THIS PAPXC -uui:stteJ every evening. Snndayi 1 espied by JOtfH T. ,7 AM 158, DITOB A9D FKOTKIXTOK. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE TAI1. po year $1.00. Six montlus. $2.08. Three months, $1.00; jDne month, 35 cent. The paper will be delivered by carrier, free of charge. In any pert of the city. aUbe above rtc3, or 10 cent per week. Advcstllng rates lew and ybcjaL a-Subscrlbers will report any and all fail ures to receive their paper regularly. OVH WASHINGTON MSTTI21C ( -rcc'al Cor. Ully Review ) Washington. D.C. Jan..21M8S7. The sl"icat in inner in which Chive rius met his late, hi leni:tl?l cuilt, or ralher hi- failure to n.nJt? the criai for which he ilictl. sterns t havi con tinued the belief of those who were in ciinei to think him innocent, ami raises a doubt in many who tbrubt him so connected with the crime by a chain ul circumstances as to tit the murder upon hi"1- .... ' . .. It seero3. incredible thai a man in bu full senses wi.l thu3 eo into tne prcs ence o! the Kteinai Jud. and yi-t, i has been done, and doubtlesa- was in hi oa?e ... () f the most notable instances on rMoo.d. pcrhap3, waa the case of the Ki-lishnjan Bnnehtin. who ' was I:-.!! in Wilmington some ypars ao. i.,r jTi!l n a fortune sh'.'pkc-epfr there by tbe name ol Fr ink de Silva. I thi- k. Hh wus known to lu cu-tomt-rs as "Frank." ; S.rne ot your readers will reca'l 'the cas-'. Frank was hmnd murtlered in t!iH ',1"!V above his shop where he usually slept. The wound shmvt-d ihat !t.i h i ! been killed wi! a a blunt insiru m'it. and a cut in tho j ist above hii I.'ead suggested that the poleol in nxo or hitcha had been usd. Oao with stains upon it was tound in Brought-m's possession, as waa, also, sumo ol the things knoA-n to belonatotbe murdered m:u7 Iiroughtou was tried and con victed and executed, and, I doi?t think n living soul ever doubteil hi3 cuilt. Hut he denied it to the very "last and u'id.T conditions that would seem im p HMble. On the gallows, with the rope abuuti'M neek, he reiterated hi3 innoc nee and siid : "That you may know that I am n;t animated by any hope of reprieve in this denial I will re assert it by clapping my "hands alter I am swung ofl" And he as nearly as possible did it! It is much to ba regretted that this celebrated case was not reported in full It was managed on b th sides with jrcat ability and deserves, as It would have found a place amount the "Lead in:; Cases." - It may b3 added, that he left a con l!S-uon admitting crimes tcr which ho deserved death, while denying that for which he died. But. as I have said, uo one doubted his guilt. It puzzles the ordinary mind to note the seeming indifference with which men sometimes "shunl off this mor ul coil." The French Revolution was lull of noted instances, and none was more dramatic than that of the Due de Lausanne, lie was a finished represen ' tative ot tho French noblesse of tho higher order, of great elegance of manners, and of striking talents, but utterly prodigal and unprincipled, lie visited England and imbibed that An clomania which was then quite fash: iouable with some ot his countrymen. On his return to France ho sett led down in a village near V&vU and set up as a philosopher. Subsequently he became an avowed Republican, was placed at the head of an army, fought and con quered, was suspected, was seized by the convention and completed the course of a revolutionary general by dying on tho scaffold. ' . lie finished his career in the dramatic style of his country. There was no 1 : - nnka "lanr'a Halmi" in lhnn days. Tho criminal pronounced his uaruo and the tribunal ordered his ex ecution. The scaffold followed the ex ample of tho tribunal, and the con demned were generally put to death in the next five minutes. In this case, however, there was a delay of a whole hoar. Oa returning to his dungeon, he ordered oysters and wine,- While in dulging over this final meal, the execu tioner entered to tell him -that the'la.w could wait no louger." I beg a thous and pardons, my friend," said the duke; "but do me the honor to allow me to finish my oysters." The request was granted. "But I had forgot." he observed. "You will have something to do to-day, and a glass of wine will re iresh you ; permit me to fiil one." The offer was graciously accepted." Again 1 . . ft I A. I ' had forgot, ne aaucu; mere is ojt mutual friend, tho turnkey." Tho'turn key was called in ; three glasses we're filled; the three were drunk off a la sanli ; and in a few minutes the head of ibis gay fellow was rolling on the scaf fold. A caso rivalling this in all but its dramatic elcganca occurred in Duplin county, N. C, some years ago -A negro man was tried, convicted and hung lor killing his master. On the 2&llows be was told by the Sherifl that timo would bo allowed him for; any re marks he desired to make, and h'o com menced a rambling speech. In the midst of it he stopped and calling tbe Sheriff to him said: -Mr. Hussey, I left sonie ginger cakes in the jail. I wish you'd send for them." The amiable Sheriff dispatched one of 'his deputies, who soon returned with the cake3. The condemned mandivided them among the Sheriff and deputies and ate the rest himself with the same nonchalance that had been exhibited by Lausanne ealled' lor a glass ot water and. a few minutes later was executed. But it is not always v so. Pope says very truly : . "Who combats bravely is not always brave, "lie dreads a death bed liko.the mean est slave. It is told of Marshal Ney. that the morning of his execution found him . . . . 2. iota v unnerved. A iriena noticing i& said: "Can it be possible that Marshal Ney. who has faced death upon a hun dred battle fields without fear, t rotables now at its approach" The hero re 1 lied: "It is trna that Marshal Ney has faced death, a hundred times wilt- ut lear. but 'death never faced Mat" 1 I XT . un xsey ueiore. , Here was a distinction witn a uiusr QC0. - 1 71 1 VOL. XL CluYoriua died like a philosopher. bat it is hard to believe had he been guiltlefs, that he would not have addi-d to hi forgiveness of. all a positive and unequivocal denial before ho died. Jacobus. Excitement in Texas. Great excitement has been-caused in the vicinity of Paris, Tex . bv the re markable recovery of Mr. J. E Corley, who was so helpless be could not turn in bed, or raise bis head; every body said he was dying of Consumption. A trial bottleof Dr. Kind's New Discov ery wa3 sent him. Finding relief, he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills; by the time he had taken two hoxe3 of Pills and two bottles of the l)i covery, ho was well and .had gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. Trial Bottleof this Great Discovery for Consumption free at W H. Green & CoV . . Keiewa tier Youth Mrs. Phoebe Chesley. Peterson, Clay Co.. Iowa, tells the following remarka ble story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents of the town: I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not drcs3 mysell without help. Now I am free from all pin and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework I owe my '.hanks to Electric Bitter3 for having renewed my youth, and removed cun pletcly all disease and pain." Try a bottle, only 50c. For sale by W. II. Green & Co. LOCAL NEWS. TfcOEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Sntion House T 8 Paoe Dearces3 Parkcr'a Hair Balsam C W Yatks To Grocer i F C Miller Gil don Ste 1 J OWN F GABREI.L-Wanted CaoNEXEEBO Photographs W II Yopp Make no Mistake J A Springer Goal'and Wood Tljoaon'a Capcln2 Poriu Plaster Thos F Bagley Land Plaster Parker & Taylor Lightning Uods Ukissbergeb's Almanacs, rianos, Ac V E Springer & Co Hazard Powder Munds Bbos Cod t.lrer Oil. Kniua'ion Geo R Fresch A .coxs l'jpulr.r Prices W II ChideSter & Sox $25 per Month Craddock & Co I lease Don't Forget it GILES . & Murcuison House furnishing Goods Millkb & NiEsriJE Kenredy'a Medlcal Discovery 1 For other locals see fourth page. Muns N has rubber coats brellas very cheap. and ura t Nor. barque ErragQjit Weber, heoce, for Ghent, passed Dunzeness Jan 22ad The cheapest place to buy your school books andlschool stationery is at Hcins- berger's. t Yon will save-money and get the best work bv sending your clothes for repairs to John Dyer and Son. t tVe see by the "New York Herald that the Br. Stoamship Becchville, Evans, hence, passed Dover Jan. 2Cnd. Of course it is a mistake for she cleared from here on that day. Tbe Orchestra at the Opera House to night will consist ot Messrs. W. E Worrell, violin and conductor, I. Greenewald. piano, and S. A Scblos. cornet. an excellent trio from whom good. music may be rotsonably expects ed. A Cold Wave. Tho following cold wave warning was received at ihc Signal Office here at about noon to-day : Hoist cold wave signal. The tempera ture will fall from fifteen to twealy five degrees duriog next twenty-four hours. Indication For North Carolina, slightly older, Westerly winds, becoming Northerly, fair weather, preceded by rain in the Eastern portion. ' . Aloro Complaints. Cui plaints from subscriber of mil ure to receive the Daily Review by due course of mail have become alarm ingly frequent ot late. All wo will say at this time in response is that it will surely go straight he real tcr or else the authorities in Washington City will know why. Clearance Sale. Big reduction in clothing at Shriek's Ail small lots where sizes are broken in suits; overcoats for men, boys and children, reduced in price $2. $3, $1 and $5. The real cost or actual value ot the goods have nothing to do with Ibe low prices. Shriek has reduced them to some extraordinary big value for very little money. Don't fail to see Siikier (or bargains; first come will have best choice to select from at the very low prices. New styles and reliable clot bin can be had at I. Shriek's, the Old Reliable Clothier 114 Market Street. f r J Bath WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY. JANUARY Superior Court. New Hanover Superior Court. Judge H.-C Connor, presiding, convened at the Court House. in this city this morn ing, but on account of the death of Mr. Stacey Van Amringe, Jr., an attorney of the Court, and a son of the Superior Court Cleik, it adjourned tfntil 10 o'clk to-morrow morning. The Gale. Tho gale, which began to blow lasj, night, reached its maximum velocity hero at 10:15 o'clock this morninjr, when it blew at the rate of 31 miles per hour, from the Northwe3t. At noon to-day the barometer was m'ngand the thermometer waa falling, indicating fair and colder weather During, the 21 hours ended at 7 o'clock this morning the thermometer fell 25 degrees at New Orleans, 25 decrees at Atlanta and 22 degrees at Montgomery. If you need a business suit, latest style, good good, for a little money, go to Munson's. f Fire at the Poor House. At about 1.30 o'clock yesterday after noon, a fire was discovered on the South eniTf tho County Poor House. between the weather boarding and ceiliug. There happened, fortunately, to be quite a number of persons present whohad gone to visit Superintendent SavagQi on account of his serious sick ne3sf and these, with the assistance of a number of colored men in the vicini ty, 'quickly tore off a portion of the weatherboarding, by which the flames were reached and soon extinguished. It is not known precisely under what circumstances the flro originated. The fortunate presence of a number of gen tlemen undoubtedly- prevented a seri ous conflagration. The damage is slight and i - fully coyered by insurance Tbe neckwear department at Mun son's is unexcelled anywhere in the city. f LtOiiise Arnot. This distinguished actress, supported by a strong company, will commence a week's engagement at the Opera House to-night. Wherever the company has appeared they have given delight and eatiro satisfaction. The Petersburg Index-Appeal thu? speaks f their per. formance: Two and a half hours ot roaring screaming laughter that brought tear8 to the eyes and made sides shake. That was the condition of things at the Acad emy of Music last night, where Miss Louise Arnot and her company pre sented "Fun on the Bristol." It is cer tain that no passengers on that famous floating palace ever had had po much fun as had the people at the Academy, for the Widow O'Brien was not of the party. While all th members ot the company did well, Miss Arnot was the life and soul ot the performance, and it can be truthfully said that the part of the dashing-widow has never been acted more pertectly than it was by this lady last evenir g. To saythat the immense audience was pleased, would be draw ing it mild ; everybody was delighted and vowpd it was the best performance seen in Petersburg for many a year. An Important Act. . Tbe subjccl of the drainage of Gycu's Mill pond, so as to remove as far as possible tho 'danger of malarial poi sons, together with a belter roadway to the National Cemetery, has been a mat ter of serious consideration among those having in charge the sanitary condition of this city. With this ob ject in view a bill has ben drawn, ask ing Congress! appropriate $20,000, ot which amount $l(,0Q0 shall be for a macadamized road, three fourths of a mile iong. or from the Cemetery to near Eighth street, and $4,000 to be apprc priated for the proper drainage and tilling in of the pond and its vicinity. Tho road is proposed to be 30 feet wide in the clear and two feet thick; tho County Commissioners to guarantee to the government GO feet of land, or 15 feet on each side of the roadway, and to keep the road in repair after it is com pleted. This bill Mayor Hall submitted to Secretary of War Eadicolt, and to the Quarter Master General, with whom ho had long conversations, and whose hearty cooperation he secured. With their endorsements Mayor Hall then went before the Military Commit tee ot the House of Representatives, by whom he was most favorably received. He had a long interview with tbe Chair man of this Committee, who was im pressed with the importance of the measure, and Mayor Hall returns .with the faith that bis efforts will meet with careful consideration-and finally with approval by Cougress. - L?ave your order at Heinsbcrger's for the 'I7.Ce, Trial and Conviction of Cluverius ihe murderer of Lilian Madi eon. t - - - - :-..,..-..'-, . . .. .' - , ............ .. - I .. ....... 11 IT; V 1 .Mi W , , City Court. James Davis; a 12 year-old. colored boy, was brought before Mayor Hall this morning, charged with throwing rocks at an engine yesterday. The evi dence showed tbat while one of the engines was at the woodyard. at the old Union Depot, yesterday, the defendant was present and was picking up wood. Engineer Bissett ordered the boy io pul down tho wood, which the latter did, but he picked up a picco ofi brick atd threw it into the cab, striking the fire man on the shoulder, and anotherman on the leg, and came near striking the steam gauge. The defendant. was rc. quired to pay a tlne-of $I0or go'below for20days. Hewentbelw. V OI ED.. VanAmrtngb in this cltv, January 22nd, 1887, STACEY VANA-MRlSGif, Jr , ajred 21 years and 4 months, eon of Stacey and Fannie Wallace Van amringe. . McDOUGALL In this oty, on Monday morning, January ? 4th MA. hi A 1,. ftrcDUU GAIvL, in the 3iBt year of her as;c The funeral will taks nlacc at th; residence of her father onSiath, between Princcfs ard Chestbut streets, to mo-raw (Tucpd ty) eve ning, at 3 o'clock, thence to PeUcvuc Cemc ry. Frlccdi and acquaintances are Invited to attend. N 15 VV A I VE ICT I SUM EN TS The Sutton House,. jyA-RKET STR8ET, SOUTH SIDE, ,BE tween Front and "econ 1. Board by the Day, Week or Month. Clean Roomp, Comfortable Beds, Good Attendance and 'lu best ihe miret Bates low. jia2l ly Lightning Rods. OR ANYTHING IIE f f can get, to a travelling man,' who has no Interest In yonr charities cr the building up of your city timply take3 your money and leaves when vou can get the same Hod for 20 cents and Point thrown In, of an old es tabl'Bhod house that has been xmtttng up Rods for twenty years? Ssencil Cutting byah experienced hand. jan 24 PARKER & TAYLOR. Photographs, Q ALL. AT Cronenberg's Gallery, H FOR FINE WORK Children's Pictures a specialty. Old pic tures copied and enlarged. Call and sec spe cimens. jan 24 II. CKONEHBERG. House Furnishing Goods, VXTE IIAVE AND ALWAYS KEEP ON, tfand a w ell selected lot of Housef arnishlng Goods. A new lot of Dinner Sets, Chamber sets. Tea Sets and Fancy Goods just received. Do not forget the Rochester Lamp if you In tend to supply yourfclf with a Lamp. , GILES & MURCIUdON, ian24 Crockery Department. Make no Mistake ! TN ORDERING FISH AND OYSTERS. Guaranteed sound and EOlld when packed for dellvcy TermaC.O !. W. H. YOPP, I,ock, Box 415 or 10G South Front St. jan 24 J. A. SPRINGER HEAL QUARTERS FOR Coal & Wood, THESE HARD TIMES. 4 North Water Street Hazard Powder. j an Wfi NOW HAVi;; TUB AGENCY FOR this celebrated Powder which Is un doubtedly the best sold In this country. Ncv magazine built down the river (out of city limits). Full assortment of all the sizes at the lowest prices. , . WM. E. SPRINGER A CO.. Successors to John Dawson A Co. 19, 21 and 23 Markot Street. jan Zl Wilmington N. C Hides, Furs and Skins OF ALL KINDS. WOOL AND WAX. Highest cash prices paid ' J. F. GAKKELL, Dealer an-1 Shipper of Caw Farr, tlides. No. 110 North Water St., jao 24. Wilmington, N. C To Grocers. JQON'T FORGET THAT WE ARE Ilead q carters for Paper Bags, traw ami- Manilla Paper, Waxed "Butter Paper,' Twine, Ac. Call and see our nejr style square bottom Bag. We give the beat dlecount of any houfe in the city on thee goods. C. W. YATES, 119 Market St, Wilmington, N C jan 24 rjMIR ONLY FIRST-a" AS KESTAURANI In North Carolloa. - T. E, WALLACr, jrroprlcior j&nlilm (3o3 24, 1887. NO 20 NEW AOVEItTISEMnVTr-. OPERA HOUSE. SIX NIG II TS AND ONE M ATI SEE COM KENCING MONDAY, Jan T4. - The Favorite Actress, ' MISS LOUISE ARNOT Fuppnrtcd by her own Excellent Company, who will prcssnt the following "choice plays scicccd irom tne lauya extensive repertoire Monday ..HIDDEN HAND Thcsday M'l-ISS Wednesday ....A CELKURAT ED CAsE ADMISSION... ...... ...10. 2) and 0 CENTS. No extra chance for Reserved f-'cata. -.! Now en sale at Uclnsbergcr's B-jok Store. . jviatineo 011 Saturday at 12 p. in. jan 21 Ot - . QPi9 HITTER MONTH AND A $3.50 pOauJJ OUTFIT FREE TO AGENTS AND CANVASSERS. The Biggest Thing on Earth, and a chance of a lifetime. Our new enlarged Electric Portraits are the finest In the world. Address W. II. C HID ESTER A & SON, 28 Band St , New York. jan 24 Dli1 A T?TVT1?Q1 It3 causes, and a new iJlYi: a JEAOiS and succpssful CURE at yo'ir own home, by one ho was dcit twenty-eight years. Treated; by most of the noted specialists without benefit. Cured himself in three months, and fiincc then hun drcds of others. Full particulars sent on ap plication. T. S. PAGE, No 41 West 31st St., New York City. jan 24 4w Pleaso Don't Forget ft That Dr. H.-Iamca Cannibas Itidica Is prepaicd In Calcutta. India, from the purest and best Native Hemp, and Is the only remedy, eith?r In 1 hat country or this, that will positively and permanently enre Consumption, Bronchi tis, a stbmaNasal Catarrh and : Nervous l'e billty, or break up a freeh cold In 24 hours $2.fto per bottle, three bottles $6 53 Craddock & Co , Froprietors, !C32 Race St. Phila. jan ?1 4w d&w ARE YOU CONSUMPTIVE. Have you Cough, Bi-onchlti$, Asthma, Indl gcstlon? Use PAKKER'S TONIC without delay. It lias cured many of the worst caees and i3 the beBt remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs, ami disoaecs arlting from impure blocd and exhaustion. The feeble and sick, btruggling against disease, and tlowly drifting to "the grave, will in most caees recov er their health by the timely use of Parker's 'Ionic, but delay is dangerous. Take it in time. Cures when all else fails. Gives new life and strength to tte aged and inlirm. $1 at Druggists jan 24 Winter Exposure Causes Coughs, Cotds, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, rccmoDii Neuralgi, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache and other allmcnt, for which Pcneon s Ca peine Plasters ara .admitted to be tha best remedy known. 'I hey relieve and cure in a few houis when no other application is of the least ben efit Endorsed by 5,100 Physicians and Drug glets. Beware of imitations under similar sounding names, such as Capsicum," "Capu cin," or "Capsicine " Ask for Benson's and take No oi hers. Examine carefully when you boy. All drujrgists. SEA BURY & JOHNSON, Proprietors, New York, jan 24 Popular Prices. JpATRONS ARE PLEASED WITIITHE quality of our goods; pleased with the way they lit the foot; pleased with the -wearing and bc&t of all, pleased wlUi tho" prices. Call and Inspect for yourself. . GEO. It. FUENCII AJ: SONS, j an 21 los N. Front Street KENNEDY'S ' MEDICAL DISCOVERY, . 'glMMONS' REGULATOR, Taylor's Sweet Gum ar.d Mullicn, Bud's Cough Syrup, Prescriptions compounded dav and ciht. W Night Bell. MILLER &'NIE5TLIE, jan 21 Cor, Sixth and Mnlberrv Sale of Steamer Excelsior. J WILL SELL AT RUBLIO AUCTION TO the h'glicst bidder, at Market Dock.Tnr8dav, Jn. 2.rth, at It M. the Steamboat X'JEL SIOU. Terms taeh. Title good S. L, DRANE. A. A, Brown, Attorney in fat jan 21 3t nac " - " - . . Contractors- EALKD . PROi'OSALS WILL HE RE ceivcl until 12 o'clock, (noon) Mpndly, FcL raary 7," 1W7, for building the new Church, corner Fourth and Mulberry street for Fire M. E. Church South. Plans and fpcelli cations arc ith undcralgu cd. The Committee rcscrvfi the light tore jt'et any and all bids. Patties desiring to bid can sec terms and conditions along witn plans upon application to C. L. GRAFFLIN, Chairman Bulling Committee jan!5 3tawtlll7thF ' s m th Florida Oranges. FlY THOUSAND NICE FLORIDA A OttANGES. I am eelling at a bargain t e'ese conslgnmeat. CJiAS. r. iiiuwr4Ji. Broker and C m. Merchant. No. 5 Market et., jao 20 Wilmington, X C- Espey's Fragrant Cream, JS 1IIS BESlYAND HOST; POPULAR nrt!e!e ever prbdnccd f r Changed 'ifandg. Face or any cougbner of the fckln and for Gentlemen to nse after Sliavlng. It 1. not Btieky or greasy. 1 ou will be delighted with I , JAUKH I. NUTT, Jan 20 Iht Drufslat.SIS N. Front ft.'. PLSASX KOTICS. -.; W wqi b gimd to rtcalva eomanmleaUsa from our matLi on any m3 Ml :rebj ctBtrallattreatbnt 4 Thtaaanof tat writer nut aiwayi bt - tlahd to tha Editor'- " v Cotamunlcatlona must bt wrlttai oa Ml one aide of tne paper. " " rersonalltlea most be avoldedt I ' ' ' J wmmt flHUVUIMlJ HH - tood that the Editor doca not alwayi utfox the views of correspondent cimx m ettti la the editorial txlumna. NEW A D VEKTI5EMENT8. Specialties THIS WEEK ! AT- 1.1. CASH KCOXJSE, 116 Market Street. EEMNANTS. 4 s Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Worsteds, Prints, And Fancy Goods. REMNANTS. Cambric Edgings, Cambric Insertings, Nainsook Edgings, - Nainsook Imertings. t Jobs in great many Desi- ' rable Goods, at 116 Market St. jan ?1 LAND PLASTER. gQQ TONS hOVA SCOTIA LAND PI AS. TER, per cent, of Sulphate of Lime. Tire want of Plaster has been one of the sTcatest drawbacks to successful farming In this State, and It 1 an Important icrvlce to this great Industry and to tbe State. It is quite Indispensable In any judicious system of agriculture, and it serve, several important ends, besides the direct one of fur nishing lime and sulphur; it gather nitrogen and prevents Its dissipation and loss; it J. a ppecilic for clover, and other leguminous plants, and it Indirectly renders the potash of the soil available and bo a it's in the restora tion ot wcrh lanl. We have sold Plaster to many during the list year, all from whom wc have heard, ex press their satisfaction a its results. The spplication of Plaster ti animal man ure, will increase tbe value of that manure beyond calculation. ComiwBting with plaster will Improve the value ol your compost33.i percent. .Sowing from 2(0 to 400 pounds, of plaster to the acre, over your small grain after It 1$ lo the ground. wllJ give you an increased crop of l reru 50 to 100 per cent. . i It is iit-lcspcnsabic In caily truck la for ouaniiviiji uiui antral a p. uo wua ,; . For s"nlc in lots to suit by ! THUS. F. BAGLEY, j .in 15.1m nac' Wllmlngten, N. C. For 1887. LLER'S ALMANACS, Turner's A laianacfc, s Blum's Almanacs, stalt land Almanacs, l'i-iric, all sics, For sale at f - ' HEINsBERGKU'S Books, Pianos, Organs. JLAIN AND FANCY FRAMES OF AI L kind, in Wood, Br88 and Velvet. ' ' - Inks, Mucilage, Gold and 8teel Pen.. Stationejy of every variety and stj lc. Give n3 a call. It may be to your advantage. HEINSBERGER'S. jan 11 Cash Book ami Mask: 8 tor unds Bros., Drosjristii. 1U4 N. Front ht.. OFFKIi A JSPLENDID QUAMlV OT pnre Cx 1 1 er CU for e per plat. Alco. hSrXlce'a Fraulil.Mi,l;ou'a)emnlklon, and LLe hetftof all, Muod. Bro's Emnkton with II rpophopbltes, palatable, ButrtUoui ant IC ounce, la each bo til?. jas2J TZ' M.I.Eatz' M