JOSH T. JA31E,. ' .,f PTIONS POSTAGE PAllv ; SC six month. I3-C0. Thrw -100. Six month. Vlll be deUrere-lb carrier. fre recent, per week. 1 nTrtlMlow nd BfcsrL fveUia paper regularly, . ; ; i.fP lf tlift ,u,,,i,(; .Y-rini S.iu.ui t ,r. .!.n Kri.!r.j M.f.n r- nu. Nr- York. mVmOm : -.Qt. I.I I'V I'lll'l ;Bi " I Jitl w - -- - - - St ! ' u ....h, s i- .slir, annul l.f, taHi M Tbey have -p uiri i t ma um . .lixlj tshiol) imli lr.,f arj.J r-'Uf j;ii.h "i-"" I . 1U ,f?h wk. ibe da!e. ihe 1-518 ....--- noniban.1 the quirier ..r the mo.n. a iay pnsfiaoJ the hours and half- Itiour. . . Tnree Senators' wivos. Mrs. l(tck( Mrs Hawley &q1 Mrs. Voorbees. nvuHHvay within a year aod lour davi illiin a year mi mm ui'u hree Secalors and Ibe Presidents f the kenate (Vice 1'resident IlendrickO have Vl;el. This muses a percenlage o mor- ilityio that body hitherto unpreccdent k Mrs. Ilawley was afirstcQurin of leory Wari Beecher. - - The remains of the late General WiJ :aqi Kioj l irin?. who died at tho St. )oiJ Hotel in New York on the 30th t December last, were to have been tak o today and removed to Jacksonville whero tb Gnal interment will ake place. It is supposed that the re- hiains will lie in state .tor a conple i day3 in Jacksonville, and wilL then be buried in a plot io the new cemetery. ee.Ied to bis family by the Common oiincii. amid a jjreat emaostratioa. j lacksou. tbe Capital of Mississippi, rapidly rowiov dry from the Stand int of fhoso who fsrvor licenjso to sell (Qor. fast summer local option was k.pted by the people of Hinds county, which Jackson is situated. All ex hiiog licaases to sell whiskey' were to xpireby limitation and no more to be ranted. Ailorthe whiskey licenses ive expired and only a few beer licen- iei are left. -- The lata Harris Heap, consul general ' Constantinople. whoiJiedat bis post fcfntty. wa, it'tssaid at the State de utuent, one of the oldest oflicials, as Wards length ot coutiunous service, in p consular or diplomatic service of m United States. He was aDDoInted msal at Belfast, June 30. 1886; then nsol at Tunis. March 14, 1S67; consul eneralacd secretary of legation at onstantinople. July 12. 1878. and cou rt general at the same place Decern sr 13, 1834. which appointment conn ued uotil hisdeath. Accrious drama on the late unfor oste King of Bavaria will shortly be oaht out in Berlin. It is a liYe-.act T. ' Louis II. King of Bavaria' re joduciog the chief eyents of the Kereign's career, and introducing the JeenMother. the present Kiog, Otto, Mother members of the rdyaU family, 'BjTarian ministers and chief Court ta'ali. Richard Wagner anil Dr. en, the last named of whom per-with'Iouis-in the' Starnberger fAs maoy of the dramatic persons living, the drama cannot be rented on the stage, but will be Mb public in the -Berlin Concert Mother curious case of apparent mioaln a member of tho body after had been amputated -comes f rom rida. George AV. Claj's arm was PQUted. put tea. box and buried. afterward be bes&n tto complain tthe fingers of the buried hand were roped and that there was. sand be a tberai His physician aod 4iis ch&d the box dug andopeoad, aud f Ike fingers cramped and the sand .ween mat a ('n.M ti tim t B2ed the arm" 'properly, and re 't. Ciay said that while they et3oa he felt an awful pain in the QUted arm. and then came a sf nsa- 01 rreat relief, and there was no fif the old cranmed sensation in the d. Saved ins Lite; r- B. I. Wilcixsnn. of Horso Care. Mays he was. lor many years, bad Caicted with Phthi ic. also Diabetes ; Jins were almost unendurable and u sometimes almos tthrow him in ooTuisions. He tried Electric Bit d zoi relief from first bottle and UKing six bottles.1 was entirely i and had gained in llesh. eighteen !i l Sa8 positiyely believes he j id have died had it i.ot been for : 6 afforded Uv' PJepirie lIlitir. : t Uftv cent!. Lw W tl ! Fu 'o. . - " ' ' - '1 1 . . J II i V II II II V V . VOL; XI. . Yesterday's 'Sew York Star devote3 much pic to the allseed Baltimore Hj tt Onio ten I . W cp; sonie ot 4he ; Tn !' ip i.m i.f ih Bstliimore and ( () -H u' d TcroniiaJ d:ii eltni 1 ynt h Mr, - ully riii a. I uDHeiHi u 1 -.Viinjt. N foliations 1 ktna j ilutatiMi. . ih inter. i o qut-stion ti;. a'i.'rdifj t : r ..lis Wait strert tuth'-nti!, Uet ct'i't in in rarried u, ., tar a the K--i.iumuI IVrminni is-ci!'cerit-if, b- Alejs:". Biico and rfiimu"a4 prmu'piis "TtiU viw it ihH SMua'ion iijRy r a good one to e.ul iJ live Strrt,?,: -id a prorain---( broker yf-stfSrda, : but. lhre who i-lHce much cred-nce.t this rumor will 'ub the aianM .exMitwvcxi igith Mr. Suly a ibe - Irishman had with the W ASUlNGTON'. March 12 I he scnt ot tho. great railway deaP has been traiisfurred to Washington l'tesideni Garrett of tho Baltintor and Ohio reached ibis city yesterday atternoon with bis wifr , aud dined with ibe Ger man Miotster in ibe . evening: accord" ing to all reports, however, thrre was more than ibe social side to his visit Mr. J-G. Moore, of Moore & Schley. New York, who is credited with being instrumental in effecting ibe.agrecmcnt between Mr. Garrett and Mr. Sully, arrived late in the eveuing, and beid a long, intfrview with Mr. Garrett Everything indicated that whatever the dtal was it was not "off. All who called at Worm ley's to day, where Mr. Garrett is slaying, to interview htm about the great deal, were refused ad mittance except Colonel Vi H. Clarke who has charge ot the Baltimore and Ohio telegraph service here. Mr. Gar-rt-tt and Colonel Clarke look a cab shortly after 12 o'clock and drove away together.' . Colonel Clarke was seen later, and said : "Only one statement made in the press so far has the stamp of actual truth, and that was published yester day, to tba effect that no deal looking to the selling of the Baltimore and Ohio from under the control ot Robert Gar rett was even thought ot. Mr. (iarrett has been trying:, ever since he took the reias of management in his bands, to bring about bis father's dream to ob tain entrance to New York city and es.abii.ih through. connection to New Orleans. To this end a proposition wa made to convey the controlling interest of the Baltimore and Oiiio to a syndicate of which the Head m sr. Jersey Central, Richmond and Terminal, and Baltimore and Ohio were all to be oartiei. Just here is wbere every one seems to have been switched ofl. The proposition to dispose o: a controlling interest in the Baltimore and Ohio was made with the distinct understanding that Mr. Garrett was to be placed at the head of the syndicate The prema lure publicity given the matter has materially retarded the scheme, but 1 do not think placed it bejoDd con summation." Baltimore. March 12. In spite of all that has been said here aod in New York resardinir the railroad deal bu- ing off, it can be stated on what s real ly the best ot authority tbat, the deal has been accomplished The position of Mr. Garrett in the Baltimore and Ohio road is not io the least changed by the transfer, for he merely enters a syndicate which controls a vast chain of railrofds, of which hi3road i3 a most important factor, and it makes it nt only a grand rival to tne l'-cnnsylvauia system, but gives an unbroken line a' uiuat Irom New York to the Pacific coast. The deal as fixed up leaves the grea'w Pennsylvania road out in the cold, and proves that Mr. Austin Cor bin successfully., outplayed President George Roberts in tho struggle lor su premacy. It is knuwa hcie that the John Hopkins trustee bud agreed to go Into thn syndicate as well ns the city of Baltimore. The people in the "deal" can make all the deniaU tbev please, but the public mind is made tio to the fact that it h:i3 boon consummat ed, tbejndy lhiig now to be done be ing the arrangement or details. When the matter is silted dori it wiil come practically t this -the Baltfniore and Ohio road is tho only real rivil ol the Pennsylvania. This gives Hie syndicatM the control of the Reading, Bound Brook aud Jersey Central -roads lr their New York cnlratce. . Mr. TV Edward ilaiublfton, of thft banking firm ot .John A llamblcton & Co., who has had contidauiial reiat'oits with Mr. Robert Garrett, considers the deal accomplished iu effect. There is a large sum ol mouey to change bands, and it would be premature to say that the matter has been settled until the flnai arrangements are made. The syndicato includes Messrs. Robert Gar rett, Jay Gould. Alfred Sully, Calvin S. Brice. Drexel Morgan & Co.. ami sev eral others. -Tbetransler wiil be made tbrouzh the First National Bank or New York. Mr. Garrett, ho said, has ery large property interests in Balti more, and proposes to reside here. . lie will doubtless remain at the head of the Baltimore & Ohio corporation, but will not take charge ot the details of man agement. Good lfeatilt8 In Every Case. D. A. .Brandford, wholesale paper dealet of Chattanooga, Tenn.. writes t bat ho w&s seriously afflicted with a severe cold that settled on his lun?s: had tried many remedies without bene fit. Being induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, did so and was entirely cured by use of a few bottles Since wbich lime he has used it in his family for all Coughs and Cold3 with best results. Tins Ms the experience oT thousands whose fives have been saved by this v onaerru: uis- covery. . Triat botles fro. , For H. Green & Co, ; ; sale by . Stenladdera of all lengths can he f found at .iacoci s UdwMJPoi. - t : --. . - ..i WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY, MARCH 14, LOCAL NEWS. 1KDEX TO HEW AOVIRTlSEIfEITS. C W Yates 7.50 Jos K IIkbpekt Notice f J Miller Ganlen SteJ CBOMXBEHG lilOOgrh J a Spkisgkk March Price W II Yopr Make no Mistake Tnos r Bag LEr-L ami' Plaster M M Katz Opening New Goods Mitnds Bros Oar Advertisement Cu as K Fnowx Countrv Pr duce W K Sfrisger A Co Uazard Powder UfcisHKTiGEK's Christian Retd's NewBsok Geo Jt Fbktch A Poa V Pleasure In deed - . - -' i..' " . ' Parkek A - Ta tlok Houtef oralshiwg Gcoda . " Gilks A Mukchisox Houscf uniUJiln Goods -Marsdkn Ikllamy, Com'r-Coramiseion ex 's Sale , . Miller A Mestlie Kenredy's Medical Discovery For other locals see fourth paee. The dust has been almost intolerable to-day. Moulding. Best in city, at Jacobi's Ildw. Depot. f The storm signal was hoisted this morning, indicating a gale of wind from the Not th west. Yon will save money and get the best work bv sending your clothes for repairs to John Dyer and Son. f Tke care of your eyes. An agency for the LeMare's celebrated Rock Crys tal Spectacles and Eye Glasses is estab" lished ia this place atHeinsberger's.t HooyA. M. Waddell, of this city, has accepted an invitation to deliver the literary address at the commencement exercises of the Oxford Female Serai nary, next June. Forepaugh & Satnwelfs circus ar rived in the city this lorenoon and pitched their canvass on the vacant Iwt on ih East side of Fifth street, between Chestnut and Mulberry. The l"st do which was advertised a few days siacein the Review has been restored to bis owner, fie was recoy ered through means of the' advertise ment. Everybody reads the Kev.ew. The series of meetings which have been in progress at Brooklyn Hall for the past two weeks will be continued during the present week. Tbey have been quite successful thus far and the interest continues unabated. Attention is invited to the advertife- raent of Mr. Jos. E. Herbert, proprie tor of the New Purcell Bar. Billiard and Smoking Uoonn. Mr. Herbert has had his place fixed up very taste fuliy and at night it is in a flood of light from twelve incandescent electric burners. A Iree lunch is spread every night from (to 12 o'clock. I'ianns and organs can be bought cheaper ai Ileinaberg'er's than at any other hiuse in the State t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . IMotice. T MIE NEW PURCEht. HOUSE II AS ONE of the flietll.VK, CIMJAUD anl 8MOKK- ING KOOMS In tho Sta'c uht trom 6 to li l'. M. A fine Lunch every mt h 11 tf JOS. K. HERBERT, Prop Our Advertisement AbT WEEK OF A FINK TOILET SOAP at 43 ents per Cakes cre-itcd quite a demand. Wc arc equal t j this however and can stiU continue t sivc the public genuine bargalu in Soap. M UN US'' BKOTUK1W, mch It Wholesale and Retail Druggists Garden Seed, IV RUG, CHEMI TAI-S. PATENT MBDI clnci aud Fancy Arllclcs In full supply at F. C. Ml LEEK'S. in-li H - Corner Fnurtb and Nun sts KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, gl MMONb, KEGULA1 OK, Taylor's Sweet Gnui and Mulilcn, Butl's Cough Syrup, '. Presciiptlons compounded day and night. aar Nigh i Boil. MILLER & NIESTL1E, mch 14 Cor Sixth and Mnlberrv Photographs. Q ALL AT Cronenberg's Qallery, FOR FIS'K WORK. Children's Pttures a specialty. Old pic turcs copied and enlarged, call and see spe cimens. 4 mch It lit CJfpU&NBEBG. Hazard Powder. WfS NOW II A V ft THK AGENCY FOR ff thi celebrated Powder which l un doubtedlv the best eold in thin eonnrrr. ev raagaztne bniit down the river (out of city nmiwj. r un asaortmeni or an tne sizes at lne loweet prices. ' . WH. E. SPRINGER C.. Sncctsaor to John Dawtton Jt (To., - l. lit and 2J Market t treat, ouhll. - -WiWliigtiin N. C- ..- t ,. ."-j .. " . ... . - - ' . NEW ADVEKTISEMBVT8 March Prices J D USING THE MONTH OF UAKCH propose! ell : WOOD t still lower pU-ea and make a specialty et AW1,I To) ', UrleenKand protiog beyrnd'dmtt tb.ti a . . t i . n . . i . i i mcli l. ' J. A. -IKlNGEtt. ! House FurfiisliitifitfHiils - .. - txrifi HAVE VNU AIW4YA ici t iv VV 1 ; - hiid.ii.iiU.i.i w ir,..,-.i.i.f Goods. A new lot of Dinner Set. Cnamuer Sew. Tea ''ets and Fany GchmIs jut rcct-iveU. Do not forget the Rochester t-ampit you In tend to supply yourfelf "Willi a laaip. . .; tiliiks A HUUUI16 '.V, men 14 - - - Jroekerr Icpartniet.t Make no Mistake ! ORDKRJNG FISH,. AMu OYSTEIL3. Goaranlccu sound and solid when packed. for dcllve y Terns CO D W. II. VOPP, Ixck Box 415 or 10T. South Pronw St. mch 14 . Country Produce. ywtBT AND IRISH POTATOES, Apples. Cabbigcs, Turnip, Oranges, .Onions, Eggs, . . , . . . , m.tjB , vmt.tu? auu an J.1UU3 oi vwnuiry Produce tr sale by CHAS. F. BROWSK. Comauls&lon Merchant, ho IV N Water St., nich 14 Wilmington, N C- A Pleasure Indeed. riMII WAS THE EXPRESSION OF DE light by a lady customer who had on a pair of those easy flttlpg SHOES we tupp'y to the puuui iney are a gcai comiort, neat in appearance, serviceable to wear, me iooi, auu soia at very reasonauie prices, large sock for Pents, Ladies, Misses and Children at GEO. R. mch 14 FRENCH & SONS. 10S N. Front Street S7.50 BUY A WORCESTER'S lUriLL BUY A WORCESTER'S UNA yy BRIDGED DICTIOK ARY, 1 8S7 Edition. The, havd never been orei at this price BEFORE IN NO RTH CAROLINA. Books and Stationery, Papers. Periodical, and I atest PubUcation. always n hand. Croquet, Bamipocks, Marbles. Tops, Ball?, c C. W. YATES. mch 14 119 Market St. Wilmington, 'N C OPERA HOUSE. FOR NIGHT MUt MARCH licit. The Young American Actor, Mr. Aiden Benedict, Supported by a powerful Comoany will ap- pear in the Greatest Drama of the age, f rom Alex, uhqus' tamous novci. MONTE GRISTO. Reserveil Seat 0 cts. and $r. Box Mice open at Hein6bcrgcr8 on Saturday morning. mch li 3t Municipal Primary Election. TEETINGS ARE II Kit E BY CALLED OF VI -n,. vni. -.f tiw i itv W ilmingto-. to be be d in their respective Wards, nn Wednesday Uivenlna. March 16tb. 1887, at 8 o'clock, to select candidates for AI- Any- ..iri wanu fi i vntmi fnr at thn I . nn ti fnnrih 'i ,,.ri . l Mjirrl. 1SS7 Th f.illowlnir ae hcrntiv -ilea, ignated as the place of mcctirfg : lt Ward Minnie s uaii. 2d WardThe Connty Court llous. d Ward The City Hall (up stairs). 4th Ward 1 he City Court ' Room at CUy ir.ii 5th Ward The Vlgwiu, corner freventa aiid Castle streets. All Democrats are requested to be present By order of the Democratic Ex. Committee. A. D. BROWN, ... mch 12 3t Chairman. mm L ... 4, . t 1 . 4 1 Id UILHIlGIQIi, n. V-, WlU fill, cct. 1 .T - li cd at this OfllCC Until 12 O ClOOk. HOOD. Oa the 16th rtay nf March. 1857, for the sale of property fulUbhj as a site for a public build- log, authaiucd to oe ercctca m tow cur. - jiio iuiunni . "itiuai I mai.liatviuvi i U WUk JUnn lUlU VUOnuir urcuanti tijy y ujuw aniw i nau ute (Itwj icc u noia corner lot, tno vcnun" not less .than two hundred (200) by one hundred anu nvc icct tiuoi: tre two nun- .Iredfce to be street frontage. H ; alleys abut I on either Me. the width of such alleys can be f icuucvca tivuM wv wTo (uico.uh "'; saie oi properiy tor sue ir a puuuc uuna .fi lATi-tr-aK' MTrS pna" and addrcased to LUAS. D. MYfcKS. "o"1 v i mch 10 Ct iPriTt?nTvi P A f o riJ I XilBPOriUITX 01 Art . alia Fashion ! pLSEAOT OrJEWELRY feOTU Ladles and Qh CHILDB&S'S BONNETS ASP BOYS SPOCEISGS In large numbeis. DE HO REST. RCLXAflLe PATTERNS in the Latest Styles ioat received , - tts ping an l Fmbroilery of any desired, style or pattern to order. -. ; v I am now lo ve York ror&halnar a larre sfoek'df Mlliise'T Goods which will accord, vith the l attstprin Styles. -", .- MK. E. B. WIGGINS.' O ' 115 UttketSt. mch 13 iogs on property eelccfcdto be Tctalucdand hank rUnnit.g W. on itni coavcted by James remove! by the owner The Dxpartmcnt re w. to Joltua Waller, on Dec th, lSltf.theme Ecrvea itbe "teht t reject "Hro.l28J , . along centre of said bank i where It Vtr.kcs Prooosa38 3tjould be marked "Proposals for T.. ,n K9nt- ... ... .k. NO. 6'2 NEW ADVEUTISEM BSTM. tommlssioner's Sale I or Valuable Real Estate. VIRTUE Of IW K'.(TAl N fc crecs f the niHjrlur Court f e Ha"ovrr onny, m ue at its -liiudry lem, U ' j 17, the unders'cne,d. iv.inmlHsioper itppo nt ' ' 'n y aw oe'-iew, will on Mo d the ISthilayof April. 1SS7. i 2 M. on a Id dv. at lb :onrt House door tntne Citftf Wil- nlpgion, -evposc to sakj. by public at.clUHi; ior easn, mo ioiiowinr iom or parcels or IanJ, sitnate and being in the i lyr t Wilmington, State of Morttt aroHfa, aa follows: Ut I-ot No. 6 In B ock V . . - 2nd. West naif of lot No 3 in Bloc 71 ori. a lot bcjrinntDg at tc K. intersec tion of Wright sod JUgbthsirceta, thence K. wlthE lioeof Eighth street, 26 1 feet, hence E S3 feet, thence S. ici fect. t Wright street, and thenc) W. to the bc.Unlng,. bclnff par.s ot lets 3, 4. 5 aod 6 in Block 33. 4;h- A lot bAinnlDK ii . line of Queen street 130 feet K. of K. line of Sixth sircet, thence K. Z$14 feet, thence N. 31 feet, thence W 884 feet, ihcntc S. to the beginning, being parts 3, 4, 5 and 6 In Block. 78 5th. A lot beginning lrff. line of Sixth street, 202 feet ?. of Church street; thence W. 165 fect, thence N.'2S feet, thence left feet, thence S. to the beginning, being parts of lots 3 and 4 in Blocks 91. 6th. A lot becinnine at the N. E. Intersec tion of Sixth and Taylor streets, tbenco N Go j feet, thence E. 73 fect, thence . fect, thence y.iotnc Dcsmning; ucmg part of lot 6, Block I 013 7th. A lot beginning lu the C lineef Eighth street, 66 fect . of Dawson street, thence A . 82 feet thence J. IC feet, ihence W. 83 feet, thence N. feet to the beginning: bcio part ot lot 2, Block 38. Stn. A lot beginning at S. F. lntereeclion of Ninth and Woostcr streets, thence E. 2i7u feet, thence S. 3P6 feet, thence W. to the East line of Ninth street, and thence to the begin ning: being part of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and b in Block 53. 9th. A lot beelnnina at S. W. intersection of Ninth and Dawson stieels, running thence 8. 17C feet, thence W. -116 feet thence N. 44 I zeetwtnence w. lie feet, thence N. 132 feet. Itnence e. to lh8 beginning; being parrs of ijf a 1 , 2 and 3 in Block' 3S. 10th. A lot befflnnine in the X I1b of i cigntn street s leet o. or Wright street. 1 90 feet, thence to the beginning; being parts oi lots x ana 2 in biock a. 11th. All of lot 5 in Block CO 12th. All of lot 5 in Block 63 13th. E. half of lots 1. 2 and 3 iu Block S- 14th. A let besrninln? at a stake in Mum .1 James' line, thence N. with her line 7 degrees f . - jeer, inence a. degree K. ftel teet. thence S. 7 degrees E. 231 feet, ihence with ninmtn nne uesreed w. in thp lo- n ng. 15th Allot lot 3 in Block 51. lcth All of Blocks 39. 4) and 5.V: and alt nt wis j, & a ana o in hiock ot: tne k. naif of lnr 6 In Block 68; all of Blocks 14. 21, 23, 27 and g iVlouV. VffdeS SSw JSi-V w h,lfTfVftV. i k 1a VZ S.f?Sf inc Ltion of Ued Orm tnd t lgiitii ; stiwts, nce 1 T I. A A.MHI.. a. 4. -vt mar ben TlVe. tnen E. with 175. 1 ni 1 "ul p rant ihaaiA w im s ft-h n ginning; being parts' of lots 4 and 3 in Block- 1 oo. 18th. All of lots 4, 5 and 6 in Block S3. 19th. A lot beginning in the West line of ftuiry street, to reet J. 01 tjueen street run nlnx thence W. to the Channel of the River ihence N. up the River to Southern line of Castle street, ihence E with said line or . castie street about 130 feet to the Wcst line of Gas House lot. therce 0. with said line or said lot Ha feet, thence E. aboitt soo reet to toe w. line of Surry street. thence S. 26 feet to the beginning: t eing part of lot No. 1 and all of lots 2. .1. 4 and 5 in .B10CX 71. 20th- A lot berfnulnz at the S. E. interaea tion ot Nun nd eecond streets, and running thence S. with Second street 132 feet, thence E. 16 feet, thence N. 3J feet, thence W. 53 feet, thence 2s. 100 feet to .Nun t tree t. thence J wiin un street w. 110 feet, to the beginning; vise a lot vvebt nair 01 lot 4 in Block 72. 22nd. Also a iract of land and tnmmer Residence on the Sound In New JJanover co.. beginning 206 feet from the intersection of two lines 40 lect w lite, which separate the lands formerly belonging to K. J. Luttcrlob on the N. from the lot of land soM by D. M. Crvant toil. Kura turner, anu 1 rrs una of Elliot's on thew. at Burs turner's S. corner, thence . 200 fect, thence E. to the Sound, thence alon the oouna to BurKarmer'a line, thence witn bis line to the beginning ; excepting 20 feet "T: hign water mark lor a right of way S-Jr. a wscioi una sew nanoTcrco Misery Neck. adjolniBg lands lately ?w? andbcgianing on the ylvrt.Za? "151l'"''0cT ulTSr V lne mouth ! the Mt. Misery Creek, snd thence up am creek t a Btake. thence along the dl icwn uno wiwcto iu ua iiijj tracts 3. Si degrees East 115 poles.' thence N. 154 poles to a pine, on o!4 rovl, thence along said road N. 40 lcgrc4 W. 78 poles to a rice neld baas, tnenen same course aion? said i-j poics io I'll, iuisery threes, tnence tho Creek hi poles to a stake.' tbenco uown along a rlcefield bink S. 23 degrees W. 67 poles to the N. W. Branch of Care Fear Hirer. thence down the River to the beginning, 24th. Another tract adjoining last tract, and Ian4 formerly owned by A. D. Ifeore.and beginning on N. W. Branch Cape Fcsr Klrer. at lower tnd of Mt. Mlicry Blaff, thcaco Cowan, thence along sai l bank b. 1 degreo West 130 poles to the River; thence down the Kiver vi poiea to auision uantr between (KIi mH 11in inrt intitiiurrtlwl h.. .Ia. 8aid division bank N. 21 degrees' . 7 las to , flwd 24te. ou H t Mlscrr ;reck. thence un saH Creek, 37 poles to a stake on E. s.dortf saidCrccK, on a rlcsneia bsnk. tHcj.41 ,1trroi E tin i In aliV I Ih .4 rn.,1 thBCC With ld road N. 40 dcgrcn W.75 poleita a sUke. thence S. 73 degrees W: S Jj,., l0 tbc begl n5ng. - .i. iim h r..iin.n ,u.m. ru.i t.n i. BrOTH lck routty: Beginulng atatafceon tb. w. ol to0 tape Fear kivcr oo Eagle I, inrf ontisita the centra of thn tMnd laeno5 zloVfi m running by the aide of a 63,11,1 lo A'atr Creek, tbcucadowa said Crrc to tbc beginning; containing 74VI. acre. r sotn. anotner tract ontainma acrra. sltuatcd also on esi-i Eagl' adjoining tho last above descrlbcu tract, and btiagpan of the land convoyed by Jamee W. W tier to laltua Walker. 27th, East prt of lots i ad in Block 2ib. Alt Of lots a and 6, In Ul-k mib. All Ot lot 5 in Block OS. ?pthAll of lot 3 in Blockiiii. 3isf. Part of W. halt of lot 1 iq Block 1. MAKSDEN BELLAMY. ConimUsion er BU!Hau. A Rn-avo. Plaintiff's Attorneys mch 14 tl NEW FURNITURE HOUSE, Corner Feccad and Market Streets." E ARE HERE TO STAY AD NO c'U W conot- Wo ke?p the lines tana cheapest Fur 1887 1 swvm -- mm m vw wm SBiaVa L, LflBes . frf,' ri10' small graHi afrer it Ida . nr prices i nit th xc tie ground: wtl gire yoa s iaeressed r. p o . can sell cbip leeanpj9ir9mt0tol0uTrr cent. s ' . niture in the cur- Ci and iKcr alike. We we manujsf tare oar own f ooJ. AUoafnYliBeotyCarrUgas.-. - A CHI IDlllttUUU ". ' -1 tfcacrrtnou e txy ixi m r.t::iw , stiataitattmtbkt.' ' r '.'. Tit tssa tl ua wnm mm always v Cmauleaooaaaimft W jnrtrua m MUdaot $& paper. r. ; : rtrtoaantJMniutDe aroia!. ' t Aad tt Is tpclall7 aad part3aiarip ma tood taat las Xdltor dot awsys amtv lhartewaof eorrtapoadmt ' uu tbdltorUl eolnm SKW AIVETISKMK?ITO. - NT- Desirable Spring Goods t HV STUAMKU AND RAIL This Week, -AT- I.I.Eate' CASH HOTJTSUB, 116 nJarket Ct. Jnst Reeelyed; jlNOTIIEK CHOICE LOT OF SADDLES and Trunks. We guarantee our pi Ices to bo as CHEAP If not CHEAPER than any house in the city on liainoas. Cellars, jJarae Leather, Sheepskip, Mz. Trunks repaired by the only prac deal Trunk maker ia thn State. FF. ft NELL A DANIEL. -Old Mallard Svtnd. lo So. Front at inch 12 tf Christian Reid's New Book. MISS .CHURCHILL. A STUDY, JgY CHRISTIAN It CUD. Anthor f Bonny Kate, Morton Home, The Land of the Skiea Kearte and llauds. Heart of Steel, Ac. In paper, 60 cents. For sale at IlEtNSBKKGER'S. O ' ; lEUIODlCAL PAPERS, HARFXR'S saagailno. The Century, ScrlaerV Magaalne, and all the dUTcrcat Llbiarya can always be found at our counters as scon as tbey are published. . A cordial invitation U ex esded ths citizens aud stringers from HEINSBEKGER'S. jneb S Cms' Book and Mask) Store 300 1U5W KtVA 8IIA U TKR, 64.3(1 per cent, of Sulphate of I fme. TMwani ot r taster. aas beea one of the greatest drawbacks to saeeessfal farming in .ui cmw, anu i is an uaiportaJBK axTTlCe tO this great indaatiy and to the State, It is quite Indispensable In aaj Jodiclocs ' s f stem of aartcnJtare. and it serres several Important enda, besides the direct one of fur nishing lime and sulphur; it gathers nitrogen ' and prevents Us dlsclpaOon and lose: It is a apeclflc for elorer and other leguminous" plants aad it indirectly renders the potash of the soil available aad so a ids ia the restora tion ot worn lands. Z We have sold Plaster to many dcrinx the l.U rear all from whom we nave beard, ex j nress their aatlafartlnn a. I.. . The poUeaUoaot Piaster it animal man pre, will increase the value of that man ore beyond calculation. , . composting with plaster- will improve the value of your com post S j t (rrent. V rowing irom 9 uio son pounds er paster t .i u l Injespeeaabe hi esjlyitmcll a fich as strawberry beoi. arjfera-ns, ' !eaab.ka fa esiiyrmcll tj srry bes, araraus ry?u s t to "''t by . . . ' . , my. mmm, 1 , ' - ' - J ' m gf Siic IB IntS mew .7 I . - . . -. - ..." f i

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