i 1 y t. Un fen m in in in tu m CD an he in tra- Ifor bv tal IT.. of to Jer- Lnd lho km ble na. the ben OOd With r. for ess. Hoes n oo re fill ce BOSS. K rk ton.. L Pa. tplief iirtce Iab- ?Fr rolco MISCELLANEOUS Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey AND Duffy's Raw Beef Formula. How to Get Hearty and Strong. Mr. P. K. MURPHY, ll8 Conway Sirect. Bal'lmorc, Md., writes: "Have galnedMl pounds by the use of your Dully' Pure- Malt Whiskey and Kaw Beef Formula." MR. M. V. NEIGHBORS. On Mi.,i.in Kansas, writes: "Have used jour I nff.'s Pure Malt Whisk eyand Raw Beef Formula aud weigh 25 pounds more thau ever before." Mk. Z.HAGRiaON, 1 uruy C'-urHionfe. Va . writes: "Havebeen using: your Huffj's Pure Malt Whiskey for dyepe. la, and have galneu : pound j." Mr WM. H. J.WELLS,a5CUlboroP,Ave Cbleago, Illinois, writes. "After uelng y.-ur Di fry's Pure Malt Wnlsev and Kaw re -i formula one month, hare grained 15 pou.nl i." Mk. . EDWAPD II. HOWE, OS Main tree., is City, Missouri, v rites: IIaeu cd Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and Raw Kansas vour Beef rormula a little over two month j gtioed 11 pound." Have MR C. U KNIG1I r. 1445 Corcoran Street, Washington. I. C, writC3: "After -jstnr Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, have galntd in pounds la weight " Mr. WM. GHAPaIAN, 15 -0 Vermont Ave... Washington, I. t: , writes: "I have used your tji uy a jrnre aiau wnisKCy ami Kaw Beef x uriuuia, anu nayc gamea ij pouaua " MR. CHARLES E. BYHNK, Washington 1 . wrltp.a: 'Hvfiisn,! Mr l',W.na van (corner Second and E sts ,)" has galuc 10 pounds In three weeks by tfce use of vour """j a i ii i u .vxaiii nuibkcy ana ltaw jJcet Formula." Mk. A. D. DUGANNE, Photographer, 9.U irgmia Averue, asning:on. l. c, writes: "Have gained 11 pounds by the use or your Duffy's Pur3 Malt Whiskey In connection wi;h jour ICaw Beef Formula." Mk GEORGE R. SNTDER. I akewood. X. J , write.: "My weight ha3 lnerca ed nearly 12 pounds tenefits feilred from vour Duffy Pure Matt Whisker and If aw Beef Formula ' THE DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO , KAI.T.MOUK, Ml WThc Duffy's Raw Ecf Formula men tioned above is a special hout eh Id applica tion of the medicinal vlrties and purity of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, and Is Intended to more sreciacally meet the reulrcmtnt3 of those suffering from Consumption, Dyspepsia, indigestion. General Debility and all Wasting; Diseases. In addition to the tonic effect of our whiskey, it furnishes unequallel blood-forai-lng material, whereby tha weight and strength are increase J. A printed co. y of this formu la, which consists principally of raw I eef and our Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, will be mailed to any address, under the feal of the Company, upon receipt of a two-cent stamp. Or the preparation Itself, in liquid for no, ms put up by us by a special process, maklrg It the most palatable and efficacious beet preiar at ion ever made, can be had of all Druggists at ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. feb 5 tu th sat tenrm &w CTCapital Prize $75tUOUJ9 Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Wt do hcrity certify that toe supervise tht arrangement for all the Monthly and Quar terly Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot itry Company , and in per ton manage and con trol the Drawing $ themselves, and that the game are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward ail parties, and we author isetht Company to use this certificate, toithfac similes of our signatures attached, in its adver titenenU." Commissioners. We, the undersigned Bonis and Banters, icill pay alt Prizes draim in The Louisiana State Lotteries which may be presented at our coun ters .1 II. OGLF.SBY. Pres. Louisiana NatM Bank. J. W. KI LB RET H, Pres. state NatM Bank. A . BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans Nat'l Bk incorporated In 1883 for 25 years by the i lilature for Educational and Charitable pur pjses with a capital of $1.000,000 to wh.ch a reserve fund of over $550,000 has slnco been added. ; .. By an overwhelming populai vote "afran chlse was made apart of the present Stat Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D..W7.4. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorse by the people of any State. Jtnever scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawing lake place monthly, and the Exiraordlnary Draw ings regularly every three months lnbtcad of Semi-Annually aa heretofore. A SPLENDID OPPORTUN1T TO WIN A FORTUNE. Eighth Grand Drawing. Class II. in the Academy of Music. New "'cans, Tuesday. August 10. 1SS6-115Mi Monthly Drawing Capital Prize. $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions, in Filths 8 In proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize 1 CaplUiPrlxe ..... 2 Prfrea of $,000.... 5 Prizes of 2,000 75.000 25,000 10,001 12.00C 10.000 10 Trlzea of 20 Prize of 100 Prizes of SOCT Prizes of 500 Prizes of 1000 Prizes of 1,000... 10,000 500 200 100.... 50 10.000 20,000 30,000 25,000 25.000 6.750 25 - ovDnTTIIlTTON PRIZES - 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. n Fr 500 j 250. 4,500 2,350 1,967 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs nouldbemade oniy wu uia uiuw w - ror runner inionamwii, Vi'Via iriV.rKa In full address. POSTAL NOTp, Express M?ney Criers, or New York Exchange in or mnary letter. Currency by Express (at our expense; auu M A 1)AUPH11,t New Orleans, La or M. A. DAUPHIN, f Washington, D. C Make P. 0; Maney Orders payable and ad- ims Cegisured Letters w NEW 0KIIAH5 -VBSrCSLBAHS LA. July 14 r nrpnfired to furnish yoa ,VOUIOM-" - f . .... nml ornamental VOU Willi Illi'Ut'iiut i nor nr .rir of n kinds. Hear our pr.eeS befora buying. . Jacobi's IUw Depot. T TheDaily Review. Knterfil at the Poetoflice at Wilmington. N. C as second-class matter. THE SWALLOWS. Tbe du-ky swallows will return agaio, The:r love songs In thy balcony to A.ml once again wiil Deat thy window pane With, resiles, ftuttering wfng. Bui those same swallows that restrain ed ihcir flight. That linprd lovingly in years bc forw; T c-ontuap'.ate ihy charais and my deliabt Those will return no more. Thy honeysuckie once airain will bloom, lis sprays will climb the latlice ot thy bower. An l with new beaty in tho twilight tjli.oin lis bud will burst to tlower. Bui b'oisoms lair of summers that are pas i. . BIussouis bedecked with trembling drops of d-;w Which fell like tears of day, too sweet to last Tbey will not bloom nnevv. Pasi'-nalc words may the stern silenco break. And bnrning vows upon thy ear may foil; Thy heart, perchance lroji sleep pro found awakti At love's persistent call. Hut that blind adoration, gi on in vain, Those fond illusion", dear as ;hey weru fleet, No other will bestow on th&e again Never again my sweet. U USTAVO IiECyUER. Ely's Chlam Balm was recoiu mended to mo bv my druggist as a pre ventive to Hay Fever. Have been us in" it as dirrcled since the Uih id" August and have lound it a specific for lhat much dreaded and loathsome disease. For ten years or morn I have been a great sufferer each vear. from Auausi Dlh till frost, rind have tried iiiariv alleged remedies for ils cure, but Ely1 Cream Balm fs the only preventive I have ever found. Ilav Fever sufferers ought to know of ils efficacy. F. C. A1NSWOUTH. Of F. B. AINSWOKTil & CO.. Pubs.. Indianapolis, lnd. Soiiicthln to bo Thanklul For. The lied Rock camp meeting, at which Sam Jones and Sam Small de livered many plain talks has come to an end, and the various religious and worldly temporary residents thereof are coming back to their respective homes. "Well, it was a glorious meeting," remarked a worldly member of tha camping outfit. "Amen !" responded a teligious ex borter, who had not been able to attend Ihe last gathering, "I hope, brotber. you have got religion." No," replied the worldly man. "I've not got that far yet." "Well, what have you got. then."' asked the exborter detained at homo "I've got back." Hi. Paul Globe. A Defence of Xautippo. A "sweet girlgraduato"atlawtucktt took for the subject of her essay "A De fence ot Xantippe." She pictured Xantinnn rm . romftlv maiden wedded to a dusty, lusty old pedagogue who would rather st up all nignt mm an arrnmcnt Ihnn rcsrjond to a summons LodiuneY. She was neat; ho was un kempt and untidy. He. would not. lite a good husband, get up and build the fire ; he would go to sleep in the door way instead of 'on his couch, and he was always late at mcal3. Instead of hoAincr in hi panlpn or rockincr the cradle, he was out in the streets ot Athens "spreading" himself over ab struse theories and vaguo problems. In fftnt hp. was classical crank. She was of the belief that Xaniippe was justified in pouring a pail ot water upon iiie hmrf tA her snouso as he snoozed in the doorway at the dinner hour, and that the populace were not without some ground for putting the cup of hemlock to his lip3. which bis philosophy proba I ly led him to demonstrate was 3 per cent. Athenian birch beer. The essay ist handled a difficult theme with grace and humor. A Kciucdy for Iaiuk Disease. Dr. Hubert Newton, late President ot the Eclectic College, of the city ol New York, and formerly ol Cincinnati, Ohio, used Dk. Wm. Hall's Balaam very extensively in his practice as many of his patients, now living, and restored to health by the use of this in valuable medicine, can amply testily. Ho always said that so good a remedy ought to bo prescribed freely by every physician as a sovereign remedy in all cases ol lung diseases It cure3 Con sumption, and has no equal for nil pec toral complaints. . - Coflee. "It is a nice task to brown coffee juSt right." said a New York coflee roaster the other day. 'Nearly everybody browns coffee too much. It comes out burned instead of browned, although it is greatly to the interest of the whole-, salers not to brown it too much on He count of the loss of weight. When the berry is roasted until it becomes red. instead of dhestnut colored, as is cus tomary, it preserves its maximum weightandiroma. One hundred pounds of berries roasted properly lose but fifteen pounds in weight. As usually roasted they lose twenty pouuds. It roasted long enough the berry glazes over and turns dark brown. It loses a fourth of its weight in the process. Why does the rocer overroast his coflee. then?" was asked. "The trade demands it. The coiiee that is made from orerburned berries is black, and the flavor ia rank. The popular taste is educated to ennoso black coflee, and would find the light colored liquid made from the reddened berries rather insipid at first, and would refuse to buy enough to learn to admire the rich flavor ot the reddened berries.' The Revikw Jon Office is the place to get good work at moderate price?. DEMOCRATIC ORGANIZA TION. L'laii oi Organization of tlie Democratic Party in North Carolina Democratic Cenral Ex. Com., Raleigh, N. C, June 16, 1886. 5 The following is the plan of organi zation heretofore adopted by the State Democratic Committee for the guidance of the party : township organization- - 1. The unit of county organization shall be the township. In each town ship there shall bean executive com mittee, to consist of five active Demo crats, who shall oc elected by the Democratic voters of the several town ships in meetings called by the county executive coairuitiee. Aqd said com mittee so elected shall elect one of its members as chairman, who shall pres side at all committee meetings. 2. The several township executive committees shall convene at the meet ings of the several county conventions, or at any lime or place that a majority lot them may elect, and shall elect a county executive committee, to consist of not less than five members, odd of whom shall bs designated as chairman, no tiii p.i.Muu aw an vi sawrcom-j ' 3. In case there shall be a failuroou the part of any township to elect its exieutive committee tor the period of ihiriy days, ihc county executive com mitlc; sha'l appoint said committee from the Democratic voters oi said township. i. The members of the township committee &ha!l elect lo any vacancy occurring in said committees. 5 The county executive com-ruittee shall call all necessary county eonven tior.s by giving at leatt ten days notice by lubl:u advertisement in ihree public places in cr-ch township, at tho court hpuse door, and in any Democratic 'newspaper that may be published in said county, requesting all Democrats of the county to meet in convention iu their..r3speetiyo townships, on a com mon day therein stated, which said day shall not be less than three days before the meeting of the county convention, for tho purpose of electing their dele gates to the county conventions. There upon the conventions so held shall elect their delegates to represent tbo town ships in the county conventions from the voters of the respective townships, which delegates, or such of them as shall attend, shall vote the full Demo cratic strength of their respective town ships on all questions that may come before the said county conventions. In case no convention shall be held in any township iu pursuance of said call, or no election shall be made the township executive committee shall appoint such delegates. 6. Each township shall be entitled to cast in the county convention one vote for every twenty:fiye Democratic votes, and one vote lor fractions of fifteen Democratic votes cast by that town ship at the last preceding gubernatorial election: Provided. That every town ship shall be entitled lo cast at least one vote, and each township may send as many delegates as it may sec fit. 7. In cases where townships consist of more than one ward or precinct, each of said warda or precincts Bhall be entitled to send delegates lo county conventions, and shall cast its propor tionate part ot its township's vote, based upon tho last preceding vote for Gov ernor in said township. 8. The chairman ot towuship com mittees shall preside at all township conventions; in their absence any other member of said committees may pre sided j., In cases where all tho township executive committees are required to meet for the purpoce of electing county executive committees, said meetings shall bo deemed to have a quorum when a majority of such townships shall be represented in said meeting. COUNTY AND DISTRICT CONVENTIONS. 1: The several county conventions shall be entitled to elect to their sena torial, judicial and congressional con ventions, one delegate and one alternate for every fifty Democratic votes, and one delegate for fractions over twenty five Democratic votes cast at the last proceeding gubernatoiial election in thvir respective counties, and none but delegates or alternates so elected shall be entitled lo seats in said conventions: Provided. That every county shall have at least ouo vote in each of said con yentions. 2 The chairman, or in his absenca any me ai ber of the county, senatorial, judicial and congressional committee shall call to order their respective con ventions, and hold the chairmanship thereof until the convention shall elect its chairman. 3. The executive committees of the senatorial, congressional and judicial districts, respectively, shall, at the call ol their respective chairmen, meet at some time and place iu their respective districts, designated in said call. And it shall be their duty to appoint the time and place for holding conventions in their respective districts; and the chairmen ot said respective committees shall immediately notify tho chairmen of the different county executive com mistees of said appointment, and the said county executive committees shall lor with call conventions of their respec tive counties in conformity to said notice, to send delegates to said respec tivc.district conventions. STATE- CONVENTIONS. 1. The State convention shall be composed of delegates appointed by the "several couDty conventions. L.acn county shall be entitled to elect one delei-ate and one alternate for every one hundred and fifty Democratic votes, and one delegate for Iractions over seventy-live Democratic votes cast therein at the last preceding guberna torial election ; and none bot delegates or alternates so elected shall be entitled to seals iu said convention ; provided that every county shall have at least one yote in said convention. , ! GENERAL RULES. i. Such delegates (or alternates of absent delegates) as may bo present at any Democratic convention shall be allowed to cast tha whole vole to which their township or county may bo en tilled. ; . .' "?.. In a. 1 conventions provided for by this system, utter a vote is cast there shall be no change in such vote until the final n sult of tho ballot shall be announced by the charmam ol said convention. 3. AM Democratic executive commit tees shaJl havc the power to Ifill any vacancy occurring in their respective bodies. 4. That the chairmen of The different county conventions shall certify the list of delegates and alternates to the dif fcrent district and State conventions. and a certified list ol saiddelegates and alternates to the State conventions shall be sent to the secretary ot the State central committee. For the coramiltce, II: II. Battle, Chairman. B. C. Beckwitii, Secretary. tl& Wonderful Memory. "You had better had -.put them down on a piece of paper." said Mrs. S on giyiDg her first order. "Oh, no." said Mr. S., "my mamory is good." '-Well, then, a spool of sixty Coatca' black thread." "Yes." "A yard ot not too light and not too dark calico." ' Yes." "A small hammer, a can ot peaches of the Passadena brand, a dozen small pearl buttons, two yards ol cardinal ribbon, silk on one side, satin on the other." "Yes." said Mr. S., thouzht- lully. 'A pair of slippers lor a baby, a dozen lemou3, a good looth brush, a pineapple, two ounces of sky-blue Ger man yarn, an ounce vial ot uomiuo- pathic dux vomica pellets, a " "Wait a second," said Mr. S.. counting on his fingers. "And a bottle of vanilla extract and a yard of triple box-plaited crepe hsse ruchlng and three yards of smalKchecked nainsook and- " But Mr, S. had seized his hat and was run ning for tho station. What the poor inau brouKht homo was yard of bed ticking, three yards of black crepe, a bottle of venigar, eight yards of nan keen, a scrub brush, a pound of green yarn, sixty spooU of coat thread, a yard of very black calico, and a pint bottle of fcouoepathic rills. "There, my dear" throwing . down his package triumphantly, "1 don't think you'll find a thing missing. Who says a man can't do shopping?" Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very leas ant to taste. It soothes the child, soft ens the gums, -allays all pain, relieves wind; regulates the towels, and is the best .known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle. jly 6 deod & wly Meotinir of the Democratic Executive Committee of the Gth Congressional District. At a meeting of the Democratic Ex ccutive Committee, held pursuant to a call of the chairman, at the Central Hotel in Charlotte to-day, it was de termined by the Committee that the Democratic Convention for this district be held at Wadesboro on Wednesday, E. K. P. Osborne. Sec. This May 28, 1880. Democratic Papers in tho district will please copy. : . Ttms Yastino Diseases or Infants and children are by no means confined to ao insufficient supply of food. The trouble is that the food is injudiciously selected, and the limited digestive pow er of the child is unable to assimilate it. Mellin's food, when prepared according to the directions, forms the best substi tute for mothers' milk that has ever been produced. The Secret of Living. Scovill's Sarsaprilla, of Blood and liver Syrup, will cure Scrofulous Taint. Rheumatism, White Swelling, Gout, Goitre, Consumption, Bronchitis, Nervous Debility, Malaria, and all diseases arising from an impure condi tion of I be blood. Certificates can be presented from many leading physi cians, ministers, and heads of families throughout the land, endorsing it in the highest terms, We are -constantly in receipt; . of certificates of cures from the most reliable sources, and we recom mend it as the best known remedy for the cure of the above diseases. Can You Answer This? Is there a person living who ever saw a case of aguo. billiousness, nervous ness or neuralgia, or any disease of the stomach, liver or kidneys that Hop Bit ters will not cure? "My mother says Hop Bitters is the onty thing that will keep her from severe attacks of paralysis and headache." Ed. Oswego Sun. "My little aickly, puuy baby, was changed into a great bouncing boy and I was raised from a sick bed by using Hop Bitters a short time." A Young Mother. " EP No use to worry about any Liver, Kidney or Urinary trouble; especially Bright's Disease or Diabetes, as Hop Bitters never fail ot a cure where a cure is possible ill' "I had severe attack ot gravel aud Kidney trouble; was unable to get any medicine or doctor lo cure until I used Hop Bitters. T. II. Atty. 53rUnhealthy or inactive kidneys cause 'gravel, Bright's disease, rheu "matism and a horde of other serious and fatal diseases which can be pre! vented with Hop Bitters if taken in time. "Ludlngtoo, Mich., Feb. 2, 1S5.' I have sold Hop Bitters for ten years, and there Is so medicine that equals them for billions attacks, kidney complaints, and - all diseases lnclden t to this malarial climate. II. T. Alexander. "Monroe, Mich., Sept. 25th, 1875. Sirs: I have been taking Hop Bitters for Inflammation of kidneys and blad der. It has "done for me what four "physicians failed to do cured me. The effect of the Bitters seemed like magic toapje. ' W. L. Carter." GextsT Tour Bop Bitters have been of great value to me. I was laid up with typhoid fever for over two months, and could get no relief until I tried your Uop Bl'ters. To those suffering Irom debility, or any one !n feeble health, l cordially recommend them. J. C. Stoxtzkl, 638 rnlton .St, Chicago, 111 . "Paralytic, nervous, tremulous old people are made perfectly quiet and sprightly by using Hop Bttters.- None rcnulne without a banc J of trrcen Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile. poisonous stuff with "Hop" oi "Hops" in Ihelr.iuun.. iuly 2 lmd&w nrmtc TIIE COURTS. Spriiifir Tor his 188(5. HKST DISTRICT JUDGE OUDGER Hyde February 1, "cne week; May 10. one week. Beaufor February 8, two weeks, May 24, two weeks. Currituck ,MarchNl, one week. Camden Mkrch 8. one week. Pasquotank March 15, one week; June 7. onb week. Perquimans March 22, one week. Chowan March S9, one week; June 11, one week. Gates April 5. one week. Hertford April 12, one week; June 21. one week. Washington April 19. one week. Tyarell April 26, one week. Dare-jrMay 3, one week. Pamlico May 17, one week. SECOND DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPARD. Halifax January 4, two weeks; March I, two weeks; May 10. two weeks. Northampton January 18, two weeks; March 29, two weeks; June 7, one week Edgecombe -f February 1, one week; April 12, two weeks. Craven February 8, two weeks; May 124, two weeks. Warren March 15. two weeks. Bertie April 26. two weeks. THIRD DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS. Pitt Jan. 4. two weeks; March 15, two weeks ; June 7, two weeks. Franklin Jan. 18,ono week; May 31. one week. Wil?on .Feb. 1, two weeks; April 12. two weeks. Vance iFeb. 15, two weeks; May 17, two weeks. Martin March l.two weeks. Greene March 29, two weeks. Nash April 26, two weeks.; FOURTH DISTRICT JUDGE CONNOR. Wake Jan. 4, two weeks; feb. 22, two weeks; March 22, two weeks; t April 19. three weeks. Wayne Jan. 18, two weeks; March 8, two weeks; f April 12, one week. Harnett Feb. 1. one week. Johnston Feb. 8. two weeks. FIFTH DISTRICT JUDGE CLAKK. Granville Jan. 25. two weeks; May 3, two weeks.. Chatham Feb. 8, one week ; May 17, one week. Guilford Feb. 15, two weeks ; Juno 7. one week. Alamance-Marca l,one week; May 31, one week. Durham March 8, two weeks; May 21, one week. Orange March 22, one week. Caswell April 12, two weeks. Person April 26, one, week. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDOE GILMER. New Hanover Jan. 18, two weeks; April 12, two weekft Duplin Feb. 8, two weeks. Sampson t Feb. 22, two weeks; April 20. one week Pender March 8, one week ; May 3 one week. Carteret March 15, oue week. jJoues March 22, one week. Onslow March.2U, one week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE BOYKIN. Ansou Jan. 4, one week; t April 26. one week. Columbu3 Jan. 11, one week; March 22. one week. Cumberland J an. 18, ouo week; March 8, one week; fMay 3, two weeks. Robeson Jan. 25, two weeks; May 17, two woeKs. Richmond Feb. 8, two weeks; May 31, one week. Bladen March 15. oue week. Brunswick March 29, one week. Moore April 12, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE MACRAE. Cabarrus Jan. 25, one week; April 26, one week. Iredell Feb. 1, two weeks; May 17, two weeks. Rowan Feb. 15, two weeks; May 3, two weeks. Davidson March 1, two weeks; May 31, onewcek. Randolph March 15, two weeks. Montgomery March 29, one week. Stanly March 5, oneeek. NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE MONTGOMERY. Rockingham Jan. 18, two weeks. Forsyth Feb. 1. two week's; May 17. two weeks. Yadkin Feb. 15. two weeks. Wilkea March 1, two weeks; April26, one week. Alleghanyr March 25, two wueks. Davie March 15, one week. Stokes April 12, one week. Surry April 19 one week. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Henderson February 8, three weeks. Burke March 1. two weeks. Caldwell March 15, one week. Ashe March 22, one week; May 24, ono week. Watauga March 29, one week , May 31, ono week. : Mitchell April 12, two wrecks. Yancey April 26, two weeks. McDowell May 10, two weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY, Alexander January 18, one week; June 7, one week. Catawba January 25, one week ; May 31, ono week. I Union February 8, one week; tEeb ruary 15, one wee; May 17, one week; fMay 24, one week. Mecklenburg Febrnary 22, three week3. Gaston March 15, two weeks. Lincoln March 29, one week. Cleveland April 6, two weeks. Rutherford April 19, two weeks. Polk May 3, one week. TWELFTH DILTKICT JUDGE SIIIPP. Madison February 22, two weeks. Buncombe March 8, three weeks; June 14, two weeks. Transylvania March 29, one week. Hay wood April C, two weeks. Jackson April 19, two weeks: Macon May 3, one week. Clay- May 10, one week. Cherokee May 17, two weeks s Graham May 31, one week. Swain June 7, one week. Criminal causes only. tCiyil causes and jail cases'only tCiytl causes only. T MISCELLANEOUS 324 and 32 Parl St., Hew York. S3" SEND FOR CIRCULAR. july 12 4wdAv , Do No More Whitewashing not when '" s:':" PLASTIC PAINT Can be ha i so cheap. Pend for pamphlet awl calor card, and learn its merit. MAXWELL", HAZLETT CO. v . Joy McElderry's Whaif, Baltimore, Md., And (m Washington Ave., Philadelphia. Pa. Nowspaper Advertising. DAUCIIY & CO., 27 Park Place und 21-26 Murray St., New York. Ms k. lowest rates on all newspapers in the U. S. aud Canada. Established 1S67. Ci 1 nflV... We mill insert a on OPeCial UTterilnch advertisement ontTmonth iu our sclcctct list of 235 Dallies snd Weeklies, covering thn U. S., for$it'0. ChvulailonU.S0,'.l2 copCB per month. Send for Catalogue. Parties contemplating a line oi of advertising, largo or small, are re- quested to send for estimate of cott. , - Wc will Insert a one Inch adv't on month iu ; our POPULAR LOCAL LISTS of 1,130 Dally and Weekly newspapers for .fWH). No patent list papers a c Included, juy 12 d&w 4w PRICE OF liUKNUAM'S IMPUOVEU STANDARD t . Is cost of manufacturing and advertising. Pamphlet with new Ptlce List, sent i kbb by BURNHAM BROS., YORK, PA. july 1- -tw d&w Cotton Gins. : JF YOU WANT THE BEST COTTON GIN, with or without Feeder and Condenser.order a i WiraSHIP GIN from the undersigned. Fend for Circular and Prices. . j WOKTU & WORTH." june 28 FOR SALE CHEAP ! o Fourth and Mulberry Sticcts, several good horses suitable for any work, which will sold cheap. Also, a fine young pony, Also oue good Milch Cow with young Call and see them. - R. C. ORRELL, may 7 . Corner Fourth and Mulberry ? To the Ladies Especially, Q ALL AT CRAPON'S FAMILY GROCERY and examine the New Foot Motor for Sewing Machines. They arc highly recommended by Physicians as being the Ladles' friend and far superior to anything yet invented. There are several now In operation In this city which give perfect satisfaction. . GEO. M. CllAPON, Family Grocery, 22 Bouth Front Street june 21 -AND- COTTON HOES. Iron Age Cultivators AND A FULL LINE OF- AGRICULTURAL TOOLS, WE KEEP NONE BUT THE BEST GOODS which we are selling at astonishingly LOW PRICES! Sash, White Lead, Stoves AND A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE . JACOBI'SHDW. DEPOT, No. lO South Front St. apl 2 .. The Landmark, pUBLISHED AT 8TATESVILLE, Iredell county, N. C , U the leading newspaper In Western North Carolina. It Is the only Democratic Paper published In Iredell county one of tho largest and wealthiest counties In he State and has at tained a larger local circulation than any pa per ever heretofore publlalvNJin the connty. its circulation In Alexander. Wilkes. Ashe. Alleghany, Yadkin, Datle and Iredell, is larg er than that of any two papers In the State combined ; and is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold la Forsythe.-Surry, Rowan and west ern Mecklenburg. . It Is the only paper In Western North Caro Una that employs a Regular Canvassing Agent and thus kept constantly before the people. Under this system a rapidly increasing circu lation la the result, making the Landotarn. the best advertising medium In Western North Carolina. Address i I LANDMARK. 8Utesvllle.N. O. Cow Feed, JJAY, OATS, BRAN, FLOUR, MEAL , ttauon. Poultry, Fruits, Peanuts, Groceries, Ac, for Eale cheap by MARSHALL ft MANNING, Gen. Com. Merchants, 24 N. Water EtJ, Wilmington, N. C. july 9 Turbine A

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