MISCELLANEOUS. The 'Grape Cure, Sal rJIuscatelle A NATURAL The Daily Review, JOSH. T. JAMES. Editor & Prop WrIIJJINGTON. N; C. I - TUESDAY. JULY 27. 1856. ter rt at the Postoffir at WIlmlnton.N. C. Bccond-ebts matter. DK.MOCKA IIC TICKET. Qf" E''ptiin Tuesday, Nv. 2J 3 FOR rovQUK.sS: A IjKKICI) IU)VLANl, OK UoBBi-O". FOR .JUDUE OK lllls rUPER OU COU&T i:iWAUI T. BOYKIN. F S VtoPON. KOR SOLICITOR : ' tlLIVKK H. ALLKN, OF DCPLIN. Sick Headache and Dyspepsia pure 'IN AMERICA. : The crystallzcd salts, as extracted from grapes and fruit, a most wonderful product trom nature's laboratory. Have it in your hones and travels a specific for the fagged, weary or worn out, Jt cures sick headache, dyapepefct, stomach and bowil complaints; removes biliousness, stimulates tbe liver to a healthy action,' counteracts the effects of Im pure water and the excessive pse of alcholic beverages and. prevents the .absorption of malaria; supplies lo the eystem the want of sound, ripe fruit, rrcparea by the London Sal Mcscatellk Co.. ' LONDON, KSOLAND. ' Deware of Imitations 1 he genuine In "blue wrapiera only." f Send forclrculars lo G EVANVITCH, General American Manager, P. o. Box 1963. New York City. Mention this paper For sale by the following Druggists: Munds Bros., r. C ailller, j. H. Hardlo, K R. Bella my W II, Green A Co., Wilmington, N. u. f eb 1 d tu wed th frl sat tenrnt use. New York Herald. WEEKLY EDITION Read by 175.000 Families Every Week. Independent and Universal. Always Bright, Eellable and Pure In Tone. In lh cniest over the will nt tbe Jate njiriuriaire Tracey of Buff 1q. Dr. V. ll-(;illU. of New York, who at tended Mr. Tracey when hs lived Mn that ciiy in 1883. wa to tbo siaod Tracy tM the witness that he was in the hnbit of drinking twelve pints o champagne a diy. and lhat wbefa he went to bd ueopened a bo lie of brandy or a conpKi of IxiUIps tf claret and put them by h s bed. In addition jo this suppiy, ho sail. ho opened six bottles ot eljsntic watv,t and put in rub ber cik. and had a thzen lemons squetzfd h toa pitcher ami all placed within his reach, lie also kept three or four bottles ot clysmic water out side his window. The witness said he regardt d Tracy as a monomaniac on the subjret of diiok. EXCELLENT ADVERTISING MEDIUM. 8perial advantages for advertising murdclna and legal notices; also for dry goods, pub J uancrs. real estate, agricultural im plements and general trade an nouncements. ADVERTISEMENTS FIFTY CTS. A LINE. No Extra Charge for Display Type or Cuts. Circulated in every State In the Tjnlon; in Mexico. South America, the West In dies, Australia, and la Europe . o - Subscribe Now for 1886 I Most Newsy and Accurate Weekly Journal in the United State. Uon tains Tenty-four flours Later News each week than its Contemporaries. Special Calile Despatches Bv the Bennctt-Mackay Cable As these cables connect directly with the Hkbald office, the foreign news cannot be tamercd with before reaching tho nulJin. THE WEEKLY REVIEW Is a special feature of the WKklv Hekald, and Is epigrammatic, choice and Interesting. CARTOONS, POLiTIGAL AND SOCIAL. Prepared by DcOrlmtn and othc artists A PERFECT NEWSPAPER. It contains all the general news of the' ally edition of the Herald, which ha the largest circulation In the United States. " Independent In politics, It is the most vlu 1 ble chronicle of political news In the w ri I Impartially giving the oeci:rrenccn and pli ions of all partic?, eo that all sides may . known. THE FARM. The r"arm Deyartmcnt of thc WtuKLY JIkk ald la practical. It goes to the oat and Jocs not give wild theories. '1 he farmer will save more than I one dollar a year from the suggestions of the Farm Department alone, concerning soil, flattie, crops, trees, buildings, grjrdeniDg, poultry, and agricultural economy. HOME INSTRUCTION , Includes ttc prepartton of ntw and palatable wishes, furnishing, deportment, decorations, Ac. ; also the fashions at home and abroad. Tbe latest inventions hi sanitary and social eclencc, special literary compositions, poetry, and a 1 SERIAL NOVEL. Select Sermons cack week by eminent clergy men, and general Church Intelligence. In ad dltlon are given latest reports of trade and-' STOCK AMD PRODUCE MARKETS. The condition of money, wit and humor, sporting news, tho doings of well-known ier sons, a department devoted to the dramatic and lyric stage, xne weekly iikralu is great journal of the family. ONE DOLLAR A YICAlt. Address. NEW YORK HERALD Broadway and Ann .trcetp, dec 3 New York City Miss Maud Banks, daughter of Gen N. P. Iiiuks. who is spending the sum mer at York Beach, Me . and who re cently bijrned a contract to go "star ring" next season, has been studying tor the t-ige for several years, and. it is said, will enter upon a theatrical career much against her father's wishes. She was a pupil ol the defunct L ecu m Theatre School of Acing in New York She will luttke her debut at Musio Hull, in New York. 011 the 3 I id next month. It promises lo bo a groat s. cial 1 vent, as Gen. Banks and many proiuinen, society people of Massachusetts and New York, and many of Miss Banks' young lady friends, with whom she is very popular, will be present.- She will probably appear either in "Ingo tuar" or "The Lady ol Lyons." First National Bank of Wil-mington. JAriTAL STOCK..-.. euuri,U3 ruND..-. so.oe 06. 00 Deposits received and , collections, mad all accolbl points in tbe Unltod Btatts. DIllKCTORS, EL C. BURKU&S. D. . WO KTH A. MA RTtN. J AS. SPKUNT. GFOKQK CHAD BOURN. OTTICKBS A. . BUBEGSS. A. K. WALKIS W. LARKIK3. Frwldta Caahl r Aat Caabl r The situation among the Indians in tho Northwest is alarming, and the threat 01 an uprising comes at a time when the military authorities are but poorly preoared to dal with it. Tbe continuation of the Apache troubles in Arizona and New Mexico is giviDg active employment to ihe troops best qualified, for Indian righting, and an outbreak among the warlike tribes of the Northwest wou.d endanger the ives and properties ! bettlcrs in a vasl and isolated rrgion. The vpiut ol rest Infant s extends ainonjr tribes w-ho range from Ihe -Western border o WyominicTt-rritory along the northern ho'indarv 01 Minncsofi. and in the m event f any concerted movement, o which there are intimations already, it would n-quire a larger and more ener 'elie military expedition than we have se"en iu recent ytsara to suppress it. Auio"gvotber reforms wiiieh Gen. Boulaoger tfesire to intr uluce into the French army." says the 8,. James O - za'lc, "is tliat of obligatory celibacy lor suba.ieros; ami as one meaug of effect ing this he'proposes t raise thu regu lation dowry. Now an officer cao marry a lady who brings him a portion of 1 200 francs a year; but Gen. Boa Janger. considering lhat tbo franc is not u-orth as much as it used to be. intends to change all this. It ap pears that there has been too much marrying and giving iu marriage, wncc the establishment ot permanent gar risons, to suit the war minister, who evidently thinks that wile detracts from the gallantry of an officer in the Geld. Those ooposed to tha theory of Gen. Boulaoger might &to tho example of Bonapaele. who got married the day' before hr et out to take the command ot tho army of Italy; in fact, that com mand was the dowry which Josephine brought him. We know that on one occasion, hearing that Josephine had wept over his dangers, he exclaimed. Wurmser shall pay dearly for those tears." is given for the Kmperor. Then at the word of command alt glasses are hurled to tbe ground, and the notion is that the Emperor will live as many years as there are broken glasses This year twelve glasses were broken, fo thn.t the Kmperor shouid vet be a centenarian. It will eive, us pleasure to tec m Jiiend it. lo our Iriemfs. is what ihc Sisters ol ,hn Academy of Visitation, Frederick. Md , hav to say 'f Red Star Cough Cure. No "depressing ef- lecis. 1 MISCELLANEOUS 1 x TRADE MARK. WHOLESALE FRKJES. I U AIXjKO ai, o. Tho following quotrtlona rcprc?e wboteiale prices generally. In mating u: small orders higher prices have to be charKeti 1 frannfia lbsohit JULY JI5STS. An old daikey was endeavoring to txplain his untortunbte condition. "You sec." remarked Sambo, "it wa3 in this way. as far as I can remember: "Fust ray fader died, den my mndder married again;-and den my. mudder died, and my fadder married agin; and some how I d.H'Sn't seem to nab no pa rents at alienor no home, no nuflin " Tbe irrepressible MissionSchool bov 13 always ready with hisloid answer, sometimes showing himself, as in this instance, "a regular brick." Tho ques tion wa3. "Do bits ever fly in the day tme?,, "Yes. feir." said the lad. "Not so" said the teacher. "What kind ot a bat did you ever seo fl jins in the day time?" "Lots of 'em, siri-iUey was i)iickbat9.'v .: " ' 'Th re is a fine specimen ot a bull dog." remarked Smith to Jones at the doit show. Ye, he is a beauty!" "You ought to have a dox like that, Jonts, Living iu the suburbs as jdu tlo, a w'atcb dog is almost a necessity." "No, it isn't." replied Johe, wearily "A inan who has seven daughters, ail over twenty two and unmarried, stand- in his own light it be kreps a dog " - Merchant (to his clerk. Young man in love.') "John, are you crszy? I told you to write and ask for the best figures on that coffee, and you band me this: 'My little birdie. I have told your pa that I love you to . distraction.' that you are more to me than the sun, moon and stars, and sweeter than the honey that is sipped by tbe bees.' and a lot more nonsense. . Now, sir, suppose I had hastily suned that letter and sent it!" A trentleman at the thnatre sits be hind a lady who wears a very large hat. Kxcfse me, madam, but unless you remove jour hat I can see absolu lely nothiny," Lidy ignores him. "Excuse me, madam, but unless 509 rumotrt your hit something unpleasant will happen " Lady ignore-) him auairi. Genlletm 1 put on hi own hat; Loud cries trom the audience. 'Tike off tha hat! take off that hat!' Ldy things they mean her hat. and remoyes it. " Thank, jou, lunilam." A r -r. Utickleii'M Arnica Salve. The Bist Salve in the worl for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Kheum. Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblain?, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to giye perfect satisfaction, or moey refunded Price 3 cents per box. For sale by all nrnggitts. Free front, Opiates, Emetics cmd Jfoison. safe; rl nin sure. iotS. 4 at TKrn;isT?5 a:t rK.MJn. TUE CUkULtS A. VOt'ELKU CO., K VLTiaeP.P. SD, nov 2 cod tcorm 1 " . - :THE EE7I7: jjp fe e 9 :.::::iz Si 61 S3) 11',.; 7 ftV 5 f(D 1 rc 0 (K) a 1 et 1 1 3 .0 C (.0 1 CO - .o y- I :'" "n!t 'Hit Xf "'if inT) n raifiT? J J XJ J A- X A J AA i jto!, jA, 1. " 1 'S'.C ViC " "it? I ;o i.r no & 21 is m -25 litz 1-- 0 69 12 (a) 10 ill rw ii to & 11 7(60 10 7!) t TiYz 10 6$ 7 is S 20 8 1 26 MAKKET STKEET, NO. 112,, (Ul T.IBS) IS CQilPZJWF IN EVERY RESPEC1, ANP WE ARE PREP4BEP TO DO - ALL MANNER OF Mot printing IE ML IT I HIM WHEN YOU WANT PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, CARDS, LET-TER-IJEADS, BILL-HEADS, TOSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS, PAMrilLET FIUNTiKU. TAGS, LAND DEEDS,. MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER IFFS' DEEDS, CTVJL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS, JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, &C, CALL ON UB AHD OJJTAJN PRJCES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS address REVIEW JOB OFFICE, WILMINGTON. N. C MISCELLANEOUS A cbecrfal kind of an organization, according to the Fall Mall QazitU, ex ists in Berlin. It is an association of theological students, bearing' tbe name "Wingblfites." which has for years ob served the Wednesday before Ascent sion Day the enrions custom of divining lor the Emperor's des tiny. Tbe way of doing this is unique. The niemDers 01 tho association proceed from Berlin to tbe village of Picbelswcrder. on tbe Havel, and here they celebrate the an niversary of the guild at the Wilhelms- hoha restaurant. They immeaiaieiy climb ap an oak tree in thecentrje of the garden and seat themselves opon me hranches. Beer is handed up irom ue ground, and after the third glass has been drained the president delivers the anniversary speech, after which a cheer; la dMfferoos u well aa distMaaing' 'complaint, ti OBgUotA. it tends, by impairing nuXntifln, and ae nroiwin ths ioaft pf tbe pstcan, to prepare the way war jwpi m mm i - 11 1 1 i iiwiiiii m u THE g OESTTOtllC ? eteiy Vurfig lijmpepttia. in all Onicklv and com1 it forms. Heartburn, an. 'I'fiMtlnir tbe Food, etc It enriches and purttieeTo Iricfl timo- tlie aaeunuauon ui iop. 01 leief lates tbe ametite. and aids tne aaeim Bet. J. T. KoesnxB. the honored pastor iHutiW nt r.hA Relormed Church, Baltimore, Aid., Bays: ag used Brown's iron Bitters lor Uyspepsia mvsifoq x taae grea pieasare in recom it highly.' Also ponsider it a splendid tonio tor. and ret? strfBgwnwg." . OSSPS O. BUT?. Jndge kU Lhztmit Uonrt. CJIintoa Oo.. I mooy to tbe Genoioe has aixrra Trade ICark aad aroeasd rfd linea on wrapper. TaKR no eiarr. sxaaeonuroy first ftaa isa ana invigpra llos. J Ipd., says; I bear most chtxrfuj uspil be emcacy of Brown's Iron Bitters foi and as a tonfc.' I "- pitOWN CUEMICAl. CO., . iny 17 dAw nrmto ID. I COME SEE US! ENTItVE 'OU AS.?' IN NEED FRINTIK&, mm or HEM conie and see us. We have theriio,-! cojjpiejc estaLli.siipent in thecitj', carry a large .stock of lilferent qualities of paper to select from, do.youf work pva'mpiy S-Fid SHtlfctorU'y, and at prices tijui we cin live ai. Give uk your orders. JACKSON BELL. SEND KOR A SAMPLK COPY. THE STATE CHRONICLE, (Successor to the Farmer & Mechanic anJ the ?r. Chronicle ) Inder New Management. Ncvjrsy, Brigni and Clean! Up wl L the Timep Tljc "Sfatc l hr biclo." will tin what iU nnte Implies ; gi ' state ji'ipcr it is not the Uaimoh 'Chro iclc." ajid will r.ot Lc ideal or sectional li wi'l alip to keep iin wij,h te current news from Murphy to Mat0aT-ortcs the ptditlci ifiB put it from Cherokee to Curri tuck. It wilt be the orxan of no -man, no rlng.no section, no party. It will be Democratic in politics, but will not hesitate to criticize Dem ocratic V.easB ftnd l)emoo.ratic oilicera. Terms of .wubs"irlptUnOpe Year, $2; Six Montrg, $1; Three Month?, 50c. - - 1 For a aano pie copy address, THIS STATIC CUKONICliE, oot fralelgh. N. C. BAQGLNG nnnv 10Jffl SLindard I - . 11 & B VWN-V'nrlh Caroitr.a Hams. lb.... 1- SfconMcrs, to Sides, VI? .- 1" WKSTKKN SalOUED- liam?, I9 ii Side, fr lr. -. I 1!V . I onoiiiutfre. id DctV SALTbD Sides. f It. Shoulders, & Jh... . B A UK K LS Spirits Ti;rxctlnj Second liana, each New NeT York, each ... Niw City.wu.h BKKSWAX, W W BltlCKS, Wiliningt'.n V M Nfillfrn BUTTKU, f Jb- North Caroilaa Northern ; CANDLtES, y ft.- Soerm. ....... .... ...... Tii!o'.T.. -- . Adatnantle..'i..... - CHKKSK. V fc- Northern Factory Dairy, Cream.... State ... COFFiiE, V tt JavaJ....... , rAjiyra ..... Kio 4..-. CORN MKAU bus., Hi rre Virlia Meal.... COTTON TIES, f bundle..-. DOMESTICS " Sheeting, 4 A, V yd. ... Yams, V hunch. ....... .... bws. v dozoa......... .... ... Mackerel. No. I V bill. ..... 00 0t- Mackerel, No. 1, V-talf bbl.: 1 50 Mackerel, No. 2, r bbl CC Maofcerel, No. 2. V half tfci. t- f StRckerel, No. 3, bbl.... 2 . Muiiets, V bbl i ' Mullets, Fork bblo X 00 S. C. lioc Horrir.g, V tcj.... 3 'X1 Dry Cod, & !fc f FLOlTli. & bbt 'Northern 3uer....... 3 Extra.... Family 4 City M'.lia supfr 4 Farally... OLirjS V lb - - GKA.1N, bushel Corn, trcsr siore, ba'g?.,wRlte Jort, cargo, in bulfe, white Corn, carsro. In bags, .white.. . Corn, cargo, mlxcu, In be pa.. Oats, from store Ccw Peaa. .'. HIDES. V !b- '-Jrecn-.......' ...i... Dry......... HAY, V 100 Cfc Eastern.... ...... Western ' North River 1 HOOP 11 EON. Pft LAUD.V tr Northern..... ..... . (3 North Carolina - c LIME, V barrel 1 0 LUMBER, City Sawed, V M ft. Ship Stuff, rcsawod IS 00 EouRh Edire Plani 15 00 West India Carpoefi.tccor lin? 12 15 1 til 5 t!5 21 as 10 V d -8 O a 7 o G C, ' K3 r?12 (X (3) 1C 50 75 75 00 65 t8 6.' GC 45 J 10 ci & tt n (0 o a a a IS) .' :. i. ! 10 70 6 c: Wilmington &i WeldoB Railroad Company . CONDENSED SCHEDULE. rrUAlNS -iOlNG SOUTH Dated June 20th, 18:6. No. 4S, Dally. No. 40. Dally. Leave Weluon.... Ar. llockj Meun Arrive larboro..1. Ix;ave Tarboro. . . . . ....... . 3.33 15 pmj 5.38 pm 4 50 pro!.. ii 3u pm......L. Ijea.vo Wilson Leave (inldsboro. ... lcave Warsaw..... Leave Jturgaw..... Ar. Wllmlnston 4 05 pm 4 f 4 pro 5 54 pm 7,00 pm 7 60 cm c. 58 pm " 7.40 pm 9.55 pro .- TUAINS G1NG NOKTH. NO. 47, Dally. No 4. Dally. Leave Wilmington. Leave liurgaw..... Jcave'V arsaw..... Arrive ioldsboro. . leave Wi'son...;".. Ar.Kochy Mount... 4i am 9 30 8m 10 :- 6 am )l..t5am 13 25 pm It 10 pm 8 50 pm 9 50 pm 10 57 pm I' 58pm 133 am 1 2 am ArrivcTarbor... Iavc Tarboro.. 450 i m 11 30 Arrive Wcldon. 2 15 pm .... ... : 45 am 1 o 6d (ZD 1 15 1 1 15 3 e 7A 1 (0 00 to to quality Drese.ed EloorlnR, eeaijoac-i . Scauthns,and Board, coni'n at)LAdSS, gallon .lo i g 1 i it1 (O 5i r oo Now Crop Cuba, in fchds " " bble 2i a 3U P.u-to Rico, mi-nds 'jj tu ' so " lr. bb!s. 1.0 & 35 Sugar House, in badb........ a . " Ur. Ubs tt 20 Syrup, in bbla H O 35 NAILS, Eeg', Cut, l'jd iua!e. a- ft OILS. gallon Eeroeno ;D 1 Lard , a- tf? 1 45 Linseed- " e i 00 Eoein i5 & li Tar.......,. .- ikj & aj. Deck and S-par.u. OC e H POULTRY- Chlctens, Kve, irrewv... ,G 33'j " Spring 5 si V.. Turfeejs . -.i Ci 1 '0 PEANUTS V" bnsfce-i 22 lbs .: 1'J W 5 U POTATOES, V bushel Sweet ......v., fC 0 Irish. V bbi.....i ;J9 1 05 FOKi, V barrel- ;? Uty Mess..' .. if fo a 00 Prime i. 5 clt 00 Sump. .. BICE Carolina. th.,.. lousn, UEhei Upland) .. - i r ...... ,r .' .i t "" 113 50 UAS5. 1j It Country . City: ....... . BOPE, ft... SALT, & Ck, -A Mux... Liverpool Lisbon. ....... ........ . American.......... SUyAR.f tb tan 2a,rd . Standard A W hit 3 rTx: C . Ex C, fiolden C Yellow SOAP, V ib. Nortbein SHINGLES, 7 In. VJH Common.. 1) . 1 a i ic OD 60 1 U i q ii 7 ft i " bo a . of tt ?! 7!4(ii) A($ 7 0 (ci Ct4 Train onSootland Neck Branch Road lev c HalL axfof ScoUand Neck at 3.00 P. M. Q turning leave Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. diliy except Sunday. - . 1 r drf leaves TArtMto M. C. via'Aibnrmi'1fiV. 4 hiX-'-gh li: It Dalljexcerft 'undiy, 6.0" F. t vr.f Sunday 5 00 P. M.v.arfico Wllllamitorj, N :, S l J. M., 41 P.X Detumlng leave VVri'ac.Eton, N. c, Daily except miu ty, 00 A. M ynday B.5i A. M , Arrive TarbooN. C., :o5 A. JIKO A. M Xr t r tin n Midland N. C. Branch leav Gol la boro, N, D&ily except Sunday, 5 30 r, M.. r!i SmtlhlV Id. N. C. 7 Oft P. M ! AliivnliK, lcaviis m'thCeld, N ,C, 7 30 A. M., arrive GoUUbor, . C. . 3 CO A. M. - Tr dn No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson. GolJsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 47 makes close connection at Wei don for aU joints North Dally. All rail b Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. . Trains make close connection for all pointa North via Itlchmond and Washington. , All train? run solid between Wl'mlngton ani' Washington, and have Pullmau Palace Sleep era attached. ' . . , JOHN Tl DIVINE, General Superintendent. J. K KKNLY, Fnp't Transportation T. M. KMKKSON, Genera.". Passenger Aeent. june -4-4 - . Wilmington, Coluiri hh & Angnsta R. R. Co. Ifpslisssiiliy CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TANS GOJNG SOJJTf?. Dated April 25, JSS0 X 11)11 . (jieitve n iimijiKon.... Xv. L.Waccamaw Lcaye Marion.... Arrive Florence...; 1 Arrive Sumter ........ A rrivp Columbia. . No. 48, Dally; fc.15 pm 9.l0 pm ll.3l5 nm .25 )m 4.'.'i am O.40 am No 40, 1-ally.- 10 10 pm 11 ISjjp 13 3i) m I ' ai 4 24 at?i B.jQ Mrn TKAINS GOING NOKTH. Leave Columbia. . Arrive Sumter... Leave Florence Leave Marion. Lv L. Wa6eam-,r. .. Arrive Wllminrt'n... No. 43, Dally. ...a EE: 4.30 pm 5.14 pm 3.30 pm No. 47. DaMy. 9 55 pm 11 55 pm 4 21 am 5 .( ar" 8.1a) aia Nos. 48 and 47 stop at all Stations except liCKiocei, uuntzer, uane&avaniiah, watorcc; and MrrinisV 5. CO 2 00 Cypress Saps 4 5C Cyprees Hearts 0 CO STAVES. M W. O. Barrel.. S 00 Ii. O. HojrsB-Ad GO 00 TALLOW, Vltr- 5 TIMBER. V M feet HhlDt'ine.12 00 Flee Mill ...II 25 ill P"rrme 1... 7 51 Mill Fair, 1 n f erlor to OrdJ Aary 1 1 . . . . . . WHISKEY, V gai Northern. North Cwolln,,...s.. WOOL, V lb Washed Unwashed... Burrv... .......... ... a tt OA a a it 6 6V 00 -a 0 of 0 00 Q 1 0: 1 0) fx Oi, 1 00 0 2 v Is H 20 15 TO 20 ID fl 1 JOHN F. DIVINE,' Genfril SirrarlntTianTit JiENLY. Sitp't Transportation. assenger Ageni .1 T? T. A. KM EKSO N. 'General V api -zi Carolina Central Rr K. Company. 1886. Uarper Young People, AN LLLU3TRATED WEEKLY. he ireltlon of H ARfEB'8 YoUNO PEOl'LK aa t.be leading weekly periodical for young readers is well established. 1 fce publishers pare no p&tns to provide the best ana most attractive reading ojvI ijlustrationr. Ihe se rial and thort stories itve sUronqj dramatic. In terest, wniie tney are wnoiiy nrcp irom what la pernicious or vulgarly sensational; the naoers on natural hlitory and science, travel. and the facta of life, are by wrl ten: whose names rive the best assurance of accuracy and ralne. Illustrated papers on athletic sports, games, and pastimes give full Information on these subjects. There la nothing cheap about t but its price. An f nltome of everrthlnflr that Is attractive anaaesiraoie in luvenue uteratcre. xkbiod Courier. A weekly feast of srood thlnrs to the boys and stria in every family wbl h It visits- Brooklyn union. It Is wonderful In Its wealth of picture in formation, and Interest. Christian Advocate, N. Y. TERMS: Postage Prepaid. $2.00 Per Year. .Vol. VII. conuBfiBcgs- November 3, 18S5. Stkqlx NrjXBXSs, FtveCcnis ft&y&h. RamUtancea should be made by Pot-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy tnis aaveruae ment without the express order of hastes Jk Bkothsks. Address HARP KB Jk BROTHERS, nov 24 York. Job Printing. 1 rpUE RKVIEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE Is prepared to do all kinds of Job Printing as ntatly. as cheaply and as exppditjouijy as It can be done el e where. Send In your work and It shall be done promptly. leb 24 1886. Harper's Weekldf ILLUSTRATED. ilAiti'Ku's Weekly ha now, for more than twenty yearn, maintained Its position as the leading illustrated weekly newspaper in America With a constant increase of litera ry ana artistfc'resourccd, ltUs able to offer for tbe ensuing year attractions unejaalld by any previous volume, embracing two capital Illustrated serial stories, by Mr. Thos. Uardy among the foremost of living writer of fiction, and the other by Mr." Walter Eesant, one of the most rapldiy rising of inglish novelist: graphic illustrations of unusual interest to readers In a'l sections of the country; enter taining short stories, mostly lllnstrated, and important papers by high authorities on the chlf Joglj ol the day. Every one who desires a trustworthy politi cal guide, an entertaining and ins trucie fam ily journal, entirely free from objectionably features in either letter-press or illustrations, should subscribe to Haxfzs's Weekly Harper's Periodicals. Pop Tear: HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPER'S MAGAZINE....!.. HARPER'S BAZAR. , HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. $4 00 ...... 4 00 ...... 4 00 2 GO HAKPEE'S FHANKLKf SQUJlEE LIBBABT, One Year (52 Numbers 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the hr?t Number for J an nary of each year. When no' time Is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber Wishes to cciaiepee v-th the Number next after the receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper Weekly, tor three years back, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage pald.or by express, tree of expense (provided tho freleht does not exceed one dollar per volume;, for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for blndlmr. will be sent bv mall. Do&tnald. on re ceipt of $1 00 eaca. . i- Rcmittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Habpes A eothees. 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