THIS PAFJCB .uhlieaed every evening, -Sundays ex ceptcd by JOSH T. JAMJ28, KDITOB AS II T ROr RIETO S. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID ,,,ycsr f4-00. Six months, $2.08. Thre noaths, f LOO; One month. 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers fre 3 charee. In any part of the city. at the abort rites, or 10 cents per weea. AdvcsUslng rate low and Ulj-craL -f-Subscrlbcrs will report any and all fslU rC3 to receive their paper regularly. TLSASS MOTICX. TTjt win be (Ud to rtetrvs coaxmatleau; ' trmd ear frHncla on any and all :rabjteta - rnrIla teres! but " Tne njune ot tan writer matt always b aiaidtotheJCntop. : CosuaanlotUons mxoit b wrlUti oi al , on tide of the paper. PfcrsonallUea mo)tb ayoldtd; r And It Is ospocUlly and particularly on tood that the Editor do not always tndci the rlews of correspondents a?p stall- in the editorial coltiTCBa. r 1 7! Mil 1 VOL. XI. WILMINGTON. N. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1887 NO 21 SetieW, 1 PURELY VEGETABLE:- It acts with extraordinary efficacy on the 1T8VER, ffinNPYJ?: and HOW ELS. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, Wlowel Complaint. -Oyspepsia,- Sick IIed ache. Constipation. Biliousness, Kidney Affections, Jaundice, Mental Depression, .'.'Colic. HI m Ko Household Should be Without It, :t iid, by beingkept readf for immediate use. will save many an hour f suffering nnd many a dollar in time and doctors" bills. THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR See that you get the genuine with red ' Z" r,n front of Wrapper. Prepared only by J.H.ZEIL1N d. CO., Sole Proprietors, . hiladelphia, Pa. , PRICK. 91.90. ii57TTdeod w iclp The strike among the longshoremen and coal -hand "era in New York ard Jersey City is spreading and rtie dangers of a disastrous coal" famine in New York and Brooklyn are hourlv growing greater. ! -Popular flowers in Paris this winter are white lilac, roses,' camellias and the orchid. On the morning id January 1 there aro annually sold at the llailes Centrales 150,000 dozen of 5ne rosfs. 15,000 bunches of .ordinary roses, 10.000 dozen camellias and 15.000 bunches ot lilac. The three hundred active building societies of Philadelphia arc carrying mortgages on real estate to the amount of $50,000,000. These mortgages are being paid off in monthly sums, rang ing from S5 to $50 monthly. Three fourths ot these mortgages are on small houses, worth from $800 to $3,000. and the occupants, instead of paying rent, are paying off the mortgages, and will eventually own their houses at a cost but little more than they would-have paid "tor rent. . Richard Malcolm Johnstone, the writer ot dialect stories, is about sixty years of age. h or years' before the war ho conducted a fine school for boys,, modeled on Rugby- He had a large plantation near Sparta, Georgia, and he cave his boys all its advantages. , He was skilful and zealous and devoloped some fine boys. During the war he lost first bis pupil, and then Jrs slaves, and finally the bulk of his properly. After the war he went to Maryland and sought to establish a similar school near Baltimore. But this enterprise did not succeed, so he betook himself to literature. ;- There has been terrible excitement in Jersey City over the ruthless and brutal murder of an inoffensive lad by some oi a gang of PinkertonVdetettlveswhio were guarding the depot of the Dela ware & Lackawanoa R. Rr Tb.9 mur-. dered boy, who was but twelvo years o' nj;e. wasonJiia way home from work and had stopped to look at some boys who were skating on a pond. in the noiffhhnrhood of the depot. He was dcliberatelyrVhot and killed ty:on8 of the detectives without having offered V he slightest provocation for tbo das- ardly act. An aiserably of striking lKnihts of Labor were in session near by and rushed to the scene f the shoot-. nf. ft is to their credit that they re strained themsehe3 and did not attack ho depot to which the detectives had Vetreated. It is gratifying to know. however, that four vl the men are in ail and that the scoundrel who tired he shot has been detected. 11 HO XCUa vyjvi vw , n . . : mm. t e the organ ol .tne iemocruo fhj a the State, is evidently very aore over is defeat. It is the organ oi me ma hinn rrl!nn nf t ho nartV. b'dt does OOt py any means, represent, in all things. lie real Democracy ol tna Jiaie. inai action of the Democratic party, repre- ented by the News and Observer, is in minority in the Legislature, anu we on't see how that paper could reason bly expect the position it so machcov- tfcd: Fortunately, for the people and eir irnnil i ho twtses have lost their wer, egpecially in the Legislature of orth Carolina. Asheville Advance. In all of thisthero is a very serious siuuatiou aitaiust the Slate Chronicle that anybody will doubt its oriho doxy because of anything that the Asheville Advance can say, but yet we j would be glad to s"e Mr. Daniel stand up and refute the insinuations. As fori tht News and Observer, it is rather a compliment than nihornhe that it1 Was passed over this time in the be- stowal of the public printing. It is the j standard of " Democratic rrirciples in j Mie State and it represents the feeling?, opinions and sentiments of the truest j and best people in North Carolina. i The cell in the Richmond jail which Cluverius occupied has been closed ever ince his execution. It will probably not be opened for several days. The sergeant is waiting to hear from th parents of the deceased lo know what disposition shall be made nt his little effects. Among the articles left by Cluverius is the Bible which he read during bis long confinement; Some of the chapters which made particular impression upod him are marked. " . . The New York Elevated R iilroad is earning a dubious reputation of lalo for safety, and many pprsons are begin ning to suspect that, in view of the numerous accidents recently, there must besome truth in the allegation that is sometimes made as .to the struc ture wearing out. and that is now com pelled to perform a great dea' more work than it? originators evor contem plated or provided for. Carelessness, however, has quite as much lo do with the mishps as wear and tear. ---. A syndicate ot capitalists owning about seven million dHars of Virginia six percent deferred trust receipts, are hopeful of some action by the Legisla ture of West Virginia now in session, by which these receipts will be re deemed. M. C. Maben. of" the syndic cate, will leive New York for West Virginia shortly, in reference to the matter. Ho expects that the Legisla ture will give the syndicate about $4, 0C0.Q00 of four per cent, bonds in ex change for the certificates. A great effort in evangelization is now being made by the Protestant churches in Boston. The Unitarian are holding Sunday evening meetings in the Howard Alhecscum. the largest variety theater in Boston. The Metho dists have - imported Sam Jones and Sam-Small, who are speaking twice a day in the Methodist churches. The Episcopalians have hired Faneuil Hall, and Sunday night Rev. Phillips Brooks, the famous pastor ot Trinity, preached there to a congregation that packed the house. His subject was the prodigal son, and it was well fitted to the char acter of the audience, which was gather ed from every quarter of the North End and composed ot the riff-rail of Boston. The music was furnished by a brass band, which .occupied the gallery, and by a chorus of 100 iadies Ittnd gentlemen, who came from their residences on Commonwealth avenue, to sit on the platform of old Faneuil Hall, behind their beloved pas tor. 1 Incitement ia'lVxas., Great excitement has been caused in tne vicinity ot fans, icx . ov the re markable recovery of Mr. J. E (Jorlcy, who was so helpless he could njbt turn In bed, or raise his head ; every body said he was dying of Consumpl&on. A trial bottle of Dr. Kind's New . )iscov cry was sent him. Finding relief, he bought a large bottle and a box r( Dr. King's New Life Pills; by the ime he had taken two boxes of Pills anjd two bottles of the Discovery, he was well and had gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. . Trial Bottle of this Great Discovery for Consumption free at W. H. Green & Co3. lteaews licr Youth. Mrs. Pbccbe Chesley. Peterson, Clay Co.. Iowa, tells the following remarka ble 8tory. tbo truth of which is youcbed for by the residents of the town: 4 I am 73 years old have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do ail my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed comr pletely all disease and pain." Try a bottle, only 50c. For sale by W. H. Green & Co. Clearance Sale. Big reduction in clothing at Siuueu's All small lots where sizes are broken in suits; overcoats for men, boys and children, reduced in price $2. $3, $4 and $5. The real cost or actual value ot tbj9 good3 have nothing to do with the low prices. Shkier has reduced them to some extraordinary big value for" very little money. Don't fail to see Shriek lor bargains; first come will have be, t choice to select from at the very low' prices. New styles and reliable clothing can be had at I. Shriek's, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market Street. ' T LOCAL NEWS. JUDEX TO NEW AOVERTIXEMCITX. II It Fenneix Notice ) J W Yates-t-To Grocers (isifriN A Co For Sale Change Schedule C C R R F C Mii.lkk Garden Seed Mrs DE Mai.labd Notice A F n iht Sew Crockery Store Tnos F Baulky Land Plaster Jon Wikjiek The German Barber llKissBKHUER's A,ltnaace, Pianos, Ac Mun os Baos Cod titer Oil, Emulsion Geo R Fkksch A 5o9S Papalnr Prices Millib A Niestlik Kentedy' Medical Discovery The cold wave signal was flying this morning The recei pts of cotton at this port to day foot up 591 bales. Mu&S"N is selling the balance of red flannel Underwear at cosi. f Two dredge boats have arrived in below for work upon the lower Cap"e Fear. The cheapest place U buy your school books and school stationery is at Heins bergei's. . t In the foreclosure sale of real estate at the Court, House today, the entire property was sold for $3,050. Yon will save money and get the best work by sending your clothes for repairs to John Dyer and Son. f This has b en one of those lovely days for which this section of the country stands without a rival. Two carload of Texas ponies are at Mr. J. W. Taylor's stables, on North Front street, and arj offered for sale. Appearances indicate that the audi ence at the Opera House to-night will be larger even than it was last night. The gallery goods behaved quite well last night at the Opera House. They made themselves conspicuous once or twicenly. Mr. Anton Ebert has opened a new crockery store on South Front street, in the Vollers building, opposite the New Market, and will, on Thursday, display a handsome stock ot goods there. Trains on the Carolina Central now run through to Rutherfordton and a slight change of schedule has become necessary. It will be seen that here after the night train will feavo here at 6:45. fifteen minutes earlier than here tolore. Mr. 11. L. Fennell has purchased the stock and good will of the saddle and harness establishment on South Front street, occupied by the late Mr. J. H. Mallard, and will hereafter conduct it. He will lay in a handsome and altrac tiyer new slock ot goods and promises careful and prompt attention - to all onlors. I lillirttloii For North Carolina, Southerly, shift ing to Westerly winds, fair weather and warmer. Munson is offering decided bargains in clothing, uaiance slock soul regara- v profits. t Tho Hidden-Hand.' The Louise Arnot Contpany made their firt appearance before a Wilming ton audience in the above-named play at the Opera House last night, and al though we had been prepared for a fine performance, it was beyond our expectations., lhe press iu the cities wherelhia Company have appeared has given them unstin'ed praise, and in especially glowing term i have the ver satile genius and wiuning manners bf Mis Arnot been described. Her ap- pearance and acting last night fully warranted all that has been said of ber. She captured the hearts of her large audience at the beginning, and all who witnessed bcr rendition of the role of CapUola were with' her in heart, soul and sympathy. Her acting was simply superb. Her support was good, and in some of the characters, excellent. To-night she will appear in M'iiss, in the impersonation of which character the Petersburg Iadez'Appeal speaks thus : As MHiss Miss Arnot is an unquali fied success. That sums up the situa tion. Her method in the impersonation of the child of the Sierras is to natural that the spectator forgets that the is acting, and that is tne dramatic art, after all. to let art conceal art. and present a picture true to nature. This Miss Arnot does, and consequently she holds the attention of her audience all the time. Last evening she was fre quently and deservedly applauded. 1 11 11 v . Do you need a good heating or cook ing stove ? Then go to Jacobi's There yon will find a .large assortment to select iron), iiis low prices wm please you. .'.", Sunday School Teacher. j A colored boy on (and off) a Texas Rev. Dr. Prilchard will commence a ;jony, this afternoon, was the -canse - of class of instruction for Sunday School ! considerable exeiteijntnt on Front st rtat teachers at the First Baptit, Church j The boy had pluck and was determined next Thursday night. aUbe conclusion j to ride, but the pony could throw him of the "Prayer Meeting exercises, to ! about as fast as he could mount, which alUSunday School touchers, irre-1 Nor. biyronY.hihii, el ear sDective ofdenomioation. arc cordially ed i0,jay Bowling. Set Hand, with invited Scions , will be held ' every 450 caak3 spirits turpentinj and 2.TC0 Thursday night until fuilber n-niee. - j barrels rosin, valued at $10 316. shipped To Uutiierfordtoii. - The first train over Jhe Carolina Cen tral Railroad 'arrived '-at vJts ..present Western terminus. Rutherfordlon. last Sunday nisht. A large throng turned out to bid Weicoma to the iron hnr3e and there was quite an ovation. Tfcc Superintendent, Col. Jone3, and other officials of the road, were on beard the train, and 'received the hearty congrat ulations of the citizens. Took all His Pains Away. A. M. Chrisholm, of No. 2724 Stod.. dart, st , St. Louis, Mo., writes: "During my long residenca in Can ada I suffered Jfor years from severs pains in my back, across the region of the kidneys, and by the constant use of Allcock's Plasters' invariably ob tained great relief. Upon removing to St. Louis, I w3 again troubled with the sirue complaint, and was advi3od to use Magnetic and other kinds of plasters, without being relieved of pain, so fell back to my old friend ' Atlcock: who give3 mo more relief than any other I have ever tried I always' re commend them to my friends and all f. who sutler from pains andache3 of any kind." Su'ts, overcoats and odd pa his sold at greatly reduced prices at Muxson's clothing rooms. t Jr Superior Court. The following cases were heard before this tribunal to-day : Northampton National Bank vs. B. L Perry, Judgment. Stedman & Weill for plaintiff; Russell' & Ricaud for defendant. N. C. Mutual Insurance Company vs. T- C. Mcllhenny. Judgment. DuBrutz Cutlar for plaintiff; (no counsel for de fendant. Tobias Kelley and wife vs. C. H. Coijorey. Nonsuit." B. R. Moore for plaintiff ; Russell & Ricaud for defend ant. Harriet C. Daniel vs. P. Heinsbecger et al. Judgment. J I. Macks for plains' tiff ; no counsel for defendant. Charles Bradley vs. P. Heinsberger. Judgment. J. I. Macks for plaintiff; no cousel for defendant. Bank of New Hanover vs.' P. Heins berger. Judgment. J. I. Macks for plaintiff; no counsellor defendant. City ol Wilmington vs. J; R. Melton, in three cases. Continued. DuBrutz Cutlar and Junius Davis for plaintiff ; Russell. & Ricaud for defendant. City of Wilmington vs J. R. Melton and Hays & Jones. Continued. Du Brutz Cutlar and Junius Davis for plaintiff; Russell & Ricaud for defen dants. City of Wilmington vs. J. R. Mellon and I. W. King. Continued. Du Brutz Cutlar and Junius Davis for plaintiff; Russell & Ricaud for dclen- dauls. Francis 11. Leggett & Co. vs. Georgo M. Crapon and R. II. Pickett, judg ment. J. J. Macks for plaintiff; no counsel for defendants. Brown & Co. vs. II. II, Kasprowicz, judgment. J.I. Macks for plaintiffs; no counsel for defendant. J. M. Hewlett vs. Simeon Peden, given to thejury. II. McClammy for plaintiff; J. D. Bellamy, Jr., for de fendant. -,. Pianos and organs can be bought cheaper at Heinsberger' than at any other house in the Slate. f At the Hotels. Sutton House Dr Robinson, Rob bie Robinson, Joe Warren, W B War ren. Bradley Warren, E L Spelf, J E Howard, H J Sessoms, W J Faircloth, I J Fairclotb, JoeNaylor, J A B'ack. burn and M. McLamb, Sampson; F M Love and W II Bealty. Bladcu; Jas W Colvin. Fred B Orr and J J Clark, Pender; F I) Koonce and G F Hums phrey, Onslow; John McFayden, Brunswick ;K Sessoms, Cumberland; J F Laughery. Marlyilie; J T Barker. Lumber ton; J B Fantune, Darlington; Mrs John S Sellers and two children, Smitbville; J Frink, A P Thomas and W A Frink. Shaliotte ; Capt Al Hub bard, steamer Delta. A large assortment of ivory, cellu loid and silver plated table and dessert knives. Just the article for a Christ mas present. For low prices and good reliable goods, go to Jacobi's Hdw. Depot.' t by Messrs, Paterson. Downing & Co. - : : - . - l'trMonui Col. VV. P. Caaday. Sergeant-at-Arms, U. S. Senate, i in" the' city to day. . " "'";'; ;':'"'-";:;' Mr. Frank O". London, of Baltimore, was in the city yesterday and Sunday on a visit to relatives and friends. He left this morning. Ex-Solicitor General S. F, Phillips, of Washington, D. C, arrived in the city this morning and registered at the New PurcelFlTouae. . Wo aro glad to state that tho condi tion of Mr. John C. Heycr, who was stricken with apoplexy on Sunday afternoon, has very much improved, and that he isquito comfortable to-day On to Ashevllle. The Carolina Central people seem to be very much in earnest in the matter of extending their road through to Asheyille. They are almost there now. Rutherfordton being only about 40 miles distant. The Citizen says: As we announced. Col. Coleman left vesterday to meet Mr. Moncure of the C.C, Road, with the purpose of making a preliminary survey of the route be tween this city and Rutherfordton, The work will likely comsume ten days or more, and at the expiration ot this time we will then be in an attitude to talk business with the authorities of the road. Oar people are fully alive to the completion of this connection and no one ueed doubt their doing the full measure of their duty in the matter. We are glad to learn that the good people along the line are much con cerned about the extension to Ashevillo, and that leading gentlemen at Wil mington have pledged assistance, if it be needed, to have the connection made. Wilmington should be much concerned and would be justified in giving more for extension to Asheviile than they would in assisting the Cape Fear & Yadkin, which they are very properly assisting in a material way., VVe will be able within the nexfc fuw days to give the views of the engineers as to how the line looks. Delicate persons, and all whose sys tems have became debilitated, should bear in mind that Simmons Liver Regu lator is not a drastic, purging medicine does not weaken or deplete the system as other purgatives do, but acts gently. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicating beverage to lead to intemperance; will promote diges tion, dissipate headache, and generally tone up the system. Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, c I Ga , says; 'btmmons Liver Regulator is mild and Buits me better than niofc active reme dies." . t fJNEKAL NOT GE. The funeral of MAH1A L. McDOUUALL ja postponed until to-morrow r WotiHHday) NI3W AI VKICTJSKiti I2NT8. New Crockery Store. yrlLT., OPEN ON TIIUKSI.V THE 21lh lust., at 117 South front Street, opposite Kcw Market, LAMPS, CHINA, E4SS AND QUEENSWAUE, SrOUS AND I'LATKD WARE, aii at the most rs.vonamo prices ComG ami Inspect goons. jan'25 2w A. EBERT; For Sale. I 1WO CAR .LOWS OF TXS PONIISS AND MULES; youD?c'and all richt. Can be seen at Taylox's fetabtes, KorW Front f trcet ian(Ut GRIFFIN CO lOc. FOR A SHAVE, UOc. FOR A IAIR CUT, 50c. FOR A HAIR CUT.SH AYK AND SIIAMPOON. II AIR DYEING ISOc. and upward, At JOHN WEBNER'3. Ihc German Barber and Perfumer, jan 25 . 29 Market st Notice. TTAVJNG SOLD THE TOCK OF GOOOS, pood will, Ac , of the Paddle an 1 Harness Kstabusnment, at vo. iu oouin ironi sireei, to Mr. II. JU FENNELL. 1 . Hereby bespeak (or him the patronage of the old firm. ian ?3 it Alio. u. c aia.L.L.iruj. Notice. pEFERRlNG TO THE ABOVE, I WILL add that I Intend giving this business my per sonal attention, and hope with increased fa cilltlesto lUve satisfaction. JBepairuiz done m ati it urancnes. jin Llt H. L. FENNELL. mmn medical discovert,- gIMMONfc' REGULATOR, . ' Taylor s sweet Gum ana -Moinen. Bail's Cough Syrup. . Prescriptions compounded day and night." Night BelL 1 . MII4JER NIK3TLIE, jan 21 Cor. SUthaad Malbarrr NEW A 'ISJBMINTS. 0 P ERA hT6 U S E . . ,. ' "" " -"" ,,. MX NIGHTS AND ONE M ATINEE COM K ENCIN6 MONDAY. Jan St. .... .The F4votite ActrcM. . . MISS LOUISE ARNOT f "upi.-rtcd b? bcr own Excellent Company, who will present Iho following choice plafs BcJee'ed from the lady's'extcneivc repertoire:- fcVadaj....... ........HIDDEN HAND ThCRday....... ,. ... .M'tISS Wednesday ..A CELEBRATED CAbE ADMUSION . . . . . . . .10, 23 and SO CENTS. No" extra charsre for Reserved feats. Now on fcalc at Uelnsberjrers Book Store. Mattneo oh Saturday at 2 p. m. jan2it: . , Carolina Central B, R. Company, OrriOB or iiEWKttJLl. SUPHIWTKKDMtT ) Wilmington, N. C, Jan2i,18t;. j Change of Schedule. . QN ANb AFTER THIS DAT, THI follbwlng: rtcheaaie will be operated oa thl Railroad : . . ? . No. I, Dally except Sundays, Laave Wllmlsyton at......... ...... 6.00 A. M Leave Shoe Heel.... ..10.14 ' 1 eave Charlotte. s.42 P M Lave Shelby... Arrive Rutherfonlton, S. 40 " No. 2 Dally except Sunday, Leave Rutherfordton................ G 00 A 11 " Ix;avc Shelby... .............. 7 as Leave Charlotte.......... 11.00 Leave Shoe Heel.....:... 3.56 P M Arrive Wilmington.... 8,00. " No. a Daily except Sunday. Leave Wilmington...... 0 4.1 P 11 Leave Ralelph . 7.00 Arrive Charlotte .......7.25 A M No. 4 Dally except Sunday. Leave Charlotte 15 P II Arrive Kalelgh......... .... 8 35 A M Arrive Wilmington. 8.40 Trains Nos. f and 2 make connection at Shop Heel with trainfl oh C. F. & Y. V. By. , . . Trains No. 3 and 4 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between WUmlngtot and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. Take Train No. 1 for StatesvUle, Station Western N C R R, Ashevllle and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Atben, Atlanta and points Southwest. Local Freights Nos. 5 and ; tri weekly be tween Wilmington and Hamlet. Loral Freight Nos 7 and S tri weekly 1h tween Hamlet and Shelby. Nos. ft, ii, 7 and s will not take passenger. L. C. JONES, . . Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent jan 2. " The Sutton House, . jyjARKET STREET, SOUTH SIDE, BE tween Front aTJd Second. Board by the Day, Week or Month. Clean Roomo, Comfortablo Beds, Good Attendance and 'I13 bent the market affords; Rates low. jan 24 Jy : , LAND PLASTER. v . . " o . 3Q() TONS OVApTIA LAND PLAX. TER, 04.."ft per cent, of Sulph&tc of Lime. The want ot Plaster has been one of the irrcatcsl drawbacks to successful farming in this State, and it 13 au Important ecrvicc to thla great industry and to the State. - Jt is quite indispensable In any judiclouo system of agriculture, and it serves several important ends, besides the direct one of fur nishing Hmc and sulphur; it gathers nitrogen and prevents Its dlstlpatiou and loss; It Is a epcclllc for clover and other leguminous " plants, and it indirectly renders the potash of the soil available and so a itfs In the restora tion of worn lands. We have sold Plaster to many during the last year, all from whom wc have .heard, ex press their satisfaction a Ha result. The snwllcatlon of Piaster to animal man lire, wilt incrraac the value of' that manure beyond calculation. ' ComiKBUug with plaster will improve the value of your coin post 534 rcr cent. Hawing from 'AO to 430 pounds of planter to the acre, over your small grain after it is in . the ground, will give you an increased crop of f rani ftO to 100 per cent. Jt i inlcspensablo in cajly trucking for such as strawberry beds, asparagus beds Ac. For gale in lots to suit by , " THOS. F. BAGLEY, jan 151m nac Wllminitou, N. C. For 1887. jyILLER'S ALMANACS, Turner's Almanacs, , Blum'i Almanac, " : . " ' k Stadt land Almanaca, Diaries, all slics, T' . ; For sale at ' HEINSBERGER'S Books, Pianos, Organs. JpLAIN AND FANCY FRAMES OF All kinds In Wood, Bnus and Velvet. ' Inks, Mucilage, Gold and Steel Pecs.' Stationery of every varielyand aty lc. Give us a call. It may be to your advantage. HEINSBERGER'S. Cash Book andSifusic etc r jan 11 Urussriat. lO N, Front St.. OFrR A SPLENDID QUALI1Y OF pure Cod 1 iter .Oil for Kc per pint. Uo, McGee's Eraultloa,8eott'sEniuUian. and tte best of a!l, Hunds Rro'a EmtiUUx! ' with Jlypophottphltfs. paUUhle, nutrUiouj aa t 16 ounce i each bottl. j&n'ij fflunds Bros.. (