'V - ' I . ; -y-;:-' .-:v . -- : . , .v;,v t r ' : V.. 4 MISCELLANEOUS. FEARFULLY COMMON. KIDNEY COMPLAINT AMONG CQTH SEXES AND AGES. A BRILLIANT RECOVERY. . - here la & metfclng i-ls-l very etartling In ttc rjpit Increase or Kidr.cv dsca33 amoni the Anie lean iople wp.fcln a few years past. Jany caie i?cular to fertsia cla'ft-s tend to produce an i 7gr.4vaic ibc.c tr.ub'e a3. for example, careless living, overwoik pd exposure Pr. Dav'.d Kenedy, of. t-endout, V. V.. 1 o"ten-conratnUtc d ou the exception al ?u of hL roed.clnc cuile'J Favorite lipmcdj" In arret-tin rl radically curing these tiost paiafnl mh! danscon disorders Piof-! trds Ut- t e fo I vrtrlag. r cm stanily liro;litto his htt-T.tlin. ami arc pub lishvrt by htTO r Hie take the thousands of other tuiirers whom htMle-ir.s to rc.ch and becctit The leuar. :herwrT3 nuy.be of vital Juporttno t' you or to fomc odc whom you kno-. t 1 fwm one t he best known and -topula 'ruvgla'f-1 the flm and.gro irg city lom whlrh ln rt'-ani d iuUt!cs a where tho-c may find Mr riwfo' at hi place of business ou the corner of Ma'n and Union street3 . Si-risok Et?, Mass , March 22, 1SS4. iir. nnrnl Kennedv. Handout. X. Y.: Okar Hk-r or ten ear i nau us. n ainxv d will Ridne-' I eircin its rnort acute lorzn. What iMiffercd T-ust ba 'ert to the Imagina tion tor u one en ar-preclitc it exc3d wh-5 hvc erne ;hrough it. I iVHcrtt-u to many VhyVclans an i l many different kinds of irojitnient, and spent a jrreat dcl of nicn37, only t find myself oidor'anci o7v:eihiii ever. I may ay iht I vsod -" liotl'c of a picpera tlonwldblv advcrti-Kd a.- a spcclllc lor Ida precise aoit t f trouble, and foind it entirely ulc at Icat In my cac Your 'r VOUfTh K13IBDT"-I bay It wuh a petL:ct recollection of all that was doe Mgir r-ftgoO'-i ;aufi irpvolffoiTThaL it gave me permanent, re lef. htvo roum merded KAVOHITE UKi.PTi" Jo many The Daily Review JOSH. T. JAMES. Editor & Prep WILMINGTON N. C. SATURDAY. JANUARY 23. 'cG. .r.iet c'i i ihc PcstofUce at Wilmington.?. U.. &crcd-cu3 rRattex. paople for Kidney filsat-e. ar d thiy alleKree with mt in tattD Vh-it Ditr bAVlo KENNE DYM IfAVOllLTrfi HUcGftll'TION has not it eiai, la the wble world for "this distressing sndofi.en fttal comprint. Use tMs letter as you deem I e3t cr the be nefit of other. Yours Xe , L1MAN CU-VWlT01il.- Wc have unly t add to h's strong and con vincicg communication tVjt we hope othera ho suffer fro" M- f?aTfnlIv common ma a dv will not luesltatc to try "S aVOKII K KK.M DY" because ether treatments have dlsap pointed them It will he)p you if anything can. To le had of alldiu?al3ts, or ot the pr-tn i tlT, 1i: DA.VID Kennedy, Kondout, N. Y. dec nrm d&w X1 A V VT?T VI Ita Causks and Ci ke, IJiliX XI JUOO i,y one who was da: tvent ci?ht years. Treated by most ofthorotcd storlaJlsts of the day with n j bencflt. Cured himself In three n-onths, and since then hundred of other3 by t.imc proccsH. A nlsin, simide acd 3ucceshf ul home ireatmcnt Addrcsa T. s. l'UK. 12S Fast 2';Ui et . New YorU City. de3 23 4wd&v Thu territory which England is said lo intend ceding l the Chinese Govern ment on the "frontier of Upper Burmah eonsi3l of a wide stretchy of upland forming an irrea'ar triangle, the aDtx ot wh:ch is the spot where the Irra waddy rises on ihe confines of Thibtt Thi3 district (which China has long civeted) is rounded on the east by the important Chinese Province of Yun nan, and on tho west by Assam, the great tea-growing region ol British India, which formed part of Burmah till wrested from her bs England in the earliest of her three Burmese wars. The vast accumulation of earth washed down from the slopes of the Thibetan Mountains by the Upper Irrawaddy which traverses the ceded t territory from north to south is slowly trans- i "Rime-' siTf n ii n sin n ta m rm n WTwn I sat cure I do not moan merely to mod tliein for a t inne and tlien have ttacm return agair " inenn a radic&i cure. I liac nind the disease -f S, Ki'I LKPS V or FAIXLNG SICKX53 a lif iouj study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cwv, . Because others bare failed 13 no reason for not no- M vuip cure. Send at once for a treatise andn ) "n-e tti of my infallible remedy. Give Kxpress anFortOfliec. It costs you nothinpr for a trial, and I Mill cure u. Address Da. IL O. ROOT. liTl 1'oarl St.. " -r lr. dec 23 d5.W W -rT" PEIllfliML PILLS "CHSCHCSTER'S ENGLISH." Ti:o Orisiri3 nntJ Only CJrnnlne. Fafe td alwa.f it' Iia' I'trpr- T TirtHlei ImltatUri. in4iT;ajab!c" !- LADIES. ;..ur l)rpg1t for t'h'leheiter" KiirU-'i "au l t.iit- dj other, or inclose 4f. Xzmv t f"T Hriicii!:irx i:i l lt.-r t-r rvturii mall. NAME PAPER, fhlcherter Chemjcnl Co.. tiold br rmsffi.i evrn Irre. A-i Hir "Chlraea. tcr'a EnBlih" f-iin rsjal I'llln. Take no .ibir nov 30 d&w lv s CD 1'nji'Htj.imiy remedy that datvs to seal triil bottles Highly endorsed by the meitlcal profeselcu and prepar fl bv well knunn Aew York phyticians irer.d stamps for circulars and rcfersnepa Address ""SLVD UKMEDY " , o . , .0 2 'rc3t Mih at- York. dec 2S -Iwd&w N ewtpaper Advertising. plaieiu, etiiinenlly lilted for the peculiar style of agriculture in which the Chinese proverbially'excel, while the British steamers, which are already running monthly up the river from Kaogooj; as far as Bhamo, will turimh the new .masters of the country with all necces Wry facilities of transport.. The women suffragists are makiDg extensive preparations Tor a grand rally at the annual meeting of their associa tion, to be he'.d in Washington City next month. The venerable Miss Su" san B. Anthony, who may properly he designated as the high priestess ot the order, is already on the ground map ping out the liao of campaign. It is claimed by the members of 'he .nsocia lion that their cause is steadily aiuing ground.nd they express BtroDg- hopes that'thc extension of the sultrago to women is only a iueslion ot time. They alleges that J at every sessKn of C.ngres3 tberp isi an increase in the number oT-member.- of both houses who lavor woman suffrage. The fid that the Senate has tor some years had a committee on woman sut" tra go seems to give the ui much com tort, and they evidently are not aware that the committee was only formed for the purpose of giving a chairman ship to some, Senator, with its accocn panimenlsofa committee room and a cieik. It will unquestionably bo some lime to come before woman suf frage is an accomplish fact, and the op'.uion very recently expressed by a t:ou when it is fairly establisned that a produce the best batter the corri should be planted in hills from tour to six inches apart and then careiun? cuiuva ted. In this way we raised 27i totatb the acre last j car and hope to raise w tons next year. Tee total cost per ton of plough in planiing. cutting and put ting in silos wis77 cents per ton. The corn f hould be cut whon it is beginning to g'aze and the weather is dry. Alter boiod put m the silns it shoald be carufuiiy trampled down. e?pccially around the edges, and then. sau!d be .weighted so as to exclude the air. I uso 2-20 pounds wfiirht to the square inch. My ensilage is- cut tbrce-ebhts of inch in ier-gth. ' Mr. Edward Atkinson was then cafl ed upon. He said: r My experience in silos is limited.- Whpn riiw Attpntion was drawn to the subject some five orsix years ago I built two small silos ot ten tons caoac ity, on the ensilage ot which I keep or? two family cows Since building these silo3 I have studied the subject as an economist and statistician. I hayecon clnded that if I were not an underwriter by profession I would establish' a beef factory in the East and feed the cattle on ensilage The general opinion of the Congress was that ensilage in its various forms' is better than any other kind of todder for cattle. A gentleman from Pennsjj- -..M-TO-nnn nt,-rau U?ri". ClOVeO'ETl- silage advantageously in feeding horses, and that it had a fine fruity flavor. lie packed it in the silos dry. A -gentleman frohi New CjtrJaan, Conn., said that he had been unable to make good ensilage from cloyer. but that h had packed it wet. Other farmers said that they were breeding sheep ou clover ensilage with good results. MISCELLANEOUS Dr. Bull's Cough Sjrup-the work inp- tnan fripnd. You. who havo to bo out in all sorts ot weather and can afford to lav bv. cannot afford U be without Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup. Consumption fallows in the wake of a neglected cold. JTrc&frotOpintesf EmeiUs una A?oison. SAFE. gPtQ SURE. zJiS.' AT DKCGGIST3 ASO DKAt.KR'?. THE CHARLES A. YOUELEH CO., IU LT1BOKE, HD., nov 2 eod tcrin Oysters and Poultry, HUMPHREY at the STAND near the Frprt v-. ooot Ma-rket kcp?i con-tantlv on m vww . --. .... r ... . .-.- rr- V. 1 . 1 hand the llncat Aft w ttivii "licn nuu also a f ull eupplv ol DKESSSD POUhTitT. M3 fend in your order early for what you want for Christmas so that t hex e will be nq di appointment. tiecil MISCELLANEOUS : Hi 8i: "it? "it? JOB OFPIG E to "it? Wilmington 5 Columbia & Augusta R. B. Co. mtji CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TKAJNS GOING ?OUTH MAKKET STP.EET, NO. 112, (Ul TAKiS) HOC JOWLS ! -FOR- 1886. New Tear, 1886. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD BE SUPPLIED Good Luck ! Good Luck I -o- majority of the women of the country desire.it, is very generally concurred in. JAKUAHY JOKES. l'eoplo we must put up with Pawn brokers. A fine art Presiding over a police court Hatchet. A detective Mory 'We've caugh1 the culprit "Judyc. The Fiuart business man hke the woodman make :oud use i f h s "sd.1 (Jcrmanloivii Independent. The clerk who works for the mer chant who will net advertise, kn;ws the U.rtures of eolitary confinement. Waterloo Observer: The cigar that is called imported is about as appropriately named as the hired girl we cli domestic Yonkers Stateman. ' "A genuine patriot," said an orator recently, "must at all times be ready to die for bis country, even though it should cost him his life!" (Thunder ing applause.) "Petroleum has declined twenty-one cents." says fen exchange. But betore you praise petroleum tor its nonesiy, DAU?HV & CO.. 27 Park Pl3c?au'i 2l."ti Murray St , Kcw York Mate l wc!t rttcs on all rewspar-ers in the U f.BHili,jnaai J1S-TKL16IIED 107. ?? those whoac purpose iray be accom pdhed by a short ad ct sement.or by a Iran stent advtrtlsement, aTd to whom prompt In sertlon ii important, wc rcrommcnd cur Populur Local Lists: i.i ju twiy anu weekly newspaper, divided aiu sccuoiiS- All home-print pat-crs no co-operatives Jn eluded. dects 4rdJfcv :7.ENr' - - - . ,...- i . . - .. vi,- -,;s;,,......j ....... ;. , ,.Vlf .:.-.I tfifl'l'K. lai'ilDYt'.BtllAS ..-.f- rfvjnvt :rr rk-re visli -:t.:i- -"--"J--n' Mictr!-, tuinr,?. or ..i.i3 r: .VC3 Ten CCCnSlXfrin cz,im.w.n in . HryT wr. teunded on T?f5 ZA. iilrtC- ii ft'.! -A a M-m r'i , . U At SDlr-A f:iK:k v - nf the hu- l iitfinsn cv-::v.t: is rrto.-eJ. - ?TlT.e r.?.:.r.3ii- eltmcr.is M iLZ. C I to, vhi.h have been " T "... V- yLJf---' (.-.rcn Iack.and - 23V-i wi.-nr.it a,:UtcsuaIV Kir. SJrj T3 DEMISTS ltW 1 It is becoming more and more evi dent every day that civil service re form os at present applied, is a huui bug There have been three appoint ments recently to the office ot Assist ant Treasurer of the United States at New York, and each of the gentlemen named by the President has declined. The case is very forcibly put by the Albany Times, when it says: It ma be well to recall that when Mr. Acton, the late incumbent of the place, entered upon the dutina ho had full and unirarumeHed power to nameimej aw ms subordinates the men who kont Co nis accounts, ne Ul the fcovs of ho Treasury vaults, and handled the im mense piles of cold and lilvr;r. TTnnn the fidelity ot these employes depended his own safety. It seems immnbahlA al . . . r mat mere can nave been any safeguard against peculation in larce sums at rtquent intervals ou the Dart of the orce in the Sub Treasury, extent thf. . --- r- - - - wmcn comes irom tried and sterlinff """'j- j-ci, 11 luv uo'ii oeryice act is to apply in the case ot these em pIoyfc3, as presumably it does, as in the Treasury Department, neither Mr. Bigelow. Mr. Roosevelt nor Mr. Kus sell could havo had such unrestricted choice as they must have deemed neces sary fof their own protection and for their peace of mind. They could have nau no resource better than a retention of ihe old lorce upon another's estimate of their charncter. or except new em ployees upon the recommendation of a hitt school Commission, which could itfcoif hardly know the routine duties otf the continuous responsibilities of the pipcc. It may be that this restriction isjat the bottom of the declinations, and if jso, who can blame the gentlemen ko declining? Moreover, can them ho if i i- - . . in. V.1" . c6iucu as rooo." ifi-Vhe neauing in anexchsngo. That is the XJLT Q r Knn nn nkA.Jl I i . j uenuauuuia ua regarueu. Any one who wouid regard beans as a beverage would bo away cff. V. Y Graphic. An ancient ord maiden in Cologne, Y ished to give her pet poodle a bogne ; The condition of her cupboard Equaled that of Mme. Hnhh-.nl Consequently the pcor dog bad nogne. Palmer Journal. ' T?u 'car tmnS" soe said i gushing ly ; how handsome your bonnet doe3 Iook. I'm sure it look as well as it did last winter." Onlv a woman nnhi OQv thipgs like this and say them so easy. Jlockland (Me ) Cmirier. A FULL SUPPLY ON HAND AT 5 CENTS Per Lb. Dealer3 enppl'ed at LESS RATES. Call and cx :mice. A FEW MORE OB" THOSE Sweet Oranges ON HAND AT $15 PER i03. J3 Would be pleased to receive ciders. Jno. L. Boatwright. dec 31 15 & 1" So. Front Street RALEIGH REGISTER. B? P. M. MLK; Printer-! . the Siate. Subscribe to jour HoniPaFerand psy for and then remit $2 to pay for your State Democratic Paper, t T?4TT-rnTT TtT-jOTSTEK. Each new sub WEBSTER'S PBACTJC 5 L DICTION A KY, which until August 1, 183 V la offered, as a Premium. Sample copies of the Register mailed on application. Address. , RALEIGH Js"ErsTrK. yW -alei?h, N. C. IU COMPLEX IN EVERF RESPEC7, AND WE ARE' PREPARED TO DO ALL HANNEp OF - IatedNov.l5.N:.4S,N L.Waccamaw .jg 7. 8. 6 am TRAINS GOINf KORTH. -" Ko. i No.l3, Ko.47. Daily! - . Dally. l-lr- GX- hat- Leave Columbia "ggP Arrive Sumtrr.... ; 1 7 Si ?m 10 (5 pm Leave Florence. . . 4.30 pm g 0 pm j t vlS S.S0 pm 8 21 am 1 50 am i m m 1 iffliiiifi. VHEN YOU WANT PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, CARDS, LET-TER-IIEADS, BILLHEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS, PAMPHLET PRINTING, TAGS, LAND DEEDS, ' MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER IFFS' DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS, JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CIIAT- TEL MORTGAGES, &C, GALLON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS. Address REV S ew YorS EW JOB OFFICE, WILMINGTON. N. C. Steamship Co. iim, FROM PIES U, EAST RIVER, NEW YORE At 3 O'clock, P. M. BENEFACTOR.. Saturday, Jan 2 RKfiT7LATGTt...: ... .Saturday, Jan $ BENEFACTOR... .....Saturday,. Jan 16 . . . F a-ruru ay J a n 23 the S. Pullman Sleeier8 for Augnata on this trpuiimaa Sleepers for Savs'nah on Trato 4S. . All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. - J0IIN F. piviS. . General Superintendent .1. R. KENLY, S up' t Tr anepoi tatlon. . T. tl. KfilKKfjjN,texioral Ptsaenjcer Asent nov 17 -, 1 ' f: WiIminf?ton & Weldos 1 " .. Ballrdad Company. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING 6JUTH. f 42, Dated Nov 15. fi5. No. 13, No. 40 Dally 1 Dally. Dally ex.Mon. Leave VVeiaon Alapm 5 S3 pm 12 15 aiu A r- Rocky Mount. 3 S3 pm . 1 20 am Arrive larboro...! 4 55pm Leave Tarboro. . . . j 11 SO pm Leave Wilson. ivia. 4 t'5 pm C.S4 pm 1 53am An ive GoldBb'ord; '4.r4 pro 7.33 pm 2 40 am Leave Waraawvi-. ;:5 f 4 pro ......... Leave Burjraw. 1 - 7 00 pm ......... 4.40 am Ar Wilmington... ;r7 50pm 9 55pm figOatn TRAim(it);jfG 2?ORTU. . " " :' ' ! No. 45. 1 -. "No. 47, No. 41, DaUy, J , DaUy. Dally, ex. Sun. Leave Wilmln$nNS 45 am 8 50 pm 2 10 am Leave Bnrg&wV-sr- $9 30 am 9 50 pm 2 57 am Leave W raw5.41Jo?G am 10.57 pm .. Arrive Goldebo'efliToS am 1 58 pm 6.07 am i-cave wrson..v. 12 25 pm 12 43 am 5.61 am Ar.RockyMcnnt.. 12f9pm 1.21 am' 8 22 am Arrive tarboro... j 4 55 prc LeavoTrboro...ll 3' io Arrive WelOon. 2 15pm( 2.45 aaj 7.30 am .TOti....... IP maybe fotm'd on filo at Geo. P. Kewspaper Advertising Bureau ( 10 SDruce- Bt.1 contracts may bo irejj g made for it in laSass m OT VOKK RERALD. 1SS0 BSNEFA REGULATOR... BEN F. FACTOR. REGULATOR... s Throuarh BiJJs L -.Fridiy, Jan ..Friday, JJn It .. Friday, Jan 2'2 ..Fkiday, Jan 2' adlng gnd Lowest 1 rrr of l?f 1 1 n I I 1 1 11 m lb! "1 I nil U1a r I J 1 I 1 " T WEEKLY EDITION . Read by 175.000 Farnlli s Every Week, pendent and Universal. s Brigt t, tellable and Pure in Tore. o r- CELLEKT ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Advantages for advertising mupicipaLJ iiuncu ; aieo ior ary gooas, pub is, real estate, agricultural Jm- M:meit3 and general trade an nouncements. ISEMENTS FIFTY CTS. A TAW. Charge forEiphty Type or Cuts. In every State la tho L'nljn':bi . south America, the West In- . s, Australia, and in Europe . o cribe Now for 1886 ! 1 . w . ' ....I nVOi Ui North aoid Sod th i:a.7-I3r.a.. j- -. For Freight or Paksage apply to H. G. faJMLAUJiONKa, AUpermtciident, i - - v israinzifcn. is. c. TJIEO. G. EGER, fJcn'l Freight Agent, New 1 ork WM. P. CLYDK & CO.. Genera. Abasia, 3 p-y&adwAy, New Tor It.' jan 1 Homes in North Carolina. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave e Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. Id. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 0.30 A. M. , dally. . j . ' -j . ) Tram wo. 40iouui win atop only at wusoii. i All rail via Line. P . ' ouuay yia , ri- m . 1 - No? i-inff 5s co5r4c.ctlon for all poInU Aii l5lmondand Washlnorton. All tra.fi. rub BoUd between wPmirC.rtr.r, tioiasDoro ana Aiagnoua. iw quints north Daily. icep- crs attached. - . -v w JOHN F. DIFIFiS. r pkjtwtv c 7"eral Superintendent. Carolina Central RvT? Company; Only 20 Hours Eide from New York i - 69 Miles South ojliaieigli ,On;the Raleigh and AnguitaAlr-Lice E I!. more convincing proof ot the inutility of civil service examinations in certain "ITHPTl st"1' ,y roots postsge, and A T I h i mail you rre, a roval. AA- V-"J-- vahnble, eaiup!e box" of eootis that will ?ut yju in the way of .making more money at once, than anjtning el e In America. Both tcx a of a'l aeea can dvcat home and work In sp.rc time. Capittl net required, we will start you. Immense pay sure for those who start at once Stinsn A Co., Portland, Blaine. dec 4 tm cases; by n. VM H ALL'S BALSAM FOB THL LUNGS. In whoopioff Conh and Croup it immediateiy allays irriia- surc to prevent a fatal ol the disease. ' Sold by uon, ana is termination druffists. A FjCnjIirLontlonPIiy- tl SB? Q Osie iii Xi-w York. fi! a 1 " TA" ?r..n Ant. J ::rnil of Jit. hj "Dr. Ab. Mrsemte. who Ui5l pr3 f 5V r.:i J '-;':M ijore cavs than ijycti! Jr ;.-.:.i.t r...sioicn. lli :-!.refss has simply ten ati-:i : v.? live Ivanl of cuws of ovt-r SU rMi:-t.i!:-li!ii!T.M t y luni. ll.'uaranteacure." jug Lxt tit ndYcatiao tti.t Hcq. liivc P.O. ana lUnrej-rtaiMrt-ss t- Ur. AIL iLSEKOLE. Nj. John St., Nc York. apl Aw Meniiooii Restored Remfjt Fkek. A victim of yonthfal imprudence rKainjr Premture Decay. Nervons Debility. Lost Manhood. Ao-.harincr tried in vsin every tnov.n remedy. has discovered a siraplemeansof self-cure, wbiiti he will send FRF.K to his feUow-sufferew. Address, J.ILREKYES, 43 Chat hara Su.Ne w York. dec ?SdAwly, iiiehlth annual Ensilage Congress was teid in New York on Wednesday and the proceedings are of much inter est to our farmers. Hon. Orlando B. Potter, in openU: the Congress, said: In a sh or t time, under tho ensilage system, the fodder supply of the coun try would do Uoubied. it is a great thing for the Western cattle raiser, for grass can be kept in silos as well as corn. I am using more and more en silage on my farm every jcar, and the moie l use it the more I hke it. 1 he opening address was .read by George G. Smith, of St. -Albans, Vt. iir. bantu gaveni3 personal experience with ensilage on his two farms at St. Albans- He said: 1 have led my strck oa ensilage for the last six years and to-day they are in splendid condition. From the 70 acres o'f land that I planted with corn I obtained last year 1,200 tons of en silage, lo make ensilage that will To Keep the Blood Puke is the prin cipal end ol inventions acd discoveries in medicioe To this object probably no one has contribcted mnm icrnoiiw ".Jin ir. iaviu lvenncay. ol J. .. IU tuts whichbc-- I fii i" I kmc remrj rezui Kidnf sia. rf f who 4 I I wortB I B519 1 Iucaiij e foral 5 menu V times 1ml ta tome valu say J ? a got I cautL s oi ret i I Benei t mark wbv and Accurate Week! v. Journal ln the Unltcd-Statp.i. " TwealT-four Hours I.ntor Npwi k mr - V T J ViWIl ceh. man its contemporaries. 1 o ial Cable Despatches cuucii-iuacsay .tae. As these eci directly -with' (he Hf,3Alt icjjn news cannot le tampered rea-ning the public w H5 WEEKLY REVIEW. Is rf special feature or the Weekly Hebalt CARTOONS, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL. Prepared by DefcJrimra and olhc" artists . A PERFECT NEWSPAPER. It contains all the g neral news o f the daiH edlUon ot the Heealo. which has the largest circulation In the United Snte Jar0ct Independent in roJUics, it is the most valui blc chronicle of nolitlcal r.ovca in thn t:-M;.t Impartially giving tl e occurrences and ' pin! Ions of all partiep. fo that, nit ci.inj i known. ' T y ' THE FARM. arm Department of the Weekly Her UiJtCllcat It STCCS trt thfe-nn'Tit It give wild theories. The farmer wil lore tnan ore tlcllar a veariXrom th iiuuaui iihj im j-'cpartment alone. I Tl T "rVn Itrr? a m-4 a 1 " "at ouungijcunurai economy HOME liiSTRHfiTinM s tve prtnart'.on of nt-w nnrt i,oiotT.i fuinlehlnir, deportment. (!nprtinB. JEO the fa hions at hnmn oT,r k est Inventions in sanitary and social . special mctary compoeiilons. poetr. 1,500 ACRES OF LAND IN THE Ion leaxpicerrion. For Bale on easy terms 'la L?ai5P- 'our acre's rormiK! uauio tj per acre, in month nv. mentsotsio. Thlllanrt n.iT,. .lrJ era Pines' V a recently estabiisbed health re. X?i&f?I5?rill,n 13 specially adapted for Fruit Culture, as well as all tnt enrcats LmlT ? New n?land People have bougl ft 5mJ? Pe, tow? ?f "Sottthern Pine' Sd it Is the desire of thn nnrncD r. i ,r: .'' XT' .f?i .oc.n . and ottoers Trr,KfL"gia"an.a kiddie State Hrrr.7.r 2."Ci0' w cate nere. Mo tate in b " - - r uii i l : ( m j . i . m m mm men This is a Change of Scheduled QI AND . AFTER TUIS DATE, THK tollowtos Bchwaia win be operated on thli Railroad :- PA5SEWGEB, MAIL ANDISXPRESS TRAIN . DaUy except Sunday a. 1 Lasts Wllni.. - ' ' No. I. 5 LSiJK.ISSXV" M too V, , Attached. Car Leave Charlotte-at- . . Azrlro auLaurlaburg at....... ."1 Leave Lanrlnbur at. fniK irrive at Charlotte vt.....:.:'jJJ Ho A Leave Wil tins ton at -i.40 P. AJ. Arrive at Laurin'Vrk A. W. LeiveLanrinburff7t..':; ::;:V- f- M. Arrive at w ilmlngton at"" A ' p" onlyTnAn' St"- i,,.,, T uw fnri c iraatb.be .una is Lilt nmn rT fa.-.y warouna. wTOiae oner, ann i mitoH x or iurtner particulars write at once to nn . , ' , JHN T. PATttlUK, Lommls'r of Inimljrration. Raleigh, N. C Chronicle OiHce. Au?usta. Ga. jau 21 tf Female School. SERIAL NOVEL. ermons each wcet by eminent c!erv- "scucrai nurcn intelligence. In d- ffi i i -6ip rt3 of trade and &ANE, PRODUCE MARKETS. : nii aau numor, fAetfJil dna of well-krown per kc.v' JVTCA"'CU " 'ae dramatic "... mrpiriv iirn . n -3tnily "i-'i-u is a E DOLLAICA YKAK: dresB. NEW TOEK HEBALD. """'"ay aouaiiD Mtreetf, EXP2E33 iND FEIkQHt T.1 t ... I . , vwy except SimcRira. - 4 ' . oneiDy..... ...... 22 15 p Ko. 4 iave Shelby. " , ; . fr Arrive at ciariotto.:::::::: mo p m - TralnsNo.Iand2mav . aamlet with B. 4 Arlte to'.VArS? .1 ei?n xa- . 4 1" . t. . jr ' r i Misses Burr & James; PRINCIPALS. - Mrs. M. S. Cushing, " Aiusical Ins:rnctre6a. rp3E TWEXTY.ECOND ANNUAL SE- tln wUl commence on TUESDAY Oct fifh nstructlonas heretofore, thorough and tematlc, each child receiving individual attJn tlon. The conrse r.f ino.r,,ftMiY.,,i V "en- ine in nil." fcatl, :,vi . aint- Cravon Drawing tbt at S".- on account of the unfinished statenf Vl Church, and thV TOOOn ",,Blato 5 tbe School Hcuse :la SolCTThfrS? Comply, on Dock Tt: i,aaa streew. Entrance in the rear nf t ?f ,f at the East Bide. rJr paru"u?i pSXf L-C. JOJJES . For Christmas. JUST OPENED 'no DOZEN LADIES', Gent's and Children's Hdk.f8,. eracmg Lai dies Colored Borders, Hem S titched, Embwl ered and clear Linen Ifdk'"fML r the finest. u" 8 from 5c each to Children's Colored finVj?; rf C ente. Handker. hiefB a J?order antJ Hem SUtched cht"7 8tcck a3sted Jewelry, very ew 10 UUy 3P Warfcef Street. "7; . Z i i