P MISCELLANEOUS FORCOUCHS,C?ROUPAND CONSUMPTION USE TAYLOR'S Oherokee Remedy OF SWEET SUM AND MULLEIN. The Bwectpum, as ffathercd from a tree of the same name, growing alonst the small streams in the Southern States, contains a stimulating ex pectorant principle that loosens the phloem pro ucini; the early moriii2conli. and stimulates tfievhild to throw oSTthpfalie membrane in croup and whoopine-couah. When combined with the heultntr iuucila?ir.ou4 principle in the mullein plant of the oM fields, presents in Taylor's HKHOKCK REMEDY OK SWEET tiTM A XD MIX- 1. r.ix the finest known remedy for Couehs, Croti p. v;hooplnjr-conhandcnsuiuptlni: and no pala table, any child r pleated to take. it. Ate your ilrncirist for it. lrice, and 31. If he does pot keep it. we will pay. for one tiie only, cx nreJ chanrea oa laree x bottle to any part of ti'.e 17. 8. on receipt of l.t. WALTER ArA.YLOit.'AUantJj.GW' Bi.tr 27 mon wed sat ly.lc nnn SrCapital Prize 5575,00023 Tlcktesonly 85, Shares in proportion. Louisiana State Lottery Company. We do her tt jf certify that vet supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly end Quar ter! Lhravrtr.gs of The Louisiana Stats Lot try Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted toiih honesty , fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and tne author ite the Company to we this certificate, taithfac iHoiles of our signatures attached, initsadver i tementt." " rT Mzrz -. V Commissioners. We, the undersigned lianlx and Bankers, will paw all Frizes drawn in 'Hie Louisiana State. Lotteries trhich may be presented at onr coun ters. J. IT. OOLESRY. Pres Louis'ana NatN Bank. S. H. KENNEDY. Pres. ftatc Nat'l Rank. A. BALDWIN, Pres. New-Orleans Nat'l Bk. Incorporated In 18H8 for 25 yers by the .Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pur poses with a capital of $1,000,003 to wtuch a reserve fund of over $550,000 haa since been added. mi M By an overwhelming ponclaj vote lte fran calse was made apart or the present State Ca&stltutlon adopted December 2d. A.. D..1379. Tte only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpone r. Jta Grand Single Number Drawing take pUce monthly, and the Kx'raordinary Draw logs rcgulaTlv every three months instead of Semiannually as heretofore, begianln? March, ISiG. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A fORTUNE. Second Grand Drawing. Class B. ia the Academy of Music. New Orleans, Tuesday, February . ISSG-lSJta Monthly Drawlrar Oanital Prizs. S75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractious in Fifths in proportion. i Capital Prize i 1 Capital Prize V 1 Capital Prize 2 Prizes of $6,000 5 Prizes o! 2,000 1,000 10 Tr'.zca of 20 Piiies cf iGO Prises of 300 Prizes o? 500 Prizes of iCOO Prizes of 20o 100 50 25 ,TPROXlJfATIOH PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. a M0. 3 250. 75,000 25,000 10.00C 12.00C 10,000 10.O0C 10,000 20,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 6,750 4,500 2.250 TheDailv Review. THE WINTER OP THE YEAU how, a beautiful widow, whose fair f-ce decorated the S100 Confederate notes. Sbo had been of sreat service I to the Southern cause, and had passed , : 1 i me lines to and from Washington a It ii Xhe Winter of the ycat.! ftfium hero! lira ts. and had been to Eng u er nuried tlawvrs the snow dr ills Tie : Ian8 ana franco on an important mis- auu ajxer leaving ner two joung dajters at school in the latter coun irjVa3 returning to the South via The storms have "veiled with ashen Till The bluece3 of the Summer sky. No brooLs in babbling ripples run. No birds are sinking in the hedge. No violets n (Mini in the sun. IJejiile tlie brooklet's frozen edge ; t unto lenflYss, broken boughs. 1 ne creenet mosses closely c in?. And near stern Winter's stormy vers Nassau in tho Bristol steamer Candor. with impoitanwtvs frfora the French Court. Th StAhTsn.-hful nasspd lhf blockading fleet satly and, juU befcrti nawn, was approalCUing the bar, the range lights having been set in answer ritii CurrI cam d tormv vtr?n t nersigosi. ine pilot uescrying ilia Soft float prophetic airs of Sorin " Night Hawk lying ashore on her star- ooaru dow imasineu ner a Diocsauer. It is the WinTerof our life! OVr buried hopes the snow drifts lie. And storms ixq veiled with nshen gray r" The biuene33ofa clondless t-kv. No light steps cross the threshold stone, lost his head, and ran the Candor in the breakers. "At daylight the Federals, seeing" her a9h"re, sent one of their steamers in, which tired several sbots at her; but the blockader was promptly driven ofl iu voice oi iove our welcomes ereet, oy our long range guns. There was a No tr.t!e hand encla3ps our own. ! heavy sea on, and it beiog i Willi cordial salutations sweet. t unto bruised and broken herif, EnIeariug words of promise cling. And float upon lime's stormy verge, litight blossoms of eternal'Spring, FOUT FISHER. Iteininis Lamhy the 1,307 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application forratcsto cluba should be made only to the blfice of the Company ia Ncvr t)r Vor further iufortnai!..!:, writ3 clearly, glv loi full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express aioncy Orders, or New York Exchange in or dinary letter. Currency by Express (all eutna of $5 audupwarda at our expense) addressed New OrlaanB, I.a or M. A. DAUPHIN.. VVashmslon, Di t Malt P. 0. Money Order payable n--l ad irta Kisttrcd Letters Ia HEW ORUAMS "ATIQNABAN La jan r. BLY'S Catarrh .Cleanses the II ai ( Allays intlirama 4ion. UeaHores rsreores the e flua x ; c nri SmOll. At ..iijrk Eellef. -t poalUve turc CREAM BALM h:i"gslned an eu vUbls reputation dfsplaclne all other prepaTatlons . A particle la applied mro eatu uwi"! No pain; agreeable to use. Price .Vc. Send for circular, fclsts, Owego, i. Y. sr r HAY-FELVER bv mil or at druggists. ji'LY HKOTHERS, UvugL . jinlJ wsmdAwnra The Western Tribune. THIRTY-TWO COLUMN WEEK I A ftspappr. Chas. Jdjyard WISsmi, Editor and Proprietor. AsnvilU . . C 1IIE rBIBONE wld diouss with cntlri freedom all questions of public Interest In politics it will teach Democratic doctrine, PwniaDrPz2alou5l5r for the upbuilding of our whole fctate, and eepecially lor the cevel opment of the varlad resources cf Western it wlU lthefrlend of all Railroads so long as they are the friends of the people I will aspire to deserve the cs eem of I s readers by dealing with all subiects in a fair and dlgnlfled raanner, and by carefully ex cluding from lta columns everything of a vi cious unjency. . . . The TKiBUSE la printed from rew type, on new and Improved Power Press. The price oi me vi " ., , r ; 7J. 1.50. tlx Mentha, 75c, Three Month Mcln- Tartabiy in aavance. , omo lotorcstiti conces ly Col. Commandant. Col. William Lamb, in a -recent ad dress, delivered before the Northern Club, of Npifblk, Va., said : "Wo sometimes hadourlun in camp. Zeb Vance visited U3 not long after his election as Governor of North Carolina lie wore a black stovepipc bat on the side of hia head as he came sauntering through the fort. It wai the lirst ap pearance ot a beaver' in the garrison, lie hadn't gone far before from behind the barracks came the command, 'Come out of that hat!1 I see your legs'' 'Come out of that hat!1 and prcseutly concealed voices in different directions had caught up the cry. 'Come out of that hat !' 'I see your legs!1 "Good-natured Zeb rather enjoyed the joke, but, it w.iy not the reception I desired to give the Governor of the State, and I had the drums beat to quarters and the. battalions formed lor review. .which eD'ectually squelched the fun. "Next evening, at dres3 parade, an order was read, threatening any soldier with coodigu punishment who should call out to a visitor to 'Corno out of bis hat.' Everything remained serene and quiet after that order, despite the visits of several clerical gentlemen to the garrison with rusty stovepipe hats, until one morning I espied a bow- legged blockade-ruuning captain vSbJ I . !! .1 A t. :..1.4. 1 naa got saieiy in uunug me uiut, coming up from the beach with a great shade hat on his head, which looked for ail the world liKc au inverted cole scuttle, lie was about opposite one of the barracks men wheu a sepulchral voice growled out, 'Stay in that hat Against orders to come out of that hat!' 'I see your legs! Stay in that, hat!' which command was repeated along tho line with startling emphasis a3 th& bewildered" 13riti3her made haste to reach hcadsquarters. I surrendered at discretion and never issued another order on the hat question, "Some of jou have heard cf Ben Butler's novder boat, which wo behove was sent aainst Fort Fisher tt blow the bottom of the ocean out. submerge tho fort, demoralize the garrison and stop blockade running. Gen. Benj. f. Butler had some three hundred tons of powder put on a steamer disguised as a blockade runner, and tried to destroy Fort Fisher by running her iu uear the fort and exploding the great mass of powder. He had beard ot the great destruction fov many miles -around by an explosion of gunpowder-at Frith, England, and h:- concluded the safest and quickest way to capture Fort Fisher was to blow us all up, or at least to scare us to death. "Admiral Porter's licet had aopeared off Fort Fisher December 20, 1801. but stormy weather prevented the impend ing attack. On the night of the 23rd tho steamer Little llaltie ran in safely though the fleet frou Nassau, and I was talking to Capt. Lebby. who had lacdcd.ibout midnight, when from several posts on ibe ramparts came the cry for tne corporal of tho guard, and the o Jliccr of the 'guard reported a s earner on lire about one mile from the i nl and nut far from shore. I went Loon the parapet and taw what seemed to be an English buiit blockade runner on tire. Capt. f.ebby thought it must ba the steamer Agnes Fly. which ieft Nassau with his vessel lor Wilmiogtou. and I so telegraphed Geu. Whiting, I v.atched the !;.ro until alter 1 o'clock-, when I went to headquarters and laid down, hoping t- get a little rest before the anticipated engagement next day; but I had hardly lain down before 1 toit a gentle recking of the house, which was insiaully followed by an explosion, sounding very little loud er than the report of a ten-inch Colum biad. The corporal of the guard was called for iu every direction by the sen tinels, and the ollicer of the guard re ported the blowing up of the magazine ot the vessel which had been on tiro. "I went on iho parapet, but all was sileuco and darkness, save the roar of the breakers and the phosphorescent gleam of the surf as-it laved the shore. I telegraphed Gen. Whiting at W:L mloton of the exploiion nnd retired to . A ! "I was surprised to learn from pris oners captured on Christmas night, after our defeat of Butler and Porter. tha.t the explosion was lhat of a jreat floating magazine intended to demolish the works and destroy the garrison. The fleet had retired twenty mi!e3 off to prevent any injurious eflecttothe vessels. The concussion was distinctly felt in Wilmington, twenty miles o. and in the country around, but itscilect on the fort and garrison was a misera ble failure. My theory is that the steamer was afloat in deep water when she b.ew up, and that had she been hard and fast ashore the result would have been very serious." A writer in the Norfolk Ledger give some interesting incidents of blockade runnin in Wilmington during the war. among which is the following account of the death of Mrs. Lose (Jreenshow. widow of Robert Green how. a native of Richmond, and for mer translator in Washington : You have doubtless heard of the famous female spy, Mrs. Bose Green- on possible to communicate with the steamer by i boat, I went to headquarters to await ' the i ising tide, expecting a calmer sea upon its tlootl. Presently a diminutive looking specimen of humanity, bare headed, and in his shirt and drawers, which were wringing wet, stood shiver ing before me, and with his teeth chattel i u announced most ludicrously that he was Maj. Tait, ot tho British army; that he waa ot a party who. in attempting to leave the Candor, had been upset and barely escaped drown ing; that he feared Mrs. Greenbow was drowned, and that Prof. Holcombe waa completely exhausted and in a critical condition. "Sending the British Major to the hospital, I hastened to the shore There I found the soldfers had rescued Prtff. Hnlcombe and several sailors besides the Major froai a capsized boat, but Mrs. Grecnhow, who had embarked with them, was missing. !l sent the professor, who had been sway on a diplomatijpmission for the Confederacy, to tho surgeon,, and had dilligent search m'ade lor the unfortunate lady. Hor iifelcss body was fouud, the cruel wayes having cast it up on the cold wet sands when the flowing tide came in. It was a sad, a touching sight; that graceful form, that lovely face, with the in domitable spirit flown beyond all ha- j man recall. T nderly we took her up I and gave her over to sympathising! woman's care, for the dead heroine was i too sacred a charge for a soldier's cam p. j "When the sea subsided the com-; mandcrof the Candor camo ashore, i The brave sailor was almostunmanned at the pitiful fate of his passenger. He told me that when the blockader ap proached at daylight Mrs.' Greenhow. fearing capture when so near her jour ney's end, insisted upon going ashore, although be protested against it, assur inz herof the protection ot the f rt and the great danger of the sea. She in sisted, a boat was lowered, but the passengers and crew had hardly gotten in before it was upset by a breaker and drifted beyond human help. She was caught under, while tho men crawled upon the bottom of the boat and hung on Until rescued. One of the soldiers brought me a small satchel containing one hundred sovereigns, which had been suspended around the poor lady's neck, and which may have helped to drag her down when the boat upset. Flesh wounds and cuts can be healed by a few applications of Salvation Oil. All druggists sell it for twenty-five cents a bottle. ' ' Key West is to have another large cigar factory. When Sickness ok Depression comes do not, buy "tome bitters'.'1 It is bettor to die of disease than drunken ness. Buy a bolt e ot "Favorite Itcmedy" and cleanse the system. The great multitude of human ilU have tbeir foundation in impure blood. Dr. Kennedy's "Favorite Remedy" attacks tiiese at the fountain's head and makes the stream of life' pure. One dollar per bottle. All Drjiggisis eell it. Dr. DavicfKennedy, Proprietor, Rondoyt, N. Y. . The Mikado of Japan never wears a garment that has been washed. - -. J have had nasal catarrh for Icn years so bad that there were irreat sores in-my noe. and ono place was eaten through'. I got Ely's Cream Balm. Two bottles did the work. My nose and health is well. I feel like another ni30. C. S. McMillcn, Sibley, Jackson Co . Mo. Ely's Cream Balm is the most ef fective, convenient and agreeable catarrh remedy I ever used,, and I have tried them 11. C. B. Ilenning, Lauder dale Co.,. Tenn. warn. Ladies"' hair will-be worn very on the head iu lYi' thi3 winter. Advice jto Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothino Syrup should always be used whn children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at once: it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright a3 a button." It is very pleas ant to taste. It soothes the child, soft ens the gums, allays all pain, relieves vt ind, regulates the lov"els, and is the be3t known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle, jly fi deod & wl.y The CPTirts Tinder, tho New Ar- r increment. SlSlfCTiuDOE SIIEPHERD. ckr-Se'pt ember 7, one week. ea beptemuer H.one week. Pasquotank September '21., one . Perquimans September 28, wdet, I . i Chowan October 5. one week! Gates Otober 12, one week. Hertford October 1, one December 21 ; one week. Washington October 2f, one week December 14, one week. Tyrrell November 2. one week. Dare November 0, one week. ... Hyde November 16, one week. -: Pamlico November 23, one week. Beaufort November 30, two weeks. SECOND DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS. Warren September 21, two weeks. Northampton October 5, two weeks. Edgecombe October 19, two weeks. Bertie Novem ber 2, tWo weeks. Halifax November 16, two wjeeks. Craven November 30, two weeks. one week ; THIRD DISTRICT JUDGE Franklin August 17, one weeks No vember 16, one week. Martin September 7, two vcks; December 7, two weeks ; lor civil causes and jail cases only. ' . Pitt Septembi r 21, two wetks Gre2ne October 5, two weeks. Vance October 19, two weckj. Wilsqn November 2, two,, wcgks. Nash November 23, two week?. FOURTII DISTRTCT FALL TERM. The fall courts ofthe lourth district composed of Wake, Harnett, Johnston and Wayne, will be held as follows un der the now act: - . .Wako July 13, to hold two weeks; criminal causes only. August 31, to hold two weeks; civil causes only. Sep tember 28, two weeks; criminal. Octo ber 26, three weeks; civil causes only. Wayne July 27, two weeks; civil and criminal. September 14, tw-a weeks ; civil causes. October 19, one week ; civil causes only. Harnett August 19. one weeks; uvil and criminal. Johnston Ausgust 17, two weeks; iivii and criminal. FIFTH niRTRICT JUDGE GILMER. Orange August 10, one woek; No vember 9, one week - No- No, WHOLESALE. PRICES. ; . -I.'. f Aug luiivnuiK UUVi " . , wholesale priees generally. i iaaEia u, small orders higher prices faava to ba cbarya" MISCELLANEOUS li 10 bagging Standard ....... 3 ft.... 1 tb.... BACON North Carolina Uaia-j, ft. Shoulders, lb Sides, rib ........ V WESTERN SMOKED Hams...... Sidca. Shoulders - ...... DRY SALTKi Sides, I to..-- - Shouldrrs. & $.... B AR11ELS i;!rlt8 Turpc-ntlnf, Second Hanu, each New Nev York, ex-"ii .... New City .each. ....... ........ BEESWAX, r lb... BRICKS, tf" M BUTrER, Si North Carolina......... .... Norttifm. .... ... ............. CANDLES, r ft - Sperm Tailovr . Adamantlae........ ........ - CHEJESK, y lb Northern Factory ... Dairy, Cream... COFFEE, f B yJava Laguyra .. ..... Ulo CORN MEAL, bus., in sacks COTTON TIES, r bnndle.... DOMESTICS Sheeting, 1'4, V yd Yarns, if b'.mch.. ... ...... KjGS. & down- FiSU Mackcrol, No. 1, bb.. 16 eo Mackerel, No. 1, half bbl S Mackerel, No. 2, .bbl 9 60 Mackerel. No. 2. V half bbl. 5 00 Mackerel, xo. 3, r obi -Mullets, V bbl...... .... alullets. Pork bbla N. C Roe Herring, V keg... xsi r wi, yr io.. .......... .. FERTILIZERS, V 2.000 fts Peruvian Guano, No. 1 " " " - Louoa.... Baugh's Phosphate. Carolina Fertilizer. ......... Ground Bonc- Boua Meal Koae Flour Navassa Guano........ Complete Manure. Whann's Phosphate... Wando Phosphate. . ... Ifcrgcr Si Ruiz's Phosphate.. 00 00 JbxceJicDza cotton Fcruazer.os eo 11 t 10 fit & -II 14 ft 00. S 00 y,& ft o '0 110 fl l i 73 a i i-r- tio Z 1 (5 24 ()0 S ; 9 0U a & i-v 25 .1 32 13 i . u es n f I2i ifJ i 13 u a 1 15 io a n 17- 25 12 9 IS 9 . 124 75 81 1 85 O 1 4r COME ; SEE US ! THENltVER YOl? ARE IN NEED PRIHTIK&, RULINir or.,BlHDIHe, nmn.i nnil tf- IK; We have "t he most complete establishment o.a itr rarrv : rsrf. stock of different i u iuv v- f - - rr i finalities Qf paper 1olect from, do yon r work. prompt ly and -satisfactorily', and nt ' prices thai we caul ive at,'" ! Give us your orders, ' ' r Hi 11 J4 5 CO 4 00 7 00 3 00 5 . .70 CO ,...3S 00 . ..00 00 ....00 00 ...45 XX) ...,00 00 ....00 GO ...00 00 ....80 GO ...00 00 ...W 00 ...00 00 Tlie Secret o Living. Sco ill's Sarsaprilla, of Blood and liver Syrup, will cure Scrofulous Taint. Rheumatism.. White Swelling, Gout, Goitre, Consumption, Bronchitis, Nervous Debility. Malaria,' and all diseases arising frora r.n impure condi tion of the blood. Certificates can be presented from many leading physi cians, ministers, and heads of families throughout the land, endorsing it in the highest terms. We are constantly in receipt of certificates of cures from the most reliable sources, and we recouir mend it as the bc?t known remedy for the cure of the above diseases. -:; CONSUMPTION. I rave a positive remedy for tb above dlae;by lu cbo thousands of cases ot tbe worst kind and of ong staadtn" have been cured. Indeed.fostronis ayftih ia Its efficacv.that I will send TWO fcOTTl.ES FREE, toeetberwitaa yAl.UABl.ETREATI3E on tbisdUease toanv sufferer. Give ex press and r. O. address. DB.T. A. StOCCM.lBi PearlSt . New Tark4 dec ?S 4wdw Caswell August 17," one week; vem ber 16, one week. Person August 24, one week ; vember23, onie week. Guilford Ajugust 31, two weeks ;De comber 14, tw weeks. Granville September 14, two weeks ; Novem ber 30, two weeks. Alamance September 28, one week. Chatham October 5, two weeks. Durham October 19, two weeks. sixth district judge mckot. Jones August ?, one week ; No vember 8, ona week. Lenoir Augnst 24, two weeks; No vember 16, two wcek3, Duplin September 7, one week ; No vember 30, two weeks. Pender September 14, one week. New Hano vet September 28, two weeks, far civil causes. Sampson October 12, two weeks; December 14. one wesk. Carteret October 26, one week. Onslow -November l), one week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCRAE. Cumberland July 27. one week ; No vember 9, one week, for criminal causes only; November 16. two weeks, for civil causes '' Columbus August 3 one weak. Moore Aiiust 17, two weeks; De cember , two weeks. Robeson August 31 , two weeks ; Oc tober 12, two weeks. Anson September 1, cnewcek, for criminal causes; November 30,. one week, iQr civil causes. Brunswick September 21, one week. Richmond September 28, two weska ; December 21, one week. Bladen October 24, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTUICT JUDGE Iredell All gust 10, two weeks No vember 9, two weeks.; Rowan August 24. two weeks; No vember 23, two weeks. Davidson September l,Jt wo weeks ; December 7, cno week. Randolph' September 2J,two weeks. Montgomery October 5 two weeks. Stanley November 19' two wneks. ' Cabarru3 November 2, oris week; for criminal cases " cm d noJjury civ?) cases . ' j Nielli DISTRICT -J UDGE GRAVES. Rockingbam-Wuly 27, two weeks; November 9; "one week. Stokes August 10, two weeks; No vember 16, one week. Surry August 24, two weeks: Nor vember 23, one week Allegkiny- September?, one week Wilkes beptember 14. two weeks. Yadkin Septemher 28, two weeks. Davie October 12, two weeks. Forsyth October 20. two weeks. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY. Henderson July 20, three weeks. Burke August 10. two wcck9. j Ashe August 24, one week. Watauga August 3Iono weok. Caldwell September 7, oae week. Mitchell September 14, two sveeks. Yancey --Septcm ber 28. two weeks. McDowell October 12 two weeks. . ELEVEJiTII DISTRICT JUDGE SHlPp. Alexander July 27, one week. Catawba August 3, one week: 1 Cleveland August -10, two weeks; October 25, one week, 4 Mecklenburg Agist -.-M, three weeks, cjjfeases only. " Unvefii September 21, two weeks, lidcolh October 5, one week. JKaston October 12 two weeks. vs umnenora-rvoyem oer two week?. o. i? GW ; O10 0 I0 0 & 5 51. a o to o at s rt. 4 00 a . s oo u mi pc 51 lii am do 050 co iHQ CO f45CC 057 Ot C40 CC 067 CC 070 ( am xi o0 h a 7 so a 9 o 0 00 3 75 4 75 00 6 00 5 75 9 50 a 4 oo O 4 00 a 5 25 a 7 oc n 6 5C 0 a li a a n a a oo 75 72 a l 7a 5 trench's Carbonate of Lime. . . 7 00 French's Agricultural Lisje 8 50 riAuR, sr ubi-- , Fine Northern Super. Extra..... Family City MUhi Extra..; I Family " Extra FamUy GLUE V ft.......... GRAIN, V bushel4 Corn, from storej bags.whii. Corn, cargo, In bulk, waits.. Com, cargo. In bigs, whits.. Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags.. Oats, from store. Caw Peas.... HLDES, Vlb 5:reea. , ... 5 Dry... n 0 IIAY.tf'lOOBs- Eastern 20 O 1 26 Western.. j 15 I l 25 North Rlvei. 75 & - Sf HOOP IiRON. tfe 3 fi 3V& Northern.. orui Carolina ., oo a L.IME, barrel..... I 41 a LUMBER, (My Sawed, U ft. " ShipStuir, rosawed 33 00 20 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 16 West India CBjgoes.accordhijj to quality .". ill Cii H IS Dressed Flooring, ee&soEd.,is tJ < Scautllng and Board. caiaa..'1 M cift MOLASSES.V eallon- New Crop CxihA, la hhds.. " .. .. ln bbls... P--Ttp Itico, In hnds....... 4a 75 74 72 70 65 1 25 5 11 I SO J 15 75 10 26 2i US- 30 id 2) to 11 id 90 3C CO 00 21 10 75 1 00 ........ ... 1 ro 75 13 00 ...12 00 12 00 5 Sugar House, la hhds.. . ,T lr. bbljs Svtup, In bbla... NAILS, Vies, Cut, lOd basis.. 2 i0 OIL5!, Y gallon Kerosene....... Lard...-. Linseed Koala... Tar Deck and Spar. POULTRY Chickens, live, grown. " Spring Turkeys.. .......... PEANUTS V bushel... POTATOES, V bnshe. Sweet Irish, tf" bbl. PORK, Vbvrel City Mesa.. .... Prime Rump RICE Carolina. fr, Rough, V bushes EAG3, if lb Country city...;....:..:.,.... ROPiC. W lr, SALT, f oaclt. Alum Liverpool. ............... .. Lisbon American..-......,..., SUGAR, V lbCwea Porto RIcq... A Cq!TQ.-. .t 11- c Rx C Crushed.. RIUP if IK VnvlhA.n SHINGLES, 7 ln. fM..'.. common Cypress Sjia... ............. - Cy preca ii ear ta STAVES, r M W. O. Barrel. R. O. Hogshead. TALLOW. V It,...,.. TIMBER, V M feet 3nlppli.R.l2 oo Fine Mill- 11 25 Ml'.l Prime. ; Mill Faii-.:.. CocuHon Mill...... Inferior to Ordinary WHISKEY, V gal-Norlhcra. North Carolina;......... . WOOL, V lb Washed .... Unwashed.... Rurrv... & 69 a ti a n n Sa it 0 at a a a a f c :;o 33 25 . When You Ride. QALL ON, WRITE OR TELEPHONE TO us and yru will get Igood horses and sound vehicles and care ful drivers. Wc try to please always. . Horses boarded by the day, week ox month. We rcepcctfully solicit the. --attention-ot the public to our facilities. R. C. ORRELL. Xlvcry and Sale Stabrcs, Corner Fourth and Mulberry sts. aus - First National Bank of Wil r -mington. CAPITAL STOCK.. SURPLUS FUND.... t25C,00 66.0 Deposits received and collections xcadt all accessible points in the United Sttr DIRECTORS E. JS. BURRUSS, D. G. WORTH i A. MARTIN, JA8. SPRUNT, OKORGE C1IADROURN. OFFICERrt &. It. BURRUSS... A. K. WALKER..... . W.LARCIN3.. ...... aI28 President M. Cashle ... ABg CMhU The Landmark, pURLISHED AT ST ATES VILLE , Iredell county, N. C . U the leading newspaper In Western North Carolina. It la the only Democratic Paper published In Iredell county one of the largest and wealthiest counties In the State and has at tained a larger local circulation than any pa per ever heretofore published in the count-. its circulation ln Alexander. Wilkes. Ashe. I Alieghany, Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, i3larz- combined ; and la rapidly acquiring a strong foothold ln Forsythe, Surry, Ito-vran and, went ern Mecklenburg. i It 13 the only paper 5n Western North Caro Ilea that employs a Regular Canvassing Agent aud thus kept eonstautly before the people. Under this system a rapi lly increasinc circu lation is the result, mating tho Landmark the best advertising medium in Western North Carolina. Address f LANDMARK, Statcsville.N. C. 'O 0 eoi oo eo oo ft- 05 14 mr? 140 Polk November 16, one week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GUDGER. Madison August 3. two weeks; No vember 13, two weeks, civil causes BuncombeAugust 16, three weeks ; December 7, two weeks. Transylvania September 7, one weok. Haywood September 14, two weeks Jackson September 28, one week. Macon October 5, one week. 1 Clay -October 12, one week. Cherokee October 13, two weeki. Graham Sxoycinber 2, one week. SwaiRy-Novenibcr 9. two weeks. J. U. JONES, Jl VERY, SALE, BOARDING AND EXCHANGE STARLES. no tcs, Mules. TJugg'es' and CarriagesTfor sale or hire, suict atten'ion paid to boarding boracs - . People cominj? to the city with teams to buy ' Imetmas Gool3can fiid gcod btalis aiul food for their lorsea. No 312 Prli less, bet. 3rd and 4th tta.. . 13 f - ' WiimliijtOB, N. C. ti ...10 50 ... 2 50 ... 4 50 0 (X) 12 00 oo m 4 ft a est ti O a l'Jf "ft 7 Of n Mi. n 3 tH f C'J n 7 4trh) on ft r?ii ca I3 ;C is 8 5& ; met v 50 5 0 fb 0'li(i o oo n i( 0 1 00 ft 4 00 1 CKJ ft is jre io a 50 2'. '20 15 R Tin Roofing, OOF REPAIRING AND IAINT1:g, JOIRINC GENERALLY, W. E. KING, Practical Tinsmith, South Front St.. jan IS Rear Mallard's Harness Store Holiday Goods Q.ILKS A MUlfcHISON HAVE RECEIVED their stock cf HOLIDAY GOODS, which are now displayed for the inspection of the public. The ladies are Invited to examine these goods. ndall will be ordlal'j' welcomed. Goods; win be soui on a si al profit. dec 21 GILES & MURCHISON. u ATENTS. Eicht practice The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted' toscient e, mechanic, euirinepring. discoveries. kit unistrflren wirn epicuaia engraving;?.- , pnblication fnrnv-hps A nrost valuable mcyclf pedi ".f inlormat ion wh-"u o person should be xrit hout. The popularity of i he .SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN i- such that its civi-ulni ion nearly equals that of all other papers pf Ur, Hcs combined. Price, $'4C9 ST"-.: vcar. Disc-omit to Unbs. ild bv all Iietv6dcalerw MUNN & CO.. Pubii-nierft, No. 3tiCroadwa-, N. Y. jfunn Co. hav. iU9had Thirty- years' before the Patent Oflfice nnd havo prepared more tnau cine Hunarea inou- ?,ancl applications for patents n n I'aited tntes and forejpn countries. VtventrA Trade-JIorks. Copy-rinbtR. Assignments, and all other.papors for seeming mventors tner risnts n tn United Stat"!?. Canada. EnfilandFrsnce. Germany and hther foreign xountrtc. pre pared at hort ..not ice a nd on reasonable trinr. fnformaliw? we tn obtainiapjpatents cheer fuHytfiven without, charg. Uand-books or information icnt free. . iPatcnts ' obtained Ihronfth Munn A Co. are noticed in theScientitio American frxe. The adrantatro of uch notice i .-. well understood bv all persona who vriso. to dis pose of their patents. - Address MUNN A CO.. OfEcw ScriSTino. Amebic ait. 3tl Broadway. New York. The Excursion and Pic Nic REASON IS OVER AND THE THEATRI CAL Afili RALL SEASON hasocened agraln iiud JOHN W ERNER, the practical German Barber and Perfumer. Is personally in at tendtnee at his 1 1 air Dressing Saloon, 29 Msr ket Street, letwcen Water and Kront, Wli minRtou. N. C. oct 22 Family and Fancy Groceries I A Full- and Fresh Stock. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER INVOICE ' i ' . OY - ' KOYSTER'S CANDIES ! -"-0 ET f EC? f ' zu Wr ip- i krWi mci e: cci c oudi A favorits prescription of o:e of die most Tinted and s:ict".;:t-ii! r-jrilitc in tli. IT w retired) (or the cure of Afrvom lrbiUl, tMt Manhood, WeaUnemaiid lcay. Sent ;pbtn sealed cnvclue free. Druggists can Ell it. ddress QR. WARP & CO.. Louisiana, M(j. Large Stew of Oysters For ;;o Cents, At Scarborough House WATER STREET, decietf Ret. Princess and Ctcitnut OT ALL KINDS AND GRADES. Celery - by .'Tuesday's 'Sttrir. EOR SALE BY P. L. BEID&ERS & - CO., jan 13 NORTH FRONT ST. Purcell House WILM1SCTON, N. C. rjlHOROUGHLY RENOVATED , Firet ciass accommodatloas. Rntps'reasonable. cctlJ3m II. L. PERRY; Prop V