this paper MoiEt,. Sandays JOSM T.JAMES. prrom is raoratrros. ,rBSClUPTION8".P03TAGK PAID: Tr 14 - Six month.' 12.00. Tbres 7rthfl ti.Mi One month. eenta. p4Per will be delivered by carrier, free 1 orlOeenU Pcr week, "plains rate low and liberal .. V v Subscriber will report any and all fall. .... to receive tfcelr paper regularly. PURELY VEGETABLE. It M with sxtraordJsary efficacy pm in yiver, Sidneys, and Bowels. " AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOU . liowel Complaints, stick. Headache, i.iiiatioii. lttliusnes. Kidney Affections, uauuuiew. Mental Depresaion, . . Colic. M Household Should be Withont It, ,,,,1 b iiDgkept ready for iiumediatv use, wiii'sive many an hour of suffering and Jfi a dollar in time aud doctors" bills. 111 THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR ice that you get ths genuine with, red Z ..r. fiont of Wrapper. Prepared only by J.H.ZEILIN &. CO., Sols Proprietors, r;.,I.d.lphia; Pa- FR.CIS.III.OO. i. v :i deod & w t-li . giudje Albion V. Toiirgee (ourTour is reported seriously ill with phcu uiouinat his home in MayviilH, Chau- tiuiui county. N V. - - .James Madison Vandegriflf. who iliwl in Xew Orleans recently, in -183 .rssui.8d an association .u(m gentlemen iu i'uii city pledged to tha mutual as. iii!aucd of its members in the event of sii epidemic. l)jt of. I4t beginnin? krrw the, Howard Association. . . . An entomological and botanical ex iiiuraJinn of the Amazon Oliver ?ih S mut Anuria is to be undertaken by luvi.l Kuiton; of Allegheny Pa. lie a ill lew,, on the 2d of March, . and. in tend to i horoagbly examine ruins ' le(t hy a peculiar people. orvwhoui there t3 !) record, which Me 120 miles from Smt.ireaj up iheTapsjos tiiver. . . - . . , i It may be useful to recall what the i-'iiiou of parties in the House of Par iiainentii. The Liberals are 193 strong; Hie I'arnelliies, S6; the Conservatives 311. and the 'Unionists" 73. It will Hum be seen .that the O mvervalives fall hort of an actual majority of the ll'itueby 3j. but that the Cooserva- liven aod the ITniomsts are in a ruaiortt7 i ver the (Jia'istonins and Parnellites it 112. To place the (govern meat in a luiuority (in thflr lull House) the de tec- son of 5T members either Unionists r Tory malcontents is necessary. Heinrich von Treitschke, who uc- eIs Leopold von Ranka as Histories tiapher of Pru9ia. is the fifth man ap- ointed to fhai post, nod Lot one of im has been a native of Prussia. The irt a Johannes voo Mul'er.a Swiss lio had Iod? livpit tit ViAnriK . Ha otao pointed in 1601. but alter Jena,, he Jatue so fulsome a flatterer of Napo- on that he was asked to resign. Bar (ileorge Niebbur succeeded bim, a ane. who becan his career ai a Gnan- er and left bis best record as a atudent t Ilomao ' literature and arcba; )logy. riwiriori wnten. the hiatorian t .the rusaders, was the third, a Meckten tirer. Leopold von Ranke. the fourth. a Thurinian. and hi successor ai alio not born in Prussia. efut and llurtfal Medictnes. riheie Is a cexUla class of remedies for con Illation absolutely useless. Tocee are bolu aai potions mads In great part of podo? iyUla, aloes, rhubarb. aiqboge, and other iarUtleaa ingredients, lbs damage they do he atomachs of those wh o ue them Is tn mlable. Ibey evacuate the boweli, ltl '.bntlways do so violently and profinely, ft t.ehldea, fcrlpe the bowel.- Thei effect la raeiken them and the atomacb. Bet I fnr to nee the agreeable and salutary ape -9 llostetter'a Stomach Bitters, the laa "V t fffci of which is never preceded by pain, accompanied by a coavnlalve, violent ac- of he bowld. un the contrary, it IotIr. tte& those organs, the atomacb and tH e ytem. Asa nean of rurto and pre lUumaUi Ul lovers, no medicine cm com with li. ana ti remedlea nervous deMll rheumstljiB, kldnc7and blander taactlvl- and other Inorganic allien 'a X larg? line of new Spring samples men's wear received, from Brawn . Kng & Co.. the largest merchant ring establishment in the country. II early and leave yoor met sore al I. rant's and save from fifteen to twen Jollirs on a suit. Oar binding ohlU lon is: Ji- The quahty shall be as repre- ei. The garment shall be made In fit The price aball be lower than ih i goods can ha I.i1 .tcacDhBrn- I i i t i .:... 1 w - it T w iaii it mi j PartteaUrv-; r t - J M MHnAaB Mil VOL. XI. TJie Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit. Druirgist. Bippos. Ind., testifies: I can recommend Electric Bitters as tne very beat remedy. Every bottle has driven re.Iief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cur ed of Rheumatism of 10 years1 stand ing " Abraham Hare. dru?gfgr, Bell v'tlie, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict Is unani mous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases ot the Liver, Kidneysor Blood. Oniy half a dollar a bottle at W. II. Green & Co'a. Jirace Up. jYo l are leeiing depressed, your appe .tlt is poor. yru are bothered with Headache, yotf are Itdeity, tervous, and generally out of forts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with sliui nlanls, spring medicines, or hitlers, which-have tor their baj-is very bad, cheap whiskey, and which stimulate i you Ijr an hour, then leave you in worse condition than before. What ! you want is an alterative to puriiy your blood, ,'stait healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, rett je your jriiality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine ou will find in Eleetrir Bitters and only 50 cents a bottle at W. 11. Green & Go's. LOCAL NEWS. moil TO NEW AQVtRTlSEMfttTl Cw ytw Bass Biavet t n crlainiumt Muxds Bsosodt Water r f. MiLLKt tlarden Ste J IlEINSBKKGEH'S Spring Go ill IIaumony Loo3 Aprou Party Tho F" Baglev Land Plaster Geo K Fkkmch A Soxs Bet in ilieSUte JUILLKX A NlKsruc Kennedy; Mrdicat Discovery -Moulding. Best in city, at Jacop.i's Hdw. Depot. t The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up Ul bales. You will save morrpy and gel the bast work by sending your clothes lor repairs o John Dyer and Sou. " f Pianos and organs can be bought cheaper at lleinsberger's than at any other house in the State. t The registration books for the uext election will be opened on Monday next vThe registrar lor the Second Ward may be found in the grand jury room, in the Court House. Harmony Lodge No. It). I. () G T.. will giyean Apron" entertainment at Temperance Hall to-morrow night, at which refreshments will be served at i citv.prices. Ten cents is the price ol admission The Belgian block MuN berry street, between North Water and Nutt, has been all laid and there is now unbroken conuectiou Irom the foot of Dock street to the Carolina Central Railroad depot on one of the most per fect thoroughfares ip tbe South. There will be a Basket Entertain ment to-morrow night uiven by Miss Lena French, at the residence ot her father, Mr Wm A. French. 107 South Fourth street, at which every lady is expec;ed to carry a tiaket with lunch tor two .t Adiuiuancii- ten cants ' Mr. Lockey, tbe Senator from this district, made an admisim veaierday that must haVH goue against tho grain He slated iu the Senate that he had presented the Wilmington street rail way, biil in that body without having read the act. Hwver, Mr. Iookcy made up for this defection ot duty by thezeat with which he successfully sup parted the biil allowing cck fights in New Hanover and Pender counties. 1'erMOiiai , Mr. Donald MacRae and Col B. II Moore, of this city, were in Raleigh yes terday. I tldlCAlloti For North Carolina, lair weather and colder- winds, shitting to North easterly. Capl. R. Mi Mclntire returned this morning from New York and his en tire force has been busy to day openinz and marking new goods. Mr. Sol. Jtear has returned from his -visit to the Northern markets and tells us that be bought largely for the Spriog trade, which he thicks will he good. At the IlnteU. SurroN House Ja Evan, Maho; A R Matthews. Cumberland; W F Cox. I McKecban. Columbus; J D Johnson. D M Peterson. A W Lamb. Sampson, II Naris. R Naris, A Nans. John King. J W King, J C Dannel. Bladen: Mrs ) F Alexander, New Hanover; J D Sessoms and wife, two AlllM,.n OrtM k..l. Nfl W 1 If ftllin... worth. Point Caswell; J T Barker j I.umlierlon. " ' For lira baal Cook Stove and - lo twest , " I pricei go lo Jacobi's 114 vy. P.pot.:t I WILMINGTON. N. C, THURSDAY. MARCH The Gas Works. Since we visited These works in Augastlast. at which time important changes had just been commenced, there have been many and decided tm- provemenls made. The .work is 'not yet completed, nor does the comry expect to have it all finished until about the first of August next; but enough has been already d he to show what the works and their capacity will be when all the changes have been made, We paid a bnet visit to the works yes tniftv .itomnnn ni i-..- snort account of the proposed improve ments. S'mie ol which are already com- p'eted, wltile'snme kre bat just begun. The company has been mdeb hampered for want of ppaee; and to supply the large demands f r gas they have made arrarigemen;s to very Urg- j Sy increase their producing capacity, i To accomplish 5 his obipct they have bought a half '..-lot t of: iand on Castle street, botween Front and Surry, and an eniire lot on Front street, running through to Surry stre-t. On this laborers are making excavations upon which to erect a iras fnlder tank, which wit! be i5 leer, in diameter aud 20 feet deep, with a capacity of OO.OtH) cubic feet ot gas. This will give a lo- j tal capacity of itfi.000 cubic feet of ea?, j tostead of 30 -Oil cubic teet, as herelo i fore. ..To build this Targe gas holding tank w'li reguire '200,000 brick, 700 ! htrrcli iMmpnt nnd .iOtl nniii nnnnrA'A The latter article is bnught here as ballast ir vestel?, and is 'composed' of broken rocks ard clay, and 200 tons of the material are now being landed at the wharf near the works, which came Irom Plymouth. Eng. Tee iron work for the tank was marufactured by tbe Messrs. Tauner & Delaney iron works ol Richmond. Va. A new stock ol five rttorts is being put in. and when these are completed there will be 18 retorts in operation, an increase ot 50 per cent, over the previ- Lous arrangement 1 he retorts were mauulacturel by Messrs. Gautier & Co.. of Jersey City, and the iron work for the same is from the house ol Messrs. Tanner & Delaney, ot Rich mond, Va- The works giveconstant employment to eight men, besides the Superintends ent, Mr. J. W. Reilly, to whom, to gether with Mr. R. J. Jones, Secretary and Treasurer of the company, we are largely indented for iutormalion in the matter. The coal, ot which 1,200 tons are consumed annuilly, is from Kana wha Valley principally, although a portion of it is brought fiom Pictou, Nova Scotia. In making all the changes necessary for the proposed increase in ga9 pro duction, and in substituting coal for wood, a great amount of work aud a lare outlay of motfey-was necessitated. Much of (he former has already beeu done, but a vast amount remains to be perl'ruiHl nelore the finishing touches have been, made and I he work is com pleiel. ' Step'Iadders f all lengths found at J A COW'S II d w. -Depot: f lit Colorado h Fine Climate. .Dknvkk. Cm. , February 13. 1383. Some week a a I was attending to wot k that exp-tsed me to cold and wet.J and the result was. first I knew 1 was down on my bvk with a severe cousli and lever. I had a terrible pain through myluiws and. back. I didn't know what to do I sent t the druggist, a tiicml of mine, telling him my symp tom. Ho came right over himself and brought wiih him some Allcock's Poiioir Plastei: which, he said, would cure me. II ? applied one to the upper part of the chest, and thioat, two more below ihit on the chest, and one between my shoulder blades, i bogan to experience relief 'almost in stanlly aod, to ay great, surprise and satisfaction, in two hours or less the pain in coughing was goue, the cough ing itself only occasional, my skiu was moist, and generally I was pretty nearly all right; only remained in the bouse the next day, although keeping the Plasters on far some ten days later. and I was well. . I. Bkexxax. - Quar erly Meetinsrs. First round of Quarterly Meetings for the Wilmington District of the Meiboiist E. Church. South: Bladen circuit, at Bethlehem. Feb. 26 27 Cokesbury circuit, at Bethany, Mar. Clinton circuit, at Concord. March 12. 13. Topsail circuit at Rocky Point, Mar- i li. 20. , . 1 Waccamaw Bethel. M'.rch i Whitevitfe station, at Vhilevilfe, t - - : .. '-:'. 1 April 2. 3 uruuswuN. rircut. at Illhel. Aprils 3. 10 . . i ": T. Uf. UlJTIlKlE.T1. 1. ' t i - -'--.--,'-.--.VVt:v30,i Japanese Wedding f Of course very body will go to the; City Hall to-night to see the Japanese; Wedding. J We lhave heard the name; of the crusty old bachelor who will be I the groom; but have not yet heard; i who is to be. his oulortunate tuatri . uionial victim : - j Take care of.your eyes. , An agency ; : (r the LeMarV celebrated Rotk Crys j j tal Spectacles and Eye Glasses isestsb-l jltehedln this place at Heinsb.erger'a.t ! I . - i The Street Kailwy Hill The amended !iw it th i rit rail- iiiw uuienaea tsw.tii ine sireei ran- way company baa passed- both Houses Mbe t g i ii!ret,4" r"r v hr'! happy. The REviKwjs glad at being able to chronicle this fact.. Ve understand that there are several Parties, men d means Irom abroad w'h have npoken of invehling in a j s'leet line here and we hope that some one or otner win carry the project out at an early day ().ie of the corporators tells us that the gentlemen 'who are named ji the net do not propi s to r make anything out ef it but have been actuated dimply by a desire to ad vance the best interests ol our City, an assertion which we are ure pn mte will dispute. Exports Foreign.,. Ger. barque Ferdinand, Bliesuett, cleared to-day for Hamburg with 700 casks spirits turpentine and 2.000 bar rels rosin, valued at $li,4iM shipped by Messrs. Faierson. Downing fe Co. Nor. barque Hcktor, Johnansen, cleared ior London with 2 387 barrels rosin, valued at $1,075, shipped by Messrs. Patersou, Downing & Co.. and 1,428 barrels rosin, valued at $1,200. shipped by' Messrs. Wiljiams & Murcb'ison, making a total cargo of 3.S15 barrels rosin, aggregating in value $3,175 Schr. Joseph Souther. Watts, cleared for Ponce. P. It., with 298.457 feet lumber and 143 000 shingles, valued at $5,lf9 08 shipped by Mes?rs. E. Kidder, - & Son, oiakinga total of exports foreign amounting to $23,830 78. Lleatli ofAIaJ. JKeuan. W e are pained to announce tbe death of Major Owen R. Kenan, which occur red at his residence at Kenansville, Duplin county, at about 7 o'clock this morning Major Kenan would have been 84 years of age if be had lived un til to-morrow, the 4.U inst. He has been in feeble health lor many months and his great agu had precluded tbe prospect of a return to the vigorous health which bad been his for a long, busy, useful and honorable lite, lie had occupied nearly every position in tbe gilt of his county, having served many terms in the General Assembly of North Carolina, lie also served one term in tbe Confederate Congress. He was a laige tend owner in the county, and was a successlul farmer. In every relation of life he was a noble-hearted Christian gentleman affable and cour teous to all, generous without osten tation, pure in his patriotism to his State and country and ol unimpeacha ble integrity; Truly a good and noble man, full of years and honors, has gone to his reward, lbs wile died several years ago. Three sons Col.. Thomas It. Kenan, late Attorney General of North Carolina; Capl'. Jas. G. Kenan, present sheriff of Duplin county,, add Capt. William R Kenan, of 'this city and one daughter. Miss Annie, of Ke uansville, survive him..' Iistresa After Eating. This result! of indigestion will no longer be experienced if Simmons Liver Regulator is taken after each meal. It is such a good digester, and so mild and pleasant ip its effect that it is uSed by many, after a hearty meal, to in6ure good digc3liou. The Regula tor does not nauseate or irritate the stomach bnt corrects acidity, dispels foul eases, allays irritation, ap.d assists the stomach in its digestion. SflftfilkBS- DOUGHSCT ITWIST IN Ju"v i Fushel Meacrea 5nnn DOUGHNUT twist in )"wpwt; ileunm. r 3nnH LBS. DOUGHNUT UU1F Bneleta.- TWIST IN Retailers will do veil to call and examine. Send in order. -J- SOL. JiEAR & CO.. ! t a.4. MAkKKT T., I WhWs&l Dakra In Inar and Tobacco. im 14 . - ... Just Received NO 53 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SOB A WATCH : : I . MlNRUal, WATICK- ? ! Col ! f parkli-g ! -f c kloua ! : ! MUNDS BttOTHtR-4. Apron Party; TT ABMOS Y LODGE NO 19 I. O. . T. J!11.1.1 n "Apron Party." at Temperance mm, opposite City Ha lunf r.layntgbt. :h ioat Ad mission Ten c.ti Relreth menu at city prices. By order Committee Uracil S It Btis&et Eiitertaniment. jiyL-S 1KNA rBKNCU GIVES A BASKET enierlMlnment at the residence of her Father, Mr. Wm A French. 107 South Fourth St , FiUDAY KVKNi xu. arcfa 4th. Ccoie one ! Come ah ! n h:ilt Spring Goods. yjyrK have just rbceivhd a xery large acgortorent of Games and Toys, for Eoj6 and Glr!, feuch as. Jai-antee Bird Kites and Cord for the same, Base Palls ami Sub ber Balls, Base Ball Bats and l'.J. of all colors, Kollingfops, lare and smJ', lcm liiccs, l ottos, SpInntBf; Tops, AlsrMes, Lawu Tentii and Croquet tets wit 4, . and balls. Kery thing in the Hue to aaiubt t vers body. Also, a large assortment of lie- Box Papr, Vtoitin Cards, Wedding 4'ard with Envel opes, New Styles" of Pauer, Antique and A11I gator Pocket Books aud . Ladles' Purses, Strap. A or.lial luvllu iou is extended to HEINSBERGER'S, mc'a - Cash Book and at usic. Store B. G. CRISP. ATTO R S E Y- AT-i A W , ', SMlTHViLLE. N. C. ' VV4Cj)rac ice in the counties of Brunswick, Sew Hanover and Pender. far Prompt attention given to business. Collection of claims a specialty, oct'.'l dAwtf Garden Seed, JQRUGS CHEMICALS, PATENT MBl! clnci and Faiy Articles In full supply at F. C. MILLEK'. Corner Fourth and Nun ?ts fel 2 NEW FURNITURE HOUSE. Corner Second and Market Streets, lyrrc ARE HERB TO STAY AMI NO dla count. Wo keep the finest and cheapest Fur niture in the. city i ur prices suit the rich and oor alike. We nan sell ehesrecause we manufacture our own foods. . A rail and insoection solicited K.NOXVILLB FOKilTfJBK CO., feb ltf K. H. SNKKD, Manaaw Emporium of Art and Fashion I JjlANCY GOODS,' ARTIST'S M ATfe KIALS, Pa In In, Bru lies, Pallet tos, Ac. A beautiful and tew assortment jot Rhine Stone Hdh. Hairpins and Ear Rings and Nov elties In FINE GOLD PLATED JEWELRY. NEW STYLES IN SrMtlMi MILLINERY, Hats, Flowers and KlblKui. - Hair Goods, Hair Work done to order (of all kinds) All of the above at LOW Pli E. Country orders fwllclted. SIRS. K. B WIGGINS. feb 23 - 115 Maiket St. Best in ilio State. yK SHOW THE LARGEST STOCK OF BOOT5 and SHOES in this State Hav more styles and variety of mae. .Better too-ls at less money than any other house. Can suit mre peopI. and save time aud. trouble in lookln- around. Conic and tee If It U not to. UEO. It. FltCNCII & SONS, feb . m N. Frout Street The New and Old Pnrcell House Combined ! GRAND OPENING ? ROOMS FOR ALL I THE XEW 'PUKCELL HOUSE HAS been overrun ever since I .ofeoed, I taw I had to have more room and to make it pleas aot for all. have this day teaaed the entire bnildlaxT, which makes tbe house e-oad v none. ro paioa wui be aparej on tr.-e part of tbe Proprietor to make tbls Route firsts iu la every respect. New furnl.u'e from bor toratotoo. Bum and Biffiraire WairoN at ar rival of all trains j, - - N. FREDERICK. Proprl lor feUI If - - x Jacobi's is. headqoartem - for low j prices . n Saab. Dnon. Vs'tnt and Builder's Hardware. 3 1887. rr.r;rgcTic3. . trt xrzi ta g!a4 9 xzztirt cnsnrr'sissa frca czj tAad ci lay aid . ail :tt:cia -rtaarallxtcrtjt b J -'; Ta siat ct tat wntar atnn aJxtxti C auaaa to Hi Otov '- . - ' Z ' v r Ceaairaleauoaa aaaat be wrlttaa a ta . oasslitot uapaptt. v ; ; PtrtoaaCUea maat be avoided. : Aadltto MpMSally aad arttemlai, M i tood uat tbe Editor doM aot always aadoi tbo vlowa of eorraapoadoata oIm m tn tat tfeo odltorlal oolumas. i NEW A D VEliriSEIH KNTfl A New Use for Quinine !' JDSAL QUININE AND SUt.PHUR SOAP. lellcatev pcrfnmeJ, pleaj-ant to ut. . FOR ALL DISEASES or THE 8KIN. ' -MUNUS lilCUrUKKS. rnch i . Wbolesa'e aud Retail DrujriUlt. ' OH TJotico. E BXG TO ANNOUNCE TQ THE trade that we have no connection with say . other OU Com pan ; that wo ar independemt and responsive ami guarantee our OILS and other froois fcold by us to be fully equal lu q'uility to any oflrercd, ani w will sot be ia- dersold ; Give ui yoor orders fjr both lllumlaatiag . and Lubricating Oil and Gieae. . v BLO DUETT. MOORE A CO., "' ".' mch 2t By GEO. l2 MORTON, igt. , Wiotosraphs, Callat . Cronenberg's Gallery, ,m..,V . ... rOB riNB WOEK Children' Pl.-turs a specialty. OM pbr. - turea copied and enlarged. Call and aeasnir'. elmens. ...... r . ., feb 8S H. OKONENBERG, , - - j unnn mkdicil iKcirnr,-s . glMMONS REGULATOR. v f Taylor's Sweet Gum and .MaUie. , . v Bud's Couch Syrup, : - ; Preeeripttons rornpounded day aod nlht Niht Bell. ' . ... MILLER A NIESTLJE. f fb v Cor. Sixth and Molberrr " Country Produce. LWEET ANI IRISH POTATOES, AprfeS, CablaKea, Turulp-. Oranifes, Onions. Ears Turkeys, Chlckeusand all kind -or Countrjr ' Produce for sale by CHAS. V. BROWNE." ' Cmmlfcslon, No. 11" N. Water at:. ' -N Wlimlnktoa, N". C- House FurnishiusrGoods; WE HAVE AND ALWAYS KIKP OS hand a welt selected iot of kousefarnlshlnjc Goods A new lot of Dinner Seta. Chamber sets. Tea Seta and Faut y Goods jnst teceived. IK not forget the Rochester Lamp if you la- 1 tend to supply yourself with a. Lamp. GILES A MURLtllSOTN, 1 feb & Crockery lepartinev.t ' March' Pr ces f JJURING THE MONTH OF MARCH I propose o sell WOOD at still lower p icei and make a specialty ef SAWED WOOT eusranteeiuK and pro v log Wyoud doubt that lull U cord U in each load delivered. ncb 1 .1. A- PKfKGE&. . Life Insurance. . XHAVK THE AGENCY FOR THE FOL lowing reliable Companies and solicit t share of the patronage: National Life aud Maturity Association of Washington. D. C ; Hertford life and Aanu Ity Insurance C , Hactfo'd, Conn., and New England Accident Association, of Hartford. Conn. a. A. KEOW, Real Estate and Collection Broker tthi Iff Hazard Powder. - . . . . WE NOW HAVE Til E AGENCY FOR this celebrated Powder which is un doubtedly tbe best sold In this coo u try. Nev raaraztoe built down the river (oat of city limits). Full assortment all the alea at tb lowest prb-es. . - -'-'' WM. K. SPRINGES M f XL, ; Succesaora to John Dawson A Co.. . 13. 21 and i Market Street, feb is . WilmlBctoa N. C. Second Lot of Early Spring Hats. ? . A DIES AND MISSES. ALSO. A VERY AJ. - - larae assortment of Ltnea and 811k Handler. ch'cfs. S. R. brand ' Cuffs and Collars. latest styles. Jersers and Hosiery Corsets and Notions. Linen Towels, Tray and Buffet , Cloths, Stamped a-d PJala. . r - NEW STAMPING DESIGNS and all '.'t bo., mteriaUi for Embroidery- CbisiDg Jnt all Winter Good very low to make room for Sprina stork ' Reapccttuliy. -' MISS K. KARRKR, feb Tollers' Boildiop. Opposite MarJUt. LAfJD PLAGTED. 300 TNS KOVA SCOTIA LAND PLAS. Till, per cent, of Sulphate of lime, Y , Tbe want of Plaster baa been one of the ci eatest drawback a to saccesofol faraaiojc iu tbls Mate, and It 1 as Important service to thU creat Industry aad to tbe State. It is quite Indispensable in any Jadieton ' itemf surricolture, and U serves several inoortant ends, besides the direct cue of fur aisnlog lime and sulphur; it fathers altron and prevents its dU ipaiioo aod Un; it Is a specific for clover and other Ifgamiaons oianU aad it rodireetlF renders tbe potash of -the f-oil available and to a wr the res torn- ' Hon of w rn land. . - We have sold Plaster lo ma ay deiina tbe Dst year, all from whom wo nave heard, ex prrts tbelr sa'Dfaetlou a its molts. The poib-aUoa of riasur' f animal man ure, win increase ttf value of that manure leyoad calculation. - : too post injr wttb pbuter will Improve the value tff your composts--, ferreat. s wlnjc from a to OQ pounds of platter to tbe acre, over vour small irrain after It t t tbo irrouod. wllrgif e you an Increased rrop of from 40 to lOtf per rent, i - , It i In leapeasable I ajfy lruekU' for Mich a straw berry leda. arar?us beds kr. -f r aate in bla to suit by -- - - . TUOS F. BAGLEY, Jeb A tvr nac vf WUwlnaUir, St. V. The Review Job OFTicn is the ize$ to f ft t good TTOffc Et K3o,1;Ti!3 prkf a.

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