mis papib . -u.ilBd every - vtmla. Sundays, .ex t enptad y JOSOT. JAME8, KDiTOm &SD rioriaToi. ' JBSCKIPTION3. POSTAlii; PAID: year t4.0u. Sli months. (2.06. Tbre .ocths, Ane month, . cents. s yycx will be delivered by caxrlars free irge. in any part of the city. .i tho abort .or 10 cent per week. vestlslng rte low . and liberal. Subscribers will report any and all fall to recelTe their paper regularly, - . r . ' W will fca tix ' la rtcslTt eoamxtnlsattca from our fxlsndi OB4aay and Hi fsabjww ... ctnraiutrat bat 6 - t . '' " ' Tki "fjiat cf tht writ? jausTartrxra bt'J; ; alas4 to thsEdltoT. ; : 5. t y'i. CgaaanlcaUons mnat ba wrlttxa ci.'cil oBcsldaof tha paper. - - " Pirsonalitonmstba avoldaA! And It Is especially and particular ly on . itood that the Editor does not always endos the views of correspondents u ' r uii la the editorial eolnmna. ' i VOL. XI WILMINGTON. N. C, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 2; 1887 NO 28 he Senatorial strug-rle inTexts ha at reached its cowluaion. Mr. xey. il 13 saitl. will wiihlraw "in, fa of (iov. Irlanil.lf.ii- nwlng thf .iHtolWti can!la't. Ivlanl. nnl asau. It U thousfjt timt ltaKn will CCCI ll. - - - The New York Stir ha inf..rmiion theelfct thit lirt Sna!rial ilea J k in Urn ImKviv triflntwre is to broken bv Kpr'sirt:iiv It dinr. . ao has pro:iiiM:l to vl f'r rurpic. )eim rat Ii'ihi i ensure hat iftuitleuiarr lftM.i'Hi. r - An atlimpt was '-mado on Morula crnM)ii l wreck the Klttntiihi ftuy dot e. ol the OM 1 minion line. t rani, it is bt!ivel. of lynatiii heu IV Ln2 I5ra?ifh aNrtiHc explo n ix-curred in ilu? clouts nil. which used such diuiaJ t lh vos-el thai it't. K-IIey. her caairuanl-r, derrutU best la pat bck u Mew York. 4 - . - . - We are glad to see; that the IIouf !oruuiiit?o to whom, the matter was eferred have reported adversely on the ,f nata bill to'pt-nsiou the widows ol ?n. Binir ami lian. The contrast o this is t'hw b:ll introduced yes;rday a Massachusetts Republican to pen sion Walt Whitman. Tbvre itno civil list in ihli country and there should be hone - I - The following is clipped from the New Y'Vcra d. It ifrai a Wash ington Ciiyvspecial to that pa'per": i Chaplain Milburn, shortly alter the iadvent of Secretary .Whitney's last daughter was known to him, prayed lor VMra. Whitney and iho.babe in his i prayer one morning when the House cl Representatives was beginotog us ses sion for the day. Tiiis caused a mem ber of the House who has an infant daughter nbout the age of little Miss Whitney to rewailc that ho- c msidered the chaplain showed "offensive part saaship' because he had not prayed also for his wife and baby. So next Jiy the omission was remedied. Tbesa t probably lurniib the drat precedents tor I similar official actioD, or any, in the .. hills of Congress upon the birth of any American citizen.- .Both the babies prayed for last week being girls, another triumph is scored for the cause of women. - . --- Ttio Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit. Druggist. Bippus. Ind.. testifies: "lean feommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle has. eiyen relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was car ed of Rheumatism ot 10 years1 stand ing " Abraham Hare, druggist. Bell vilie. Ohio, affirms: ' The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years experience, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unani mous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only ball a dollar a bottle at W. H. (ireen & Co'a. A lost 'Excellent. J. J. Atkins. Chief of Police, Knox ville, Tenn., writes: "My family and I are beneficiaries of your most excel lent medicine. Dr. King New Dis covery for consumption; having found it to be all that you claim for it, desire to testify to its virtue. My . friends to whom I have recommended it praise it at 'every opportunity." Dr. King's New Discovery for ; Con curs ptina is guaranteed tocure Coughs. CoIdJ, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup and every affection of Throat, Chest "and Lungs. Trial Bottles tree at W. H. Green & (Vs. Largo Siz $1.00. THIS MAIJLS. The malls close at the City Postofflce as follows : DAILY. Northern through mall. fast.......l0.C0 P. M. Northern through and w;y mall.... 8. CO A. M. N. C and A. A X. C Balhroads and routes supplied therefrom........ 13.00 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Raleigh .6. SO P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Southern through malls, fast 9 00 P.M. Chaolouro. Fair Bluff, N C. and Marlon, 8. C. and rontcj tap plied therefrom 9.03 P. M. South? rn- way mall between WU- m' niton andCharest9n 6.00 A. M. Charleston, SaTvnab, Jacliov TUle.Fla., and Intermediate points 9 CO P. M- and 6.00 A. M. Ckeraw A Darllnjrton BBanpolnti supplied therefrom"............... 6 30 P. 11. and 9.C0 P. M. DAILY EXCEPT 8UNDAY. Western mall (iXC Hallway) &30 P. if. rajetteTllle. C. F. AY V. R. K. and points supplied therefrcm....6.SQ P. M. Ualelxh ilamlet R. tt. and points supplied thercrioru.... 6 3) P.M. 8nHhTlle ...2.10 P. M. WrlghtSTllle S.S0 A. M TUESDAYS AND FKl DAYS. , Onflow C II. and intermediate offl- e . 6.00 A. If. Uttte Hirer, S. C.andlitemreilate oRices.... ........ ..........2.00 P. M. Cape Fear Rlrer mall ...".UCO P. if. OPEtf FOC DKLIVEBY. : Northern through and way malla....J.30 A. U Southern through and way malls. -.7.00 A. at. Moulhern. Wcat of Florence .9-?0 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad... .9.00 A. If. N Ight mall arrlTlrg prevloos to I0.ro P. 11. are opened and distributed luto Leek Boxes as soon as received. - ... Mails collected from street boxes In business portion of city at a A. al. 11.03 A.M. and ft.00 K M. and from other point of the- city at 9 - P. M and SA.1L Ueraral dellrery open from 7A.M. to P.M. and on Sunday from 9.0) to 13 00 A. M. Carrier " dellTery open n Sunday from 9 03 U 10 00 A. IL ' " stamp Ofilee open from 7 30 A. M. to 6 P. IL, lionet Order and BtgUter Department open Troo A. 11- to 3 P. If., contlnuou. liUro.! tltn 75Ui mexUan.- . LOCAL NEWS. !QEI TO HEW AOVlBTIXEMtllTl. . W anted A Tai or , r : MiLi.kg Garden Seel J A Spbisckr V, 0 Tona Coal - -Tno F BAO LEY Land Plaster C W Yates We Make to Order JAMfcS IIakcock Found Adrift OPERA OUSE -tTora Van Tassel A A Bkowk Poor Mau's Insurance. Munos B. os Aroma t c Tooth Powder Ukihsbekc.kr's Alnna v, Hanoa, Ac ,Uo It r rk en A Kox8 If&ve You Sieen Thvm MlEI.KR A NJESTLIE-KniCbS Mrdlcal liseovery - j - The receipts of cottou at this port to day fot up 93 bale.-. - Pianos and orgn can tt Bought cheaper at lleinsberger'.- than t any dlier husc in th State. t Von will save money and gt th best wnrk by sending your clot lien lor repairs o John Dyer hhI S m. f S'ehmb atnien np ri that there is tbout twelve left ot water on the shoals n the Cape Fear, with ihe river a!owly falling. Work was bftgun this morninsr in Uiing-the lioieian pavement on Mul berry street between North Water and Nult, and will be pushed as rapidly as possible to completion. ' We regret to learn that ihe eondiiion of Capt.Jobn II. Savage, at ihe County t'oor House, is considered so critical thit I here ar no expectations ot his recovery. His death may occur at any moment. Ha an in Fuller, colored, the polite and attentive-janitor at the Opera Houae, requests us to state that be will take catuof all articles that m-y accidentally be leflut the time of any performance that mav be given there, and that par ties losing propariy will have it return ed to them by calling upon him. IlKllCHf Milt . For North Carolina, rain, followed tyy fair wt-ather and warajer winds, generally Southerly. l'orsotiai Rev. Dr. J. C. Iltdcn has become the pastor of the First Baptisi Church at New Bedlord, Mass. Rev. Dr. W. A. Nelson preached hia farewell sermon at Raleigh on Sunday last. He has accepted a call to the Baptist Church at Asheville, which will in the future be his home. Mr. F. Ancrum Lord, of this city, "and Miss Katie Cameron, daughter of Maj. John W. Cameron, of Washington, I) C were married in that city jester day and arriyed here this morning. They will receive tho congratulations of their friends this evening. Do you need a good heating or cook ing stove ? Then go to J a corn's There you will jind a large assortment to select from. Iiis low prices will please you. t Conjugally Inclined. There was a wedding in the highest sort ol high life at Smith vllle yesterday, the contracting parties being both in mates of Brunswick County Poor House. Mr. John Mintz was the groom and Mis3 Amelia Hewitt was the blushing bride. They are both subject to Gts. but not simultaneously until yesterday, when they thoug't fit to get married. They had not a cent with which to procure a license, but this ob stacle was overcomo through the kind ness of some of the citizens, who "chip ped in1' enough to pay the necessary tax to the State and county, and the Register of Deeds contributed bis share of the fee. The bride didn'r know her precise age. but staled that she wa9just as old as "Bud John. which was con sidered near enough. Their bridal chamber last night was in Smilhville jail, which was charitably gran tad them. for "one night only." To-day they were taken bacjc to their former quarters in the Poor House. Clearaoce Sale. Big reduction in clothing at Shriek's. All small lots where sizes are broken in suits; overcoats for men, boys and children, reduced in price $2. $3, and $5. The real cost or actual value of the goods have nothing to do with the low prices. Sorier has reduced, them to some iz'raordinary big value for very little money. Don't fail to see Siirier for bargains; lirst-come will have best choice to select from at the very low prices. New styles and reliable clothing can be had at- I. SB hi Eli's, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market Street. t . It you want to commence a new set of blank booki fuch as ledger?, j-nr-nais. day. cash book or records, go to Heinsberger. where jon can get suited, both in nalily ana price, T Master Kalpli Blosrbam. The entertainment last nigkt at Luther Memorial Building, by Master Kalph Bingham, the boy orator, hamot it and violinist, was a moat pleasant affair, and it is to be regretted that there was not a larger throng in attendance. The orator won much applause fur bis efforts. Thd entertainment will be re peated t'i-nj.ght when it is hoped, that there may be a crowded house to greet him. City Court. Frank Jack3o-t, a crippled colored boy who said that his -home is about nine miles in the country, was brought behrre the Mayor thU morning on the charge ot being a vagrant. He was discharged with a warning to leave the city at once. John (iallai;her. a sulor,' lor acting in a very disorderly nmnner and want ing to tight everybody that Came in his way, was fined $10. the same to bo "worked out on the streets at 40 cents a day One case of drunk and disorderly wa fined $5 tor the offense. Hortuaty ICeport. Dr. F. W Potter, city physician, has submitted his mortuary report for the month of January. 18S7, from which we iearji that deaths during that time were as foilows: White males. 7; white females, 4; total II. Of thin number 0 were adults and 2 were children. Colored males. 17; colored temales, 12; total, 29. Ot this number 13 were adults and 1( were children. The foregoing makes a grand total ot '40 deaths during the month. 22 ot which were adult- and 18 were children. Literary. We have received thetVori Carolina Malical Journal for January. 1887: Tr.e pn sent number is filled with mat ter of importance to the physician as well aa to the general public. The lead" ing editorial U upon ''The doctors place iu the community, and is a broad and comprehensive statement of bis true position, written ia a truly catholic spirit. ' Notes ol a visit to some of the New York hospitals,' contributed by a physician of this city, are readable and interesting as well as instructive. The Journal i working zealously and, we should judge, with well directed .efforts to advance medical knowledge, and we are glad to know that it is constantly increasing in circulation and, conse quently, in influence, among the physi cians of the State. It is published month ly at a subscription price ot $3 per annum. Meteorological Report. Sergt. W. II. Fallon, who is in chanre of the signal office here, kindly furnishes us with the following meteo rological summary lor the month ol January, 1687: Mean barometer, 30.121; highest b irometer. 30.578, on the 27th ; lowest btrometer. 29.fif7, on the 1st; monthly range of barometer. 0.'Jll;'mean tem perature, 41.2 ; highest lemperature.73 0, on the 22nd; lowest temperature. 14 6, on 10th; monthly ranee of temperature, 53 4; greatest daily range of tempera, ture, 34,6, on the 28th ; least daily range of temperature, 6.8. on the 5th and 8th ; mean daily range ot temperature, 19.3 Prevailing direction of wind, South west; total movement of wind, 6 164; highest velocity and direction, 34 miles. Northwest, on the 24th Ttol rainfall. 3.30 inches The Baptists. The Union meeting of the Eastern Baptist Association, which was held at Willard, Pender County, last week, was largely attended and was an im portant as welt as interesting occasion. There were twelve Baptist preachers present The opening sermon was preached by Rev. J. L. Stewart, of Clinton, and sermons were also preach ed by Revs. Messrs. Pope. Curtis, Tolson. Harrel and Rev. Dr. Pritchard The Union being regarded as too larget it was divided into three sections, as follows: The Southern ec.ion compre hends 18 churches in New Hanover. Bladen and Pender Counties; the Western section comprehends. 12 churches in Duplin and Sampson counties West of the Wilmioeton & Weldon Railroad ;. and the Ktstern section comprehends 17 churches in Dupliu" and Onslow C3unties, East of the Wilming'on & Weldon Railroad. The next session of the Southern sec lion o the Association will bx held at the church at Mason boro on, the fifth Sunday m May next, at which Rev. W. M. Kennedy is appointed to preach (he opening sermon, with. Ray. fl. M. Tolson as ajteraate. " 1 Next Week. A week more of pleasant theatrical entertainment is offered to our, people by the Cora Van Tas3el Diamatic Com pany. The first performanca will take place dn Monday night next at which time Fanchon wHi be presented. ( Tte compan : is c?mpo4ed f good material with an excellent repertoire, and they coma to us strongl endorsed by ihe press ot our sister citi s. They playid jn Raleigh an entire week lan month and to largo houses, und again in the same city last night and" the night be fore The Visitor says of the play there on Monday night; ; A large and appreciative aufiief.ee ee, In attendance at Metropolitan Hall last night, to witness the beautiful utay of 'Leah, the Forsaken" as ren dered by Mts Cora Van Tassel and her excellent company and nwer have we seen a more delighted crowd. In the cist assigned her,' Miss Cra Van Tas-el not only sustained her already high reputation, but added greatly to it In fac: the performance 'last night far exceeded any h-retolore given by them In this city. The suoport throughout was admirable and defied the most acute critiri m. " ' Many -imitator, but no 'equal, ha Dr Sago's Catarrh Remedy. N K VV AO V E KT1S KUl fcJ N i 8. Found, Adriff, JN TilK CAV FEA.R RIVER, BELOW or ton, A FIj T BOAT. 0 feet long ant 8 fuet wide. Found bottom up. Tuft own rcan receive tola property by iayinj for advertiee meat and troub'e Enqulie at Review Ofll e fel2nt .JAM IS HANCOCK. Wanted, " ; GOOD TAILOR. Address, . ... J. A; WRIGHT, Rockingham, N. C. feb 2 It 600 Tons COAL. JUST ARRIVED. fcX. SCH;t. JOSEPH SOOTHER, 6 0 TONS BSST GRATE N I) STOVE COAL, aud for fil'q Cne Dollar per 'on !e38 than New YotIc prlce3 feh2 - J. A. SPRINGER. Poor Man's Insurance, JJROVIDE FOR YOUR W1VE3 AND LIT- tlc ones by Insuring In the Valley Kutual, of Virginia. An old established Company, sound in principle, strong in membership and is conducted In tie Interest of It? Policy Hold ers,' It costs about half of the old line tetcm. " A. A BROWN, feb2 3t - AgR.-t. Copartnership Notice. WE HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED ourselves together, in the Harness and Saddlery Business in all of its branches, under the firm name of DANIEL -A FiSNNE LL, and hope to merit a fair share of patronage by strict attention to business. EDVVARD DANIEL, H. li. rKNNKLL. Wilmington. N C . Jan. 31, 1887. Concentrated Grab Orchard Water. JJUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC, Mmplcs and Speclfica. JATtlE D. NITTT, fcbl - The Druggist, 218 N. Front 8t. Slake no Mistake ! N ORDERING FISH AND OYSTERS. Guaranteed sound and solid when packed for dellve v TermnC.O v W. H. YOPP. IjocV Box 415 or 10G South "Front St. Jan 31 Photographs, Q ALL. AT " Cronenberg's Gallery, (". . FOR FINE WORK Children' Pictures a specialty. Old pic tures copied an$ enlarged. Call ami see spe cimens. . - ' jan 31 H. CRONENBERG. The Sutton House, jyj ARRET STREET, SOUTH SIDE, BE tween Front aid ?econd. Board by the Day, Week or llonth. Clean Room?, Comfortable Beds, Good Attendance and 'b; best the market affords. Bates low. jaa 21 )y WE MAKE TO ORDER. LL SIZES AND KIND? ( F BLAK BOOKS, ru'cd to sn't any lire of business. --.-"' Check Books. Notes, Draft, I:e!pt Boots, Let er Heal4, VUitlogrrU. Ac, ittbrgraph ed lo fny design. OFFICE STATIONERY Vft have a com plete iTns of Stationery of erry kln'l at low est possible prices. ; jta 31 ; W. YATES. : The Review Job Office ia the place T ti get good work at moderate prices, N K W A OVERT I S KM BNT8. . Caeh Afeseta. Monthly Surplus. orcr $:$oo ooo $20 ooo . . President. HORATIO BROWNING. V See. A Manager. Treasurer . geo. d. eld 3i g- pamukl norment , the ' ; ' NlTInNAL LIFE i MATUEIII ASSOCIAT'N, t f Washing to, D. C. Llf i lnf nrance at abaolute co3t. , No bkber with dath atesment?. . Annaal cost abatlu'ely limited. This Is a guarantee and not an estimate. ; Gives aider its life Pol'.ces indemnity, agalast death at cost, as low aayl bsolute Insu rance can. possibly be furnished 1 1 la founded on a careful stuy of the two systems ot . i Ife Insurance now competing for. favor; and while it embodies the good lcatures of both, it excludes those factors which experience has proved to lie a source of weakness in each; in this wy it attains the foil iwlng: . . OUR PI'LAR OF STBENGTH. A Guaranteed Poller. . Maturity valuo In cash at a fixed age. Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Pay on ent per IT ear. . Or One If It Mitts Fetter. NONFORFEITABLE AFTER 3 YEARS; Our Ten Y car Maturity Plan. Non-Forfeltable After 5 years. This rceeta a class of people that can not pas3 a medical examination.. Our Five Year Maturity Plan Non Forfeitable after 3 sears -This is something for t&e. young man who cannot eave money. He can at the end of live years start himself In business. Medical Director. Special Agent P S. RIDDELLE, M. P. W. H. GIBSON, feb 1 2w KENNEDY'S MEDIC1.! DISCOVERY,- 3)MM.ON&REU(JL&TQK, Taylor's Sweet Gum and Mullicn, Buirs uougn oyrup, Prescrlpllons compounded dav and right. - Night Bell. ' MILLER A NIESTLIE, jan 21 Cor. Sixth and Mulberrv Notice. tdE BALVNCE OF ROB18, BLANKETS, 1 TRUNKS and SATCHELS will be sold re- gafllC3sof ost. REPAIRING a specialty, tilve me a call Is all I ask. , . II. L. FENNELL. A fast HORSE, gentle and kind, will be sold cheap. jan 26 tf - Hazard Powder. WE NOW II AVIS THE AGENCY FOR this celebrated Powder which 1 un doubtedly tho best sold In this country Nct magazine built down the river (out. of city limits). Full assortment of all the sizes at the lowest prices. WM. E. SPRINGER A CO., Successors to John Dawson & Co., 19, 21 and 23 Market Street, jan 31 Wilmington N. C. House FtirnishingGoods, HAVE AND ALWAYS KEEP ON hand a veil scloctcd lot of Ilbucfurnlshlng Goods. A new lot of Dinner Sets, Chamber Sets, Tea Sets and Fancy Goods just received. Do not forget the Rochester Lamp if you In tend to supply yourself with a Lamp. ' GILES A MURCH1SON, ian31 Crockery Department. Hides, Furs and Skills - OF ALL KINDS. WOOL-AND WAX. Highest cash prices paid J. F. GAKRELL, " - - ' Dealer and Shipper of Baw Fura, Hides, No. 110 North Water St , jan 31 Wilmington, N. C. yHave You Seen Them ? rjlHOSE HANDSOME FREJ CH HEEL SLIPPERS for. Ladie3. Those elegant BUTTON BOOTS forsooth Ladles and si isse s. Those line H AND SEWEB SHOE 3 for Gents Tt e great variety of SHOES for Children All pretty to look at, and such pleasant fit ting goods at GEO. K. FJXENCII & SONS. jan 29 103 N. Front Street Just Received. 3fi(( LBS. DOUGH jVUV i4 Eiuhai Measoi LBS. DOUGHNUT TWIST. IK ires. rVftnfl LIS. DOUGH NU1T TW 13 r IN Pck Measures. 3 jOOO b!3! DOUG!l ur TW,ST IN Retailers will do vrift to' call nnl e? amine, fend In orders. SOL. BEAR & CO., Fo.r, MAEKKT ST., ; - Who'esale Dealers la Llqco i n 1 Tol scco. - Ian 14 WANTED General ageat to hindle Wil Uimi'i copper plate map ot the United States, Mexico, etc, lze mxm Itch k. w. sum i . co.. SO fomh Slrth Street, Philad 1 hla, I s. . 4ecSl tt. .. ' NEW ADyEUTISEHENTS. OPERA HOUSE. Week of Ft- bruary Tth Pros ran me Chnged ; . ' ' ' Mght y. - : : Engageucnt of the Chirmlng 1 title Soubrette CORA VAN TASSEL . . ': ; AND IIErt '. SUPERB DRAMATIC COMPANY, : In a repeftalre of popular successes. OPENING ON MONDAY, EVENG, F1B 7, la the beautiful domestic drama," PVNCIION THECKICKirr. People's Popular Prices of Admission. - lO.SOaiMl tfO cents. Reserved feats without extra change at Heinsoerger's. BoxheetoiM t Thursday.Sd, feb 2 Ot ; . 4 . . The New aiid Old Purcell House Combined ! . GRAND OPENING t ROOMS FOR ALL ! , THE NEW PURCELL HOUSE HAS been overrni ever tdnce I otencd, I aw I had to hare more room and to make it pleas ant for a!), have this Uy leased the entire" bul Ml oar, which makes the house second t none. No pal is wld be spaTed on the port of the Proprietor to malt this House first-class In every respect. New furniture from bot tom to top. Buss and Baggage Wagon at ar rival of all trains I N. FREDERICK. Prnirl?tnr Bar, Bllllaid and Barler shop for rent lfll I Li - For Rent. J'HE THREE .STORT BRICK itore, No. W North Water Street, KJ7' ' Apply to jan 31 lv MORRIS BEAR A BROS Change of Base, M Y Fill ENDS AND THE PUBLIC ARK resi catfully notlfled that I have removed my 8hoj3 to Chestnut street, between Front and Water. All orders for work In my. line, tin nlng, rcpalilog. Ac. will be done promotlr and faithfully. R. F. RISING. ' Chestnut, between Front and Water st. " jan 31 tf Mnnds Brothers' ' AROMAIIC TOOTH POWDER IOR cleansing -atd bcantifviog tho Teeth. 2ft cents per bottle. . , . Young's Lpugu Ba sam.splecdld for Coughs. Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis ana all Throat and Lung Diseases. , - - j . MUiNI3 BKOrHl2K8, . ICt North Front St. m North Faun h St jan 2J. New Crockery. Stoi-e, 117 8011th Front Street. (Opnosltc NeWHf arkct ) yAMP. CHINA, OLA Si AND QUEENS WARE, SPOONS AND PLATED WABE. All at the most reasonable prices. Ccme and Inspect goods. jan 2ft 2w . A. EBf Br. , Removal. yyK HAVE REMOVED OUR WHOLE SALE DRY GOODS BUSINEfe. t the large and commodloi.s I tore. No. 112 North Front St., OPPOSITE THE ORTON HOUSE, where we arc prepared to cxnlblt our largo aud attractive SPRING STOCK. Our friends and tho public generally are cordially invited to call nd examine No goods sold at retail. Respectfully, jan 311w MORKU BEAR A BROS Tj?ixo Genii J;IIE;ONLT FIRST-C ASS RESTAURANT in North Carolina. T. E. WALLACE.! 'an is lm Proprietor . For 1887. ;r JJILLER'S ALMANACS , ' " Turner's Almanacs. Blum's Almanacs, Stidt & land A 1 man scs, ' Mar'ei, all sizes, . For sale at HBINdBKUGIR'S Books, Pianos, Organs. J3LAIN AND FANCY FRAMRtt OF ALL kltdsln Woo l, Brass and VelreL ' Inks, Mucilage, Gold and Steel fers 8utlonejr of every variety and stj lc. Give m a rail It may be to rour advantage, HEINSBERGERS jan 11 . Cih BookaedUusleftor Job Printing:. rjiHB REVIEW JOB PRINTING OFr It " la prepared to do all kinds of Job rrlnttna it nt ally, as chjtplr and as expedltten-Jy as i ran be dor e elsewhere. Send in your work ini..e'iill.be djue promi.tly. . feb U

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