;. ,' . ' nonet TT, will M tUd to rtetln eoaauc Irba our trleacU oaaay and; ajlrabjiau Ktaar&llttomt bttt Tat bam of Uii wrlwr must alwaja bi lahod to tho Editor.': . Coa-aualcaUona raiat bo wxlttaa oi ti) Saadaya tx 1 . cepted tryv. . J08UT. JAMK8,' cxrrox AKu rsorKivrox. SUBSCIUPTIQNS POSTAGE PAID: ' Om year (4.00. Six month. U. Thrt. moatiia, tLOG; One oioath. 23 cent. The paper will be dellerel by earrlera f rt of eharjre. la any part cf the city, at the abort ratea, or 10 cents per wee. dvestlala rates low and tlberaL JVSchscrlbcrs will report any and all full ens to recelTe their paper rejrularly. i ono aideof tha paper.. Purso&aUUcamuitbo TOldod: r And It la especially and particularly cb tood that the Editor doea sot alwaya tadot tbe viawa of correspondents t!eea to atatt la Uo editorial eolumna. VOL. XI. WTLMINGTON. N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1887. NO 23 TiiisrAri-R .cMUfe2 avary Tenia, i 1 Ti PURELY VEGETABLE. It acts with xtraordiary efficacy on tha yiVER IVER, tf mwrrvc and Bowels. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR .Malaria, Bowel Complain), lyppla. Sick Headache, Constipation, Blliensnes, Kidney Affections. Jaundice, Mental Depression, , Colic. No Honsetiold Stionld be Without It, and. by being kept ready for immediate use. will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctors llll'. THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Sec that you get the genuine with red "2" nn front of Wrapper. Prepared only by J.H.ZEILIN &. CO., Sole Proprietors. Philadelphia, Pa. 1'UICK. Sl.OO. uov J5.deol & w tctp A statistician claims there is one di vorce to every four and a hall marri ases. The number of idibts in the United States increased from 31.52? in to :n.8')j in 1880. - The retailers are making au ellort' to have the price of b?er in New York re duced from 6ve to three cents per glass. It is rumored in society circles in Washington that Secretary Bayard will within tbe year be married to a young lady who belongs to one of the first families of Virginia. It is expected that the engagement will soon be an nounced. Governor McEnery, oi Louisiana, has issued a call for an Interstate ag. ncultural convention, to be held at Lake Charles, in that State, on-February 22, S3 and 24. Ilerso cars in Chicago are heated by perforated shallow galvanized iron boxes, each placed in the middle of a car under tho seats. In the box is some composite matter, which is i kept in a warm glow by tha movement of the car. causing a draught through the perfora. tions. President Cleveland has been invited to attend the Mardi Gras festivities al New Orleans next month. Rex. has conferred upon him tha title ot Duke oi Washington, and through Bathnrst, his Majesty's Lord High Chamberlain, has advised htm of the honor and' pre sentedbim with his insignia of rank. The badge is of exquisite design, and the letter accompanying it is ol a merry ant! witty character. Mr. Barnes, of Georgia, is the heav. iest member of the National House of Representatives. He weighs over 300 pounds. Messrs. Sawyer, cf Wiscon sin, and Stanford, of California, are the' portliest men in tho Senate and have the fattest pocket-books. ' The smallest ! man in Congress is Gen. Wheeler, oi Alabama; the talleU man is Mr. Stew art. of Texas, who stands 6 leet 3 inches in his boots. HD Will I nlfa The cider question bothers tho legifn lators of Maine. As the law now stands, it is not satisfactory' to the temperance people. x tbe Good Tem plars proposo a bill which authorizes tbe sale of apple juice less than twenty days old, in quantities not less than a barret, to persons over twenty-one years ot age, and prohibit the sale ot cider dfora than twenty dais old. ex cepl for making yinegar. " Thrifty diplomats at Washington are re do r ted to make a good thing by sell in out occasionally their furniture and wioes, which tuay are allowed to itu port dutyfree-. One of these gentlemen says he has held two auctions sines be had been in Washington, and his pro-i fits were enough to pay h'u boose rent for a year each tlmo. Whenever the ministers, or some of them, at least, import their, wines they brine over enough to supply them until they go again, and tumuli a small store be tides. At tho end of the season they sell tha residue, at auction and expect to make enough to pay for the whole u. - . Excitement In Texas (treat excilomeat has been caused in Baptist minister has jast died of con- lmIIicS,lvof Iftri8V JexibJ h.e,Te' sumption at Lexington. N- C, where warkablc recovery of Mr. J. K. C.r ey. . . . . , . , who was so help!e be could not turn I he was the Principal of a normal school in bed, or raise,, bis bead; every body said be waa nying ot Con sumption. A trial bottle of Dr. Kind's New Discov- erywas sent him Findirur relief, he bought a lanre battle and a box of Dr. Kink's New Lite Pills; by Ihe time he bad taken two boxes of Tills and two bottles of tbe Pi-covery. he was well and had gained in flesh Ihirtj-six pounds. Trial RotUe of this Great Piscoyery for Consumption free at W II. Green fc Co'a. Keaews Iier Youth Mrs..Ihn;be Ches'ey. I'eterson. Clay Co.. Iowa. ie!ls the following remarka ble story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents ot the town: I am 73 years old, have betn troubled with kidney complaint and lameness tr ninny yrars: could not Ire? myselt without help. Nw I am Tree from all piin and soreness, and aui uble to do all my own housework 1 owe my '.hanks to Electric Bitters lt-r having renewed ray youth, and removed c ni' pletely all disease and p:iin." Try a bottle, only aOc. Fur sale by W. II. Green & Co. LOCAJ.NEWS" INDEX TO NEW ADVERTtttMltfTX Lcfr Garnet Locket C W V ATt fu-To Grocers F C Millf.h liaidcu SfC'l luus F C.VOL.KV Lan l Planter T P StKiiS Fourth Street Maik.it loi'oi..vs A YakiOROIT;k Nolic3 Lrom.v A UOKitis West India Fruit Fetivi. Zily Hail frt M E Church llEiysBtKGER's Almana. Pianos, Ac Mods Bbos Cod Liver Oil, KmnV-on GEoRfRKStuA foxs i'opulr.r Prices hi l.LKX A SlwruK-Kcurcdy'a Medical Discovery Clothing at cost 'till Feb. 1st, at Mux- son s clothing rooms. t The receipts of cotton at this port to dy fiot up 377 bales. Br. atarn3hip Jessinore, Am lot hence, arrived al Liverpool Jan. 25th. Br. barque Klicdicc. McDonald, hence, has arrived al Buenos Ayres Pate not given We were visitt d by quite a gale of wind last night, after which the weath er grew materially colder. The nudity craze is said to bo spread ing. Shoulder straps and a belt ia now tbe regulation corsage for evening dres?, There are no foreign steamships now in port, but there are seyeral sailiog vessels loading with cotton and naval stores for Europa. The schooner Mabel Darling is here again and with a Gne cargo oi fruit, which will be sold at auction to-morrow by Messrs. Cronly & Morris. The perfect decorum and good order at thp Opera House for the last two nights has beon noticeable. and is worthy of commendation.' There was one case of disorderly con : duct bought before tho Mayor this morning, but being of slight impor tance, the defendants were discharged. Tbe Union meeting of the Eastern Baptis: Association will be held at Willard. Pender .County, to-morrow. Rey. Dr. Pritchard and Rev. G. M Tolson. of this city, will attend. Tbe "Bright Jewels'' or the First M. E. Church will give a pleasant variety entertainment on Friday night at tbe City Hall, .where many things may be found pleasant to the eye and attrac tive to the palate. Douglas & Yarborough, the well knowu colored barbers, have made some extensive alterations and improve ments in their establishment, No. 103 Market street. They will put in entire new furniture. See ad. in.tbis issue. Mr. T. P. Sykes has leased stall No. 2 in Fourth street Market and will open there on Saturday morning with a very fine display of all kinds of fresh meals. Orders left now for Saturday's market wid receive prompt attention and do livery. He bad some superb beef on the stall to day, to be cut up on Satur day. Indication For North Carolina, Easterly, shift ing tQj3outhrly, winds, and warmer, with fair weatiier. A ritia Structure. The new mill building, recently erected and now in course of comple tion' by Mr. G. J. Bjney, on Nutt street, is one of tbe most substantial and imposing structures which have been erected upon the ruins of the great (ire. It is four stories in height, and when finished will be the highest building in the burnt district. Thecheapest place to buy your school books and school stationery is at Heins-berger's.- r t prominent : ,or Joud ladies. , : ergon al ! .Mr. John D. Fred.-of Macon. G.. the contractor fcr building the new arrived in the city this mornin?. lobe present at the inspection of that struc ture by the county authorities, which took place this afternoon. Stolen Goods. . An examination of the stock of gooda in Mr. Stacey Van Am rinse's auction rooms shows that t o thief who broks in there on Tuesday night succeeded in carrying off quite a number of articles besides the twelve pa is of blanket.6, I Rev. L. . Duncan a the loss of which was discovered yester- liusaeil j& Kicaud tor defendant, day. Twocaseof jllv and a lot of j F 11 I).itby, guardian, vs I) A Suds soda, besides other article?, are now J war. Decree, ltussell & llicaud fir known to be missing- The. Nf-w Jail. The new jail is no completed and the Bjnrd ot County Commissioners, in company with th contractor, Mr. Jno. P. Fred, made a thorough inspection of the structure, which was formally j accepted by the (ornier in behalf of the county. There were a law minot mat ters which required examination, but these wpre all settled satisfactorily both parties. Extraordinary bargains wear at Munson's. 10 under- t A Ctflehrated Case. The audience at the Opera House last night was the largest that has yd appeared during the engagement of the Arnot Company. The military drama. 'A Celebrated Case.'"' was the altrac lion, and in'its presentation the com pany felly maintained the prestige it had already gained. It is needless, where the merits of a company are so well established, logo into particulars. Sullice it to 6ay that the drama was presented in an exquisite manner; the dressing of tho several characters was superb, and the acting realistic. The company has fairly and honorably won the esteem of Wilmington ihcatre goers, and this without the aid of the catch-penny clap-trap by which many meretricious performances are palmed off upon a credulous public. Their efforts have given universal delight, and we know that, would other engag ments permit, crowded houses would greet them for a much longer time than the present week. Tho actors and actresses have established the fact that they are fully equal io the task of pre senting either tragedy or comedy with skill, taste and effect. There is one fact connected with tbelr engagement here which is worthy of notice, and which must be a source of pleasure to. every member of (he company, and that is: They grow in popular lavor and esteem with every appearance. "Fnn on the Bristol1' will be given to nizbt and. as a matter of course, every seat will be occupied. Stylish stripe trouserings made to order in the latest styles by Mcnson, merchant tailor. t Literary. The February Magazine oj ' American History is delightful. The first article on tbe Notablo Editors between 177G and 1800" affords twentysseven illustra tions, including several portraits.. Its author. Hon. S. (J. W. Benjamin, illu mines his text with quaint anecdote and felicitous quotation. Tha other contributions to the February issue are the "L-rttcr of Commander of Alexan der Slideli Mackenzie, in" 1843," from Pr. R W.Shufcldt, U. S. A ; the queer question of "When Did Ohio Become a State?" discussed by James Q. Howard, a tribute to "Senator John A. Logan,1' by the Editor; Ihe character and ser vices ot -'Major-General Hunter," by General Robert C. Schenck ; '-President Lincoln's Unlucky Pass," by Allan Foreman; "Monument to the Three Signers," in Georgia, by Col. Charles C. Jones. Jr.. LL. P.; "The First Homestead Bill," an episode In ihe Congressional career of Horace Greeley by Nathan Greeley; "Pisiltusions." by Rev. Charles H. Parkhurst, P. P.; and the Homestead of one of the Caplors ot Major Andre." by Pr. P. Knower Published at 30 Lafayette Place, New York City. A cold in the bead is one of the best thin s that could happen to a lady with a lace handkerchief, and Pr. Bull Cough Syrup is decidedly the best rem edy to cure that cold. , . Yon will save money and get the best! . . d " 1 work by sending your clothes tor repairs to John Pyer and Son. ' "t Superior Court. The following have been the proceed - iocs before 'this tribunal to-day up to the hour of closin fur report : Adrian & Vollers vs J W Iladford. Judgment. E S Martin fiir plaintiff; no counsel for defendant. V Alien & Cunter vs II II Kaprowicz. Judgment. J I, Macks f-r piaintilFs; no counsel tor defendant. Mary A Bell vs M Bellamy el al Continued. Uusse'.l & Ilicau I for plaintifl'; no counsel for defendant. Robert Thornton and John Maunder, executor, vs Eliza A Bailey and Edward V Bai.ey. Non suit. DaBrutz Cultar for plaintiff ; Junius Pavis for deffnd ant. J II Strauss vs I B Riif)dcs Con tinued. II McCiammy for pitiintiff; pbiiiiuil'; no counsel for defendant. I Carroll ;u:irdian for L'-t? Croom, i v W. C Murpty.' Judgment, M Bel- lauiy for plaintiff; J 1) Bellamy,-' jr. j for defendant.. J H Strains vs P II Smith, ct al. De cree. 11 MrClatnmy I r plaintiff; no counsel for defandaut. ' Fowler & Green vs the New York and Cedar Ware Co. Removed to U S. Court. Stedmah & Weill for plain- to 'tiffs; Junius IXiyis for defendant. Alargarei A Lowery ys J.inics A L'jwerv Non suit. No counsel ap neareil iu this case either for DlainlilT or defendant W F Neil vs Montgomery, Wright & Co. Judgment. McRae & Strange for plaintiff; no counsel for defendants. W F Neil vs J 1) Hardin. Non suit McRae & Strange for plaintiff; no coun sel for defendant John Taylor ot al vs The Seaboard & Roanoke R R Co, (two cases). Con tinued. J I Macks and Russell & Ricaud for plaintiffs; McRae & Strange for defendant. Ada AnnaEdensvs J T Edens. Continued.- B G Crisp for plaintiff; M Bellamy for defendant. Jacob Grecnewald vs. The Ashe yille & Spartanburg R R Co. Con tiuued, J I Macks and ltussell & Uicaud for plaintiff; no counsel for defendant. E S Jeffray &Co, vs Sol Bear, Sam Bear and Marcus Bear, (two cases) Continued. McRae & Strange, M Bellamy and E S Martin for plaintiffs; Russeli & Ricaud for defendants. Green & Bateman vs John U Turren tine. Continued. Stcdman & Weill for plaintiffs; no counsel for defendant. Pressel & Kline vs C II Robinson and C H King. Continued. J D Bellamy, Jr. tor plaintiffs; Stcdman & Weill for defendants. W B King vs Armand -J DeRosset, Judgment. McUae & btrange lor plaintiff; no counsel for defendant. James C Heyer vs W E Herring Continued. No counsel, on cither side. in tb)3 case. National ISank ot bavannau so Wilk6s Morris. Continued. Stedman & Weill for plaintiff ; no counsel for de iendant. E Kidder, George Kidder, Trustees, et al vs M O Cole and Mary Cole. Con tinued. II McClamny for plaintiffs; M Bellamy for defendants. . Old Fashioned Democrats." Point Caswell, Jan. 20 1687. Editor Review :In reply to the com munication oi Justice' in your valu able paper of 22 ad inst. I don't think, with all deference- lo the opinidn of "Justice" that auy oue has done Mr. Johnston an injustice. The Commis sioners of Pender county arc all gentle men ot unquestioned character and in being particular about Mr. Johnston's bond are doing their sworn duty, and protecting the interest of the county- I have been voting ibe Democratic ticket all my life, but never knew before thai the old time Democracy", or "old fashioned Democrats", as "Justice" ex presses it, could run on the Republican ticket as their regular nominee and be elected and then claim to be a "uood Democrat." It this should be so. how ever, then we had best remodel and start afresh and I am a new fashioned and not an old fashioned Democrat. 'Lir.iir." - For Cholera, Iiarrlma, Dysen tery, Inflammation of tho li owe Is or Colic. Take internally from ilve to ten drops ot Parbya Prophylactic Fluid in a tablcspoonful ot water every hour or two till improvement takes place. Thee is no danger in taking more of it and moro frequently it occasion re quire?. In chronic cases, or when the stomach refuses to retain anything else, use injections of the Fluid and wster. We have never know a case that did not readily yield to such treatment, and it sayed the lives of many. . - . . Pianos and organs can be -bought cheaper al llei nsberger's than at any other house in the Slate. t - ) At the Hotel!. ! Surrox IIolsk-V A liigsett, V T ! ISSelt, (in Rarrsett, George Bets.on. Wm Sessom, J Q Uobbs. Horpf Boy kin, Henry Ijj.kin. Bruce Boykin, J L IVtersoa.' A B Cain Sampson ; S B Hughes, Columba ; S T Freeman, Lumberloo; Reddina Ort hnd. Fremont; J A Hurt, W C Porter. E F McCulloch. C Martin and' W I! Tolar. Bladen. They are Yorii;by Soldiers. Evidence of the value of A'lcock's Porous Piasters comes in the following letter froai Charles Yea?er, . of : Com pany A, 1 1th U.S. Infantry, stationed at Fort Sully, Dakota : I hive been using A ll jock's Pouors Plasters' lor tne last ten years. " and I feal quite lost if I have not hatf a dozen in my possession. Iu this section of the country we have at times very severe cold.. When the thermometer is below zero, I Hud that an Allcook's Pokoi s Plastek oi tho pit of the storui'ch is invaluable. They appear . not only to warm the body, but to invigorate the digestion. At times I have biicii greatly troubled with a lame back. Two AllcockV -Ponoui. Plasters placed upou tho spine invariably cure me in two or three days. Sometimes I have had a severe cough and very bad cold. An Allco k's Porous Plas ters placed around the throit and on the chest, and one between the shoulder b!ade3 lavc invariably afforded mo im mediate relief and a quick cure -A large assortment of ivory, cellu loid and silver plated tablo and dessert knives. Just the article for a Christ mas present. For low prices and good reliable goods, go to Jacoui's Ildw. Depyt f NEW AOVJSKTISJEMKVTK. Lost. L AST NIGHT, JANUARY li, A GAR NtvC LOOKET, about ono incti lonjj and a half !in-h wide. The liriiler will be amply re warded if he will leave it with tho Htlitorot this paper. janS7.L Festival. T -dllfi UR1GIIT JEWELS OF Til K FIRST lucincM.isi repiscopti Limrcii win pivc a VARIETY FESTIVAL, at the CITY HALL, Friday Evening, January 28th, where every thing will be found to attract tbe eye as well as tempt ihe palate. Ooors open at a quarter to o o C10CK. tan 27. lt Notice rpO THE PUBLIJ. WE It AVE JUST FIT-, ted up our SHAVING AND HAIll DRESS ING SALOON with Ihe finest furniture' In the State, and aro picpircd to compete with any. Take notice of the litest stjlcs of Hair Cuts We guarantee to do as srood work as cai be done la this city or any other. Polite and at tentive Barbers. Vf e havo-wlth us THOMAS WUITAKEli, of Norfolk, who is a first clat Barber Jn every reepect. Respectfully, DOUGLAS & YAUCOROUtilf, ian 2 tf Ko. 1' 3 Market St Fourth Street Market. rjlHE UNDERSIGNED WILL ON SATUR DAY, the 2'Hh inst., open, at Stall No. 2, Fourth Etreet Market, with a FINE STOCK OF MEATS, to which the atlcnttoi of tfce public is respectfully invited. I will a-lways have on band the best to be icund anywhere Orders left for choice cuts to be delivered on Saturday, will receive prompt attention. 1 I have secured the service ot Mr. J. J. King, one of the most experienced butchers in the city, and guarantee satisfaction to all. T. P.-SYKKS. Stall No. 2, Fourth Wireet Market jan 27 2t Arrival of the Mabel Darling CAPT. RANGE it, WITH A 'ARGO OF West India Fruit. Speculators have swept the L lands of Oran ges and this is the last cirro of the scascn. We ofl'tr her cago of OFtANGtS. BANANAS. GRAPE FRUIT, COCOA NUT.-, SAPPADILLOS, LIMES & TOM ATOES CRONLY & MORRIS, Consignees. jan 27 It i Notice. rilHE BALANCE OF ROBES, BLANKETS, TRUNKS and SATCHELS will fgc sold re- garuiess oi ryu KcraiKiu a specialty, trire me a call is all 4 ask. H. L. FENNELl. A fast HORSE, gentle and kind, will le sold cheap. j jan2tttf New Crockery Store. - - yyflLL OPEN ON THURSDAY 111K 24th risi.. at 117 South Front Street. o; oolite New Market, LAMPS, CHINA, 4LAS3 AND QUEKNSWARC, SPOOAS AND PJLATED WARE. All at ihe most rjatonabfe prices. Come and insject goous. jan 23 2w - A. EBERT. lOc. FOU A SHAVK, 20c FOll A-IIAIU CUT. oOc. FOU A IIAIltCUT.SIIAVK AND SIIAMPOON. HAIR DYEING 20c. and upward, - At- JOHN WERNER'S, ' - The. German Barber and Perfumer, ..- ja 25 so Market St NEW ADVEUTISEUfiNTS. O P ERA H OUGE. SIX NIGHTS AND ONE M ATISEK COM alE.NCING MONDAY, Jan. 21. -The Favorite Actrca, MISS LOUISE ARNOT F it pp tried b? 1i3r own Excellent Company who will present the following choice plara aclec'ivt from ihe lad j'a extensive repertoire: Thursday..... ...... ON ON TUG ItSISTOI, Friday .LEAH, THIS FORSAKEN Satnrdiy. AfatiuecTtlK LITTLE DKTECTIVK Saturday Nljjht. . .i.... THIS TWO ORPHANS ADMISSION ... JiTTo, 21 and M CENTS. Nj f x-.ra chire for Reserved Stats. Now on sale a Hclnsberer's Hok Store. -J MH XW. Ilk, jan 2) . ' , ' J. A. SPRiraCEH 1 1 F AE ( UA H r ER3 FO R C6al & Wood THESE II iKD TIMES. j au 21 North Water Strtet JLlazanl Powder. WK NOW 1IAVK THE .AGENCY TOU tlti ccleljrated Powder which la tin ioubtcdlv the befit foM in tills country, Neir maRa.'no buiU down lite river (out of city limits). Full assortment of all the sizes at the lowest prices. " , Succeasors to John Dawson & Co.. li, 21 and 2J Market Ctrect. jau 21 , Wilmington N. C- LAND PLASTER. 30() TONS OVA SCOTIA LAND PLA. TFlt, ni.: percent, of Sulphate of Lime; The want of Plaster has been one ol the greatest drawbacks to successful fanalnjr in tbK State, and it U ilh important ecrvice to this pneit industry ami to tho State. It 1r quite Indispensable In any Judicious system of agriculture, and it "serves several Important ends, besides the direct, one of fur nlsbiufc lime and sulphur; it gathers nltrcccn and prevents its dis.ipatioit aud loss; It Is a ilnnls anil It lmlli-ot-l 1 niiili.. (k. s tlic soil availablo ami eo a tg in tlie rest or a lion of wcrn lands. We have sold P.'astcr to many .'during the last year, all from whom wc have heard, ex press their satisfaction a itsrcsultj. The anullcatlon of l luster t animal man , urc, will iucrcasc the. value of that manure beyond calculation. composting with plaster will Improve the valuoof your cpiiipotits?' , percent. Sowing from 2( to 130 l-ounds of plaster to tne acre, over Tour email grain aflcr it iiln the ground, will give you an increased crip of frm 0 to 100 per cent. It is iiilespcngab'c In cajly truck lo lor xor saic in iois to suit iy- THOS. F. BAG LE Y, janl51mnac- Wilmington, N. C. . For 1887. jJILLER'S ALMANACS, Turner's Almanacs, ' ... Ilium's Almanacs, Stadt A land Almanacs, DlariCH, all sizes. For sale at IIEINsRERnEK'3 Books, Ijianos, Organs. J3LAIN AND FANCY FRAMES OF AIL kinds In Wood, Brass and Velvet Inks, Mucilage, Cold and Steel Pena. Stationery of every variety and etj lc. y " Give us a call. It may be t your advantage. HEINSBERGER'S jan 11 Cash Book and Music 8tor Munds Bros., iJrusirlsts, 1G4 N, Front St., OFFER A SPLENDID QUALITY OF pure Cod 1 i rer Oil for 5f c per pint. Aleo, McGee's EmnUin, Scott'sEmuU!on, an t the best of all, Munds Bro's EmaUiou with HypophospUitfrs. palatable, nutrition an 1 16 ounces in en h botl I?. " jan2J Just Received. & (100 L.BS' WJUGUKUr TWIST IN t)W Vyj:. Hfe,ei Meaures. 5.000 LES. DOUGHNUT Tr 1ST IX v)vvv Pck Measures. - ; 2 000 LI-- tiQl'GU 3-UT TWIST IN tf jJJF u iclcfs. 1 Bctailera will-do W2ll to call and eiamlnr.. .... y ... - -. Send in order. " SOL. BEAR & CO.. ..." . , . ' ' . r; '. . ..,.' Ko. ?, MARKET ST., v Wholeas'.Tc Pealera In LUjEor and Tobacco, fan 14 . . ' : - . . aem.1 fJlUE ONLT FIBST-SlAtS RESTAURANT lo North Carolina. - " V- rr. E, WALLACE, PrnprWloijl jan l.'i'.m