MISCELLANEOUS FOR COUCHG, CROUP AND F CONSUMPTION USE TAYLOR'S OHEROIIIE IEDEDV OF SVEET GUM A!1D MULLEIN. Tha sweet Ram, as gathered from a tree ol the fame name, growing along the small streams in tha Southern States, contains a stimulating ex pectorant principle that loosen the phlegm pro oacingthe early moraine cough, and stimulates the chl Id to throw off the fal se membrane in croup and wboopiwr-cough. When combined with the healing mucilaginous principle in tha mullein plant of the old fleWa, presents in TAYixm 8 CHEROKEE REMEDY OF SWSET GUM AXD MUL I Tin the nnest known remedy for Coughs, Cronp, Vhooplng-eougb and consumption; and so pala table, anv child ts pleat to take Jt. Ask your druggist ior it. Price, 25. and 81 If he does ;ot kep it, wo will pay, for one time only, ex ureai charges o large size bcttlo to any part ox ihe IT. S. on receipt of JI M). , WAITEIC A.TATLOR.AUauln.O' may 27. mon wed tat lrltc nrm EF-Captta! Prize g?70,0003 Ticktes only 85. Shares in pro; portion. Louisiana 'State Lottery Otfmpany. WedoKzrity certify that nee supervise tht arrangements for all the Monthly and Quar terly Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot cry Company , and in person manage and con trol the Dr anting s themselves, and that the arte re conducted tcith honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward ail parties, and we author ize the Company to use this certificate, wiihfac tirxiles of our sipnatttres attached. .in its adver iitments." Commissioners. We. the understaned Bonis and Battlers. icUt vav all Prises drawn in The Louisiana State Lotteries ichich may be presented atatrcoun ters. . . m J. IT. oraiPSBY.Pres. Louisiana NslU Bank. s. If. KENNEDY. Pres. state Nat'l Bank. A. 11ALDWIIJ, Pres. New Orleans Nat'l Bk. Incorporated in 1 868 for 25 years by the Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pur nnwj-trith a canltal of il. 000.000 to whch a reserve fund of over 1550.000 has since been added. - M p.t an overwhelmlmr Dontilai vote its f ran cWac was made apart or the present 8tate CoTjstltuUon adortsa Docembsr 2d, A. D.,1879. The oruv Lotterv ever voted on and endorsed t7 the people of any State. It never seal ft er vestpones. - Its Grand Single Number Drawings take thlv. and the ESti-aoTdlnarv Draw U gs regularly every three months lnetead of Femi-Annually as teretoforo, beginning March, 13:6. A SPT.ENDTD OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. First Grand Drawing. Class A. In the Academy of Music. New Orleans, Tuesday. January 12, 186 185th Monthly Drawing Capital Prize, $75,000. 1 00.000 Tickets at Five Dol larsEaeh. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OP PRIZES. Capital Prize - 73,000 1 Capital Prize 25,000 1 Capital Prize 2 Prizes of f8,000.... 1Q.UW. 12.00C t ...... .. 5 Prizes of 2,000 ..... ...... 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 10 Prizes of 20 Prizes of iOO Prizes of 300 Prizes o? 500 Prizes of 1000 Prizes of 1,000 coo "no 100 30,000 50 3,WW 25 25.000 . PPVnTTMlTtnif PRIZES. 3 Approximation Prizes of $750. 6,750 9 500. 4,500 1,967 Prizes, amountlnff to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be mXde only vo me onxce 01 mo wvapaajr x v Tft"fnTthAr information, write clearly. fclv- Inir full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange In or dinary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of 5 and upward at out ejcpeM) addressed New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIV, n Washington, D. C Mab.P. 0. Hocej Orders payable and ad ilress Begistwcd Letters U HIW ORLEANS NATIQKAl BAKR. T4 NEW URLEASS. LA. dec 16 - ' . Hew York & Wilmington Steamship Co. riiOM PIER 34, EAST It IV Eli, NEW TORS At S o'clock, P, M. BESKrACTOB .....atttrday, Tec 5 REGULATOR. .Saturday, THo 12 BKNKFACTOE Saturday, Dec 19 REGULATOXll ..s.....8aturday.Dec 26 rROJI WILMIlfOTOS ItEGULATOB ....Filday, Dec 4 BENEFACTOR ..Friday, Dec 11 REGULATOR.... ; .Friday, Dec 13 BH.SKFACTOK FrldAT. Dec 25 eST Through Bills Ladlo and Lowest Tnrctyrn, Bates gTuar&nteed to and Iron Polnti In Ncri and South Carolina, For Freight or Passasre apply to U. Gt. bMAJLLBONCS, euperlntendent, . Wllmlnirton. N. O : " TJIEO. ii. EER,FreIgtt Agent - , . Sew York. WM. r. CLYDE A f50- Gra. 35 Broadway, New Yora, !FEi0BaiIv r2oviov7 - " - " " i Lone in the aanrisoof primeval Hay. More - lovely, than the virgin, world arouod, . v.. ; - ; -y With fingers pressed on lips Ibat I made no sound She stood and gazed. Spread out be , ' fore her lay . .;; .' ... : . - The futureand the crowds were rolled away. f " , -. The war of kings in empires still un found, -The crash of cannon that should yet resound, ; She heard, and saw the great world rock and sway. ; . j Across the crimson sky above her head ' ; . j . There came a cry of children asking food; A wail of women forlhe nation's dead Went upward to the stars. So pale she stood; Then to some secret place in Ede i fled. And wept in presage of her mother hood. . - W. J. Henderson in the Century. A Fruitful Fivo-Lollar Bill A little money sometimes eoes a great way. As an illustration ol tnis reau the (ollowing, founded upon an . inci dent which in said to have really oc curred: . - A. owed $15 to W B. " $20 to O. C. -V S15 to 1). D. - ' S30 to K. E. SI2 50 to F. - F. SI0 to A. All ol them were seated at the same table. A. navies a $5 note, handed it to I)., remarking that it paid 5 of the $15 he owed B, B. passed the cole lo C, with the re mark that it paid $5 of the $20 which be owed him. C. pasied it to D. and paid with it $5 of the $15 h3 owed D. li. banded it to E., in part payment of the 30 owed. ' . , 1 E. cavo it to F.. to apulv on account of the $12.50 due him. J?, passed it back to A.. sayiog. ibis pays half of the amount I owe you." A. again pased it to 8. sayinp. I now only owe you $a.M u. passed it again to C. with the re mark, ''This reduces my indebtedness to yon to $10." J. again passed it to D.. redaemz his indebtedness to $5. . D. paid it over toE., saying, "I now owe yv n 5:0." ;E. handed it again to F.. saving, "This reduces my indebtedness to you to $2.50." Again F. handed the note to A., say- injr, flow 1 aon'towe you anytuing." A. passed it immediately to 15., thus cancelling the balance of his indebted ness." j B. handed it to C, reducing his in debtedness to $5. C. cancelled the balance of his debt to D.. by handing the note to him. P. paid it again to E. saying, 'I now o wo you $15.", Then E remarked to F.. "If you wiil give me $2 50 this will settlemy indebU edness to you." F. took $2 50 from, hi pocket, hand ed it to E , and returned the $5 note to his pocket, and thus the spell was broken, the single $5 note having paid 82.50, and cancelled A.'s debt to B., C.'s debt to D., E.'s debt to F.t and F's debt to A., and at the samo time having reduced B's debt to C. from $20 to $5, and D's debt to E from $30 to $15. Moral "Here a little and there a little," helps to pay off large scores. Money circulates irom hand to bund and business moves. Pay your debts in full if you can. and it you cannot pay in full, pay something. What helps one helps another, and so the round is mad e.A m erica n Merchant. Hum bold U in bis Cosmos, thought he showed up the world. Suppose he had lived to know Dr. Bnirs.. Congh Syrup. But bo didn't, alas! - Sam Joneslsius. The following extracts are irom ser mons delivered by Rev. Sam Jones, the Southern revivalist: If von sow whiskey yon reap drunk ards. A man who will swear' before his children is a brute. 'r The t rath flows from a good man like molasses from a jog. A srood man is like a city set upon a hill: von can't hide him. Some of you men have sowed enough seed to damn the world. The gambler is invariably the son or . ... J. -1 11T t - . 1 r Most of you don't care if your neigh bor troes hungry so you have enousn. Live so vour children may put their teat in vour tracks and be honorable There's a merchant in this town who tells the truth, and he's mighty lone- lome. If vou .want to know wbat your neichbors think of you, disguise your self and go among them. The man wno oon't laugn neeas a liver medicine. The moper and growl er never goes to heaven. The most beautiful sight in this world is to see a man leading bis wife and children into the gates ot heaven. Preachers know a good deal more about their flocks than they dare tell. It might endanger their salaries. "Whatsoever a man soweth he shall reap," is true, both in the Bible and almanac whether God says it or not. Your daughter may be beautiful and IoTely, but the first thing you know the devil may pack off a drunken son in law on yon. Increased Opportunities to Better One's Lot. With a constant desire to oblige its numerous pMrons everywhere, the renowned Louisiana Stato Lottery Co, has increasod its opportunities to ac quire great wealth at'. little cost by having The Extraordinary Grand Drawings of $522,500 take place Quar lerly in plate of semi-annually, as hither to to be in March, June, Sep tember, and December. The Grand Capitalis $150,000; tickets $10. or tenths $1 each. Alt information will ba given on application to M. A. Dauphin. New Orleans, La. Let every inan thus seek easily to better Ms con diiion. 7:;;.?-A.Irutsra:;OtoiT. ; Mr." Isaac C. Chapman, druggist, ew burg,- N. Y., writes ns : "I baye lor the past ten years sold several pro 33 ol DR. Will II ALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS. I can say of it what I cannot say of any other medicine. I have never neard a customer speak of it but to praise its virtnres in the high est manner I have recommended it in a great many cases of Whooping Cough, with the happiest effect?. I have used it in my own-family for many years; in fact, .always have a bottle in the medicine closet. " '" Quarterly Meetings Wilmington District, -Methodist E. Church, Sonth. First Round : Wilmington, Fifth Street. Dec. 26. 27. Carver's Creek circuit, at Wayrnaii. January 2. 3 . ; Bladen circuit, at Center. January 0.10. Cokesbuay circuit, at Cokesbury, Jan nary 1C. 17. Elizabeth, circuit, at EUzabethtown, January 23. 24. Waccamaw circuit, at Lebanon, Janu ary 21). Wbitoviile circuit, at Whiteville, Janu ary :jo, 31. Wilmington, Front Street, Ftb: 0. A. Onslow circuit, at Tabernacle. F cb. 13. 11. Ouplin circuit. 20,21. Topsail circuit, Feb. 27. 28. at Kenansvilie, F?b. at Hcrriuu's Cjiapcl, Magnolia circuit, at Maguolia, Men 6.7 Clinton circuit, at Clinton. Men 13,11 Brunswick circuit, at Sharou.Mch 20.21 F: J. CAnnAWAT. I E. The District Stewards will please meet me in Front Street Farsonage, Wilmington, on Thnraday, Feb. 1th, 1380, at 11 o'clock, a. m. P. J. C, - When Sickness ok Depelssiox comes do not buy "tonic bitters." It is bettor to die of disease than drunken ness. Buy, a bolto of "Favorite Remedy" and cleanse the system. The great multitude of human ills have tbeir foundation in impure blood. Dr. Kennedy's "Favorite llemcdy" attacks these at the fountain's head and makc5 the stream ot life pure. One dollar per bottle. All Druggists soil it. Or. David Kennedy, Proprietor, Rondoqt, N. Y. Student "How is it doctor, that I always take cold in my head?" Doc tor "It is a well-knowu principle, sir, that a cold is most likely to settle in the weakest part. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Sootheng Sntur should always bo used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child Irom pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very pleas ant to taste. It soothes the ehild, soft ens the gums, allays all pain, relieves femd, regulates the bowel3, and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes, iwenty-nve cents a bottle. jly 6 deod & wly "Maryland, My Maryland." . "Pretty Wives, . Lovely daughters and noble men." -"My farm lies in a rather low and miasmatic situation, and My wife!" "Who?"j "Was a very pretlty blonde!" Twenty years ago, became "Sallow y "Hollow jeyed" "Withered and aged!" Before her time, from "Malarial vapors, though she made no particular complaint, not being pf the grumpy kind, yet causing me great uneasiness. "A short time ago I purchased your remedy for one of the children, who had a very severe attack of biliousness, and it occured to me that the remedy might help my wife, as I found that our little girl upon recovery had "Lost!" : "Her sallowness, and looked as fresh as a new-blown-daisy. Well, this story i3 soon told. My wife, to-day has gained her old time beauty with com pound interest, and is now as handsome a matron (it l do say it myself; as can be found in this county, which is noted for pretty women. And I have only Hop Bitters to thank for it. "The dear creature jual looked over my shoulder, and says I "cau flat ter equal to the days of our courtship,' and that reminds mo there might bo morcprclly wives if my brother far mers would do as I have djone." Hoping you may long be spared to do good, I thankfully remain, C.L.James. Beltsyille, Prince George Co.. Md. May 2fith. 1883. 93T oce acnuluo without a buocj of green Hops on the white label, fehun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hopa" la (heir naxr - dec lad&w nnnte SESD FOR A SAMPLE COPY. THE STATE CHRONICLE, (Successor to the Farmer & Mechanic and ih Chronicle.) Under New Management . Newsy, Bright and Clean Up wlh the Tunes! The "State Chronicle wUl be what Its name Implies-a State paper. Jt Is hot the Rxizian "Chror icle," and will not be loeal or sectional. It will aim to keep up with tho current news from Murphy to Manteo, or as the ptlMcUas put It from Cherokee to Curri tuck. It wiU be the organ of no man. no ricg, no section, no party. It will be Democratic In politics, but wilt not heeltato to crltlciz Dem ocratic measures and .Democratic officers. Terms of -ubscr1ption One Tear, $3; Six Mcnfs, SI ; Three Months, 50c. For a gamine copy adarcss, THE bT ATE CHRONICLE, ret 1 ,- RaJclan. N. C. WANTED Ladles and Gentlemen to work forna at their owa hose; no canrass Ing; $' to $0 weekly ; work cent by- mall any distance; we cave good demand for our wora an.t tarnish etsady employment. Address at once RELIABLE M'F'G CO., Philadelphia, Pa., Box 1593. decdwim Tho Courts Under tha IIow Ar- I FIRST DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPHERD, j - Currituck September 7, one week. - arauen-sepiemDer 14 one week. ; ; Pasquotank September 21, one WAnW r - - . . ' a '". Wv6V' ,: t- vt iSf f, -"r- Perquimans September ; 28, 1 one week. i. ,Xi.- ; . . Chowan October 5, one week.' r Gates Otober 12. one week. ; , Hertford October 19, 1 one week ; December 21; one week., . . : . t Washington October 26, one week ; December 14, one week. ! - i Tyrrell November 2. one week. Dare November 9. one week. ; r Hyde November 16. one week. - - Pamlico November 23, one week, v Beaufort November 30; two weeks. , SECOND DISTRICT-'-JUDGE PHILLIPS. Warren September 21, two weeks. Northampton October 5, two weeks. Edgecombe October 19, two weeks. Bertie November .2, two .weeks. HalifaxiNovem ber 16, two week. Craven November 30, two weeks. THIRD DISTRICT JUDGE . Franklin August 17, on8 week ; No vember 16, one week. Martin Seplembor 7, two weeks; Decern ber 7, (two weeks ; for civil cauees and iail cases only. 'Pitt September 21, two weeks' , 'Grcsne October 3, two weeks.- J ; -Vance October 10, two wecki. -Wilson Novembers, two weeks; Nash November 23, two week. FOURTH DISIIllCT FALLTEKSI ' The fall courts of the" fourth district, composed f Wake, Hnruelt, Johnston and Wayne, will beheld as lollows un der the now act: : Wake Jnly 13, to hold; two weeks; criminal causes only. August 31, to hold two weeks; civil causes only. Sep tember 28. two weeks j criminal. Octa-r ber 26, three weeks; civil causes only. Wayne July 27; two weoks; civil and criminal. September 14. two weeks ; civil aauses. October 19, one week ; civil causes only. Harnett August 10, one weeks; civil and criminal. .'U z-t Johnston Au3iiust 17, two weeks ; civil and criminal. ' . FIFTH DIKTRICT JUDGE GILMBR. , .OraDge August 10, ono week ; No vember 9. one week. ; ; . r r Cas well August 17, one week; No vember 16. one week.- r Person August 24, bna week; No. vember 23, one week. ; Guilford August 3i. two weeks ;De cembcr 14, two weeks. Granville September 14, two weeks; November 30, two weeks. Alamance September 28, one week. Chatham October 5, two weeks. Durham October 19, two weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCKOT. Jones August 17, one week; No vember, one week. Lenoir August 24, two weeks ; No vember 16, two weeks, Duplin September 7, one week ; No vember 30, two weeks. Pender September 14, one week. New Hanovei September 28, two weeks, for civil causes. . Sampson October 12, two weeks ; December 14. one week. Carteret October 26, one week. Onslow; -November 9, one week SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDQE MCRAE. Cumberland Jnly 27. one week ; No vember Qi one w$ek, for criminal causes only ; November 16, two weeks, for civil causes ; Columbus August 3. one weak. Moore August 17, two weeks; De cember 7. two weeks, j Robeson August 31, two weeks ; Oc tober 12, two weeks. Anson September 14, one week, for criminal causes; November 20, one week, ior civil canses. Brunswick September 21, one week. Richmond September 28, two weeks; December 21, one week. Bladen October 26, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE - Iredell August 10, two weeks No vember 9, two weeks. Rowan August 24. two weeks; No vember 23, two weeks. Davidson September 7, two weeks; December 7, one week. Randolph September 21, two weeks. Montgomery October 5 two weeks. - Stanley November 19, two weeks. Cabarrus November 9, one week; for criminal cases and no jury civil cases NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Rockingham July 27, two weeks; November 9; one week. Stokes August 10, two weekar No vember 16, ono week. Surry August' 24, two weeks: No vember 23, one week. Alleghany September 74 one week. Wilkes September 14. two weeks, Yadkin September 28, two weeks. Davie October 12, two weeks. Forsyth October 20, two weeks. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE f AVERT. Henderson July 20, thrte weeks. Burke August 10. two weeks. Ashe August 24, one week. -Watauga August 31, ono week. Caldwell September 7, ono week. Mitchell September 14, two weeks. Yancey September 28, two weeks. McDowell October 12 two weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHIPP. Alexander J uly 27, ono week. Catawba August 3, one week. Cleveland August 10, two weeks ; October 20, one week, ' Mecklenburg August 31, three weeks, civil cases only. Union September 21. two weeks, Lincoln October 5, ono week. Gaston October 12 two weeks. Rutherford-VNovcmbcr 2, two weeks. Polk Noyoni ber 16, one week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE OUDGER. Madison August 3, two weeks; No- vemoer i j, two weeks, civil causes Buncombe August 16, three weeks; December 7. two weeks. Transylvania September ,7, .one week. " ' - ' Haywood: September 14, two weeks Jackson September 28, one week. Macon October 5, ono week. Olay -October 12. one week. Cherokee October 19, two week, Graham November 2, one week. , Swain November 9. two weeks. J. II. JONES, JjlVEBY, SALE, BOARDING 1 ; - ' "AND EXCHAKGE STABLES. Ho tea. Mules. Eupar cs and Carrlvges Ior sale or hire, strict attention paid to boardios horses. . - People comlnx to the city with teams to buy Christmas Goods can fiod gcod etalJs and food for their loraes. - - - No SI? Frit :css, bet. 3rd and 4th ets. . ! delS ' WUmluton, N.C. .1 ' GT The following anomlons repre?en wholesale pxiees generally. : In nsaking ui small orders higher prlcea haTe to be charged BAtKilNG SUndird..........,... '1 ......... ...... Mk !b.......-........ 9 I Hams. V ft 1 f2 - Shoulders, V ft I S & SMes, Vfi..'..............W 1 10 Vf ESTERN SMOKED . ' 8hles, V la. r a Shouiders-... ........ . ..... : " S li 00 col D2Y-SALTED ' , . .- -Sides, lb. ...... ....... ...... : 4 Shoulders, ft.... 5 O 03 BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, - Second Hand, each.......... J HO Ol T- . New New York, each.... 1 75 a IS New Clty-each....... ........ .-' O 1 65 BEESWAX, V Jfe.i. 2 00 ; BRICKS, f M - SCO 9 00; BOTTKli W - - North Carolina.. Northern. ........ CANDLES. - - sperm..........;, Tailnw., 25 o 13 m 13 O AdAmaintlso.' li IS lb 12 Northern Factory 12 9 Dairy, Cream.... 14 O Bute ........ in i COFFEE, f ft Java 17 n 2h , Laguyra... ........... ........ 12 a 13 ''Rio....:...... 9" 0- 'Vik CORN MEAL, y bus., In sacks 75 f .8 COTTON TIES, f bundle... 1 Si. i 1 4f DOMESTICS. 8heeUnc,44, V yd.... Crt - Tarss, y bunch.-...... ...... 55 . o KCWS, y dozen........ H O 15 : HackcreCNo. 1, V blK.....:i ofl-t 'mm Mackerel, No. l, V haU bbl.r 8 so ow to Mackerel, No. 2, T bbl a 00 OI0T0 Mackerel, No. 2, r balf bbl.. 5 GO 6 po : Mackerel. No. 3, bbl 5l ,A(l(D Hullete.Vbbl i., 4 00 n MuUots. J'ork bbls 7 00 ft 8 K N. C. Roo Herring, V keg.... 3 00 i 00 Dry Cod, ft.. ,5 O 9 TBRTIL1ZERS, V 2,000 fibs Peruvian Goano, No. 1 70 CO ffloo w . NO. 2 .'.36 00 mi OQ ' " IobOS.... ..00 tO O-M 00 Bauch'a PhoBpiute.........oo oo 09W no Carolina Fcnallzer..-. .45 00 ffiti oo J round Bone.. ........00 oo O10 00 Bowb Meal...., .......GO 00 O15 00 Bono Flour. oo 00 57 ot Navassa (Juano.... ......$n oo cc Complete Manarei ..00 00 Ofrt PC whann's Phosphate. .... . . . . .00 00 wq cc - Wsndo Phosphate...... 00 00 7C (H, Bcrjrrr A Bntz's Phoephatc.-OO 00 mi w Excel ten Cotton Ferttttzor.es 00 ft-W On French's Carbonate of Llme... 1 x) ft 7 Ms IVench'a Agcricnltural Llmo.... 8 5C o 9 0 fXOUB, V lbl Ftaer. .............. o oo n$ i do Northem Super.. 3 75 n 4 co " . Extra. 4 1 a & 25 " - FamUy B CO O 7 00 CHy Ml Ha Extra 00 it 6 5 . " Family........... fi 75 a 6 00 Extra Family.... v 0 ro ULUE V 1h . o m 11 00 75 72 Q RAIN, V bushel Corn, from store, bace.iMt. 75 a Corn, cargo, In bulk, white. 74 O Corn, cargo. In bajpa. white.. 72 O Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags. i 70 O OaUfrom store -.a n Swx'eas.. ....... ............ Es.rio- "Green w... , Dry BAY, V 100 fito Eastern.. ..I...,.....; 5 II a 15 H 120 0120, 1 15 O 1 25 li a ss . 2 a z North Tltra-r hoop pron, JNorthern...................... sua North CArnlin. nrm--' LIME, it barrel. l tfl s 10 LUMBER. City 6awed. V M ft. Ship Stuff, reaawed..... 18 00 020 RouhEclse PUnk... 18 00 016 Westlndla Oargoes.accordlns qpaWty- 13 Co i4 pressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 BCantlincr ttnr Rnn rnnn VI .1 . MOLASSES, v gallon- new urop Cuba, in fehda..... 26 O " " la bbls...... 2j a Porto Rico, la hada 23 a in bbls... -i0 a Sueax House, in hhas..M IS a in bbls 2) Svrut). In bbla... . n M S3 AjtL.'r Kesr.Gut.10d ba&ia.. 2 to a OILS, gallon iterosene.. - n o Ifrd.,.,.... 10 a Linseed...... go a Rosin 90 n Tar........ 00 a XterJr Knd Snar nn POULTRY Chlcreiu, live, grown ... 21 a " Spring...... 20 a Turkeys... 75 o PEANUTS y bushel. 1 00 O MAIM A mAiain mmm m . . 35 25! ; Sweet......... (0 0 ' Irish, Vbbl.... ............... 1 75 PORK, V barrel City Mess..... is 00 Prune . 12 00 Rump .v.. ...it 00 RICE Carolina, V ft....;..... 5 Rough, V bushei....... 95 a 2 25 BAU3, y ft country City. ROPE, V ft...... SALT, V sack, Alum Liverpool..... , Lisbon American.... ......... ........ 8UQA2MT ft Cuba... Porto Rico A Coffee............ ......... c" rrr"v.rrr." "."" XX C crushed 11 6U SOAP. W ttvNnrthM-n BHTNuLES, 7 In. VM. . Common.... i: 10 00 au 00 V 2 60 O 3 DC .CrnresaSaTki oy its a vypreea aearts... o co 0 7 50 8T4.VE3. y MW. O. Barrel.-12 00 018 00 - fO. Hogshejad ...00 00 010 00 TALLOW, ft.. ....... 4 0 & TIMBER, y M Xcet Shlpplng.12 00 014 00 ITneMRI.. u 29 . 00 MUl Prime.... 7 50 0 8 50 ktlll Fair........ 8 000 U 50 Common. M1U ..,.6 00 0'Ooc ' Inferior to Ordinary 0 00 0 4 00 VfHlSKEY, r gal Northern.. 1 00 0 400 North Carolina.... 1 CO O . 'A WOOL, ft Washed......... 13l0 2w Unwished... 15 0 20 Burrr. ...... .............. ic o 15 Harper's Young People, ; 1 . AN rLLURATEDWEEKLY. 1 he position of HAitrK'i Youxa Ptorn; as the leading weekly periodical for young readers la well established. Tte publishers spate no pains to provide the iCt and most attractive reading and illustratloar. Tho sef rial and short stories have strong dramatic In! tcrest, while they are wholly free from what is pernicious or vulgarly sensational ;the papers on natural history and science, travel, and the facts of life, are by writers whose names give the best assurance of accuracy and Tabic. Illustrated papers -on athletic sports, games,' and pastimes aire full Information on these subjects. There is nothing cheap about It but Its price. WHOLESALE PRIUE3. a 0 00 003 00 00 00 2 cv 00 0 75 75 0 t5 DO 0 00 00 0 75 00 0 00 00 0 PC 00 0 61 00 0 evj 0 100 5 0 An epitome of every Ihlrg that Is attractive and desirable In iuveollo liters lure. Boston Courier. A 'weekly least of good things to the boys and alria In every family wnl h it visits Brooklyn Union. it Is wonderful In Its wealth of picture In formation, and Interest. Christian Advocate. N. Y, . ,; ;.' ; TERMS: rpstagc Prepaid, f2,00 Per tear, . Vol. Vll, commences November J, IStTi. sisau Nuxbzss, FlveCenta aach. Remittances should be made by Pcst-Onlcs Money Order ox Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Habfxis d BXOTHXSS. - Address - v ,. , HARPER BROTHERS, nov2i New York. MISCELL ANEOUS. - - , i rt -i ti 1 TJorihle nTin SlIlfflB llBilTGi J a- u uuxu ttixu. vjkUQLM u Breech and Muzzle 1 Loading VLr LLJ Jl LJ 1 Wo have a large and fine stock at prices - lower than ever before 'offered. i See our line of useful, as well ornamest- ,';";;:al Presents.;;- , Cooking & Heating Stoves, Sash; - Paints, Glass, nd full line of - - . Oar low prices will surprise you. We nake 'pleasure in showing our goods. . sobrsjlldira Depot. lO So. Front St. C h r f st m as C o o d s Our Own Importation ! ' ; c 1 JAMAICA RUM, - . . X. E. RUM, ' ' SCOTCH WHISKEYS, HOLLAND AND OLD TOM GIN,- r FRENCiniR ANDYS, la.bulk and bottk$. AU brands ol CHAMPAGNE, ; 1 Tort. Sherry, Scuppcrnong and Calif WINES, In various kinds and. qualUIo, all at very low prices. DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Finest assortment lu the State, '. Al?o, a full line of Imported and Domestic CIGAR S. ' . .Come and see us. L. SIMON & CO. dec 14 - - Special Offer. I AM OFFERING NOW GREAT BAR: gales in a complete line ot Carpets,- Rugs and Oil Cloths, Blankets and Comforts. Also, I offer special Inducements In dotnlnfi -and Gentlemen's Furnishing. Goods. Mv Wholesale stock of Boots andeshoes. Hats and Caps, Shirts, Notions and Domestics is com plete. Prices quoted with pleasure. SOL. BEAR, dec 5lm. 20 Market Street ; WhenXTou Riae. 3 QALL ON, WRITE OR TELEPHONE TO us and yeu will get good horses and sound -vehicles and careful drivers. We try to please -always. . . ., . :- Horses boarded by'thc day, week or month. We respectfully solicit the attention or the . public to our facilities. - ' ' - R. c. orbellK - r Livery and Sale Stables, Corner Fourth and Mulberry Sts. ansl2 First National Bank of Wil - mington. CAPITAL STOCK. $250,00 SURPLUS FUND..MMMMM..MMMM 68,0 Deposits received and collections: xaadt all accessible points In the United SUtwi J DIRECTORS ; E. E. BURBUSS, xJ.-g, WORTH A. MARTIN, JAB. 8Pr.L?: GEORGB CHAD BOURN. ' OFFICERSl. A, E. BURROSS.... A. K. WAT.TTB-TT , P123 - Pree!dat Caahlo A W Cathla Ther Landmark, ' JJUBLISHED AT STATK3Y1IXE, Iredell county, N. C.U the leading newspaper In Western North Carolina. . Jt Is the only Democratic Taper published In Iredell county one ol the largest and wealthiest counties In the State and has at tained a larger IrwvO rtrmlatfnn f,.r. O - ....-.......v. ..ifM PUT IJJt its trruiati on in Allechany. Yadkin. er man luai or inv ttrn nnn t o... combined ; and la rapidly acquiring a strong foothold la Forsythc, Surry, Rowan and west ern Mecklenburg. It is the only paper in Western North Caro Una that employs RegularCanvasslag A sent and thus kept constantly before tho people. Under this system a rapHly tacrcasins clreu latioc is tko remit, making the Landmark ?J5l4 W,l,D)? inciiam h Western North Carolina. Address ; . LANDMARK. StatcavlUcf. C. Steamer Itlvcr queen. QAPT A; H. WORTH, vl1 issaa leave WUmlDgton every lioa-J ) dayandThvLtbday at 12 o'clock. Leave Fav ctivsvredn?8'Jay and SatqrJsi t txynu H arawai puuuwiro in me couniv. - Alexander.-WUkcs, Ashe, Davie and Iredell, fa . 5

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