THIS rAfti oabDti9J Try evening. JOSH T. JAME8, BUITOB AKD rBOPKIKTOK. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID, ore year $4.00. Six month. $2.08. Thro months, $1.00; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carrier free of charge. In any part of the r;ty. at the above rates, tr 10 cento per week. Advertising rates low ami !UeraL ySuleerlber will report any and H fail ure to receive their paicr regularly. . LOOK OUT ?' Compare this with your purchase: RESTLESSNBR- A STUICTUT VtCITAl.i raucTLCts family midicimi. P H I LADELPH 1 A:. Price, OH E Dollar A - you value health, perhaps life, examine each j . kage and be sure you get the Genuine. . See tie red Z Trade-Mark and the full titlo. 4iuC front of Wrapper, and on the Ride the seal and signature of J. XI. Zeilln Va.i a in the above fac-simile. Remember ther . a.j other genuine Simmons Liver Rejulator. uov " deod A w telp . I );U and mutilated bank notes, when returned to the United States Treasury are c'.iopped up and made into a palp which is moulded into various shapes ami forms. The latest design isa min iature bust of Mrs. Cleveland, which has a ready sale. It takes $10,000 worth of old bank notes1 to make one of these designs. Ko3a Bouheur, the most celebrated painter of animals that has ever lived, has loot? been anxious for a genuine wild horse. Such a horse,' recently captured from a band: running in our tar West, has been shipped to her. It is as wild as wild can be; and it is to be seen whether even Miss Bonheur can transfer to canvas his blazing eyes and other peculiar features. The famous trotter Harry Wilkes won $17,845 during the season of 1886. It is the largest sum won by any Iro tinz horse in receDt'year., "and makes his total winnings in the three years be has been on the turf the snug sum of $37,863. Oliver K was the horse whose ' winning! were next largest lo those of . m ' the handsome bay gelding, bat he if over $7,000 behind Wilkes in Ibe amount won during the year. Among tho begging letters recently received at the ollice ol a benevolent society was one running thus: "This unfortunate youog man is th&only son of a widow who died childless, and hi earnings maintain his aged father and infant brothers, whoso sole support he is."Thn secretary of the bureau wrole.oa the margin of Ibe epistle the following note: "The circumstances of this case are probably exaggerated," We have very little fears of the re suit of the attempt to subvert the prcs ont 8 y stem ot county government in this State. The Houso is for it, oi courser because there are enough ren" egades in that body for the Democratic party to give a majority to tho Republi cans, but we feel suro that the Senate will stand firm. It would be a suicidal policy for the Democrats of the West to force this thing on thair brethren of the Kast. It would be.- cutting their own throats. The News aiid Observer puts the matter plainly when it says : The county government matter has been made a special order in the House lor Friday. There should be but one sentiment with regard to it among North Carolina Democrats. It is of im nirtanea to the whole State. It is ot j vital importance to the East and the Kast has its due proportion of taxpay ers. It the property-holding classes of the East are made to yield place in the management of their local affairs ;o tbose who will make ducks and. drakes of their means, they will be deprived at the same tiinet the ability to pay taxes in any considerable measure. The whole State is therefore interested in the maintenance ot the status quo A part cannot be injured without me fclVanla nftka ininrs hamCP fott V t-hA whole, and a change at this time, it is admitted even by those who, seek a re peal for certain counties, would ba a "crious blow to the people ot the East. Let all who have the true interests ol the State at heart stand with the Dem ocratic party in opposition to ny chan? in tho sAlfnrpsprvativea BVStem which now ohtaina. Dj you need a good heating or cook- jog stove ? Then eo lo Jacobi s fbere yon will find a large assortment lo sdleot from Ilia Jo sir nrires will Stf c&se- you. t The '-Daily Review. VOL. XL Mr John II. Carrie, who has labored j lone anilearnesjly for the extension of theC F. & Y. V. U. It. t.i.this city., tells us tnai. a number ol property own trs here who lormerly opposed the sab- scriptiou by the city are nw in layor of n. Ihc hlliwinx figures are collated I rmu a report made by hitu smo lime Infavor of twtoniliuj; ait I by a city subscription : names, paying taxes lo the amount of $'J0.3 :). Opposed: J I name?, paying !aes to the amount of. $2,W.).8. Fifteen refused to cypress an opinion either way and these 1.3 pay taxes lo the amount of $1 51ft :t. Add the 15 last xiet:lioi;ed to the M who opposed aud we have a total ol li'J name, paying taxes to the amount o $4,170 22. as againU 221) paying taxe lotho amount LOCAL NEWh. mOll 10 NEWJAnVERTISEMEKll Muni8 Bros cere to ISO F UABK: I.I. S XlltC'l r C illLjLKR Call end fe xaiuine Geo U Fkesch & Fuss Still Open G W Yatis Sub3CililioD8 Hecelvcd MlLLta A MtsiLIK Holiday Gocd-J - has F' Browne Country Produce J I Ely BUERGER'S Aim an a p. Pianos, Ac f tHICB-AppliCHtlon tw the General Assem bly XoTic K Ai'pUcat'.ou to the General Assem bly. ' Canes, umbrellas, ollars and cuQs in great variety at Muns nV t Nor. barque lhinrich Hjorn, My. stein, hence, arrived at London Tfac 5th. - . Yon will save money and get the best work by sending your clothes (or repairs to John Dyer and Son. t There was an abundance ol frost this morning, but that and the dense fog were foon dispelled by the cheering rays of a warm sun. lnere nas been a good deal or rau road talk on the streets to-day, and all sorts of railroad proiects have "been mooted and discussed. The examination of the mutinous sailors of theechooner Joseph Bagmore, mentioned by us yesterday, is set for 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. I,t wil' probably be held at the City Court room. ' Schr. Jlofer Moore. Gilkey, of this city, from Bonaire via Curacoa, for New York, put into Lewes. Del., leaking and will be towed to her destination She bad her sails split on the passage It you want to commence a new set of blank books, such as ledgers, jnur nais. day. cash books or records, go to Heinsbcrgcr's, where you can get suited both in quality and price. t A large assortment of ivory, cellu loid and silver plated table and dessert knives. Just the article tor a Christ mas present. For low prices and good reliable goods, go to Jacoiu's Hdw. Depot. ' t Tliis was emphatically a foggy morn ing. We fail to remember a time when the fog was so dense as it was at about 8 o'clock this morning. There were times whon it was impossible to dis cern houses on the opposite side of the street. There was an alarm of fire at about II o'clock last night sent out from box 35, corner ot Eighth aud Market streets. The cause of the alarm was occasioned by fire being discovered in au 6ul house on Market street, between Ninth and Tenth. The flames were speedily extinguished and the damage was nominal. (ier. brig Jfarv Louisa; Weinke, which cleared from Demarara Dec. 21st, for this port, has been wrecked on the sea wall of the esplanade of that port She went out of the harbor on th8 afternoon ot tho 23J, and not an. swerina her helm, two anchors were let go. but tbey tripped, and on account ol the heavy sea and high wind she drifted ashore as above, stated. Crew saved. Incllcatlona. For North Carolina. Southeasterly winds, fair weather, followed by rain, becoming slightly colder. Clearauco Sale. Big reduction in clothing at Shkikk's. All small lots where sizes are broken in suits; overcoats for men, boys and children, reduced in price $2. $3, $4 and $5. The real cost or actual value ol the goods have nothing to do with the low prices. Shriek has reduced them to some ixlraoTdinary big value for very little money. Don't fail to see SiiKiEn for bargains; first come will have best choice to select from at the very low prices. New styles and reliable clothing can be had at I. Shriek's, the Old Reliable Clothier, Market Street t WILMINGTON. N. CM THURSDAY, JANUARY Tfie Sairoe. , The soiree ctren by Prof. Bellezza at Ci ermania Halt on Tuesday nifht was attended by large number ol ladies and gentlemen, many of whom were parent! jot the pupils who assembled to witne tneis j the progre? made by the children; The l occasion was an entire success and gave great delight to all present. The tancy dances, prominent among which was the ncver-tobe-dicardcd "High land Flimc;" were finely ami craceiully execu'cJ by some of the younger pupils. election of Office. Thc21sL annual meeting of the First National Bank, of ihi cilv. was held at their banking iioue n the Illh inst IImm. (Ip.firge DavU was called lo th luair ami Mr. VViiiiHin Ltrkms was Secrt-.tary. After thn reading of the I'resideiit report an election was held (or a B jard of Directors tor the ensuing year,' which resulted in the re election of the entire old Board, as follows Messrs. Alfred' Martin, George Chad- b urn. James bprunt, G II, Smith and E. E. Burruss White pique four in Munson's hand scarfs at t Tho Dream. We notice in the Charleston News and Courier, ol the 11th inst.. that Mr Leo Johnson, of New York, was at the Charleston Hotel, awaiting the arriva of his yacht Dream, which had not been heard from Dec. 3l3t, at which date she left Beaufort. N. C Mr. Jjhnson was anxious concerning ner lite and had written and telegraphed to al points along the coast, but could learn nothing from her. The Dream is the yacht which put into Sraithville on Monday last, and probably by this time she has reached her destination and re lieved the mind of her owner of his anxiety. City Court. In the absence of Mayor Hall, who has gone North, Mayor pro lem Clay ton Giles presided at the City, Court this morning, and he had quite a large docket to dispose of. Tie case of J. Sandruf which has been continued from day to day since Monday, togeth er with that ot Lwis Jackson and Henry Stacther, both colored, who are implicated with Sandrue, was again continued on account ot the absence of an important witness. Peter Davis, a sailor, was found drunk and down by tho police and locked up. He was discharged. E. Enickson and Gustave Closscn, two sailors, lor fighlinir, 'were fined $2 each for the offense. v Mukson shows some fine Irish linen handkerchiefs, beautifully bordered. f Tho Inter-State Hill. The. following is from the Iialeigh News and Observer. No action has been taken here jet similar to that spoken ol by our cotemporary: At a recent meeting of the Cotton and Grocers' Exchange ot this city some earnest resolutions were passed, urging the North Carolina benators -and Rep resentatives m Congress . lo use tneir influence and efforts, it necessary, to delay any action looking towards the passage of the Iuterbtale commerce bill until after the meeting ot the N ac tional Board of Trade, which convenes in Washington City the 17th of this month. The members of the Cotton Exchange here beiieva the passage of the lleagan bill will be .detrimental to the interests ol our entire people, and thiRk the action of the National Board of Trade will tend to influence Con grcsftiona! legislation so as to greatly relieve our peopleot what now appears to be oppression. 1 1 is said on good authority that Charlotte and Wilming ton are taking action similar to that taken by the Raleigh Cotton E&changc. Cure of Spinal Weakness. YATt, Orleans Go., N Y, March 28, IS .H. My wife, five years ago, was confiris ed to her bed with inflammatory rheu matism of the muscles of the back. Fhe doctors thought her case hopeless and doomed her to be a 1 bedridden in valid. The violent pain kept her awake almost every night. She lost over thirtv pounds in weight. To case the pain I thought I would put on All- cock's Toruus Plasties. I covered her back with them. To my great des lisht she began to sleep well. The pain very much abated in one week. I then took the piasters off. washed her back, and put on trc3h ones. At'tbe end of the second week, she insisted on getting up, and by the third week was entirely well and able to attend to her house hold duties. E F. Woolston. Our New Dress Suirt, Id inch square bosom with narrow plaits, reinforced; a very handsome and elegant shirt. Manufactured and sold only atone dollar, at the Wilming ton Shirt Factory. 27 Market street. J Els bach, Prerrietar. t i'erBonat Wo regret to state that Mr. J. II. Mallard is vry low and that, his -condition is considered very critical.. Mr, II. W. Finlaysbn, formerly of this city, but for several years a resident of Cheraw, S. C , is registered al the New Purcell House. His wife and chiidrru are with him. ISear it in filiml. Capt. C D Myers, Chief ol the Fire Department, has issued a notice to the several lire companies in the. city," that at noan on Monday, the 17th inst., and at the same hour on every subsequent Monday, uutil further notice, a general alarm-will be sent out from box J 1 corner ol I hird and Princess streets ih-3 object of sending oat thosu alarms will ba to see if t fie fire alarm system is in oid working order. Persons hearing the. alarm at thatliour on those days need jiye themselves no uneahi nesi, if they will remember for wha raasun they are sounded. Caught in tlioAcc. Last, night Henry Lewis; colored was discovered by a policeman Irying lo break into- a store on Fourth street between Hap.over and Brunswick. He had succeeded, by the use. of a crow br. in gtrtthig open the shutters and was in the act of prying up the sash when bo was discovered. He happened to see the officer approaching when he ran, but after a short and sharp race he was captured and locked up in the guard house. Suspicion pointed to him as tho party who had recently com mitted several other robberies, and es pecially as the man who broke into B. Szolt's store on the night of Monday, Jan. 3d. The latter was notified of the arrest and this morning he fully identi lieu tne coat wnicn Jewis baa on as nisown property ceverat rings, car rings and other jewelry have also been found which had been stolen and which Lewis had given to . colored female ac qqaintances. ino urimmai uouti met tnis morn ing and after transacting some nccesary routine business adjourned for the term. The Railroad Question. Editor Review: Ai a decision has been arrived at by the Board ot Alder men ot our city, It may not in opportune to say that it the gain to Wilmington would hayo warranted the gilt for it meant nothing less of $150,000, and proportionately increased taxes, there is little doubt that the Board, composed of thorough business men, would leave advocated the dona tion. They saw that the wisdem ol tec outlay was more than questionable to spend such a large sum to extend the Cape Fear & 1 adkin alley line of rail to Wilmington, when in fact- we leave already a close conacclion with .it by Ihe'CaroIina Central 11. II., via Shos Heel or Maxton. The -connection exists, trains connect daily, and we oUht already to see a few grains of the flood of wealth the C F. & Y. V. U. II. is to pour into Wilmington if it existed at all, for it is an eyeryxlay event for railroad corporations like individuals lo join hands it their mutual interests arc served. The con: linualion of the C. F.-& Y. V. 11. II. to a jood deep water outlet, such as Wil mincton aflords, will without doubt greatly increase its value to the stock owners if they should ever want to sell, especially it a large share of the cost is aiu out oi our tax-payers pocKets. Aa a railroad connection it. is nearly as useful to Wilmington now as it ever can be, buj. not to its owners until tbey finish it lo this city. Common Sj;nse. Scarlet L ever and Diphtheria. are spread by contagion, by the translcr ol living matter. These particles come rom the skin, the membranous lining of the mouth, nose and throat, and torn the intestines and urinary organs. Disinfect promptly and thoroughly with Jarby's Prophylactic fluid, the prcal germ deslrojer. Prof. FLT. Lupton, of the Vauder bilt University, Tenn.. says: "As a disinfectant and dvlefgent Dai bys Prop hylactic Fluid is superior to any pre paration with which I am acquainted." Qtiar erly Meetings. . First round of Quarterly Meetings for the Wilmington District of the Methodist K. Church, South: Carver'a Creek, at Hebron. Jan. 15, 10. Smilhyille station, Jan. 22, 23. First Church, at the Temple of Israel, Jan. 20. 30. Magnolia circuit, at Ceulcnary, Feb. 5, . Duplin circuit, at Wesley Chapel, Feb. 12.-13. Ootlow circuit, at Queen's Creek, Feb. 1, 20. Bladen circuit, at Bethlehem, Feb. 26. 27 Cokesbury circuit, at Bethany, Mar. 5, 6 Clinton circuit, at Concord, March 12. 13. Topsail circuit, at Rocky Point4 Mar. 19,20. Waccamaw station, at Bethel, March 26. 27. WhiteriHe station, "at Whitoville, April 2, 3. ; Brunswick circuit, at Bethel, - April 9, 10. - - " ' t T. W. GUTfJRIE, P. 15. no: 11 NEW ADVEltTISEMIJXTS. Notice IJEBKKY GIVEN THAT API'LICA Uon will be made to the l.-rcscnt -?s'.on of tlie tifncral AeseiBblyor North t'arolinit Icr k Act to facilitate the construction of a Hall road through the state of North -Cak-jllra lo tlfta.clinc4of Teiincficc awd Virginia jan i.i .hi Wot fee b HEIiKBY OIVK.N THAT Alfl'LICA Uon will be made to the present tcssion of the Wencral Ascembly of North Carolina for the incorporation of the Southport Terminal tomrany. ianl3 30t Notice. . A ri'MCATION WILL BE MADE TO ba ttle present session of Ihe Cienora! Asromldv for a C harter of the Castle tlayne, bolt's umaim aioop rouu itaii Koa I. jan 12 .lot Country Produce. -pOK CHICKENS, EOGS, TURKEYS, AV pies, Cabbages, Onions, and all kind" of Coun try Produce, pro to CIIA8. F. BUOWNE. Broker and Ccm. Merchant. No. 5 Market at., jan 13 Wilmington, X. C- Hides, EFurs and Skins OF ALL KINDS. WOOL AND W AX. Highest ca&ii prices paid J. F. GAKRELL, Dealer an-J Shipper of Baw Fur. Hides, No. 110 North Water St., jan 13 Wilmington N. C. Those Cigars Have Come, JAMES, 1). NUTT, The Druggist, 21S N. Front St. jan 12 The Cheapest, Best NI) GREATEST VA.RIETF OF STOVES, both HEATING and COOKING. Send in your orders. PARKER & TAILOR'S PUKE WHI1E OIL. jan 13 The Rochester Lamp. WK CALL ATTENTION TO OUR KOtill ESTER LAMP. It is without doubt the vcrv best on the market. It Is alo saf Its arrangement for putting In and adjusting the wick Is worth one-third of the irir. Wp. sell these l amps guaranteed to give satlsfae-J jan H Crockery Icpartnici.t. J. A. SPRINGER JIEALQUAUTKRS FOR Coal & Wood, THK.SE H1KD TIMES. North Water Strict Secreto. j an 10 A Good 5 Cent Ciirar. 1UUN13 UKOTJUKJCS, Wholesale and Retail Druggists. lcc :U Wilmington, N C. For 1887. Jf-ILLER'S ALMANACS, Turner's Almanacs, Blnm'a Almanacs, Stadt A Ianl iilaianacs, IMarles, all sizsa, For eale at ' HEINsBKRGEK'S Books, Pianos, Organs, T)LAIN AND FANCY FRAMES OK ALL kinds in Wood, Brass and Velvet. Inks, Mucilage. Gold and Steel Tens.. 'Stationer of every variety and style Give us a call It may be to your advantage, HEINSBERGER'S, ho jan 11 C ash Bwi and Music Store Hazard Powder. WE NOW HAVft THE AGENCY FUR thi celebrated Powder vrbirh Is .un doubtedly the best sold In this country. Net magazine bulli down the river (out of city limits). Full assortment of .ill thr? Htm at ihc lowest prlccA. ' WM. E. SPRINGER A CO., Succ.easors to John Dawson 3t Co., !'., 21 and 23 Market Street. Jan 10 i Wilmington N. C. Call and Examine rpiIE HOLIDAY PRESENTS : 1 UAIU BRUSH E--, TOOTH BRUSH ES, NAIL. BRUSHES, , COMBS, SOAPS. PEEFUMERJtS. " - - F. C. IiIl.LEK'3, Corner Fourth aat Kan SU and At dec 13 13, 1887. ri.ZASX Kotic. Wt will b fil to iracarvt coxaRiualanca from wu frteadt ob aay m all cvurallattrutbut Ta Baaiof4arwTltr mutt always b Uhad to tA Editor. : CoamnaleautBa uuat d wrlttta ea eaj oo eldeof tb paper. . , rtreonantlos mast l Yoldi; . And It Is especially and particularly km too.1 that tha Editor do aot always dot the vlcwa of correaimiKteaU im ut to the editorial eohinuaa.. NI2W A1VKUTISKMENTS. Specialties I THIS WEEK AT- I. i. CASHHOTJSEi 116 Market Street. REMNANTS. Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Worsteds; Prints, And Fancy Goods,. REMNANTS. Cambric Edgings, Cambric Insertings, Nainsook Edgings, Nainsook Insertings, Jobs in great many Desi- rable Goods, at 116 lllarket St. Subjscriptions Received T rur.LI3IIEK'd PBK'ES, FOR ALL ' ' POPULAR PERIODICALS AND PAPER". . . .'- A Complete Slock of BLANK BOOKS and' STATIONERY at Lowest Price. - RATES' BOOK STORE. ' Wanted f10 BUY A HOUSE OF ABOUT -FOUR ro in: g, .on Third, Fourth or Fifth utreer tween PriDecB and Ann. Apply lo AaA A. BROWN,' Real Ea'ate and Collection Br&kt r. jan 12 All Winter Goods Marked Down ! JpifiLT HATS AND f'.JNNer CROCHET GOODS, JKSEYS, SHAWLS, Ac., Ac. To make room for eai ly Spring ttk. . Order taken for Stamping and Fm. broidery- . - . . rj:iccl fully, MISS E. KARRER. VollerH Building, OjipoHfte New Market, jsn 4 , - Sale of Valuable Lot. JJY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF, THE St perfor Court of New Hanover county. I will tell at public auction, at the Court Houac (IZ' door In the city of Wilmington, on Thiirwlay, Jannary 2(lh.lt7. at 12 o'clock, M. the f . towipg lot In city: ' " , - Beginning al th couthwrat corner of Ana and tstxth atroet. run tbencc onih with tie Wcat anc of SUtu atreet G6 feet, thence Weat Si feet, thence North 1 6 feet to Ann atreet Jan iota Qf vr. K.nwe.