this rifX' .utUahed vry ovenlng. Sundays 9tltd hy JOSH 'I. JAM1S8, EDITOR AI rKOPKIETOR. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID fine year $4.00. Six months, $2.00. Tbrea months, $1.00; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers fre of charge. In any partof the city, at the abov rates, or 10 cent per week. Advestlslsg ratev low and liberal. ll-Subscrlbers will report any and all fail--re3 to receive their paper regularly. The Inter-State Commpr,ce hilHs to come to a vole in tho Senate lo-ilay ...... The cry is still tir war in Ivnmj, 1ml newspapers arc chrt;I i'h making more hiss than the utlok wnrrartis There is Ian in the Lpjnslatare now. Webster, lVarsor and either renegade Democrat! haven't ird a bed of rose to lie on. T T J. Cluvcrius was hung today in Richmond at 5 minutes past 1 o'clock, lis left a sealed package, with direcliona that it be opened two hours after his Yleath. . - , r ; I A cl-rod woman, w1m muno we failt-d to learn, dropid dad thi af'cr- Kn at the corner St-cuod a d Q-jtrn Afreets, it is suppon inni reanuis- aise was the rame of her diiih. Th talk is now of abolishing a num tier f customs district". 1 here are, we beliere, bat throe in Noith Carolina antl it is gpriouily pr'pnel to do away with all but one of thrsp, that, in this riiy. Wilmington is getting to be a great railroad centre. Wa now have four nads on the ground, the Wilmiogton & Weldon, the Wilmington , Columbia A. Augusta, the Carol. na Central, the Wilmington, Chadbourn & Conw-ay, and five on paper, the South Atlantic Si North Western, the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley, the Wilmington Onflow & East Carolina, the Casile Jtayne. Scott's Hill & Sloop Point, and the Wilmington Coast Railway. . Cleveland county boasts of a couple who should be the ti rat to receive pen sions under the civil list when it is established. The Shelby Aurora tells of them as follows: In the county of Cleveland lives a parsimonious, honest and industrious pair. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ilamrick, called ''Potato Tommy," lamoua !tor their good potatoes and numerous pro-! g ny. They have lived; together half a century, yet never bought a pound of bacon or a bushel ot com, never go in debt and always have potatoes to soil. This pair furnished thirteen sons for the Confederate service and have had twenty-three children, twenty of whom arc now living. Recently a stranger expressed his surprise at .her being the mother of twenty-three children. She jocosely replied: ,4I wanted one more child so as to make even two dozen.11 Xapoleon .would have beon happy to have bad such prolific mothers in France -- Tho South Atlantic & North western Kailroad. Editor Review: We of the Old North State, (with modesty be it said) fhave reason to congratulate ourselves lor our efforts and out successes, in the past quarter of a century, more than t - C fi . . a . most oi our sister states. Ana tnis is because we know what we want and capture the same. What we are now in need of is a, shorter and cheaper connection with the West and its products The South Atlantic & Northwestern Railroad, which is soon to be built from Smithville through a valuable and pro ductive part of North Carolina to Bris tol. Tenn., will supply us In this mat ter, because it will reduce the distance between all the great Western " centres and Wilmington by at least 300 miles, and so lay down our necessities in Wilmington at a minimum -cost, thus nabliog our merchants to oner their ustomers still greater induccmenU.-r nd so, too. will it be of great valueto ho W.. C. & A. R. R.. or tho Carolina Central, (whichever shall secure traT- ic arrangements with it) because they Juust notonly haul the supplies of tho iWest from connecting points'on the - S. Lv & N. W. R. R. to Wil ruiugtnn. Charleston and other points. Jbut they must also haul a . vast aiount of products of the land and mes (both coal and iron) which has ot yet reached them. 1 hat this enterprise is sure of com pie- ion in the near future cannot bo doubt- d. The prime movers in the enterprise have located in this city, .which will be headquarters. Messrs. G. W. Edwards of Chicago, J. F. Dane and Henry Bel- den ot New York, and J. B Biilheimer and David. Risley. all of whom are prominently connected with ths S. A. & N. W. road, have been in this city recently completing arrangements 7for an eany prosecution oi the work. Mr. C W. Stamford, Chief Engineer, as now in the field a party seeking a me through the mountains ot tne Yt!&tfrn nrt nf thi Slfitfl and will verv loon start another party locating, the ine irom ibis end. woik win oeginon lonstruction in less than thirty days he advantages to WilmtngtoD from is road cannot be over estimated. ' J. Do sou need a good beating or cook s' stove ? Then go to jACOBrs ere you will find a large assortment I select from. His low prices will 3e you. t I large assortment of ivory, cellu and silver plated table and dessert Ves. Just the article for a Christ I present. For low prices and good Ible goods, go to Jacoei's Hdw. ot. i. I tlli DAM A- lyllfjW, VOL. XI LOCAL NEWS. iCfJ TO HEW:DVfRTI$llEiT. Festival To NLrht MUNM Bo.V-1 CilCtO .vot. Rkak A Co Ju t Receive I. -W 1 Gore, Cominleskyur cjort Mn B II Wl5lssrTo the Ladies r O Millkk Call and Examine (J W Yates Subicil 'lions Kcreivid Millsb A 'Niestlie Holiday Gocd llEi8BERGfcB8 Almanav, I'lanos, Ac Gto K rnKjfcii Foss Wc Arc Keady The receipts of c-itttm at this port to day -foot up 571) bales. Ger. battue Lucy & liiuf, Audrie.t hence, an ived ai Imdon Jan. I2ih. Last night, from dark until 10 o'clock was the stormiest thus far this season. All kinds tf neckwear of the nuwest styles, including the while pique sctrf is sold by Muas n. t fcchr. C. It, Church. Anderson, from Boston for this port, anchored outside Hyannit Jan 12; h. Yon will save money and get the best work by sending your clothes lor repairs to John Dyer and Son. , f 3 There has been snow in- Wilmington this season. Oae morning, a week or so before Christmas, the house tops were covered with it. It you want to commence a nsw set of blank books, f-uch as ledgers, jour- oats, day, cash bo ks or records, go to Ilfeinsberger'a. where yon can get suited both in quality and price. Richmond county is to vote, on the 20ih oi February, on the question of subscribing $103,000-in forty years six per cent, bonds to the stock of the South Atlantic & North Western R. R, Com pany. Ihe high wind to day blew down the glass case of Mrs. E. B Wiggins, No. 115 Market street, in which she had millinery exposed on the sidewalk, and broken glass was in abundance upon the sidewalk in consequence. m -- - . The festival tor the benefit of the Baptist Chapel will be held to-night at the Hall of Howard -Relief Fire Engine Company, No. I, on Fourth street, be tween Market and Dock. The manage ment have made every preparation for an evening of enjoyment. Munson offers children's suits very low. He only seys tho patent waist bands, saving mothers annoyance and labor. t It is said that the work of construct ing the South Atlantic & North West ern Railroad will begin in thirty days from this lime, or about the middle ot February. And it is also satd that the road will be built through from Smith-' villeto the Richmond county lino in twelve months What do our Brtin swick county friends think of this? - - Buy a substantial present for Christ-' mas. We know oi no present as ac ceptable as a Zcb Vance cook stove. They can be had at Jacob's Hdw. De pot. ' " f 15y Kail to Topsail. A few days since a notice was pub, lished in the Review to the effect that application, would be made to the General Assembly for an act of incor poration tor the Casile Hayne, Scott's and Sloop Poiut R R. The projectors of this enterprise are residents ol the Sounds above this city, who have long been seeking an outlet for. their pror ducts. It is ca rich and productive country. ' The people there desire rail way connection with the outer world and they are determined to. have it. They propose to trade with Wilming too and would aid liberally in the con struction of the proposed road to Onslow conuty, but if they can't come to Wilmington then they propose to go to the V. & W. R. R. at Casile llayne. There is really no Buncombe about this thing. They are dead in earnest. It is for our people to say what they will do about it. ' Fxports Foreign. Ger. barque Edward Fens, Kipp, oleared to-day for New Castle-on-Tyne. Lwith 3,432 barrels rosiu, valued at $3,368, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. Swed. .barque Cecilia, Ohlssen, cleared for Hull. Eng., with 2.250 barrels tarand I 000 barrels rosin, valued at $3,890, shipped by Messrs. Robinson & King'. Nor. barque Capella. Jensen, cleared for Fleetwood, Eng.. with 250 casks spirits turpentine ad 2,380 barrels rosin, valued at $7.3SB, shipped also by Messrs. Paterson, Downing &Co.; niaking a total of ex ports foreign amounting to $14,580. Indications For North Oaroliha. Westerly winds and fair weather, becoming slightly colder.. W ILMINGTON. N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1887 City Court. At the City Court this morning May or pro Um. Giles discharged Lewis Jackson and Henry Statelier, the color ed men who. in connection with J.Sair drue. a white sailor, have 'bad the ex amination of their case postponed from day to day smce Monday iast. The ease aeainvt Sandrue was continued until to-morrow morning. What's in a Name? Wcseebythe Goldsboro Mts$e?icr that Mr. -,W. V Thompson," Secretary and Treasurer of the W. & W. R. R., was in that city on the T3lh inst. Mr. Ja W.Tbomp3on, on seeing he above, may ome to the conclusion that- his extend ed leave of absence imy give him the right to change his name, so that he may travel incognita forawhile. At Cost. The atton-.ion -f th ladies is invited to the advertisement of Mrs. E. B. Wiggins, which appears in another column. For the next ten days shei wjlt offer at cost her handsome and at tractive stock of trimmings, fringes buttons and fancy work and material for same This is done to make room for the new spring stoGk which Mrs Wiggins will soon go North to purchase. The Mutineers. The cxamiuation of David Cox, Wil liara Harris and Thomas Hutcherson, the men who were charged with mutiny on board the schr. Joseph Bamore, was was held before U. S. Commissioner Gardner at the City Court Room, and resulted in binding Cox over to the next term ot the U. S. Court in theEum ot $100 It appeared by th evidence that Harris and Hutcherson were not actually guilty of mutiny and they were discharged. Tho Ball. There was a fair attendance at 0 Germania Hall last night to enjoy the pleasures of the social hop which was givea by several young gentlemen of the city. Many wore undoubtedly kept away by the miserable state of the weather, but those who were present passed the hours in the happiest way. The Italian harpers furnished the music for the occasion, and the dancing was kept up, with only an iutermission for refreshments, until a late hour, or, rather, until an early hour this morns ing. The best of order was maintain ed, and it was an occasion of real enjoy ment. Wilmington in Luck. liro. Warrock, ot the W'adesboro Times, f peaks handsomely oKour.'City by the Sea." lie stys under tho above heading; Our chief city is in luck. All the cotton trom this section (nearly all) has been sent there this season, frequently taxing the railroad to its utmost capaci ty. The top ot the market" has been paid for the staple, and our drtilers hore have trcely expressed themselves as highly satisfied with their treatment in Wilmington. Besides this tremen ous incrcaso hi cotton receipts, the people of that' region are made ad ditionally happy in having $150,000 appropriated by Congress for the erec tion of a public building in Wilmington, to bo used as a post office and court room. This is something Wilmington has long needed andtleserved, ajd we arc glad to know there is no longer any doubt of it. A gentleman just returned from thai city informs us that business of all kinds is very brisk there, and that tho cry of "hard times" is no long or heard. . Our imperial shirt, with patent back, tine linen, full faced, cut lengthwise, at one dollar is a bargain. Sold only by Munson- t I'ersonal . Wu are glad to hear that, Hon. D. K. McRae. who has been very ill at bis residence in this city, was reported to day as decidedly better. Sergt. W. II. Fallon, of the Signal siation here, has been called to Wash ington, D. C , to attend the funeral of hts brother., whoso death occurred in that city yesterday. Messrs. W. E. Raynoids, of IheCin cinati Southern Railway, and S. O Beall.of the Georgia Pacific Railway, are in the city to-day. Hon. A. II. VanBokkelen has re turned to the city from a visit of several days to Washington City, where he has been in the iaterest of public works in this city and section. We were pleased to receive a call this morning from Mr. J. L. Parr, ot Baltimore, the civil engineer who lo cated and bad charge of construction on the Y, C. & C. R. R., and who is now with the South Atlantic & Northwest ern R. R He goes to Smithville this afternoon on business connected with the survey ot that road The Review Job Office is the place to get good work at moderate prices. Last Night's Concert The largo attendance at the Opera House last night was a lilting rebuko to those who may say that our people cannot properly appreciate real musical art. The night was one of the stormiest of the season, but our peopie. knowing the rich musical symposium that was in store for them, paid but little hoed to tho weather, and the house was well filled with the most refined and best musically cultivated ladies and gentle men of the city . The Quintette Club had been here before and th' so who bad had the exquisite pleasure of hear ing, them once were determined to hear l-hem again. In tho opening piece, which was a quintette arrangement of Franz .Schubcrt'3 Octette in F, tt e Club at once established themselves in i Ie hearts of the audience. The piece was exquisitely rendered, and especially beaulitul and truly artistic were the crescendo passages, which, commenc ing with an almost inaudible, but en tirely distinct (pardon the seeming paradox) pianissimo, rose evenly. gradually and purely to a grand fortissi mo which made the house ring with the sublime harmonies The movements were so genuinely artistic tha the audience was spell bound and every heart was m sympathy with the music. Beethoven's Quartette in C minor -was rendered in the same superb stylo. It is one of the best composi tions ot that wonderful genius, and the artists iast night successfully interpre ted the idea of the great composer. m i s ine piece is solemn ana grana in its theme and harmonies, and being in a flat key has none of the doleful, lugu brious tones which characterize minors when arranged in sharp keys. The first instrumental solo was by Mr. William Schade upon the flute. We would like to describe his per lormanco, out language becomes im potent to convey an adequate idea of his wonderful skill. The audience was spell bound by tho magic ot his efforts. No less remarkable were the efforts of Mr. John Marquardt, the violin soloist. He was perfect master of his violin, and it obeyed his every wish and thought until it seemed to be a part of himself. The tones were pure, rich and resonant, and the most rapid exe cutioa and the most difficult tasks of the bow failed to produce the slighte semblance of a "scratch." or an impure or imperfect sound. . The violoncello solo; -by Mr. Louis Blumenberg, was also superb, and was rendered in a finished and skilful maqner. His fingering as well as his use of the bow were wonderful. We think, however, that, in purity of tone he was hardly equal to Mr. Giese. who was with the Club when they were last here. In all else he was fully the equal of Mr. Giese. Mr. Ryan, the Nestor of the Club, did not attempt any remarkably dillicult piece, but introduced his clarionette solo as a sort of divortiscmcnt for. the rest of the programme His executive capabilities are well known by those who have heard him on previous occa sions. Miss Alice Kyau, vi cal soloist, is a young artist, this being her flr3t season beforo the public. She is good looking has a fine stage presence, and shows that she has had the advantages of thorough musical training. Her voice is mellow and sympathetic, and iu the higher notes is rich and powerful. Her low notes were good, but there was a weakness, or, rather, lack 6T fullness, in her middle tones which detracted some" what Irom her efforts. With the ex ception of a prolonged trill, which was exquisitely given, she attempted noth ing remarkably difficult. , All the artists were rcpcalcdly en cored, to- which generous responses were given, and all were delighted. It was a rich entertainment and one not soon lobe forgotten, and the Quintette Club may be always sure of a hearty reception by the really music loving people of Wilmington. Clearance Halo. Big reduction in clothing at Siikieii's. All small lots wherd sizes are broken insuits; overcoats for men, boys and children, reduced in price $2, $3, $4 and $5. Tbe real cost or actual value ol the goods have nothing to do with the low prices. SiuiiEi: has reduced them to some ixiraorditiary biq value for very little money. Doa't fail-to see Shuiei: for bargains; first come will have best choice to select from at the very low prices. New styles and reliable clothing can be bad at I. Shkieu's, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market Street. t An agency for tbe Le Mare's celebra ted Rock Crystal Spectacles and Eye Glasses is established in this place at Ileinsberger'a. t NO. 12 Death of Mr. Mallard. J-.. . ... We grea'iy regret to learn ol the death ot Mr J H Mallard, which took place at his residenoo in'this city, about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, alter a short but scyerc sickness. We do not Jr. -low Mr. Mallard's age but think it was about 50 years IlcNas a native ol the Long Creek section of LVnder county and had resided in this city for nearly 30 years. For many years past he has conducted a harness business on South Front street. He wa3 a member of Co. I. 18th N. C. Regiment, and did good ana true service in tbo held, lie was twice married,. his last wife being a daughter of tho late David Smith Truly a good man ha gono from among uf. Peace to his ashes. Our Now Urcss Shirt, 18 inch square bosom with narrow plaits, reinforced; a very handsome and elegant shirt. Manufactured and sold only at one dollar, at the Wilming ton Shirt Factory, 27 Market street. J Elsuacti, Proprietor. - . t NEW AIVEKTISEMLENT8. Festival To-Night. rpiIE LADIES OF THE BAPTIST CIIAPEL X wl 1 give a Festival to-night, la Adrian Hall, on Fourth, between Market and Dock et&. Doors open at 7 P. M. Admission lCc. jan-14 It Report rT COMMISSIONER SINKING FUND OF VTHE CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, Jan 12, 187 : BONDS AND CASH ON HAND. i 1 7 5' 12 10 2" 17 Eight Per Cent. Bonds, due 1S87, 400 00 1,000 00 3,t00 00 5,9(0 10 2.0J0 CO 10,000 00 25.00 CO 17.C00 00 O.G7'2 M) oo do do 1890, do Six do do do do do do do do do do do do .do do do 1892, 17, 1899, J 931, 19T4, 1910. do Casn on hand.. $74,472 50 janl4 It W. I. GORE, Commissioner We Are Ready T O SUPPLY YOUR WANTS IN BOOT3 OR S HOES. Every variety of Style and Make at Bottom Prices at GEO. It. FRENCH At SONS, jan 1G 10S N. Front Street Just Received. -o- Q iUitl LBS. DOUGHNUT TWIST IN WjVUV 1:, l- Fiuhel Measures. 5 AAA LB3. DOUGHNUT TWIST IN jvvU peck Measures. 3i((i LBS- DOUGin jWV Buckets. SUT TWIST IN Rctallc's will do well to call ami examine. Send in order.. SOL. BEAR & CO., t o. 9, MARKET ST., Who'csalc Dealers in Liquor and Tobacco, jan 14 To the Ladies. SELLING OFF AT COST. THE PURPOSE OF MATERIALLY reducing my stock, to make room for New Spring Goods, I will offer to the public, AT COST, for the rext ten days, the following articles ;- DRESS TRIMMINGS, BEADED TRIMMING?, MOUiiMNui FRINGE i. BUTTONS, CORSET?, BUSTLE, HOOP SKIRTS." And my entire stock of FANCY WOEK AND MATERIAL FOR SAME. Alsofmy TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMID HATS AND BONNET3. Ladles will onsnlt their Interest by giving me an early call. Country orders solicited, cither who'esaleor retail. Samples sent on application. MRS. E. 15. WIGGINS, ian 14 2 115 MARKET STREET. Acme Saloon. Sf. E. CORNER FRONT ASDDOCK hT i J. G. L. GIESCHEN, Prop., , ' AM NOW RECIIVIKQ REGULARLY A supply of tbe flneat New Sirer Oysters. Try Gleachm's LEADIR. tteflnet5 eerts Clgur in tbe cif y, oct ;. PLKAJSC 80TIC. Ws will be to receive eommnalcauca txoa our friend on any and all :tttyeet Ktntrallntercalbut Tnt BAma ot the writer most arwars bt alaced to t&e Editor.' : ' Coaamonicatlons mns) be wrlrtsa oa en) one tide of tho paper. PfersonaU ties mast be avoided; And U Js especially and particularly nn too! that the Editor doea aot always eadot the views of correspondents rtnbM tti in the editorial columns. T - NEW A H VERTISEMENTS. Wotice p HBItKHV GIVEN THAT APPUCA. uon wilt be uvidc to the ivcnt tension of tbe Gtneral Assembly of North faro I in for an Act to facilitate the construction of a Rail road thronch the state or North t'aroltta to the tae Uac).of-Tcuricsce and Virginia, jan 13 S7t Wotice S HEUE.VY GIVEN THAT APPUCA- Hon will bo made to the present session of tbe Wcucral Assembly of North Carolina (or the Incorporation of he - Southport Terminal Com i any. fan ISSOt V Wotiee. PPLU ATION WILL BE MADE 'lO the pros in t session of tho Genera! Assembly 5?uia .hl,rtCT 2f .lhc -VMti Uayne, Scott's Hill and Sloop Point Kail Ron I. ' . jan 12 3Dt Notice S HEREBY GIVEN THAT ArPLICA- lion will be made to I he next session of tbe General Assembly of North Carolina for an amendment to the charter of the South A Man- dec 17 30t , Notice S HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICA- tion will be made to tho next session of the Gcnerar-A sscmbly of . Norlli Carolina, for a charter of thctcntral & Northwestern Ball Road Company. dec 17 80t Wotice S HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPUCA- Hon will be made to the next eeaslon of the General Assembly of North Carolina for aft act Incorporating the Bank of Clarendon. dec 17 30t - Wdticei IMPLICATION WILL BE MADE lO the Legislature of tbe State of North Caroli na, at its approaching .session, to amend the charter of the Wilmington, Onslow East Carolina Rail Road. declTSOt Wanted rpO BUY A HOUSE OF ABOUT FOUR roDirs, on Third, Fourth or Fifth streets, U tween Princess and Ann. Apply to AaA A. BROWN, . Real Es'atc and Collection Broker. jan 12 Secrete. A Good 5 Cent Cigar aiUNpS BROTHERS, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, dec 31 Wilmington, N. C. .Country Produce, ' JjOR CHlCKENSrEUGS, TURKtYS, p nlcs. Cabbaces. Onions, and All klhU nf rnim . try Produce, go to CHAS. t . BuOWNE. Broker and Ccm. Merchant, No. 5 Market at., jan 13 Wilmington. N. C- Hides, Furs and " Skins OF ALL KINDS. WOOL AND WAX. HJghcBtcash prices paid J. F. GARRELL, k- ' Dealer and Shipper of Law Furs, Hides, , No. 110 North Water St, jan 13 Wilmington. N. C. Subscriptions Received JT PUBLISHER'S PRICES, FOR ALL POPULAR PERIODICALS AND PAPERS. A Complete Stock of BLANK BOOKS and ' . ' . STATIONERY at Lowest Prices. ' YATES' BOOK STORE. Jan 10 fc For 1887. jJILLER'S ALMANACS. Turner's Almanacs, B'um's Almanacs, Stadt & land Alman&cs, l iar'e. all slzss. For eale at U EI Ns B K hit JC R'ft Books, Pianos, Organs. J) LAIN AND FANCY FRAMES OF ALL kiids in Woo l, Brass aid Velvet. Inks, Mucilage, Gold and Steel Pen. -Stationery of every variety am! style. Give ua a rail. It may be to yonr adrantagr. HEINSBERGER'S. jan 11 C&sjt Rook and Ifiule s(ore

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