1 eepted by " ' .JOSUT.JAMK8, , fcUlTOB ai riioftnrro. 9UBSCKllTIOSB POSTAGE 6 PA11J '.,. M.OG: One noon in. HitT-ertl bv carriers treo tSutcHbersll reports and all fall. . . v their iaper regularly. -rta w - - A writer in a Washington newspaper . . .u mnnl hoHtIi i Libtlea derived, iroin the Dutch word .bowlel." wliich- meana - property or A -boulUrer.m he ys, i the ft,tornH? or other person wbo finally ...,aArt the -boedo! " JH.n M.Jikasavi that Boat on .Fn-liha city that if Qwn Victoria wre in hither tho ll.stoiiiana wouiq ami - - - - . .11 .1.. uinlfinillU nam DPHU P ' . . wo havt: ben waMi'-g ' r $ou we are; e.ars. and are your ever faith alt lhe-e ful MiLj-'t- ; :;. :j . .j r.o -! i hi Ohm ITa- A cnatiiueui i wuo w. ..... . in f'unfivaa. who urges (S"Ni 1117 v .-" .,,;lr.,nil f.ir muni boss on a certsoi 1 .!'. ... j and is therefore 'ihoridigtil. ..wled wriWSloilie litter i.m appointment as ono ot tha i-oumn-sioo-ers umler ihe Inter Si ate commerce bU'- ... In order that allthe citizens of Min nesota mi ht rea.l the (Joaernor'j mes it was lran-la?ed into ten different languages English. German. Norre gian. Swedish. French,. Bohemian. Ktnit. Polish, Italian and Chinese. Six thousand copies were printed in Eng. lisb am! 300 in Chinese, the numher in the other languages ranging fro.ni. 00 to 1.0041 . . With regard to tilaeier ice. a curiotf dilation ha, recently been made, aeconliog to which the Aletsch glacier, situated between the Junglrau and the valley ot the Haute Rhone, if it - were oat into blocks of the size of. the Paris Bourso. and these blocks were pat side bv side, would furnish sufficient ice to iu.-ui a double "ring round the earth aioog the equator. Most 01 tho -Swiss glacier are far too difficult of access to make it probable that they should ever l.o utilized for industrial purpoies. Henry Labouchere, ia a special ca blegram from London, says: ''The IJueeu is not personally unpopular in Ireland, but if she were to- address a litter to tho Irish landlords calling op on them to act with humanity to their tenants, and were to express her disaps proval of the horrid acts of the Glen beigh money-lenders and "lawyers to wards the unhappy inhabitants of that valley, she would do more to encourage loyalty in Ireland than even her min- jstiTS can do to discourage it.", , . - , The Raleigh News and Observer take the same ground as did the Review in regard to Speaker VVebster'a dual yote ia the House. We quotes Section 8. of the House. rules, "touch ing the duty of the Spealcer." provides that "in all elections the Speaker may vote. In other cases he shall not vote unless the House is equally d ivided ; in cane of such equal division, he shall de ride the question This is the old English rule, brought to this coun try by our forefathers, and al though it may have been violated, it remains the rule. The Speaker cannot properly vote except in elections and when the House is equally divided. A bill passed by means ot a dual vole of the Speaker would probably not be held as passed by any court of law. Speaker Webster is clearly wrooe in maintain. ng that be has a right to vote twice. I hat the House has sustained him to ucn posiiionjioes not atier-ice iaci , Hut that the Democrats in the House voted to sustain the speaker is a lamen table fact. They must have known, in . doing so. that they wero voting against all law and order and precedent. They have set a dangerous and pernicious exampls which may be cited' against the party some otthese'days. . ' - Kxcltenieiit in Texas. (I re at excitement has been caused in the vicinity of Paris, Tex-, by the re markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so helpless be could not turn in bed, or raise his hed every body said he was dying of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery was sent him. Finding; relief, he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills; by the time he had taken two boxes of Pills and two bottles of the DUcovriry, he was well and I4a.1l gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. Trial Hottle of this Ureat Discovery for Consumption free at Y- II, Green fc I Au "Emi to Hone Scrapiiff. Kdward Shepherd, of Uarrisburg. ill. says: "Having received an mnch beoeGt from Electric Bitters. I leeli t my duty to let suffering humanity know it. . llava had a running s re on my leg lVir eight years; my doctor told me I would haveto have tho bona acrapetl or leg amputated. I used. Instead, three bottles of Electric Hitters and seven boxes Uucklen's Africa Salve and my lg is now sound and well V Electric Hitters a resold at fifty cents a Vittla, and Beck ten's Arnica Salve at 25c. per box uyjsll W. II. (ireen & Co. . f You Wish a Good Article nr n p i j i r Pi.ro Tobacco, ask your dealer for -Old Rip." sept to d&w em v " , - 1 V J VOL XI. A bill providing for a change of the Constitution to the end that oounty orlioers shall not serve more than two terms in 8uc'sioii secured the neces sary three-filth vote in the Senate, pissed its third reaching and has gone to the House for concurrence, where, it is hoped that it will die a natural death. Tkis bill is the result, we presume, of the fact that Ifceie are not enough ofTtceS'. to go around It is pernicious in its scope and its objects and-will be pernicious in its eflectS: ll not only disqualifies without cause but restricts the rleht of choice We hope that the Honse wilt show more discretion than the Senate "has shown and that it will be pigvoa holed somewhere in that body. LOCAL NEWS. J3(I TO NEW invflTlxtwiVTi Agents Wjo;e 1 CW Bags T S. Page Deafneus Parker Hair Bileam Knabb Piano Forte. r C Millek Garden See l CROnenbebo Photographs J A Sfkingrb C 0 Tons Coal W ll Yopp Make no MlsUke Kklsey A C 0 Agents Wante I Ueaaon'a Ca peine Porui Plasters' Parker & TAVLOR-Birtl Cages Munds Beos Iktter than l'ear'a Chas K Browk Country Pr dace tociABLB Germanla Cornet Band Hkinsberger's Webster's Dictionary W K Spkixoeb A Co Hazint PowTter Knights of II oh or Begular Meeinis Geo R Fkexch A Poxs Not Well Dressed Vom OraffTrochee Co The Verb Santa GILES MirROiiisos Honsefnmlhhlnfc Qod8 " Millvb A NiEsriJB Kenredy's Mcdloal Discovery This has been a cold. raw. chilly and disagreeable day. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 208 bales. Yon will save money and get the best work by sending your clothes for repairs to John Dyer and Son. t Tbe storm signal was flying this morning, but the indications say that we shall probably have warmer weather. Just received a now lot of rims, spokes and hubs. Those in need of above wilt find that they will save money by buying from J a corn's Hdw. Depot. t Nor. barque Frida. Rasniussen, cleared to-day for Harburg. Ger. with 3.288 barrels ro3id, valued at $3 430, shippedby Messrs.. Paterson. Downinjr &:co. Religiou- services will be ho d at tba .Wnnd Preshvterian Church at 8 o'clock to night, conducted by Rev. J. B. Mack. D. D. They will be contin- opd nlffhtlv thronirhout tbe week. The public tre cordially invited to attend. Seats free. We hear of a man who went to a druggist in this city and bought a plass ter, which he subsequently returned, saying that he didn't want a moth- eaten pla ter. It was one of the pornu sort, and he didn't know that it was 'made that way." Knlffhts of Honor. Carolina Lodge No. 434. Regular meeting this (Monday) evening, at 7 30 o'clock. Full attendance i3 desired. Indication. Sor North Carolina, local rains, winds generally Northeasterly .with iii g her temperature. Pemonal Mr. J. J. Stone, ot the WneWy Bud, published at Smithfietd. Johnson coun ty. is in tbe city to day. Hon. O. P. Meaies has returned to the city frmi Charlotte, where he held Criminal Court last week. A Good Investment. Get from.2S to 33 per cent, interest on ycur Jioney by purchasing now suits or overcoats at I. Shriek's. It will pay you to buy them tor next win ter at tbe low prices, besides having the good of them tor tbe balance ot the cold snaps Cautionary. Tbe Board of Health of Brunswick. Ga., in consequence ot the preva enee of small pox in New Yrk city, have adopted resolution that vessels arriv ing at the former port from the latter shall reoiaiu at quarantine until in spoctcd by the Health Officer. Perhaps such a precautionary measure would prove beneficial to this port. Da you need a good heating or cook tn 9 Ttmn mn In T A "V-Pl'o r , ... r A ..-mDt I There yon will find a Urge assortment . , . , ,jo jtn-aelert from - His low pnes wilt I Please yon. f " WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY. FEBRUARY Sociable. The Germania Cornet Band will give a Sociable at Howard Relief Hall to-morrow night. The management is under the direction of Messrs. C, V. Polvogt.J Render,' J. C. Boesob and E: Schulken. Jr., who will spare no pains to make tbe occasion pleasant for their guests. Af it will be tbe the last that will take place until after the close of. the Lenten season there will un doubtediy be a large gathering. . No gentleman will be admitted unless ac companied by a lady. The Span JBarqne Alaria. Mr C. Myerp,..who, represents the owners as well is the underwriters of the cargo of sugar of the Spanish barque il.ir.a, and Mr. Julian Cudorya, . wbo represents the owners of the vessel, are here, and were engaged in a conterenee to day with a view io her ' release from all claims that may exii. against her here, in order that she may proceed on her voyage.- The Mar.a is now at an chor at i ho quarantine station and will probanly not come up t the city, pro viding the parties interested can succeed in obtaining hcrrel-ase from the claims that may exist against her. An Kvenlful Anniversary. Just one year asio to-day. on a pleas ant, although wir-'dy. Sunday afternoon, as many of our citizens were on their way to ihe Sunday choAls of the city. and others were indulging in a quiet stroll to Oakdale, the alarm of fire was sounded, and in a moment, almost as if by magk, di-ns volumes of smoke arose from along the river frnt and were driven by the string breeze in a Northeasterly direction across the city Tho alarm spread with the rapidity of thought, and in a moment our streets were thronged with an excited and anx ious mass of humanity hurrying to the scene. i nu uames, noiwunsianuiug tho efforts of the firemen, spread with inconceivable rapidity, and they were not subdued until soruii of our most valuable buildings had been destroyed, and mtnv families had boen made homeless. It was a day long to bo re membered. The scone of the fire' des olating track has. in many places, been obliterated by the erection of- substan tial and imposing structures, but there are yet many evidences of the fearfn destruction of that day.. Ciy Court. The first case tor the Mayor's alien tion this morning wasthatof William Johnson, who was charged wilhlars ceriy. The evidence showed that the defendant was stopping at tho Sutton House on Saturday night, and! that Abraham Moses also stopped at the same house. On Sunday morning the latter awoVe to find that some one had entered his room during-the night and stolon his clothing, leaving an inferior suit as a substitute. Subsequently Moses found the delondant on Water street wealing the clothes that he had lost. Johnsnn wa arres:cd and locked up, and at the trial gave as an excuse that he was drunk and did not know what ho was about. He was required to give a bond in the sum of $200 for his annearance at. the next term of the Criminal Court, in default of which h'i was committed James Nu't, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was required to nw a fin a of 10. or sn beiow for 20 f J days. He went helow. Susan Hooper, colored, for disorderly conduct, was required to pay a fine of $10. or go below for 20 days. She went below. G. Ormundsen. for disorderly con duct, was required to pay a fine of $5 or go below for 10 days. One half ot the fine was subsequently remitted and the defendant paid the other half and was discharged. Victoria Brown, colored, for disor derly conduct, had the choice to pay a fine of $10 or to go below for 20 days Lack of funds compelled her to take the latter born of the dilemma. At the Hotels. SurroN House J M Woodard, C C R R, J W Riurk. Sballotte; H Cor bett. F M Moore. W Newton R T Benseli. Smithville; Or l B McNeill. J J Pig..tt, Lockwood1 Folly; J D Crotoarlit. J II Tatim. Bladen; M F Jeff'rd. Fremont; A B Hudson. Alfred Hudson. Sampson; R R White, Lake Waccamaw; Dr I W Uobinson, Duplin Roads; J P Pearce. Columbus. It you want to commence a new set of blank books, such as ledgers, jour nals, day cash books or records, go to Heinsbcrger's. where you can get suited both in quality and price. t The cheapest place to buy your school books and school stationery is at Hejns herger's. . ; t " TIE fie wv A Sad Cvent. We are deeply pained tochron ele the death of Miss Mary Delia. ildeM daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Perdew, which occurred at a lew min utes after 6 o'clock yesterday evening. She was nearly 17 years of age and had been sick aboit 6ix weeks with that terrible disease, corebro spinal raen ingitis. Her sufferings were .in eo&e, which nothing could alleviate until death came to ber release. All that medical science could suggest or the devoted nursing of a tender mother, could do .to soothe her pain-racked frame were without avail: Her death had been expected for several days, but when tbe great change came it caused a shock of sadness to alt who knew her She was a consistent member of Front Street M. E. Church, and was beanti tul in all that constitutes female Chris tian loveliness. She wa of a most amiable disposition, with a heart which never gave a throb ot envy or ma'ice. but beat wi h kindness for all. Her sorrowing parents have vjur sincere sympat hy in their great beroavpment PliyMiciatts Ilayo FoniKt Out That a contaminattnfc and foreign elcui; nt in the blood, developed by indigestion, U the cant-e of rheumatism. Th5s Bottles upon the sensitive snb cntanf ons covering of the mus e'es an I ligaments of the joints causing con btant and thlfttng pAin, and aggregating as a ealosre)us. chalky deposit which produces stiffness and distortion of the joints. So f tct which experience has demonstrated in regard to Hostetter's Stomach Bitters has stronger evidence to support than thij. namely, that this medicine of com f.rch9n give rises checks the formidable and ati-oclous disease, nor is U less positively establish d that it is preferable to the poison -j often nsed to arrest it, since the medicine contatns onlv salutary ingredients. It is aUo a signal remedy ior malarial fevers, conailnation. dvf pensia. kidney and bladder ailment'', dabllHy and other unorders, fcee tlit you get the genuine. TRI RITTK OF RESPECT. HOWARD UK IKF FIRE ENGINE Co o. Wilmington. N. C, Feb. 14th, 1SS7. Whereas the infinitely wise and merciful Creator, to whoee divine ruling we humbly subm't, has seep fit to remove by death our le loved friend and brother lireman, TIIOS II. SMITH, wc who have profited hy his ex ample are aesirous of testifying our rcsiect for bis memory and expressing our earnest and affectionate sympathy with tbe household deprived by, this dispensation of. Its earthly 1tead. Therefore belt Rcs?lvcd, That wo deeply feci the loss of our brother lireman, Thomas II. Smith, that in him we loose one of our oldest members, who waB aiwavs prompt at bis po3t In time of daBger, who f lways had a cheerful word and a kind look for his brother firemen, who devo ted Mi time to the welfare of this tompacy. Resolved, That in our natural soirow for the loss of a faithful and beloved brother lireman we find consolation in lhc bailef tvat it la well with him for whom wc mourn. . Resolved, That as a '-token of respect for our deceased brother lUeman, the Engine House be draicd In mourning, and tint .a blank rage bs left in ur Kecords with the name, date and dca!h of our Bro'bcr Inscrib ed thereon, and that tha members of this Company wear the nsaal badge of. mourning f ir the space of thirty das ' Kcsolvrd, That while wc rfcply sympi thlze with tho-c wlu were bound to our broth cr by tne nearest and djarcst Ucj. we share with thorn the hope of a reunion in that be tier world where there is no part'ng Keiolved, That a copy of these resolutiona be sent to the family of the deceased as a to ken of respect and veneration for the creel lent chrjicter of a god man gone to his rest and that a copy be sent to the dally paper for publication. 1 iK. IS. U ATE, A. DEUMKLANPT, ADUIAN. J ham:. Jr , U. MIULEK, Committee. PEBDEW Jn this city, on the 2nh inst., of cerebro spinal mcnigintls, MARY DKLLA PEKDEW, eldest daughter of John W. and M E. Per'ew, aged H years It months and 9 diy ft The frlendiof 'lie family are luritcti to at tn I tae fnneral on Tuesday morning atli.3 o'clock at the residence, 3H North i-cventh street, and from thence to Oakdale Cemetery. N BW ADVEKTI8EM BN'J 8. Sociable rpO BK GIVEN BY GERMANIA CORNET BAND at the HOWARD KELIf F HALL.. TUESDAY EVENING, Ftfb. 52ad The publ'c are respectfully invited. , fio Gentleman admitted without a 1 adv. Tickets il. feo'U Bird Cages. NEW WT JUST IN, BOTH JAPANKD and Brass. COK 8TOVK pronounced the bekt in tbe market, and the oil White Horde just hat U them blind. Goods ot all kinds la our Hae cheap cs tbe cheapest. . PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. feb 21 Make no Mistake ! N ORDERING FISH AMO OYSTERS. Guaranteed sound and solid when packed for dellve y TrU t) . W. H YOPP. Iock Box 415 or 100 South Front it. feb 21 600 Tons COAL. JUST ARRIVED, r X. St il t JOSEPH SOOTHER, TUNS Hist GRTE AND SCtiVK CO A I., anl tor a".e ne Dollar per on "ei9 than New fork prtee feb ll J. A. SPRINGER. House FumishinsGoods. IIAVK AMD ALWAYS. K PEP ON baadavelUelecUd lot of H&nfiirnUhlng UooU- A new lot of Dinner feu. cuamber reta. Tea seU aad rancy-Uooda Just leceived. Da not forget the HAcbsler Unnp if joa In tend to fruppiy yoareJ wttli a ta- . T ' uiucS MURCH130S, feb ?l ' crockerr Departrneut. 21 1887. NO. 44 NEW'ADVEitn NTS. Country Produce. jW&KT AND IRISH POTATt)t. Apples, Cabbages, Turnip, Orange. nt.3. Kgs, Turkeys, Chickens and all kind or t onuiry Produce for sale iy CHAS F. BMIWMC. C- mmifslon Merchant, No It K w3t-r st , eUlll - ilroineton. N. Hazard Powder. WE NOW HAVKTHB AUKNCV TOR thU celebrated Powder wi)lrh 'Is un doubted I v the lHt so d in this country. NeTr rmgaziT.e hum down tne river (out or city limits). Full assortment of all the sizes at the lowest prices. WM. K. SPBINttKk A CO., Suceor to John Tawson A Co., , 19, 21 and 2a Market street, feb 21 Wilmington N. C- Photographs, ALL AT Cronenbergf8 Gallery, FOK FINE WOBK Children's Plrturas a specialty. Old pu tures corded and enlarged. Call and see spe cimens. feb 21 H. CKONKNBKEU. -o- W K MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Grocers BAGS and bTRAWand MANILLA PAPERS, TWINK, WAXED BUTTER PAPER, Ac. Don't fail to s e the "NEW STYLE" fqnue RAG, and to gpt wholeea'e discount. C. W. YATES. feb 21 119 Market St. Wiimlngton. N C Not Well Dressed. N MATTER HOW FINE YOUR GAR ments, nnle"-? your Shoes are neat and "fit well you arc 111 dressei. BEST FfTTINU BOOTS ANP SHOES :n the city, and palces U suit all at GEO. R. FKKNUII & SONS, feb 21 . N. Front Street WANTED (samples f red for DR. SCOTT'S beautiful LECTRIC CORSETS, BRUSHES, BELTS, ETC. No k gates, i errirory ivci, sausracuon guar JK. .SCOTT, 841 llroadway, p. Y, I 11? A W Ita causes, and a new I I lia.A' i.1 UOO anl successful CUKE at yonr own home, by one bo was deal twenty-eight years. Treated by most of the noted specialists without benefit. Cured himself in three months, and nincc thn hun drcds of others. Full particulars sent on ap plication. 1. . I AUK, JNO 41 WostlRI St., New York City. feb 21 4w Agents Wanted One man bonclit onrffi.fKI Imachinc and cleared oven ifTOOO. cash. A boy bonjrhtl 'fnr S;.0f machine and made $500. - It's a big chance in any town or city. Send yonr address and 2 stamps for-a List & samples. KEL&EY & CO. Meriden, Conn PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM thf poptilar farorit for dresinnpr the hair, KeFtorinsr color when f ray, and preventing Dandruff, t cleanses the Kalp, stop the hair falling, and is sure to pleMO, A and $1.00 at Druggists, HINDERCORNS. Thfiin feet. Fdrt and best enre for CornBnnloii, Itons all win. Ensures comfort to the feet. Jverjail o cure. "1j centi at trucsist3. Hiscoi Co N. i PIANO FORTES. Tnf; Tonrh, Wwkmanship and JdraMlily WILLIAM KNABE A CO., Nos. 201 and 20 West Baltimore St, Balti more. No. 112 Fifth Avennc New York, feb 21 tw ' Winter Kxpoaurc (Jauscs UOUifllf, Colds, Pkurlsy, llcumalUni, Ptcmoid Neuralgia, Sciatica. Lumbago, Backache and other ailment, for which Penson 8 Cspcloe Plasters ara admitted to be the lest remedy known. 1 bey rtllete and tore in irftw houri when ro other application ?s of the least trn eflt Endorsed by 5.(00 Phytlclans and Drur KleU- Iware of Imitations under s'mlLn sounding names, such as Cap6icum," "l apu cin." ox Capslcine " ask for Benfon'i' aiu TjfKK no oiiiEKS.' Kiamlre carefolly when yon bny. All dntfylsU MfeAKIIttY A JOHNSON. Proprletorn, New Yor k. feb 21 0F INTEREST TT.1IHH Manly Visor. Weakness or toss of Memory per aianently restored by the nse of an entirely ne emeay. 'lue verba Sanu from Spain, xpan h Trochees nevw fail. Ourillastrated,S2page bool ma testimonials, (sent seaiedi. Krery mansnotuf Vad it. VOM GRAEF TROCHEE C(X, Cm. 9 Parle Place. New York. feb 21 d eot w ly Board. GiVJD BOARD CAN nE OBTAINED LOW by arp?yli n la -!-"' . - - ; .. . : MUS N. M. CULBBKTII,' " f.bl3?i UJHirLett,,YTilnii-ctor, N C AGENTS i rli r PUUU5S KOTIC. tV. vrevui btglxa ta rtctm eoamnaieisca' txoa our fzUada oa aiy aid ail tsablsca ctatTii imtsmtbra. . . . Tit maaa el tu wriur out trnji ba ' - ahitottE3:sarc: Coiamaaleatloiui xarut b wtltua ca ca oaetldeot tae paper. ' Pwao&allUes most b.kvolle4 Ajid It !a speciaUr and parUenlsily ca tood that tha Editor doe aot always tada : th vtaws ol eorreapondeats w- n ttft in tb editorial columns. ,, - 1 NEW AIVKRTI8KIllEWTa. Julius Samson, 111 Marlcet Slreot. Reduced fricoo I Reduced Pricoo I Previous to taking slock we will offer for the next fifteen daysr bargains in the following goods : " Fancy Stiijed Silk Velvets reduced from $2,CO to$1.50. Also, Plain Silk Velvets, in allshadef, reduced Irom 3 to $ I ,i25. " Plain and Striped Velveteens reduced from 75(to OOev We also have a nice line of Satins and Surah Silks, in evening shades. - Also, a nice line bt Sitk Mitts in eve ning shades, full length. . -y A nice variety ot Rlack fioods in all s'.yles. .. t A few pair of Blankets left, which we are offering very low ar.d numerous other goods at red need prices : It i. to your interest tocall and ex amine. Julius Samsou, 111 MARKKT ST; feb 1 Webster's Unahridsred. The Standard Dictionarv JEST TOR FAMILIES. AND DOT FOR Schools "A 1 Ihrary in Itself " Latrtt F.dl Hon has 118,0:0 Words,. Von r Pages Colorel -'. Plates. .1 00 Engravings. It al o contains a Biographical Dictionary, giving brief Import ant facts concerning 9,7 JO Noted Persons. In the quantity of matter It ecntilns, la be lieved to be the largest vo'nme pnbllshed. - It has 3000 more words in Ps vocabulary tkau. arc found In any other A mcrle&n Dictionary, and nearly three times the number ot Engra vlnxs. "it is an ever present and reliable school master to the whole fanaily.' Call and eee the Webster whlci we ars sell- v In; 25 per rer.t. cheaper than the publisher's PT.e. at " H EINSBEKGERS. feb !; Cash Book and afoaieSttre Better than Pear's. -yyniTAKKr. a guoss-vith'3 old in giltn Jrar.f parent Soap. Utrerited,'2 Cakrs for 2.i cents ljcerlne 3J ir ec-nt; 3. Cakes for a cents. There are no finer Toilet fear a mid. A TRIAL SOLICITED. . , WUND8 BROTH ICRS, - feb IS WboleaaJe and EeUlI DrufgUti Hock Spring iroteK JJAS t?MERGONK a f OMPLITIF. R1X- ovatirg ar d is fittr-d cp nUv-jy for tke eoaafort of its patrons The ikble is aauplled with the best the r- arket afford. l-ard by ihr Cnj , week or month at reaftnab'e rle. - MRS. PRIDGRV. - C -nut, t eimen Ftont and Water kt reels, feh II lm NEW FURNITURE HOUSE. - f v.iner Second nd Market Ktiet. AKK HKRIC JO J5TAY AMI M 3l eouat We keep lhe fltet and eheipett Fnr nltnrelntiie city nr prices mil tb? ilea and ih r alike. We era sell ebeap lcjaii we manufacture our own ood. . A eall id inspe-tlon SAllciied KNUXVILLK FUUMTPCE CO., feb 7tf IC U. SMLLD, Ucssrtx v