rXSAX3 K0T1CS. : . mmIm. Sudltl - I 1 septed by-' ;' JOSUT.'JAilEJ,'-; - man iui i a rr- .... tna esr irUafia ca txy aad all iiist - . 1 Tuaisatt taa.wntersaasi arrays ts - i'"'CRlPT1,J-0 rw- - .r MOO. SU month. $2.00. Thre. jew n moat. Si eeata. ' Comaaslcatljas mast ta wtitua , ca ca - s - ' THIS PAPER i iAMtt Tier wwt- or - vw - - j A.tve-u" .....d iO tali- 4jrsuicriu; 7 ' 7 to receive tbe!r payer rcgularry, . . OS s v MILfr(o)l: PURELY VEGETABLE. . It cti with trorJ:ry tlllciey a th I iver, Sidneys, and BOWELS. AM EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR : MUria. w .rlltia, Bowel CoioplaLuts. Sick. HeadVoelie, coodlp-tioii. BUlouaneaa. kidney Amotion. Jaundice, Mental Depression, Colic Ko Household Should be. Without Itr by being kept ready for immediate use. . n sive many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctors bills. THERE IS BUT ONt SIMMONS LIVERREGDLATOR that yoy gat ths gsnu'ii with rsd "Z" . best of Wrapper. Prepared oaly by J. M. Z El LIN Ol uw.,iM,,rr,""i rtiiUdslphia, Pa. ov deod & w iHp PRICK, SU.OO. In a recent, canvass of tie two"houet f.l tbe Alabama Legislature fur the pre Ureucfc of the members for President in lv3. one. man voted for Jefferson Florida newspapers are almost a unit . i t l - I I U n. - in Support i i,x-'ij uveruur itiuxuaiu a3 i lie uoceior of Senator Jones, in the United Staes Senate, and -the iodicav ti m are that be will have a walkbter I .r the position. Mr. Jones still lingers m Detroit, and though he anhbunces in candidacy for reelection, it . Is not irbab!e he will. find a corporal's guard i.l supporters when Ihe Florida Legisla tire proceeds to choose .a Senator. ' - President Grevy. of France, nr rather liis aiaier t f the ceremonies, has nar rowly escaped giving Germany a pre text for war. By some mishap in the invitations to the last ball at tbeElysee, the military attaches of the German embassy were quite foroiten. Count Muuiler at once asked what it meant, aad a special envoy bad to be sent to hiui to explain the oversight. Some interesting historic animals are i lie two horses which were attached to the late Czar's carriage when the b iDjib exploded, aod which are notw kept in the Imperial stables. They are I. idly scarred, lame and, of coarse utterly useless; but they are given tender care by four grooms, are clothed in silk and exercised, but never bar nessed. The carriage, which was in jured, is on exhibition in a glass case. . ' - ' Mrs. Joseph E. Johnston.-who died at Baltimore last week, was a daughter of the late Louis McLane, of Delaware, and aiater of Ex-Governor Robert- M. McLane. United Slate minister to France; Mr. James L. , Mjclane and Mr. Iiuis McLane. of Baltimore; Mr. Alan McLane, of Washington; Mrs. I'uillip Hamilton, daugbter-jnlaw of 'en. Alexander Hamilton, of "New Vorb, and Mrs. Sally McLane. who died in Balti mare en Saturday," Feb. 12. 1837. Minister McLane bat thus within ten days lott two sisters 'by" death. -. v ' ' - . -- . ' Tbe report of the director filw imint hows a marked Increase in Ibe product tioQ of the precious metals for the'year lsSTi over that of 1 83 5 The gold output increased $31,800,000 to $35.00,000 aod the silver prodaclioQ from $4b.800,000 to $49,995,930. The total; output of the two metals ii $83,000,000, or'more than uye millions greater than the prodac tiwo of any former year in' the history l ih country. The gratifying in crease in the goid product "li'doe chiefly to improved methods of mining i" California and to tbe development ol it nwly diicovered gold fields: of Alaska. " - - - Stood the Test; ' 2 v Ai.loocks Porous 1'i.jlstei:s Uayo uecesslully and trinmphantly stood the tt ornjany year' use by the public; they have never been equaled by un scrupulous imitators who have sought to win a part of the reputation of All- ocK's by making a plaster with, holes in it ; and they stand iu day iodoiscd lV not only the" highest medical ati thorites, but by thousanda.ut graUlul Ptibti who haye proved their efficacy &i a toQiehold remedy. - -. '"' VOL. XI. ; The Verdict Unanimous. W. J). Suit. DrufKist. Bippus. Ind.. testifi -l can rec oimend Electric Bitters as the v-ry bet irruedy. Every bottle has atiTen relief in every case. One man took six boltls. and-was cur ed of Rheumatism ot 10 j cars stand ing Abraham Hare, druggist, Bell vllle. Ohio, allirms: 4 The best selling medicine I have ever bandied in my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bttters." Thousands of othets have added their testimony, ao that the verdict is unani mous that Electric Bitter do cure all dieaes ol the Liver. Kidneys or Blood. ()oly.balfa dollar a bottle at W. H. Green Brace Up. Yoj are feeling depressed, your appe- tite.'i poor, yon are hnihered Wtlh Headache, .you are fidireuy. tiervoas, aod generally on t of sorts, and waul to trace op. Brace up. but not with tirm nlants, spring medicine, or bitters, which have tr their basis very bad. cheap whiskey, and which stimulate you iDr .an bour. then lave 'you iu worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative to purity your blood, start ben 1 thy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine jou will find in Elect r ic Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at W. II. Green & tVs LOCAL NEWS. tHOCX TONEWADVERTIlEMEIrU' CW YaYW-Bars Munds Bfos Soda Water For Silk Texas Horbes Millbb Oarden Sel J A Springer March Trices Heiksberger's Bottom Prices Thos r BA6LEV Land Plaster 1C D Hall, Mayor 'eiled Prjpoails Geo B Fresch AFoxs Beet in tlie?tate Mili.br A NiEsrLiEKencedy's Medical Discovery We gain tbis'month as much as ?-2 minute of daylight. .The receipts of cotton at this port io day foot Up 01 bales. This month has five Tuesdays, live Wednesdays"and five Thursdays. Buck shad sell now for C5 cents a pair and roe shad from $1 to $1.2.. Turner's Almanac promises fair and frosty weather lorjo-morrow morn ing. Another uiootU has taken position in tbe annual line and it is now. forward, March! Von will save money and get,tbe best work by sending your'clothes for repairs to John Dyer and Son. t PianosJ and organs carj, be bought cheaper at tleinsberger's -than at any other house in tbe State. t . No Raleigh papers received here to day. and hence we are unable to furnish oar usual legislative reports. M arch, the first of the Spring months, is with us to-day. It comes in ' like a lamb and must therefore necessarily go out as a lion. The boys are busy with their kius now and in a few days the, trees aod telegraph poles wili be handsomely ornamented. , , Take care of your eyes. An agency for theLeMaro'a celebrated Rock Crys tal Spectacles and Eye Glasses is estab lished in this place at Heinsberger's.t Ger. barque Medusa, Krause. cleared to-day for Hamburg with 1 030 casks spirits turpentine and 1.5S4 barrels roVin. valued at $'21, 114 j hipped by Messrs Pateritiu. Downing &C i. Schrs. Joseph Vavmore. Burdgu, and Jenuic Hull, which put iu hero a lew weeks since in distress, having com pleted the necessary repairs, cleared f r their respective-ports ot -destination to day. .. - , A large line of new Spring samples for men's wear received Xrora Brown ing, King & Co., the largest merchant tailoring establishment in tbe country. Call early aod leave your measure at I. Shriek's and save from fifteen to twen ty dollars on a suit. Our binding obli gation is: v 1st. Tbe quality shall be as repre sented. " 2. ' Tbe garment shall be made to fit .3 The prices shall be lower than tbe same goods can be had elsewhere. 4. Money refunded if we fail in any ol these particulars. t I'erinttat Mr. Elward T. Flyoo, representing the New York IleraUl, is in the city to day and gave us tin pleasure of a visit. Ref. Cotio Shaw, ol Bladen County, is io the" city aod will assist In the services at the series of meetings now in progress in the Second Presbyterian Church. .. " D. vou need a sroml heatinr or cook ing atove ? TUoo g Ua rJacoBi's. There yon will find a Urge assortment . - - . r-m: a 1 Ml lo .ueieci irom. UI9 ijv prices win pleaaa sou. V. ; v. ""-'; W ILMIN(TbN: TUESDAY. MARCH 1. . City CourU In the absence of alayor Hall from the city. Mayor pro tem Bear presided at the City' Court this raorriiog.J Z J William Pedeseo.' a sailor, charged with diiorderly -conduct, waa fined $10, bu' $5 of the amount was subsequently remitted, "lie paid $5 and was dis- charged,.'- i : - ". . - Caleb Blount, colored, for disordrly conduct, was fined $5. , Noah Batson, colored, for disorderJy conduct was fiad $10 ; with the alter native of going belong lor J5 days. Chryatella, . M From the aut borMr, J amM Chester Racjtwejl. of , Whtiev.f K wp txsve re civwd nnat lit'fe vlum,': entitled ChrysteHa,;:; The E-Jho of a Dream." a pie in, Mr.Bek'alt is oof- unknown r ti tha world ot Utter number of minor poem Trow tua pert, first pub lished, in tbe Bkvik. havipg been copied extensively in papers all over the Country. We read "Chryst-lla" with much interest and pleasurei It is tor sal by Messrs". Rockwell, Taylor & Co of Wbiteviile. Price 10 cents. ' Hath:tr Mastor'i Report Tbe arrivals of vessels at this port for the month, edded Feb. 28:b, 1887. as taken trom the books of Capt. Joseph Price. Harbor Master, were as follows: - American 4 steamers. 3.380 tons; I brig. 020 toni, aud II schooners. 4,903 tons, making a toUl of 19 vessels and 8.503 tons. ForeignI I barques, 4,380 tons, and 1 brig. 296 tons, making a total foreign of 12 vessels and; 4.676 tons ; and a ?rand total of 31 vessels, asgregatiog 13,183 tons. Mortuary kteport. The regular mortuary report for the month of February, I8S7, has been pre parel by Dr. F. W. Potter, city physi cian, and shows the number of deaths during the month to have been as follows: Whites Male adults 3 : female adults, 1; total 4 There were no deaths among white children during the montb. Colored Males 11; females. 8. total 19. Of this number 10 were adults and 9 were children. AUood Time. Tbe entertainment of the Japanese Wedding to be given at the City Hall on the night of tbe 3d inst.. promises lo be an excellent a flair. Refreshments, both in Japanese and American style, will be served at reasonable prices, and the Cornet Concert Club will be in at tendance and furnish some of their best music tor the occasion. The price of admission has been fixed at tbe merely nominal sum ot ten cents, so that atl who desiie may attend without materi ally reducing their assets ' F6rin Exports The exports foreign for the month of February, as takeu i'rojM the books at the Custom House, foot upas follows: Cotton, 3,072 bales, 1 ,020,671 pounds, valued at $131,411 ; spirits turpentine, 73.181 gallons, valued at $27,817; rosin t 33.988 barrels, valued at $35,484; gum thus. 20 barrels, valued at $57; flour, 5 barrels, valued at $25; pork, 20.000 pounds, valued at $1,421; lumber. l. 03 1, 600 feet, ualued t $14 219; shin gles, 330.00-.!. valued at $1 536; cypress timber, valued at $1,018; miscellan eous. valud at $50; making a total ol exports for ign amounting to $216,091. Fire Near Armour. Tlio dwelling house of Mr. Robert Lirkins, near Armour, Columbus county, caught fire at about 4 o'clock lal Sunday afternoon, and was totally consumed Mr. Larkins managed, by hatd woik and much personal rifcr. to save u portion of his furniture.- There was no insurance, and as he is a man of limited means his loss became a. se rious matter. We are iJad to stale, however, that bis neighbors, with the friendly helpfulness' which characterize those people, took tbe matter in hand early on Monday and before 9 o'clock on the morning of that day the cheerful riag of the axe was heard preparing a frame lor a new dwelling for Mr. Lar kins. in which they propose that be and his family shall be safely domiciled in a tew days. Cotton. The receipts ot cotton at this port for the month of February. 1887. foot up 3.C93 bales, as against 5.031 bales tor the corresponding month last year; a decrease of 1,333 bale. The receipts for the crop year to dale foot up 130.153 . . a. . bale, asagainst.yi.il! bales for correapondiog time last year ; an iu- J crease of 34.043 bales. Tlie National Inll From present indication, it rtms that the State Guard aro generally in terested in the proposed National Drill to take place in Washington in May. and fox the' benefit ot -.'those interested fare pubUsiifhis afternoon iotae iletails which will no doubt be intereftin' lo our citiz-n soldiery. Up t'Mhe 1st l February, twenty eight States and ey eral Territories bad been in corresipoi -dunce wi'.h the National C mmite.H as to entry in-: the drdU The Tl!.' wing icoia oaoies from North Croliua hive signified 4beir ioteoiion ot bfing pres. ent: Sajpnd Regiment North Carolina Jones. Wilmingtoa; FayetleviUe Light Infantry. Capti W.Cf MoDuffl. Fay entefiile; Company F, Thin! Regiment (infantry), Capt- W A.' : Hob bit Ox ford ; Company E Fourth Regiment (iotanir.v). Capt. T. R. Robertson, Chariotie; (Jovernor's Guard (infanty). Capt. G. D. Rand. Raleigh The oiiizena't Washington Ctty have subscribed a tund ! -$50.000, to insure the payment of th't prizus and txpeudi. tures of th inuta-upaieot," aud have perfected n organization with Hon. Samuel F. Wlnailey, ot the District of Columbia, as Chairman. Entries will be open to regularly or ganized volunteer militia of the United Stales for competition as regiments, battalions, or companies, in infantry, artillery, cavalry, and zouave tactics, and also to regularly organized corps of cadets from military or university school, for the most varied and doubly largest prizes ever offered, aggregating $25,500, with other souvenir trophies. There are ten series of prizes open for competition, viz: regimental, battalion; company, cavalry, eight artillery, ma chine guns, zouaves.' cadet corps, indi yidual piizes and rifle practice. Those iu which our readers are most interest edare as follows: . Regimental For the best regimental infantry, judged by inspection and - re view (difference in arms and accoutre ments allowed for), a magnificent stand of colors (United States flag, regimens tal flag and guidons), with cold, silver and bronze medals to the officers. Battalion. For the best battalion of infantry, it not less than four compa nies jjudged byinypection and by drill in the Manual of Arms, and iu such" minor movements in the . school of the battalion, as wtH test marching, wheelinr, distances, alignments, etc.: First prize. $2,000 Second prize (if not more i ban two .compete). I 500 Company For the best company of infantry (either separately entered or belonging lo any regiment or battalion entered for the above prizes) to be judged by inspection and ' by drill in the School of the Soldier. Manual ot Arms, aod School of the Company First prize $5,000 Second prize. .. : . , . 2.500 Third prize..., ... ..... 1,500 Fourth prize. 1 000 Fith prize 500 Individual Prizes. For the best drilled soldier in the Manual of Arms competition restricted to not more than two members of any - competing com pany . -First price, gold metal and. . . .. . . .$100 Second prize, silver medal and.... 75 Third prize, bronze medal and. . . . 75 Riflo Practice. Competition open to any regular enlisted man or commis sioned officer of the volunteer .militia, not, however, to exceed two from any one company, to be governed by tho rules regulating the annual competi tious in the regular Army, as detailed iu chapter 3. part 5, "Bluet's Rifle and Carbine Firing." Ten shuts oach at 200, 300. 500. and 600 yards. Prize to be awarded on best aggregate scores. Competitors restricted to use . of the service Springfield breech loader used by the regular Army.or lo the rifle ofli cfally issued to the militia by the Stale to which competitor , belongs eight prize.gold medal and. . . . . .$100 Three prizes, silver medal and. . . . 75 Four prizes, bronze medal and.. .50 T 1 At the Hotel. Sutton House W T Gilbert, Brutu wickf M W Tatom.J K Davis, E Pc- tersonL Chasen, Bladen; Mrs J L CorbettroC Cor belt, Sampson; Dr S Tatom. A McDonald White Oak ; J M Clapy , A A W illi ford, Cumberland; E A Pate, Pates; J G Carney. Pender; O Carr. Duplin; Rev C Skaar. Magno lia; J W Boykin, Lisbon. Our Little Ones, The March number of this delightful juvenile publication is at band. It is cram-full of nlci hings for the little folks and the illustrations are" profuse and handsome Issued by the Russell Publishing Company, 36 Brom field street, Boston, at I 50 a year. . A CJoocl Burie. Shou d not hesitate to wait uio n those ill with such diseases as Small pox. Cholera or Scarlet Fever. There is little to be leared by persons waiting on tbe tick il they w ill use Darbys Prophy lactic Fluid freely. In sick rooms it ahonid be exposed oo a plate nr saucer. ain.l lliA nl lArtl m ffV tJaTlt H . I Kfl asim m siaa.iKi ia as a. ua mmj m. u wm mm w Fimd dilntad.- Fur safetv. cleanliness." - . n j comfort la the sick-roora i he Flnid-i jis iodiipsnsabld. NO 51 Iu Menioriani Hanfl P. Hand. j The subject of this sketch was l rn Tatbat I'm is vi uotuw .Musifi j a avH ia v reader count. N. : . on tbe ITtli dT of u tober. im. Pled January lltti. I8i7, mtkir? Ulva 5 jeais. 2 taonliia nl I dayo M ll win farmer's boy and ieune jhi i t y at the plow. His father ano tir with hlut, ir.mn tiel etrly In tlfe th be i d 1 ule bV h .c vlnit mil Btrrn UiVn ckarr?rr vii.l tit mtu j for iia)KrtaBi duties la life. I 'he haxtti- stouc at whicn J Wul uaul wa nurture there wt re uore but Uealtbful 11 11 ie ! tils father belonged to tbe yeomaun ot tbe lml, that sterling1 clas that rives l- out countr iu sirengt'a la peace and its vakr lu war. leut. Hand's motner was a wom h who posaese 1 spieudld n -m at ati it'es. aad real lzed of a truth, taai thte who hold tbe guid ing string above the eh'Micu at the.hcan to stone exercise mightier iit -teare la the couutry than iune who ti ake Its laws . be with her husband appreciated the advantage, of common education; and iteare, thotuvh op portunities for schMtur wee not ample as new, yet Ue cnUdren of that bousenold went forta with alnds trained sikI tnred with usefut knowledge. With tiicb turrouadtnt;s it Is not sirange taat 1 lent. Hand should have grown to manhood, aod prorcd. a . blcsdoir to tne community it which 'he llvrd. " lie was blessed -with no great phrsical streugth but with a sound nilnu and with a quickened sense iwf oiily to.Gvd anl Lit fellow men. I did not know L.ieut Han'i udui the breaki g out or the late cliit war. From that lime until the day of his death, l was almost as intimate with him as a brother. turlig tha war 1 had op portunities to Ictrn something of e fetsrn virtues which marked his charact r. He w s a member of the Third iN O. Kea't infattry. In evety battle engasTCl In by that Kcgtmenl. cmplimcated by every rcginiental and brig aide commander of the com macd for bravery and courage, was wounded twice, once-so ms verely that he was lctt to die on the bat llield, but with that courage that makes such a sol4 ier, and only such a soldier, he made his way to the rear but was captured and after long and painful tufferhig is prison, he-was partial iy. restored to health, went brk to his cou mand and there remained, engaging in every battxe in which his regiment was engaged toj tbe close of the war. At the cioie or Hie war, with his constitution almost shut er d ho went to work to nmke an honest Jiving. For twenty years, with a chronic disease of the liver, he struggled on- accumulating a gu i p-opeUy, living an honest chri6t.tan ilte. About two years before his death he was at tacktd with chlorosis and ca tarrh of the stom ach, which anally eLded his useful cireer Mr. Hand leaves a wife and only son to mourn his loss, but why houM Hey mourn? He had learned to I in upon tiiat otrong Arm as into the valley and shadow . he wa ked: that arm sustained him even to the end. The calm resignation be manifested on his auproachlng dissolution, the perfect confidence he had thai this life is but tht germ of lmmortUty. ena bled the leiiever to say: "It is well with him." Whether In ths field where sin is atoned by the shedding of blooi or in the quiet walks of life,- at r. Hand was guided aut upheld by an unwavering belief in the precepts and ex ample of the Mazarene, he having been a LV cou in the .Presbyterian Church for a nuniln r of years; supported by that Christian faith he placed his own )u the mighty but unseen hand of the eternal Father; all with unfalter ing steps and cheering hope he walked through the shadows into that land from which, though separated from us by a thin veil, no echoes come. He won fame on the field of battle, which may be forgot, but the sublime fajih I have mentioned abides with, him still. It is Immortal as the spirit it leavens. Grieve not then.velatlvea aad friends, but remember that we, too, must die ; that it is better to live well seems clear, even according to the world's philosophy, that which is most materialistic, tor whether death ends ad or is bnt the begin ning of smother life, the experience of man kind would seem to leave nodoubt that things are so ordered that our chief ioy will be found In the faithful discharge of duty. Lei us art well our part; follow tbe husband's, the broth er's, the fiicnd's example, and all will be well. Mi-IOR. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Sale. 2j HEAD OF TEXAS IIORSE9, MOST of them broken to the saddle, jwIU Imj offered for sale at J. W, TAYLOtt'o Stables, corner Front and Mulberry streets, to morrow. March ind All who wi3h to buy arc Javltea to call early . inch 1 It pEKSON-i WALKING OR DltlTING IN the afternoons will liod a glass of Soda Water very refreshing. This can be found, served with Cream, I t;E COLD, at tbe old establish ed stand of rtlUNlJS JJKOTUICJtSJ, mch 1 0.1 N, Fourth St. Japanese Wedding. Foreign Made Costumcjs, -o- A Rare Entertainment I CITY HALL. Tliiirsuay Nlffht; March . 'JUK GOOD THINGS TO KAT WILL DE serve! In mode, both .Japanese and Ameri can, and at reasonable prices. For the benefit of the new MetjMt Church. -k Pr'.ce of admission ONE DIME. ftb 21 2t 2-d mcb I Sealed Proposals 1 SflLL BE JtKCEl VED FOB FJUBNI9U log the City of Wilmington with Labor aad Materiils specified below. Contract to com mence A pi ii ltt, 1 887 .and continue until April la', lS8i. Said bids to be opene I at a special meeting of the Board of Ablermea to be he'd o Thursday, V arch 51st. if 87, at S o'clk, p.m.. 1st. For furnishing Drivers, Feediag and Shoeing MolesaadkeeiJnc Carts aad Harness la order, for ay number of Carts Oieelty mayenaploy. 2nd For lighting the city with Gai, Klee trleity or otherwise. 3rd. For Lumber per !, feet, aterehaaU ble iality. aad la qaanUttet as reiuirrl by tbe rity. I- 4tb or (scavenger work. , , ith. For Prtntlagand AdyertUlag. ;i Ctb. For Fee11agPrisoer, iJeraaeaL i it reeriwg the rljfht ju; reject aay and i to sat . Major, t tar copy wed nra ; 1887. Aad 11 is especially aad partlealairt sa , tood Uat tie Hiitor does aoi always oca i tka views of eorretpbadaate as Uti -la thaaditortal oolamaa. , ; - ir - . - . -.. . t ' : f AUaUNU THE MONTH OK MAECH I lrni 10 tcii i"u at aim lower puces. at asv -v m a &ui uia&e a cia:ij ei iAvtvt noui, rnrtceina- and pro log bey iid doubt that ' fail i,ord ts io cash load debvered. . -rarh 1 - ; J. a. ePBINGKR. Life Insurance. fUAVK TIIC AGENCY FOR TUR FOlr iowiag redabe Companies and- solicit a. j sbara of the patronage; Natlousl 1 ife Mil Maturity AssocUlioa ot Washlngtoa. D. c ; Hartford 1 Ife aad Aaau Ity In urar.ee To , Hartford, Cons., and New " auslaal Acebleat ' AtunclAttAn. nf fi-fnr.i Conn A. A. H&OWf. . - Keal SalktB4t llloatlAn I'rnkiii- -vieb'.KJw !" - Hazard Powder. - - - - .- : WK NOW II4VK THE AGENCY FOB this - celebrated Powder which 1 doubted I r tbe best so din this country. Ne-r magaz ie built lowa the river (out of city. limits), ruli assortment of all the sizes at the . 1 Ave t prices. - . ' - - TBI. au. sruNuEK mx m Suc-eaaors to John Dawsoa A Co..' . 19. 21 aad 2.1 Market Street. V rb . ; Wilmington N. C m. L a. 7 ' - v riioiorapus, l ALL AT uronenberg's liallery, .; : FOB FINE WOltkv r vuiiuren i K-iur-ja a specialty, oia pie tures eouled and enlriiL Cill mil mtva . clmena. .. . teb 2S H. CKONKNItEBG. S IMMON RlCGULATOK. Taylor's Sweet Giim and Mulllea, Hud's "ough Syrup, ; v . . Prese-rlptions rouipoiinded day aad aUht. m Mgh m.. . - - , ' V i MILLER A NIESTUE. V " fell ?S I'nr Klvllianrl lfiilKw . - Garden "Seod, TARIIg'. CHKUtCAl.4 P A tbjt aiifnr. - 9 - .-a s Hii a' atavw - cine and Fancy Ar deles In full supply at F. C. MILLER'S. felt i. Corner Fourth and Nanvu V -4 Country Produce. - WEET AND IRISH POTATOES, Apples, Cabbages, Turnip", Oranges, Onions, Eggf, Turkeys, Chlckemt and all. kinds of Country Produce for sale by ' , . , f - chas. f. hkownk; . ' Commission Merchant, No. 1PN Water at., . feb 2S s ; Wilmington, X. C-. - " ' ' ....I i , i House Furni8iingGobl.s, YV HAVE AND ALWAYS JkkEP 'oS hand a welt selected lot of Hbuaefamtaldnf Goo1s' A new lot of Dinner Sets. Chamber feet. Tea Sets and rancy Goods just teeeivcl. Do uot forget the Koc lies ler Lamp If you In tend to Riipfdy yourself with a l amp. GILES & MURUtlsOX, eb 2 Crockery Depart meet; Every thing to be Found in in Our Line of Business We Bought .these Goods to Sell ! v - V'. O ' Have priced them l suit the ltmc, at j FIGUKES WHICH 1KFY COMPE TITION : We know we can mke it to your Interest to deal with us; WE BUY 81'BIUTLY FOB CASH From manufacturers and Importers,- and 9 Set ' lo' our friends and the public, goods U - lourlioeat -.:. BOTTOM PRICES ! We carry a fall Hue of School Books, Pa per, Pens, Ink. Slates. Blank Books, Check Books, Note, Draft and Receipt Books, and other Stationery at lowest prices, at HEINSBERGER'S. feb 2 Cash Book and Mnsic Store LAWD PLAGTEH, 300 TONS KOVA 'C'Hi LAND FLAK TER, 01;3G ier cent, of Sulphate of lime. ' The want of Plaster has bean one of ths greatest drawbacks to successful finalag la this State, and It Is an Important eervlce to tbla great Industry aad to tbe State. " It 1 n,olte Indispensable la anyjadictoas system of agrtcnlture. and U serves several Important ends, besides the direct one of fur nishing Uroe and sulphur; it gathers altrorea aod prevents Ita dissipation and lots; It Is a specific for clover and other legomtaous plants and It Indirectly renders tbe potash of the soil available and so a iia la the restora Uon of won lands. -.. '- ' We have aokl Piaster to masy during the last vear, all from whom we have heard, ex press their sal la fact Ion a ita results. Tbe spDileatloa of Plaster to animal man ure, will increase the value of that caaaure bevond calculation. Composting with plaster will improve the value of your com post 53 i,erceat. - Hawing from tto to 4D0 pounds of plaster ta the acre, over your small grata after It tola tbe ground, will give you an Increased crop of from 80 to 100 per coat. It is in lespeasablo la eailv true! Is for such as strawberry beds, asparagua bed Mr. for sale la lots to suit by - TJIQA. F. BAG LEY, teb 2i 2w aac . WUmlngUn, Jf, C. " . The Pilot House. pKMERLYTUE aCA UBOROUGH Umi, as ln opened aa er new management aad Is a first olaso Restanraat In every resart. Uoard asvllodgtttreaa be obtaised JOHN HMlfil. Usuafey, f-u-?lm , - (F-rtierlycf Burriw) r