! - i-- MISCELLANEOUS. AMONG RAILROAD MEN. POPULARITY N0 USEFULHESS OF DR. KEN 'mors FAVORITE REMEDY A THRIltlSG LETTER FROM A MASTER MECHANIC ntiMbMn -.mf times cha eel glrsetpro pilet-ry edlc'ne? taatnmny of tie ter-tlco- nUi to thir virtues hveelih?r Den ra no fadnred outright, or to marl, u'ate a to b -ar a V4-r- tUT-int n1 ranch s ro-?erm a inthia the rne rVioalt lr.eivled by the writer . Tht th1 av c 'one byn ru pnl u rer.fn Is lv ih-bs'.oI-. ut r DYi'! Konnlf, rUv n-! -urgn of Hoirtont, . Y ' e' a P rd(vsbl-prid-ir the fact that duri' r " pro er oii .t a- n ha--nria cre--r of ra.mv t far and in dvei'I-iig h.i. nw laid Mmj!f o:-e to a Sa t wuv tiou of this ind Henc f unjoined let er. nn.l ll otners published by hlra rajty be ac i-td with ronflae.nce by tbe public. ir Kernel U to famiHar wl h the opes and f i ar of sir.1, people t trifl with i htm: Master Mec atc 8 am i.teriktes-1 DEBT'S O nC-,.0VELLRE AIR rillOPS OP TILE BOSTOf LOW UR B ) inwELL, kiaesi.. Marc ?5. 18S5. , Vr David Kennedy, Rondcut; N- Y.: Pear ir: I thin, it 1 Jr to yon that T eboMmttetae fallowing statement, fnd I m ,k It 'olimtartly md willingly n the 4th dvof Jcno ls3 , l waataKen wiinyfnu wn rt'ei naralreU of the biwe's Tbe etzure nnfxuertfd and terrible. 7 he ftoma'h ami nthr organs eccmet to arninathizt with it and to have lt all power of action. Fora. lor ir time my life was despaired of,-bur at 1 cnath 1 recovered- o far aa to be able ro ri"e rut Rv the. advice cf my ihysWan I visited Polard Springs (Vt ) hopbg to beneftfrom tbe waters. Bet they did me no good. Neither were the best Ph fici'ns of Lowell and Boa ton, whom I consulted, able to afford me more than transient relief I Kilned -ostre ngth ant rav case aroeared alocoat hopeless. In the Fall afrieDd advised me to try Kennedy's Favor le Kemedy," and althouib. opposed to patent medlcJno. I made the trla. T nake alone efcv r Bhort Kavorlt Remedy. In my opinion aarid mv Ufo I consider It the bst prepara xqt In the worM for Etoinach difficulties, a well a3 of the Liver and ' thcr orarans. I am pUd to say It la in general ujo among the It K. men in tnia vlc'nity. Yottr, Ac . A. J". GIFFOSD. Mr. Glfford lithe Master Mechanic of too Lowell division of the Koton fc Lowell Kall r ad. and bl3 Illness and recovery are known to many who can te:ify to the facta in uja let ler. Use this medicine' r.r ail diseases of tbe Blood, Kidneys. Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Skin, it may save you or yours irom pain au'i death. Aaaress, ir aesirca. Dr Dvii Bexsidt, Konilout, N Y nov ?4 nrru dJt - - . . . -" .V.-iVSTir? . . : i. 1'' .J iXTi7..ir numerous ""' 2 ycuthfal indi.w-raion. V -'"niTi ovcrli-i.-werl.-. Avoil l-i"nni9 .C- Vlr,rf!r5-lCLit. thousand, u .gea . .en. EltioTi to tunc, or ca CUKK thousand. Uoct cn- CSUS3 rrrTro per: oven Six pain Cr inconvenience ir Vi:RS OY USE I N MAN FhoueNs Oases. er.y -woy. founded on V5"icrtif, medical princi 3k P-v'- i!y dlrsttcppiicatioa to U:e ecat ot uncase its rp:2e influence is fe'S ...:" T"l KiAjiiral function cf the hu- tf H omtnism ii restored. gor. wr.5 KVGrKEHISTS COi; xi. lor.' F3Pr3Ti:rr!::; ToCvw fct a Truss. t- pr.linnce. 1 5.X. dAwl Ilanfiooii JlEMirUYl-KKE. A victim ot youthfnlimprudence rauins Prematnro Decay. Kttous Debility, Lost Slanhoci. Ac, having tn-d in vain every knov.n rmedy.hasdiscovpred n. sinuno means of &elf-cure, vrhi'.ti he will Rend FRKE to his fellow-scfferers. Ailure J.U.RLE VES, 43 Chatliain St.,Ne vr York. oy ?3lAwlv 15td V "iTinrn Send 10 cents postage, and A K h i maityotirfe, a royal. - valuable, eample box of gDod? that will pnt y u In the way of rokln!r more money tt onci, than anvlning el-e In merica lrth tex s of aM ases cm iivo at home acd work In gn re time Caplt-l not required c will start you. Immense pay 8ur f.r those who etar. at once Stixsn & t o., I'oitlnnd. Malae. . dec4 6m IT1 A I? VP VI ,t3 Causes ard ure, i Lj i x. ftoo bv one who was dc-a twenty eUht years Treatel by mo t otthe : otol s f Ialitaof the dny with n benefit. Curd htmielf It three n onthft, and shure thn hundreds of others by i-ame process A jdaln. simple acd .uccesefnl home treatment tldresa i'. . V Gk. 12S at .0th it , -w Yors 'ity tjov 30 4wdw B GU51 ' When I aay cure I do not mean merely to vod tkem for a time and then have them return agair " mean a radical care. I have mad the disease of a. JS, Kk'l LEPSt or FAIXINO SICKNESS a Ufe-lorij etudy. i warrant my rwmody to cure tho worst Cfatxv. Bacausw otters hAve failtsl is no rtxvaon for not no " t ; vizier a. cure. Send at onoe for a treatise and a )Tte ttle of ray infallible rmnedy. Give Express arx Fost Office. It ct yon nothing: for a trial, and I will cure you. Address Us. U. O. ROOT, l&J Tearl SC. Y ; Y rk. novi0 4wdW . irJSURAWCE. TlIK ACCI1SNT IXSCR4XCE C of North America withes to tecure good Agents in cverv town In North Carolina In ..which it Is not represented This company was Incor porated In 187-; hss paid $104,000 In cltlma, and has nevr contested a claim at law. Spe cial arrangements made with managers of manufacturing establishments for lnsrrlng all employees on installment plan. Add re -s M 8. WIuLAliD. State gent, nov 30 iwd&w Vllmlnzton N. i. Parker's Tonic A Pure Family Medicine that XcverlotoxicaUs, If you are a lawyer, minister or business man exhausted by mental e train or anxious cares do not tske lntoxlcitlng etlmulant6, but us3 Pa eke a' s Tonic. If you have Djrpepsla, Bheumatlsm, Kid ney or Urinary -Comp'alnts. or-if you are tr -ubled with ny disorder of the lnngs, e to ro ach, bowels, blood or nerves you can be cured by Paekir's toxic. nifir.nv A f' aft . M.M M J vr 9 163 Wlllhva Street. New Sork. BorSOdAw 4w - PENMVBOYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." The Original and Only Genuine. Safe ao4 atwajs Bella we." Kewaraof wKklea boitmtioas. Ia4ismabW to I A D I ES . Aak your Irerli far Chlefeaer'a CadiakT'ajia take ao iicr, or tueUne 4e. (stamps) ttr pitrticuUrs na UtUr by r-trn malL NAME PAPER. CkTekei4r Cfeeial C- ll8MaJIoaMr,PkUa(WPa. 8eM hjprmgwtmtM every wkrrr. Ak tor "Cairkr. tcr'a XasUaJa' i'eaay royal 1111a. Take ao Mher. nov 33 d&w ly D A r.ctio'inKkoTidonPTiy fcirian KMnbliahes ap "Oflice iu N ew York. From Am. Journal of Md. nr Ah. Meserole. wbo 3raalaaapecialtTfEpilePy Vj i. - i,h.a. lnnha IMatid ih ik ili I aay othvr livniit pU and crea-mora caaea scan hro jrfr.nSirn7 we hava b!rd f cases Of over JO E standing cnnvl by him. II" sroarantees a cure. i Lottie and Treatiaeae&t free. Giva P.O. an Dri aIL aeIeoLE. Uo. W John Sk.New York, pl Aw .- .'. ' 1 VR Y fTA T. Nafatts bi-.ore ukinjrtrcat "nn,v Et-3rer cK.vhpre. Tatar I-jlyAY. Fi?ysuiir; l!ci eiy that n.vi TPrfrrvji j i.;?, vntcii nave Dee ii . . -1 J M -3J 'tsi arf fivtn back.and Oa T;sti. - $3-SS?jpTt'-. pet!i t boeonieschwr Wo f.-afcy, - 6-?fif:-.l,r:,.tr;i'ii7jrinaboIh. Vcrci iioritt?, V OCS3-ci:h tad sczuai vigor. Restored FITS! mm a. jam mm e s t is r 1 D 1 The DaiIy;Kbvipv. JOSH. T. JAMES. Editor & Prop - , m . - .... .. ' y . WILMINGTON, . NJ C. " FRIDAY. DECEMBER 18. 85. Entered t the PoeSotBce at Wilmington;. a second-class raatter. . C. It is not likely that ihe Government will attempt to secure the punishment of the three men who were rescued last uiontb from Roccador Island by the FJni'ed Sta'es steamer Powhatan. The question as to whether or not a prose cution shou'd be undertaken was re ferred to Attorney General Garland by the navy department last - month.- No reply has y t been made bjthe depart ment of juiiice. it is understood that when the answer is made it will be , in tha negative. One of tbe officers of the department sai$ that the statues con cerning maroommg apply on.y to persons belonging to the crew of a vessel. Tbe men left on Ron- cador Island were laborers, their work bein to get out guano, and they were in no sense sailors. For Ibis reason it is believed that a prosecution lr maroaviDg couia not be success fully maintained. Mormon legislation like the bill thai a a . aa "? -m - - was passeu oy too senate a year anu a half ago may be led to change their at titnde by the despicable coarse recently taken by tbe plygauiists of Salt Lake City. The officers,, of ilEeTcity and county and tbe policemen are MoVmons. Prominent men in the chbrch conspir ed with tbe police and with disreputa ble women, who were brought irom San Francisco to discredit Federal offi cers who have been prosecuting poly gamies. All the ingenious machinery that could be devised by tbe conspir ators was pat in motion for the pur pose of compromising the officers acd furnishing some pretext upon which the policecbuld arrest tbem. One offi cer, a dep'uty marshal, was arrested,! but the Federal Court Interfered and the Federal grand jury has.vtincovered the plot. The tools of the chief con spirators confessed their guilt and dis closed the secret history of the entire undertaking. They had been well paid out of a fund raised by private sub scription among the faithful The grand jury has made a full report' and several of the conspirators havo( been arrested. The newspaper organ of tbe church glories in its shame and hear tily commends the shrewdness, cunning and liberality" or the leading conjpira- tors. This vile work was done bv an organization that calls itself a church. There are to be high jinks in Dublin over the installation of the new Nation alist loid mayor, Timothy Daniel Sullivan, M. P. for Westmeath. Mr. Sullivan is a rich man, having made a ortune is literature and journalism- He is the author of various yolumes ot poetry, of which the best known is one entitled "Green Leaves." His news paper property consists of the Nation, the Weekly News and Young Ireland, all of Dublin. The.-prograuyaeior: the inauguration festivities includes a STand banquet to be given by the new ord mayor to all the Nationalist mem bers elected to Parliament. For this occasion Mr. Sullivan has ordered a superb equipment of carriages, liveries, silver, glassware, &c. All are to be lecorated with the Sullivan crest and the family mottt, "A generous hand brever." A description of the liveries will fairly indicate the gorgeousness of lh whole preparations. The livery coat acd wahlcoast are of clareV-coior-ed velvet, embroidered with gold bull ion and ornamented wiik gold sham rocks and harps with silver strings. The Dreecnes are oi piusn ot a rich canary color, with gold embroidered stripes on the outer seams. A few bigots among the Dublin Nationalists are asking why there is no green in the livery colors. Mr. Sullivan has also ordered a new and immense dinner service. The glasses will all bear the Sullivan crest and harps and shamrock. Every article used at the banquet is to be made in'Ireland. Altogether Mr. Sullivan lhreatens to extinguish the brilliancy of the state pageants of Dublin Castle. Mr. Vanderbilt had in the last few years built splendid residences tor allot his four married daughters, and these he leaves to tbem in fee. His own pal atial home, -with its treasures of furni ture, ornaments tiud works of art, to gether with his stables and horses, he leaves to his widow during her life, then to his youngest son for his life, thereafter to go to his heirs, or in default thereof, to tbe offspring of his oldest son, Cornelias, thereby preserv ing it for at least t wo generations in the keeping of heirs to his name. At a moderate estimate tbe property thus devised musi exceed $5,000,000 in value. Then he gives to his wife $500,000. and an annuity of $200,000 a year, equiva lent at 4 per cent, to a principal sum of $5,000,000. In making provision for hia eight children he sets apart for each, to be held sacredly in trust for their benefit. $5,000,000, or a total sum of $10,000,000. Thus secured they are not likely to come to want, but in addi tion to tho benefit ot the trust fond, they will receive another $5,000,000 their each, or $40,000,000 in all, for rrpfl nsa .and disnosal. with tbe sale reservation . in.""" the lease of Iher youngest 'dauehfer that Jt shall nfi c"tne into ner own control until she Ifai reached the ace of 30 years. ' The trugi funds on tbedecease of the bece ficiJiries go to their. heirs. In addilfon to t'jese great bequest3 a special legacy of $2 000 COO is given to the oldest son and an equal amount to a favored grandson.'and to two other persons 30,f!06"and 810,000 are respectively g ven. Sixteen persons, receive annui ties amnuntine in the aggregate to over $32 000 or the inccme at :J 4 per cent, of about &830.CO0 and thirteen organza tions anJ institution reeeiyecharitab'e bfquests amounting in all tct $1,200. 000. Thus is 'about 96,000 000 of property disposed of. All the "rest, residue and remainder" a significent iteration In this case-fdf theWtate goes to the two oldest sons in equal shares and to their heirs and assigns to their use forever." This "rest, residue and remainder is believed to be fully equal to tbe prodigious amount previously disposed of. - :.- They say Bigelowjs suing "Beltie andtheBabi" for half of i their gift r money, but thebaby don't care a sou. Cough Syrnp,v PEUEfllBER DOTS. rw f i.;-. -, Tfaen'nce baby" of Wails The new A. iiiotto which undertakers do believe ifjLtTend let live. not Tbe butcher may be regarded a3 a help meat to the human family. In many boarding houses Ihe toriure at the steak is still adhered to. Tailors will give you fits, but it re quires a lawyer to fun up a suit. It is a'l well enough to preach "peace on earth and good will to men," but no man can feel that way with a boil on his ncse. Chicago Ledger. Tell me, Thomas, how many voy ages around the world did Captiin Cook make?" 'Three." "Correct. And on which of these voyages was he killed?" toft. A poet sings. "Wbereare the girls ot ' the past?" And over tbem makes quite a fuss. He may sing it he hkes tLe giris of tho past But the girls of the preseut for us. Boston Courier. Tbe greatest punishmeut t a pris oner is enforced idleness, but the greatest trial a woman can undergo is to have a new bonnet in tbe house on a rainy Sunday Chicago Ledger. There is no great diflertuce between' the average young lady possessed of a musical education and the speaking toy. They both have to be pressed to sing. Boston Transcript: , , The sporting fraternity have grown so respectable ot late lhat a young lady, whose father is in the undertaking bus ness now speaks ol her parent as a professional boxer. -Boston Transcript. When single, I longed to be married, When married, I wish I had staid; The benedict wishes he'd tarried, And the wife she had died an old maid. Likelflies at a window in summer, We mortals resemble, no doubt; Those outside all wish, to be inside, Those inside all want to get out. Cincinnati Sun Golden Medical great blood-purifier. Discovery" the It is paid that the Chinese in New York are very fond of roasted dogs especially pugs and that there is a no ticeable decrease in that breed in conse quence. Suffering Humanity Owes You a Debt of Gratitude," writes Mr. Harry W. Olmstead. Proofreader. In diarapolis. Ind , Times fc'L;fe was almost a burden to me. caused by Kid ney Disease. The best physicians gave me no relief. I used Dr. David Ken nedy'a 4 Favorite Ilemedyand can say I feel like anew man. I am confident I am entirely cured, anil write to re turn my sincere thanks for the cure your medicine ha3 effected. I siall use every opportunity to let sufferers kuow where they may find relief." Advice to Mothers. Mrs. WiNSrx)W's Sootiiikg Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button.'' It is very pleas ant to taste. It soothes the child, soft ens the gums, allays all pain, relieves w ind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes, iwenw-hve cents a bottler The Secret of Ltvinir- Sc.ovill's Saksaprilla, of Blood and liver Syruf. will cure Scrofulous Taint. Rheumatism.-White Swelling, Gout. Goitre, Consumption, Bronchitis, Nervous Debility, Malaria, and all diseases arising from an impure condi tion of the blood. Certificates can be presented from; many leading'physi ciansr ministers, and heads of families throughout the land, endorsing it in the highest terms, jfVe are constantly in receipt of certificates of cures from the most reliable sources, acd we recom mend it as the best known remedy for the cure of the above diseases. Nervous Debilitated Men You are allowed a free trial for thirty days ot the use of Dr. Dye1 a Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Nervous Debility, loss cf Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also, for many other diseases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood . guaran teed. No risk is incurred: Illustrated pbamphleU with .full information, terms, etc, mailed free by addressing Voltaic Belt Co.," Marshall, Mich. ws m & w lyR illSCELLANEOUS. Tree fvon Ojpiates, JEmctics unti Jfoison. SAFE. 0 fU0 SURE. JUlSs PROM PT. J? AT DRCGGtSTS AXI BEAT.EBS. THE CHARLE3 A. TGSEIXR tO lUiTUOBS, 3D. sov 2 eod tcrxn - - . , : THIS IWIE1 maybe found on filo at Geo. P. Roweli. & Co's Newspaper Advertising Enreaa ( 10 Sprace St. where advertising contracts may be made for 16 in. mi YORSL WE EXPECT HALF A CAR LOAD OF PORK, Sausage. &c hera-TUE8DAY or WEDNESDAY and have made arrangements to bring it here fresh every w eek or ten days Wc offer special 5n" ducemcnts to the wholesale trade. This meat is idcrtlcal in every respect with thxt obtained In New York and other North ern citiep, excepting as to size, WM. E. WORTH & CO. nov 23 Reduced in Price to $2 Per Annum A First-class Magazine lo every respect. i Lippincott's Magazine. A Popular Llonth.y of General Literature Wl h the issue for Januar v. 1SG. imnortant changes will be niad3 in the literary character and typographical appearance of Llpplncotvs Wagaz ne, which, while more than maintain ing tbe former standards of excellence, will, it is expected, materially iijcrea32 its popular ity and wideu it sphere of us 'fulness. Ihe dlstinct'vc features cf 1 ippincott'a for the eo Ding year will be as follows: It will be a live periodical, interesting itself In all the earrent topics - of the day, literary, artistic, political, and social, a d enlisting in their discussion the ablest pens ia England and America. A fair hearing will be accord ed to all eiJes of a controversy, though the magazine will strictly, preserve its own neu trality. It will be especial y stror; in fiction. A new novel, entitled "Hope", i y W. E is rris, au thor of " atrimony,' "io New T liiRg. ' ec, who is perhaps the cleverest of the rls-ingau-ihors cf Fcgland, will run through the yesr, accompanied by a bril iantstrial. dealing with the literary and dramatic life of Hew o;k i lty; from the pen of a writer who prefers to keep his name a secret but whose every touch reve Is an intimate acquaintance with the see res which he describes. It will be rich la thori stories, poems and sketches By special arrangement it will be the au thorized medium through which the latest ut terances of tbe most eminent transatlantic writers wiLl rjach the American public simul taneously with their appearance abroad. It will numDer among its American contrib utors f-uch write-s as Gail Hamilton." Julian Hawthorne, Harriet Prescott Spoflord, John Hach McMaster, "J. S. of Dale," J. Brander Matthews, etc , etc It will be the cheapest flrst-cla&s magazine issued in America. Recognizing the needs of the time for good literature at moderate prices, the publishers have deciced to lower the euh scrlp Ion price, commen ing with the new vol ume, to a sum t'oat will place Lippincott's Magazine within the reach of al. ' For sale by all Newsdoalera. 25 cents per copy. $2 per annum A Specimen Copy &eit ree on Application. J. B LIPPINC TT COMPANY. Publishers, 715 and 717 Market St , Philadelphia, nov 6 1886. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Habfek's Bazab Is the only paper in the world that combines tho choicest literature and the finest art Illustrations with the latest fashions and methods of household adorn ment. Its weekly Illustrations and descrip tions of the newest Paris and Is ew York styles, with its useful pattern-sheet supplements and cut patterns, by enabling ladies to be their own dressmakers, save many times the cost of subscription. Its papers on cooking, tbe man agement ol servants, and housekeeping in its various details are eminently practical, Much attention Is given to the Interesting topic of social etiquette, and its Illustrations of art need -6 work are acknowledged to be unequal- ieu. its literary met it is or tue nignest excel lence, and the unique character of Its humor ous pictures has won for it the name of the American Punch. " Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR... 7.....v. $4 00 tf ABPKR'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOLNG PEOPLE 2 00 Harper's Fraitkuk squabs Libbabt, One Year (52 Numbers; 10 CO Postage Free to all subBcribers In the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper' $ .Baser, for three years back. In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for bmdmg, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re cerpto! $1 00 each Remittances should be made by Post-OClce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. N ewspap rs are not to copy this advertise men without the express order of Haxpks & Bbothsss. Address HJLEPEB BE0THER3, no2 . , New, York.- fv mSCELTiANECUG THE'ElvIBw - j4 JOB OFFIGE, O It? Vf ... s T MARKET STREET, NO. H2Vf, (Ul TAIRS) Hi COMPZtE'l E JN EVER Y HE8PEC2, AND WE ARE PREPARED TO DO - ALL MANNER OF . ' I ILL 1ST ;H lilWM WHEN YOU WANT- PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, CARDS, LEX TER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS, PAMPHLET PRINTING, TAGS, LAND DEEDS, . MORTGAQEDEEDS, SHER IFFS' SEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS, JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, &C., - CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE " GIVING YOUR ORDERS. - Address REVIEW JOB OFFICE, WILMINGTON. N.. C: :.. FR.tB;v: BELISBLE SELF CUH A favorite prescription of one "of the mcit noted and successuil specialists :n the U. is low retired) for the curs of Servo u. Ueblllty ot Manhood, WcaUnes and Decay. Sen; ipiam sealed envelope Free. Druggists can nil it vddress DR. WARD St CO.. Louisiana. Mo, T ANTED Ladies and Gentlemen to work ? for ur at their own hoaei; no canvass Ing; $' to $!5 weekly; work tent by mall any distance; we have good demand for our work ani famish etsady employment. Address at once REL1 s RLE M't'G CO , FhHadelphla. Pa,, Box loJ.i. i . , dcc 4awim I have a Dosltive remed v for the above disease : bv its 1169 thousands of eases of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed, bostrongis ray faltfi in its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any sufferer. Give express and P. O. address. DR.T. A. SLOcUM, 181 Pearl St., New Fork. nov 30 d&w 4w ime Lime. Lime. o- 1800 BBLS KOCKIjA-SI) 1 ISiE. BEST QUALITY, FOR SALE. SEND INiYOUR ORDERS. WORTH & WORTH, sept ;.. - . ' . SEND FOR A SAMPLE COPY. THE STATE CHRONICLE, (Successor to the Farmer & Mechanic and the Chronicle.) - , , y Under New Management. Newsy, Bright and Clean I Up wiihthe TimesI The tte thronlcle" wiU be what its name Implies a State paper. J t Is not the Ra. kioh "Chror lcle,H and will not be local or sectional It will aim to keep up with the current news from Murphy to Manteo, or as the politicians put it from Cherokee to Curri tuck. It will be the organ of no man, no ring, no section, no party. It will be Democratic In politics, but will not hesitate to criticize Dem ocratic measures and Democrats, officers. Terms of -ubscrlption One Year, $2; Six Mentis, $1; Three Months, 60c. For a Sample copy address," ' THE feTATE CHRONICLE, oct 15 Raleigh. N. C. COME SEE US ! HEXEVER Y'OIT ARE IN NEED . OF . . . : t nwm mm mi come and see us. We have the most complete establishment in the city, carry a large stock of different qualities of paper to select from, do your work promptly and satisfactorily, and at prices that we can live at. , ... Give us your orders. JACKSON & BELL. P u r ce 1 1 H q u se, - WILMINGTQN ; N. C. " rpHOROUGHLY RENOVATED First da3s accommodations. 49s Rates reasonable. .- - oct 19 3m B. U PERRY, Prop T WRITE LONG AND FUNNY ADVEB tlsements, but 1 will take time to nil Cash orders for Peanafts, Fish Roe, No. 1 ttnuets, Apples. Oranges, Co n. Feed Peas. Eggs, f. hlckens, c , &c. Consignments of country produce solicited. J. R. MARSHALL, Gen Com Merchant. -. 44 North Water st., Wilmington, N. C, dee 7 d&w - - Holiday Goods.: QTLS & MURCniSON HAVE RECEIVED their stock of HOLIDAY GOODS, which are now displayed for the Inspection of the public, Tbe lad es are invited to examine these goods, and all will be cordial y welcomed. Goods will be sold on a 811 a Lt. PROFIT, dec 14 . GILES SB MURCHISOS. mfitttinti mm uufluuy mi i b 9 bub 1 & Augusta It. b. COt lit , CONDENSED SCaEnnr TRAINS GOINQfiog- Datod Nov. 15 ff5 Leave Wilmington, jlv. iu. w accama w Xeave Miion...., Arrive Florence Arrive Sum.er .... Arrive Columbia.. No, 43, Dally. mm Leave Columbia. . . Arrive Sumter.... I jjiii ' 12 00pm Leave Florence. : . 4S0 pm Leave Mai ion.... iotiV; Lv L. WaccamaTr u.a pm 7.i 3 t m 8 SO pm 5" i ArrleWilmi0gt,n 8 2J ,J Train 43 stops at all Stations. Nos.48 and . 47 stop at Brlnklet. villa. Lake Wacrjim&ia-: v.- n,.a' nlt. Marloi., Pee Dee, Florence TimX Lynchbure, MayesvlUe. lumter Bff? Camden Junction and Etft "eaeaed m w - v va v a k V J Camden Junction and Eastovcr. jriiBBenrcTa tot i fTP luroiumDia and all point. &a. i;. ii., c. c fW A T - J w - ava. ik. auiiiniiB a.. "Ota. aivT: Jmittion. and all points .XT. tha 48. Pullman sle f a"'"? uit train. Pullman Sleepers for Savsinah on Twl JOHN F. DIVCj, Railroad Company. CONnENSED SCHEDULE. LDUt. failt'L'lr 11.27 pm 12-47 aS teiOamJU'ir-- l TRAINS GOIStf NQj . R- KENLYi StSTKu 1 MKMEKJjoA.Uencral PjwsenS'Arjav TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov. 35, c5. No. 43, No.0. " - Day- Daily.' exl Leave Welaon.... '2.15pm 6 Si pm U lilZ At. Reeky Mount, j 3 33 pm m l Arrive Tarboro...; 4 55pm!.........' ; Leave Tarboro... . 1 11,30 pmj . Leave Wilson..... 4e5pm 6.54 pm 1.53S Ani ve Goldsboro. 4 f 4 pro 7.33 pm 5 10 la Ieave Warsaw... 5 C4pm ......... Leave Burgaw.... 7 00pm 4t0u Ar. Wilmington... 7 50pm 9.55pm 6 20ta TRAINS GOING NORTH. bo. 47, No.41, Dallr. Dally. Dally, ex. 6ui Leave Wilmington 8.45 am 8 50 pm SLluia Leave Bnrgaw.... 9 30 am 9 50pm 2,57am Iieave Warw.... !0 S6 am 10.67 pm Arrive Goldsboro. 11.53 am H53pm 5X7 in Leave Wi'son 12 2-5 pm 13 43 am 5J1 ia Ar.ltocky Mount.. 12t9pm 1.21 am 8 81 an Arrive Tarboro... 4 55 pm , Leave Tarboro... 11 30 ro .... M Arrive Weldon... j 2 I5pm 2.45 aa 7.80 m Train on Krf Imir? Halifax for Scotland Neck at 8.00 P. M. R turning leaves Scotland vs.v at .m a u dally.-. ' . . , Train No. 40 South will stop only at WIIboi Goldsboro and Magnolia. . -xTain ot. mate, close connection at we aon for all Dolnt. North nUtT an n .l Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Trains rnfika r.lriRrt rr.vnt5rfn m n North via Richmond and Washbigton: All train" run solid between wPmlngton ttc Washbigton, and have Pullman Palaco 8iecj era attached. JOHN F. DIVLNK, r General Superintendent J. R KENLY. Sup't Transportation T. m. EMERSON, Genera;. Passenger Ant', nov 17 Carolina Central R, B. Company. OmOB OW dZNXBAXi STJPKBITKWl)gNT( I Wilmington, N. C.'sept. 27, 1885. 1 of Schedule. QN AND AFTER THIS DATE, TE1 following ttcheooie will be operated oa ttt Railroad : PASSENGER, MALL AND EXPRESS TS1H. Daily except Sundays. -J ' ) Leave Wilmington at......7.C0 P. I No. L S Leave Raleigh at. 7.86 P. I v., . ) Arrive at Charlotte at.. .70 A I ' 1 Leave Charlotte at ......8.15 P. 1 No. 2. 1 Arrive p Raleigh at ..9.C0 A. I ) Arrive at Wilmington at....8.s a, m LOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached. Leave CharlottVat.... 7.40 A Arrive at Laurinburg at 5.45 P. Leave Laurinburg at .l A. Arrive at Charlotte at. ......4.40 P. Leave Wilmington at.......... a. Arrive at Laurinburg at 6.00 r. Leave laurinburg at... .6.30 A. a. Arrive at wumington at Paumn Tnlni (fam ( Mimltr StStlOtl only, and points designated in the CompaBf TimeTabla. - SHELBY DIYISION, PASSENGER, KlO. EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. DaRy except Sundays. No I Leave Ciarlotte ,i,t I Arrive at Shelby............l2 N . LeaveShenjy 1-40 A. M0,4- J Arrive at Charlotte......... 5-oP' Trains No. 1 and S make close eonaeetlc; Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to anazroD' Through SleeplngCars between Wttoi8j and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statevllle.82 Western N CRR, AshevlBe and polntt Also, for Spartanburg, GreenvUliJ, Ao Atlanta and all points Southwest. M L. C. JONZS 5 - . 8uperlBtcBde. F. W. CLARK, General Pasoecrer Arsn The Western Tribune. THIRTY-TWO COLUMN Newspaper. Chas. Edward WIIbob, l and Proprietor, AshwiUe, N. C. 1JIE TKJBU NE will dlscttM ,f, freedom all questions of public Zl - In nolitlcs it will teach Democratic aoew- js wiu laoor zeaiousiy ior -vr-our whole State, and especially Vwet opaoent of the varied resources 01 North CaroUna. . J,t mtosi It will be the friend of all Railroad o as they are the friends of the peopj- . 9 It will aspire to deserve readers by dealing with all eubjocU W and tUgnincd manner, and by rer&7Tt. eluding from its columns everything ' ... . mH.9 The TUBUl E Is prlnteu irom anew an4 improved Power Press. rafi .The price of thepaperwui ue- $L50. Six Months, 75c, Tnree lfontu " at 1 if "f ,, il Change varlaoif m aavance. - . i . - - r

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