if: i V- Tilt -.1 V evening onaays ; I MISCELLANEOUS V BAIIiUOADS, &c. r-.f.wjWiImington:& Wedon R. R. i - - - f I II I I I II II -1 II ; I - II ' W .-'V - 4 ' ll! II U Tl . I i T - r 1 r H J 1 1 : l ' l ! 1 1 1 1 . i ; ii a ii ll.-. .v . -ii i 1 1 i.ii ' u nrrT - I. i -II' - I I - I I . I I i I II 11 A II II y - II , . II II. 11 . II . II 1 AIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID. . 44.00. Six month. f2-0Q. Tlircs , tl.CG ; One month, S5 cents. ? win LedeUTcrcd by carriers froe a any psjrt of the city, at the above scKs per wtek. rcg rates low and literal- Kiicrs win report any and all fan olvc their paiCT resrmarly. PURELY VEGETABLE. ict T-itS Utraordintry efficacy on th AND BOWEL&. AN EFFEUIUAL PEC!T.!C F03 .rta, 15ot1 Coxnialjtt spepsla, irk Hrfcdachc, Constipation. Bintaness, Kidney Attri tion!. .uiunaice. Mntal Dkuression, , tout Household Sionld be Witixnt It, 1 1, by being kepirady for inimcdi: i save many al hour ff sn fieri r use. v al hour fi .sui.enni aui , i ny a dollar in ttae and d'Ktors' biJs, THEREl BUT ONE TTTAfcTQ TTTt1D DTJPTTT ATAD ' llllUll Q Ul iiu liu u u ua i u i L"ito ea tnat you set uarjenuinc mm . front of Wrapir. ' Prepared only by .. . .i.l...i.r .. "7nfi H.ZEILIN 6,pO.,SoleProprielort,j llad.lphie, Pa. V FKICE, tJl.OO. h 3 deoil ft w tclpV is boldly. chark 1, in a Fionda tspaper. tbac a htei in Hnmiitoit luty at the last e ion sold hU vote a dozen eegs of-SaJ Barbara, has ovedjthat olivetrSVe ran be made pay in California. l'c baV a gmve trees that siefcnnuaily 50.000 hk'h he seIN l i a . m f l iiu. P. Gill. M s of Mr. 5-neli ; AIr. Parneli neli'leri rioas illness"' V wtBSluuul "?u- lQOUSn "i vusariag to know th he is stead' y florins, lie has ll a narrow. e. , i qt weeKS ne wuorbidden t a visitor or look at i nowsoaDeri even now his physicii who is ono ftha most, eminent pltitioners in hJon. enforces absolutl iuiet if he mend sufficiently to thble to take )lsce at the opening oluriiamcat." a Tradesman has reived reports every,town and city I the South- States, showing eel industries ch have arisen andknterprises bb bave"Ocn actuallylndertaken ebnitely projected in tbtyear 1886. wug luo uiuiu .juipgria. are ine U t . 'J . I rick Manufactures Alaama 13, v ansas 5, Florida 36. GWzia abama 25, Arkansas 5, GWgia 12. sin n a 1Q Miaeiastnn! k L. lina 10. South Carolina 4 T.nnn.. . xexas u ww n al. Iron, Gold and Silver amaJ9. Arkansas 13. G tucky 16, North Carolina ee 16. Texas 8, Virgihia 14 fclniaS. ectric Light and Gas Work a 4,- Arkansas 3, Florida 5. rrin 3ntucky 10.-Ix)uisiana 4. Mafvlaad lississippi 5. North Carollial 7. h Carolina 5. Tennessee 12. Ttfcas Virginia 3. West Virginia 11 gia 11, Kentucky 14. Marylad 10. h Carolina 8, South Caroli a?. nessee 21. Texas' 42, Virgin 7. s v irgtnia 3. ast Furnace3 Alabama 18 c 10. i ood Working Establish mcntsJin. ing saw mills, planing milts, fijni manufactories Alabama 65ir- , as 34. Florida 36. Georgia 57. Iei. VJ 14. Louisiana 10. Mississlpp ll, ? fh Carolina 15. Tennessee 56. Txat uachine shorn. fminr!ripx nnd ' ra in 9 s Alabama 23. Arkansas 4, Ffrida eorgia 13. Kentucky 11. LoaUam Maryland 9. Mississippi 3, -Jorlii pitna o. ooum Carolina 2. I enriseo Texas 12. Virginia 16. We3tlrirr Railroads and Steel RaUwavs4AIa. I . I a & ... J tea- 1 iub - Mi.Mj c luriui zi.i targta iJl, rveniucsy louistsfa 5 ITT uu , unaaisjiuyt ill. norm ;.r. ha 10,-boum Carolina 12. Tepguej .Texas 1J, v irgmta 13. WcstlVii aia v. fjjisuenoucwus .uuuirie Aim a I Arkansas b. i lorida 37. Georia 4 muetfj u. jujsiana 19. Mal joussissippi id. iNorth Carujja I . 1. .: n n iiiu vynruiuia io. lennessee f p I Virg'nia 40. West Virsinia id , i fl rhe TroJewiiTi says- that JLiong the; 1st important features odue iadtsi - - on muis in unattanooc htlon of coal mining caph habama, Tennessee, Non. ( xi iveniucity; tne estaouii .8 siova lactones in Alaa 1 nessee, and the extraorjr. lopment of the lumber buac itbcrn btatc?, ...... i l MS . V SS.TTen JjVVest l-A!a 4 Ill revival ot the past yearre a" large! ,r,Ir. 8aipended daring the iuwi vi.uiuakcsoMua a Ji'T : .11 , . . . 1 1 icuuui.co, inusiwi $u ; . j - , ' i J J h I - . -. v,- W . . i i- WW i -u- " ii it AXS JL U-UJ LL U A ,V. Jl JJLJ V Y f - ; fylL XI. WILMINGTON. N. C., SATURDAY. JANUARY 1; 1887 ' VO l Another mamniolh cave fa report I , mis ume in Missouri. The first ex- raiionwa8 only a partial one., bat k in ceTiTHl.chambcra and was proas uted Tor a distance ol a- quarter bf a i . ... - . - - ue, ana stul other chambers and ipyrinlha ol pasiazp lay beybnd iri Feral directions. The Keener? is re- wed to be indescribably beautiful, the tbandant stalactites - and RtUcmir0a Mabmin all sorU nt lantastic shapes. i , - . -The legislature will meet on Wednes lay next and ol course an organization i the first thinu in order. In the Senate be Democrats have a good working majority and there will also be a leuiccatiu 'mlnriLV in t i-unt. h'll.i - kut in the IIou?e it is tlinv.rent There he Independents, or raud-torttes, will :old the balance of power Enough of hese, it is thought, will coalesce with he Republicans to keep the Democrat! ut of the offices entirely in Xhat body ml it is in view of this fact that wc uggest to the Democrats in the House batlhey make a deal with the Repub leans that will leave lodependentis.n lufc iu ujs turn. it n vrouiu miuci co a : u -at. ..i.i ..it... straight out Republican in office any day than an Indepiodent "Democrat and this renliment we propose as the t,AS'3 of action, j Let the Democrats say the R?nnhlicanfl P!xelnd the In ependents from your caucus, as we pill irom ours, and we will support oqi nominees-jfor the offices." We bavi doubt this arrangement could be niade - It' wr.ald be good policy and would at the same lime give Independ juntism in North Carolina a black eye Krom which it Will never recover. . LOCAJ. NEWS. Ill DEI TO NEW'ADYERTISEMFITl. Mdxds Btos Secreto - M M Katz Happy Sew Year ns Christ his s Presents. line GEO R fBEJfCH A POTS Still Open Millm NiEsriJB Uonday Gdodi j W Thompsox, Sect'y Dividend Notice SVAKaMarsoi & Co Furniture at Au- : npr.M'S-To Cur Fi lends axid Ois tion tomerd. A K Walkk, Ca8hrA.nnual Meeting of Slock bo Wera - ' Cungress meets again on Taesdsy. ; Day's length 9 hours and 51 minutes. The legislature meets next Wednes day. Sunset to morrow alternoon at fo'clock The cold wave signal has been fl to-day. v iroin thia month 34 minoes of daylight. . . - . Vallpvnp Cemetery this week. There were no interments iOakdale This month has .five Satrdays, five punaays ana nvc wonaa New Year cards, you wl find a large assortment at Hemsberf-r s. , T . 1 Schr Belle Bro&n, Brry. cleared at Baltimore for this porDecgOth. c,. irn. v ,'i-LrJi. Kskrid?e. J V- Tf " hence, arrived at Bitimore Dec. 29lh. "J, ' ;aoa Jrmv iururrs iiuaU9 vi.- j vnaihor fnr ih'carlv bart of. this rVMUV4 W mM'w . I i UiUUlU. v . 1 Ger; barque f icie lioddmann Guth, hence lor Rostpfc. passed Copenhagen, Dec. gSthy . . - W-ei wish f l our readors, ail' their kihfolka ant every body else a Happy New Year y r " There vare three interments, two adults am' one child, in Pine Forest Cemeter this week. , Yon if a 11 save1 money and get the best work sending your clothesor repairs to Jcnn Dyer and Son. ; t I - L ' t- . I Stamboatmea report about six feet f r r Vaier on the shoals io the Cape Fear lit - - . . .- .... f nno ids river suuwwuat u " The Register -of Deeds issued nine mkrriage licences this week, four of wjiiclr were for white, and five for colored couples. ' . ' - jrhe Produce Exchange is closed to day, in consequence of which we are unable to furnish oar regular market report in this issue. j. Basinets on the river front has been dayf accountants : i will be four eclipses this year. a sun and two ot the moon. y one of these. partial eclipse ,iton; on February 8th, will, be . - - - i The Board of Directora of the,Wil mington & Weldcn R. R. have declared a dividend of four per cent, pa able on Lhe 15th inst. - - . 'Theru will be Communion Service 4n English at St. Paul's Iutherai Church to-morrow morning and at "sight the service at the same church will be in German.' ' The annual meeting of th stockhold ers of the First .National Bank, tor the election of officers, will by held at (he Banking House in this city on Tuesday, the 11th inst.1 It being a legal holiday. Uncle Sain's t flicials at the Custom loiise closed r.p the "Shebang" and ok a rest consequence of whicv we can give no reports from theie'tcfday. Joo Monk, barkeper for Mrs. Bry son. on Nutt streetwas brought before the Mayor this naming, charged with an assault on a erman sailor. The defendant was uncharged. A friend has mown as the branch of a peach tree, packed to-day in a garden in the Northen part of the city, which is covered w'h buda and has one full bloom on it How "is this for. New Year's? Ali of lie household and kitchen f u rn i tu re f M r. J, W .. Thorn pson . who willeaye the city soon, will be offered h public auction, by Messrs. Van Aniinge & Co , on Tuesday, the 5th ins at the residence, corner Wal uut awd Third streets. . ) . Re C. W, Godwin, who was ap pointed by the. last nnnual Conference as castor of the M. E. Chapel in that poAion of the ciy known as Brooklyn, hus arrived andentered upon the dis carge of . bis duties, and the church Uver there wtl be now reeujarly or- Iganized. ilth Stryet M.;E. Church was nearly filled last .vight. despite the inclement weather, oy persons attending the watch niht services "'The Presiding Elderasusted the pastor in conducting the exercises, which were profitable and irere? ting. Watch night services wereilso held at the Brooklyn M. E. Cbael. and at anumber of the colored cfc'aehes of the city. v Our New Ureas Slilrt. 18 inch squaro bosom with narrow plaits, reinforced; a very handsome and elegant shirt. Manufactured and sold only at one dollar, at the Wilming ton Shirt Factory, 27 Market street. J Elskacii, Prerrietor. , - t It'D Often So. We know of a young man who didn't go to the ball last night but he Just dropped'ih" at about .9 o'clock to see who were there, and he didn't get away uniil about 3 o'clock this morning. Moral When a young man who is fond of dancing does not mean to at tend a ball, be bad better give himselr no uneasiness concerning who are there. -j Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this..yt. for tbejuonth ended Dec. 3Ii foot no 25.694 bales as azai iCZ..- , iales for the same month last year; an in crease ol 10.-13 Abates.- The receipts lor the crop year to date foot up 114,787 bales. a3 azainst 78 953 bales for the corresponding time last. year; an in crease of 35.834 bales. - ICeUffious Kxercises.. The Wilmington Light Infantry under the command ; of Capt. J; H. Daniel, will assemble at their Armory tomorrow in Tull uniform and thence they will march to St. . John's Cburcli, where services suitable to the occasion will be conducted by Rev. Dr.. Cars michael. the Chaplain of .the Second Regiment. N. C. Stale Guard. ;it is desired that every member of the corp" shall be present in fall uniform and at tend the" services. : - Iast Nlfflit's Bail. The grand New Year's and anniver sary ball given at Germania Uall last night by the Germania Band was an elegant aflair. - The attendance j was large, making the scene a living pano rama of yoath, grVce and beauty: The band played several of thur best musi cal selections, while the Italian hampers famished the music for the merry dancers. An elegant supper of delicate and tempting viands was prepared lor the occasion, to which ample 1 justice was done. It was the best dance, thus far, of the season, far exceeding any ol ts predecessors. The dancing was con tinued until nearly daybreak this morn ipg. The aflair was in every particular an entire success: a 1act which we hope will encourage the band to get up another ball before the season ; shall close. - ' : - " I A. Cold Wave. . A cold wave fa approaching h.rs city from the Northwest, which promises to be unusually severe unless it should bi greatly modified before its arrival. At Bismarck. D. T I at 7 o'clock this morn ing. ' the thermometer indicated 35 degrees below zero f At St. Paul it was 25 below, and at S1? Iouis it was only one. degree abovo zero. . v There is also another cold wave ap proachingbere from the Fouthwcst. At 7 o'clock this morning, with lbe thermometer i ndicating . 59 degrees above zero in this city, it stood at 20 above at Palestine, Tex..' 18 above, al iouisvillo, Ky 27 above at VShrrve port. La., and 28 above at AUantat a. It has grown perccptibty.cflder here since sunrise, and the cld waves will probably be here in their wrath by to morrow raorningl' - t Strike of Firemen. . There was a slight disturbance at the yard at the Knnt, street depot last night among the firemen of the engines on the Atlantic Coast Llnej which for a short time threatened to prcve of a serious character. It seems that , the firemen had made a demand lor an in crease of wage, and as the demand was not complied with by the railroad authorli s J Ik y all loft theicenginas cn strike. Others were vsoon found to take their places, and as the new men started to their work there was- quite an angry demonstration made by the strikers. During the disturbance a pistol was discharged by some one in the crowd, t he-ball irom which passed through a part of the Iclothing. near the shoulder, of one of, the new men. r but fortunately4 without inflicting any wound ii pon his person. Quiet, how ever, t was soon restored, and the trains left on time, and all trains arc .no w running on regular -schedules. X Little Leaven Leaveneth the f Whole Lump. I A disease in one part of the body w ill eventually fill the whole body with dis ease. Every year or two some part loj the system grows weak and beg his to decay. jSuch part should , be removed at once and now matter be allowed to take place. There's no need of cutting it out with the surgeon's scalpel. Puree away the old diseased and . worn out parts with Bhandretii'sJPilt.s. Then the new body will take care of itself, f If you want to commence a new set of blank books, such as ledgers,; jour nals, day. cash books orrecords, go to Heinsberger's, "where you can get suited both in quality and price. t The Fantasticals. The parade that was promised ur this afternoon came off in due season, starting from the front of the City Hall at precisely o o'clock. The number was larger than was in the, parade on Christ mas, day. Same were on foot, some. in wagon 8 and carts asd some on horse bacfcl Thoro was every conceivable sort, kind and color of countenance and clothing among the masquers and, taken all in ail, it was a most grotesque display. The streets .were thronged with 'spectators to witness the imposing pageant and many were the ludicrous - - comments I hey made as the i parade passed in reviow. One of the striking features of the pageant was an old mule, bearing the naroe-of "I. Shrier' upon the saddle cloths, - which was mounted by asorti)f a "What Is -It?" in the shape of a man who was drcsssd in the latest style. ' . M . . '.- Clearance Sale. Big redaction in clothing at Siiuieu's. All small lots w here sizes are broken in suits; overcoats for men, boys and children, reduced in price $2. $3,$ and $5. : The real cost or actual value ol the goods have nothing to do with the low prices. Shriek has reduced them to some ix'raordinary big value fori very little money. Don't fail to see Shuieb lor. bargains; first come will have best choice to select from at the very low prices. New; styles ami reliable' clothing can be had at I. SorjEii's, the ' O Id Relia bie Cloth ier, 114 Market Street. ' ; : Saved Ilia Lite. Mr. D. I. Wile xson; of Hoise Cave, Ky., says he was, tor many sears, bad ly afflicted with Phthisic, also Diabetes ; the pains were almost unendurable and would sometimes almos tth'row him in to convulsions. Ha tried Electric Bit ters and got relief from first .bottle and after taking six bottles, was entirely cored and had gained in flesh eighteen pounds, -Says he positively believes he would have died, had it bot been for the reiel afforded by Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty, cent a bottle by : W; H. Green a Co. The Review Job Officb is the place . 1 1 . - .. . v w gvb (iMi wur h mourate prices, NISW AlVJ2KTISKMJ2.VT8. FJRST HATIOIAl BARK OF WltMlRGTDH. - - . - - ,i. - - JKl'ARYi I, 15t7. . ri'llBANNIlAL. MKK.TI ii OK THK Motk I bohlera of tH Banfc ftr the c'ccUn of pirectora wlil be held at tlieir Banklujc Home on Tuesday, the llUi Inst , at 11 o'ekn-.k, a .in '.;-'- v. . . A.-K. WAl.Kl!.,- JanUt. I S 810 i a? hler j WILMINGTON A Vf KLfjN KB; SECRETARY & TKIfiASU-RKkMi-FrjCK. . v ; ; Wllmlnglun, Dec $ . 1?G. A DIVIDEND OF F )UKPJ5R CKNT.rON J the. Capital tcck-t tha Wilmington. Weldon Ballroad Co ha been declared by the Direct ra; patatlc oq and iter tbe Ibih ot January, 17. to an stocrnoiuers or record on the Books of the Company this date ' The Transfer Books win stand ciotcd from mis uaie uniu auer timiry ioin. ; v 1 J. W. THOMPSON: janlSt Secretary & Treasu er. By 8. ranAAllU KOE & Co., ' AUCTIONESRS. ' . :' Furniture at Auction fK TUBS DAY, J aNUARY 4TU, 1$SI, AT 10. o'clock, a. m , we will offer at Pab.fc Auc tion, without reserve, the entire Household and Kitchen Farnftare now at the residence of J. W. a'homp'on, Esq., on Walnut, be. tween Third and Fourth streets, consisting in part of , v'- w,, . 1 Set Parlor Far alt ire 5 Bed Room Set", Walnut, i 1 Book Case. ; - " 3 Lounges. . - . " ; 4 Matbic Top Tables, 2 Wardrobes. ' 1 Sideboard. - 1 Extension Table, Chairs. . Carpets, . Mamie " Orname&ts, Crocker?, Kitchen Furniture, and other articles too nn merout to mention. ' Paitiea can call cn Monday'-and examine the same. " Sr VAN AM BINGE & CO., janl2tnac . Auctioneers ' H a p p y New Ye a r T o R3 y F r i e nti s " AND MANY THANKS FOR THEIR KIND PATRONAGE IN AS- , V- SIST1NG ME TO START THE FIRST Cash House IN THE CttTY. By their help 'IT IS A SUCCESS, ... i t .. - . . ' and Jn future I Shall be able J V to sell Gods At Still Smaller Profits. I SHALL MAKK IT MY SPECIAL ENDEAVOR TO SELL ONLY THE BEST OF OOPS ! At the Lowesfrriccs S -v.: ;..... To compare favorably with IhqTflE LOWEST) NORTHERN CATA- LOGUES. iie lUJarkerst jao-l . - . r'?'-x WANTED General agent to handle Wil liams's copnerDlate man of the United States, Mexico, etci, size 66x65 lr ches j - - IS. W. SMITH A CO.. . 10 outh Sixth street. Philadelphia, Fa. dec 31 tf . - . . - 1-" Tlie New Purcell House, WILMIN GTON, N. C. WINQ TO- UNAVOIDABLE C1ECUM BtancrawUfrnot be. opened on January ltt, lnt will Tto. TWnil cm .Tanniirv fi.M IfVf?. Ue31 IW y W- UEUft-lilUJi. FIO Ceereto." A GgoCL Cent - Cigar. . " Wholesale and Betall Drtisgist.' -" dc3l ; ' ' ' "C wnmlngtoB, N.;a . - - o: - CoamnnJcatlons iana l ... - oca aide ot tfao rapox. Pwonamic amal b AToldtd.: , 1 -And It ) jojeianyx and jarttcularly cn too! iha: She ry.Uor docs sot alwayg udoi N ISAV A 11 VintTISKfllliNTS. (7&eUKAFTElKftS - ViiCiiX f4M,, ? dnclnjf will . mc Uxm aud FTldays fur. ticuilcincn. and -on TuclNy, Thurs t d3 and 'Saturdays for lidl All ibosft . who failed to attend SjrVf I Ht opcnlrjj of the . Monday nisbt t3 make th. lr tr.m n.v.iA ' Still O p en. pPRTIES WHO FAILED TO GET THEIR ChristmasPrece ts in tlm-s for themselves or' ' their friend, can now l uj a neat, 'substantia ' BOOTer BHOK fori New Yeir's 2iff -Call on " ' . '- - .. : . ' A GEO. U. FilBNCII & SONS. Kgcj:..; ' lOSN. Front Streft TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS. A Happy New Xehr. 11HANKINQ TIIBU, ONK AN I ALU FOU their past favors, werejpeet fully ask a con """-' , - . :u "... - - Uatiance of the eame, and promise to M ji: in ourpowcrtoglve.Railsaeiio.; - HlflSSBElJGEtt'.S 5ASHV ;B0OK AXO h ioii the ' new .year' MUSIC SIOUS entory with a destre to keep all ll old frieud, and by fair dealing and wr'teny to mab'emany new ones. . - . Vtry ieicctfulh . HEIKERGER'S; ,de3 31 ' Cash BOh and Aliieie St0i ors Ooimpliments of the Seal son to All I But what are good' withes compared with good bargajjis ? We desire to wind up the, old year and. begin the new by securing the good wishes of all our patrons. How can this be better accomplished: than Iby ..giving ythein ; much more than the value of their? money ? A fine line of Gloves Laces, Colored Silk Mitt?, Ribbons "anu.Ve!!': ing. in all colors and desirable styles. tEverytijfn will be rcdjiccdj iii trice before stock taking, Jan. istl lB&y ul - ' ' :-:hftl . Taylor's; E3 Sfe'r,- . t 118 Market St; dee 20 WllxulnstOD, N Q.: Sale of Valuable Lot. T Y VIRTUK OJ A DECUXETOF THE btperlor Court of New Hanover county. I wilt cell at public auction at the pourt House doorjn tbe clty'of WUmioatin, pa Mcnday, January rd. Uc7. at 12 o'clock, M. the tt I. owirs lolin sld city; MwJ $1 fc'. Beginning at the southwest corner of Ann f if Lu" Vih.1 V"??6 nth wlih tte ee uoe oi olxui street w reel, thence U'eat 82Mj feet, thence North t6 feet to a nn street thence 82V, feet to the bealnnlBK, being part or lot No-1, In block 117. r ? i . . w ?' -iPRlCE. Guardian. tXKs Art cf W. jr. I tire. Hazard Powder. ; Wit SOW , HAViS TUB AQESCV FOU this celebrated Powder -wblcL Is ua" doubtedlv the best o!d i this couury. k -r magazine, built down the river (out of cltr . llmltB). Full assortment of all the sizes at iw lowest prices. ?. :. : . . WU. . SFJHNGKB A CO.. Successors to Jobn I'awsoo a i o 19.-21 and 53 Market ttreet. "'' Cal and Examine THK. noLiJAY pBtNT? ? " ;jia1u ititUiJiiEV-' ' TOOIJI -KKljHfcVwv: : and PEErcMEajsJ. V : - ' ;. t - a r' C.lHLtEli'j,' ! . Coeriroh aadWiIuM Tayl Bazar 1. j. p I; i- f. '

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