THIS riPEE ruiiiuix fry eyasi. - Suadays- x v , ceptcd by JOSH T. .TAMES, MTOB UD PKOPBTCTO. i I gniCUlPTIONd POSTAGE PAID 9 ycir -C0. Six months, !.. Three; One month, 35 centa. Tte paper wlU be.dellrerei by carrier! freo eb&rW ln Parl of the rUy tlie fcboT or 10 cents per wrel. Idrestlalng rate low and liberal. jj-3ulscrlbera will report any and all 'fall. 3 to receive their paper regularly. PURELY VEGETABLE. it act woth extraordinsry ankacy on th Arid BOWELS. t AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR alnria, liowel Cum plaint. Dypepila. SIck "elacTe. . Constipation, Uilloiisness, I KIdnev Affections, Jaundice, Mental Depression, Colic. ;o Household Should be Without It, nl bv bolnkept r&idy for immediate use, lti's ive munv an of sult'erinif and i liny a d.,l!ar in tiin.' and doctors' 1 i I Is. i THC3E IS BUV ONE .. IMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Seo that you cet the genuinq with red "Z frcr.t of W rapper. Prepared by j.H.ZEILIN A. CO., Sole Propriety. Kfcddalph:a, Pa - 1'KtfK. 10. nov :l dead ft w b:lp r. Oakey Ifall, r,ce Mayor of New rk. ha foregone ali hi3 American Jiliona and triumphs "and become a uralizcd English subject. lie says j never expects o see America again. t - tftf-' - 'William Henry Clifford who is a line Democrat, and a member of the tiunal c 'tmtuittee. says that the Dem ra's in Maine are solid for Cleveland 1 1SS3. and tbat the President could rry . Maine ajainst any other Itepub- an than Blaine. He doesn't know Mother Blaine will run a;ain. '4)ut rtnifhodoes. Cleveland will be rc jcttij. I It is said that the solid, quiet business en of Texas are actually thirslin ar for war ol any kind. The reasoois that le State could spare at least 20,000 Uless fellows sharpers, adventurers, iad-beata and bummers and the east d way to get rid of them would be to jnd them into a good, lively war, here bullets fly thick and Isst. This one reason, it is said, why a Mexican ar would bo so popular in Texas. " tO 9- It has .been decided that the-public lebraiion ol the Queen's jubilee is to i held oq Monday, the i'Oth June, the vyGedlorth thanksgiving service Westminster Abbey which Her Mai f will attend. The arrangements to be discussed at an early meeting he privy council, and all details will letlled subsequently bya committee. s proposed to have a display of fire rks in Hyde Park on that night, and i hoped that tbe" Quean will consent Jrive in full state from Buckingham lace to the Abbey, going by one roue ,1 returning by another. . .... The reat Chicago Opera-House is w said to bo as good as an,acGm- Ished fact. Thode3ign of Ihe builds g has been fifed, and oyer 53,000 000 ;jured, with $750,000 pledged. The iillco will be ten stories high, and will a surmounted by a tower 300 lee', high. i'he auditorium ou all ordinary occa- ions will seat 5,f00 people, but the capacity can be enlarged to 8,000 .lor conventions and other great public atheriogs. The stage 7q?by liO ct, dimeasious 'which-are. poly sur- ssed by those of Ia Scala, at Milan, 1 ' lood itesults in Every Case. I). A. Brandford. wholesale paper 'ealei of Chattanooga, Tenn.. wriie3 lat ho was seriously alllicted with a iverecold that settled on hisTunss: kd trieil many remedies without bene t. Iteing inducHl to try Dr. King's .lew Discovery for Consumption, did sp and was entirely cured, by use of a lawr bottles, isince which time he has nsed it in his family for all Coughs and Colds with best results. This is the experience of thousands whose lives have bevn saved by this Wondertut lis- co vary. . - Ttial littles fieo. For ale by V II. (ircen & Co. - Sayetl Ills Lire. Mr. D. I. Wiloxson, of Hoise Cave, Ky.. says he was, lor many years, bad ly afilicted with Phthi-ic, also Diabetes i t he pains were almost unendurable and would sometimes a'.tnos i throw him in to convulsions. He tried Elf tric Bit ters and got relief from first bottle and after taking six bottles, was entirely eared and had gained in flesh eighteen pounds. Says he positively believes he would have died, had it t.ot been for l be re.iel afforded by Etectric Bitters, fioia at fifty cent a. bottle by W. II. Green & Co. . . i t ! 1 pi A VOL. XI. The (iolilsboro Argns suggests to Ciov. Scales the nama of Hon. (ieorge V S'roDg for the position on the Supreme liench matto vacant bv tbe death of )iilgft Ashe The (lovernor wouM do wisely, wc think, to heed ihis 3UiiiKS'i"n. The Arus says. ' lie has a uiiml fully stored with legal tore. atil he pissese out ol Ihotie rruiji anting j jiigmenlp. in handling im-sttons f In w that are rarely found even in ihe course ol centuries. He tvi widely endorsed for :he nomination pending the lata State convention, and if there had been any change ha would have been surely selected. We com mend Jude o the considers tionoflus Excel lency a the choice, we te!ieve, of the runj rii of tbe wh le people and certainly is he eminently qualified tor the high posu'iou. , LOCAL NEWS. X3EI TD NEW AnVf RTIStMfiYl t: Miller Ua;dcn Stc t IIeinsberoee's Valentlaes C BON EX P E KG V hot Offra p h ; J A spring kr o o Tons cai -W II Yopp Jlake no Mist ike JoHif Smith Th. Pilot Ho ise MusE B Wiooiss Tbe La lle Fourth Anniversary Celebra'ln O W Yatk i We iaV6 to Order Dr N M Citi.buetii -To tha Pun Fknli. A Oaxikl-Hoa ?i iirtcv Statkmbst NewlJink of Hanover Muxos Bros Aromat'c Tooth Powder "Knujuts r IIoaor Regular Meeting W KSpuinoer & Co Hazard Powder Pabker X Taylor Of 'ourae You Do Pi.rtABLE Hibernian Benevolent Society E II Snehi. Man'gr Mew Furniture 3 torp lilLER A . Mi'KCliTSON' HouBOfurisldnfC Good 4 Geo R French ?oxs-Have Yoq Seen Them Mll.LKS A -Nii-rLlE Kcncedy' Mrdiai Discovery For other locals see fourth pa?e . The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 210 bales. Schr. OUila. Bond, cleared at Boston, for this port, Feb. 5tb. Pianos and organs can bo bought cheaper at Heinsbergei's than at any other house in tbe Statu t Yon will savp money and get the bast work by lending your clothes for repairs to John Dyer and Son. f The travel to Florida this year is very largo and all Southern bound passenger trains are crowded with tourists. - There was one caso of a Satmday night drunk and disorderly for the Mayor's consideration this morning, for which a fine of $ was imposed. ' See advertisement of Mr. John Smith, formerly of Pender county, proprietor of the Pilot House, on North Water street. Board by the dqy, week or month. Notwithstanding the rain which ren dered the streets muddy and made walking generally disagreeable, there, were good congregations at nearly all the churches yesierday. Attention is invited to the card of Dr, N. M. Culbretb. Surgeon Den'ist, as it appears in this issue. Dr. Culbrelhj is from Columbus county and comes to Wilmington with excellent recommen dations. He is established at No 113 Market street, opposite this cilice. Attention is invited to the new adyer tisenient of Mrs E B. Wiggins in lijis issuo. The ladjes will find many new and pretty aud cheap things there to suit the pockeUbok as well a3 tho taste. Mrs. W. is n iw preparing4o go North for the purcbaso of new Spring goods and has therefore marked down to a low price many desirable articles. lutlication?. For North Carolina, generally fair weather, stationary temperature vtth winds generally Southerly. Knlffhts ol' Honor. Carolina Lodge No. 434. Regular meeting'this (Monday) evening, at 7 30 o'clock. Full attendance is desired. The Knoxyille Furnituro Company halve opened in the Brown homing, Market and Second Blrett-. with a new and handsome stock of furniture and bousefurnishing goods, to which the attention of our readers is invited in this issue. Mr. E. II. Sneed is the Manager and wc have found him a polite, courteous geutlemaawho will lake Measure in exhibiting his gotnls to all. A Good Investment. Get from 25 to 33 per cent, interest on ytUK iioney ' by purchasing now suits or overcoats at I. Shriek's. It will pay you to buy tbem lor next win ter at the low prices; besides having the good of them lortho balance of the cold snap3 " " The cheapest place to buy your school book; and school stationery i at Heina berer's. - r ffillf WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY. FEBRUARY Fourth Anniversary. Unity Tent No. GO. Independent Order ol Recbabites, will celebrate tbe fourth anniversary of their organiza tion at Temperance Hall next Wednes day niht. An address appropriate to the occasion will ba delivered by Rev. D. II Tuttle. after which refreshments will be served at city prices. We are glad to state that the order is in a flourishing condition, and we bespeak for their anniversary entertainment a most liberal patronage. ' Dath of an Agd Citizen. Mr. M. B. Molt died at his residence, about five miles from the city, at H o'clock yesterday rooming, at the ad vanced age of 75 years and G months Ha was a well known and respected citizen of the, cainiy. His wife and two children a son and.a daughter survive him. Tti deceased and his aged wife had recently became mem- i bers of tbe First Bapi in Church in this city. The luneral exercises were held at the late residence of the deceased and wem conducted by Itrfv. Dr. Pritchard. A flood 1 1 in p. The Hibernian Benevolent -Society j will ive one of their cvr popular So eiable at (lermania Hall, on the uight fthelfilli inst. The committee ot arrangements, consisting of Mesnri. D. O'Connor, T. Don Ian. W. Flana gan. U Brown. J W. Ileilly. J. II Sweeney and M. O'Brien, are making every preparation necessary to insure a happy time Refreshments wilt be served hy the ladies. There will un doubtedly be a large gathering, and a plenty nt innocent and healthful amuse ment. 'ei. on a I ' Mr. Josiah Mcrritt 2clt the city on Saturday last for San Antonio, Tex , where he intends to buy a drove of horses with which to return to the city. He expects to b absent abuit a month. Mr. J.C. Davis was suddenly and unexpectedly called to Savannah, Ca.. last night to the bedside of his mother, who is seriously sick in that city. Capt. V. V. Richardson arrived in the city last night and registered at the Orton House. He left on this morn ing's Northern bound train for (Jolds boro. The Cora Van Tassel Uramtic Com pany, numbering twelve persons, arrived ip the city last night and regis tered at the Purcell House. Cora ran Taawel, The engagement of this talented dra matie company at the Opera House for one week, commencing with to-night, will allord our theatre-going people another opportunity fur amusement without beng subjected to extortionate prices. During the week such plays as "Camilie," "Hazel Kirk" "Esmeralda" and the "Danites" will be presented These are ail meritorious and, conse quently. popular plays, and we have been assured by those who have wit nessed tbe performance of the Van Tassel Company and are entirely com petent to judge of their merits. that khey present all of these plays in ex eel lent style. Th.ey haye given ten per formancos in Baleigh, where they met with unexampled success. In fact, wherever tboy have appeared, they have given the most entire satisfaction. They will bo greeted with a crowded bouse to-night, aid we doubt not that their week's engagement hero will prove a pronounced scccss. Quick Worfc. The saw" this noon, at the Hook & Ladder house the operation of harness ing the horses to the truck, and it was really u novel and interesting sight. Tbe horses were in their stajls, one upon each side of the truck, with their heads towards the pole, and when the bell struck the gates were thrown open by electricity, the horses jumped to their places, the harness was dropped and fastened, the driver and brakeman took their respective places upon the truck, tbe doors were opened and the rear end of the truck had passed out in jist 2i) seconds. It seems incredible, ! but the time was carefully taken bj gentleman present, and there ia no doubt of its 'accuracy. The company i have an elegant pair of horses for the jwoikand tbey know just what the j sound ! the bell means. Tbe mem bers of the company take a laudable pride in maintaining tbe esprit ducorpt el the organization, and hence it has acquired a high standard of .efficiency. A large assortment of ivory, cellu loid and silver plated table and dessert knives. Just the article tor a Christ mas present. For low prices aed good : reliable good, go to Jacobi'S Hw. Dj you need a good heating or cxk- ing stove ? Then go to Ja corn's. There you will find a large Tusortment to select from His low prices -will please yon. t DIED. HOWE In thUcttr, at 125 "Vo k, eb. 7. 1S87, ANTHonY IttfWE, aged v-ari, 1 month and tt day Fnneml irom ieidenc9 tvmorrw (Tues dy)t lOoVlvMk.a m., to St. Lukt Plmrcb, tbenre to Ptte Forest Cemetery. . Fi I n- sad aeqnalntae?s are lav'. ted to attend. NEW AD VERT1 HE K N Th NEW FURNITURE HOUSE. Corner Second and Market street. K ABE HERE TO STAY AM) NO i1a W c Htat. W-keap tbe flneait and cheapest Fur nitarc la tue citr nr prices tult tli i tU'M and poor alike. We cm sell rht) because we manufarture our own ool. A call bd inspection flolicitcd KNOXVILLE FUKSITURE CO., feH 7 tf K. H. SNEEI, Mnatr The Eilot House. Jjl JRMERI.YTHE CARROU lifiH Houee, hit l.een ojenel un er new management and Ua first nltm Restaurant In every respect. K txr I nd cng can io obtained JOHN -m 1 1 II. Manager. fcbTIm (Formerly f Hurgaw) Headquarters R TRUNK. HARNESS, WHIPS, s 1- aud every t)iin usually k''pt in a firol tUiw Harness flore. and Robes ?nu t be en'd. We make a spciiaU f of Tinnks and beia'rlng FKNNELt & DANIEL. ftb 7 t o. 10 So. FfO-it St FOURTH ANMVKESARV CELEBRATION. UNITY TENT NO. GO, I. O. RECHAlliTBS. will celebrate its Fourth Anniversary on Wednesday fcvenins, rcbruary tub, at their Hill Hi Oii Fellows''dtDg opposite the city Hall A lecttre on llcchablBin" will ic delivered by Kcv W. "If. 1 uttlc, after which' refreshments will be furnished at moderate prices. The public arc cordially invited. Admission free. feb 7 It To the Public. R. N. M. CULBUKTII, SURGEON IKNT D laT. offors his proC36ioDal service? to the peaph.'of Wilmington and the surronndlns: Country, and hopes by strict attention to busi ness to, merit a fair share of their patronage. Office, No. J13 Market Street. feb 7 21 TDK RIBERNIAJT BENEVOLENT SOCIRTV w ILL (ilVE A SOCIABLE AT THE V GKUMANIA HALL, Wednesday Night, Feb. 16th. Refcah&cit& will be served by the Ladies. Ticket for sale by tbe Committee. D. O'CONNOR, T DONLAN, WM. FLANAGAN. L. tiROWN, J. W. RE1LLEY. J. H. SWEENEY, feb 7 St 7 H 15 M. O'BRIEN. The Ladies' liPORIUM OF ART AND FA3HION- selllng oA at ost WINTER DRESS TRIM MINGS and MILLINERY, Ac. KID GLOVES worth fl.50 for 1.15. FELT II ITS' below cost. Just recti red a beautiful line of Ladies and Children's Collars, Cuft'j and Handkerchiefs at tbe loirest mtrket prices ever known in Wilmington. New assortment of Lce3 and Lace Flonnc logs ln all widths. 49 Demorest Reliable patterns for sale. Country orders solicited and promptly rilled. feb71y MRS. E. if. WIGGINS. VALENTINES A Beautiful Assortment of Valentines, NEW DESIGNS. FTJRE. SENTIMENTS. NO COMICS FOR SALE. C; W. YATES. feb 7 119 Market St, Wilmington, N C Hazard Powder. WE NOW H AVIS THE AGENCY FOR this celebrated Powder which -Is un doubtedly the beat sold la thla country. Nev magazine' butlt down the river (out of city limits). Full assortment of all the sizes at the lowest prices. WM. E. SPRINGES A CO., Successors to John Dawson ft Co., ,19, 51 and 23 Market Street, feb 7 Wilmington N. C. Have You Seen Them ? rpHOSE HANDSOME FRENCH. ."UK EL aMP-FERS fox Ladle. Those elegant BUTTON HOOTS for both Ladles aad aiissf s. Those fine HAND SE WEB SHOES for Gents Tregret variety of SHOE- for Children. All pretty to look at, and such pleasant fit ting goods at " GEO. K. FICKNCII &'SONS. fib 7 10S N. Front Street - Job Printing. rjlUE KSV1SW JOB PRINTING OFFICE la prepared to do all klada t ,t Prtatluu as neaUv. aa cbeapir a'nu: as expedtifonsty as it cln ha 4oe eUeWnere. send in. your work aiurltabali be dVnttf iompUr. tet f 7 1887 NO 32 NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Statement Of Condition of.' Hank of New HAKOVRK, IKOLUniNO iil!AN!IIFS; Janitary 31 st, ISST. REOlTEClCS: Ians n I Dl ouats....,-is.:?t:. 79 Due ly o;her Banks.. $AW,n45) Curreucy and'iieVe. . , 2l6.3'2'.!tt Cheeks oi other Banks !),!.( fl: 4W.4SO uei rente 7S.9;iM onice feurnitur aUafes 7 Ml 3 pMiiid-i and Stockr 42.H.U 2s ?i,:7.;,5;u os LIABILITIES: Capital Stoik.. $ FOJ.toa x Due Ifeposltoi-s. 1 04t9l 72 Due other Banks .."9is ir Mirplus Fund 1 1.",:2 75 cnecKs ami irarn in Transt ...... 4,:it r.( fl,57tJ,S9J (f. Statement of Condition ok Hank at Wilmington, Jan. SUt, S8T. RESOURCES : Loans and Dlecoutts. ..$ 7X1 "70 .t'.i Due by other Ban fce. .$i $,"$.- U Currency and Spetie-. 114,128 75 Checks on other Banks 10,12i 9: ?4i.f3i !1 beal Estate rw.sai li Oilie furniture and safe? :J.rM;) t Bonds and Stocks. . 42,!Ij5"2S 1,13 fiC0 42 'LIABILITIES: Capl'al Stxk. . .' ....... 2 5,(HJ ) 00 Due Depositors ' ios.o . 74 Due other Banks .Sft,279 !" Due dther branches of this Bank 1 4,09. 13 Surplus Fund ; "7 i5 . 12 Statement, or Condition of Hank at GoLDsnouo, Jan HI st, Rs7 RESOURCES : Loans and Discounts l.t','5 o Due by other Bank- f 7s,ifi vs Currency and Specie 77, 74 52 l.-5,3 77 Real Estate ,(; 7h OIHce Furniture and Safe? 2.3 7 Id 370,702 ?' LIABILITIES : Capital ir to;k. . 7. f Mi.OOO 1 0 Due Dccsitore 214,f4 fli Due hy oilier Branches of thl. Bank.. i 47J o: Surplus Fund 7:t,0'.i 21 370,7(2 22 Statement of Condition of -Hank at Wadeskoro, Jan. 31, RESOURCES : Loans and Discounts 13 211 "X Due by other Banks.. 0,37 J 3 J Currency and Specie 25,111 5T 30.4S1 s Due by other Branches of this Bank 1(2 H7 iC Office. FurnLurr and s.afcc 1.301 K) f 177,10.1 . LIABILITIES Capital Stock .T.,0 0 03 Due Depositors... 137.111 0i Due other Banks 038 20 Surplus Fund 14,335 $ 177, ins 25 feb 7 it S. D. WALLACE, Cash'.er House FnrnishingGoods, yE HAVE AND ALWAYS KHEP ON hand a veil selected lot of IIouacfHrniehlnp Goods. Anew lot of Dinner Sets, Chamber Sets, Tea Sets and Fancy Goods just received. Do not forget the Rochester Lamp It you in tend to supply youreelf with a Lamp. GILES & MURC1USON, feb 7 Crockery Department fl 600 Tons COAL. JUST ARRIVED. EX. SC1I. JOSEPH SOUTHER, 6Mt TONS BEST GRATE AND STOVE COAL, and for rale C'nc Dollar per ton Jcs than New York prices, feb 7 J. A. SPRINGER. Make no Mistake ! TN ()RllKKI'; KISII AMI) I W OYSTER?. Guaranteed sound and solid when packed for dellve y Terms CO l W. H. YOPP, Ick Box 415 or 106 South Front St. ffel7 . Photographs, GALL AT Cronenberg's Gallery, FOR FINE WORK Children's Pictures a specialty. Old pic tures copied and enlarged. Call and see spe cimens. . ' feb 7 H. CRONENBERG. Valentines! Valentines! rjlBE LARGEST STOCK OF VALENTIN 8 In the city can he found at HKINMIKIKJFR'. Valentines RE PURCUASKU BY EVERYBODY , youig ant old, rich and poor, large and small, some for fun bat moat for love. Now Is your time to bay, the lit of February is the day. You" ran h;i ? Valenttnes from, 1 cent lots piece a( HEINSBEIIGER'S. feb 2 . ; Cash Book and Mute Store ' . ' FTJCASX KO'TICX. ' irt vw ba gUd t9 ttcatrt essmaaieacoi Croa war ttinik oa any aid all UWtsu KcacrallaUrMtbat - J . . Xat kama of tbamnur nun always ta auaad to tat Editor.!: - Coamnalcationa muat bt wrlUti 0 -oMaidaof tat paper. PraonaUtlea most ba ayoldad.; - " Aad It la especially and particularly os tood taat the Edltortoos not alwaya as del . the Tlewaof eorrespondaau tan the editorial oolusrna. NEW ADVEHTI8EMENT8. OPERA HOUSE. Wek of Flrnary 7th. Proran-me Chanced Mght'v. EngageTeot of the Clurming 1 title Soubrett. CORA VAN TASSEL AND II EK SI J PERU DRA M ATIC COMPANY. In a repertoire of popular sueeitej. OPENING ON MONDAY RVft'NQ EB 7, la the beautiful domestic drama, PA N CI IO N .'111 Li CUICIC ET. People' Popular Prlcei o Admission. 1 0; 20 anil ao cents. Reserved .ceat without extra charge at Heinsberger'a. Box sheet ope j Thursday. 3a. feb 2 9t , Tho New ami Old Purcoll Ilonso. Combined! GRAND OPENING ! ROOMS FOR ALL I A S THE NEW PlTUCELLV HOUSE HAS been overrun ever flnce I Ofened,' I taw I nat u nave more room ani to make It pleat ant rnr all, have this day leased tbe entire bulldlncr, whirh mkc the house second t none. No pai is will lie r pared on the part ot the Proprietor to make thla Houee first c las In every respect. New furniture from bot tom to top. Buxsand Biftrajre Wagon. nt ar rival of all (rains N. FREDERICK, ProprUtor Bar, Billiard and BarlK-r'Shop torrent fob I tf . Ohabge of Base. V Fill ENDS AND THE PUBLIC ARE rcs cM fully noiiOcl that I have removed my shops io chctmu street, between Front ami Water. All order) for work In my line, tin. ninyr, repairing, will be done promptly and falthfullr. R. F. RI8IKG. Chestnut, !ctwccn Front and Water ata. jan 3Uf . - : , . . . Munds Brothers' AROMATIC TOOTH POWDER OK cleansing and lcaut1fving the Teeth, '25 cents per bottle. Young's Cough Ba'sam, splendid for Cough. Colds, Catarrh. Asthma, Bronchitis and alt Throat and Lung. Diseases. WUNDH I5ICOT1IICKS. K4 North Front St. :2l North Fourth St jan J.i Contractors. jEALFD PKOiOSALS WILL BE RE cclvcd until 13 o'clock. Citoon) Mondiy, Feb-' ruary 7, 1887, for building the new Church, corner Fourth and Mitlerry streets, for Firs If. E. Church Fouth. l'lina and siccliicationsarc with nnderalaii cd. Tbe Committee reserves the rieht to re jeet any and all bids. Parties desiring to bid can sec terms and conditions along wlt-i plans upon application to c. L. GRAFFL1N, Chairman Bu'.ldlng Committee jan 15 3taw till 7th F smili Cash Assets Monthly Surplus Over $a(M) OOO .$20,000. President. HORATIO BROWNING. , Sec. A Manager. Treasurer. GEO. D. ELDRIDGB SAMUEL NORMENT THE ' , V NATIONAL, LIFE k MATURITY ASSOCIATE Of Washing tor, DC Lifts Insurance at absolute cost. No bother with death assessments. Annual cost absolutely limited. This Is a guarantee and not an estimate. Glv63 utdcr Its life Polices Indemnity against death at cost, as low as Abgolute Intu ranee can possibly be furnished. It is founded on a careful stu'iy of the two systems of Life insurance now competing for favor; and while It embodlea the good features of both, it excludes those factors which experience baa' proved to be a source of weakness In each ; la this way It attains the following: , OUR PILLAR' OF 8TBENGTH. A Guaranteed PoI!cy. Maturity valuo ln cash at a fixed age. . Annual Cost Absol utely Limited. Only Four Payment per Tear. Or One If It thiits Better. NON FORFEITABLE AFTER 3 YEARS. Our Ten Year Maturity Plan. Non-Forfcltable After 5 year. This meets a class of people that can not paw a mcriical examination. Our Five Year Maturity Plan. Non Forfeitable after 3 years. This Is something for t be yonng mas wbo cannot save money. He can at the end of five years start htmeif in halnes. -Medical Director. Special Agent. P. S. RIDDELLF, M. D. W. II. GIBSON. feb 1 2w ! KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, 4 IMMONS. REGULATOR, - Taylor's Sweet Gnm and M allien. Bud's Congh Syrup, Prescriptions compounded day and alht Nlzht Bell. MILLER A NIESTUE, jan 21 Cor. Sistband Mnlberrr The Sutton House, jyjARKET STREET, SOUTH 8IDK, BE tween Front and Second. Board by tbe Day, Week or Montb. Clean Rooms, Comfortable Bed. Good Attendance and fhe brat the marl etr a (Ford. Bate low." i'--r jta 21 ly " - - i Found Adrifty TN THE CAPiC FEAR K1VF.K, BElilf orton. A FLAT BOAT, 10 feet long and S feet wl'le. Found ltotlom up. The ownrcn receive bur property by paying for advtrtte ment and trouble. Euquiie aiRKrizwOfiie teli It JAM UAKCOCU. . f r.S

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