TheDailv Review MONDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1887. Absolutely Pure. ThU powder rcver -varies. Araarvelof pnrity, strength and wholesomeness. Ms re economical than the ordinary kinds, ami can not be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phourte powders. Sold only in cans. " Rural IU ill ti fowuKR Co.. loe Wall 8t. N. V. ocUHdiw ly lcnrm4thi italeiih VI Uor. TIIK OKNEKAL. ASS KM BIjY. SENATE. ' F0RIETH DAY. Saturday. Feb, 19, 1887. The followios: bills were introduced: To amend chapter i77, public laws. 1S85. To allow comtuissionera of Colum bus county to sell poor house and (or other purposes. THE CALENDAR. To incorporate Durham Co. : passed 3rd reading. To satisfy certain claims against the trustees of the University hold by Solo man .1 Pool: lost 4 For relief of State guard, passed 3rd reading. ROUSEJJF REPRESENTATIVES. RIDLS INTRODUCED. To amend the chapter of the town of Yeatesville; to incorporate the Raker City and Greensboro Railway C.;t charter the Ashevillo aud Tennessee Railway Co ; to incorporate the town of Setzer; to. al low counties to hire convicts to work public roads; to incorporate the town of James City ; to allow the sberitl ot Surry to collect and disburse railway taxes; to reduce the fees ot sheriff aud register ot deeds ; to annex Henderson county to tbo 12th judicial di3inct; lr the protection of cattle owners in Wayne county; to abolish free scholar snip at the University (made special order tor next 1 uesday.) THE CALENDAR ' The following bills passed their. sea ond and third readings: . .. , To incorporate the real ostat'o inter est company of Wilmington ; to eleou a cotton weigher lor Concord by the peppic; to incorporate Shelby, (lien Al pine anu Uranoerry railway company; toconurm and amend the charter ! the Suffolk & Carolina Railroad Com pany ; to amend the charier of tho town ot Smithville. lirunswtck county. (ouar tered in 1792) and to change i's namt toSoutbport; to incorporate the West ern Carolina Savings Rank of Asheville ; to incorporate the town of Ked Springs. Robeson county; to incorporate the Murphy & Tennessee railway ; to ere ate Red Springs lownshjp Robeson co. ; to amend the act incorporating the Wil mington, Onslow and East Carolina railway: to repeal the stock law' m Edgecombe (gives people xiarht to vote thereon); to incorporate tha East Caro Una Railway and Land Company; to lncomorate the Durham and Southern railway: to allow counties and town ships to subscribe to tho capital slock or the CaroIina'Centra.i tatlway-fjn order that it may. be extended to Asheville). To alio wr Greensboro to bsue .$100,000 in bonds, for improvements; to change the name of Zion We3tly College to Livingstone College. merchants itead This. To those subject to tho vexations, ol business life, dyspepsia and a feeling ol debility, irritability and despondency, wa say, take Simmons Liyer Regulator The Regulator is free-from any injur ious mineral substance; not disagreea ble; can be taken at any time without interfering with business or pleasure. It is gentle, safe, and a good digestor. It it unequalled in the enre of piles, constipation, bad breath, sick headache and bilious complaints. ' Caution. jLL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED against trusting any of the crew ot Spanish Bars If ARIA, as no debts ot their contracting will be paid by the vessel or F J. LORD, fefo 19 31 Vice Consul of Spain - The Pilot House. -pORHBRlAHE SCARBOROUGH House, has been opened under new management and Is a first clara Restaurant in every respect. Bdard and lodging can bo obtained JOHN SMITH. Manager. feb 7 lru (Formerly of Burgaw) Emporium of Art and ; Fashiob! TUST.RKCEIVKO BY 1 O DAY'3 EXPRESS tbU03T BEAUTIFUL AND DECIDEDLY THE CHEAPEST assortment of . INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S NAINSOOK . ' CAPS. Call and see them. HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS AND CUFTS . for Ladles and Children. ' New shapes In .Children's Straw Hats for irly Spring wesr. Ml-H. . B-WIGGINS. 115 Uaiket fst. - jCountry criers eoKclted and prompilj filled. Willi COMElEIJC-LAli HEWH, WILMINGTON MARKET, February 214 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady at 36 cents per gallon. Sales of 75 casks at these figures. ROSIN Firm at 75 cents for strain ed and 80 cents for good strained. , TAR Firm at $1.05. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at $1.00 for hard. $1 90 tor yellow dif and virgin. CO rrON F:rm. . The following are the oflieial qaota'iom: Ordinary 6 7-lf;tf"d ordinary 7 13-IH; low mid dlinz 8 11 IK. middiiiitf 3 1C; sod ini'Idlim; 9 7 Ifi. Sales of CO bales at 9 3 IficenU. KeietplHto day: Cotton 208; spirit. 10i; rosin. 0.020; tar, 011; crude. 21 Provisions aud Cotton, Chicago. Feb. 21. 2:30 p m -Wheat market opened at 793 and closed at 785 to 785 tor M&y. Corn opened at 39 1 t. 291 and closed at 381 lor May Pork opened at 14 90 and closed at or May. New York, Feb 21. 2:30 p m Cot ton opened at 9 50 and closed at 9.43 for February. Opened at 9 52 and closed at 9 47 for March. Opened at 9.01 ami ch-aed at 9 50 for April Opened at .9.69 -and closed at tt.Cl for May Opened at 9.70 and closed at 9 71 for June. MAKINK NISYVa. ' ARKIVKl Steamer Csine Fear, Totnlinson, Fay etteviile, C S IiVe fc Co. Steam ci Susie. Dolbow. Point Cas well. Master Sieam , yacht ljouist Snell. Smith- ville. Master frorman barque Louisa Wichards Ehmcke, Liverpool, E Feschau & U estermann. Scbr Georgie L Drake. Goldthwaite. Sanchez, San Domingo. E G Barker & Co. Schr UranuV, Futers, Cardenas. E G IWrker & Co.. with molasses to Worth & Worth. CLEARED. Steamer Cape Fear. Tomlinson, Fay etteville, C S loye & Co Steam yacht Louise. Snell Smith ville. Master Nor barque Frida. Ramiuse. Har btirg, Ger.. Paterson. Doritng'& Co EXPORTS FOREIGN. Harburg, Ger Nor burque Krida 3.288 bbls rosin. W IS KKLY STATE HUN '5 STOCKS ON HAND FKB. 19, I8M7. Cotton ashore, 3 lk2T.; a Moat. QiM); to tal. 3 320 Spirits ashore, 2.587. Rosin ashore, Hfi045; alloat, C.3W; total, 93,303. Tar ashore. 10.400. Crm'.e ashore, 554. KKCEIPTS KOR VEEK ENDED FEB. 10 (Jutton. 857; spirits. 042; rosiu 0 770; lar. 2.004; crude, 480 EXPORTS k6k aviek fnded FEP.. 10. DOlfKSTIC. Cotton. 583; spiriU 227. rosin, 100; tar, 1,0 12; crude. G7I. FOREIGN Rosin. 5 265 VtSSELS IN THE PORT OF WltMIMfiTU N. N.C February 21, IS87. U V B haae, iU tons, Plnkhara. f. G Baker Co N vetel under fin tonn rcorted In 111. BARQUES. Ger Lou gi W lhila, 2."0 tons, thracke, K Peschan & Weaierra n Norllektor, 30fi tor.p, .lohaoBen. I'ateraon. Downing A Co tier Ferdinand, 31 lone, Itlelener, K Pejchau A Weatenqann lier Fortuna, 442 ions, Unrnli, K t etchau A Weatermann Her Graf Betr Needent, Sd tons.Biirmeldier, KG Barktr & o OW IfediiiM. tcna Krouae, Kti'e 4lo tier I'rosperu, 4-4 tons, Krenzlen. K PeB liau 4t Westerniinn Nor Iljemniet, SSI tons, fngeraundsen, Helde & Co Nor Itbehezer. 3f4 tons, Weetermark, Helde A r0 Uelde A Co Ger Frna, !S2 tons. Nlejhar, K G Barker A Co BRIG '4. Nor San Juan, 29 J tons. Bach, - Helde & Co Maria W horwood. 4.3 tons, At wood C P Mehine SCHOONERS. Georgia L D ate. 443 tors, G ldinwalte, K G UArker A t o Uranus. ."41 v ns Peters. K G Barker Co .Tena A cottor, 33 tona. Craumer, Geo Harris A C o Hsrry Preecott. 4 i4 ions, Turner. K G Barker A Col teiiu, i ions, uonu. & u career at to William A lilchard, iVl tons, f trick, Geo Harriss A Co Amelia P Fchmldt., R; tons, Pashley, KG Baker A Co Mary E Bacon. 18' tons, E'krldge; Geo 11 arriss A Co Sarah D Fell. 5t? tons, Love land, Geo Harrlsa A Co Jennie Hall, 312 tot s. Hall, In distress Geo Harrlsa A Co Edith R Seward, 323 tons, Richardson, Geo Harrlsa A Co City of Philadelphia, 367 torn, Benton, ueo Harries a co Frank M McQar, 375 tons, Sbarpe, Geo llamas A Co Br Ferland. 13! tons, McWhlnnle, K G darker A Co Joseph Baymoie, 230 tons, 3iaires, Geo Harrias A Co Isaac T. Aldermar, QOMMIS3ION MERCHANT, COITON AND TIMBER, Specialties. North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. feb 12 tm The Sutton House, JJ-ARlvKT STREET, 80UTII SIDE, BE tween Front and Second. Board by the Day. w ur Munin. jiean Hoomr, (Jomtortanie Beits. Good Attendance ant fha beat the market affords. Bates low Jo21 ly - glMMONS REGULATOR, Taylor's Sweet Gum ant Malllen, Bud's Cough Syrup, . , ' Prescriptions co2Uiounded day and nljtht. A Nigh t BelL . MILLER A NIE3TL1E, Jan 21 Cor. Sixth and Mulberry J AM NOW .PREPARED TQ FILL ALL orders for the JuUly. celcbialed KAREN Remedy, for Ceng ha, oarseneaa. ANU ALL Throat and -Lang Disease contracted by Colda. price 10,25.50 ant $1.-- 1 JaUK.1 D. NOTT," -' - ThDrnrgit,tl8 N. Front t. -All partiet wh have left orders for Sweet Gnm call and get tha eame immediately. reia . ; MISCELLANEOUS Prices Tell. Fjcw robes and blankrts lkitt which' must be sold Try us for anything kept la a lint class Kaddiery store ana we nrumbe to please both lo quality ana price. Bring us yonr repairing We guarantee our work to ne Deuer ana oar prices vne cnepesi la the city. . FENNKLL DANIEL. Old V allarj Stand, 10 So. Front fct feb!9 - Just Received. -o- 3 nnn lbs- iouc )VWU L-i.shel Mea DOUQIINtlT TWIST IN s urea. 5nnn lbs. doughnut TVfisT 9UUU peck Measures. IN q nnn lbs. DOUGH VUT TWIST IN t,vrvrir Buckets - Retailers will do well to call and examine. Send In orders. SOL. BEAU & CO., ol 9. MARKET ST., Wholesale Dealers in Liquor and Tobacco, I au 14 BOY CLIPPER PLOW. alOSr COMP ETR EVER INVKNTED. THE DAISY PLOW ISJiGW FOR BALK. 1 hey are approved and used by the beat Farmers in North rarollna. Wholesale and retail by the Agent ' ' NATfTh JACOB!, . feb 18 tf Z'r , 10 So. Front ft Notice K) THE PUBLI.1. WK HAVE JUST FIT- t.;d up rur SHAVIM AND HAIR DRESS ING sal)i with the Hi eit f nrmturo In the tate, ai d r- pif poe l to com: ete with any. Take n il e uf ili't.teat si La of Il.slr Cuts. Wt jruara: te to d.i us ifixjd work as caa le In this oily or sny ther 1'olTte and at tvnilve l-arlera.. MS v. hae with us THO Vf AS W'llirKKJt, of Norfolk, who'! a Urfct cla&S H.-trber 'n eery respect. ' i Respectfully, DODGt.ASi & YARFOROUG1I, ian 2; if o. 1 3 Market t 1887. 1 $4 fiO vi:ak POlt The Daily Whig. The cheapest dtlly paper In the South. THE WEEK LY has been enlarge I ad he price reduced to 7 cents a jear. The cheap est weekly paper published. The Sunday issue and Weekly edition both for one sear, for tl.f 0. The two are cheaper and better than semi-weekly as you gt one amy issue una a weekly for mi cents less than any eeau weekly pa par. Dal'y seiit free two weeks an I Weekly one moniu ires- spend one cent for a poa al card ana omer one or me otner on trial Address ffcb 5 Richmond, Va. The Nw and Old Ptiroell Hoiih Combined I GRAND OPENING f BOOMS FOR ALL I S THE NEW PUKCELL HOUSE HAS been overrun ever Blnce f opened, I eaw I had to have more room and to make it pleas ant for all. tave thts day leased the niirA bnlldiDsr, which makes tbe house second to none, no pains will be t pared on the part of tbe Proprietor to make this House first class in every respect. New furniture from bot tom to top. uuaa and Biggage Wagon at ar ilval of all trams N. FREDERICK, Proprietor feb I tf Baggage Transfer, PKOMPT CALLS AND DELIVERY of Baggage leaveyonrotders atT. J. SOUTIf- REI AND'S l ivery Stable, North ;i'econdSt. Orders for Can lagea promj tly filled. T. J. SOUTHERLAND. - Livery aid Sale Stables, July ?S tf -No 108 A 110 North Second St Removed,! I HAVE THE PLVASURE OF ANNOUNC log to my fries la and the publie that I have removed into the lage and commodious Sta bles erected by me op tbe corner of Princes and Thlrd'streela, whe I have ample room for allitho demand of the Lively and Fale Business. I keep crn&Untly on hand horses and vehicles for hire and will board horses by the day, week or month at low ratea. A call la reapectfolrfsoncited. h no R, C. ORRELL OTHTn rpnK ONLT FIRST-C AS BFTAURANT la North Carolina, T. E, WALLACE. - Proprietor , 'an 15-im MISCELLANEOUS 1887. Harper's Young People. AN . ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Harper's Yodno People has been callec "the mocel of what a periodical for young re -ierB omjht to be," and the justice of this coramendailon is amp-y sustained by the large circulation it hs attained both at Home and in Great Britain. This success has been reatfed by methods that must commend themselves to he judjrirent of .parents, no less than to the tastes cf children namely, by an earnest and we 1 sustained effort to provide the best and mcst atiraitive reading foryung people a, a low prhe. he 1 -luMrat ons are copleus and of a cor s; I uously hlgn standard of excellence. - An epitome of everything that is attractive and desirable in juvenile literature. Boston Courier. ' v A weekly feast of good things to the boys and irlrta In every family whl b it visits Brooklyn Union. it is wonderful in its wealth of picture In formation, and interest. Christian Advocate, N. Y. . ' TERMS: Poetage Prepaid, 2.00 Per Year. Vol. VIII. commences November 2, I8b6. Single Nombeks, FlveCents each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Honey Ordror Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the eapreaa order of II akjkk A Bkotbs AddrftHS HARPfCK HltOTIIEUS, nov 2H v""te 1887 Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED Hxsper's Weekly maintain- Its position as the leading illustrated newspaper iu Amer ica; and Its bold up n public esteem and con ndence was never stronger tnan ai me pres ent time. Besides the pictures, Harper's. Weekly always contain instalments of one. occasionally of two, of the bett novels of the day, finely illustrated, with short stories, poems, sketches, and papers on Important current topics by the most popular writers. The care that has been successfully exercised in te past to make Harper's Weekly a Eafe as well as a welcome vUitor to every house hold will not be relaxed lu the future. 4 MMMM Harper's Periodicals. Iop Years HARPER'S WEEKLY ...$4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Harper's Franklin Square Library, , one rear (az jsumoers.. iu w Postage Free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly besrtn with the urst Number for January of each year. When no time is-mentioned, subscription will begin wun tbe number current at time of receipt of order. - Bound Volumes of Harper Wteklv. for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, rree oi expense (proviueu tne ireient aois not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 JC per volume Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each. Remittances 6 hou Id be made bv Post-Omce Money Order or Draft,' to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of H arpkk & UKOTHKR8. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, nov2 New York Merchants, bankers ani maxufactcr ers shoulo rear BRAD STREET' A Weekly Journal of Trade, Finance and pcblic Economy.- o Sixteen pages ev , y Saturday Oftentimes Twenty Pages. Sometimes Twenty four Pages. FIVE ItOLLARSA Y fi A It. ; The foem st purpose of BRADSTRKKT'S Is to t e of pra tical f vJce to buslneHS men. Its special trade nd induBtrbil rtports and IU synopi-es of recent legal e.ilstons are exceed ingly valuable At coir-mrcla! transactions, 1 the wb'er sense, aro outing to ) move an.I is ore r.onducied on a ttaii iilctl baaid, the In formation cent line 1 !- HRADvi KK KT'S is of tlret iniort-n c to all THEGKNEKALBUSINESS SITUATION THROUGH OUT 1MB UNIT 1 STATiS AND CANADA IS KKT'ORTCD BY TELEGRAPH TO RRAU ftTREET'S UP TO THE HOUR OF , . PUBLICATION SINGLE COPIE-i TEN CET3. THE BRADSTRKET COMPANY, 275t, 281, 2S3 Broadway, Semi for Samp!e Copy. New York City . ft b 3 NEW CROP MOLASSES. -411 Hogsheads .66 Tierces, CHOICE NEW CBOP CUBA MOLASSES. the first cargo of the season, now landing ex. Scbr. Amelia P. Schmidt. For" talc by . WORTH & WORTH A. A. Brown, feb 11 DKAL ESTATE AND COLLKCTION BRO. KKR. Buys and sella Real Eetate. Stocks. Bonds and collects bills. Titla. r w.i searche promptly. ,an 15 to be made. Cut thla nut and return to us, and we will send you free, some thing of treat vnlnp nnl importance to you, that Will StAlt VOn In ViiiAlnoo wblch will bring you in more money right away than anything else in this world, adt one can do their work and live at homn. Kith. er sex; all ages. Something nw. that iust coins money for all workers. We will start you; capital not needed. Th'a la nm nt ih ;nuine. imiortani chances of a lifetime, hoee who rare ambitious and entemrlslnz wi'inotreuy. Grand omflt free. Address True A to., August, Maine. occ i omi lyw COHIE SKE US!. HF.NEVER YOU ARE IN NEED OK fbiktihs, mm tt iwm , . come and see u. - We have the most complete establish men t n the city, carry a large stock of different qualities of paper to select from, do your work promptly and satisfactorily, and ai prices that we can live a C Qlye uyour orders. Tin iTTTT7 m NKY 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Over 9,000,000 worn during the past years. This marvelous success is due 1st. To the superiority of Ctoraline over all other materials, as a stiffener for Corsets. 2nd. To the superior quality, shape and workmanship of our Corsets, combined )llUt tUCU LlAVV7i . Avoid cheap imitations made of various kinds of cord. None are genuine unless is printed on inside of steel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 359 Broadway, New York City. ian lTJeod & w tm J rop (Jfisii Assets ; OVER S300,000 Monthly Surplus 5I0RE THAN $20,000. Pre&litent HORATIO BROWNING. Sec an 1. Manager GEO. 1). ELDR1D3E. Treasurer SAMUEL NOKJ4ENT, : Director P. S. RIODELL. V- Speclal Agent W. U. tilBSON. NATIOML LIFE k HTllEM ASSOCFH OF WASHINGTON,'!). C. Life Inmrance at Al)s-lnte Cost. MhturUy Value in (;aEh at a fixed age. A Gnar.-int ed Policy. - - - nuual Absolutely Llmiied. JSon-lorlVltal'le afterST-eara. Ten ear Maturity Plan. Non Forfeitable after 5 years. - " Five ears Mati.rlty l'l.m. Non-Fovfcliable fitter 3 j cars. ; " " tel. 1 tf um.e Market nesr Second at.- 1887. . Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. HARPER'S Magazine durInarlK.7 will romantic Interest, entitled N.rtn'-i ltn of Russian llfe-bv K,th,ln (vh . . novel, entitled "April Hopes," by W U How ells; 'Southern Sketches,1' by Chailea Dudley ' ,jv-i in n ucucuca li&rumif juavis. illustra ted by William Hamilton Gibson; "Great niuuuau luuuirjea conunuea; "Social Studiea." by Lr. R. T. Ely; further articles on tbe Railway Problem by competent writers; new series of Illustrations by E A Abbey and Alfred Parsons; articles by IS I Roe; and oth er attractions. ; . , Haroer's Periodicals. . Per Year: - HlDPVDa Mini wwmmi 7T7 . ---'. ........... uu 5iKS2 3!::::::r: StSS rj-VV-a 00 k. V... H 'VT . - , uuiucrs; w oo State or Canada. , . The volumes of the Maoaaine ViadIh with t uuiucjrDiuruimoiuiujjecemBer or each year, When time la i specified, subscrtptioni fwlll besrln with the NnmhMMimnt t ttma ceipt of order .."--v.v.---;-- - . Bound Volumes cf Harper's Magazine, lor three years back. In neat cloth. binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on recein ol J per volume. Cloth Cases, lor binding, aw ceDiaeaco-oy mail, postpaid. , Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for VolumesT toI70. S!? J1850' ' Jomvl8S5. one N ewsjmpers art not to cotru thim mine-a. XT J w v AAAib, AVUtU GIUUICC OX lORfl- I , ruarafrwte express oraer Of ilAKFB & BKQ. HARPER BROTHERS, New York. nov 25 J. II. JONES, : JIVKRV, SALE, BOARDING AND EX- change J-tble. Horses, Mules, Baggies and CarrL-igea for tale or hire. Strfct attention pan 10 Doarding horses No. xiorner rrincess and Pecond fcts., Wilmington N ;. fames cominar from tharanmtw with a m will do well by calling on me w here they ean nnd goo if Stables and fed Mr ihi h.,oa . sept 28 Lost - EiErvy, y Troubles, Ner Debility, Men' Physical Weak' OTWAYVJ TABLETS; Trice 0 cents. BotanleMed. c.. 741 S. Uth t Phlla,.or NUTT, 18 h Front 1 1. .. . , aec 4 3m AV'1;Nr"uG,,,erl.1 Wt to ludle.wil - s , MISCELLANEona Ui IIWaretStroQt, WEARR:,inSTTIIR0lj(iIK nfak'anrthH marked doro ; ; ; prices to make ran,. Will Open Monday, j.lni 3, r;,-l PlL LINK OF six WHITE GOODS uuui vk ir.,, olvfnnii AT VERY I.01V PRICKS I -i ..... " Nainsook Edgings ftnd ; rionriciugs! SPRING DRESS GOODS, worth 25c, for 12 J. 1C andSOf KXTICAOKUIN Aft f JO 1,000 Assorted Jersoys, Most of them worth from $2 to $3. Your Choice $L 25, ALL .OVER LACES, TUCKlNfiS, GINGHAMS. SATEENS, C(1L ORED NAINSOOKS, A-c. ' 6 . An oxaminatioo of quality and priew will surely secure your patronage. -116 R3arket St. fb 14 .. , Commissioner's Sale, TN PURSUAr CE O? A DKCRKC (iFTHK Sifbcrlor Court of f'erder conntr. t Ki4em ber Term. A. 1. 1886 la n act'on of forrtla sure therein pending, between 1h4 Rlr1r1i alirnai i!i k as MalntllT ana Wlliua r. Pop-" aid wlb-. et al. so lef nlaB'i. Uhbi rtcrfclxnr d CotT'inUeloiier, apiwtintil by all detrce. will Ml tor c& h at nubile sqciIm 11 fltn I nn. Ha,... ....... uUll tne 14th uay of Match, a. 1. mi, ai kocii, I t-Ht ti 1ttnfnnr A,cAa I imal olabi .tflltAl Tonaall Bound, in aii runt of Pender, wd i.-eginnin at a cedar, a irarkeu tree, '" watermark 0.1 the 8eucd. betnirt eortitrol Lhn-dimdtner Unp. hfflwprn the mot berf br convevedand the lands of Chailea W, utrU andrunninar tlteno North so oenrtf etn i Poles to a nice, at or near Fish Hawk Kit,! thence South. 3 degree West 8 pole to" tme at or near a&iri tuv. thence sown o grees East C90 poles to the found and tbenri a long me sound to tne itegmning. cunn ing abiut Joe af res. ... . JAMrS T ILU0TT, feb 53 t Commlflrtoner XI r TTmlr ft, W I lflllllf U II A 111 11 , 8tainshil i . -vbs;- - Vlt! frou Virr .kast bivjeh. w ro Located between Chmben an.l I . I . - -. At 3 o'clock, r. otr a wii? . rmi. M msM uvtfk W mm mwmm -- I nfr. n .nn.,u rrtw. i ; , REGULTOR.... '. Friif. " ) I I m, ..." from vnunisuro rrnks-a rrwin r t rkijiit.aicik frWf ' i K. ULA10K" . .J BENEFaCTOB.......... I Throngb. BIIU Ttaooili Rites gtaranteert to a UTi ta Nortli and South Carolina. I For Freight or Pasajtfeapii'f W, j VII. G. SMALI.IMNia.3.j TUEO. G. EGKR. Traffic aaarjj fert WIL P. CXTDIC A CO- an S5 ijrw-' feb 3 Garden Set TBUtt", CHKMI-"A1A cine i and Fancy Ardclfs In ; fcl-lt forner ourw B. G. CRISP- i .'iMi;kni!Fr.lT.lAlfi ..... r H I.IKatz r" SMITH"'"- I W m prAC ice in the ronatW of New llanorer and Frt'w';. (9 fcc . AIT Prompt eDl,Eult?. Collection of Halma epeclsr. ;octndtwtt V JACIISON & BELL, . , " . ' .