if TheDailv Review, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21. 1957. Absolutely Pur Thla powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and whoUssomeneaa. Mre economical tcatuthe ordinary kinds, and -an-Jiot be sold In competition wub the multitude of low test, short weight luci or phosphate powders. Sold onty in cant. 1!ovalBko Powder Co..10g Wall at. N. V. ocsi6 dwly tenrm 4thp IN CONGUK'S VESTIIUUAY SENATE WcTTivriTov. .Ian. 20. Mr. Ma- hone, from the Committee on Public Baildings. reported a bill for the com pletion ol the monument to Mary, mother ot Washinctcn. Calendar. Mr. Blair gte notice that Tuesday next he would ask the Senate to take up and act. upon tbej iint re-jolulion pro posing an amendment to the constitu tion, so as to authorize woman suft'ra;? Mr. Hoar called up the conference re port on the Electoral Count bill. The conference report was- aarenl to and without division, and then thn Senate went into secret session. HOUSE OF, REPRESENTATIVES " Mr. Oothwaite. of Ohio, from the Committee on Pacific Railroads, repin ed bapfc the f blowing resolution, whioo was adopted: Rtsolvid, That. the Secretary of the Treasury ba and is hereby requested to inform the House of Representatives, as soon as praclicabie.olthe snms of money which we're owing to the United State- on tha 1st of. January. 1897. Irom Pacific Railroads which haye receive! aid from government bonds, giving the "sums which aro due. principal km! in terest, under the existing law. severely and collectively, from said corn panic-, and what will le the result t the Treasury and the efft-ct upon thee debts, if House bill No. 8318 should ba -come a law. and its provisions to be complied with. The bi'l referred to is that introduced by Mr. Oulhwaite, pro viding for the payment of tht Pacific Roads' indebtedness to th government by installments so arranged that the average date of maturity shall be Omo ber 1st. 192J. The object of the committeo io v ' porting the resolution is to gijt the opin ion of the Treasury Depart orient as t the effect of the passage ol the Hue Funding bill. The House then resumed' consider, tioa of the conference report -n th Inter-State Cnmerce bill. - Aftrr a short discussion on motion of Mr Crisp, of Ga. by unanimous consent, it va ordered that a session should no held to-night for thediscussi n of the report ; that at the end ot that session the pre vious question should pa considered a ordered, and that a votu ou the adoption ot th'e report should be taken to-morrow morning, after the reading of the Journal. Bills were reported and rt-frred to the Committee ot the Whole for com pletion of the monument to.Marv, the mother of Washington, af Fn dencks burg, Va , and authorizing free dUrri butlon of ssed by the Agricultural De partment to the drought- stricken regions of Texas. The House in the morning liur passed the Senate bill amending the law relating to patents, trademarks and copyrights. Lfa'eieh VUtor. THE GENERAL. ASSKSU5LY. SENATE. FOURTEENTH DAY. TnuKSDAY. January 20, 1887. Several petitions were presented ask Ing relief for physicians in the mailer I collecting lees. The following were introduced : To amend chapter 150. laws 1683. To amend section. 1070, fr.de. To amend chapter cb,. private laws 1870 -71. To amend sections 2r8f, 211)0. 2016. 008, Code, for support ot the depart ment of agriculture. To incorporate tho Albemarle and Pantego Rulroad Co. The following bills were placed on third reading: - - To regulate the sale ot seed cotton; passed. ' To repeal section 19CJ0, of Code, rela ting to discrimination in railroad freights ; passed. i The following bills were placed on 2J reading: To amend, law "relating to public printing, passed. (Provides for choosing public printer by joint ballot.) To require private bankers and banks to make reports to public treasurer; passed. Relating to employment ol minors, lost. Relating to practice of law by lawyers from other States. To prevent sale ol ileadlv weapons; ' labled. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATI VES. BILLS INTRODUCED . To exempt firemen in Wilmington from poll tax. ; To annex a part of Duplin to Samp son county. . To amend tha charter of tha 'South Atlantic & Northwestern Railroad. r t t' "i Troyaless,? j . -g ... - I Toincorporatolba bank of Fayette-. villa. For the protection ol deer in New. Hanover, Bladen, Brunswick and Pen der. , ' To amend the Code in regard to at tachments " To repeal section 3Si ofCde. The House took tip. as the unfinished business, the bill to grant an extonsion of time fnrthe completion of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad. This extension was asked lor upon the irround that the State, which bad con tracted to furnish that road with 600 convicts, never fnrniahed more than li5 Mr Satton. the intnxlueer of the bill, urg-tl its pasaeo Mr. Frits ofler d an amendment providing that only 4U)convic:s rm lurnishol the road Mr. Eari flered an amendment that h. number ol convicts b put nt J30 Mr. L az.ar offer d a substitute, pro .vi'line that the bonds deposited bv the ro-ui for labor before February. l&tt, sh!l be returned only when the run! U completed to Patterson. nnd providing that hot to exceed 403 convicts slull be furnished, lor which the road ..hall piy in eash $125 a head each year. Ua spoke in favor of this substitute. Mr Holt followed, in tavor of the origi nal bill. Further remarks were made by Messrs Oakley. Pilchard. Doughton. Macon. Turt-er, York, Pinriix aod Overman. A call for the previous question was made, alter over two hour' argument, and a vote was taken on Mr Leaser's substitute. Thi resulted ayes 51. noes 58. ft J he substitute was lost. At2:15 th. House adjourned and this important bil went over, to come up as the unti.-iihed business to-morrow-. -TA-i"K N 1-;WK Pif.ts.boro liicord: An express office has been . established here, the agent b ins Mr W. R. Hunter, who ia also ihe. railroad aent. Our citizens will rind this a treat convenience, and is another benefit brought us by the raiU road. - Pitlshoro Home: Mr. Almon Hole man ki led four hogs a short time ago That iua?e a tola! of 1678 pounds ! p irk. Two were 20 months old weigh ing 525 and 474. Two Hi months c:M weighetl 350 and 32'.). (JoUNboro Artjust: There is mnch ullering Hinon the poor ot our city during this cold weather. Many who liv.e by their daily labor are unab e to ompl'iytnent. beeausK tho extreme c ld has h ti it- ff-ct npr bui'ess und matle wo;k lor them scarce News and Observer : Hon. Thomas J. JaryK IT. S. Minister to Brazil, and lady, amvtd in the csty Jast night ai.d look apart nients at the Yarbro lln-c. Alier lea he retired to his room 3 lor a short while, and vhen he appeared In the main ofiice of the h -tel tner- ws : rush to sec him. and he was lor some time engaged in shaking hands with irier.ds and citizens. ' ;i veil evi lie (Vtrc: Tho Indepen dent L'ght Infantry (Company is on a resrular "boom" new luembers being added at everv meeting. A new uni f rm will be adopted, and the company will co to Washington in May to oom pete for the prize in the inter-nalional drill. On Monday last, the I7lh inst., between 400 and 500 citizens ol portions of Cumberland, Harnett.Samp son and Johnston counties held a meet ing'nt Dunn to take lurther steps in re gard to ihe formation of the new county referred to in our Columns lat week. It was decided to change the name of the county Irom "Fairland" to Dob bin." Charlotte Chronicle: The county convicts who are now engaged In the work of macadamizing the public roads of Charlotte township, have struck a s -Id mine at the quarry, at the eastern terruinu Trade street, and the pub lic roads are ac'ually being paved with what ia said to bo a first class quality of gMd ore A specimen ol the re was left at The Chronicle office yester day, and it can be inspected by ..all doubling, Thomases. But very few ciuniifs in' this State can boast of macadamized roads, and we. are cer tain that Mecklenburg is the only coun ty that can claim the honor ol having her public roads paved with gold. The ore is charted with sulphurets, and is simlar in character to that tak-n Irom some qT tho mines around the city. Til-fci iTlAil. t'bc mulls close t tno tHy foeteillcc ao foUows : DAILY. Northern through mails, fast....... 10.00 I. M. Northern through and vy malls.... 8.00 A. M. N. C. and A. 4 N. C. Railroads and routca supplied therefrom n.OO P M. ana J.0O A. M. Salel-h 6.30 P. M. And .00 4. M. -uthern thrr-Hgh mails, fast 9 00 P.M. Char Jovro, Far 11 luff, N C. and Mar'op, 8. ;.. anl renter enp- pl ed tuert'rom 9.00 P.M. South rn way iral! between W;'- ni"n!tf-i and har'est;')n'" COO A. M. CLar'i stow, Savanah, Jartsoi- vtlle.lTla., r.dlnternaclUte rolnt8 9 tOP M and 6.00 A.M. CLeraw A Darlington KK am point j supplied thertfrona C SO P. M. and9.tu P. M. DAILY FXC&PT SUNDAY. Western malls (O.C. Eallway 5.30 P. M. Fajettevllle, C. F. A Y- V. R. R. and points supplied therefr m....6.30 P. M. E&lelU Hamiet It. U. and points eunpt'ed therefiom ....6 33 P. M, Sml nvilie 2.(0 P. M. WrlghtBvllle 8.30 A. M TUESDAY AND FttIDAY8. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offi- ces 6.00 A. M. Little Ki vcr. S. C. andlntemredlate offices 2 00 P. M. Cape t ear Kivcr mail .CP P. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails.... 7.30 A. M- Southern hroujrh and way malls... 7.00 A. M. Southern, Wcet of Florence 9.?0 A. M. Carolina tntrai Railroad.. 9.00 A. M. Night maild arrivicg: prevlocs to 10.H) P. M. are opened anl distributed luj Lfck Boxes as Koon as re ived. ' Mails collected from street boxes in business portion of city at 6 A. M., 11.00 A.M. and 5.H0 P. M. and from other polnu of the city at B P. M and 5 A. M. Ueneral delivery open from 7 A.M. to 8 P.M. and on Sundays from 9.03 to 10.00 A. M. t;irl5r delivery open en Sunday from 9 00 ii 10 00 A. M. Smp Ofiice open from 7.S0 A.M. to 6 P.M., Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 5 1. M.. continuous. RaUroad time 73th meridian. B. G. CRISP. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. SMITH VILLE. N. C. ' Will prac Ice la the counties of Brunswick. New Hanover and Pender. Prompt attention siren to business. Collection of claims a specialty. ociil dAwtt COJUMEKClAJLi SEWH, .WILMINGTON MAKKKT. January P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 3CA cents per gallon No sales reported. ROSIN Firm at 75 cents for strain ed and 80 cents lor good strained: TAR Firm at $1.25. - CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at SI. 00 for hard. $1-90 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Steady. Tho following are the official quotations: Ordinary, ei; good ordinary, 7; low mid dling 8; middling ui; good middling 9A. N tales reported. Receipts to dav: Cotton. 470; spirits, 55; rosin. 833; tar, 259; crude. 199. . . " . - Provisions and Cotton. Cuicago. Jan. 21, 2:30 p. m Wheat market opened at 84 and closed at 84 J for May. Com opened at 40J and closed at 401 for May. Pork opened at 12.27 and closed at . 12 35 tor May. New York. Jan 21.2:30 p m Cots ton oponed at 9.43 and closed at 9.37 for January. Opened at 9.4 1 and closed at 9 38 for February. Opened at i.53 and closed at 9.4S for March. Opened at 9.63 and closed at "9.59 lor April. Opened at 9.73 and closed at 9 09 for May. ' - ISXAKINIS N12WS. ' ARRIVED. Steamer A P Hurt. Robeson, Fay ettcville. Woody & Carrie. Steam yacht Louis.. '. Woodside. Smithville. Master r - CLEARED. Steamer A P Hurt, Robeson, Fayette -ville. Woody & Currie. Steamer Susie, Mbow, Point Cas well. Master. ( Steam yacht . Louise, Woodside. Smithville. Master Br steamship Beechville, Evans, Liverpool, Williams & Mdrchison. CJer barque Prinz Regent. Herwig, (Jlasgow, Alex Spruut & Son. EXPORTS FOItF-ION. Liverpool IJr steamship litechville 4 804 bales cotton. " (Jlasgow Ger barque Prinz Hegent 3.842 bhls rosin VVKEKLY S rATEMK k. STOCKS ON HAND .7 AN I5TH, 1886. Cotton ashore. 3 5S7; afloat 0 791: toal. 10,3fb. Spirits ashore 2.071. Rosin ashore." 85 M3; arlont. 0.1)08; total, 92.: 73. Tar a3hore. 3.733. Crude ashoie. 597 RECEIPTS KOR Wt.K KXPKl) JAN. 15TIf. Cotton. 3.009; spirits, 722; roiti 0.409; tar, 1.0CO; crude, 74 EXPORTS FOR WEEK BNOI'I) JAN 15 Til DOMESTIC. Cotton. 101; spirits. 073: rosin, 712; tar. 904 ; crude1. 135. FOREIGN Cotton, 7,902; spirits. 550; rosin, ooo . tar. 2.250. VESSELS IN THE PORT OF WILMINGTO N. H.C January 17, 18S7. No veseel under CO tonH reported in this list. STEAMSHIPS. Br BosevUte, 1 ,Q6 tors. Dove, C P Mebae Kt Beechvllle, 1,123 tons, v3nj, C P A-ebane BARQUES.. Gtr iugwig 308 to'-s, Schaurer. E PeBchau & Wcstermann Ger Alcxandr'tc, 425 ton?. Rockels, K. Ketchau & w estermann Nor Emir a Parker, 498 tons, lars n, Htlde & Co Jor Bsron, 364 tons, Johancesstn. Relde A Co Gor Agr.es, 3"s tons, Schoper, llelde !tCo tier Beilona. 455 tons, Lencir, K Peschau A Westeimann Ger Prtoz Segnt, 475 tr-ns, tlerwis?; E Pes ihau & Westermann Nor Garfle'd, 7t5 tons, redusen. ITelde & to Ger Soli Deo Gloiii, 42tt tote, Mayer, Ueide & Co Ger Frna, 5S2 tons, Niejhar, E G Barker Co Br Khedive, 894 tops, McDonald, C P Mebane SCHOONERS Catawamteat, 141 tons, icrrr. Geo Rariles & Co Peter C Schnltz. 331 tons. Thompson. Oeo llanlf s & Co Joseph Baymoie, 230 tons, Burdge.ia is'ress, Geo Haniss Co June Bright, 3J9 ton. Baxter, " ft G Barkrr & Co Hattie Turner, 23 tonp, Keen, EGBirter&Co Julia Fowler, 213 tors, Jacobs, K G Barker & Co Alice nea, 347 Ions, Penniwell. Geo Htrriss & Co Belle Brown 140 ton3, Perry, ifi G Barker Sc. Co James Pondee, 261 tons, Robinson, Geo Dajries & Co R 8 Graham, 341 tons, 6 via, George Harries & Co Joseph Rudd, SG9 tons, Halloca:. Geo Harris & Co K C Allen, 475 tons. Godfrev, "Geo Harries & Co I.aciawana, 157 tone, Cloreen. . Barker & Co Anita. SS4 tons, Jeweit, K G Barker & Co Benjamin I ee, 29" tona, fctutman, Geo Harriss & Co Homes in North Carolina, Onlv 20 Hours Ride from New York ! 69 MilesSonth of Raleigb On the Raleigh &od Augusta Air-Line R K. 1.500 ACRES OF LAND IN THK ong leaf pine region. For sale on easy terms in iois u suit purcnasers. jrour acres for 25. Larger tracts t5 per acre. In monthly pay. J menu) oi nu. mitt mnu &u joins tne '"ooutb ern Pines", a recently established health ro ortjor sanitarium), and Is specially adapted for Fruit Culture, as well as all tne cereals. A number of New England people have bought lots in the town of 'Southern Pines and it is the desire of the owners of tMB land to in duce small farmers, mechanics and others from the New England and Middle States, as well as else rbere, to locate here. No State in the Union offers greater Inducements to eet tiers than North Carolina. Nowhere can a better farming country or as fine a climate be found. This is the opinion of Northern men who have settled In North Carolina. Thla la a bona Id offer, and la limited , For further particulars write at once to JOHN T. PATnICK, ComnnVr of Immigration, Raleigh, N. c. or B, A- RICHARDSON, jan 21 tf Chronicle Office. Augusta.- Ga A. A. Brown,; T3EAL ESTATE AND COLLECTION BRO KER. Buys "and seJU Rest Ektate. Stocks. Bonds and collects bills. Titles. Deeds. Ac., searche promptly. : . tan 15 MISCELLANEOUS. Specialties ! THIS WEEK AT- l.J(iTZ'S CASH IKOTTSE, 116 Market Street, REMNANTS. Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Worsteds, Prints, And Fancy Goods. REMNANTS. Cambric Edging?, Cambric Insertings, Nainsook Edgings, Nainsook Insertings. -o- Jobs in great many Desi rable Goods, at All Winter Goods Marked Down ! KI:T HATS AND P. 1NNST3 CROCHET GOODS. JSRSEYS, SUAWIS, &c, A. To make rom S- ;n!ers tnt XT ?p ins: st-u-k." tor Ere. bsoldcry. I c f peetfu'iy, . MISS E. KARKER. Vollers' Building:, Opposi'e New Market. jtn 4 SCRIBNEff'S MAGAZINE, Published Monthly, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. e : First Number Brady Dec. 15tbT. 8cr esee's Magazine will be in tbc widest seoEe a magazine of fi:eBeral litaraiure, and each number wi'd be lu lv illustrated. t-ome f tne most notable papers to appear din i& the first yearare a series of Unpublish ed Lettersot rhackery of yery great antobio frraphical value; x ailoister K. B. Wash burte's Kemirdsrences of the Siepe and ' om mane of Paris; Glimpses at the Diaries of G uverneur-ai orris, Minister to France at the close of the lst century (giving descriptions of social life and characters at the time) ; a col ection of contemporary letters describing Earl" Me w i ork and ew E gland Society Thfre is much excellent fiction, including a serial by Harold Jrederic; stories extending through several numbers by H. C Bunner, J. S. of Dale, and others; and short stories by K. Jj. S'evenson, Joel Chandler Harris, T. A. Janvier. Misa Jewett. Octave Thar.et. II. H. j Boyesen, Miss Crosby, and a host of others jMoiaDie special pipers to be published very early are General F. A. vvaUer'son Socialism; Dr. William Hayes Ward's on Babylonian Cylinders; 61 r. John C, Rypes on the Por traits of Csesar; Captain Greene's on Coast De fence, etc., etc. scniBNEK's Magazine will bo published at $3 00 a year, or 25 ccms a jopy. Subscriptions maybe sent to any newsdealer or booksel'er, or to Charles mmm sons, mm, 743 and 745 Brcadwav, New York. ' nov 16 Christmas Groceries at Retail. J AM FULLY" PREPARED TO OFFER the largest assortment of fir.e goods at the lowest pricesln the city. live and Dressed turkest?, 500 c,,ICKKNe. at extremely low prices. Count: y Sausages. Hams, rreakfast Bacon, Bc? Tongues, CranleiriesCelerv, Minced Meat, Preserves, Jellies. Cocoanuta, Ralsin3 Znd afuistock of Groceries. Come down and loots tat our stock and get your gcods from first hands J. a'fcTEVESJO co. have a duplicate stock of mine and U fully i repared to fill all orjlerspromptly.ftt lowest prices j dec J. C HTKVKNSO.V. 116 Market St. jan 17 MISCELLANEOUS. 3otice: r.r 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT APiLICA tton will be nude to the preset) f cs!on ot the Gtnexal AtsemblFOf Nortti :8rollDa Icr an Act to facilitate the conistruciiinpr a Kail road through the Stite of North Xaroll'a, to the tlaie lines of Tennesf.ee and V irglnia. jan 13 SCt .. . ' , " '.. otice JS HERESY GIVEN THAT AIPLICA- tlon will be m: d3 to the present tesslon cf the General assembly cf North larollna tor the incorporation ot the Scutliport Terminal Com i any. iaa!3 3tt PJotsce. . PPLICATION ' WILL. BE MAPS .TO the pressnt sesBion of the Geceral AstcmMy for a i liarter nr ice i asue uayne, ccuub Hill and Sloop Point Re il Roa J. -jan 12 30t . ' RSotice I S HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICA. lion will bc'made to the rcxi soesion of thp General Arsembly of North caroana lor au ameiidment to the charter of the-South Atlan tic and North Western Bail Road Company. decl7 3Ct otice JS HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICA tion vtlll be made to the next csbin of the: General Asetmblv of North C aiMiica,' .for a cliaver of the eutral cVt ortli western Kail Road Company. , " cei7i0t otice JS HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICA- tion will te made to the next Eepsion of the oeneral Assembly of or?h Carolina for an act incorporating the Back of Clarenu'on dec 17 ::0; . otice, PPLICATION WILL BE MADE -TO the liegislature of the State of North Caroli na, at it3 approar lilnjr session,. amend the charter of the Wilmington, nslw ft Past Ctrolioa Rail Road. v decl7 30t 7. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Magazink during 1PL7 will con tain a novel of inf-nee political, social, and romantic interest, entitled "NarJca" a story of Rusfcian life by Katluleen O'Meara; a new novel, entitled "April .Hopes," by W l IIow ells; "Souhern Sfietches," by Chai'es Dudley" Warner and liebecca Hardinj; Davii, illustra ted by .Wiliiam Hamilton Gibson1; Great American" Industries" continued; "Stclal Studies." by : r. R. T. Ely; fuflher articles on tfce Railway Problem Ky competent writers; new series of illustrations Jjy E A Abbey antl Alfrrd Parsons; articles by E P Roe; and olh er attractions. Harber's Periodicals. Per "2"ear.- iiAKrEK'a MAOAZISa Harpkk's Weekly flAKFEK'S BASAU HARPHn'S YOTTKG PEOPLE. 4 0.) 4 03 2 CO lAUIKJtS FRAXELIiLfeQUAKE LlUltABT, One Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Post-agt Free to u m Hbscrib&rs in the Uftitea . i Tbc volumes of the Magazine begin with thg j Numbers for June and December of each year. ! Whc.h no tlrae Is specilted, tubscilptipn-j will ogiti ivi;h th Numbei current at time of re- i ceiit ot order . Ltouiid Volumes cl Farper's ifegesine, for three years bdek. In aeat cictii binding, will be sent by SL'iil, postpaid, on receip oi ?.3 00 per volume Cloth Cases, for biauiug, to csbteeiicb by mail, postpaid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, foi Volumes 1 tof,7J, inclusive, from June, le50, to Juno, lSi'5. one vol,, Svd, Cloth, $4 00. iienilttances should be made by Post-Oifi.ee Money Order or Draft, to aroAd chance of lopy. Newspapers are not to co-ay this advertisement without the. express order cf Haspeb & Bao. Addreffi HA BP EE BROTHERS, nov 23 . , Scxa York. Special Notice. rpiIREE HUNDRED TO FOUR HUNDRED X persons owe me money, some of them are dead and others left the city. 'Hioec who are living and not left the city. I hops baveyt some shame, honor and pride left and come and pay me what they are due. like honest men should do. Don't act like dishonest men. How is It that my friends frr.m the country, Smithville, seafaring mjn, &c., who I often credit, neterrefuse to pay me? I hope there are enough good gentlemen lelt Irom whom to make a Hying. JOHN WERNER, coy 3 J he Barber. 59 Market St 1887. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. ' Harpkb's.Wekklt maintaki3 Its position as the leading illustrated newspaper in Amer ica; and its hold upnri public esteem and con fidence was never stronger than at the pres ent time. Besides the pictures, Harper's Weekly always contain instalments of one. occasionally of two, of the beet covels of the day, finely illustrated, with short stories, poems, sketches, and papers on Important current topics by the .most popular writers. The care that has been successfully exercised in the past to make Harper's Weekly a safe as well as a welcome vleitor to every house hold will not be relaxed in the future. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: HARPER'S WEEKLY..... 4 no HARPER'S MAGAZINE ... 00 HARPER'S BAZAR I Xn HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.... ." 00 HARPER'S FRANKLDI SQUARE LIBRARY One Year (52 Numbers...... io 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In the United StateB or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the urst .Number for J anuary of each year. When noie if mentioned, Fubscrlptlon will begin with the Number currtnt at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper' Wieldv for three years back, In teat cloth binding, will JF by maU' P3ta?e pald.or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for 7 00 per volume. . ' Cloth Cases for each volume suitAhio fn m?ntth,rt3HienottocP7 thl8 advertise Bsothkrs ddres Harper & - HARPER & BROTHERS, n0T2 New York Job Printing. rjJHE REVIEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE is prepared to do all kinds of Job Printing as neatly. a3 cheaply and as expeditiously as It can be done elsewhere. ' Send tn y6ur work antliitahatl l doiie promptly. ten j MISCELLANEOUtfj THE GREAT 1212 GENUINE BARGAINS ! I -IN- J)RY GOODS, -iiii Continues I v JULIUS SAMSON'S Popular Dry Goods Estab t y lishment, 111 Market Street. Holiday Goods! Holiday Goods I ' WE SHALL OPEN WedsiesUay, I)ec. Stli A ; large '.'a'ntl well fclppt'cil 8lrok jI L Fancy GootU. euitablit lor Chiihimas J t Seal Plpsh Wrnpp,' ' ; , Sea? Plnsh Dolmars, Seat Plash Sacks. - Brncade Velvet Wraps, - ' Itupiorlecl Walking Jackets. J Inipnited Newmarket9. Jusuhe thtng' (or.Cbr6tnias Presents. o4-inch' All -Wool IlomeRpun, 54-inch All Wool Ladies1 Clotti. 38-incb AU Weol French Diaeonal 38-ir.ch All Wool Caaicl Hair Cloth.' Full line of -Lupin's (.old Medal . p'ack Paris Cashmere. - Black Silk Velvets. Jlack Brocade ? Velvets, Colored Silk Velvet, Stripe Silk Velvets, a .arge u?5nrt. ,ment. . Silk I'iusbeSv alshades.. - Extra Bargains uvBlack Silk at 70e !Oc and $1.25 a yard. ' Elegant Istcck of Table Damask, Napkins and Towelvjiut received for Christmas. Complete stock Hosiery and Gloves, Ladies-Merino Vests, Gents' .Merino Shirts, Children's Merino Shirts. Julius Samson, 111 MAKKKT doc Just Received. f(f LBS DOUGHVi: 3V" " Eushel Mej-si ivs T TWIST IN JVflOA T'S. DOUGHNUT TftlST IN' Jl'uw Pfck Measurrs. ! V .' ! ! 3 000 j5LBt DOUGIIUT TW,3T ls Setaile:s will do well to call and cxam'.ne. SendTTorders. . , SOL BEAR & CO.. ' Fo. 9, MARKET 81 Who'eeale Dcaler3 In Liquor -and ibarco. lan J4 1887. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar combines the choicest lit erature and the finest artilluitratlons with toe latest fashions and the meet useful family reading. Its stories, poems, and essays arc by the best writers, and its humorous sketch es are unsurpassed Its papers on social cti qnettedecorative art, housekeeping in all 1U branchps, cookery, ei , make it JniispenBft-, ble in every household. Itsbeant)fu.lfashton plates and l attern-sheet Eupplenents enable ladles to save many times the cotof subscrip tion by being their own dresfmkei3. ot line is admitted to its cohuns that rould stiora the most fastldlons. 1 Harder's 'Periodicals. Ptr Year: Harper's Bazar. i ....... v Harper's Magazine ' BiiPER's weekly..... Harper's Youko People Harper's Franklin qiare ibuabi One Year (52 Number ) Harper's -'andi series, ore ar (52 Numbers;.. 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