rais , eepted . by - fc iuitok ad -ntoFtmoB..,. . ,rinx:' pnSTlGI PAID: ,!Vr w.00. Six months. $2.09. Tire. rZ u.r wlU dellvere-l by carrier. freo 2UJTi any nart cut. at b?vo tM or lO cwu per wet. fidvestbduf rates low and liberal. bers ortfl report any to "receive their paper regularly. J v oolite U a new ruater.al. said to he Ln.j,,flvnnb!e. impervious to water nu - .-, . tk Arb claim that Ev was cre- . w turn vears hefr Adam wf and that Adam wMcrMtediimpiy becs'a" she lDeaie or me one to talk ' i " California has .4 000. w nf irmwfri, nd at laU lM.oOO acres are pUn'eJ in tioes i nn lepriii? iiiw-ww, f,l JCimmW.O'K) and eiveoenipfoyment or support t. 150 (X pTsii -- - - Sbo animals are cheap ibis sprint. j in.r from the prios pr-vai:ing in HnlvMphia recently - hH-0KfM'f., iueuaerie was i.ff.f! it ucflL fhrrtf -i-Pnl8 r-oht $lI:5TjO $1. Sftiand $1,010; a blank Mrtelope, $41 0; 4 lionet. M"jaitii ei V'tsn. Ku;a leopard, $IV; a camel. $140; su emu. $lo0; fik, $75; a byena, :t and a yak, $2i The managers of th Imernational Jubilee oi Hailways at Paris are active If engaged in preparing lor the opening io Ma j. The various uiodss and method of railway operation in difier nt countries will be illustrated, and a belt line will be constructed, on which llnelisU. Austrian and Russian trains will pais up and down steep gradients; iitcli from track .to wrack and run through tunnels - . . Writing from St. IMersbuag, some one says: -Jreat precautions are taken here every time the Czar drives out Before the carriage or the sledge leaves Hi Anitcufcofi Palace the police are in formed by telephone as to the direction iu which the Czar contemplates driv in The ordinary police force is im wtiliately doubled all along the way audthe especial corps cl scouts are mostly privates or - sub-ofllcers who Lve eryed tbeir time They form a l.ri&de of several hundred men, who wear civiliau'4 dress and receive rather high wages. They follow-the Czar as Ui shadow.' -r. - ' " - . The Verdict Unaoliuoas. W. D. Salt, Druggist,-Bippus.Ind., lenities: "I can recommend Electric Kilters as tbe very best lemedy. Every tattle has iven -relief in every easel One man took six bottles, and was cur ed of Rheumatism oi 10 years1 stand Jug" Abraham Hare, druggist, Bell vilie. Ohio.-aflirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my SO years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added tbeir te-iiimony, so that the verdict is unani mous that Electric Bitters do cure-all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only ball a dollar a bottle at W. H. Green fc Co's. Brace Up. . You are feeling depressed, your appe tite is poor, you are bothered with Headache, you are fidgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to truce up. Brace up. but not with stim nlants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for tbeir basis very bad. cheap whiskey, and wbicu " stimulate you tor an hour, then leave you ia worse coadition than before 'W.bst you want is an Alterative to purify your blood, start :heattny. action of Liver and. Kidneys, restore your vitality, and sive renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Hitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at W. H.Green & Co: Qaarterly Meetings. " "' First round of Quarterly Meetings lor the Wilmington District of tbe Methodist R. Church. South: . "- Bladen circuit, at Belblehenu Feb. 0 27 -. fJ...- .v--' Cokesbury circuit,-at Bethany, Mar. 5. n . . . ...... . Clinton circuit, at Concord, March 12. 13.. Topsail circuit, at Rocky Point, Mar. io. eo. . .., ", -VVaccsmavr station, at Bethel, March V0 27. ' ' - - ; Whitevllie ! station, at Whiteville, Aprils, 3. v 9 Brunswick circuit, at Bethel, April s. 10. T.W. Guthrie. P. K. A Good Ifu rat. "J " Hboa.d.not hesitate to wait' ujo othose li with such diseases as Small pox, Cholera or Scarlet Fever. There is idtle to be leared by persons waitiogon the sick it they will usri Darbys Prophy lactic Fluid freely. In sick rooms it should be exposed oo a plate or saucer, and the patient sponged off with tbe r laid diluted. For safety, cleanliness and co ml on io the sick-tooru tbe Fluid s indiipensible. Advice to Mothers:. Mes. Winslow's Soothino Strdp fcbould always be nsed, when children are cuUing teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at ence; it provinces natural, MUiet sleep by relieving the child lrom JAiq, and the little cherub awakes as bright as a button. It is very pleas snt to t&ato. It soothes the child, aotl us tbe gums, allays all pain, relieves Jod. regulates tho towels. andUlte ti known remedy for .diarrbea. wUilter arhing fnw teething or othar fkusra. fwruty-U?e ronuaUf.tUa it 6 daod & wlr " 7! 1 VOL. XI. LOCAL NEWS. tlOEI TtlEWaiVEITIltMilTi. C W tAT Baa Udsds Bsoa Clr Johjc A Scttox Notice r C Milleb Oar.ten See1 CKOHorEso Pbotofraphs J A. &rKM6KJt C 0 Tons Coal -W H Yorr Make do illsUke A A Brows Ue Insurance. UcursBKKOEx'a Bottom Price Tho T BAG LEY land Plaster Pabkeb ATatlor 8!rtlCage Fexbll Daxied Prices Tell H4B E BR3WX -Country Pr luee W ESPEiNOKR a Co Hazard Powder Cbaoge of Sailing Day NY ft W 3 8 Co Geo B fRKiccii 4'o- Bed to thefrtate J W Primrose, Paktor BeJJglous Services GILES I ' MirBCHISON Hou-eliimUlfctofc o-vta - MlLLva A NiEsrUE KenretT'a Medical Discovery - be receipts of cotioh at this port to- dy fHt up I8i bales. Nr. barque Nordcnskjold. Abraham seu. hence, arrived at Buens Ayre?, Jan. 23d. Ger. barque Edward- liens, Kipp, bene-, arrived at Newcastle. England, Fb.SG.b. Yon will save money and get the best work by sending your clothes for repairs to John Dyer and Son. t w - - , - - Sheriff A . F. Toon, of Columbus county, on Saturday settled with the treasurer lor; state taxes paying in $4 264.93. February, the last ot tbe Winter months, lakes leave of us to-day. Ii goes out cold, clear anl calm that is to say. c sonably. Quite a number ot the members of the State Legislature arrived in tbe city last Saturday night, and took a trip to tbe Sound yesterday. They have all returned to Raleigh. ' . Interesting services are held nightly iu tbe t?ec;nd Presbyter. an Cburch at 8ji. m. Rev. Dr. Mack, well known for clear and eloquent presentations of the simple Gospel, conducts the ser vices. Revival services will he held at Brooklyn Hall to-night and every night during ibis week. Indications point to a, most excellent work during the series of meetings. The attendance of the unconverted is especially requested. Rev J. B. Mack. D.D., has been con ductihg nightly services at the Second Presbyterian Church, in this city, dur ing the pat week. which will bo conlin ueda portion or all of this week. We are glad to learn that considerable in terest is being manifested in these ser vices. There was a brisk gale of wind on aturdav night, blowing at about 10 o'clock at the rate of 30 miles an hfur. The weather grew much colder, during the night, and yesterday was cold. raw. blustering day. The dirt blew in clouds, in consequence of which people remained indoors as much as possible. Personal Mr. 8; H. Fisbblate returned to tbe city last night, alter an absence of about two weeks. Indication For North Carolina, warmer, lair weather and variable. wind, becoming Southerly. Firemen' Drill. ' -Two squads, of eight men in each, have been formed by the members ol Hook & Ladder Company N. I. who practice nightly in preparation lor the anniversary, which will be celebrated on the 20ib of May next. Mr. II J. Gerken has charge of squad No. 1, and Mr. J. D. Kelley has charge cf squad No. 2. - A Good Idea. Newspaper publishers have struck on a new device io remedy the miscar riage of packages of papers io the mails. It is simply to wrap the pack ages that are in the habit of going astray io red wrappers. This calls the attention of the postal clerks and puts tbenj on their guard as to that particu Isr package and tbe exercise ol unusual care to send the package aling straight Clfy Court;. Andrew Anderson, a sailor man charged with disorderly conduct, was brought before the Mayor this morning and. was lined $3 for the offense. Tbe CapUiorof the vessel to which he be longed paid the Cue and the defendant was discharged. Gilbert Telfair, colored, was arrested for disorderly conduct, but ' was dit ch arged by I he Mayor. The cheapest, place to buy yob r school book 4 and school stationery is at Heins nA - i berger's. ' . ' -. W ILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY; FEBRUARY A Bold Burglary. The house of Mr. T. Donlan J No ll Princess street, was entered by bnrglars some time between the hours of 11 o'clock Saturday night and 4 o'clock Sunday morning, and completely ran' sacked from top to bottom.- It appears that every room la the bouse Was enter ed and the clothing of Mr.'Donlan and his entire family was thoroughly searched, and every cent in ibo boose was taken. Noother property was car ried off. althonzb his papers were all overhauled There is ro clue to the perpetrators of tba deed, but in alM probability it was done by one of a gane ot burglars who seem to bVihte&t Ing this City."7, and ba rmrsufieir worklhus tar without detectimi; The Eastern section' 61 tlm ctty is peculiarly favorable lor tbe operations '"of these midnight marauder, as there are but tew electric-ligbts East d Sixth street. Yesterday's Fires, . ' At about 4 o'ciock yesterday after noon the alarm ot fire was .sounded lrom box-31, corner ot Fourth and Brunswick streets, in consequence of a fire breaking ont in an old dilapiiated house on Dickinson's Hill, occupied by a colored, man, by the name of Sauls The bailding, which was . ol but little vatue. was destroyed. Sauls saved all of hi effects! At quarter past 6 o'clock .yesterday evening another alarm was sounded, this time from box 35, corner of Eighth and Market streets. Tbe alarm was sent out iu consequence of lire beine discovered on the roof of the residence of; Rev. J. B. Barlow, corner Ninth and- Princess streets. The flames were ex tinguished by. the prompt efforts of the neighbors, with no damage to theuild ing; farther than the. burning of a small hole in tbe roof. Charles H. McR&e, a colored butcher who does business in Fourth street Market, reports that somo one tried to set his house, corner Sixth and Camp bell streets, on fire at about 12 o'clock last night. Combustible material was placed against tbe oalside of the house and ignited, but fortunately the flames were discovered and extinguished by tbe neighbors before any serious dam age was done. Pianos" and organs can be bought cheaper at. Heinsberger's than at any other house in the State. t Welt Said. Tbe JJape Fear Advocate, of this city, edited and published by colored men, comes out handsomely in favor of the subscription list to the Onslow U R. It very truly says: Tbe building of the Wilmington, Oasiow and East Carolina R. R. is in dispensably necessary for the interests of Wilmington. The citizens of New Hanover q .unty wilt be called on to vote subscription to this road on the 24tb 'of March next" In the construe tion oi this road our home labor will be in demand and appreciated. The la boring class will g t work to do. The more liberal the subscription the more representation Wilmington will have on the Board ot Directors Our people are in lavor of railroad enterprise. We desire to nave them fully understand the importance of tbU enterprise and will therefore gather all the informa- tion possible for ttieui. Our votes on tnis question will determine the result ; and tne construction ol. this road will work to the general interest Yf New Hartover county (.Employment for tbe laborers, business lor the merchants, and mif market for the farmers iSiitliam Aaui. Ii seems that the reports about Bing ham's having been seen in the western part of the state are about to be proved to bo more than sensational. A late special to the Durham Tobacco Plant lrom Waynesville says: '"Further developments tcud toeouurra the re port that Wittier Biugham has recently boeu in the immediate section, ahd the probabilities are that he is not very far lrom here to. day. In the fastnesses of this western, mountainous country, be would stand a better chance of perman ently evading arrest than at any other place he could utilize for that purpose, and it is altogether reasonable to pre sume that he is endeavoring to do so The deal mute who has been seen by several persons in this vicinity, as pub lished in tbe late issue of the Plant, is more than probably tbe man so badly wanted. Search is being niad. and it is rumored tnat the New York Heraid has ai last taken bold of the case and that trwoot that paper's detect iye'repor ter a are now on their way here. In deed, they may already be in this sec tiou for aught any one. knows; their disguise, ot course, being sufficient to prevent recognition. Do you need a good heating or cook ing store ? Tben go to Jacobi's There you will find a large assortment ,t. Mltict from His toff prices will 1 plse yon. .- - ' " t ; oaof Aldermeir; Tl tT t r a t a s - ' : li auoD4ia.ru oi a mermen met ai nan j past 7 o'clock last Saturday under a call j from tbe Mayor. Present. His Honor.! E. D HalL and Aldermen Bear. Boney, Giles Worth, Dudley and McEacheru The Mayor stated that, alter consul tation with one or two. members of tbe Board, be bad called' the ineftine. to take into'consideration the act passed by. tbe present legislature for the char ter of a street railway. Tbe City Attorney being prent, was requested to read ' the" cbtrteK " The chaHer. which wa published by us on Saturday last, was read, and : after an interchange of views.' Alderman Bear-' nanved that the City Attorney be requested to draft a supplemental bill, embodying the views of th Board, to be presented to it at an adjourned meeting to btbeld at 3 p. m. in Mon day, tii23lh inst. Adopted. The Board tben. adjourned to meet again at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The B ard met in adjournol session at 3 o'cliKik this afternoon. Present; Mayor Hall and Aldermen Boney. Bear. -Witith, fiiUs, Dudley and Mc Eachern. The City Attorney submitted a pre am ble. reciting the fact of the passage of a bill by the General Assembly granting a charter for a stieet railway in the city ot Wilmkngton, together with a bill supplemental to said act. wb'"ch is as follows: 77 General Assembly of Nozth Cr olina do Enact: M Suction 1. That section 2 of sai act be amended by adding at the end of said section the following, to wit: pro vided. further, that before constructing, or beginning the construction of. the said street railway, or any part or line thereof, upon or along any street in the City ot Wilmington, it shall be first obligatory upon the .said company to first obtain tbe consent and approval of tbe Board of Aldermen of said ci'.y, who,' if they consent to the use of said street, shall determine over what portion of the same the said rail way shall be constructed. Section- 2 That section 5 of said act be amended so that tbe proviso at the end said section shall read as follows : - That not less than two miles. pf some one line thereof shall be completed and put in operation within five years after the granting cf this charter. Mr. J. D. Bellamy, Jr.. who is one ot the corporators named in the charter ot the street railway, being present, was inyited to give bis views to the Board. These he gave at length and in lue name of tbe corporators accepted the terms of the supplemental bill pre sented by the city Attorney. On motion it wa3 voted that the Board appropriate so much money as may be necessary to pay the expenses of the commission, consisting of Ibe mayor and city attorney, . who have been appointed to go to RaleigfT to se.. cure the passage of tbe amendment-pro posed to the Wilmington Street RaiU way act. v Adj turned. , At tlie Hotels. Sutton House Dr A M Mclcau, A H. Rosier. Robeson ; E 11 Atkins, J Dosher, C Newton, Mrs. J. J4 Wescott, Smithvilie; Dr W B Murphy. J John son, C Johnson, I Goodrich. C Hobbs, L Hobbs, O AutrefflJampson; E 1j Applowhite, Freeman's ; F4R Wright. S W Mashburnc, M O Edge. D L, E.gc, G W Register. G Simmons, R M Wescott, Bladen ; J O Grimes, Brun swick: Rev W A Pope, wife and child, Warsaw; JT Bland, Burgaw. v- : 1 1 A Good Investment. If et from 25 to 33 per Cent. int;rett on your Jioney by purchasing now suits or overcoats at I. Shriek's. It will pay you to buy them lor next win ter at the low. prices besides having the good of them lor the balance ot the cold snaps v t Take care of your eyes. An agency for the Lo Mare's celebrated Rock Crys tal Spectacles and Eye Glasses is estab lished in this place at Heinsberger's.t Useful and Hurtful medicines. There Is a certain class ot remedies for con stipation absolute'y nsetesa. These are bolu ses and poUons mads la great part of rolo. pbyllln, aloes, rhubarb, gamboge, and other worthless Ingredients. 3 It damage they do to the atomacjia of those who nte them Is In calculable. 1 bey evacuate the bowels. It is troe,butlways do so virfentlyand profusely, and besides, gripe the bowels. Their effect Is to veaken b tb tbem and the stomaeh. Bet ter far to use the agreeable and salutary ape rteat, Ilostetter'a Stomach Bitters, tbe laxa tive effect of which Is never preceded by pain, or accompanied by. a convulsive, violent ac tion of he bowels. On the contrary. It invig orates those organs tbe stomach aod tH ea tire system. Asa means of curiae and pre ventlag malarial fevers, bo medicine can com pare with tt. and tt remedies nervous debttl- -ty. rbenma Um. ktdie snd bU-ider laeUvl; ty, aad other loorganie aimiea's . . v The ftEViEf Job Office is the place, to gt guud fio.tk i MuWrate pritv. 1 28, 1887. NO 50 ! NKW A OVElt USKM KNTS i" :" --li.i i ... - ii ,i.n, I,, Z Jl'- Notice. FTER FEBRUakY 2Sth. l.W I AH M longer connected with tfae ilrm , of. ut t n A Ushir. felt 2S It J US A tiTro. Ueiigious Services. gEBVlCES VTILI. . BE COSDUCTE f Al teM)nt rrefctrterla t hur a to 1jft at t o'clock, by Itev. J. B Mirk, l l teats free public lttTl:ed. febSSlt J w PRiuaosr, " Pasur i: Life Insurance. i - . JHAVC TTIK AQKNCr OR TOE rOl ,orlng reiUble Companies ami solicit a snareof the patroaace; National life tnl Maturity Assoclaltjia of Washington. D. C ; Hertford 1 lfe and Annu ity Imurance o , ttartfod, Cono., and New Unfflaofl Accident Afceoclailon, of Hartford. Conn , a. A. BaOW, Beat Kfelate and Collection Broker feb ilw DO YOU WANT A FINE CIGARS FOB 25 cents ? . , BOY CAROLINA TtCtT CLUB ' Is money scarce and a cont Cigar roust &usw6r ? ' Lt'TL BOY BLUE" fills the bill. Only of MUND8 BKO T1IKKS. Wholesa'e and Retail Drugs late, 14 N. r rant St. feb 23 . 8.1 N. fourth St. Hazard Powder; WE NOW HAVE THE AGENCY FOB tbis celebrated' Powder wblch la un doubtedlv tbe best sold In this country - Ne magazine fcullt down the river (out of cHy limits). Full assortment of all the sles at the lowest prices. Wl. E. SPRING EE CO., Successors to Jobn Dawson A Co., 19, 21 and it Market Mreet. feb 28 Wilmington N. C- Photographs, r ' t -- riALl AT Cronenberg's gallery, roR FINK WORK Children's Pictures a specialty. Old pic tures copied and enlarged. Call and see spe cimena. I feb 28 H. CK'ONENBERG. 600 Tons GOAL. JUST ARRIVED. EX. SCHit. JOSKPH SOUTHER, 0 TONS BEST GRATE AND i STOVE COAL, and for tale One Dollar per ton Je38 than New York prices, feb 28 J. A. SPRINGER, KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCWIRY, glMMONS' REGULATOR, Taylor's Sweet Gum anl Mnlllen. Bud's Cough Syrup, Prescriptions compounded day and niybt. ' 49-NlKhtRell. MILLER & NIE6TLIE, feb 28 Cor. Sixth and MuJberrv Prices Tell. JY&W ROBES AND BLANKETS LEFT which must be sold. Try us for 'anything kept in a first class Saddlery Store and we promise to please both in Quality and price. Bring us your repairing We guarantee our work to be belter and our prices the cheapest In the city. FEN NELL X DANIEL, Old a'allarti Stand, 10 So. Front fct. feb 23 Garden Seed, JJBUG, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI cine and Fancy Arliclen In full supply at F. C. MILLER'S, feb "i? Corner Fourth and Nun' ts House FurhishingGoods, yyE HAVE AND ALWAYS KfEP ON hand a veil selected-lot of HousefHrnlsblng Goola A new lot of Dinner Sets. Chamber Sets, Tea Sets and Fancy Goods jut leceited. Do not forget tbe Rochester Lamp If you in-, tend to supply yourself with a Lamp. GILES A MURCH1SOX. feb 2 . Crockery Department Blake no Mistake ! ; OYSTERS. GuarHnteet swuad and solbl when packed lor dellvc y Term CO I W. II. YOPP, lock Box 415 or 100 f-outh Front St. feb 2 Bird Cages. NEW IXJT JUST IN, BOTH -I A PA NED and Brans. COOK STOVE pronounced the best in tbe market, and the old Wbtte Horse Just hai is tbem blind. Goods of al kiads la our Hoe cheap as tbe cheapest. PARKER A TAYIXB. PURE WHITE OIL. . .feb2S Country Produce. (JWEKT AND IBI3H POTATOES. Apples, I Cabbages, Turnip. Oranges, Onions. Eggs, Turkeys, Chickens and all kinds of Country Produce for sale by CHAS. F. BROWNE. Commission Merchant, No 11 N ,Water st., feb 28 Wilmington, N. C- Best in ihe State. TTTE SHOW THE LA R6 EST STOCK OF BOOTJ and SHOES In this State. Have more styles and variety ot mate-. Better goods' at les money than any other house.' Can su't m vre people and save time and trtnble In ookiFg aru&dr Come an I it It I not so. cu:o. K. Jen . FCUNCII & SONS, ; 105 N. FroatartTSt . - rLSA3 KOTICi - Tfe wia ts gua te ixcim csax&zzius croa czx cagj ca say aad ; all ;szu:tts - gurallalsrutbai H- 7;. O ".'-V-' The mast et tat vmtu sans! alinn tt, y tisas4 to Editor : ;v'..Vtfi Cowwaalftatloas ataat m writta ea cat-' oas aide ot u paper. rsnoaanties saastbo avoided. ' . 'I -Aadltla specially' aad paxUtaiirry ca 1 0d tnat too Editor 2oa aot always saaci the vlewi ot oorreapoadamt imm m -. tat 1 uittMedJtorlal eohuama. - n ew ADvttTiacnpiiTa,, Sew YorH & Vnuinstcn Steamship Co; , fKOal PIER 59, EA8T Kl VIB, MIW YO&E ' Located 1etweea CMnters and Rof aevelt sta, ' 'Cv- At Vo'ciook. f. M, fr.;',' ... BEGUIATOR......... .. . . .rrlday, lleh 4 BEN t FACTOR...!... i ... .... Friday ,'Jtsk 1 1 ' REGULATOR.... .. Friday, lick is BENE r Af TOR Friday, Mch i5 FROM WILMINGTON ' , BENEFAQTOB REGULATOR........ BENEFACTOR. ..... : Friday, lleh. 4 H .Frldky, Uek 11 -Friday, Moo 13 -Friday, tca 25 r REGULATOR. . . OSP Tft rough Bills Ladlat aad - Lowut rtaroub Rates guaranteed to and frok FolfiU bt North and Sonta CArotlaa. For Freight or Passage apply to : H. G. 8MALLBONES, SuperlaUBdOat WUmlngtoa. NC. T1IEO. G. EGKR. Traflic Mauarsr. , ' . NewYoik.- VFM. P. CLYDE A coM Gaaara. Agsata, U Brsadwav. Naw Yorlu feb 2$ - . yyE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Grocer' BAGS and STRAW nbd M ANI I .LA PAP JC&3, twine; waxeo butter papjSr, cr 3 Don't fall to s e th "NEW STYLK" f quust: BAG, and to g't ' wholeeaV discount. C. W. YATES - feb 28 119 Markot St: Wilmington. N C Emporium of Art and Fashion lJ'i' 1NCY GOODS. ARTIST'S MATERIALS. ralnts, Bru, hes, Pallettesrc "j f - , , ,.,,'v:- ; v-i. A beautiful aod ew assortment of' Stint Stone Plus, Hidrplns and Ear Rings and Nov eltles in FINE GOLD PLATEU .IEWCLRY. NEW 8TYLES IN SPRING MILURF.Rf. Hats, Flowers and Ribbon. ' Hair Goodsr. Hair Work done t? order fof all kind) " All of the above at LOW PRICKS. Country orders fvdlclted. t MK1 K. B WIGGINS. teh 23 115 Market St. Every thing to be Fouiid in in Our.Lineof Businesstv We Bought these Gpptlav 'v,: to Sell ! ; Have priced, them to suit the Umei.'al : FIGURES WHICH DEFY COUPE- . --'.V..-,-.:,..TITION'i'.;. ; We know we can mike it to yur fa;eret to deal with us. - ? WE BUY STRICTLY FlR CASH From manufacturers and importers, and rffer v Io our ftlcnds and the. public, gools .' !' A; ji la oar line at ' , M We carry a full line of School Boots, Pa- " per. Fens, Ink. Slates, BUnk Books, Cheek Books. Note, Draft and Receipt Book a,, and . other Static tier y at lowest prices, at t ; '- 3 HEINSBERGER'S.. cb 2i - j Cash Book and Music Store LAfJD PLAGTED. 3QQTONS NOVA SCOTIA LAND PLAS. TER, 91 GG per ccnt of Sulphate of lloae. . Tbe want of .Plaster his been one of the neatest drawbacks to successful faralag la this ttate. and it is aa Important service to this great industry and to tbe State. . " It is quite Indispensable In any Judirtaus system of agriculture, and It serves several important ends, besides the direct one of fur- niftttlag lime and so labor; It gathers nltro nltrogtn ; It Is a anu prevents its uis lpati leclac . for clover and other legumlaon plants aad it Indirectly renders the potash of the soil available and so tea In . the reatora tion of wr rn lands. x .. We have sold Plaster u maiy during the Ist vear, all from whom w nave heard, ex pres.s thetr sa'lf action' a its results. 1 The 'pnitaatloa of Plaster t? aalmaltuan re. wlit increase tbe -valne of that maaure beyond ca ten U tion. compostiog with plaster will Improve the value of your conipost&'j (.ercenu . sowing from to 400 lounds or plotter to . the acre, over your small grata after It 1 la the ground will give yOa an Increased crop of from to to 100 per cent.- .i . It H in !epeoaab!e la eaily truck s for inch as strawberry beds, asparagus beds Af. or saUsla lots tosulttty : " , ' . THOS F. BAG LEY, frb 2fi 5w aac ;! Wllmlnstin. N. C. The Pilot House. Jg JRU E RL Y TH E SCA R BOR( UG tl HMir, ass heem opene! nsr new mans feme nt ad Is a first -elA KetUnrail In nvr. f tfipfti. Board sl loilrlag ran b4 btt!s JOHN eUHU. 1. -. et, tirbTlnt. ifutuitiij Li ; .fctw