. . I 'and All L .15 -Tl once oy TCrry mom a I .so yen t-1 .v-a lions C, rcaUy or mjfatf 5 .IAv tc r.vm lv 1887. a cw York Weekly Herald. One Dollar ;i Yar. t.rratest and hcaiTst Family .tourmalin it.r I'nlted Mstos. AUsys Lrlght and Rella- I, a hvrry N"rn!.f r an Kpitome of the Hews of the W'o'rM. v Up Forelcn Peivutmcnt la unequalled. I aU'bt fii l most accurate Cable Specials by U,e o:Muetci.il Cal!c8. - - FnlU'bt TeVi;r,.pl.le lirrorrs of all Cnirent m-kciai. HUtikfr Practical Farming; arif lea on Srlenr ', Art, Liters ture.tbe Drams, MuV, Religion, Fashion and. Chess. - " information on all subjects. Ad.lress, - ' r IA.MKS (JOKfON BENNETT, v -T New folk Herald,. -nor W . New York City Holiday Goods! H.I.L LINK OF 'Al l. KINTS OF UOL L - ' - . KAl (i(!(M.S rfct vt il w Sfpampr tn ilnr. I t -. J : 1 nat-s'iia, -Tolly, Apples, I'urrsnts, Mince Moat, Hsrit, Nr.td of all klmls, . i'antlles and Cakes, '.. I r.mdleil Teaches and f 18, ' . someihingextTa- . lh care t ami Live Poultry, '". t'elcry, fresh each day. during the week Vegetables, bcth canned atnl freih," , -of almost every kind. ( ull earlr sntl ipwirt vmir kuwiIVs heftire the i dh . v .INO 1. BO AT WRIGHT, 15 A 17 So. Front Street . Pure Buckwheat. j IIAVK ON II AN if A FUKS1I LOT OF N- f. r.CCKWHKAT. Just received from the 'fftun jartof tie State. Those desiring a 11 UK;auTICLE can obtain It by calling on 1 Jno. L Roatwrislit. 15 17 PoFront street llaggngc Transfer. : poli Pi:oMIT CALLS ANI IlELlVKGY ot lppajje leaveyonrradcra atT. J. SOUTJI H A M k'F lUcry HsMf, M ith econdSt. r.lers tor ( anlate i romtly filled. T. .1 . f OUl 1 1 KRl-ANP, t. . " . ; Uvery a- t Stle StaJ!ea, . inly ?S tf Nov HO North aiecond St Removed.! I II A VK TIIK- VLVA9 URF. Of ANNOUNC to my frten la and the pubHe that I hav$ Jmovrdlnfithelavrt an. coamodloua Sta Mea erected by me or te corner ot frlncca an nidnttrecta,tThe Lhayc ample room br alljthe demamb of the Llvciy and f ale KviElrr ta. I kecp.emtuit!y on hanl horsrs and vehlrleB for hire and will loan! horses by th day, vret or month at low Irab? a. A. ra'll tpwtfaiir oiiciied. , -' '.- Mm X he D a i I y Rev low SUNLIGHT ON THE HILL, Fbe valley lies in the shadow.'' Hutthet.e' sunsoine on the '.kill; ' Though the fl.wers haye drooped and faded. ,. " And th wioda blow cold and chill. - Then look up to the bill top.- Where the sun shines fair.and bright; Tbe clouds harifr o'er the vallev. - But the bill i-t)albd in liuhj. ' . " , . ' . Though the .winter winds arc wailing Aod the wild bird's sonjj h still And the sb vlowa nam: 'Vr the valley "Thero ia sunlight on the bill .The cloud3 of sorrow may darken - - And lill our lives with gIom. , Rut wo wait with hope for the spring- time. - . When the flowers again shall. bloom ; And we wajtjor th sunlight ot glad- r nes., " Whsn tn night of sorrow is o'er. When the tvoud f winter and dark- " ' tics) . - , Shall bang o'er the valley no more. Thuuih tho winter winds are waijing. And the wild bird's sotisj $ still, r And the shadows hang tr tho valley; 1 There is sunlight on the hill. . I Fo yi I Me Not Alter all ihe arguments ab-mf cheap neH and qutiify it app :ir ihat Dr. Bull's J ugh Syrup i the br remedy for be enro of e Miiiha and e dd- evei offered to the rnhlie; The pre only 5C "'its a" b ltb and t vry drugt! in the and 9tIU and rt e-ninHMal- if. - 9 lirfiKl Boys Some tioiid boys are j idged too harshly by their-companions; nay by their nearest relative, ar.d een by their own mother. . J dn-nyV mother kept It for years as ay awful s -cn-t tha ho. a robust looking boy. was afraid o! the dark. She thought the trail ymo thins peculiar to that boy. Hpw relieved she was to discover that another mother's Tommy was afflicted with the me infllrmity! It ) she bad gone extensively into -the Bturuy ol biography, she would have found that-several of tlo- most illus trious men who have ever lived were mortally afraid of the dark. Charles Lamb, for'exampte. suit'.' red for ytars from this cause, and sutFered terribly. As soon as the candle was extinguished-his misery besran.. and he tell asleep. sometimes only from tho ex haustion of terror. If he had to Das through his bd-room in the daytime, huturned his eyes away fiom the bed thh scene of so much agony If some kind, judicious friend or re lative had but known bi3 inlirmity, he might bave berh gradually relieved, and. at lastccn'irely cured It he had known that half the boys in Ihe world, at gome period of their bryh"od, are afraid ot the dark, the bitter sting of shame would have been i.tken Irom him. . It is to be noted that gf l b-vs ol lively imagination arc peculiarly liable l this kind of lear. They are often brave in meeting real dangers, if nec essary, they could fight well in self delense, or in defense of a eirl, or of a boy weaker than themselves. It-is sgainst imaginary dangers that their courage is wanting. "I used tn be awfully afraid ot the dark," said a little girl ot 10 the other day. "And bow did you cure yourself ot it?" asked oneof her friends. Her answer was a wise one tor so young a philosopher. She said: ''Whenever I felt afraid I would stanri atill and say to myself: 'There is nothing in this room except what was before dark V Let us not overvalue the bull kind of courage. It has its value; we must not undervalue it. Tho courage of a bull is good in a bull ; the courage of a man is quite another thing. The hu man hero protects, defends aod assists; be.'dares do all that mar become a man ; who dares do more is none." Youtlfs Com anio7i. Use Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" for all bil lions attacks. .There is an old stone monument on an island in the James river above Belle Isle, on tho Chesterfield side upon the top of.wbich are the letters ' J. S." There is a tradition that this stone was ptaced there by Cap t. John Smith" lo show; to wnat exter.t the river wa navigable in his day Tor lowboats. Knjoy Liil .What a truly beautiful world wc live in! Nature gives lis grandeur ot mountains, glens ami oceans, and thousands of means of en joyment. VVe can desire no better when in perfect health ; but how often do the majority of people feel .like giv ing it up disheartened, discouraged and worn out with disease, when. there is no occasion tor this feelinz, as every sufferer can easily obtain atisfactory proof, that Green's August Mower, will make them free from disease, as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver CompiHiut are tho direct causes of seventy five per cent, of such maladies as Bilious ness. Indirestion. Siek-IIeadftcbc. Cos ttvtness. Nervous Prostration, Dizzi ness of the- Head. Palpitation of the Heart, and other distressing symptoms. Three doees ot AuqusI Flower will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cents Try it. .Very 'Tew hotels now beep old regis ters. They are cither burned, ditposi-d of to authograph collectors, or sold for waste paper. The trouble hotels hav-s I tecoure' involved in, ami the nnenvia ble prominence some got through regis ter in court, is the ler.son lor ihi action on the part of proprietors. Atlvieo to aioftiar. Mia. Wikslow's Soothing Sykup should always bo used when children are cutting teeth. It relieyes the little .sufferer at ence; it produces natural, quiet sleep by . relieving the child Irom pain, and the' little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very pleas ant to tasto. , It soothes the child, soft ens the gums, allays all pain, relieves vi ind. regulates Ihe towels ; and is the txvt known-remedy:'" for diarrhoea; whether arising from - tccthinc or other causes. . " Twenty-live cents a bottln ' jlr (. deod & wly ; ' 'Tli e B I oo a is the Life.." -1 r Thoroughly cleanse the blood, which is the fountain ot health, by using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoy ant spirits, vital strength, and Bound ne9 ot constitution will be established. Golden Medical Discovery cures all Immors, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Scrof ula, or blood poison. -Especially has it proven its eQicacy 4n curing Saltrbeum or Teller. Fever Sores. Hip Joint Dis eases, Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, Enlarged Glands, and Eating Ulcers. . Golden Medical Discovery curesCon sumpiion (which is Scrofula ot the Lungs), by its wonderful blood purify ing, invigorating, and nutritive prop ertk s For Weak Lungs, Spittine of Blood, Shortness of Breath. Bronchitis. Severe Coughs, Asthma, and kindred nffections, it is a sovereign remedy. - It promptly cures the severest Coughs. For Torpid Xiver, Billiousness. or 'Liver Camplaint," Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, it is an uneaqualled reme--dy. Sold by druggists. WW Capital Prize $150,000. - W tito hertt y etrttfv that et $upervtt IV irranytmdiits or all the Monthly and Semi' Ahhu iI Uraieuijs of Tat jAmutana Ulatr tk cry Vompany, and in person manage and con ZnU tAr iJraunnffg tftenuelvea, auti that thr nttt are couthictta oith honesty t fairness, tm . ga,t.-t faith towurU ali parties, und tfie author at Hue Company o use thu certificate, withat tifnitiOf utr tvjrutture t!t.icta. ti ilt rU&er Co ra ra ISRt on?rH . We, the nnderlttQned Ranks and Banters, will w all Prizes drawn in The Ismisiana StaU Lotteries which may he presented at our conn L 11 oJ!.vsry. Pros Louls'ana n'l Bank, P. LANAt'X Prea. tate VatM Bank. . . . B l.ott i v. Pres. ew Orleans Nafl Bk "J N P BKC K PKNTK 1 ATTK ACTION I OVKi: HALF A MILLION IISTBIBITTKT! iiouisiana State Lottery Company. .ii'jorpvrrated in iS68 for 25 year? by the Leg Hlaturefor Kilucattonal and Charitable pur pcfv6R with a capital of 1 ,000,000 to wlwcb a reserve- fund of over fcVfl.ooo has s'.nce been .died. By an overwhelming populaj vote Us fran ihlee was made a part of the present-State Ooastltutlon adopted December 2d. A. D..1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed hp ihe people of any State. It never scales r postpones. Its Grand Single Mimber Drawings take place nronthly, and th Fe I-Annual I'raw ing8 regn'ai ly every six months (June and De cember.) - A SP1,KNDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A fOKTUNE. Thlr.1 Grand Drawing, Class C, In the Acadmv of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, March V.. 1887-202d Monthly Drawlna Capital Prize $150,000. 99" Notice Tickets are Ten .Dollars only. Halves. $5. Fifths, 2. Tenths $1. LI8T OF PRIZES. i Capital Prize of $ 150,000.... $J50,000 1 Grand Prize of 50,000... no.noo l grand prize of 20.000... ao.ooo 1 Large Prizes of 10,000.. 20,000 4 Large Prizes of 5,000... 20,000 20 Prizes of 1,000... 20,000 50 " - - 500... 25,000 100 " 300.. 30,000 200 " 200... 40.000 500 100... 50,000 t.000 " 50... ,50,000 ' APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of t:J00.... $30,000 100 200 20,000 100 o . 100.... 10,(00 2,179 Prizes amounting to. $515,000 Application for rates to clubs should be mado nly to the office of the Company In New Or- Yor further informatloi:, write clearly, glv ng full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange In or Unary letter. Currency by Express (at our expense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, Now Orleans, L or M. A. DAUPIII. Washington, D. C rU mi Registered Letters k to IW ORIEANS national bank. BW ORLEANS. LA. I? n Tn am 1 ay That . tnc presence of Ja(lll trill MCI Generals Beauregard and Flarly, who are In chprpe of the drawings, is a guai-an'ee of absolute falrress and Integii t, that the chances arc all equal, and that no one can possibly divine what numbers will draw a I'rize. All panics iheTef3re adver tb-tng to guarantee Piizesin this Lottery, or holdluir out any othcrimpcssible Inducements, are swindlers, and only aim to deceive and defraud tne unwary. feb 0 Homes in North Carblinat o- Onlv 20 Hours Ride, from V New York! o- . lUilCHSouth of lialelgli On the lUlclgh and Augusta Air-Line U P. 1 500 ACUIea r ,AND ,IN THK OTift leaf pine region. For sale on easy teruia Id loin to atill purchaaerd. our acre f or iV larger tracts $5 per acre, In month lv pay ments or 10. This land adjoins the "South ern Plnea". a recently Pstablbihed health re fort (01 sanitarium), and Is specially adapted for Fruit Culture, an well as all tne cereals. A number of New Ens-land people have bonght lota In the town of "Southern Pine, n'i lt la the d-aire of tbe owners of this land to in dace small farmers, mechanics and others from the New England and Middle States, as well as elsewhere, to locate here. . No State In the Uulon offers greater Inducements to eet Herd than North Carolina Nowhere can a butter 1 arming country or as fine a climate be found. 1 his is the opinion of Northern men who have settled In North Carolina This la a bonajlde offer, and la limited 1 For further particulars write at once to - JOHN T-PATRICK, ' Commts'r of Immigration, Bletgu, N. C or B. A Hlt:il AHlSON. lmnil tf ChmHklaOfli.y, Anguata, ti Tianos and organs can le houcht o.he.ap4i: at HeinabersPT tian at any other house in the StalP ..." t u SU PEKIO U COURTS, 1 prin Terms 1 887;: FIKST DisTKICrJUDGE: AVERY;! Hyde Febrnary 7,1 week'May 1G, I week. -v ::-'. . ' . -J'-v,,..- Beaufort February 14. 2 weka; May 30. 3 . Currituck March 7, i wok. -Camden -March 14, 1 week. Pasquotank Marcn 21, I week; June 13. 1 we-k, . Perquimans March 28, i week. Chowan April 4. 1 week; June 0,T week. - . Gates April M. l week ? - -Herltord April 18. 1 weu ; June 27. I week. Washington April 25. t eek . ' Tyrrell May. 2, I week. Dare May 9, 1 week. - ' Pamlico May 23. 1 we k. second distkict--judof:siiipp. 5 . Halifax January 10, 2 weeks; March 7. 2 weeks; May 10. 2 werk . . - , Northampton January 24 2 weeks; April 4 2 wems ; June 3 I wt ek. Ktlgecom he -f February 7. 1 week; April 18. 2 weeks. Craven February 14, 2 week?; May 30. 2 wevrks. Warren March 21,2 weeks, Bertie May 2, 2 weeks.; . ' - ; - ? THIRD ;DISTBICT JUDGE MEBH1MON. Pitt January 10, 2 weeks; March 21.2 weeks; June 13. 2 week's Franklin January 24, 1 week ; June n. I week.: - ; Wilson February 7. 2 ' wreka;' April 18. 2 wet ks Vance February 21. 2 weeks'; May. 23. 2 weeks Martin March 7. 2 weeks. firene April 4. 2 weeks. - , Nash May 2. 2 weeks. FOUB Til DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPIIEUD Wak January 10," 2 weeks; Fb runry 28, 2 weeks; ;Mareh .28, 2 weeks; fAprd 25, 3 weeks. Wayne January 24. 2 weeks; March 14,2 wee-s, f April 18. 1 week. . Karnett February 7. I. week Johnston February 14. 2 week'. K1ITII DlSTltTCT JUDGE PHILLIPS. Granville January 31, 2 weeks; May 9, 2 weeks. ; V Chatham February 14, 1 week; May 23, 1 week. - -Guilford-February 21, 2 weeks; June 13, 1 wtek ' Alamance March 7. 1 week; June fi, 1 week, Durham March 11.2 weeks; May 30, 1 week. Oranue March 23. 1 week. Caswell April 18, 2 weeks. Person May 2, 1 week. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE CONNOR. New Hanover January 24, 2 weeks'; April 13, 2 weeks. Lenoir February 7. .1 week. Duplin February 14. 2 weeks Sampson February 28, 2 weeks ;May 2, 1 week. Pender March 14, 1 week; May 1 week. Carteret March 21, 1 week. Jones March 28, 1 week. Onsiow April 4, 1 week. SEVENTH DISTKICT JUDGE CLAHK, Anson " January 10, 1 week; tMay 2, 1 week.- : "-v.! - ; Columbus January 17, 1 week; March 28, 1 week, -Cumberland 'January 21. 1 "week; March 14, 1 week;May 9, 2 weeks. Robeson January 31, 2 weeks; May 23,2 week. Richmond February 14 2 week? ; June 6, 1 week. Bladen March 21, I week. Brunswick April 4, 1 week. Moore April 18, 2 weeks. - EIGHTH DISTKICT JUDGE GILMEK. Cabarrus January 31, 1 week; May 2, 1 week. Iredell February 7. 2 weeks; May 23. 2 weeks. Rowan February 21. .2 weeks; May 0, 2 weeks. -Davidson March 7, 2 weeks; June fi, 1 week. Randolph March 21, 2 weeks. Montgomery April 4, 1 week. Stanly April 11, 1 week. NINTH DISTRICT -JUDGE UOYKIN. Rockingham January 24, 2 weeks. Forsyth- February 7, 2 weeks; May 23, 2 weeks. Yadkin February 21, 2 weeks. Wilkes March 7. 2 weeks; May 2, 1 week. - . Alleghany March 21. 2 weeks. Davie April 4. l weeiw " Stokes April 18,1 week Surry April 25. 1 week. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MACRAE. Henderson February 14, 3. weeks. Burke March 7. 2 weeks. Caldwell March 21, 1 week. Ashe March 28, 1 week; May 30, 1 week. - Watauga April 4, I week; June , I Mitcheil April 18.2 weeks. Yancey Mav 2. 2 weeks. McDowell May 1G, 2 weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE . MONT ' GOMERY Alexander January 24, 1 week; June 13, 1 week. Catawba January 31, 1 week ; June.fi. I week. ' - Union February 14, 1 week, fFebru- ary21. 1 week; M ay 23. 1 week; fMay 30, I week. Mecklenburg fFebruary 28. 3 weeks Gaston March 21,2 weeks. Lincoln April 4, 1 week Cleveland April 11. 2" weeks. Rutherford April 25. 2 weeks. -Polk May i, 1 week. TWELFTH DISTRICT J U DO E GRAVES Madison February 282 weeks. Buncombe Marcb 14. 3 weeks; June 20. 2 weeks. Transylvania April 4. 1 week Haywood April 1 1. 2 weeks. , Jackson April 25, 2 wjpeics. Macon May 9 I week. Clay May 16, 1 week. Cherokee May 23. 2 weeks' '. Graham June 6.1 week Swain June 13. L.week. v Criminal caoscs only. ' " Civil causes and jail causes only tCivil causes only - Job Printing. ri-'HlC RJfVlKW JOI5 PltlNTLNG OFFICE 1 - --.."'---- in inrepared U do all kinds of Job Printing at . - - - - . .. , . - - . - ti- ; -:: neatly as cheaplr and s3i expedtttously as It ran he done elsewhere. - Send to; your work and Ita&aU be doue piomptir. - ler MISCELLANEOUS. , .: SJOB MARKET STREET, NO. Wi. W Tf 1HH) c 1 3; i j it 1 jj 1 . y a' 1 r r-ECi AND WE ARK. fk.lt PA R RD TO DO ALL ATANNJSR OF- IfflHT 1 BlEIWEfl -when vou want- phograj1me8, circulars, cards, letter-iieads, billheads, posters, envelopes; note-iieads, pamphlet printing. , TAGS, LAND DEEDS, -MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER IFFS: DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS JUSTICES; EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, &C, ALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS. Address REVIEW JOB OFFICE, MtLHIHGTON. N. C. H ARD W ARE. Stoves. Plows. SASH, DOORS, etc. -t Paints Glass. 1 . - And a complete assortment of Farm in? Implements. JACOBl'S HIW. lICPOT, dec 1 10 So. Front Street. 1887. Harper's' Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Harper's Young PEoplk has been callct "tho model of what a periodical for young readers ought to be," and the justice of this commendation is amply sustained by the large circulation it has attained both at home and in Great Britain. This success has been reached by methods that must commend themselves to ihe judgment of parents, no less than to the tastes of children namely, by an earnest and well sustained effort to provide the best and most attractive reading foryoung people at a low price. J he Illustrations arc copleus and of a cor.splrnously high standard of excellence. An epitome of everything that. Is attractive and desirable In iuvcnlle literature. Boston Courier. i ' A weekly feast of good things to the boy and girls in every family whl h ft visits Brooklyn Unions -It .la -wonderful In its wealth of picture In formation, and Interest. fcbnnttan Advocate, N. Y. " . TERMS: Pos lage Prepaid ,2.00 Per Year. Vol. VU1. commences November, 18h. . single Numbers, Five Cents each. Remittances should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid Chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper A Brothers Address - HARPER BROTHERS, oov -2f? ' ' 1 vTnrk NEW CROP MOLASSES. i 411 Hogsheads 66 Tierces, 1 " CHOIQB. NEW CROP CUBA-MOLASSES, ihe first cargo of the season now ; landing ex. Scbr. Amelia P. SchmldL v For f ale by r WOICTII Ai WOKTH A. A. Browni feb.ll R KAL ESTATE AND COLLECTION BRO. 5 - KEU. Buys and sells Real Eitite. ftook?. Bonds and collects bills. , 1 Hies, Deeds, 4r, , aearche promptly. " vian!5 MONEY! to be made. C nt ihla out and return to ua, and we will send you free, ome tblog of great value and Importance; to you, that will start you in' business which will bring you In more money, right away than anything else In this world. , a ny one can do their work and live at home.- Eith er sex; all ages. Something nw. thit lust coins money fot alt workers. Wc will start you; capital not needed. Tb's Is one of the genuine,- important chances of a lifetime. Those wao are ambitions and enterprising wl 1 not celay. Grand outfit free. Addrean True t o., Augnts, Maine, ' dec 1 Orod ly w , COME .SEK US I HENKVKR YOU ARK IN NKKD . - - ok - y. raiSIlHSr RUIIH6 jr. BIHCIK& " oorae and we n; ' ; - We have tbe moat complete eatabllsliuient in the city, carpr a large stock of difrereut .quaiities'of parlo;.lecifrom .do yrorr work'pTornptty ? and salUfaetoiily. ana ai prires thai we eai lire aC"; f '1 Give' nnynnr orders. ' - J- v v --... 1 - , JACILKON EElJu ' mm; I UALLCOADa.CO. Wilmington, Colnmbin " - s t w r wt 5 I k 1 t tl. - CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. ated Feb. 13, 13ST Soli, Dally. No! ?3. Dallj. Ko VTj bally. lave Wilmington.! 7.20 am .&15pa 10.1 Oom Lv lwcrjniaw lieav Mrhn... .. Arrtvo Floren'e rH e 'nm r .... rrlv ''oluniUla.. S 1 a ml ".30 nm 11 lSpm l0 2Samlll.?4 pra iz-SHau i.ia a miis is am 1 12 ptn 4.34 am :t 4 .m, 6 ?o am l.ani 4.24am e.SWt. TRAIN GOIN4 NORTH. o. 78. Dairy P.2.1 pra 11 12 pra 4 45 am 5.28 am 7 OtJam S.Sffam No. .;. No. Dally. Dally. Leave Columbia.:, trrlve Sumter ..' ! leave Florence;. : I-ave Marlon....-; Iv I4. wR era maw Arrl-e Wilndngt'n 1 10 pm 2 .44 pm 4.30 pm 5.11pm b Uj im 8.S0 pm s.10 pm" X Hi i.m 10.11 pm ILS.1 im Nob. 1 and ?S atop at all Stations except Reiri.-terd Kbenezer.Canhavancah.Wateiee and flnnns' . . Pasftensera for nOlnta on C A O. R. r.. f " - C A A. B. R-dtatlons. Alen Jnnrtlon. and ' all points beyond. nhOHld bJfl No. 2.1, Palb man slepr fo Augusta on th'.s train. - - - . .. JOHN r. mvtNK, . inera) Superintendent. J, R. KKNLYj .up't TransportatkHu -v M. cmi t(i s. narfcl Passenrejr Agon v feb 3 4f. , . .-. ;' 1 mm 1 1 tat J Carolina Central il. F. 1. Company r v OTiq Ot 4KWKRA1. 8npBTWTypOTTt -Hrnlimton. . N. C, Jan 2ifcl7. I Change of Sched uler o AND AFTER TniS DATE. TBI following rscheouie will be operated on thl Pol "tzii usuroan : .1 No. l, Dally except Sundaya. Leavo Wilmington at ......6 CO A. hi Leave Shoe Heel...., ..10.14 " Leave Charlotte S.42 P M ' Leave Mielby... Artlve Rutherford ton ...8.40 r No. 2 Dally except Sunday. " . ' Leave Uhtherfordton f. 03 A II - Iave Shelby:.. ..... 7 63 ... Leave Charlotte. .........11.00 . Leave Sboc Heel 3 56 P M Arrive Wllrolngton 8.C0 n " . No. 3 Dally except i Sunday. Leave Wllnalngton....T. ....... 6 45 P M Leave Raleigh........ ..7.00 Arrive Charlotte ,...T."7.25 A M No. 4 Dally exoept 8unday. c " " " Leave Charlotto. .... 8 15 P ' Arrive alclgh .v. 8 33 AM Arrive Wllmlngtbn.... 8.40 . Trains Nob. 1 and 2 make connection at Sj;o. : Heel with trains on C F. A V. V. By. - Trains No. 3 and 4 make close connection t Hamlet with Trains to and from Ra'elgh. .' Through Sleeping Cara,betwcen Wllmlnrtot and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. : Take Train No. 1-for RtateBvllle.Sutlow Western N C R R, Ashcvllle and points Win, -y Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athene, Atbinta and points Southwest. 1 ocal Freights Noa.-A and fi tri-wcekly le tween Wllmlrrgton and llainlet. -v Loal Fielghi Nob 7 and s trl weekly be tween Hamlet and Shelby. r Nop. f, fi, 7 and will not take passengers L. C. JONEfc, . Superlntendeixt. r. w. CLARK, tienerai Passenger Agent jan 25 - Wilmington & Weldon RR. AN II IHCANCIIES. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAIN GOING SOUTH. No. 15, No. 4) Dated Jan. 'J. V7 Leave Weldon.... Ar. Rocky Mount. 2 15 pm 3.33 " l 1 in am 2 27 am Arrlvo i 'i'arboro. . . 4 5) pml..... ....I.. ....... Leave Tarboro 11 30 pmj... ...... .. Arrlvo Wilson 4 05 pm 6 58pm 3.07 am icavc Wilson Arrive clma ArrlveFayettevlllc 5 40 pm 8 30 pm Leave Goldsboro. . Ieave Magnolia.. Leave Rnrgaw.... Ar. Wilmington... 4 0 pm 6 C9 pm 7 00 pm 7 50 pm 7.40 pm 8.3? pm 3 68 am 5.18 am 6.13 am 7.00 av 9.55 pra TRAINS, GOING NORTH. No. 62, No. 7$. No. 66,. Dally. eld No. 43, Dally. old No. 45, 11.40 pm Dally. old No. 47, 8.51 am 0.34 am Leave Wilmington Leave Burgaw.... Icave Magnolia, i. Arrive Goldsboro. 8.50 pm 9.60 pm 10.41 pm II 68 pm SZam 55 am 10.23 am 11.35 am Leave Fayette vlllc A oo am Arrive Pclm..... A rri ve Wilson . . . . 10 47 am 11 69 am i ......... 1 1 k uj niaj ......... 2.40 am 12 25pm12M am 1. ........ LfOpml 1.27, am I I KO nml Iave WPson..i.. Ar.RockyMonnt.. Arrive Tarlwro.-j.. Leave Tarboro.-.... I &opm Ill . I . M w ur.,v .... 10 am 35 pm 2.65 am Arrive Weldon....) 4 Tm!n rn SAAtlAnd NA.lr rtntu.ti T?naf ta.. No. 23, No. 27, Daily, Dally. (old (old No. 43.) No. 40.) Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. If. Re , turning leaves Scotland Nrrk it isi a. m dally csccpt Sunday. i ram icarcs rarrrff. rt. c, via Aluermarie & Raleigh R. It. Daily except Sunday, 6.00 p, M , -Sumlay 5.00 p. M.. arrive WBllamalon. N. c, 8. in 1 M., 6 10 p. m. Iturnlng leavec WlHlamstoe; N C, Dally except Junday, . A. M ., minday 0.50 A. M , Arrive Tarlwro, N. C; 10 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M- Train mi Midland N. C. Branch leavr C&l 1s loro, N, C, Dally except Sunday, 7.00 A, M., -arrive Smlthflcld, N. C, f 30 A. hi. Returning leaves Smith Celd, .V 9 on a. M.. arrive . Holdbboro, N. C.,10 30 A. l. tkt.thioiind Train on Wilson Jk rayettcviU? Rranch is No.51. Northbound is No. 6e. Train No. 27 South will atop only atWIUoa, Oohlsooroand Magnolia. . Train No. makes close connection at Wei don for all points NorU, Dally. Ali rail va Richmond, and daily except -Sunday vts Bat Une. . . . Trains make close connection for all pclat North via IUchmond and Washington, . Alltraln-run solid between WPvlnrton anc Waahlngton. and have Pullman- Palaca-Sieap . era attached. Dailrexr t fnnday. JOH5 F, DIVINE, . weneral SnperteUadtau .1. R KF.NLY. FnpU Transportation . r. At. KMKKSON. OeMva Paaaenger A at at. , rjHK ONLY FI KhT-P 4b liKf TAfRAKI in North Carolina T T," Yu WALLACE. an t?;isi' ' - . ;- I'ropiteior ; - 1 . B, C. ORRELI

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