ThoDaHv Review. Saturday. January i. iss7. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies A marrelof parity, strength and wholesomcncss. Mre economical tban the oniinary kinds, and an not be Bold In competition with the multitude of low teat, short weight alum or phosphite Fowders. Sold only in cans. Dotal. Baking owdkb Co.. 106 Wall St. S. Y. oct 26 dtw ly tenrra 4thp Ntuos and Observer'. Reduced rates have been secured over the rajlroa's for the benefit of those who will attend the Farmers Convention in this city January 18th. Tickets will ba issued at two cents ami la or about odo tan for both ways. The round trip rates will be from Asheville. $7; Charlotte. $4 75; Salem. 3.50; Greensboro,. $3; Goldsboro, $2. and reductions in pro portion from other railroad stations " Asheville Advance: On the plantn tton of W.-U. Murray, eight miles south of Asheville, on the line ot th Asheville and Spartanburg Railroad there are three mineral springs, all within 30. yards ok each other. The waters of each are different, out Seine iron and sulphur, another iron, sulphur and alum, while the third is" a fine chalybeate. There is also a very tine mineral spring on. Mr. V. S. Murray's place, near by. Goldsboro Argus' The d dication services of the Hebrew Synagogue of this citjP will begin at 4 o'clock this af ternoon. The Rabbi. Rev. Dr. Mnrx Moses, will officiate, assisted .by Mr. A. Kejser, a lector of one of the Balti more . congregations. The occasion promises to be one of much moment and edification. Many visitors of note are expected to arrive at noon to-day; The dedication services are to be fol lowed by a grand banquet, and "after wards a ball at Armory Hall to-night. Charlotte Observer: On last Monday night, at Dallas, an assault was made on Mr. Jo. Floyd by a young man named John J. Wise, which will prob ably prove fatal to the former.. N particulars of the cause which led t the affair could not be learned here jester dav. but it is stated that some time after supper1 Wi9e called Flovd ut o the Matthews Hotel ofliee and attacked him with a knife, cutting hirudin four places, two of the wounds being of very serious nature. Wise, tne man wbd did the catting, made bis escape and has not since been seen. Mr. J. M. Kendrick, of this city, who is oousin ofFfoyd. received information yesterday afternoon to the effect that Flovd would in all probability die of bis injuries. Charlotte Chronicle:. Mr. Joseph Walker, a venerable gentleman, ar rived in this city yesferday morning from Spartaaburg, accompanied by his daughter, a eirl 14 veats of age. Mr. Walker isthe mayor of 'Spartanburg; and his visit hero was a sad one. His vounz daughter bad married a young man in Soartanburg. and Mr Walker was taking her away from her husband. L.ast nieht Mr. Walker placed his daughter on the north bound train, and sent her to a place of refuge to a norm ern city. The facts of the aQair an these: Oa last Saturday night Mus V1 fcpr mta.t a Dartv Guy Harris, tho annnf mprfhant in SDartanburg. Miss ia hetween fourteen and fifteen nil vnnne Karri is betweenfifteen and i-rtoan vnars of ager He is a student at Woifbrd college. The two young people, probably on the impulse of the moment left the residence of the mutual friend and applied in quick succession to two ministers to marry them. They were refused bv both. A son or on clergyman left his father's bouse' and man nltk tho rnnn j nann a thisilrintr a notary pnoiio who consenleif0 form the ceremony and did it ' The friend who accompanied the bride and groom Witnessed the ceremony and then escorted them to the residence of the groom's father. Mr. 'Harris was immediately informed of the lacU and forthwith sent a note to Mr. Walker. who quickly responded, found his daughter tilting in the parlor at Mr. Harris' residence and took her home. He afterwards decided to, send Ler North, and this he succeeded in doing, as already stated. Excitement in Texas. Great excitement has been, caused it the vicinity of Paris, Tex., by the re markable recovery of Mr., J. E. Corley. L wno was so helpless be could not turn in bed, or raise his bead ; eveFy body said he was dying of Consumption, A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery was sent him. Finding relief, he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills; by the time he had taken two boxes of. Pills and two bottles of the Discovery, he was well and had gained in fl&h. thirty-six Trial Bottle of this Great Discovery for Consumption freo at W. II. Green & Co'a. Do yoa need a good heating or cook fng store P ' Thon go to jACOBra'J There yon will find a large assortment to select from. Hi low prices will pleaieyoa. . f Church Services To-Mbrrow. St. Paul's Eraa. Lutheran Church, corner or Sixth and Market streets. Bt.J. W K. Pe. . chao. Pastor. Commnnion services to ltrgusn at 11 o'clock, a. nu Communion ser'kej in airman at 7.30 p m. bunday Cca.oi ats sj p.m. W. H. fitransa, SupC Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. BeT. J-W-Prlmrof e. Pastor, irrices at 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. Sunday School at S p. m A nnual nonxregulonal mceing and called meetlnc for t e election of o Ulcers, Wednesday at 7.50 p.m. The public are cordially lnrttcl. fce. free. Vlrsi Presbyterian Church. corner Of Third ami orange stree's Rev. Peyton H. Hg, I'astor. rcrvlces it U ra. an-tT.O j. m rubll : invited ami se-ts free. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and HIth streets. Kev. T. 1L Pritchard. I. L., pastor. Services at 11 . m. and .30p m. -ud ut School at 3.8C p. m Prayer and Prale meeting Thursday night at 7 o'clock. Bro k yo 1111 Baptist. Preaching by Eev. ; 31 1 olson, at 11 a. m and i Sup. rn b je t for morninc "Tbe Missionary Work of the outberj , Baptist Church - Evening utTOb tlonary Power of tne cross of Christ. Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets, Bev. t. 11. Tuitle, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 33 p. m. Mrst Method! t E. Church, South, at Jewish Sjnagogue, comer of Market and Fourth sts.. Ber. tr. E. A. Yates, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p: m. Sunday school at 3 p. m., V. M. Parker, superintendffnt. Prayer meet lng and lecture Wednesday night, at $ o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday night after first and third Sabbaths In each mouth. Scats free and the ubllc invited. , St Thomas' Pro-Cathedral. First Mass at 7 am. Second Mass at 10. a m. Vespers and Benediction at 5o'clockpm.. Daily Muss at 6:30 am. Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church hnd Castle streets. Kev. J. P. King, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sun day School at 9 a. m. ' Prayer meeting every Tuesday eight. Religious services In Tl lea Ion Upjcr Room every Sunday at 3 P M. Public cordially In vited. Services Mt St. Mark's Church, corner Sixth and Mulberry streets, Nev. Charles T. Cocrr, Kcctor Auoday School at 10 a. mA Morning Trayrr and ?crmon at 11 o'clock Evening Prayer and -c-mon at 8 o'clock. Holy Com munion r-etc'-raied on the first t-unday of each mo-ith. and on -aim's Days and Holy l'ays, at 1 1 a. m. Evening Prayer and Lecture every Wedcesday from Oct m to July Ist.atSo'Clk All are coruiiliy iuvlted fthiloh BaptUt Church, corner of Eighth and Walnut 6treeii- Preacblog at 11 o'clock, a. m. Sabbath ' 1 o'clock, p. m. Preacn ing at 3 o'clock, p m. Bible reading atio'clk, i. m. P.ea'lilnz at 8 15 o'clock, p. m. -e .ts ftC3 Elder M. V. Morris, pastor. First Baptist Church, (col.) corner of ' and Campbell streets, A. M. Conway, pastor Preaching at 11a. m., at 3 p. m. and at 8 p m. Sunday School at 1 p. m Seats free. Havine in our othuial capacity as members of - the Plymouth Hospiiul Committee been asked totetand prove the effectiveness of many different ar ticles to be used as disinfectants in sickrooms and as preyenti7es of infec tious fevers, report that il)arbvs Pro phylactic Fiuid has been thoroughly tested during tne recent lypnoia epi demic in this place. It proved nmst efficacious in staying the spread oi the fever. N F. II . Akmstont, S. M. Ha vENPoirr. J. A. Opf. O. M Lance. Tiios. Kekk, James Lee Jr. $11. 20 iu Music Tor 35 Cents. This Favorite Aibuni of Songs and Ballads, just published: contains thirty two pieces of choice and popular vocal music.uZ sheet music 8 ze, with com plete words and music and piano ac companiment. The music is finely printed upon heavy paper with a very attractive cover. The following are the titles of the songs and ballads con tained in the Favorite Album: As I'd Nothing Else to Do; The Dear Old Songs of Homp; Mother, vVatch the Little ted ; Oh Jou Pretty Biue-Eted Witch; Blue Eyes; Kaly's Letter; The Passing Bell; I Saw Esau Kissing Kite; Won't You Tell Me Why, Robin; The O.'d Garden Gate; Down Below the Waving Lindens, Faded Leaves; .All Among the Summer Ro3es; Touch the Harp Gently, My Pretty Louise; I Really Don't Think I Shall Marry; Drenming of Home, Tne Old Cottage Clock; Across the Sea; There's a Silver Lininsr to Every Cloud ; Strangers Yet ; Not Yet ; Somebody ; A Year Ago ; Bachelor's Hall; Ruth and I; Good Night; One Happy Year Ago; Jennie in the Orchard; The Old Barn Gale; Jack's - Farewell ;- Polly ; Whisper in the Twilight. . This isra very fine Col lection of real vocal gems,, and gotten up in very handsome style. Published in the usual way and bought at a music store these 32 pieces would cost you $11.20. Tho Holidays are pv na we must close out our siock at once.' Will send the entire collection well wrapped and postpaid for only 35 cents or four for $1.- OltDEUS. FILLEU SAME DAY RE CEIVED. By getting - three of your friends, you . secure your own free. Address. Holiday Publishing Co . BUFFALO, N. Y. 6t Quar erly Meetinjrs First round of Quarterly Ratings for the Wilmington Dist ;of the Methodist E. Church. Stri Fifth Street statiopJan. 1. 2. Brooklyn Mission. Jan. 1. 2. "Elizabeth circuit, at Elizabeth, ft o IOsrfer'i CreekaX Hebron. J Smithville station. Jan. 22. rirk vyaurcn.sune lempie Jan 29. 30. ' Msgnolia circuit, at Centeiary. Feb. 5,6- . .' , ' Duplin circuit, at Wesfey Cnspel, Feb. 12. 13 Onslow circuit, at Oncer's Creek. Feh.19. 20. - Bladen circuit, at Bb7ebeni. Feb. 26.27 CoEesbury circuit. at Bethany, Mar. 5,6 . Clinton circuit at .Concord. March 12. 13. . Topsail c;rcuit. a Rocky Point. Mar 19.120. Warcamvw Bethel. March 26.127. Whiteville station, at Whiteville, April j. , Brnnswtek circuit, at Bethel, April y, iu. , i T. W. Guthrie, P. E. Turner's. DlamVMUler'a and Whit- kket's almanacs for 1887, aod retail al Heinsberger's. 1 oleiale t Acme Saloon. N. K. uuaaiSB TftOST AND DOCK 8TS- J. G. L. GlESCHEN. Prop., Ttfm Clxsi In the city.- y - oct9 Jin. J, 15. a r I israei. COJSlllllSIMJiAli HJB W8 WILMINGTON MARKET December 314 F. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 33i cents per gallon. Sales of 100 casks at these Ogurea. ROSIN Firm at 75 cents for strain ed and 80 cents for good strained. - TAR Firm at $1.15. CRUDE TURPENTINE-rSteady at SI. 00 for hard. $190 for jellow dip and Yinrin. , ,, COTTON Easy. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary. 6 5-16: good ordinary, 7 3-16; low mid dline 8 9-16: middling 9 1-16; good middling 9 5-16. No sales reported. Receipts to day: Cotton. 341; spirits, 1 17 ; rosin. 997 ; tar, 234 ; crude. 1 . I'rovlHioos and Cottou. ! Chicago. Dec. 31. 2:30 p. m Wheat market opened at 79 and closed a78ror January. Corn opened al 37J and closed 37 to 374 fr January. Pork opened at 12 35 and . closed at 12 20 for January. - ' r NEW YORK, Dec.31.2:30 p m Cots ton opened at 9.46 and closed at 9.45 for January, Opened at 9 56 and closed at 9 55 for February. Opened at 9.68 and closed at 9.67 for March. Opened at 9.9 and closed at 9.78 tor April. Opened at 9.89 apd closed at 9 88 for May. . LN IS NJEW&. ARRIVED. ., Steamer A P Hurt, Robeson, Fayette ville, Woody & Currie. Steam i yacht Louise, - Woodside. Smith ville. Master Br Steamship Roseville. Dove. Liver pol, C P Mebane. Br Steamship Beechville, Evans, Maryport, C P Mebane. CLEARED. Steamship Benefactor, Ingram, New York, Ii G Small bones Br steamship Jessmore, Amlot. Liv erpool. Alex Sprunt & Son. Nor barque Th: Thoresen, Rod, Dun kirk, Alex Sprunt & Sod. J Nor barque Circassian. Jon&en. Hull. iTEnir. S PShotter& Co. Steamer A P Hurt. Robeson, Fay ettcville. Woody & Currie. . Steam yacht Louis. Woodside, Smith ville. Master ! Steamer Susie,, Dolbow, Point Cas well. Master. . EXPORTS COASTWISE Now York Sienfnship Benefactor : 171 b!s i!H.ton. 329 casks spts turp 495 bblvlO cases tar. 25 bbls pitch, 112 bbls rice. 24 bhjs linhtwod 293 bags nwe, 310 bajfs ric nieal. 2 bales hiles, 7 bbls bulb. 130 pki:s uadse.- 1C4.372 feet lumber rOREIOM. Liverpool Br S eamship Jessmore -, 5.202 balfS cotton. ' Dunkirk Nor barque Th. Thoresen 1 600 bales cotton. i HuiJ, Enig Nr barque Circassian 4,350 bbls rosin. , VVBEKLY 8TA.T13MJBNT. STOCKS ON HAND DEC. 24 m, 1886. Cotton ashore, 16 971; afloat. 2 000; total, 18.971. Spirits ashore, 3.122. , Rosin ashore, 98,569. Tar ashore, 5.350 Crude ashore, 1,153. RECEIPTS FOR WEEK ENDED DEC. 24Tir' Cotton, 5,060; spirits, 1,052; rosin 4.337; tar, 2,602; crude, 497. EXPORTS FOR WEEK ENDED DEC 24TII. DOMESTIC. ' Cotton, 958; spirits. 226; rosin, 435; tar, 975; crude. 101. foreiov Cotton. 9,180; spirits, 550; rosin, 6 300 VESSELS II THE PORT OF WILM1KST0 R. R.C December 31 : 1886. No vessel under 60 tonn sported In this list. STEAMS HIPS. Br Boaevllle, 1.C86 tors. Dove, CP Mebae Br Beecbvllle. 1.123 ton?, Evans, CPU ebane Br Elatrow. 1139 tons. R-bert&oa. C PMi t nntmn mi- 4 UAttUP-jL--T9pldp Nor vLrir, 49S ton, tars'n. Nor Bvron. 364 tons. JohBOnessen.- j , HetdeACo Ger Aie3. 35S tonsfcchoper, . Helde & Co Ger EcVward Pecs'i tPP. ' a r-eecoau dc wesierraaikii Ger CorsUn1 on Kcmefce, 335 tons, Fret- , Wt. T m U n flu XT n . Ger Pa$ 403 tn "" Staben, ' KG Barker & Co QCardenas, 399 tons, Eroff, Alex Sprunt 4 Son Ger tteilona. 455 tons, Lenclr, E Peschau & Westermann Ger Prlnz Eegent, 475 tons, tlerwlg, a K Fes3hau & Weatermann Nor Garfield, 7C5 tons, 1 edusen, Helde Co 6er Soli Deo Gloria, 425 tons, Mayer, Ger Godeffioy, 631 to's.'Banse. EG Barker ft Co Nor Atlantic- 516 tons, Ollegreen, Helde & Co Ger Rrna, 582 tona. Nlejhar, K G Barker A Co Br Khedive, 394 tors, McDonald, C P Mebane 4BBTG8. Ger Diana, 314 ton-f cbroede- Helde & Co SCHOONERS j '' B S Graham, 341 tons. Avis, x ' ..,..-. Georxe Harriss A Co ojwepo Jiuau, 8t ions, iiajloclt. " Geo Harriss Co Aiceri tx cross. ju iota. Henderson. . ;U . . ' eo Harilss Co a u Alien, 49 ions, uoairey. Br Equator, 4 tons, Aabury. - Georila B McFarland, 5 tons, b iron sr. r --v. : - Gc! Harriss A Co ah;.wji, ions, ciosEen, . BO Barker Co auuio a vaieoune, hm ions, inambers. at. . ' .Gcooge Harriss Co on8t,wett K G Barker Co Benjamba Lee, 95 tona, Stntman, . ," - Geo Harrlaa Co GeorgleL Drake, 413 tons, Wiley. Belle Brown. 141 tons. TtT.Q" E G' Barker Co Bagging, Ties Cotton Gins, Slo, 1 OOO UALf .bagging. 2000 BDLS AKEOW TiES. Wlnahlp Cotton Gin. withCondensera and Feeders. Wloahip Cotton Preeses- - Bacon. Ctrn. lard. Hour. Coffee, Sugar, Kails, Hoop Iron, Tobacco, Enuff, Molasses Ac, c. For sale by TFOKTH & worth? Holiday Goods. FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF HOL 1DA.T GOODS received by Steamer to-day. - . .... Citron, rretcives, Oranges, ' BaUlns, Jelly, Apples, . Currants, Mince Meat, FJs Nuts of all kinds; Candte3 and Cakes, I Brand led Petche3 a&i lijs. . Bometbing extra. Dreste 1 and Live Poultry, Ce'ery, fresh each day during the week. Vegetables, b : th canned andf re h. - . of almost every kind. Call early and tecure TQr supplies before the rath 1 JNO. L BOATWKIGHT, 15 & 17 So. Front Street Pure Buckwheat, JHAVF. ON HAND A FRESH LOT OF N. C- BUCKVvilEAT, just received from thg Western part of tt e State. Those desiring a PURE ARTICLE cau obtain it by calling on Jho. L. Boatwriglit. dec 22 15 & 17 So. Front Street Homes -in -North Carolina. Onlv 20 Hours Eide from s New York ! " 69 Mil es South of Raleigh On the Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line R B. 1 500 AC1IK;3 OF IjAND inthe on leaf pine region . For sale on easy terms In lota to ult purchasera. Four acres for Larger tracts $5 per . acre. In month! pay ments ot 910. This land adjoins the "South ern Pines", a recently- established health re port (or sanitarium), and is specially adapted for Fruit Culture,- as well as all the cereals. A number of New England people have bonh t lots In the town of "southern Pines," and it is the desire of the owners of this land to in duce small farmers, mechanics and others from the New England and Middle States, as well as elsewhere, to locate here. No State in the Union offers greater Inducements to eet tiers than North Carolina Nowhere can a better tarmlng country or as fine a climate be found. 1 his Is the opinion of Northern men who have settled in Worth Carolina. Thla la a bona fide offer, and is limited For further particulars write at once to J UN T. PATRICK, - Commls'r of Immlsrration, Ra leigh, N . C , or B. A RIP-HAUDSON, ian 21 tf - Chronicle )ffioe-. usrusta. tta Coal & Wood ! f UATF, STOVE AND CHESTNUT COAl. bed end VVldte Ash. Oak, Ash and liht wooo. Juustoct low prices, ilec 20 I , J. A. SPRINGER. Hides, Furs: and Skins OF ALL KINDS. WOOL ASn 'JI J. F. GABRELL, Dealer an 1 Shipper of Baw Fu, Hides. - - No. 110 North Water St , dec 23 Wilmington. N C. THE EVERETT- PROCESS- 1 NEW YORK. WBITE NEW PBOCESS. I YELLOW" ELECTRIFYING. FOR ALL HOUSEHOLD USES. . Endorsed and for sale by " HAIL A PKARSATL decl32m - Wilmington, N f uu. i. c. 1 1 1 it r a frnrr C. ARE CONSUMPTIYE. YOU Have you Cough. Bronchitis, Asthma. Indl HTtr r. ir8e "itK'a TONIC without rh""rt c"iCU' f Ji anections or the i?.aJLain,d 11un3,' and leases ariEitjr from Impure blocd and exhaustion. The feeble and wftr?gsLin B&tost disease, and lowly 1 l,haye. will lu mostcasSs recov 5SlIOvJSLSfi2 "r Take it in hZ-zz .ic" 1 cloe iails- uiyes new Zr ""ugm ioiie agea and lnllrm. tl P I A N O FO R T E S - USEMJUALEU FOK Twe, Tench, Wtrbadup aid BH-abiIitT. triL.L.iAJU KNABE & CO., Nos. 204 ani SC8 West Ba'tlmoTcEt Balti noT N' lli V Avcnu Kcw'York. A largeassortmeat of 'ivory, cellu loid and silver plated table -and dessert knives. Jpst the article lor a; Christ mas present. For low prices and good reliable, goods, go to. Jacobi's Hdw. Depot.' ' '-. O THE GREAT TEJ GENUINE BARGAINS ". IN DRY GOODS, . Still Continues AT " .. JULIUS SAMSON'S Popular Dry. Goods Estab lishment, 111 Market Street. Holiday Goods! . - Holiday Goods I WE SHALL OPEN Wednesday, Dec. 8th, A laree nnd well elected stock ?ot Fannw floods, suitable for Christmas Holiday Presents'. . , Seal Plash Wraps, ' Seal PioshDolmats, j Seal Plosh Sacks. ' . Brocado -Velvet Wraps, - Imported Walking Jackets, Imported Newmarkets, Just the thing for Christmas Presents. 54-inch All Wool Homespun. 54-inch All Wool Ladies7 Clotb,- . 38-inch AU Wool French Diaeonal. 38-inch All Wool CatcelHair Cloth. . Full line of Lupines Gold Medal : B1ack Paris Cashmere. Black Silk Velvets, ;: V ; ;" i Black.Brocade Velvets, Colored Silk Velvet, : -Stripe Silk Velvets a Jarge assortment.- Silk Plushes, all shades. - Extra Bargains itrBiack Siik at 70e, lOc and $1.25 a yard. VAr - Elegant stock of Table Damask; Napkins.and Towels, jut received for Christmas. - '; ' Complete- stock Hosiery and Gloves. Ladies1 Merino Vests. Gents' Merino Shirts, , Children's Merino Shirts. :; Julius Samsoni 111 MAUKETSr, V- dec 7 Holiday Goods. FULL LINE OF FANCY CASES AND TOILET SETS, WORK BOXEV COLOGNE CASES and a great many Taney Articles to make the heart hanpy, for Bale cheap i MILLRK A NIESTLJE, dec 14 , Cor tslxtband itullerrv B. G. CRISP. ATTO RN EY-AT- TAW, !" T SMITHVILLE. N. a ? Wi 1 pne ice in tha" cf unties of Brunswick N w Hanover and Fender. " :.'V ; -.- y Prompt attention Riven ' to business. CoUectTon of claims a specialty: oct 21 dftwtf . v Male no Mistake ! N OBDEBING FISH AND OYSTERS. Guaranteed sound aid aolid when packed for dellve y-L -stor.Ma.u jd. - vv. n. yoppj , Joox io or iue couth Front i SeUing Out At Cos Assignee's Sale. COMMENCING FRIDAY MORN1 ocu iHsi., lae undersigned will sellat COST for cash, all of th& stook'of arooi:Mer- O I . chandise and other property, of -Crapon, now In tho store of Geo. Agent, on South Front street. THOS W. STRANGE, dee2edlw8w2tawtues- fi Aa6i Candies, Fruits. ORESH CANDIES MAD EVERY DAY, UWWAB KKST- T? i. Pears. . Grapes. DatesT PwSc? found at thA rhtah! &5fi25?i i6."5 an be fcecond Street. dec 23 3t stoXter 4 HAAE Photographs, : CALL AT 4 Crdnenberg's Gallery, Children-. Plrtn,.. - ?5.!?FOBK. cimena. dec 20 H. CKONKNlW- Christmas Preseni 1 A -TrinricaTirlr X. n n tiful things' for Ohrist- mas, at; YATES Call eariyand; make selections. ded!3 Buy a sabstantiai present for 1st- - mas We know of no urpnt as ceptaoie as a Zeb .Vance cook stU - . - r?Y? "au at jacobi's Hdw h- ai i i i : 3TG. THE 7 Ml Crapon, J 1 II0LIDAy7i rjlHE LADiES AVD GESTlE Wilmington and tho Eurrouiding tip, 1 reepectfury collflcd ttat I have a i clcsant asfiortment of arthlcs Bn:uvlk' HOLIDAY GIFTS TbecocbrntL-o in nwny Instance. . with Utility, and wre pu cfcaeed for tlie CkrUtmas trAflo.v .! v 1 . : - - C I have also a larf lice of Some of them very andsomc, actl u low prices. - .v . ; ; ; My Goods are all LO wjlN PBIot, IN MATIfKI4li5d1nluaHty wlU le4 exactly as rcpreeentedi.i Theattcn ion of the ydle. U a'.sotgjieclj ly Invited lo eee my lax e stock of BONNETS, HATS :'-:-t',i Nr ' I ;:: " AND F A TJ C Y- GOOD S vr ' In White Gcods, such an HANDKERCHIEFS, ; . 'TOWELS. TABLKCLOTHS. -0;vNAjPKI?jlO i.haye a iSeautiiul and " f elct Assortment. Please call and examine. - All Handkerchiefs bought of me stamped 'j rree- or charge. Dnrlng the Jloilda? ""jon, tnyBtonr Lbe kept or cn untif 0 o'clock, evirr t wi - 1 I?cppectfu!ly, x I MISS K KARREli Vollers Building; dec 14 Opposite NcwMarU, r Notice RE BY GIFEN THAT AVPUti linn 4c1) ! marln. J-.'rifA'AT7Atflmiv of.POTtn caro RTnphdnt m thp. charter of the South A tic rfn Uorth western Kau Koau vQmp Notice itr.RtiTlY fllVEN THAT APP 1111 be made"to tbe next sessionpl a-i AafliTnhfv of North I'aro) 'er of the 3strsl er of the A -'North f i .I fJotice HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLI iwn win ce maae to the next session ou General Aesemblr of North Carolina fctfl 71 L a:t Incorporating the Bank of Clarendon. i dec 17 SOt rJotice, APPLICATION . WILL BE MADE TO J tho Legislature of the 8tato of North Caroli- na at Its approaching session, to amend ibe i charter of the Wilmington. Onslow A tst L Carolina Bail Road. " Y T dec 17 30t J .. : ' " " : ) : Win 4- vtn man a r 3 n rt ' n f" ' Retail. J AM FULLY PREPARED TO OK the largest assortment of fine coods at, lowest prices in U13 city. V - LIVE AND IBESSED TDRKEf,1 500 CHICKENS, at extremely lowprf Countiy Sausages, Hams. . ' ! ; Breakfast Bacon, Beef Tongues,' j ; Cranterries, CelerV.MInced Meal, ' - Prcect vesf JeHIes, CocoAnuti, Ralri A nd a f al Jstock cf Groceries. 1 r- Come down and look at our stock an' y our gcods from first hands. : ' 1 J. C STEVENS O S A CO. have adnpl stock of mine and is fully i repared lo tf ordera promptly at lowest prices dec 22 J. C. STEVEN 50? "Iodol." - HPIIE NEW ANTISEPTIC, TAKISG place of . iodoforai; Odorless and non cant. , Contilns about 90 per cent, of I. In combination. Is entirely free from lb' agreeable oor of Iodoform wd rtmncs' proce?s of granulation. - - ' . t ' JAMES D. NTjTX dec 22 The Druggist, 218 N Front J. H. JONES, J I l VERY, SALE, BOARDING ApJ Ex change StAbles Horses. Mules, Baggies and SE6 'ges 'for sale or hire, strict attention paid to boardinar hnrnpft: Krt 1m ia nd fecon 4 1 . Wilmington, N C. - ' 1 r S J 5 VHAX 2&L ? " re they can a pot. f au, BB or iheir horses.

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