.TwTUELLER'S Novelty Store ! ' CorncrlMaxtct and Second FRENCH DOLLS, INDESTRUCTIBLE DOLLS, - ', WAX DOLLS, DOLL CARRIAGES, - f . VELOCIPEDES, : , - GOAT SULKIES, , , WHEELBARROWS. GAMES AND PICTURE BOOKS, ' ALBUMS, AUTOGRAPHS, PICTURE FRAMES, CUPS AND SAUCERS, VASES AND TOILET SETS, 1 JAPANESE GOODS, ACCORDEONS AND BAKJ03. Everything first class and at lowest prlcss. JULIUS lVrUELLER; Few MoreLeft,v ND MORE ON THE ROAD, OF THAT lu years old Whiskey, only by the bntti ITew Store & Fresh Goods. J. E. TAYLOR, BOOTS AND SHOES, 109 Princess St. Ccc3tf . - ' ' - Headq Heinsberg 'ft ... ' , - V