i MiscixAirous THE ADVANTAGES OF- 35 It cures DYSPEPSIA fcy aetlna ft vnedon that most important vr'jan, Stotnarh, iTCUfcSS INDIGESTION lry causing the assimilation cf the food. It CURES-WEAKNESS " f.y t oh iiiyttcklj the vllo system. Itcurfs MALARIA l.f enrrhlmj the blood td driving th tuauirtaf poiw enmy y It cifRf s CHILLS & FEVER ftv Stoppimj the fever, and restoring thm nerves to a health! condition. It curss KIDNEY DISEASES t rengtitening the parts, pnrlfijlng ffe blood and relet ring ull pain in the bark. It cures LIVER COMPLAINT fcy waking the Liver and Jiowefs net promptly, carrying ojf tJte surplus Mite' It cures NEURALGIA ,, bit regelating and strengthening the nervous system of the head, face - tteeh: It cures. RHEUMATISM . making the blood flour regularly, and t 'rrnlg through the veinsand by removing iUt rejrotn the cause of the disease. IrcuRFS FEMALE INFIRMITIES Vr regulating the functions, giving tirenqih to all diseased parts. Jt makes the I tesh Smooth and Cheeks llosy. It cures DELICATE CHILDREN 1 jiciug a healthy and regular apjtettte, trarnting the blood and inducing etasti s it y in the limbs. It cures BLOOD DISEASES bycitning and purifying the blood, IT l5 detinhtful to be taken at ANY TIME OF THE DAY Jlreahfasl, Lunfheon, Jinner or Supper, in all seasons, as it is exhilarating, corn Jortiug and sustaining, providing in a coueenti'ated form admirable, nutritive and flesh-forming qualities, strength and staying potrer. for sale by all dealers in Medicine. Price $1.00. The Volina Almanac for 1887 new and attractive, mailed on receipt of a 2 tent btamp. SOLE MANUFACTURERS Volina Drug & Chemical Co., BALTIMORE, MD., U.S.A. i C Jan 1 dlw tc t rm lv- -1887 ' - New York Weekly Herald. One Dollar a Year. Greatest tsd Cheapest Family Journal In the United States. I.V. Always Bright and Rclia- fcvery Number an Epitome of the News of the World. I be Foreign Department la unequalled. Latest aud most accurate Cable Specials by the Commercial Cables. Fullest Te'egrapklc Reports of all ICuxrent Events. Special Featce8 Practical Farming; articles on Science, Art, Literature, the Drama, Music, Religion, Fashions and Ctess. Information on all snbiprt. Address, .TAMES GORDON BENNE1T, New Toik Herald, . nov30 New York City Holiday Goods! FULL LINE OF ALL. KINDS OF HOL 1DAT GOODS received by Steamer to-day. Citron, PreieiTCs, Craoges, . Ealslns, Jelly, Apples, Currants, Mince Meat, Figs, Nuts of all kinds. Candles and Cakes, . I randled Peaches and 1 13s, r something extra. Dresfc J and Lire Poultry, Ce'ery, fresh each day during the week. Vegetables. b:th canoed acd fret h, ' of almost every kind. t all early and the rush tecure your supplies lefore .ISO L BOATWRIHT, la St 17 Eo. Front Street O- Pure Buckwheat. 4 T HAVF. ON UAND A FBESU LOT OF N. C. BUCKWHEAT. Just received from the Western part of ti e State Thote desiring a I U RE A RT1 C LE ran obtain it by calUjir on Jno. L. Boativriglit. dee 22 IS A 17 So. Front Street Baggage Transfer. pOU PKOilPT CALLS AKD DELlVKJiT of n.iggae leave jonroiders at T.J. SOUTH. K LAND'S Livery (table. Keith CecondSt. tri!er for i'artlace prom Uy;fllleL T. J. SOUTIIERLAND. LI very at d S t le.S ta blea, jly23irj No ICS A 110 North Second St Charcoal OFFICE CABOLINA C-'L CBEOIOTE CO. Wilmington, N C , ot. 1?, U?. -T?1RST-CLAS3 CHARCOAL DELIVERED in an? pait of the city at tl.5 a eart load. It Is rhean antt conTenlnt fneL LUDW1G HANaKN, nor IS " ..Um'lfUip The Dally Review. j ; WIFEHOOD. To be decked as a bride i. Orange bloom in my hair; . To be wed, as maid' pride is, ilDy almr. with prayer; Side by side. hand to hand, with him As his choen. in stand with him, S happy, so grand .wiih him. ; Was it not a thios rare? To think of him always. My g'dd without nllr.y, r meet him in hallways. Abiut my employ ; At his back wing to h m. Talk with him, sinir in him. Walk with htm. bring to him Each e;ri-f atnt each j-v To haye him, my orn one. Possession enough! To hae him enthrone one Over all ot th stufT! To feel myself cn with, him. Till shall set life's sun with him. However stream run with him. Smooth car re tit or tough. With him to bse.itMl L - At the table I spread , With praiso to be greeted For butter or bread; lYtiu's loaf there to break with him. L:fo race there to take with linn, f.ifn's Inture lomakc with him &Iy lord and my head! To dream with his dreaininr. To see with hi eyes. ' To scheme with hi scheming. Be wise as he's wie; Linked for we ami weai with him. Ah life's change t fel with hiiu. Night and morning to kneel with him Facinz the same 9kies. (real grows the? wonder As round roil each yar; God joined, naught can sunder. Wmiher there. woHilmr here; UplilVa hill ts climb with him. To keep step and time with him. As bells chime o chime wi;h him With note soft and clear. The wonder still greater And growing more sweet. That (iod the Creator - No life can dpteat ; That I should be nude I r him. That I should hav stayed for him. Helpmeet, handmaid tor him. Completing, complete! J. E Rankin, D D. Salvation Oil is what you want It kills pain and cures the worst of rheu matism, neuralsria sore throat, hoars ness, and headache. Take no "just as good." Price twentysBve cents a bot tle. . . v Uillerence m Taste. Young. Winks: "Ah! so this is Mr. saw Minks: very happy to meet you; vou on. the street yesterday and 'most died with envy." Young Minks; 'Just what I was going to say to you, but I was thinking ot the wonderfully beautiful andjovely girl you were with." -She. lovely and beautiluin Why. 8heV the most commonplace; young woman in Omaha. I was referring to that angel you had by your side." ' "Angel! You must be cracked. That was my sister. Hut who was that queenly cature you had?" "My si3ter!" . Buculen'8 Arnica Salvo. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, liruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt ltheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, -Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Positively cures Piles', or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or moey refunded Price 25 cents per bo:. For sale by W. II. Green & Co. Ancient Aqueducts. The Romans knew the sypbon and its .use, bet in their ignorance of metal lorgy they were unable to use it as an economical means of crossing valleys when the volume of water was coniid erab'e. They did not usd cast iren. buL employed lead pipes of a crude character, as also clay pipes; and they krew how to prepare solder. The builders of their aqueducts had some acquaintance with the mode of level ing, the instrument they used being a sort of foreshadowing of the modern Iovcl. Still they knew that the means they adop'ed might iead them into error, and tbey preferred to err on the safe side, giving their aquc ducts a great fatj, from one in 500 to one in 750 Chicago Her. A Novel Scnrf Pin. One of the latest novelties is a minia ture windmUl to be worn asa scarf pin. It has little fans ot silver which fly aroui d witb pleasant buzziD soakd .whenever jt current of air is thrown against tb6ru. The current of air is produced by a rubber bulb or pump held in the wearer's hand when in bis pocket, a little tube leading therefrom to the windmill on the scarf. The .windmill is cot only . ornamental but useful. It fills the place of a chestnut gong, but performs its office much more neatly. Whenever a loquacious friend seizes the possessor of one of these windmills and talks loo long or too extravagantly, bis earnest ness is distracted by a whiz z-z! whiz zz! Slightly disconcerted, the loqua cious man' endeavors to continue bis discourse, but utters no more than a dozen words befoie again comes the whiz z z! whiz z-z! from beneath his victim's chin. The talker stops short, looks puzzled and slightly subdued, and inquires: What, ia the name ot heaven, is that?" "Oh." replies the man who has his band on the rubber ball ia his trousers pocket, "that is the effect of the breeze you'ro gTvin me!" Chicago Iltrahl. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at ence; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child trom pain, and the little cherub awakes as rbright as a button." It is very pleas ant to t&sto. It soothes the child, soft ens tbe gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the towels, and is the bed known remedy Tor diarrhoea, V whether arising front teething or other causes. Twenty-uve-conL a Doiild ily ti deod& wll. . MISCELLANEOUS. Capital Prize 150,000. WsdoberUv certify fjka supervutth rrtmgcmenU - for all XA Monthly mnd Semi' A nautfi Drawings of Hut Lovisian Stats Lot cry Company, and in person tnanags and con trol the Drawing themselves, am that th samut are conducted with honest fairness, anV in good faun toward mil partim, and vse anSkor ie the Company to use this certificate, xoith fac- $tuus or our signatures attached, in its adver . ttienents." Commissioners. W,- the vndersfaned Bants and Bankers, will ap all Prize drawn in The Louisiana State lotteries tchich map be presented atourcoun fern. I II l.wBV. Pre Umltfana vgtn Bank. 1. W. Kll.HKKTII. Pres. tate Nat) Bank. 4. BALDWIN, Pres. -ew Orleans Nafl Bk. TJNPRF.CRDENTED ATTRACTION I OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED! miisiana State Lottery Company. . ncorporated in. 1W5S far 25 years by tbe Leg I .tature for Educational and Charitable par pe with a capital of $1,000,000 to winch a ."eBerre'fand of over tW).000 has s'nee been Med. . Ky an overwhelming popnlai vote Its fran :bl?e was marie a part or the present State Jouittltutlon adopted December 2d. A. D..1879. 'Hie only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed b the people of any State. it never scales er postpones. Its -ranrt Srnjtle umber Drawings take place n oat hly, and ih- Pei-Annual Draw ings regii'at 1 y everT fclx month (Jcne and De cember.) A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. SesAnd Grand Drawing, Clas4 R, In tbe Academy of Mnsle. New Orleans, Tuesday, February 18872ftt Monthly Orawlna Capital Prize $150,000. Nottck Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, f rirtus.fi. Tenths fi. LIST OF PRIZES. i Capital Prize of $150,000... .$150,000 1 Grand Prizbof 50,000... 50,000 1 Grand Prize of 20,000... 20,000 2 large Prizes of 10,000.. 20,000 4 Large Prizks of 5,000... 20,000 20 Prizes of l.ooo... 20.000 50 " 500... 25,000 100 300... 30,000 200 " 200... 40.000 600 " 100... "50,000 1,000 " 50... 50,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZLS. 100 Approximation Prizes of $:100 $30,000 100 " 200.... 20,000 100 " " 10'.... 10,100 ?,179 Prizes amounting to $535,000 Application for rates to clubs should be made nly to the office of the Company In New Or leans. For further Information, write dearly, glv tng full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange lb or dinary letter.. Currency by Express (at our expense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. . or M. A. DAUPHIV, Washington, D. C. Make P. 0. Monty Orders payable and ad Iress Registered Lelten U . NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK. NW ORLKANS, LA l?OlllOlllliorTnat tnc Presence of Allill tJllMt?a Generals Beauregard and Early, who arc In charge ot the drawings. Is a guarantee of abroiute rairrcBs and integri ty, that tbe chances are all equal, and that uo one can possibly ulTlne what numbers win draw a Prize. All parties therefore adver tlelng to guarantee Prizes In this lottery, or homing out any other impcasibie-uiduccmenu. are swindlers, and only aim to deceive and defraud the unwary jan 12 ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Howell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, JO Spruce St., New "York. Send lOcts. for lOO-page Pamphlet THE EVERETT- PROCESS .7 SO A P ! NEW YORK. WRITE I ' YELLOW NEW PROCESS. I ELECTBIFYING. FOR ALL HOUSEHOLD USES. Endorsed and for sale by HAIL PEARS ALL, JOHN L. BOATWR1GHT. J T. McIVER, EelllBgAaent dec 13 2m Wllmlnctnn N. C. Bagging, Ties, Cotton Gins, ic. lOOO HALF R0U' iba;g,nq- DDLS. AUROW TIES. Wins hip Cotton Gins, with Coadensers and Feeders. Wlsanip Cotton Preases. . Bacon, Ccm, lard. Flour. Coffee. Sutr. Nails, Hoop Iron, Tobaeeo, Snuff, Molasses e., Ac. For sale by - . ' WOHTII & ?BT : ', J- MISCELLANEOUS ..it i ? Over 9,000,000 worn during the past six yeaxs. This marvelous success is due lst.To the superiority of Coraline over all other materials, as a stiffener for Corsets. 2nd. To the superio qualitj shape and workmanship of our Corsets, combined With their low prices. Avoid cheap imitations made of various kinds of cord. None are genuine unless 44 DR. WARNER'S CORALINE" is .printed on inside of steel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 359 Broadway, Now York City. ian 17eod & w 4m rop WEAK. UNDEVELOPED PARTS 'f tbe Ijody enlarged anf strengthened.1 Full iHrticii r Bent sealed free.KRIE MEI.CO.. BTTFFALO.N.Y. and Whiskey Tlab it cured at home with out pain. Book of par ticulars sent FREE. B. M. WOOLLEY, M. D. Ail.intn. a. Ortio W.'j Wldtehall Street, may It lvd w eo 1887. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. HAitrKK's Magazine lurlng If 17 will con tain a novel of Intense political, social, and romantic Interest, entitled "Narka" a story of Huseian life by Kathaleen O'Meara; a new novel,' entitled "April Hopes,'.' by W 1 Ilow elbj"; "Southern Sactches," by'Chailcs Dudley Warner and Rebecca Harding Davis, Illustra ted by William Hamilton , Gibson; Great American Industries" continued ; "Social Studies." by Lr. ft. 1'. Ely; further articles on tbe Hallway Problem by competent writers; new series of illustrations by E A Abbey and Alfred Parsons; articles by JS P Roe; and oih cr attractions. Harness Periodicals t Per Year: H akter'a Magazine oa Harfkb's weekly 4 oe Harper's Bazar 4 oo Hakfer's Youno People 2 GO Harper's Frakkun square Library, One Year (52 Numbers).. 10 00 Postage Free to ailsubscribers in the United States or Canada. The volumes of the Magazine beam with tbe Numbers for June and December of each year. When no timo'is specified, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of re ceipt of order Bound Volumes cf Barper,s Magazine, for three years back. In neat cloth ; binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on recelp ?oI $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents each by mall, postpaid. , ' Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to7(). Inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 18S5, one VOL, 8vo, Cloth, $4 00. Remittances should be mado by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order e Harper & Bstov. Address HARPER BROTHERS, nov 36 New York .' Special' Notice. r 111 REE HUNDRED TO FOUR HUNDRKD I icrsou3 owe nic mencv. oinc of tbcm are Ie&d aiMl otberi left the city. 1 hot e who are living and not left tbe city, I hope have yet some shame, honor and pride left and cotne aui pay mc what they arc due, like honest men should do. Don't act like dishonest men. How Is It that nfy friends frcm the country, 8mithvlHc, 8CafaVinsr men, Ac. who I often credit, never refuse to pay me? I hope there are enough good gentlemen lelt irom whom to make a living. JOHN WERNER, bov 3) The Barber. 51) Market St Homes in North Carolina. Only 20 Hours Eide from New York! 69 MilesSouth of Raleigh On the Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line R B. 1.500 ACRES OF IJLND IS THE ong leaf pine region. For sale on easy terms In iou to auit purcnaaera. our acres ior 9-o-Larger tracts $5 per acre, In' monthly pay menu off 10. This land adiolna the "South ern Pines", a recently established health re sort (or sanitarium), and is specially adapted ior m ran uuiture, aa weii as an toe cereais. A number of New England people have boug b t lot In the town of "Southern Pines." and It Is the desire of tbe owners of - this land to In duce small farmers, mechanics and others from the ew England and allddie Mates, aa well as elsewhere, to locate here. No State In the Union offers greater Inducements to eet tiers than North Carolina Nowhere can a better tanning country or as fine a climate be found. Ibis Is the opinion of 'Northern men who have settled in North Carolina. This Is a bona fide offer, and Is limited . - a or W riser particulars write at once to v JOHN T. PATKICK, Commls'r of Immigration. Raleigh, N. C. -orB. A RICHARDSON, jan 21 tf Chronicle Office. Augusta. Ga A. A. BroTvn, TKAL ESTATE AND COLIJCCTION BUO KEB. Buvs and sens Rest Kaute. Stocks, Bonds and eoUects bills. lilies, Deeds, Ac., tan 14 searche promptly. "TfriiIllS:- ' ?r it , irtiai s " J'- J. JK "'Hi Iff ttV ' . tf J. mob mm Ji Jt J 1 SK W f S? . t? . MARKET STREET. NO. 112H. a?l T.MR5). C CM J J.J HI J A lAIh? RJelU'J AND WE ARE PREPARED TO DO ALL MANNER OF 3! mi MwiWiiwwiWk -WHEN YOU WANT PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, OAROS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS. ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS. , PAMPHLET PRINTING, TAGS, LAND DEEDS, MORTGAGE DEEDS, SIIERr IFFS" DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS JUSTICES' J(JD MENTS, JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, AC, GALLON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS. ' Address . REVIEW JOB OFFICE, WILMINGTON. N. C. Merchants, bankers anu Maniifaotitr erh shoui.p rrai A Weekly Journal, of Trade, Finance and IPcbmc Economt. Sixteen pages evtty Saturday . Oftentimes Twenty Pages. Sometimes Twenty four Pages. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. THE BRA DSTREET COMPANY, (Business Established 1S49 Incorporated 187(; Capital and Surplus $1,400,000. Executive Offices, 279, 281, 2S Broad way, New York. Merchants, Bankers, Manufacturers A othcra . Dear Sirs In addition to our Mercantile Agency Reports we arc now publlshins: a weekly commercial anil financial iicwspapcr n our name oi - "BRADSTREETS". This paper Is of value and iniercst to observ ing business men, particularly mcrchantP, bankers and manufacturers, it docs not deal with credits or furnish ratings, but reports, reviews anu uiscusbes tnose matters, uomcs tc and foreign, ibat have any Ijcarinaf ujor. the buBtacss of th's country. Jtteporliog the crops in detail, iuvcfllcatiug niiTcrous In duatrics. criticizing various investment securi ties and reviewing the markets arc special icaiurcs, wiuic ttie tariuy monetary, iranr- portatlon. lecai. bankruptcv. partnership and nunflrcds ot otlvcr topics are ably treated, not in me interest oi political parties or gcograph ical sections, but in the bent intercut of the business men of the whole country. it is emphatically the business man s Dews- paper. . We scliclt your subscription for one jcar at five doffcirs. scliclt yo ffcirs. 4 V THE Very truly yours, BRAD3TREET COMPANY. O 8UBSCRIB1S NOW FOR BRADSTREETS. 1887. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTHATED. 1 1 Auri'.K'H Wekklv niahilalu- itb pobiliou as tbe IcadiDg lUutralcd newspaper in Amer ica; and Its bold uprav publie esteem and ecu lidour.c was never stronger than at the pres ent time. Besides the pictures, Harper's Weekly always contalt' instalments of one, occasionally of two, of the b'ett novels of the day, uncly illustrated, with short stOrlca, poems, sketches, and papers on Important current topics by the most popular writers. Tbe care that has been successfully exercised in tbe past to make Harper's Weekly a safe as well as a welcome visitor to every house hold will not be relaxed In the future. Harper's Periodicals. ler Year: r HARPER'S WEEKLY ...f l 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE.... 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNO PEOP1JC 2 00 Harper's Franklin Square JUbrart, One Year (52 Numbers 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscription will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. " Bound Volumes of Harper Weekly, for three years back. In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage pakl.or by express, free of expense (provided the freight docs not exceed one dollar per volume;, for $7 oo per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of fl 00 each. . Remittance ould be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copv this advertise ment without tbe express order of Harper A Brothers. Address HARPER A BROTHERS. nov2 New York J. II. JONES, J I VERY, SALE, BOARDING AND EX change SUbles Horses. Mules, Baggies and Carriages for e ale - or hire. Strict attention paid to boarding horses No. Kf, Corner Princess and Second fits , Wilmington, N CJ. Parties coming from tbe country with teams will do well by calling on roe-n here tbey can find goo 4 stables and feed for their horses. sept 28 ; . It you want to commence a new set of blank' books, such as ledgers, jour nals, day, caah books or record, go to lleinibercer', where jron can ct snitetl both in qnalitj and price. t wtmitw ICAIIillOADO, CC. Wilmington & WeIdon R. R. ' i ; AND J mCANCUCS, . I' Li -ZjU; ifvcii'Z?, CONDENSED SCHEDUIE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. ( No. ?3, No. V?, No. l. Dally. (old No.,). i Dnlly. Dally. Dated Jsii. '.. 7 (oil No. 4'',) lave Weiwon.... Ar. ftocKy Mnnt t is pmj i ss pa; l.io am " I.... 2 27 am Arilve 'ianro... Leave Tavl-Mro Arrl vev7Tuir ; 4 ft J pm ill Hopm ' 4 '" P'l c pfri a.07 im ini:. ;! Leave W-lsou Arrie ; cliua...... Arrive Fayetteviile ." 4 pml...... . 8 30 pmj....... Leave Oohisboro..! 4 .'0 pm Lea ve Magool'a . . J t-o pm Leave Burgaw..'.. 7 00 pm Ar. Wilmington... 1 50 pm 7.4t pm f.8 pm '!s5pn? 3 W ant f. 13 am 6.1.1 am 7.t0 a -a TRAINS GOJNQ NRTH. i No. r2, No. I, Dally. old No. 47, 8 A ) am 9.34 am 10 S3 am No. Gi5, Dally. oU KV43. old to 4 1 l .40 pro ii'sVair l.fa am Leave Wllmlnston Leave Burgaw.... Iave Mtgnolla.. . Arrive Goldsbpfo. Leave Fayeltevillc Arrive F'elm 8.V)pm 9 M pm 10.42pm 11 M pm s oo am 10 47 am It 50am AriiveWUsoiu -M Leave Wl'son.-, .'.4t am ,12 25 pm .........) 1 COpm 12 61 am 1.27 am Ar. Rocky Mpun t. . Arrive Tar boro. .. Leave Tarbon. .. I 4 50pm' (11 SO am Arrive Weldon... 4 V) am 2 qspml 5.S3 am Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. II. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at fl.SO A.,kl. dally except Sunday. " Train -leaves Tarboro, N. C.; via Albermarle A Raleigh R. R. Dally except Sunday, 6.0 P. M , Sunday .V00 P. M.. arrive Wllllamaton. N. o., s.i. P. M., f, 40 p. to. Returning leave WUllaraston, N. C, Dally except Sunday, 8.00 A. M., unday U A. M., Arrive Tarboro, S. C., 10(5 A. M., H.30 A. M 'iraln rn Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C., Daily except Sunday, 7.00 A.M., arrive Smitbfield, N. C, s 30 A.M. Returning leaves SmltliOcM, N C, ! oj A. M:, arrive Gofdsboro, N. C, 10 30 A. M. Soi.tbbour.d Train on Wilson A FavettcvIUe ' Branch Is No..M. Northbound Is No. r0. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wllsor . Goldsboro and Magnolia. ' . Train No. Ts makes close connection at Wei don for all points North Dally. All rail via" Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay" Line. Trains make close connection for all point t North via Richmond and Washington. . . AH trains run solid between Wilmington anc Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. Daily except funday. ' JOHN T. DIVINE, General Superintendent J. R KENLY, Sup't Transportation T. M. EMERSON , General Passenger Agtat. Jan S , - -i . , , m t Carolina Central B. K. Company. OFFIO OT dEMKRALSUPXRIHTElCDKNT, Wilmington, N. C, Dec20, 1K6. ! Change of Schedule. o N AND AFTER THIS DATE. THE following rcheuuio will bo operated on Kaibroad: No. 1 , Dally except Sundays. Leave Wilmington at... 6 CO A tbt M Leave Shoe Ilecl 10.17 Leave Charlotte.---........... 3.45 Leave -Phclby. 7.01 Arrive Champton.... 8..l.i - No. 2 Dully except Sunday. Icavc Cbampton. r, 0) Icavc Shelby.. 7 2S Ix:avc Charlotte. i lo 28 leave Shoe Heel. 8 45 Arrive Wilmington 8.10 - No. 3 Daily except Ennday. j P M P M Ixiavc Wilmington 7 00 r m Leave Raleigh. Arrive Charlotte .00 '.5 AM No. i Dally except Sunday.' Leave Charlotte 8 15 PM Arrive Balcigh 8 35 A M Arrive Wilmington........... 8.40 Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make connection at Shoe Uccl with trains on C. P. A Y. V. Hy. Trains No. 3 and 4 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Ra'elgh. - Through Sleeping Cars between WUmlngtOL and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. --Take Train No. 1 for Statesvllle. statlona Western NCR R, Ashcvllle and points West. Also, for Spartanburg. Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and points Southwest. Local Freights Nos. 5 and 0 trl-wcekly be tween Wilmington and Hamlet. Local Freight -No 7 and 8 tri weekly be tween Hamlet and Shclbv. Nos. f, 0, 7 and 8 will not take passengers. L. C. JONES. . Superintendent. I". W. CLARK, Genorftl Passenger Agent Wilniington, & Augusta Columbia Hi. K. Co. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. i No. 15 -No. 73 I No 27 . (old j (old (chl Dated Pec. 12, ltx-j No. 42, )! No. 48.) No. 41', -. . Dally, j Dall. Dally. ; Icarc Wilmington. 7.20 am) l. 15 pm 10.10pm Lv. L.Waccamaw . 8 4la'ro ,30 pm 11 15pm Leave Marion 10 28 am 11.24 pm 1249am Arrive Florence.... 11.15 am 42.15 am L23atu Arrive Sumter 1.12 pm 4.24 am 4.24ap Arrive Colombia.. . 3.f 5 pm 6.40 am 6.40s m TRAINS GOING NORTH. 4- No. 78 fold No- M (Old No. 43.) Dally. No. G2 (old No. 45.) Dally. No,47.) Daily. 9.-15 pm 1 1 50 pm 4 45 am 5.24 am 1.W am 8.30 am Leave Columbia... Arrive Sumter.... Leave Florence.. Leave Marion....: Lv. L. Waccamaw Arrive Wllmlnct'n l.fC pm I. tO pm 2.44 jm 8.io pm 8 AG, i,m z pm 4.30 pm 5.12 pm (.sg pm 8.30 pm 10.11 pm 11.25 pm No. 2H and 78 stop at all Stations except Register's, Elenczer, Cane Savannah, Watcic and Slmms. Passengers for Columbia and all points on AG. K. IL, C, C. A A. R. IL SUtlOOS. Alk i Junction, and all points beyond, should U ; No. 4.". Pullman Sleeper for Auguata.im'- train. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J? R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. 7. af. EMERSON. Genera I Passenger Agent dec 11 s APE of Lost Energy, CUKE g Kidney Troupes, Mr- UKK 3 tous . Dtbilily. Men CURE4 o tal or Fhysical Weal 8IKI30 Yness. bjf ' OTWAY'S TABLETS. Price 10 ceats. BotinlcMrd. Co.. 741 S. 11th It.. Phils., rr bytnsli. For sale la Wllmlnstcu byJAS. J. NUTT, 21 N Front it. etc 4 Za 4 )