I THIS PIPES ! . . . - - ... eepted by . -. , JOSH T. JAfUJEa, snrros ad rsorxxinros. . SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID Oi year $4.00. Six months. f2.Ce. -Tare months, $1.00; Cue month, S3 cents The paper will b deJXrerea by earrlera fres of charge, Xa any part of the city, at the star ratea. or 10 cents perireet. Advestlalng ratca kw sad libera. .... JSyutacrlbers will report any and all fall-' area to receive their jiapcr regularly, .. . : Entailing Speclfc'to Uief Disease.- CVPIOTflPIQi Bitter or bad taut in OlUir lUliliJi mouth; tongue coated white or covered with a brown-fur ; pain iu the back, aides, or Joints often mistaken for Rheumatism ; sour stomach ; Iom of appetite; sometimes: nausea and water brash, or Indigestion ; flatulency and acid eructations; bowels alternately costive and lax ; headache; loss or memory, with a painful sensation of baring failed to do itomethlng which ought to have been done ; debility; low spirits: a thick, yellow ap- -earance oi iuo Kin -uuu rjio,- w f u-ffhf fvr; restlessness: the urine is "-nty and high colored, and, if allowed to prand", deposits a sediment,- - SIMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) .,-r--s 'nerally used in the South -to arouse i uTorpid Liver to a healthy action, it acts with extraordinary efficacy or the iver, Sidneys, and bowels. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria. Bowel Complaints. . Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, . Constipation, Biliousness, Kidney Affections, Jaundice, ' Mental Depression, Colic. Endorsed by the use of 7 Millions of Bottles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE for Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. ONLY GENUINE has our Z Suinp in red on front of Wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., . rsorsiBToas. Price, 81.00 nor S deod w telp A bill has been introduced . in the Pennsylvania Legislature requiring atl persons wtoo employ females to provide them with chairs and allow. them to be seated when not actively engaged. Archibald Forbes, the English wfr correspondent, will return from Kurope this month and pass the remainder of Ibe season in Washington with his. American wile, who was a Miss Meigi. ot that city. ,s ; . A recent Parliamentary return indi cates that during the past thirty years there has been a continuous decrease of pauperism in England and u ales, the number of paupers being uow 25 to the thousand, against 43 to the thousand in 1857. . ' There is said to be a great migration of the colored people from the' cotton regions of Mississippi to the Yazoo valley, which i3 now thrown open to basinets by Western capitalists. The planters say that they cannot pay the wages that tho lumbar men pay, 'and that if the lumber business continues they will ba ruined. . A significant indication of the increase of popnlation in New York islthe ex cess of deaths oyer births. This reads like a paradox, says the World, but the fact is that an excess qt births - over deaths is an indication that; population is not recruited by immigration. There are more deaths, than births in New York, because there, are more people who choose New York as the place of their death than there are who have chosen New York as the place of their birth. - Rumors are current at the Vatican, according to Paris journals, that the Pope has addressed a letter to the Em peror of Austria, calling His . Majesty's attention to the position of the Holy See in I'uly, and to the persecutions to which It if exposed from: the Italian Government. The 'Roman Fantulla says that In this letter the. Pope'aska the Emperor's intervention, saying that be will be compelled to leave Rome should tho present state of things con tioue. ' j . Most excellent. J. J. Atkins, Chief of Police, Knox ville, Tenn., writes: "My famllySand I are beneficiaries of your most' excel lent medicine. Dr. King's New DIs covery for consumption ; having fannd it to be all that yod claim for it. desire to testify to its virtue. My friends to whom I have recommended it. praise It at every opportunity." ' - Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption is guaranteed to cure Coughs. Colds. Bronchitis. Asthma. Croup and very affection of Throat, Chest and Lungs. . ' -j ' .'. : -" Trial Bottles k reo at W. II. Green & Co's. Large Siz $1 00. Wonaerful Cures. W. D. Hoyt & Co . Wholesale and Retail Druggists of Rome, Ga. say: Wuhave been selling Dr. King's Uew Discovery, Electric Bitters andrBuckr len's Arnica Salve for two sears. Have never, bandied remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satlsfao Hon. 'There have been some fonder ful cures effected by these medicines in this eitv. Several cases ot pronounced .Consumption have been entirely cure I "i iue use ox a tew uuiues ui ui. 4vn 9 Jew Discovery.. - taken ' in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee ihena always. Sold by W. H. Greet & T r r VOI,. XI. LOCAL NEWS. HQtX TS MEWIaDViSTIXEMEBTl. Mcxys Bros f ccirte r c Millkr-CaU m l Fxamlne UoKrRK. cnA.vu!H till open : W.TiTB? SubJCiiptioss Keeelrtd MiLt,nr& Nikstlib Holiday Goods I ichako J Jots, SeciV Annual Meeting Heipsbkjickr's To Cur rricn la and Cu- icmcra. , .'-'.. Hcport of ibe Con it ion of the First National Hank of Wilmington, N C Pays' length 9 hours and 5fi minutes. There were no interments in OakdaJe Cemetery (bis week. There were m interments in B-'levue Cemetery this week. . The receipts of ctton at this port to day foot up 356 bales. x - : Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 0 minutes past 5 tVJrck. full moon to-morrow afternoon at 18 minutes past 5 o'clock." . , New Year card, you will find a large 88scrtraent at Heinsberger'd. t A fuil lineo'f underwear can be seen at Munsont8 furnishing rooms at pop ular prices- f m .in 11, 1. ..I mi .1 . ! . Tbcre were two intermeuts in Pipe Forest Cemetery this week; one adult and ne child. 1 The Register of Deed issued four marriage licences this week; all for colored couples.' The annual meeting of the lot owners of Oakdate Ceuietery will te held on Monday night. The tight little river steamer Excelsior ia to be sold at, auction. See notice elsewhere. - Turners. li!um aker'a almanacs s. Miller's and Whit for 1887, wholesale and retail at Heinsberger's. ' . Yon will save money and get the best work by tending your clothes for repairs to tJohftJ)yer and Son. s f To-da? is the seventy-second anniver sary ot the battle of New Orleans, which was fought January 8tb, 1815. 'The Board of Directors of the First National Bank have declared a divi dend of three percent, payable on the tllhiost.! -Buy a substantial present for Christ mas We know ot no present as ac ceptable as a Zcb Vance cook stove. They can be had at Jacobis Ildw.'De pot. t The new Un ion School bouso wiil be ready for new pupils and those holding tickets of admission, on Tuesday- next. and the pupils wijl be graded 'upon that day. To-morrow night at Fifth Street M E. Church, the subject of Rev. D. H Tut tie's discourse will be "The Excuse of a jew," (as set forth in the Saro Jan. 8tb) and lessons of good to be drawn from It for both Jew and Cbriat ian. - ; The next entertaiment at the Opera House will be entirely musical but.it will be music'of the highest order, pre sented by thorough artists. The en" tertainment will be given by the Mendelssohn Quintette Club of Boston on the nfght of the 13th inst. As will be seen by advertisement in another column, 'Prof. Bellezza will give agrand soiree at, Germania Hallt next Tuesday night, at which tb.er4 will be several new fancy dances by some ol his younger pupils. He is a popular teacher and will make tho enteitan ment pleasant for all thoso who may attend. Inaicattotia For Noftb Carolina, colder Northerly winds and fair weather. Election of Officers. : The - following officers have been elected bythe Germania Cornet Band, to servo for the ensaing year: - President fl. Rathjen Vice President E. Schulken. Jr. Secretary J. G L. Gieschen. Tteasurer C. FVonKampen. i .leader A. Werhahn. ; Clearance. Sale. Big reduction in clothing at Shkiek's. All small lots where sizes are broken in salts; overcoats for men, boys and children, reduced in price $2. $3. Si and $5. The real cost or actual value ot the goods have nothing to, : do with the low prices. Shriek has reduced them 16 some tx'.raordihary 619 value for very littfe money. Don't fail to see SuntEK for bargains ; first come will have best choice to select from at the very low prices. New styles andl reliable clothing can - be - bad at I. Sdrieu's, the Old Reliable Clothier, Iruiu 114 Market Street. . t P you. DMLi WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY CottOu. The receipts of cotton at this port for the weekended Jan. 8th, 1837, foot up 1.935 bales, as against 1.488 bales for the corresponding: week fast year; an increase of 447 bale. Th receipts for the crop year to date foot op 1IC.722 bale?, as against 80.441 bales fojr, the corresponding period last year; an in crease of bales 36.281. Fire on the I&iver. A flat upon which thcro.wero two bales ot cotton, 49 casks spirits turpen tine and 31 barrels rosin, consigned to Mr. Owen Fehnell, was, burned yester day witft its'eetire cargo while coming down Black Iihrer. The flat belonged to Messrs. Herring & Peterson of Sampson county. We could gin no particular of the cautt of the tire. No insurance. - ' ' JVlHsritrat-' CMirt, Divid Aycock, one of the striking firemen of the Atlantic Coast Line, charged with- attempted intimidation, whnse preliminary examination bad been twfcjo continued, was brought be fore Justice E. 1). Hall this morning, who after hearing the testimony re quired the defendant to givxi a bond to keephe peace in the sum of $50. , . CIianjjH of Schedule. Our readers w411 notice by reference to the time table of the Wilmington' & Weldon Railroad, in another column, that on and after t'hiorrow there will be change of schedule on the Midland branch, between Goidsboro and Smith field. By the new schedule trains will leave Goidsboro at 7 a. ru., and arrive at Smithfield at 8:30 a.m. Returning, trains will leave Smithfield at 9 a. m., and arrive at Goidsboro at 10:30 a. m. Al other trains will be run as here?o- for Personal Col. F. H. .Cameron, of Raleigh, is in the city to-day. - Mr. E. .Murrelf,!:Rheriff of Onslow county, is in the city to-day. ' Mr. W. L. Meadows, formerly of this city but now of tixford.N.C, arrived in the city last night "and registered at the Puree!!. ' Mrs. Adelheid Borne mann of Lams tsdt, -Hanover, Germany, who has been in this city for' some weeks past on a visit to her sons here, left this morning for New York on the steamship Gulf Stream, where she will remain for a few weeks wrth her children in that city, and will then sail for home to rejoin her aged husband and young daughter in Germany. Her children in this city parted with her with the greatest regret. Ttie Weather. . Last night was one t f most inclemen and stormy of the season. The rainfal since yesterday morning, while amount ing only to .58 of an inch, has been ac companied with such a low tempera ture that it has been as disagreeable as nted be. The prevailing winds through out the country this morning were East and Northeast, with a high barometer in the North W' st and a low barometer in the Southwest. The thermometer at the signal office here tbis morning in dicated 31 degrees above zero, with : corresponding Temperature in nearly everv nortion of the South. In the Northwest, however, there 'was a dif ference, the thermometer at Bismarck indicating 39 degrees below It was 28 below at Yankton, 25 below al St. Pau', and 17 below at Omaha. At Charles ton, S. C, it was 27 above with a. light snow. i . Hunson is selling ready made cloth inc at a discount. Go and examine bis tock. t A Clear Complexion. How can you expect a clcsr com Dlexion w Ire w the blood is full of im punties and the stomach clogged?- The olooil becomes impure because the liver does not act properly and work, off the poison from the system, . and toe certain results are. blotches, pimples and emotions. Purifv the blood with Simmons Liver Regulator, una regulate the liver, stomach and bowels, and then: the skin will become clear. Virtue in Brandreth's Pills. There is more virtue in one Bra.nd- keth's Pi li. than in a bottle tl the best Sarsarjarilla The solid extract of Ssrsjparilla contained in Bkandketii's Pilw in combination with other Vege table Extracts, makes them the strong est blood purifier known. One or two at night lor a week will remove all pimples and eruptions of' the skin, and imske the complexion fair as an infant. Da you need a good beating or cook ing stove ? Then go to Jacodi's Xhere yon will find a large assortment i. 1 :n His low. prices will t Fire in Sanmson. I 1 ho .dwelling, kitchen and smoke house of : Mr. W. K. Pigford. abc ut tour miles from- Clinton, were totally destroyed by Are early yesterdaymorn" ing. Mr; Pigford Succeeded in saving most ol his meat and a portion ol his furniture. There was n insurance upon any of the "property. I)?s not vet ascertained. " : r v V T4o Inside Track. NoTwi thsta rid ing I he inclem cnt weather there was a good attendance at the Opera House last-night- to ;lwifnes3 the performance of tbo above named playiH OSIyerJJyron Cofcpany Mr.-Byron assemcd the p r 1 h ci pal r role and was ably assisted by Kate' Bron and an unusually strong support - Tho play U interesting in plot, bright in dialogue and striking in "many of its sitTJatins, : lr.. Byron is wll kn'vn to ' -Wilmington theatregoers, having appeared ere two years ngo in the play of '.Across ."'the C'-n.tinent," at which time ;he made himself popular b conscientious acting. The perform ance last night v,-as all that could be de sired antflhe audience were delighted as was manifest by the many . hearty bursts of appiaulethat were given tho actors and actresses. Toint Mectinjr. : There was a joint meeting of the Board of Aldermen and the Board o Audit and Finance held in the Mayor's office last night for the consideration o the report of the commission appoint ed by the former to treat with the Capo Fear & -Yadkin .Valley Railroad Com pany with reference to a--sub3cription by tho city by, which the extension ol that road to Wilmington should be ac complished. Major Hall presided and mo memoers 01 oom tsoaras were present, with the exception of Aiders men Bear and Rourk- Ihe point ot order was raised by Mr R. J. Jones, of the Board of Audit and Finance, that the commission had no been regularly appointed, and Alder man Giles called tor the reading, of the resolution under which the commission was created. Mr. DuBrutz Cutlar, attorney for the city," gave it as bis' opinion that the commission was properly appointed. Mr. Calder was opposed to the que t,ion of subscription being submittod to the people, but if it could bo left to the vote of the real estate owners, he would be willing that tho election should bo held at once. . Alderman . Worth and Mr.' Gore, o the Board of Audit and Finance thought that lotir-niths ot the. rea estate owners were in layer ot the sub scription. Alderman Giles thought the holders of city bonds should have consideration in the matter. After much discussion, the Chair ruled that the point of order raised by Mr. Jones was not well taken. Mr. Jones -appealed from the decision of the Chair, when the latter was sus tained. ' Mr. Jones then made a motion, which was . seconded by jAlderman lines, that t he report of tho com mis sion ba rejected, during the discussion of which a motion was made to ad journ which was carried. After the adjournment of the joint meeting the Board' of Aldermen voted to meet in special session on Wed cos day next, at 8 p. ni. '.', ' ' ' Go to Munsn's and get one of those fine umbrellas; He is 'selling rubber coats at actual prices . . t Be Sure To Head This. - r -. Fisiiblatk will en'iven his business in fact, will keep it a booming by giving buyers a-rare chance and glori ous opportunities to obtain genuine bargains, Christmas is past, ' it is true, but there can be nor let up with him; and it goes without the saying that he don't wan't your money with out he can give you the best goods pos sible in e xchange. His entire stock of winter clothing, offered at prices which dumbfound other clothiers, and prove a pleasant surprise to all buyers alike. No house can touch his prices. His motto is: Give the public-good bar gains and they know the spot is Fisn- slate's, the King Clothier. -Tl t rrH If you want to commence a new set of blank books, such as ledgers, joar; nais. day; ca3b books or records, go to Heinsbergcr's, where you can get suited both in quality and price. t - I Our Now Dress 8btrt, - 81 inch square bosiu VWii li: narrow plaits, reinforced ; a yery handso add elegant shirt., Manufactn .and id only at one dollar, at the Wjlmiog- on Shirt Factory, 27 Market street., J Elsbajch, Prcrrietor. t mar - reu NO. 7 Criminal Court. The following have been the pro ceedings befofe this tribunal to-day, up tolhe hour of closing our report: " State vs. David Thompson and Caro line Toomeri forcible" trespass. Con tinned for defendants. Stato vs. Samuel JJarver, illegal voting. Continued. , State vs. W. Harllce, concealed weapon. vGniltyand judgment sus pended on payment of costs. , The Grand Jurry having concluded their labor have been discharged ; - A large assortment of ivory, cellu loid kud silyer plated table and dessert k n i ve3.- : Ju st t hea r t icle ;f or ; a Christ mas present. For low prices and good reliable goods, go- to Jacow's Hdw. Depot ;'-.: '-"." .'";' ?:'':; ::.-;":'t- OII50. UILlr-In this city, at 5-45 a. n:.,' Jan. 8lh, MAliY Mciil$,wlfcef Maj.Jas. 11. Jlijland daughter of tho late Maj. John walku. Funeral at 3.30 o'clock, Sunday, January !. from St. James' Church, thence to Oakdate cemetery. Friends of the family are invited to atlcnu. . ; ; : NOTADVEimSEMENm Annual Meeting QF TUS LOT OWN1S113 QV OAKUAL15 CEMETERY will be held at tho Company 'a Oflico, on MONDAY EVENING, January 10, at 8 o'clock. lilCHAUD J. JONKS, jan 8 2t " , Scct'y A Treas. FIRST NATIONAL MNK OF WILM1KT0N. D1VIDENJ) Oy TilUEE PER CENT, has baea dcclarci by the Loard p( Directors of this Bank, pa-yaWe on and aftcf tho 4lth inst " A. K. WAl KER. jan 8, Stnac ' Cashier Soiree. A Oil AND SOIREE WILL KB GIVEN AT I QEUMANIA HALL, next TUE5DA1J Night, at which there will be several fancy, dances by some of my younger iup51. jan 8 It A. BKLLEZZA. Sale of Steamer Excelsior. JF NOT PREVIOUS LX DISPOSED OF privately, I will sell to.ths highest bidder, at public auction at Market Dock, in Wilmln ton.on TUESDAY, the ISth Inst., at 12 o'clt. M tin Stflambn.it EXCKLSIOR. her tackle. apparel, Ac. e he la 75 feet long, breadth 13 feet, and 17 tons burden net. Terms cash. SALTER L. DRANE. Asa A Brown, Attorney In fact.' 1 jan 8lt Bwsm - Report of the Condition QF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON, at Wilminston, in the State of North Carolina, at the clo' of busincss,' December 28, 18S- - ' ',- . RESOURCES: j Loans and discounts $540,734 41 Overdrafts 11 ,575 50 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation. . . 50,000 CO j Other.stocks, bonds, and mortgages 32,949 35 Due from approved reserve agents.. w,ri 37 Due from other National Banks 6,030" 37 Due from State Banks and bankers. 1.263 74 Real cski to, furniture, andlixtures. 66,670 0 Current 'expenses ami taxes paid'. ... 6.lr.7 9i Bills of other Banks. 2 J.252 00 Fractional paper currencv. nickels. . and cenis. . 158 03 Specie. . rr: 2?,78t to ix;jral tender notes : . . 28Ji0l 00 , Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer, per cent or circulation. . . . '2,11 00 Dne from U. S. Treasurer, othe than 5 per cent, redemption fund. 2o CO Total. $S45.1I7 C4 LIABILITIES Capital slock paid in. . . ........ ..... .$250,000 CO surplus iiina s.sas 40 UndividOfl profits 18,265 3 national liank notes outstanding. . . . 44.ir.iO 00 Dividends unpaid 1.071 00 Individual deiosits epbject to check JS4.68T 58 jemami cemncates oructosit.... . .",r,s to Due to other National Banks....... 18,933 82 Due to State Hanks and bankers. ... 214 48 Notes aftM bills rc-'dweountcd. ....... 38.110 3 J Total. ...... ..... .. . . .f 45,117 C4 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HI CAROLINA, ) f New Haovek, rs. , ) CoiTNTl- OF I, A. K. WALKER, Cashier of tho, above' named bank, do solcmulyJ swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. K. W ALKER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 81 h day of Jamiarr. 187. A. J. II WELL. v . Notary Public. Correct Attest . ALFRED MARTIN, m sir uiiifftii Director. K. E. BUUKUSS," T tan 8 os te tte r's S ta n dard A I - C manacs for 1887) IN GERMAN, lfEENCII. SPAN13H, NOR- wezian, Swedish, Hollaed and Welsh- Free, r - JAMES D. NUTT, f jaa t : The Drogklat, 218 N, Front St .: ' - ' , , A; Ai Brown, E AL ESTATE ANDTbLLECTION BliO- ker, ta lit renderyour bills and collect thn cheaptr than you tan spare a clerk from your store. SczrlTe mm a trial, nov2:l 8, 1887: riXASS KOXJCK. Vfe will be glad to rtctlvt eomxaasJcxaaa trea cuxfrtindjon say aad &I) !subJt8U gsctxsliatemtbnt - ' Tht aamt ot the writer xnuai always bs ' JfthI to tae Editor. ; " v Coaoiattnlcatlona zaast be . wnttaa em e) one side of tho paper. i ; . , rarsonalltlea xnnat be avoided.; ' ' And It la especially and" particularly ta. tood that tho Editor does aot always aadot tho flows of correapoTidc.Bt . at ; t la the editorial colaoica.' j NEW ADYEUTISEMEKTS. J. SPRiraCER IIrAlUAUTrl$$ln(R Coal & Wood, TIIXSK IIl UIMKS. ' North. Wau-r Street j an 5 Cure of Lost Energy, Kidney -Troubles, Kcr tous Debility. Men- tal or Physical Weal - - OT W A Y'3 T A C LETS. Price C cnts. Botanic Mod, A3 S; ll St.; Pblla., or . by, mall. - . , cec 4 3m Make ji o Slislalce, !. : in OYSTERS Cnarantec'i sonrtd and J toad when iacked for itMv?v: . T-, . !lormCcO. i. w..h: yopp; jan 3 .- - kuunt x runt oi. f ALL AT Cronenberg's Gallery, FOR FINK WOBK. Children's Pictures 'OS n. ftnar.l.iltir nu ,1- tares copied and enlarged. Call andeir i. clincnB. - 1. . il. CliONENBEEG. jan 3 Subscriptions Received A T PUKL131IKR'3 PBI ES. FOR ' ALL POPULAR PERIODICALS AND PAPEBS A Compfetc Stock of BLANK BOOKS and STATIONERY at Lowest Prices'. YATES' BOOK STOrV. jan 3 c. "-":.; TO OUE FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS. A Happy New Year. rPHANKING THEM. ONE AND ALT. Fnif their past favors, we . rcspcetf ully ask a con- J Usance of the same, and promise to o nV. in Our power to give satisfaction. , ' II 1 NS BERG E R'S CASH BOOK 0 - t AND MDS1C 8lpRS CDtcrs npon ,,c DCW ucsire 10 tcep an us old friends, and by fair dealing aad. courtesy to maic many new ones. Very respectfully., 6. HEINSBERGEIl'S. dC3 31 Cash Book and Musta Stero AH Winter Goods Marked Down ! MpELT HATS AND B3NNEM CROCHET GOODS, . . JERSEYS, SHAWLS, Ac!, c. To make room forcaily Spring stickv . f7 "rucrs taken lor Stamping and Km. b3oldeiT- "' ' ' Eeppectfnlly, MISS E. KAKKER. . , - - i - x - ; ... V - 5 Vollcra Building, Opposite New Market. jtn . The New Purcoll House, WILMINGTON, N. C QWING TO UNAVOIDABLE C1RCUM stance, will not be opened on January Ut, but will lx; opened on Jaauary Cth, 1S87. dec 31 Iw1 N. FREDERICK; Ptop. Call and Examine ''HE HOLIDAY PRKfeENT3 A HAIR BRUSHES, TOOTH BKUSHLS, NA I h BRUSHES, COMDS. SOAPS. an 1 At 1 EI&FUMKkI s. C. MILLER'S, t Fourth and Ann C is Corner vSeqreto. A Good 5 Cent Cigar. Wholesale ad Ke'LilI Drugts! d-jc 31 Wlimlnstoa, NC. Holiday "Goods. : A FULL LI SB O F- FA V;V I JASKS AND lOlLt-T St TS, WOIIK B t:?, COLOGNE iCASEnntf ti., r ' . . ' Sf? MlLLKI Ar. K)f I II' VuKII Cor. fclxth and 21cllcirr