i - ... . - AwAThtvt - -tnilillVl If roptcd - by -.JOSII T. JAME8, . ClITOB 1XD PKOPKMTOK. SU1WCUIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: nn si-r months. 12.00. Throa J.nths. tl.00; . One month, 35 cent. . ui Hpttvercd bv carriers free VhC lis It r - '3 c:irpe. m any part of the city. at the above rite, or 10 cents per wees. A.iveEtlsln rates low ami liberal. aj-Sabacribcrs will report any and all .fail- rre to receive their paper rcgniariy. Unfailing Specific for Lifer Diseas Vi iriaraTflMG Bitter. or bad taste in SYnfl PiUlllda mouth; tongue coated v hite or covered with a brown far ; pain in .'i.e hack, side?, or Joints often mistaken t ,r Kheumatlsm: sour stomach; toss of aiittctite; sometimes nausea and water ri ' i. . (TwiiarAstinn : flatulenev and acid "bowels alternately costive". ' jlar headache; loss of memory, with i. iinful sensation of having failed to do , tiling which ought to have been done ; .-Misty; low spirits; a giick, yellow ap noe of the skin and eyes; a dry fever; restlessness; the urine is . uxvHwl hish colored, and, if allowed to . i". deposits a sediment. MMONS LIVES. REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) . - nendly used in the South to arouse . h J i urpid Liver to a healthy action. It acts with extraordinary efficacy or ths V. 1 IVER, DF.EYSf and BOWELS. A1 EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOB Malaria, Bowel Complaints, iiv.Hpepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Kidney Affections, Jaundice,, Mental Depression, Colic. Endorsed by the use of 7 Millions of Bottles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE f.j- Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. ONLY GENUINE has our Z Sump in red on front of Wrapper. J. H. Z$ilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., tH pRorRisTOKS. , Price, 81.00 nor 3 tleod A w telp :,Abill has ben inttoluced , ftrnl has iaserl its third reading in' the lower Mouse of the General Assembly, ihe iiit section ofwhicajs to prohibit fish in in tht'Ciipe Fear river between the hours ol 6 p. ni on Tuesday and G p. in. on Wednesday in each and every wok daring t bo year: . The 3econd 6i' -li n makes it unlawful to nso wire mtr. wire Biine3 or anv otiizr obstruction (i ho italics are ours) to prevent the free j.!3agfl offish in the Cape Fear, to the iUaileu Count; lino and in the' North a3'. and Iliackrivers. within the county of Tender. The third section prescribes tlm penalty for violat'iQns of the GrBt and seccrnl sections. - Tho bill has not yet Leen brought up In the Senate, and before action is taken by that body it would bo well to pause and consider what the effect will be should the bill bdbomo a law. With that in view we will briefly consider its provi-iion9. IJotwecn this city and-the mouth of th; (J:io Fear there aroiuore lhan 150 men who obtain. a livelihood lor them selves a:il families by fishing. It is a legitimate, honorable and useful voca tion, in which unusual hardships, ex posure and .much personal ' risk is in volved, and very often, unless they are working for waires, fir a poor return lor their toil. Theso men have been brought up from boyhood to the bust ncsa and have neither trado nor pro leion with which to earn a. livelihood. If they work by the day, week or month lor stipulated wages it is with the un derstanding that they shall deyoto a men amount of time to the labor 'to insure full payment (or the same: By the first section of the bill these men aro absolutely prohibited from doing any work in their line of business one m!i day in each of the 52 weeks ot the year, which is virtually taking so much bread, fuel and weafing apparel from themselves and lho3e who are depend ent upon them for support. While taking 5j2 day' work from these honest. hard-working men, the bill docs - not benefit a single individual in the State. The second section of. the bill.' in our view, is not worth . the paper upon which it was written. That portion of the river between Wilmington and the ocean available lor fishing and used for such pumoses is nearly or quite throe miles wide.' The longest: fishing seines in use. or that can be used, do not- ex ceed 150 yards in length, and all the obstructions which these culi cause would hardly prevent the Iree passage o fish to the Bladen line, or even to the head waters ol the Cape Fear. But the billsajs, "wire nets," wire seines or any other obstruction " and this last clause In the sentence is capable 'of al most' any interpretation, not for i ho prevention ol the freo' passage of tih. but upon whjch lo fix a -quibble by which. an? person so disposed may eauso great annoyar.ee. vexation and expense to those who are legitimately engaged in the fishing business. Should the bill become a law it will work great damago. mt only to those who fish lor a living, but lo those who havo invested largo amounts of capital in H a enterprise, while it would prcrre a positive benefit loxin nn? n'thmi.rh it ia presumed that it will help a few farther up the river who fish occasionally for' amusement and whose livelihood does not depend upon this employment -- The Daily, Ieview, ; VOL; XL W ILMINGTON. N, C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1887. SO 49 Excitement in Texas XJreat excitement has been caused in the vicinity of Paris. Tex., bv the re markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley. who was so helpless he culd not turn in bed, or raise his head; every body aid he was ilyine of Consumption. A trial bottle f I)r Kinij's New Discov ery wa3 Mint' him Findinir relief, he tv-ujilit a large b -ttfe anrt a box of Dr. Kind's New Life THls; by the tinie he had taken two boxes of Tills and two bottles of the Di cvery, lie was well and had gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. Trial Bottle of this Ureal Discoverv for Consumption free at W i. Green & Co3. An End in Uont Scrupmr. lidward ShVohrd. tif Harrisburg. Ili.sais: 'llavitig rri-ivfd inuch m-fit I'rwni EUeJrir Bilkers. I teeli i my duty to Id sufiering huniHiiiijy kaw t Have had n riirtnint: s rmm inyk'i! f. r eight years; my doetor told me I would have to have tho bono scraped or leg amputated .1 u.h1. instead, three bottles of Kieetric Bitters and seven hox8 Buckleii Arnica Salve ami my iejr x now gfunl and well " Fleet rie Bitters are sold ai fifty cciit?. i "ott!c. and Becklen'o Arnica Salve at 25. jht tox by nil W. II (Jroen & Co LOCAL NEWS. i3EX 10 NEW Anvfai istwmT CW ATHi;ag3 . Munds I.kos ota Water r c mii.m;k t;aidon sccJ llEINSBKKGEH's llottorjo Prices Tlios r llAiiLEV t an i Plaster Humphrey's IIo.reop.iMni Spceltloi Geo U r uKsca A 'pxs Not U'cll Dres3tl kSEen E ItERitEhT (irand cpenlng Tc Night Millkr & Niesilie Kenredy's Mvdical Discovery Day's length 11 hours and 14 niinuUf. Sunset to morrow afternoon at 51 minutes past 5 '.lr ?k. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 105 bales. Services to-night in the Second Pres. byterian Church conducted by Rev. Dr. Mack. Tic Register of Deeds issued one marringe license this week, which was" for a colored couple. Tho interments in this city during the week were one in Oakdale, none in Bellevue and two in Tine Forest. An invoice of 1,000 feot of pew hose is expected lo arrive horo on tho next steamer from New York, lor the use of tho firo department of the city. - Mr. Joseph E. Herbert's bar and billiard rooms at the New Purcell House will be formally opened to-night. when an elegant free lunch will be spread. Mr. Herbert has had it fitted up verv handsomely and it is now one of tho mostf cosy and attractive places in the city. Maria, wile of liobt. Moore, whose mysterious disappearance from her husband's bid and board we recounted yesterday, turned up at the City Hall this morning, where she appeared to lodge a complaint against her liege lord. She says that Robert took a sharp knife to bed-with -him. on Thursday night and threatened to caress her with it. whereupon she slipped Irom bed in her robe de nuU and took refuge with a neighbor. Indication- For North Carolina, local rains and slightly warmer with southerly winds. 1'erMonai ; Maj. H. L (Irant. ol G'ddsboro, wbo has the largest brick making plant South of Richmond, is in the city to day and registered at the Orton IIouec . r - A Good Investment. Get from 25 to 33 per cent, interest on ycur Jioncy by purchasing now suits or overcoats at I. Siikieu's. I will pay you to buy them lor next win ter at the low prices, besides having the good of them lor the balance of the cold snaps - Subjects ot Sermons The subject ol Rev. Dr. Pritchard's sermon at the First Baptist Church to morrow Jmorning will be, "The Baptists and Religious Liberty.' At night his subject will be "Paul at Philippi," which will the sixth of a series of sermons on Paul and his works. Keep Yur System- iu Good . Tone. Bbandijetii's Pills cure inflamma tory nd chronic rheumatism, gout, bilious, re'mit ent ' and intermittent fever?, diseases of the blood , liver kid neisand bladder. They stimulate blood the excite the circulation and give tone to the entire system. Tbey cure by assist ing the blood to throjv oil all tm puri ties. Take one or two 'pills every night for two weeks " .' . :'. - Street Uatlway Charter. We publish herewith the full text cf a bill to charter a street railway in this city which has passed the House and now awaits action in the Senate. There has been a great deal of comment on the subject here to-day, and the general sentiment seems adverse to the bill as it is. The powers granted therein, as will be seen, are extraordinary. The charter is f-r fifty - year and non forleitable if work be benn within five year; steam r any other motive pow er may he ued n any street within the city limits and the company are authorized to have condemned lor their u-e any pi 'c .f property which they may desire a? a l-tcatub't fr, iletT wnrksh'p or siahU'H The charter, jis we hive, sai 1, is f.ir liftv years and lur ing t ri . period the cnu'!)y are grat.t ol the exclusive ri-ihl so u nstn-:et and operate si reel tail wty ti the (Jity 't Wilminiiton. This i-. perhps the m-'St olj-ctionrtble featun in the bill and we dniibt it : Mi3titulionalityyeven in tiiH lncc'd th' 1 it that it wa-s drawn by one of thr ioo-vi euunent lawyers" in this ciiy. Wi b'is? ur opins iou ujon our const rue i'n of the constitution o( the Stale. Section 7, I article I, declares that "uo man or" set ot men are" (i he bad gramm:r is a part ot the Constitution) "entitled to exclu sive or separate end twiuentsor privi leges from the community but in consid eration of public services' -.and section 31, ol the same article, says that per pelutics and monopolies are c ntrary to the geniu3 of a free State, and ought not to be allowed." No one will object t the establish nient of a street railway line in this city. On the contrary, all will welcome its advent with great pleasure, but not under such extraordinary privileges as are contained in the bill we publi-h herewith. We suggest to the gentlemen interested that they obliterate the ob noxious parts ot the bill and thereby remove the objections to it. Mayor Hall has called the Board of Aldermen together to-night to consider this bill, the full text of which is as tollows : The General Assembly of North Caroli' na do mad- Section I. That for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and opera ting street railways in the city ot Wil mington tor the transportation of freight and passengers, Isaac Bates, J. F. Divine, A. D. Brown. F. H. Sted man, W. II. Chadbourn. John D. Bal lam y, Jr.. and such other persons as they may associate with them, are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate under the name and style of "The Wilmington Street Railway Com pany" and by that name shall bo enti tled to sue and be sued. Dlead and ba impleaded in any court iu or out of the Sta'e of North Carolina, shall have and use a common seal, and alter the same at pleasure, may buy, sell and hold such real and personal estate as it shall deem proper, for the carrying on ol the bu3 luss fiereinalter mentioned, may mnke contracts, establish by laws for its government and shall have, use and enjoy all other rights, powers and privileges, which by law belong to any and all other street railway com panies n this State. Sec 2. That the said Company is hereby authorized to make, c instruct, equip, maintain and operate lines of street railway with one or more tracks, and all necessary branches, turnouts and switches, using such motive power as shall he determined by the Board of Din c'-ors, through and along the streets within the corporate limits of the city ot Wilmington and to points within the vicinity thereof, and erect such depots, stables, rflices, s p3. and other building- as arc necesviry-and proper for conducting ' the business of the said railway company, and lo demand and receive uch sums or sums ot money for the carriage of passengers as the directors may think proper, not to exceed ten rents for each person, on anv line within the criMir ateli.ui's of. said city, nor more than twrnt, -fi 7t (-25) ceii l h to points beyond the city limits; and if the directors shall determine to carry, freight or parcel, such compensation or these services as may be reasonable.. Provided that the tracks laid by the said company ha 1 conform to the grade ot the. "'reets through which they pass and rha I oe to laid as to present no uhnecesary ob stacle to wagons or other vehicles turn ing in or cr-sing the streets or road throuh or over which said railway may be laid and shall at its own ex pense repair and put in a3 good cndh tion as they were previous to the laying of the track through which the streets may have been const rue! ml. Sec. 3 Thft capital iloek of said com pany shall be twenty-live thousand dollars (25 000) in shares of one hu'- ureu .louars i$iinij cacn. anu may tw increasrri to a sum not cxeeeuing on hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($160 000). whenever the Board of Di rectors Hhall so determine, and the company shall have ihe right -to bur row money.to make, negotiate and dis pose of its promissory nole, drafts or bonds, and to mortgage any or all f its property or franchise ,lo gecare their j payments. I Sec 4- Whenever anv lands m? bo , rrqaired lo. soch railways" jr anyTtjere yon will firrd a large assortment branches. 1 he com pany shall have the to select from HU low prW will paw or to have tho same a3seasiHl ami ple.ve ynrt. ' t , condemned lor railway pnrpofes in ihe manner prescribed in the C de of Konh Carolina, volumn I, chapter 40 sn:tiu 1943 and the following sections; and the company shall be bound to keep up all tho bridges and crossings, in good repair whenever the same shall b af fected by their trat k. Sec. 5. Said bom pany shall be dtTem ed fully organized npin the ra ideation ot this act and a maior ty of tho corporators namd In the first section may meet at any time thereafter, and that a President,-Vice President , Seen tary and Trea-urer and not less than three nor more than nine d incurs issue stock bonds jind other securities, obtain subscriptions and enter into c i traeU for the construction and furnish ing of their lino or lines, depots and bujlding5V and to do all 'zither lawlul things, they may cositfVr - necessary and proper to carry out the purpo.'.-s f this act ; and ht said Company shaft have the exclusive right for a term "I filly ears toe. nstruet and oper .te line ol street railways in the eiy f -Wit-mii'Uton: Provided work dhail.be begun on Home one line thereof in five-year?- after the grant iiiii of this charter Sr. fi Any person who shall re move, obstruct, injure," defriec or do. stroy ii ii y part, ol said railways, cats, fixtures, machinery, properly, or struc tures of 'toy kind, shall he deemed guiity t a misdemeanor and lj-ied m impi':3oued in the discretion 'I the Court. ' -Sec. 7. - The conductors and other agents and servants ot said Company are hereby iuvosied with the same au thority, power anl privileges which belong to similar ifiicers and agents of railway companies now operating in this Sta'e Sec. 8 This act shall be in force Irom and alter its ratification Inspection and Parade. The Wilmington Light Infantry, Capt J. H. Daniel, and tho band of the Second Regiment N. C S G , (Cornet Concert Club) turned out yes terday afternoon for. inspection -and parade in compliance with orders from Col. W. C. Jones, the regimental cjmmander. The Infantry turned out with 35 men under arms and the in spectidn was conducted by CjI. Jones, in front ut tho City .Hall. A large number of Jadies and gentlemen were present to witness the inspection, at the conclusion ol which General Or ders No. 1, announcing tho staff ap pointments, as they werejpublished in the Sar ot yesterday and in tho Re view of the day previous, were pub lished by Adjutant M S. Willard. The company then, preceded by-the band and drum corps, took up a line ol march which wa3 down Chestnut street to Front, down Front street to Market, up Market street to Third, and thence through the latter street to the armory in the basement ol the City Hall. They presented a creditable ap pearance and marched ith soldierly precision. Just received a new lot of rims, spokes and hubs. Those in need of above will find that they' will save money by buying-frora Jacop.t's Hdw. Depot t A Grand Enterprise. While passing alon Nutt 3treet this morning we noticed an appearance which indicated that on that portion of the burnt district which had been occus pied by Mr. J. W. Taylor's saw mill there were indications of improvement which led us to think that the property would soon be put to some practical use. Enquiry developed that what was with us a surmise was indeed a tact. Tho Champion Compress and Ware house Company have secured the prop crty and will proceed, with as little de lay as possiblevto erect another com press on the old mill site which shall be of the same dimensions r.s that vhich they already have, viz: 410 feet long by 132 feet wide. Bo: ween, and connect ing the two buildings will be a sub st anlial platform 08 feet wide, for the temporary storage '"of cotton. Ample piers will be c iruc'cd fur the acc m inflation t f vessels taking in cargoes of cotton, a hI l.trgo warehouses, f,,7 the protection ot cotton from the weath er and for th' com tort of the men em ployed, will be en t-d on the wa'er front " When this building and theattoid mg improvements are completed the Warehouse C m pany will have utilized the entire West 3ide of the block ex tending from Red Cross -o Walnut streets. The present building is a magnificent s'ructure and an honor to the dty, giving employment during the un season to a large number of men. horses ami drays. Th s ructur tba has j'l'i been commenced will be tho arae in every particilar. and the two, occupying as they will. the. entire block will present an imposin&and magni ficent business appearance 1) sou need a good henting or t?ik- ing stove ? z- Then go - to jAOor.ra. I xpnrtH Forrii Ger. barque Forlnna, Unroa. cleaied to-day fur Hamburg with 3 030 barrf in rosin, valued nt $3,51R.70.liTpped hy Messrs. S P. Shotter & -. Schr Amelia F. frJinuiU. lht!.c.lvHu tr Ctpe Haiti, wih 30I.WX) fe. t lumber, valued at $3,032 12. ftbipp-d.hj Messrt. J. II. Chadbourn & Co , making a total of exports foreign amounting to fi, 550 82. ... Physicians llayo Found Out That a-ontamlnattnjr and f-reln clentrnt I the hloot. devcToped ! y InlRestlon Is the oau e of rheumatism. Th's Fe tles njoa ihc fensltlvc snt cutaneous ivvrlnjr of the mns c"c ani ligaments of the jifnt, anslnjs oon Unt snt i litfJfnR i4ln, nt airicrcKaUnsr a f-al.ro3us ""chalky J.-p sii vi hth ir-.MtiMvj st'tTncss ani ildtortlon of the iints. Nof.rt which exerlcncc has ccmoustrated. ii rear! t Hostctter's .?toina;h Itllters has etrmuer cviilcnco to supfoit than thm, namely, that this uicnMclnc of rwmi -rehensive uses -checks the foru'Mahtc anl a t roc 1 on a disease, nor is U lbs iKlltvcty ctabll h l that it is preferable to the poison ofl-en sel lo arrest U. since the mcoirinc contain onlv salutary lnirre.unlfi It Is also a sin tl rem :ty for raatariat fever-, 'Kvii8tlpaUon, -. lyFp?psU. kidney a-d hladtei allmentp. d-ibillty.and nihPr ofaorder. rev tho: onjite;the KetJiitrie. Advice to MotliorK Mns. W inflow's Soothing Svklp should always be used when children ant cutting teeth. It relieves the little still'eier at cuce; it produces natural, 'liiiot sleep by relieyiug the child Irom pain, and the little cherub awa&fs as "bright, as a button. " It is very pleas ant to taste. It soothes the child, soft ens the gums, allays ail pain, relicvts ind, regulates the bowels, and is tfco bet knoAvn remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twerity-tive cents a tMittle jly ,; "Itiod & wly v t NEW AIVEKTISElIENT8. WK PKOPOSE TO WOHK SODA Water for all it 1 1 worth. We propote to induce every one to try one glass- - We propose to have tht OiC class make customers for the whole season We propoee to eonttnue to etard at the head of Soda Water Dlspeneers in th's c ty. iMUNl)S I5UOTUEKS, 104 N. Front St fb M . HA S. fourth St. Grand Opening To-Night. jyjY ABRANGEMKNTS HAVING ALL been perfected there will be a GRAN UOPEN- ING lo-nijrht at nay BAR AND BILLIARD ROOM in the Kew Pnrcell House. It will be the biggest thing f the klod ever known In Wilmington. A SPLENUlO FRKE LUNCH will be spread and I want eveiybody to come and taste It. Lunch from 7 until i o'clock. CO yt E KVERY P.O D Y 1 M'o, kcw, fresh stock of 1 Iquoi sand Cigars. JOSEPH E. HERIiEUT. feb?6 it Prop'r LAND PLASTER. 30Q TONS NOVA SCOTIA LAND PLAS. TER, -94.3(1 per cent, of Sulphate of lime. The wait of Plaster has been one of the pea test drawbacks to successful farming in this state, and it 1 an Important service to this great Industry and to the State. it Is quite Indispensable In any judicious system of agriculture, and ft serves several Important ends, besides the direct one of fur nishing lime and sulphur; It gathers nitrogen and prevents Its dls ipation and loss; it is a specific for clover and other leguminous plants and it indirectly renders the potash of the soil available and fo a ws in ihe res tor a tion of wrn lands. Wc have sold Plaster to many during the last year, all from whom we nave heard, ex' press their salefact!on a its results. The spnlicatlon of Plaster ti animal man are, will increase the value of thut manure licyond calculation. composting .with plaster will improve the value of your com post S3 V:i percent. Sowing from 2to to 400 pounds of plaster to the acre, over your small grain after It 1 in the ground, will give yon sn Increased rrcp of from so to ino per cent. It is In icapensable in caily truck In for snch asstrawticrry beds, asparagus bed Ac r or sale m lts to suit by, THO.H V. BAG Lit Y, fc' 2 2wnac Wltmtiutsn. N. C. HUMPHREYS' HOlfEOFATHZC VETESIKAET SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. USED BY P. S. COVHT. crEES-Frrrrn. C!engtlons , Inflammalloii. A. A. Meniiiils JJfilk Ferr. B. B-lriiii. UmriifM2.Khf arsa lltn. . . V.mtrmiT. NimI Dlarbarces. D. D.Bots or Urnhm. Worms. . K. R.-4;onh. 1 1 r tm, PnfBinflTi la. F. Fv-Colie or firipe. Bellvarho. J.-MierrU?. llmorriijtP. H. lf -ITrinary n4 RWney.lfease. I, I. Rraptfvo fimr. IVfBe. J.H. Disease of Digestion. stable Cane. with Manual. GEO JB jrilh --hart ) 10 botH Sppcificn. bottle ol Witeh Uazel Oil snd Medicstor, h ffH.OO PriceBotUe (over 80 doses). . - ,.- .75 Kent Freo on Reer-lpt of Prier. Humphreys Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., H. Y. HIT HPS BEYS' HOMEOPATHIC fjfff SPECIFIC .Ho.fi U In nM r mn Thm Milv nrrrrn remedy for , llenrous Deiiilitr. Vital VeaJcnsss, and Prortrat ion. from nrrrrork or othrr-cantju. 51 per rial, or fc rial awl laix l pwdr. taw f 5. (Sold bt Darsolwrn. or a p"M pt1 tm reiptf price. -fcr7 MectaC, 199 St, ft. X. feb 2 d o t w fy wrm . I. II. JONES, Jp 1VEKY, SALE. COAKD1NG AND tfX change ?tb tea , Ilarse. Mnlcs, llagrlc ant CarrUires for rale or hire MrTwt attentUT paid to tKiardlBg hprses Ko r?, i orrtr Pnacr8ad eeofadU, Wiinmgton S v. Partien vminsr from the country with tcamr win do welt lv calling on me where they can find goo stables and feed for tbetr buries sept 23 - - -- m FZtSLSLSS ' TT XT21 U C!X4 U xzzzlr CCUT 1X1:1 . tmmiMsaioa aav u4 ail cpsnltatcrcst hut . -Xki tuzu et wrrtw mv ainyiti Cerantrnlcatlaa aw wmtta ef ca oniidtot tk jpipn." ;:; : ..- tncsantia mnstb avoid. AsdltU espocDy aad partlcBhirly ca tood Unit tha Editor do aot arwars tmdot tae news, of eorrecpoadmts s w rt . la the dltorlal eohiaim. - NEW A n VERTISEII1C1IT0 How is Thio? I MAKR LCSS MONEY ON TIIKKA KKM remedy than anv roedlc7n I efl,' bat I - mcfoiuicii it. - mirf U0eauS9 irom the Urge qnantt y I have old and the eneral satisfaoiioo U-ptvr I coacladeltls lh lest meoldnc of Its kind J4ilK IL NUTT. M 4 Tlw Druggtst,tl8 N. Front &t. ; Doiiarl as. & Yarborounlii JASHIOHArtLK iTAItt dressers - v , AND B ABBESS, 1 3 Market St . WilmlngtAu. N. C . 6bon fully enuli-iKMl with all tho ltat tm. provemeBts. . - courteous and polite lutrbers always readv to trvc customers. W.JVW. Yar'Htrougr-. f rmerly wUbJohn Werner, won 11 1kj gtal -to serve als old nat rons. - fah 22 --' New Crop Cuba Molasses. o - - SM'OND UAUOO, " . 554 Hogsheads, , 66 Tierces. 1 I N iw liiiding ex American Schooner "Drau. u," dtre'-t from Matanzis. . .- For hx'c very low by WOKTH WOICTH fulj-'l - - Second Lot of Early Spring Hats. A DIES AND MlSJ-ES. ALSO, A VEBY Urtcc assortment of Linen and 611k Handier " ch'efs . & K. brand Cuffs and Collars, latest fctyles. Jersevs and Hosiery, Corsets and Nutlons. I ineu Towels, Tray and Buffet uioins. lampcM a u nam. NEW STAMPING DESIGNS and all the materials for Embroidery Closing out all Winter Goods verv low to make room for Spring stock Kcapc ufuhy. - Miss K. KABBKB, feb 2i Volie-s' IJalldiPg, Opposite Market. Emporium of Art ' and Fashion! "pANCY GOODS, ABTI8Ta MaTEBIALB. ralntp, Brn hee, Pallcttes, Ac , -I---'. A beautiful aid new assortment of Rhine 8 tone Pins. UMrplns and Ear Rings and Nov elties in Wnkgold plated jewelry. NEW 8TYLKS. IN SPRING MILLINER T. Flats, Flowers and Ribbons. Hair Goods. Hair Work done ta' order fnf all kinds) AHof the above at LOW PRRES. Country orlers rultclted. MRS. E. 11 WIGGINS, feb 23 Its Market at. Not Well Dressed. JfO MATTER HOW FINE YOUR. OAE- ments, unless your. Shoes are neat acd fit well you are 111 dressea. ? ! . : n EST riTTI NO BOOT3 AND SIIOS la the city, and pjiees to suit all at GEO. U. FHENCII & ON0, feb 21 108 N. Front Stmt Every thing to bo Found in in Our Line of Business. We Bought these Goods to Sell ! V; Jfaycprice! them to suit the timet, at FICSURRS WHICH DEFY COMPE TITION ! We know we can mtke it to your In'erest to - deal wlih ua. WE BCY HTKIOTI.Y f R CASH From raniifatnrer and Importers atd effer io our f i feeds and the puldle, good In onr tine at - HO'lTOM PRICES We erry a full line of feool Books, Pa tter. I en. Int. h tales. Blank Cooks, i lieek (look. Note. Draft and lrJpt fcoois, and other St.ult ntry at st prices, at . . HEINSBEHGER'S fb 2-2 f;ah Boo and MusW Store W h MAKh A SPECIALTY Of troca BA'jP and TU.Wftird MANILLA FA PECS, TtviNF, waxk.i ; itiirrra paper, r. . fon't fall to s e Hie "MY oTYLL t qnuf D AG, and to gt wfii'oaV discount, C. W. YATES. feb 21 113 Market M. WUfblDgton. NC NEW; FURNITURE HOUSE. C omer f crowd and Market trtets. E ARE HKSE T' 5TlT AM JiO d! c wfit We keep the oseat and cheapest Far. nitare la tho cltf ur prk-e ult the rich ari poor aiue. We ca eJl cheap icaute we maoufactare our own oo!a. , . A call Bdlnsiect!on SJ-"r;tcd. '. KNOXVlLLrJ t LiM irni: CO.. f?b 7 tC . . 11. ZXLLD.itzziziX

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