ruia PA' mmanoU itkT vanlng. Sundays eepted ay : J03IIT. JAia, suitos ajcd raoraiirroa. .', SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: year $4.00. Six . month. t2.OL. Tkra months. One month. S3 cents. - Tue paper wUl be denverol by carrier free of charge, m any part cf the city. at the above r,tcB, or 10 cent per week. A d vcstlslng rates low and liberal. Subscribers will report any and all fall are3 to receive their paper regularly.- It i said that Queen Victoria own property in tho District f Columbia.--. - .- - - .'. The bpjrsiars f It;ne. it i e.s:iniaead. rpwive $2.0(iO.(K)t a nar. and !M are said to b worth Iroui $15.C00 to $25 000 pnrh. , - - - Tncre "h hill" now before the Nevada l.ojjMlitun Ii"qiilirin2"fr'm hllinff ofli- ft"5" ono wn: a victitu of strong drink. - ' i . Mure I Kende. th- Papal Nuncio at Pari, who is to don tha red hat next month, will lv? the younce-Jt of the Car dinal, bein? -nIv thirty-nino f cara old. - : ' ; !'.:! lih s art? growing in popularity ,is M.xii- . and !afi?? prices nn paid lor -upt-iiT animal. Threw boll fliiht wi'M rcriitly givi'ir at S lillo in aid o h hH.ital. and mdhd r- Mgn Marirrll. I'inhop. of Per fiero, and sacri!.vi f XIII. di-U a lew day Hil0- wss a member ot the Order i. f Sir Anutine confessor ol I'im IX. and wa the prelae who ad-luim-nered the lat sacrament to that I'.tntilV brtir death. At a recent election in Washington Territory, where women vote, all but iwo candidates on the Republic in ticket were elected. It is now said that tbo women knew that tlwse tw .men word domestic tyrant-, and, party lines disappeared befre this fact. . - There is a depression in the Engl sb marriage market. . Population is in creasing:, but marriage are decreasing. Divorces are increasinc The reeistrar general decides a vexed question. Is a divorced husband a widower or a bachelor? N a divorced wile a widow 1 1 1 ,i .tnujiui . m uvj iw u 1 i aiiu spinster, he says. ' Alma Tadeiua ha a quaint iron bell, r pieJ from an old German or Dutch .model, in tho shape of a woman wilb enormous petticoats, who bangs from a wrought iron bracket, while her at reaming hair flies out in tea rays It is placed eight or ten foet from the floor and is rung by a long iroa chain, delicately wrought, which hangs 'raijht down from it. (Jen. Basil Duke's daughter, a young pretty and charming girl, is in Wash ington City delighting evejybody by her wonderful mastery of the violin. The New York Slur's correspondent calls her ' Kentucky's Tiolin Queen" and siysthis: . - She has devoted herself-to art and has already accomplished wonders. Her louch is singularly sympathetic anl full of passion and delicacy. There it strength and power, combined with rreat smoothness, accuracy and finish. Ner playing is that of a roan iu her command of the instrument, while there runs throughout it all the tender ness and sweetness of a woman's dainty hand I was charmed with the beauti ful manner iu which her phrasing is done. Tho notes are bound and woven together in all of the weird network ot harmony, while her melodies standout irom tbo canvas of instrumentation, living, burning with a subtle and ap pealing pathos and expression quit wonderful in the playing ot so youn; an artist. . The young lady's father, (Jen Basil Hake, was a gallant Confederate and U nuw a brilliant lawyer at the Louis ville bar. She is nearly related to Gen. lolin Morgan- and to tho late Mrs. George II Pendleton. " . " O V It W ASS 1 1 NQTUX LIU' V Kit j(Sicclal Cor. rxUr Itenrlew ) Washington. D. C, Feb. 211837.. It is hoped that Congress, notwithn btandiog so short a time remains In it. will make it convenient to change the day for tha inauguration ot the next, aud future Presidents. , Independent ot the fact that it will give two 'more months to legislation,' acd thus press ent hasty and otten ill considered ao tion on important measures, it will add greatly to the pleasure of those whD participate in or look on at the cere monies incident to a chanze in - onr rulers "-. . The 4th of March is aim tt uniformly a diaagreeable day la this latitude About this time look for rain or snow, as the almanacs say. In the olden time, when tbe old Hall of tbo House of Rep sentatives was targe enough to hold those who came up t the Capital to witness the event, it made but little dif ference whether there was storm or sunshine. But that was id the das of the slowcoach, when railroads and chaap fares were .unknown, and onlv such as wero very rich or. within a day's JJuroey of Wasbioelon could indulge m tbe luxury. John Quincy Adams was the last who took tne oath under shelter. When General Jackson was to be sworn in. arrangements were made for tbe ceremonies in the great rotunda in tbe Capitol originally in tended lor SUCh DUrnosc.a-.hnL thn nlri hero'a popularity brought such a crowd that no hall in the world would "have held it, and they bad to' aband on th rotunda and go rut on to tbe porticuon the East iront of tho Capitol, and there. 1 E VOL. XI. WILMINGTON. N. C, W very quadrennial 4th of March, the new rresident has taken the oath of ' thee. In the shadow of the building, withont overciat, eloves, or hat. the oath is admini-tered to him by the shivering Chief Justice, and he delivers his inaugural to a shivering crowd. When Mr. Cleveland was inaugu rated two years ago, the day was excep tionally pleasant which was regarded as a favorable augury. Tbo Know had nearly allmelted lr;om the streets, and the delightful sunshine in the morning temptfd the people to turn out without overcoats, and great was the rejoicing ol the doctors thereat. Colds and their concomitant diseases brought grist to the medical mill. The most thoroughly disagreeable lay of my life was ihe -4th of March that witnessed the 2rd inaugura'inn of Grant. The word c.d has had a new igniricance fr m that day. I ras wl a soldier, and theret-ae not in the lite. When grim vi?aged war smoothed his wrinkled front in '65. my sword wa turned into a pen. and aincc then I hue let o'.hers tread the path of glory But it was sad to pee the poor fellows in their cay plumage, whenever , the pro cession would halt, beat themselves, as you've feen the coachmen do, to keep their blood in circulation. A high wind added a keenness to the c ld that en ilan:rcd their ears and nses. A monster Iranio building was built n Judiciary Square lor thu ball tick !s $'20 heating nparatus was 'put in that, in ordinary weather, would have made every nook anil corner of it com fortable, but made no impression on it that night, and a more melancholy parly I have nver witnessed. The tunes blown out by the band seemed to be hr If frozen, the supper was frozen. Prudent men and womrn put on their wraps; those with pretty shoulders, however, didn't get cold. I went to an acquaintance anil begg l to be allowed to send for her fur. She declined. She was going to display those shoul ders if it killed her. - It was amid snow and sleet, that Garfield was inaugurated. The night before "h snow storm, accompanied by thunder srnd lighntipir, prevailed, and volunteer organizations, comint: in Irom all parts of the country, were iu a sad plight indeed. All who survived the exposure ol that time will lavor a changoofthe day, I'm snre. The 22nd is to rrceive some recogni tion hefe. It is a legal holiday, and the departments and the schools will be closed. Tho volunteer military and the tiremon will parade, and some ol them will, after marching up and down our streets, visit Alexandria and unite in I he big celebra tion ot the day there. With what tenacity do onr memories hold on to tho leading incidents of our chiidho d! I never approach a Wash ington's Birthday but I have mirrowed n my mind a painful accident -that marred the pomp and oircumstanco of one; when I was a little child, and made a pauper ot an industrious me chanic The artillery company of which he was a member was firing a salute in honor of the day. at the intersection ol Front and'Princcss street?, when be was severely wounded by tho premature discharge of the gun he was serving I recollect the horrid sight as he was borne by his comrades down to the oflloeofold Dr. DeRosset An arm was amputated and' ho lived afterwards by peddling little things from a basket, the charitably incMr rd being his cus tomers. Just now there are a good many no tices in the society columns ol the local press informing ' whom it may con cern " that "Mr. Blank" a numerous family, be it observed "will rrceive in formally during Int." This comproniMo wiih ihe "world, the Ilea h and the devil," reminds one ol the woman who told one of her custo. mers: Nw, Mary, if you want milk on Sundays you must come in at the back gate, for I've joined the church." Jaooiuts. Kxcitemeift In'IVxaa. Great excitement has been caused in the vicinity of Paris. Tex . bv the re markable recovery of Mr. J. E Corley, who was s helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise .his head; every body said he was dvine of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery was sent him. Finding relief, he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills; by the time hr bad taken two boxes of Pills and two bottles of the Di covery, he was well and had gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. Trial Bottle of this Great Discovery for Consumption free at W. II. Green & Co. : Au 12nd to Bone Scrapns. Edward Shepherd, of Harrisbnrg. 111., says: "Having received so mncb benefit from Electric Bitters. I teeli t my duty to let suffering humanity know it. : Have had a running s re on my. leg for eight years ; my doctors told me I would have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated. I nsed. instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes BucklenV Arnica Salve and my leg is now sound and well " Electric. Bitters are sold at fifty cents a Vttle. and Beck ten's Arnica Salve at 25c. per box by all W. II Green & Co. A Good Investment. Get from 25 to 33 per cent, interest oa yt.ur Aioncy by purchasing now salts or overcoats at I. Shriek's. It will pay jou to buy them tor next win ter at the low prices, besides having tbe good of them tor the balance ot tbe cold snaps . It you want to commence a new set of blank book: such as ledgers, jmr 5 nai. day. cash bo-.ks or records, go ,to lMnsbcrgcr's. wheru you -can. get suited both in quality and prlcc.v t EDNESDaY LOCAL NEWS. . I MO EI TO HEW AOYEtTlXEttlBJI. C W r ATK8BaS r c Miller Garden Seed " ' Heiksbkkoeb's Bottom Prices 1 Mbxds Bbos Better than Pear's . -Miss E Karker Early Spring Hats Geo R frkxcii & Poxs Not Well Dressed Mrs E B Wiggiss Emporium of Ait and Kashlon . . , Millkr A NrEsrLiK Kencely'd Mistical Discovery . - There are T7 boarders now in the County Jail." The receipts of cottfcn at this port lo day foot up 286 bales. . . There was a good supply in the market this morning of fair quality. Egs are plentiful and 12 cents ier dozen is the price at which they are sold. This has been a really disagreeable day, and news gathering has been but poorly rewarded Yon will save money and get the best w.rk bv sending your clothes lor repairs in John Dyer and S -n. f One case of drunk and down was brought bef'oie the Mayor this, morn in?, and the deiendant was dif charged. St jam boatmen report that there is about SO feet of water in the rier on the shoals in the ('ape Fear with the river on the rise. Tbe weather for tr e past tew days has been a; el back for the truck far mers and gardeners, but they are doing their best to bo fully prepared for their work when it shall become warmer Thu ladies will find a new and at- tractive advertisement of Mrs. E. B. Wiggins' art emporium in this Usue. There are many things offered besides new and attractive styles in milinerj goods.- Tne parade and inspection of tbe Wilmington Light Infantry and the Cornet' Concert Club, which was to have been held yesterday afternoon, but was postponed on acccount of tbe weather, will be held at 5 o'clock oa Friday afternoon, in front of tho City Hall. Ger. barque I rospzro, Krucger; clear ed to-day lor Riga, Russia, with 3 420 barrels rosin, valued at $3,219, shipped by Messrs. Worth & Worth. Br.schr. Ftrland. McWinnie, cleared for Bar badoes. for orders, with 115,000 feet lumber, valued at $1,725, shipped by Messrs. J. H. Chadbourn & Co. ; rup king a total of exports foreign amount ing to $4,944 Indication For North Carolina, local rrins with winds shifting to Southerly and warmer. !rtttkfii ltow. A couple of drunken men engaged in a quarrel whu-h resulted in one ol them being knocked down, was the disgrace-fu.- sight at Ihe corner ot Front and Market streets I hi? morning. Both men were arrested and locked up. and, they wi:i probably receive tbe Mayor's attention tocuorrow morning. Sudden Heath A little son of Mr Robert Green, on Cnestnut street, between Fifth and Sixth, died at ab'ut !1 o'olock this forenoon, alter a sickness of but a few hour's duration. He was apparently in good health y strday evening, and was playing v ith other children in front of the house about dark. He was taken violently sick at about 10 o'clock last night, and the little fellow kept growing worse unlii he died at the honr named. Lippincutt'H Magazine. L-Jcy C Lillie contributes the "com plete novel to Lippincoll's Magazine lor March. It is entitled Kenson's Wife." and the ecene is laid partly in 1 Little Fenn." a quaint island off tbe coast of Maine, and partly in B ston and its yi cinity. Robert J. Burdette contributes the "Confession ot a Reformed Humor ist." Another personal article of great interest is the Rev. W. II . Milburn's ' Autobiographical Notes of a Congres sional Chaplain." Henry C. Lea at tacks -The Policy of Insurance" in a paper lull of pith and vigor. - Fred, Perry Powers discusses "Rent and Taxes" from the point ot view of an enthusiastic disciple of Henry George. There is a short story. "Was it Worth WhiU ?" by Barnett Phillips. But per haps the most important article in Ihe number is General John A. Logan." by "One who Knew Him?' . Oi toil nMl m. iml hmtlnp or rork- you neeu a gOOU luraung or COOK- in? stnre ? Thon gor to J ACOBl'S. tL . i nere ynH win unu a lare swmmwii to jtelf-rt fniiii Hi lnw nri' will . . - -v -p ; : ' ' FEBRUARY . Attention is invited to the advertise ment of Miss. E. Karrer. in i his issue New goods are being received and the old stock is being rapidly disposed of at reduced prices to . make room for the spring purchases. . Back Again. The steamer D Murchison,&ier hav ing been 4aid up at FayetteviHe tor nearly three weeks, during , which time she has-been overhauled and repaired, made her appearance here again' this morning. There is some work yet re maining for the carpenters to do. " bnt as that can bi done while she is eagagi ed in her regular trips, they have been resiimedrand will be continnd without further interruption. The SoclAble. The Sociable at Howard Ruliet En gine Half, given last night by the Ger mania Cornet Band, was a most decid ed siiocss' in every particular. The attendance ol lal esand gentlemen was unusually large, and they much enjoypd the pleasures of the dance under the inspiring mnsic furnihet frthe icca sion by the Italian' harper All with whom w-j havn denversed are unani mous in pr-mouncing it an excellent as well as elegant enteriainment, at which ail were "sociable." tie u e a I o Ilea I Mr. William R Fad.ot Grant town ship. Pender county, claims to be a couin, two degrees removed, of the late General Robert E. Ieo Mr Fail wai'born in Duplin county 64 years ago. His lather was horn in Johnson ... county, but his mother was burn; in DupMn county. His mother's mother was born in Virginia, and was the sister of Gen. Le's grandmother Mr. Fail is a farmer and fisherman, with bu' a 'imited education, and is aware "of his relationship with the illustrious South ern chieftain and statesman, only by hearing it spoken of by bis uncles in former "ycats. Wo give the statement as it was given to us: Literary. . The March number of Scribner's Afatizine has been received; and a perusal of ito pages reveals the fact that it fully maintains the excellence of the previous numbers.' . In tho present number are continued the interesting "Reminiscences of the Seige and Cora mue of Paris,' by Ex-Minister E.' B Wasbburne; "The story of a New York House," by II C. Bnnner.; "Seth's Brother's Wile" by ILarold Frederic; and ' The Residuary Lega tee." by J. S of. Dale. Many ol tbe articles. are appropriately illustrated. There are other papers in the number, all of which arc interesting, instructive and entertaining Published by Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, at 25 cents per number, or $3 per annum. A Kara Avis At lha store ol Messrs Holmes & Walters to day wa3 a hen which may appropriately be called a rara'av's. It grew np likeo'her feminine chickens, wearing the modest .suit ol her sex. and in duo time laid a .lot id eges, and hatched a brood of chickens, with tbe usual, fuss and clucking of maternal hens. After weaning her chickens, she was sick for a considerable time, dur ing which her feathers alt came oil. r-Eyentually she recovered her health and with her recovery came a new coat of feathers, but the last had all the gor geousness of a genuine masculine bid dy. In fact she looks and acts jnst like a rooster. " ' Qtiar evly Meetings - First round of Quarterly Meetings for the Wilmington District of - the Methodist E.. Church. South: Bladen circuit, at Bethlehem. Feb. 26. 27 Cokesbury circuit, at Bethany, Mar. 5, 6 Clinton circuit, at Concord. March 12. 13. Topsail circuit- at Rocky Point. Mar. 19.20. Waccamaw station. at Bethel. M&rch 26. 27. Whiteville station, at Whitaville, April 2, 3, 7 Brunswick circuit, at Bethel. April 9. 10. - . -T. W. Guthrie. P. E. '. Physicians Have Found Out That a eontamlaatbic and foreign elerai nt 1 the blood, developed by Indigestion, Is the can-e ortbeamatism. Th's se-tles upon the sevsltlre snb enuneons covering of the mns e'e and ligaments of the joint,' causing con- fttant and Kirt!ng pAl, and ajrgrejctliK a a calcareous, chalky dep,lt which produces atlffaesa and d la tort ion of the joints. No fact which experience has demonstrated la regard hi Hosteller's Stomach Bitters haa stronger j evidence to snppoi t . thai thi. namely, that . 1 this medicine of comi rrlieBAl re uses chocks tboforldabieniiairotiMis nisease.norlaH , mim1 lahli h d tbatlt is nrcfenbl i to the poison of en "ted to arrest u. since tbe medicine contain, only s-dutary'lnrredlenu. ! i lt u a 1m a abrna! rem r lor ma b rial ferew. constipation, dTfpeil. kidney aid b!a.dder auoient,-iiewnty ami oiner jaorders. ,i res I tat iou i et the teEUlse. ' : ,, . , 23 1887. NO. 46 -. THIS MAIbH. ; : rue malls close at the City I'ostjffice as follows : DAILY. , .i Northern through malls, fast... ,...10.(4) P. M. Northern throusjb and w.y malbt....S.OO A. M. N. C and A. A N. C. lUHroJuia aiwf routes supplied therefrom.. . . IO.Ci T M. anil S.Otl A. M. lUlelgh.:... ......... .6.30 P. al. ami S.00 A. M. Sathern throngh mill", fast 9 fiO P. M. Uh lrr3, Fa-r Kluff. N C. ad i sf anon, S. :.. and route " " ; pl'wl tnertfrom. 9.0UP. at. South rn way mall litween Wi- ' in'natoa and Charleston.. ... fi.ftiA. M. l:brl-ston, Savarnah, Jarksoa- vtlte.lTla.. snd Intermediate oolnts - " ' - 9 (OP Mand6.0UA. al. Cheraw A Darlington B R an I point y ; supplied therefrom.... i .. . 6 so p. M. and 9.XC P. SI. V PAILY KXCEPT SUNDAY. r Western malls (J.C.-RallwayC.i... 6.30 P. U. rayettevllle. C. F. AY V K, K. and points supplied therefrrra....630 PM. Ksleth Ifamiet and polnu ranplied therefrom........... ....6 3 P. M,' SratihTllle... 2,10 P. M. Wrtj-htsvllle. S.IC A. M TDE8DAYS AD FltlDAYS. Onslow J. II. ani Intermediate oflB- ces 6.00 A. M. Little Klver, S. C. and lntcmrodlste oftices 2.00 pr kf. Cape Fear Klver mall 1.C0 P. kf. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails. ...7.30 A. M Southern through and way malls... 7.00 A. kf . Southern, Wc?tof Florence. 9.?0 A, M. Carolina Central lUtlroad 9.00 A. M. N Igbt mails arrlvluc: previous to lo.oo I. M. arc opened an-1 distributed Into Ltck Dixes as soon as revived. Mails collected from struct boxes in business portion of city at 5 A. ML., 11.00 A.M. and fi.oo P. M. and from other point of the city at 5 P. M and 5 A. M. - - General delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. and on Sundays from 9.00 to 10 00 A. M. Carrier delivery open on Sunday from 1 00 tJ 10 GO A M. Stamp Office open from 7. 30 A. M. to P.M., Money trder and Itcglster Department oien from 8 A. M to 5 P. M.. continuous. Ital'road time T-'ilh meildian Just received a new lot of rims, spokos and hubs. Those in need of above will find that they will save money by baying from J a cow's. Ildw. Depot t NEW A DVEB'C I S E III BNT8 . Second Lot of Early Spring Iliits - JADIES AND MISSES. ALSO. A VERY larsrc assortment of Linen and Silk Ilandkcr ch'efs. S. & K. brand Cufl'a and Collars, latest styles. Jerseys and Hosiery, corsets and Notions. Unen Towels, Trny and BuB'et Cloths.. stamped a d Plain. .'.--'- NEW SrAMPINtt DESIGNS and alt Ihe matcrla's for Embroidery Clo3ing out all Winter Goods verr low to make room for Sprina: stock Respectfully. MISS E. KARRER, feb Voile V Balldiop:, Opposite Marktt. Emporium of Art and Fashion ! pANCY GOODS, ARTIST'3 M tTERIALS, i-alnts, Frn he?, Pallcttes, &c A beautiful aid new asiorlmont of Rhine Stone Mrs, Hidrplns and Ear Rings and Nov elties In FINE GOLD PLATED JEWELRY. NEW STYLES IN Si'RING MILLINER?, Hats, Flowers and Ribbon?. Hair Gooda. Hair Work rtone t order (of all ktndf) ,. All of the above at LOW PR I E. Country orders solicited. MRJ. E. B WIGGINS, feb 23 115 Market St. Not Well Dressed. N O MATTER HOW FINE YOUR GAR- rrents, nnlcs your Shoes are neat and tit well you are iU dressed. BEST FITTING BOOTS AND SHOES in the city, ami pilces to suit all at GEO. It. PKRNCII & SONS, feb 21 10S N. Front Btfeet J AM NOW PREPARED TO FILL ALL orders for the just?y celebialed KA REN Remedy, for jCtoighs, oarsenesa, AND ALL Throat and Lung Diseases contracted by Colds. Piies 10, 2.',.V)anl $1. J AM EH D. XUTT, Th Druggist, 218 N. Front t. All parties wh -have left orders far Sweet Gum call and get the same inure liately. feb 16 600 Tons COAL. JUST ARRIVED. EX. SCI I. JOSEPH SOOTHER, fife TONS BEST GRATE AND STOVE COAL, and lor raTe Cne Dollar per ton Teas than Xew York prices feb 21 J. A. SPRINGER. COME SEE US ! HENF.VF.R YOU ARE IN NEED : OK FTlIKTlKS. Vm o; WM. ' come and e if a. : We have the most complete establishment In the cityl carry large stock of different qualities of paper to select from,' do your work promptly and aatisfaetorfly. and at prices thai we can Ureal, --, s . TOive yotir orders. : JACKSON A ELL rjPIIK ONLYFlRSTrC, A? KFfeTAL'RAKT is North Carolina T. E"WAL1ACF, : Frorr!:tor aa i la I pjjBASJI KOTldit. . - , . Tfs win be g i4 to rscalvt eoaauaisiQot . Croa onz trUnds oa say x all ;satJ9 , rtuuraitatexestbtit Thsaxmsol tha writar must always t Jakta to tat Effltot,,: CoamTileatloiis most m wnttas oi o oaesldeot the paper. L PtrstmsJiticaianstba avowee ad It Is espocuiiy ud paruealarry tood that the Editor does aot always tadot in the editorial eoftimn. NBW A I VE16TI8EB1ENTS. Douslas. & Yarborongli, 41ASIII)NARLR IA1K DRESSERS" - v " r ' AND HARBEJIS. 1 3 Market Ft . Wilmington. X. V bhop tally equipped with all the latest T Im provement. . - . Courteous and nnHt 1.irlMr aivar. ,Hr to rre eotome r. - ; J. w. Yaroorough, t rmerly with John Werner, would bet eUd to serve his okl nai- rons. fb22 Everything to bo.Found in in Our Line of Business -0- Wo Bonglit these Gdoas :'to-Sell-! ":";v :' -o- Have priced them to suit the tlmej, at ; FIGURES WHICH DEFY COMPE v TITION ! ' We knov we can mike it to your interest to "en who ns. WE BUY STRICTLY rOR CASH From mtnufarturers and Importers, and f ffer m io nnr fi tends and the public, goods in our line at ,- HO'lTOM PRICES Vn A1PVV A full I'nA rkt QjVisvs1 tfrm per, I ens. Ink. Hlates. Blank Rooks, Check Books, Note, Dratt and Receipt Books, and. other Stait ntY at lowest prlres, at . HEINSBERGER'S. feb 22 Cash Book and Music Store Birrt Cages. NEW LOT -UTS r IN, BOTH JAPANID and Brans. COiiK STOVE pronounced the bett la tbe market, and the old White' florae just hi h them blind. Goods of all kinds In our line cheap as the cheapest. - ; PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. ,feb2l Isaac T. Alderman, QOMMISSION MERCHANT, ; COTTON AND UMBER, Specialticr. North Water Strcer, ..." - feb 1 2 ! m ' W 1 1 m lng ton , JS. C.' The Sutton House, ' M ARRET STREET. SOUTH SIDE, BE tween Front and cecond . Board by the Day, Week or Mont If. Clean Roomr, tjomfortable market afford?. Rates low. jan2l Jy iuake no Mistake ! JN ORDERING FISH ANO ( OYSTERS. Guaranteed sound and folld when packed for dcllve y , . TornnCO . W. H. YOPP.' lxck Box 415 or 10C f outh Front St. feb 21 - , ,.- WE NOW HAVE THE AGENCY FOR this celebrated Powder . which Is un doubtedly the best eold In this covntry. Ner magazine built down the river (out of city limits). Full assortment of all tho sizes at the lowest prices. - Successors to John Dawson A Co., in, 21 and 23 Market street. feb 21 , - Wilmington N. C. . Country Produce. yWEET AND IRISH POTATOEKApplei Cabbages, Turnip, Oranges, Onions,- Eggs, Turkeys, Chickens and all kinds or Country Produce for sale by CJIAS. F. BROWNE. vmmusion atercnam, o. water si., . feb 21 Wllmin-ton, N. C Caution. LL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED against trusting, any of the crew of Spanish Bark MARIA.' no.flolita nf thtr MntMllnv will le paid by the vessel m ' , ' r. J. 1A1RD. fejVia 3t Vice Consul of Spain , " Tint for flinn UTiriv'o ivi;iivi aisiusa M, avsa r. . -yrriurAKEs grossmiih'3 old m- giish Transparent Soap. Unicented, 2 Cakes for 2 eents ljcerlne 33 per cent: 3 Cakes for 5i cent. There are no finer Toilet Soars made. A TBI A L SOLICITED.' , . jyiUNDS BKOTUI5J18. feb 15 Wholesale and Retail DrurgUU Kbck Spring Hotel. H AS UNDERGONE COMPLETE RUN- ovatlng and is fitted np nicely for the comfort ot iu patrons. The table 1s supplied with lb? best the market affords. Board by the dar week or month at reasonable rates. MRS. PKIDGEW, Chcsnut, between Front and Water streets ' feb 11 im - - . . . yy-E MARK A SPECIALTY OF, Grogs' BAGS and STRAW and MANILLA PAFEOS, TWINIT, Vf AXED BU ITEJ: PAPKR, A C. pon't fait I ft the -xt W fiTTLfc." f qau BAG, and to get wlolea discount. C. W. YATES. feb a US Market St.' Wilmington. NC NEW FURNITURE HOUSE. Corner feeond and Market Streets. -yjTE ARE HF.RFTO STAY AM KO c.a oniit We kerp the finest anil cheapett Fur niture la the city - t-ur prks suit the He h an poor alike. We can sell iifp Ucxzit we raanuf amre car own too ls. A call sndlosiwe-tlou hoT'cVM.-' ' KNOXVJLLt: t v: :.M I ULF. CO.,