this pape -mwiuaed eain. Sundays ex j nepted by . IOSI1T. JAM KB, iDtTOK akd rorarrro. 3UK3tirTIONS POSTAGE VAllh . w year 14.00. Six month. $.. Threa montfc3.$1.00; One month, Mce.U. rue iair win be delivered by carriers tret of tuarge. In any part of the city, at the alv ntea. or 10 ccnU per week. -Adve&tUdn rate low and HbcraL aa-Subscrlbera will report any ana all fall area to rcoclre their paper regularly, . rLBASX XOTlC&'v Ts mil ts glad t9 rscsJvs essmtaiaitiati caczifrlC22acaaay sad ail tatjtau Xks cans at tit wnur buii altrlTs us f to tit Estet.:: ;C -; OoapBtcatloas iavut be ' writtss es ei oatsldaof titt paper. PfnaaaUes intutbt aToidec - -Aad It la especially and parUtiulariy V f 1 3- VOL. XI. W ILMINGTON. N. C, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1887. stood that the Bdltbr doee ao alwy tadr i NO. 45 toe Tiswa or eorrecpoadeatr r w - tat ta the editorial oolttmaav KEfllW Unfailing Specific for Ll?er Disease. Ol liir I IH1 mouth; tongue coated white or covered with a brown fur; pain In tn back, sides, or Joints often mistaken !' Kheumatism; wur stomach; lots of kiitite; sometimes nausea and water ? isb. or indigestion ; rlaluleucy and acid .rotations; bowels alternately costive Hi.JUx; headache; loss of memory, with . i. iJuful sensation of having failed to do - ;.u-thing which ought to have been done; uVblUty; low spirits: a tbiek, yellow r.p . uiim-e of the skfn and eyee; a dry ' V'b fever; restlewmcss; the urine la ;..uv'aud htsh colored, nnd. If allowed to deposit, a sediment. 0 i- MMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) s k ncrallv used In the South to arouse Hi. torpid "Liver to a healthy action, it acts with extraordinary efficacy on ths yiver, Sidneys, 1 and Bowels. Malaria, Rowel Complaint, Ivl-ia. Sick Heartache, Constipation, ItUJonsnesa, Kidney Affection. Jaundice. Mental Depression, Colic. nored by the ue of 1 Millions' of Bottles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE t - Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. ONLY GENUINE h is oui Z Stamp in red on front of Wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., u t-KofKiBiciKS. Price, 8I.CO inv :t deod l trip The IvJitor otthU piper has recently returned from a somewhat lengthy and very plaant visit tr thn "land of il iwers." We manastd to get off one I -tier to tbe readers ot the Review whjje absent and promised others but a lruv.nt cbatig of locatiou prevented ih trim carryinjetha promise into effect Florida is like a bit of the tropics cut ntVfrooilbo Und of the sua" and s t tlnA'ii in the prosaic temperate, zone, it i almost a3 distinctly separated from' ileorsia by climatio effects a3 it is by :iM2raphical lines. It is truly the land ot the orange as well as ot tbe flower, although, from what We could learn, we very much doubt if tho flora of any iiven section is equal to that ot the Cipe Fear, near Wilmington. There are no mountains and no high hill even any where in tho State, it 'u evi dently all made land a'l except the strip of Western cas', reaching over t-ivvardi Alabama. The indications arty that at ono time tbe waters of the Gulf of Moxico swept over tlw places where now statu! manilleent orange groves. Tht-re were islands there, even then. aul possibly souio' of these were vol eaaoes. but no long peninsular stretch jndowu towards tho equator and to within 100 miles of Cuba. Then .cama !ht coral insect and pxit in his slow but sur work, which gradually emerged from the wayc and caught here and there the sand anl dooris swept into anJtmt of the gulf with the currents, waich was soon covered with vejeta tint, until tinally the "land ot flowers1 loud ereet and complete, and read) ior the hand of man to till itsarable acres. it is a land ot wonder. -loo, and it is a land of water a well. In tact, there Heems to be about a much ot water a there is ot land to the Slate. Thete in a great deal more l the aqueous elf- meal there than tho rainfall jcstilirs and there is but little if any. doubt, that many of the lakes and rivers are fed from subterranean sources. Indeed, this is sure. Near Ocala there is are. inarkable picci ot water called, "The Silver Spring.', U is simply the head of a river but it has no surface streams tlowing into it. It is margined by law lands and yet tbe water, (6r miles from the bead, is as pure as crystal arid al moat as transparent the atmosphere. Insorn places it is said to be 65 feet deep and yet we saw huge fish swim ming there near the bottom..; In some places the plummet has not .yet . niea ured the depth and in'othors we thought that we could clearly trace the course of subterranean streams lowing into it. At others aga'o the water can be seen t bubbling from thn eattb aw a great depth. The bed ot th river is of lime alone arid the marvellous beauties un folded a onu gazes over the side of a lazily floating boat, on a bright day. l'ullot sunshine, without a bretze to d. slurb the plat Id Imsoiu ot the waters, is soiueihing thatmiHt te seen to .be appreciated. Some, miles Scuth of Silver Springs theru is ?aid to be a lake of similar formation. alO fed by hidden streams, bat which we did not v.sit- Jacksonville is the pain: which mst J Palatka Railway. and Mr. Ilmry Lai e. tounsislot.k tias their ' first stoppimr : Ticket Agent for these roads. They plar. IUsacity ot about the samef were both exceedingit kind "and at ten -size ai Wilmington, and is fnU of ms'tive to ns, Capt. Jarn.who, by the nificent hoteh, waile the hotels are full at this season with magnificent people, with magnificent, rocket-books, all of whom pay magnificent prices for what is really magnificent entertainment It is a pretty place now and in the course of a fow years it will be beautiful with its handsome now buildings, its busy mans ot commerce and its wide an I beautifully shaded strtet. Here we fount! Mr John L. Holmes and fuuily. formerlf of this city, anl Messrs. It H. Talerrrd (leorge Quince twocxiletl Wihuingtonians who are lo.titing for one more taste of the old Hock Spring water and. a" brtath of tie freh .alt air" f.r which our city is tara' ti.4. Mr IIlmes is practhine at thn Jacksonviil Iir. and with much success, we art pleated ti learn.' while his two iounger on, IVnibrok and Sam. are in bnsim -ss houses in the city. We had been 1U that everything was very high in Jacksonville but we did not find it so. You can buy almost anything there, from an alliua'or two inches lng to a vein ruble saurian of eight fet who is not ri slly to keep it th'S raton, as ho eats nttthing from J.inuary to April Thtt ncci;ssarie.s of life are at reastmabln pi ice; only choice meats are high Suoh beet as is sold in this matkut at 15 to lf cents n pound is vM thre at t2i. The sam.; beet, however, sell-s at Savannah at 2.r cents. Ileal estate and inxs are, how ever, high in JacKsoirville. The far mer is held at almost fabulous prices. Whi'o the latter-aggregate four cents on tbe $100. Fiooi Jacksonville vi e went to St. A"ugutine, "V Ancient City," going up the St. John's river by steamer to Tocoi and then 15 miles acrcss the pe ninsular by the St. John's it St. Augus tine R. R. to tlm quaint old town Tncro is much to be seen in St. Augus tine to interest the traveler. It is tire old si town in tho United States, hav ing buon . settled by the. Spaniards in 1565. Tho old portion of the town is very quaint. Tho slieeis art; exceed tngly narrow and in the widest cJ them two vehicles cannot pass each oilier without encroaching upon the sidewalk, whilo others are so narrow indeed that a pedestrian meetir g a vehicle in them would find it impossible to pass with' out stepping into a doorway until the latter had gone by. There are 91 hote.s in this town and t is curious to see handsome, new. modern buildings opening on the narrisw stret ts of the old place. Old Fort Marion is one tit the'show places here. It is an old old fort, with dismantled guns and a dry moat and yet s me 300 of Geroni mV band of Apaches are tcoc lined thre, while the chief, with his assistant chiefs, is confined at Fort Pickens, at Pensacola. The bucks are heartr, vigorous, brawny men. who pass their days in pitying and smoking and idle ness, while the squaws do all of the work. They seem to he given a great deal of free Inin and it is said that they are sometimes allowed to roam through the ettv The Pone de lon Hotel, now building, is another i ce de position t' which the average St. Augut!niaii points, and jdstly, to , with a great deal of pridtt. Tt is no v neiring com pletion ami is a truly magnificent struc ture; It c iters f .ur acres gtound and its estimated cost was originally $'2 000.000. It will probably far exceed ihis. The bill for one item alone in the furnishing, for crockery, all of which is being made in Italy, will amount to $55,0QQ. i is said- that Mr: Rocke feller, ot Standard Oil C tmpany fame, t the man who is putting up the money and that ho is building it as a. monu ment to his name, ft is rather a mon ument to his folly as it is exceedingly doubtful if the venture ever pays a cent of interest on tbeamount invested The hotel, by the way, is built of cos quino. a kind of shell mari mixed with coarse sand, which is mined near the town and which when mixed with lime soon becomes as hard and as enduring as granite. It is of this material that old Fort Marion was built. There are a number of other things o( interest in tho ancient city to which wo would like to refer, such as tbe old Cathedral.. the artesian well, the Vaza with its slave mart still standing, and toe ancit nt walls and gateway the city, but these must yield to a wnt of space. In St Augustine we met with two weU-known Wilmingtonians, high ly est' earn! friends of other days, Capt. W. J. Jarvis. formerly a passenger conductor on the W. C & A R R but now General Superintendent of the St. John's Railway and the St. Augustine & way. ranks as onn of the foremost raih roadmen in the State, accompanyiogus over his road as far as Palatka. on the return tu Jacksonville The trip from St. Augustine to the former place was made 'n the observation car which runs regu larly on that lino and is the most tiful and complete specimen ot railway architecture we ever saw. It is the only one of its kind in the South. , Excitement in Texas. Great excitement has been, caused in tbe vicinity of Paris. Tex., bv the re markable recovery of Mr. J. K. Corley. who was s helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise bis bead ; every body said he was Iyinp of Consumption. A trial bottlHof I)r. King's New Wiso ery was sent hira'- Finding relief, he bought a large battle him! a box of Dr. King's Mew Life Pills; by the time he had taken two boxes of Pills and two btitties of the Pi eoverv. he was well and had gained in nVsh thirty-six pounds. - . Trial Bottle of 'this (ireat Discoverv for Consumption free at W H Green & -.. ... . .. . An KiicI , tii Hmie Scrapug. Kilward Shephertl. tif llarrisburg. ill., says: 'Having received o much benefit from Electric Bitters. I feeli t my duty to lja snflering humanity know it. Have had a running s re on my leg for eight years; my doctors told me I would Have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated. I used, instead, three bottles of Kiittiric. Bitters and seven boxes Bocklen'H Arnica Salve and my leg is now sound and well ' Fleet ric Bitters are sold at fifty cents a otlUi,' and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at 05c. per box by all W. II. Green & Co. LOCAL NEWS. ' HOEX TO NEW AnVERTISEMEMTS .r ft Mii.lkr (.Jarden Sic I City Hall Japant s j VeMlnfr H kins iiKUGKB's Bottom Prices SIl'nds Bros Btttcr than Tear's Gfo R rKK-cn .coxs Sot Well Dressed I)oiT,r,s YARiioRoron Faihtonahle liarlMrra . Millks A Niksii.ik KenrcdyV Medical Discovery Heavy rains are reported throughout tho Western part of tho State. It being a legal holiday, there were no transactions to-day in naval stores of cotton. While thcro hao been no heavy rains there has been a good deal of wet and uncomfortable weather. ' A large party of young ladies and gentlemen have improved tbe time in making a pleasnre trip to the Sound to day. This is the anniversary of Washing ton's birth day. and the public o (Vices have been closed to business and the shipping in port ha been decorated with bunting Kvery train going South is crowded to its utmost capacity with tourists and health seekers who are bound to tbe orange groves of Florida. The North bound travl is email A pavrment of Belgian blocks on Front street, from Chestnut street to the bridge, near the depot, would ba great bleasins as tho present rouch, cobble stone paveaient is a "very hard road to travel." The projectors of the South Atlantic & Northwestern Railroad have speak ers in nearly county along its proposed r- utc who are advocating its cause and are trying Jo arouse the enthusiasm of the people regarding its advantages. The day train recently put upon the Carolina Central Railroad seems t.o be meet in with universal lavor. Travel line salesmen, who do business along the line of the roaj. are loud, in its praisp. and this is eohoed by the general public who afe greatly accommodated bv it. The "Sociable." to be given to-night at Howard RoliefHall by the Germania C irnet Rand promises to be an elegant affair. Tha management have made every preparation for the pteasu e of their guests and the Indications point to a large, attendance of ladie3 and ger.tleiiien. At the Hotels. Surtax House S B Anders. C Ilirnhill. II I, Leonard. A W Anders, Robt Ijce. Sol McNtirton. J W SikQ?, L P Tatom and R PTatom. Bladen; BA Hawes. Pender: H Ilensnll. H Corbttt. J B Ruark. R I) Willard. Wadoboro; J B Mo re. Texas; J A Holliogswortb, Point Caswell; J A Sutton.' N C; Or A R Lucas,-Columbus.' ; A CJood Investment. Get from 25 to 33 per cent, interest on yc ur juoney hy purchasing now suits or "overcoats at I. SnraKR's. It will pay sou to buy Ibem lor next win ter at the low prices, besides having the gmd of them for the balance ot the cold snaps t A Touch I r jj Tribute). The obsequies of the late Miss Mary Delia Perdew, which were held at tbe residence of her father this forenoon, were . largely attended- The teachers and pupils of Miss Annie Hart's schor l, of which she was herself a nupl when takeu with the sieknes which resulted in her death, attended in a b k y and folio wet 1 her remains to her last resting place at Oakdala. Rev. Dr. Yates, her pastor, conducted.lhe services, which were deeply impressive ami aftecting, Cly Court. f Abraham Brown, colored, (a dark brown) was brought before the Mayor thU "morning charged with disorderly conduct on Front street, and was sent below for ten days He is one of the gan who infest Front street aud block up tho sidewalks, to the discomfort and annoyance of passers-by. of whom mUch complaint has teen made, and who eem to take delight in ruakiog as much istnrbanci ae possible, while at the same time watching so as to f!u'!e the p lice. AtiflitatMl l?itiiicei. The renular semi-m'inthly meeting of the Boartl of Audit and Finance was held yesterday afternoon; Messrs. R J. Joties. Wm Calder.Jno W. Gerdts and W. I. fir ire, chairman of the board, were present. Bills were approved for current ex penses amounting to $50. - . The Board concurred with the Board of Aldermen in authorizing tho purchase ot one thousand feet of hose the use of the Fire Department A resolution was adopted that the Commissioner of the Sinking Fund be n quested to procure a stamp of a dif ferent kind Ironi the one now used, with which to more indelibly stamp on the blinds and cuipons purchased for the fund the words, "Sinking Fund, City of Wilmington," as required by statute law. liusiness Enterprise. The new wholesale dry goods htmse of Messrs. Morris Bear & Brothers, on Front street.-the building formerly oc cupied by Mr. D. A. Smith, is a model tit neatness and convenience for the transactitin of their largo and constant ly increasing business. The building is 50 feet front. 112 feet deep and throe stories in height and all of this large space is utilized to the most complete advantage. A patent elevator leads to every floor, the rooms are well lighted, and tbe arrangements tor the exposi tion ot go'xls to the purchaser are all that couid be desired . The first floor is devoted to dry goods, and here are exposed lawns, muslins, ginghams, prints and domestics in any amount and ot every conceivable style aud pat tern. On this floor are also the pack ing room and private oflico of the firm, the latter being roomy, comfortable and ct zy, wherethe partners may hold a qtt'et chat wth each other or with their customers or friends Ample room i3 !ef to alio a- the handling of goods, son hat they may be moved from the rear to the front ot the building for shipment without c mlusion or the dan ger of damage. A wide stairway leads to the second floor, which is devoted exclusively to the i ale of "notions" and clothing. Iu the arrangement of the goods on this floor the same idea of convenience has been, observed, and any desired-article cad be found at a moment's notice. Here samples of clothing of a'l tbe de sirable styles, patterns and qualities are displayed upon tables, convenient lor inspection ; and here , also, are to be seen the entire list of articles om braced in tho generic term of notions." Another broad stairway conducts us to the third floor, which is devoted to tho sale of hats, straw goods, boots and shoes.' Here, as on the floors below, the convenience of purchasers has been carefally studied and effectual. y secur ed. There is plenty of room, yet there is none to spare. Nothing is crowded for want of space, and plenty of room has been preserved for the inspectiou and selection of goods. Throughout every department of the extensive es tablishment there was displayed, in the most quiet, unostentatious manner im aginable. the great ami potei.t impres sion of energy, progress and en'e-p-"is conducted on business principles Oetiiilne anil Approved by AH. The only genuine porous plasters is Aixoock's nt! all other so called plasters arc nothing more than per forated conn er irritants made to sell on the Reputation ot .Ai.lcook's. Pokocs Planters , is the only external remedy t hat- has the urq-iali-fiffi recommendation nt profesaional men atd. the general public Biware rj imitations! : - . New goods for the Spring and Sum mer trade are beginning to arrive quite reely. although the seas m is- ra'her early for heavy receipts. The Louise Arnot Dramatic Com pany. which met with such tavr n this city, closed a very successful engage ment of tine week, at Rotnke Va . on the lUth inst. A There are a good many tramps in the city, many of whom are young, stout, able-bodied men who . are capable nt earning a g'od liying. if they only had the courage to grapple with good, honv est. hard labor and. let whiskey, alone. Take care of yon r eyes. : An agency for theLeMare'a celebrated Rork Crys tal Spectacles and Eye Glasses isestil Iished in t his place at Heinsberger's.t Poaipurii a A parade and inspection of the Wil mington Light Infantry and the Cornel Concert Club-was annmincsd to take place in front - of the City. Hall at 5 hi'jlck this afternoon, but owing to the threatening aspect of tho weather and the muddy condition iA the .streets it has been postp:nd to a more favorable time: . V bpoctly .Tusttco. The parties who rocked a train about ten days since on the Carolina (central Railroad, between Beaver Dam- and Po kton, were caught and taken before a Magistrate of Urtion County, who sent them before the Superior C nirt of the County, which is in session. The next day they were tried and convicted, but judgment bad not been pronounced at last reports. will be a good, old fashioned sentence, such as may provo a warning to others. Stcainbont .-link. The steamer Excelsior, .Capt, J. T Dicksey. sunk at about 3 o'clock this raorniiig in the Northeast river, about 12 miles from this city. I;. ?eems that tbe crew made the steamer fast to the shore last nightat low water, and when tho tide rose this morning there was nt.t scope of line enough to allow the vessel to rise with it, and she filled and sur.k. The crew barely escaped with their lives, losing ail their clothing save what they had on at the lime. Kare ICiitortainiiicnt As will be seen by advertisement tn this issue, our citizens will be treated to an amusing and otherwise pleasant entertainment at the City Hall, Thurs day night. March .'ltd. The marriage, ceremony of the. Japanese will bo ex hibited, after which refreshojents Japanese and American, will be perved. The ladies who are to exhibit and man ago the affair, we ate very sure, will do everything in their power to please and entertain. As the object is to help the building land of the New Methodist Church, let them have a crowded house. Pianos and organs can be bought cheaper at HcinsbcrgerV than at any other house in the State t "Tilts Little Oleaners." The entertainment to be "given by "The Little Gleaners" of the First Presbyterian Church, to night, at Con cordia Hall, will be a pleasant affair. Fine music will enliven the occasion, while tables will be arranged upon which refreshments, articles of fancy work and fl iwers will be for sale. Our ycung friends, "The Gleaners." haye worked earnestly and faithfully to en sure a successful ent rtainment and we trust that their endeavors may. be liberally rewarded by a generous patronage. . L'ergonai s Messrs. A. G. Ricaud and W. L. Dc Rosset, Jr., of this city, were in Raleigh yesterday. . Mr. Henry A London, olthe Cltalliain Record, and President ol the Pittsboro R. R., was in the city yesterday on a brief visit. His family are on a visit hereto Mr John II. Currie. We were glad to Fee our. friend, Mr J. W. Thompson, in the city lo-dajr His general health is good, but the rheumatism with which be has suffered so long stilt lingers, making locomo tion disagreeable and painful, Mr. Henry Newman, formerly of tb'i city, but now residing in New York arrived here last night on a visit to rel atives and friends and we learn that there is a probability that be will con clude to remain in AVilminglon. - Yon will save money and gel lh best work by sending your clothe lor repairs to John Dyer and Son. t Just received a new lot r.f tim. spokes and hubs. Those in need of above will find that they will save money by buying fronr JACtfci's Hdw. Depot. -' v t NEW A D V Eirri8EM151ITB. D o iierl fin.- & Yar I) or otiRli , JJI V.-HIONABLK HIK IUKt$lCR$ : ' AND i:KCEH5. 1 Marke: M . Wi)mliirua. X. V M op tul y ettt.Ki, with all the la teat im proveaienu Courteous and noilte harliera alras ready to ervft ciiatouie t. . - , 99" J. w. Yar.oroiuh, f rmertr with John Werner, woul l Ik gUl to serve hU oi.l pai Tona. . ' " UbK Jupancstt Wulrtlug:. Foreign Made Costumes; A Rare Entertainment I CirV lIAUi. Thnreaar Nlffht Altutrli :. , rjUIK GOOD THIMH T) KIT WILL BE served a la mode, UHh Japanese, and Ameri can, and at reasonable pit ies.Y - For the benefit ot the new Methodist rtnrcli. Tree of admission ONK DIME. fill -3! mtlti rooh 1 Every thing to bovFound in in Our Line of Business, Wettoi!it these Goofls to Sell ! -o- Have irl?ed them to sntt the time?, at FIGIJI i F.S W HICH DEFY COMPF ;ttion ! J AVe know we c.iu mvkeit to your Interest to deilvltn ns. - - WE BUY SlKlin'l.Y fOIl CSH From minnfacturera and importers, and effer ' in our 1 1 lends and the public, gooU In our line at HOITOM PRICES 1 We ctrry a full Unc of 8chool 'Books. Pa per, tent, Ink. 8 la ten, Jtlank Books, heelc , Books. Note. Draft and Kccetpt liooks. and oinr Mniu nry at lowest prKes. atN HEINSHEHGEH'S. " x fct n Cab rw and himc Storey -rr- Sociable 'IO.IJK GIVES HY (tKRMANIaV CO It NET 1 KAN O at the IIOWARH RELIEF HALL; TUKSDAY KVKNING, Vh 2ad The pubi c arc re8cctfnUy Invited. o (icntlcman admUted without a i ndtv Tlcke ft. . , feu -t Hazard Powder. WB NOW HAVe; TIIK AtiKNCV rOR lldt celebrated Powder which la un doubtedly the beet sold In this country. Ner maffaztoc bnllt down the rivet (out of city limttn). . Full assortment of all the elzs at tbe loweeiprlcc. ' WM. E. SPSIMGElI A CO., ; Succsors to John Dawson Co., x 11, 21 and 2.1 Market Urcet. fci 21 . WilmlBgton N. C Country Produce. yWEKT ASH IUISIl POTATOEX, Apples, Cabbages, Turnip. Oranges, Onions, K?fra, Turkeys, Chlckcnitaad ail kinds or Country Produce for sale by - CHAS. F. HfiOWNK, CommlfsJon Merchant, No 11 N. Waterst., feb21 - Wilmington. X. C Caution. LL PEUSON3 ARK CAUTIONED against tnutlniE any of the crew ot Spanish Bark MAUI A, as no debts ot their contraeilny will lie: paid by the Teasel or ' , .. J. LOBD, feb 10 at Vice Consul of Spain ; Better than Pear's. W niTAKKR AROS.HllflU'.4 OLD f n irush Transparent Soap- Untreated, 1 Cakrs for2ieents hljcerlneSiier cent; Cakes for .vi cents. There are no finer Toilet feat mndc. A TCI A L SOLICITED. fflUNDS ,IJKOTlIKIt8 feb IS Wholcaa'c and Eetail DrnfrUU Koek Spring TTotel. H AS UMTaBUWONK A COM PLKTK BEX- ovating and la fitted cp nicely for tbe ctrntM of lu patrons The labllUs supplied with tte best tbe market affords. Board by the dar, week or month at reasonab'.e rate. MBH. P1CIDGEN', Cheenut, between Front and Water streets feb 11 Im yK MARK A SPECIALTY OF rocT? BAGS and STEaflvatd UAMUi PAP CCS, TWINF, WAXEil P.U1TKR TAPJCS, c, Don't fall to s e. tbe- -f. W 8TYL.M f qart BAG, and to KL wbo!eea"e diaconnt. ). W. YATES. feb 21. 118 Market St. Wilmington. a'C. NEW FURNITURE HOUSE. I tn ner f econd and Market Mrrets. yTK RK HK.RK lO TAY' AhD KO tlU c Hint w kcp the fineat at cheapen Fur nimrclnthe rltr nr prk-rs tult Uta rlcl and rot r alike, We eia sell chep became we maauiactaieoor own soous. A call and inspection solicited.- KSOXY1I.LK kUUNriUCE CO., " feb 7tf - C II. 3.NJLS.D, tlicnar V 7 - v