tvtaSfig eunaaya r Three 1 H e?ted 7 JOSH T. JAMES " JUITOB AND FBOPKITTOB. . OPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: .Z .oo. Six months. $2.00. me 41 nr.' One month, M cents; 31 1 be delivered by carriers tree Toe pare f the cltT - at tho above 'r " " 19 cent per week. fK3 c rMca low and liberal. cilDers will report any and all fall- retire their paper rcguiarry. " r; ., nt7v Review Tuis Vic largest W rratlafum, of any newspaper rapidly selling in England. Where are y&snae-' ik;w the newspaper Irauds that have been n,ked. inihenty of Wilmington. 3 jng & im p- &ar. - i icnchpaper. Le Courier de Lon- One ot them is located ou Market ftDDeared in London, street. South side, between Front and dre-. u -1 Second, and another on Princess street, t paper of a vivid scarlet hue is near Water, These are all we can re lilfif. VOL. IX. WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 16. 1885 NO 291 Tennyson's new volume of poems is The festival given by the ladies of the Front Street M. B. Charcb at the City Hall last night was well attended and the display of refreshments wa3 truly enticing. It was a pleasant aflair. j JSEW ADVEimSEMENTS. NEW ADVEBISEMENTS Beady for Business 1! Vnte . t:hri3iu3&3 novelty in stationery. call at this moment. --- . . n ;n Kin a r.rhirft Arc 1 r.i. r 1 t 1 1 u a trull " I xuu Diir uni i u nB ouu ucucu- r. iu j r.fnnii ..... . - ing at o O ClOCK. .1... tin mill -Cji:K.i.aii t i v t ant- inaa cm ia fiaoiinitn r r nrammn i na i r,ttd 10 mail "au. 1 cause 01 cuucauou among iae poorc There is a Democratic posimasier in A fiee exhibition of bcautilol stereop. "11 - t I fmnt -f 1 1 ican views win. uo giv I Bellamy's' Drug Store, corner Front and Market streets, on Thursday even- If stormy the next; It I have just returned from the Northern Markets and will show many new things ! pa collection ofcl&S!ca ia lhIs c01101- Tbis is 10 bc ,, 1. clsvnd Stanford ... , n.onfwi tn ih aone witnom. taxation auu tnrougn tne tins city, ior mo uui iuuu i kjorartwilltajrwnto we expenditure of a portion of the large years, Postmaster Parsley and his a3sis- c:.yotSariI:raucuco anu piaceu iu a 8urplQ8 fund. now ia the Treasury of tants took complete control this morn- baildiRS lJIden .jlL the United Stales to the credit of the inc. and the office will be run hereafter 1 ... 4 . Wf is absolutely impossible," said people. Wo have not a copy ot the bill on a Democratic oasis. 1 0rd Pi03cbery ia a recent address in by us. and therefore eannot give its The New- Emerald, Zeb Vance. ant Qcoiland. "that in the future war could exact provisions. But what we have New ExcesIor icnu. arc the cook .... .oifo tlace between the United stated is tue lounuation upoa wmcn u that nlea3C au. You can now L.cs and England." is built. There are probably imperfee- buy them at reduced priCCs lrcm . . lions in 11 woica my o ieucut .u T , d j u T The man wno receives i.u 4 the House. It passiea tne senate last - - Vft3hin2ton is not iaei,. , nan ua th rrwo xiciiois. v m v niiHi Mini ww 1 1 a iiiioa kuw aaww Tft Will fc lUd td tftCSlTS coiassliAt:5 tron oof friends cn any aad. aU"!subtc?s ; ceneraltoterestinit L " ' ' Xiu nam of the writer xaust always bi Comnianlcatlona xcWt b wriHta em 0 .' onealdoot the paper.. . Freonalitiea xanat bo avoldsd.! And it la c&pecltlly and partlcalarly end stood that the EtUtor docs not always tadoi the vlow of cdrrc8pondeBta ualtci . so sUU In the editorial colnaona. NEW ATVI1KTIBEB113OTS. HOLIDAY Headquarters 1 ATTHK OLD HOUSE, OLD 8TA'D OF Heinsbergers Anpntiroii, now and oarefnllv selected stock, embracing the 'greatest variety. Tou will find the prices to suit you. We bought them cheap and will sell them at the lowest possible figures. EliiGANT UUGS-AU sizes, in Smyrnas. - POLES, CORNICE, LACE CUliTAIXS, &c R. Wl. IVlclWTIRE. dec 13 ' - Live Book and Music Scores. ; tho . n ilw in nr nnv member of his Cabi- ir0 f, ThprA in The followinj numbers drew i.t n npnsion attorney, whosel . . t. ,ooc, nnonntitn J principal prizes at tne regular moniny UBI. - - uwuiug .niuo.v - . . .. T : Ctaf a TnHftfO ft-,l trenuentlv numbers 600 let- t;nn0 fthont the bm. friends were too drawing oune wubwuB I . 1 T f ! , n - raalorilav u : D.;niia;r.rAr!tn lavn uoinpaoy. ai ew viuo j j 1UUUUIU Hiucnui... 1 . . , 1 r; , . , Tn -, nl.onon rf 1 ICKet iNO. W.VOJ Ulow LUC smuu UeCH IH "J'B" "J . v- , j nno .1 , il,n cur., ta Ot SI50.UUU; WO. . . , trt Triair I - have ,ny patient who will not pay too first o: each mom r,n;r'r will not be attendeti li"3 till i settled. " ".1 " V is p i?i;,ir. 't succeed to leave op The pb,ric of banford Flond.. , lhro e sUned an agreement not to visit nn anv . ..iir nKnr cnh second wize of $50,000; INo. 5l.y4 the almv tine in the dark drew the third prize of $20; No- U. A nose ' 7r,:.L-L!,i u-. i--. fia.378 and 85.966 each drew $10 uuo. until the anaatnaz3ra.iuuu.ucB . ; , . ..n a i n 1 1 r j m i i i nu I . i ..Mr I rpe DrODOrilUIl ui no uoucutJ i vl.V i. Fire Alarm Boxes. Our attention has been called repeat edly to-day to the need of more fire alarm boxes in the city. This was made manifest at the fire tbis morning, which was at the corner of Seventh and Mul berry streets, while the nearest fire hwa wp.ra at the corner of Seventh and Market streets on one band and Sixth and Red Cross streets ,.r, th r.tiipr. in either place three gnuares distant. This distance would not be apt to work great inconvenience brought be- d. in the day limef wheil pe0pi8 n chargea , d COmo,anicalion toa 1) T will be an inland town. In race should be educated. It goes with- witi disorderly conduct. lie was found quickly from one point to another, frint r.f the town, where the river ran out saying that the more knowledge ganty and a fine of $3 was imposed for . he depths Gf the night, when arge proport felt in the & utn. wnere iuey i mwat Alex, uoie, coioreu, waa uiuuSuu MO nor delay believed that in ten years Yank- needed. It is necessary that the negro t0Te tj,e Mayor thi3 morning cnargea are awake and communication flies but when the . . . j rn thr 1 tho-n9spa thpbetter citizens will they I i-a nffonse. I .i. urrannad in nrofound slum- twenty leei ueep u v.; ci fs"t o i r i jjcuio iv , iAn"nr,nflnnil a x feet aoove become, xne teaeraigoveiuuicui, u Joe Ellison, also coioreu, was uuais- hpr 5f ,-B a ffreat uisaavaniage auu '.rn.rt f red them, by force and compulsion, 6j wlth attempting to rescue a pnsoner rnntps a small fire liable to become a iilgU I .. 4U - J Cnnrl 1A . t land oytne same aKency vteio from a police omcer, auu w uucu 1V serious conflagration in consequence; ui The Prairie do. ront levee, ueair alted t0 citizenship and to a position for th8 offense. the delay in spreading the alarm. . Crazy Quilt. Skrier as Santa Claus. Next Monday night the comedy oi ..Von mav iust say to the people of i ha "Crazy Quilt" wul bepreseniea rnlir apnnaintance,, said Siuuer, the the Onera House by a company of Wil- n, . Reliable clothier, "that I am going A. I ' - mington amateurs. Tne play was whim , ganta claos thia season an(M ten bv a gentleman oi mis cuy auu m distribute from my headquarters in cr annronriate thincs for B t" a mm mil i i . i i x i dec lii 2t H 21 ' ' " - ' - QHims?TMAS BUIEItS Tf lLL f LND AI these etorce the most Immense stock la the city from wbicMo make their Eelccllons.' Wc have (everything In profusion " and IA Urge '..' " variety. Our Picture Gallery Occupying nearly all of thetwoHoors, Is fllkd with F?autlful Gems of Art, handsomely frame J, 1 torn oelebialsd artiste. v -o ivrondelet. III., iust reaching com pie- f th re to thi3 day in- Hon. will protect 10,000, acres of choice capable of understanding and appre- fcottom lands, the flooding otwnicniasi, . ther8fore incumbent summer caused the loss of $300,000. government which has placed The levee will cost $13,000- t them .Q thi3 po3itlon to at least assist that was in furnishing theeu with a common A unicago iicow wuvi . i. . o,. nnrn :n foot wu u-' . . . win uisirw ght thirty years ago for less than school euueauoa. said by those who have seen me manu. fa follow tt wi irri I. iniLV ncuiti wav - i ... . - i i aam u 9 000 has just been leased tor ninety, has a righUo demand this, as nas aiso acript and are competent to judge, to r8gentf. An overcoat of fine beaver, nine vears at an annual rental ot $35,- his white neighbor It is a moral rigw possegg real merit The scenery neces- qt ft dresg guit a bu9ine3S guit, a boy's 000 A ten-story building, to cost a this yqar and it win m u 1 1 sary to a proper presentation oi me round million, will be erected upon it- next year. The white P6 piay was also painted in this city and Qr.nth. the nronerty owners, have done . . . . We hope tnat a - Of I w ' - ... Uf W uwnuv During iho recent coiu sup uu wondera toWard furnisning bcuu uk ftUdience may greet its presenta- Louis men were waiuuiun the negro anu tney ate uuu6 ,B"", hjon iflVp.ea all dav and night ready to step R . unable to fill all ol the re- loft thtt ninment it was able tol:nothft situation and hence Literary, bear them, and stake out a "claim" to ?huey ask for a portion of 'their own sur- The New York Weekly Star is one ueai bucuj, v. I 1 1 rt oaflist. in the ETOOd WOTS. I ... . ,l n(on nn nPWS- .reafarcattms. B c. J hUappeafi, ,tbe ,"ln- " M to this office. always respecieu. o nmnar nrasentation of therri llr handter- ,L I am j n- n . i suit, ui n cuuu o oi m . Iiia rifw ftnfl ... 1 j chiefs, driving gloves, ureas giuos, furnishing goods, &e , &o." Just in vite Santa Claus to call at our store, 114 Market street, and see the things I have HP.lep.ted for Santa Claus. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .ToK lhat COIues to lhls Ordinary army signalling, by waving flajs or torches, can transmit only ten words or so a minute, spelled out by letters; but an adaptation of the Morse telographic alphabet, now generally employed, has more than "doubled this rate of speed. . fairly" relented to by the Star LOCAL NEWS. The residents along a lumber flume in the mountains, above Chico Cal., have a novel way of getting their mail. It is started on a raft from the head of thBflama at regular dates, and the people below watch for it. take out Tq aml Flrworka at BaUvrisiitv what belongs to them, and men seuu tand. the raft with its precious cargo ou tne way. Grace's jHOEX TO NEW AOYERTtSEMEWTS. Craay Quilt large Btcw ot Oystcra F C M.1XXBB For Banic Muxes BKOS-Chrlatma Cards I B Rhodes The Green House j F A Reaves New Store-The Racket n KTWRBKRQEB-Holiday Ueadquirters C W yaTES -Souvenirs for the Holldayfl Geo R Fkkjich & BOSS Value Received IE j Moobe A Co-We aw ready to serve you Old A Tt p.ontains 16 pages, is pnnteu ou good paper with clear type and is of just the right size lor convenience m readine or binding. It is uemociano to the backbone aud is published at a snhapriniion price of gl.23 per annum. Besides its political matter which is of the best the Star contains much of interest in literature, art, household and fashion note3. aud is R paper that may be read with pleasure and profit at cverp fireside in the country. This Utlorninc's Fire, At about a quarter of 4 o'clock tnis fiwo discovered in the ruwuiufc "v- rccory store on the corner oi - oeveaiu Large Stew of Oysters For "30 Cents. At Scarborough House .WATER STRBMT, dec 10 tf Ret. Fiiaces ana cncsvnui OUR HOLIDAY TRADE. o HOLIDAY PRESENTS! AT ' TAYLOB'S AAR ONE ARTICLES can he found on the counters, Innumerable A THOUSAND AND BOOKS ! BOOKS! We hive the largest 6toct of Books offered anywhere la North Carolina; Eeriotis Books. Sober -Book. Solemn Boois, Good Books, Great Books, Gay Books, Large Books, Little Books, Learned Books; Books, for th Old, Book for the'Youn aud In particular a line i of rare editions, poetry and prose, rich gems- of art in binding, which are just the thing for Holiday Gifts. We make this latter line a spef clalty and can please the most fastidious as to style, binding and price. A beautiful iineof FAMILY BIBLES, aomc thing every family needs; Webster's and Wori cester's Royal Quarto Dictionary Unabridged. A fall line of ALBUMS. I Music for the Million! We have music enough, to charm the civil JB&gZdS?: .E.eTin ized as well aa the savage breaaU d of every description, size Wi1,?0 i rrom the most celebrated makers; brass au UCBM UI. jiu uuviwmvv. : TI.,i I 5to2SWK2ft STnTHemmed "ver wind instruments; Violins, Violincellos i Edward II. lODey. iuay- The Unce aU day r,!d riert. has been indicted by the r and Mulberry streets, owned by Mr. J. - . . K? ( anil Thflirt have had a busy appear- u. MehrcKens. ui aiur -. AUU - For other locals see fourth page. N. .C. and occupied by Messrs Davis & Burton. mu- KrcUMn the flames had made - IVUW-" -" - United S ates grand jury of New York. The receipts of cotton at tnis P u headway tbat tUo rcscuc ot any ot 1 1 ..Jl J3 4 '2 1 I hQ I flQ 1 LI.. .n -l lin I III 1 1 1 1 for -aiding, abetting, counselling auu Qay iuub tIl0 property or m v .u Penlinand Wara to ao- nhr:(h.. .honninir is mating tnui i:Q wtta mauorui uuvcj. 4K The Green House, NW. COnNBU: rRINCKSS AND SEC- ONOSTS. CoKet l'lacc lnincciy. iuwk o( wtne. Ales. UcinoiB n;l cigars ana FrMU NEW STORE 1 1 THE RACKET ! ! J. F. A. REAVES, dec 1 6 Corner Second and Dock 6ta. EiSailcal Tojs. Wooden T1l??"! saaafcssss: pianos and organs j of Mci-v description, size and quality, .from 5 cents up. oonta' Linen Hemmed antt Hemmed Saliblte1 fSd Colored bT Guitars, Zlthern,, Clarionets. Fifes, Drums, - Sp'Tlk Handier &c ln great anaat iow ami quamy imagiuauiw. i.u8lrw prices. town to Belcct from. L Fans and J ewelry at Jhan half thcJ ev,- w thousand articles which we have elers prices. A cad will convince you oi mo , , i MAlClSilk Spanish Lace Scarfs and Fichurcs not spaceto enumerate here. Welkvethe inblakpdcream at08c. All "k Spj?"" goods and we are determined to sell them. Lace Fichures in blaofc and cream, lncncs . long, at $1.23 each. Lace Hatcrchleii ana ask from our frlcn,la - ft cal ma m Heck Tics, of Lace and Ribbon, In various qc- signs, for use. .irinwiiK uispcctlon of them, sure that they will Ana for 39c, Jerseys, Rid and Jersey O loves, un- Novelties, for Laoics, Gents. Misees and child-1 rrn. A call will convince you of this fact, at j Taylors Bazaar, 118 MAKKET ST. dec 15 WILMINGTON, N. 0. . HEINSBERGER'S, Lire Book and Music Stores. . dec I nrnonrintr srract" and "misapply" $5,000 of tQ0 hivejy for the storekeepers. Marinn. Rank's funds by means oi a . . . , Wrd when I 1U6 cnecK arawn uy retuiuuv - r.,Aa in tha hank. me latter nau ao iuuua xr-ai. -.. RmtUfi ateamsUlD tvamw, usor . ...1 j iu:rrrf tho Mikado I , T.ivflmool Dec. 13th. All iiiB uuaeiowuiu v - i oente, i of Japan is made oi a pw - - r nhri3tma8 COods from IUO Uiuvi" w UM mks one tUe wu0,r, are gulf large Urn season. never wears a garment twiw, fc ,,ahMn washoi he consumes a Rtrfldiah baraue Boomerang, I rock- great amount of this material; but it is henc9t arrJved at Antwerp De- not wasted, for the royal cast on si I oember 14th menta are competed for as prices possessions by his loyal subjects NOW IS THE TIME . Sickly on hand and and tul frox SxrEEt toy store . . i r.iAt I run ku iiiiu u v to get good wokwbw . -7: afohrckens and occupied by Mr. Philip Plait. . In this they were fortu nately successful, but the Westerly iha buildins was badly scorched, w. .. . . 1 L the windows were all broken auu wi? blinds ruined, lor a auori time iwj u tDtm aBd we WILL Come seemedasifthebuildins womu oo jJ5gyTO troyed. buttheeaorts ot the faremen nrevalled and it was saveu. xueio iiuauniuw w Is the p'acc to get your AND x Fireworks! Piano for Raffle. JT T1IK BEQTE3T OF MANY LADIK3 and gentlemen, I have contented to raftfea flncUinlght BAUS VIANO catalogue price ELT HATS, RIBBONS ASW usiatvu $9W-ior W-w, at ?i per cnance. Any, vn i taking or getting up ttn chances will receive one c3tra,wlthout charge. List now open at , ' HKIKSBJSRQKirS, dec it Live Book and Music Stores. 0- F Tir3 AND PLUMES. DRESSES CUT AND FITTED by a rcw and perfect system; dec 15 J4R3. KATE C WINKS, ll'j N. Second Street, near Postonice Have Arrived by Steamer A FINE LOT or FRJlSU FRUIT, Oran- rANCY GOODS. These goods by myself, and -as they were MRS. U, B. JEWETT. The New Novelty Store ! NO- 13 NORTH SECOND STREET, The cheapest vlacc'in the city to buy CHRISTMAS GOODS. A EClCCt Stock of TOYS. CHRISTMAS CARDS and Other gCOOS were selected bought at tho gcB. Apples, Bananas. Ccanutn Ac. . lowest New York prlcea they wUl be sold at A nice lot of FRESH CAN DIES, made corrcgpondUigly low prices. There com th. white tramps ao- icurance ou tho dwelling to tht dec 1G It SuEW at the guard oj $400 iu the German Ame-a" us Rea(j t() y, no., of New York, represented in this city by Mr. M. S. Wlilard. There was ( The colored league of Massachusetts hoase last night. , a nnblia meeting in Faneuil Hau, rcDOrt that the rise th store building to the v. LBs. home made mixture. Ibston. last Tuesday night, and a reso- eapnow giycs about 35 amonntof 500 iD the Hibernia Ins. gJ-loro toiieiue". This mix 1 - 1 . 1 1 . hara 1 " Co., of New Orleans, repreauutcu ....! L r c Aitinsnn & Manning, and U1WS.:rTwnnhd inSarailCO EXCEEDINGLY. LOW PRICE. in the future, Independent of any politi- the weather has been growing consia- , fixtures amoantinr to QliattUUcB of Une. sweet lution was unanimously Ps - Tnn feet above low water ing that all coiorea voiera ui . s Tam ma w a n If hfl IS I Li rvi Of f TLtfV. I w f ri parties. anuyuwB graoiy "- ..1700 in the Insurance company u uis.ln Orfino-pc not pledged to assist the coioreu race to w M lhe traeedian, will n America. of Philadelphia, rep- 1UU w 0 , - . r ilth jrtn 1 vww .11 wi a i , - w nttain its rienis as cmzeu wuu wuu- - . nnon House on tne K naUoaset ooscord and catattca " - 1 mmrMa.r 2&b mw . - i ro imihmi iiclq u i i " . """" . 1 v.l : . - . u-t fixt . . f t ,n lira was unuuuuisuij I isonoiup. - INir. cioau n.Hi - t""!mll nl ma us. "r - u BURKH1MER A CO., New Candy Store. Scconl St., near Market, dec 15 J dccli tf Special Offer. AM OFFERING NO Vf GREAT BAR UrmiUtll XU1U auu u ui x v . I aln8 m a complete line of Camels. Rum ' MV 1 v rbv i and Oil Cloths, Blankets and Comforts. "13 ER RECEIPT TO MB BY jkkkt Als0( Ioffer tvcc&l laducemenU In Clothing 'ffTOMAS. MECHANICS SALOOX, Ten year old Whiskey, 20 cents. Four ' " 10 cents. Imnortcd in iwccuvb. Brock Cizars 5 cents. Can Upbeat? j. M. McGOWAN. Best in try. nights ot the 25th and 26th inst. funds ia I . . . n -rrr tmo rloa.rpd I tuA wnrl' nf ftn incendiary. . I Sehr. J.l'. irvw. .7T my.t.Mvt,ln entertain- , for Port au.prince, Hajti. witn w. Perdew is tne ageni. ui 7 inmner ana ou.vw Bmuiw. 1 mis mt A novel method lor raising to be resorted lo at a cHurcn to be new in usywuu, .r nm f(Ct I a M a-V in I . a a I n rem Each lady attending wm wr" valued at $2,490,13. snippea oy u&esszrj repairs on thedweling a gossamer watery rwt - K jviaaer 05 oou. lnnoh hasket nneu. aucj taiij . . . E. J. MGOKE & CO. Souvenirs for the Holidays. dec 16 v nipaxia. uiuuua ivi . a i.mwcv w ir7nrM m.iaui i x i m.a be -..old" at wcuoa w ta? lot 0f circulars. In- LSkSeiZ . . and the purcnaser -'-k;.T v.. H. some of them r fiTi ha of reliable eoods. Uiveusa lady's company as a partner t "T.inti. and all of them hand before looking jelsewnere. uaco- rest or the evening - iu a uun. i then bidder. the He has already commenced the TTnt WfttfiT BaffS. k, P-kat Cutlery Caryingl A ca tootu ' '.ia".Nwvrif .miwniK. DruiTKlSC . w. vr. ; FroatMdAUrkttiU MY COUNTERS ARE LA DM Si WI1H Choice Articles For Christmas. ' all and make your seleetlcns. A beautiful line of CHRISTMAS CARD8 at and Gentlemen's Furnlshlnjr Goods. My Wholesale stock of Boots andbhocs. Hats and Caps, ghirts. Notions and Domestlca is com plete. Prices quoted with pleasure. . onr t.ti a t decsiui ; 20 Market Street For Raffle. 1 T 2jc AND tOc A CHANCE, COMPLETII Manicure Dressing and Smoking Cases will be for Rame before juntas. Can ana take a chance. F. C. MILLKg, . uerman Urugglst, Corner Fourth and Naa stt P. 8. Prcecriptions filled at all hours day and night. - dec 7 S V -M i Am J " UPERB LINE OP CHRISTMAS CARDS dtoH i Just recelred. Sew Goods, Exquisite Goods, and tne cneapesicnnaimas uaras ever oner , el in Wilmington. You eertiinry should see Ann Dtroro you ouy euewnere. xoa .wiu inenDuyoius. MUM US JUKLTX11.K dec 13 104 PortD front HI cdatnU ot fter tn'neh baikt some