POWBEP Absolutely Pure This powJcr rever varies. A marvel cf parity, fctrengib an 1 whoWMEeneda. Mare econ teat the ordinary klcia, sr.d an- aot lk sold in r-ompetltlon with the multitude of low teat, ebon wtlgnt alum or phosphate fowders. Sold onijt in can$. EoTAL'RAKfv G 'OWDBR CO.. 106 Wall at. S. Y. oct 46 d w ly tenrm Itbp Wilkesboro, bondj - to ran - thirty cr forty yean, road to b: completed -to Wilkesboro in. three yean or rizht to bonds forfeited, work to be commenced six monthi after ratification of subscrip tion. Mr. Rose then presented his tide of the est, or lather asked that do action be taken till the 1st Monday in May. as he would then be in a condition to sobJiit a proposition to the commis sioner which he believed the? would accept; that he had had no time to navo a rue tin? of directors, &c.. since the necessary legislation had been secured; but btifore May such meetiog would -be authorized k innke a propS'lton After some discussion it was decided rv the tple to wait till the 1st Mo dnyjn May be tor taking any action. i !!. VofiIrrul Hf-aliiijr Pr.- p-rii of IJjtrby Ir iliyfac- tio Putui. Wh-rvT. a . prtvontini:. h a!tr.:r. 9:vz ird i!M!orjzirg ir.j.-o ion it -H-.fi i rjnirl u?e Darby I'rohy lactic Fiviii. Any indacne.t anrtnee external or internal, treat t with the KiuM i!l bp q iik!y relieved it h3 ?tf.;Vit cures thai had resisted the best ii'O-licni cure. ThePaily Review- ' TUESDAY. MARCH 15. 18-7 HTATiS SETV8. Goldsboro Messenger: Mr. Isaac T. Wilson. olJones county. Clerk of the Superior Court, died last week. Mr. Wilson has served many years as Reg ister of Xleedf, and was elected Clerk of the Saperior Court last November. Mts. G. D. Phares had the misfor tune last Thursday to have her right band severely burned. She was at tending to some duties in tbo kitchen when the grease in a-pan on the cook" ins stove oauzht fire and in attempting to put oat the flames she received her injuries, which, it is hoped, will not be permanent. It was a narrow escape from greater injuries. Charlotte Chronicle: The firemen ol the city have decided upon a tirst-clas celebration on the 20th of Mar, and art making arrangements for the event Tbey prppose to make the nliair a creditable one to the city, and the besi that we have had since May 1694 Mr. I- N. Wallace, who live on the lawyer's road, about six urles1 lrni the city, is in a very precariu state of health, his recovery bein txtrernelj doabttal. Mr. Wallace is no "I the" most prominent men of the county. Mr. Coleman IJradley. a. promi nent citizen of Gaston county', died ai his -home, near Gastonia. jt'sterday morning Df measles. Mr. Uradley whs 45 years bid. He had a number of re lations and friends liviDjr in this county. Hickory Press: A well known citt zen of Hickory, much addicted to the use of tobacco, disenntinued it more than three months ago. As a result, he linds that be has gained 13 'pound having gone fmm 158 to 171 lbs. in weight. It is seldom the resource o! oar merchants are taxed beyond the ability to supply ; bpt such was the case one day this wees wnen a ia year n-jji o girl lalled to find a pair of shoes iare enough in a lot in which the number? ran to 13. Tne box was offered but declined with thanks. We under stand that a disease has made its ap pearance in the eastern portion of UnrtA And within a few miles of Hick ory, which resembles sma'l px. Several have died of it, and old army ' men who have seen small pox, can see but little difference in the appearance of patients having either disease.. ' JSTe w bern Journal: On Friday lasi our truck farmers made the secondship mentof radishes by the Ea3ternCarolina Despatch Through Freight Line. Thi? one shipment embraced 227 boxes and 78 barrels of radishes. These packages contained about 100.000 bunches, which should sell at 2 to 3 cents .per bunch . and amount to from $2,000 fo $3.0C0. Mr. Henry Wabab, of Hydo coun ty, is in the city: The following account of his farm would probably interest3ir readers: The whole tract of 6.400 acres. 3.000 ot which is cleared, lies on Juniper Kay in Hyde county, it nss five canals running into it. used both for draining and to facilitate shipment. Each canal ia three miles long and fif teen feet wide. The farm is all under fence, there being fourteen inilea fncir.- cling It. He ba3 on the farm onechurc. and one school house. The soil is de composed vegetable matter, without the slightest grit, and ia of great fertili ty. The onjy fertilizer he uses is car bonate of lime, or oyster shells in a paivenzea cooumon. xiemusio piow. Only a partof bis land is under culti vation. His crop the past season was 23.500 bushels corn and 14.000 bushels rice, besides cotton, oats and wheat. His partner, Mr. George Credle, luper intends it. Charlotte Observer: Yesterday Prof Geo. B. Hanna. of this city, received a letter from Asheyille in regard to the condition of the Kev. Mr I'earsoj, Tim ilaiiroRil Dl ItAi.TiMOi.T.. March 13 It was ru mored this morning that au important conference ft railroad men whs - tv be h-" in ihi cilv during the day. but as no. prominent nams were to bo found on any ot the Im'el registers the runi'T I did nl s-eem to be well f- unded. I T.i tli a uftbrnriin Hnajc po r it t A) rilQ. covered that a party ot three was stop pin at a - prominent hotel, and that tbey had ben closeted forseveral hours with Mr. John K. Cower counsel for he Baltimore and Ohio Railway Com pany The gentlemen were ascertained to be Messrs. W. C. Boone. U. "S. Ives andG. H. Stravnor. of New York Xbey persistent!? refu ed to see report ers. In fact, ibt ir presence at the hotel was denied, but tbey - are known to have left the city to night. No inkling of the resu't ol the con ference could be- obtained, nor is it known whether or not Mr. Garrett was seen by" them. Though some are of opinion that they had an interview with him at bis houc. Baltimore nud Ohio officials have no information of any kind for tb public," but say that the press shall have all the desired in formation at the proppr time. COaiSlEHCIAJb .SEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. March 15 P. M. 8PIRITS TURPENTINE Firm a 354 cents per gallon. .Sales ot 75 casks at these figures. ROSIN Firm at 77i cents for strain ed and 82 cents lor good strained. TAR Firm at $1.10. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at $1.00 for hard. $190 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Firm. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary. 6; good ordinary 8; low mid diinz bj; middling' ' 0J; ' good middling 9$. No sales reported. Receipts to dav: Cotton. 102; spirits, W; rosin. 755; tar. 438; crude. 6 f "r.ViMill tmt CtlLlt.. Chicago. March 15. 2:30 p. in V heal market openel at 81$ and clo-ei si 705 tor Alf.v. Com opened at 40 ami uit! al44 to 40J; for Mav Pork opened at 21 CO ami chsei at -21 OH Iot May. . - - .; - ' Nkw York, Mar 15 -8:3(1 p m Cot ton.opened 'at 0 79 bid and closed at 9.83 for March. Opened at 9 83 and closed at 9 85 for April. Opened at 9.87 and closed at 9.69 for May Opened at 9.91 and closed, at 9 90 lor June. " Opened at 10iU and clost d at 10.02 for July. F'ofty Thousand. Fool- ClliCAiO. March 13. -Extreme oret warkul tfe burial of MrS Xeer; i lay. Ftilly forty :husatd people ihiV'Ted three liours iu the bleak wind .vhK rg fr the ib qui s of the notnl Aarchil's i!e t 'eminence anl 5eert;orl revanled i).v. the sight ot h orocession. that except in siz. differed onfy in a few minor details fr"m an ordinary funfral. Last evening the master oi cerenionieH estimated that wenty inoiisand sympalfdzers woiiM be in line. Whether the absence r.f'the Anarchist widower dampened the en thusiasm or the fact that the police were 'aking extraordinary precautions to quell disorder bad a 't:k tit fleet, the dem onstration fell far short of its promo ers' predictions, including- the per sons in ine hundred and seventv seven carriages and bugsis there were pro. bably 5.CC0 in the processi'm. The prohibition of red flags was scrupulous lyobserved. Few banners were car riel. and they were furled and totally hidden in black drapery. Not a dozen mourners were in uniform. A single band furnished the only music in the pmcesion. The policemen wero .il most whcnly kept outof sight and the entire affair was characterized by som bre decorum. HAICINK MliiV ARRIVED , . Steamship Benelactr, Tribon, New York, H G Smallbones Steamer A P Hurt. Robeson, Fay ettoville. Woody & Currie. Steam yacht Louise, , Snell Smith ville. Master CLEARED. Steamer A P Hurt, Roboson, Fayettc ville, Woody & Corrie. Steamci Susie. Dolbow, Point Cas welh Master Sceam yacht I-ioaiet. Snell. Smith ville. Master House Farnisliin?:Goods, HAVE AND ALWAYS K5-EP ON hand a ell tetected lot of Honaefarnlshlng (ioo!3. a new lot of Dinner Sets. Ctiamber bctB, Tea Seta and Taney Goods jus: i cceived. Do not forget inc Sochester Ljiinp If you In tend to fciinply yourself with a Lanp. UlL:S MURCM1SON, mch 14 Crockery Department MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. Doirxlns. & Yiirborougli, A!t.)VAB1.E UAlil DKBa.B.K'5 AND r.MtBEIiS, t . WUnlsftwn. N 0 lea vrlth a!i the litest 1m- 1 3 Market top lul y eiui roveiieiit Omrtcoua ;iol jij t:e tiartnrs always ready to : erve cutumc . . . SJ. vV..Varorontt,a f nueriy wt;h John W. rner, won la bo ?a'i to serve Us oUl pat roR f?b Country Produce. S Calt.-ijf, iWKKT AND IKlSfi I'OlAlOM, Apples. Tanilp-, Dransjes, Onlonn, ' Kggs, Country Wretched Indeed Aie thoso whom a conflrmed terdency to bit lloobtes8. subject to the various nod change ful symptoms lndlcativaof liver complaint Nausea, sick headache, constipation, furrel tongue, an unpleaiint bteath, a dull or sharp piiri In the ceishborhood of the affected or ?an, Impurity of the blood ami loss of appe tlte, Elgnallzc It as oce of the most distressing as it Is one of the. moat common, of maladies, There !, howevfr, a bpnlgn Epcciflc for the disease and all Us unpleasant manifestations it js the concuireTit testimony of the public and the medical profession, that Uosttettcr's Stomach Bitter is a medicine whch achieves r6ults speedily felt, thorough and l.cbrn BesiJes rectlfjinz Uver disorder, ltlnvlkor ates i he feeble, conquers kidney and bladder omr lalnts, atd hastens the convalesence of ih.tse recTerIrjr trom enfeebilnz diseases aaoreoer, it Is the grand specific for fver and ayue D March Prices t USING THE MONTH . OF MARCH I In the letter it is stated that Mr. Pear son, after leaving Charlotte, suffered considerably from nervousness and insomnia, but his condition was not such as to cause any undiie alarm. He AToecta to fulfill bis next engagement. which is fixed for the first ot April. Several days ago The Observer tated that Col. Andrews, of the Rich mond and Danville Road, . and Mr. Gray, ol the Capo Fear and Yadkin Valley, had; gone to Wilkesboro to look aller the interest ot their resptc tive companies in tbe proposed road to that place. A meeting was held and the Slatesville Landmark has tbo tol lowin about it : Dr. York ' explained the object of the meeting aod in trod ne ed Mr. Busbee. who made a sensible and pleasant talk. He stated the propn, silica of the Richmond and Danville Road, to wit: If Wilkes county will subscribe S 100,000 to the company, tha road will be exteBded from Win Eton to Wilkesboro $33.000ot the bonds to be delivered fthen the road is com pleted and in running order to a point half way between Elkin and " Wilkes boro. tha remaining 07 000 to be- de liTtrsi ea ccnplstlon of the road to propose to sell worD at still lower prices axd make a cpedalty ef , tsAWKD ffoun. eurnteeinff and proving beyrnd donbt that foil corl is la each. load delivered mch H x. A. fPR PRINGEB.S KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERT, .IMMONS REGULATOR, Taylor's Sweet Gum and Mnlllen, Bail's rough Syrup, Prescriptions compounded day and bight. . MM- Night Bell. - X MllL.ES A NIESTLlE, mch 14 . " Cor: sixth and Malberrv f. r. MILLEK. lOBN L. MICHAEL. fJKIIer &. Co., CONTRACTORS FQR D BILLING AND . rQUIPPISG ARTESIAN WELL? OF ANV REQUIRED DEPTH. JOBING OLD WELLS WITHOUT RE. moving vails. Drilling new Wells from the Surface and inserting cement cr Iron Pipes, excluding all foul or tnrface waters. Have all the improved Steam Appliances for Drill log and Reaming In hard or soft rock, from four to eighteen lnchc In dlamiter. Agents for Pnmps for Pumpln Water. Adurtss, Frederick city, Md. TtAFEKESCES : .1. F. Wessner, Baltimore, Md. Louis Muth, . , Halt. Ftock fard Company. Gettysburg Water Company. Wetminlkter Water Company, Md. H. C Stoffer, Frederick, Md. Hiram Grove and ChasCronlse, Frederick. Md. y t - -. v; . U. R. Past n, 1 ecsbnrg, London co. , Va amuel Lutz. Wallace Gears 3, (- A. J. tfoudcr, Tsylortown, fccott Ntxrison, Bendertvhie. Capt. Grcff, Frederick, Md. John W. Crowm. Frederick, Md , -. . ' . and hundreds of Farmers every where. We axe prepared to do work from one hun dred to two thousand feet Eatlsfaetlon gaaranteed. -rack 11 lvrd eraw . " . Turkeys, Chickens and .alt klaU ot rroduco lov sale iy CHAS- F. flBOWSE, CommltHlon Mercbaut, No U N Water at., mchH Wilmington, N. C- Photographs, Q ALL AT ' Cronenberg's Gallery, FOR FINE WOiil Chlldi-en's Pictures a specialty. Old pi 5 lures copied and enlarged, call and see spe clreens. mch 11 ' H. CRONKNBEL'G. Hazard Powder. WE NOW HA.VK TOK AGENCY FO li this celebrated Powder which ia un doubtedly the best sold in this country. - ct magazine built down the river (out of city limits). ..f ull assortment of all the bIzps at the lowest prices. . WM. E. SPRINGER , Successors to John Dawson A Co., 19. 21 and -23 Market Mreet. ' mch 14 vvilmlriaton N. C Julius Samson, 111 Market Street. EMBROIDERY SALE I -o- EMBROIDERY SALE ! JUST RECEIVED. Mull Embroideries, Nainsook Embroideries, Ecrue Swiss Embroidery, Navy Blue, Pink, Light Blue, Cardinal, -AND Red- Embroidery, . WITH THE Solid French .Chambray . TO MATCIl These fioods were purchased direct from the importer anf will be Fold at a bargain. We are receiving new Spring goods on each steamer. Jiilius Samsom Commissioner's Sale - Jf . ' Valuable Real Estate. -jgY, VIRTUE OF "TWO CERTAIN DE crees ofthe Superior Court of Ifeir Haiover Countv. mda at its January Term, A. HA 1SS7, the ncders!gned. Commissioner appoint. ed4n and by eald decrees, willon Monday tae ISth day of April, 18S7, at 2 M. on at Id day, at the Court House door in the City cf Wifc mllon expose to sale, by public auction, for casb. tha following lota or paresis of land, sitoa'e and being in the Citv ot Wlimlntton, Statof Sr.rtl . araTlna, as follows: ltt Lot No. 6 in B ork SS -2nd H'et hilf of lot No a la Koi 71 3rl. t:t beI: n'.nj: at t'-e . Invrsen tlon r Wt-al Mcfi'lu'reets. thence N.. with 8. li evr KUr'i'.h s-rs -i"i le :t. titu a K Si feet, tn-n'e u;i ix t . i- w risnt s-r., aid thene v. to i.e t einr, be:c. par o: ictao 4 .1 anr- 0 In Ho 3f. . 4 h 1 t lyi Innia ii n. iln-r of Qseen street 13) f c-"- K.-of-'K; 1 ue or ?Wiu stree then-e si-- cct, thence -.Si f .vl, theoce W SS'-Hj fee,- ben e Js.- o. tlie benatiig, Le"i. iirt5 ', 4. s b iu nioc 7S ah V1 lesif-ninr In W v ltne of 6ixlh strtet. --2 l'e- -. ot - hurch street, thenre Vi. 16 lei-l, uei'e X. is f c. theiiCe').- 1-5 feet, thence K t J h builnnin. being parts of lot 3 au 1 4 ia Btoci s 91 Uh. A lot b3ii i4g at 'ha N. K. intersec tion of fcixthard Tavtor strict. thenteS if fett, tmncere j. rret. ttence. tJ tett, tncn-ie W. to the tcg'-nrjlrg-. behij partof lot 5, Block 31'J. , 7 til". A !ot b-sflncing in the F. line of Msrith stre t, m feet of I'lureon street, thence K. si fiMit thturc GO feet, thence W- SI tet. thewce K. t6 feet to the beginning; belr.g part ot ol i. H ock Stn. A l:.t tCiinrilnj: at S. Intcrsestlou ofXlutbaod 00s er streets, thence K. 2i7U feet, -thence i"il6 feet, thence W. to the-East lice of Mntfc street, ard thence ti the begln- nlnjr; be n? part of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and dta Block 5-. 9 b a. lot bsian'ng at s. W. iatersecl-iaa of ir.th nd Lawson stietfi- rtir.nlnsr tbence d. 170 feet, ttienc no feet, thence N. 44 feet, thens W. 116 ftes. thence N; Vil feet. thence t-. to iha beginning: beinj? rarts of lots 1 . 2 and S in Block 3S. 10th A lot beginning In the E. line ct Eighth strcot 7S feet .. of Wright street, thence 7 feet, thence E. 83 feet, thence S. 90 feet, thenca to the beginning; being parts of ims 1 and 2 in Block 24. 11th- All of lot 5 la Block C6 12th. All of iot 5 in Block C3 13th. JS. half of lots 1, 2 and 3 iu Block S2. 14th. Al t begolnlng at a stake in Mary J Jame lice, thence N. with her line 7 degrees W 132 feet, thence N.t3 degrees E. 561 leet, thence . 7degrees E. 231 fee thence with Harinn-n line ix. SQl degrees W, to the begin ning. , 15th Allot lot 3 in Block 51- lv-th All of Blocks 39, 4 J and 55; and all of lots 1. 2 r and C In lilock 56; the E- half of lot 6 in Block CS; all of Blocks 14. 21, 25, 27 and 23; all cf lo'.s 1, 2 and 3 In Blo"k 522; lot l in Block 3i; lots 4. "and6 4iv Block 5u; the W. half of lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6 in Block 523; the W-half of lots 4, 5 aad ti in Block 3 9. 17th . A lot beginning at the N. W. intersec tion Kcd tJroba and eighth streets, thence . 132 feet, therco W 19J feet, to the Carr.p line, thence s. E. with said line I4icet. to 11-d c:ro3s street, thence ltH) feet to the be ginning : ielng parts of Jots 4 an 15 la Block 23S. lS;h. All of lots 4. 5 and 6 in Rio- k Si. V.Kti. a lot beginning ir the West line of Siptv street, GG f ef t N. of Queen ttreet run 'otng thtnee W. to he Channel of the -River. !htace :. up lh Kiv r to Southern line cf Castle street. 1 hence K with said l'ne of c?silc street-about ICO feet to thj Wes- lire of 'ias House lo ih-jtce S. whh said Una f siM lot fii feet, theaco E. about -ZOO fect to t e W. line of Surr 6tieet thent c S. il fret to l t'e beginning; t olne part of 1 t -No. 1 s.vt all or ljts 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 71 20th. A iot beginning at the S. E. intersec tion of Nun nd .-econd su-eeis, and running inence a. wiin cccanti street its leet, tnefiro E. 165 feet, thence N. 31 fett, thenca W. "." feet, thence X. 100 feet to Nnn tcrc, tben- with Mnn strait W. U feet, to the beginning'; being part of lots 1 and In Block 1 ,1. - -2lst. A lot West half cf lot 4 in Block 72 -22nd A.'so a ivact-of land and utnmer Kesldcnco on tlie Bo:nd m New ia orm , beglnnlrg 200 fret from the lnterse tlon of tvu lanes -0 leet vide, which separate the lsnis foTmerlv beJongiog to h,. J Lutterlon on the N. frorathe loi of land sold l y It M. llrvant toll Burkhlmer, and th , lind of Elliot's on thew. at BuTBHimei s -. corner, ttence 200 feet, thence 12 to he sound, thenre a!om? tbe Sound to BtukMmor's line, thence v;th hla line to tbe beginning-; excepting 2 feet above high atcr mark for a right of wav. 23rd. a traM of laud in New f anoverco , in Mt. Misery eck. adjolnlna; lands lately owned by t. -J. "ctiee and beginnln on the N. W branch of Uu ape Fear River at the mouth ef the Mt. Misery Creek, snd thence up tal I Ci'tck t a atake, thence along the di vision bank3 between the McKce and Hill tracts 8. 8i egreei Kast Hi pobs. thence P. 134 poles to a pine, cn old rotd, thence along said road N. 40 degree 7S;poles to a rice field ban, th?nce same course a!onf stid bans 7u poles to Mt. Misery . reek, thence down th: creek 7 poles to a staketbence along a rlcafletd bmk . 23 dewces W 67 poles to the N W. Branch of Cape fear River, tbence down the River to 1 lie beginning. 2Uh. Another tract . adjoining last tract, and land formerly owned by A-1. ft core. ana beginning on K. W. Branch Cape Fear River, at lower ml of Mt. Mieery lilufl, thence down the River, 107 'poles, to the division bans between this tract and the land cf R II Cowan, thence a'ong s id bank: 3. 1 degree West 130 poles to the River; thence down the River 49 poles to division bank between this and the tract just described, thence along said division bank K. 23 degrees K. 67 poles to a flood gate, on t Misery Creek, tagnce up sail Creek, 37 poles to a stake on E. side of said Creek, onaricjlleld bank, thence N. 41 degrees E. 157 polci to a stake in the old road, thence with sld road N. 40 degrees w. 75 poles to a stake, thence S. 73 degrees W.8 poles to the begi; n'.ng. - 25th. Also the following described lands In Brunswick courty: Beginning at a (take on tbe W. side of the cape Fear liiver oa Eagle It land, opposite the centre of the second bank, running W. on lind conveyed by James W.to Julius Walker, on Dec 20th, 18 18, thence along centre of 6aid bank to where It strikes the second sectional bank- near a tide gate, thence along a bank running by the side of a canal to Alligator Creek, tbence down said ciek to -the beginning; containing 44 acres ?!?rl Innlho. t.nnl innt.lolit. Otl Mere dibli tllSCELLANEOtls. Latelt professor in the pacific surgical And Author of the New and Most 3eifln ever known INSTITTTT. o-. r.. t- . - w 1C .-mw o3iui Atcaimeni Tor f cotsa-.,. ,-has Ilocm. at - Mil Where Consultations are .Free and Invited From -persons suffering from any , -, CHRONIC" OR S UEGrlCAL AFFEOTION Iticludinf. the Eye, Ear, Nasal Catarrh, .Deafness and Discharge from the Ear, Nerve and Blood Diseases.. ' ! A1.S0- Afl Deformities of the Body, such as Club or Reel Feet Curved or Crooked Spine, v And all Diseases of the Hip and Jnee and Paralysis li - - all its forms. . HOME TREATAiENT.-In most cases alter a careful examinatioa siL interview, patients can bo supplied with a full Course of Medicine ADDliaw: ior Deformities, Atomizers, Puffers. &c , and without loss of tiroV nr i ui tueir usuni ucuupotviuus auu Buvessiuiiy carry out the ireatulBQt Hours irom 10 to 4 P. M. 7 to 8 Evening. . ,' CASKS TltEATKU - IS Y DK. PUEBiU AN: MoNTPELtER. Bear Lake Co, Imno. May l6gi Dr. G. M. Freeman: We desire to say Hhat cur i.tlle girl row"l3m old. is cured of hip disease, from which she had suffered over two'jeir and during lhai lime, snffemtsevere pain, but since we put 00 jnnrarparsh she has hod no pain at all. aod 1 wouM recommpnd all pera0s sufl'erinr fr: such trnuuies to apply lo you ior treatment..: WHS. AlAKY' A. SKVKRN i-:; ;i Ameeican Fork, Msfco 18 To whom it may coxcekn Myr dauffbter ' was afllicleJ wiLh hiadiset ami 1 can say mat sue ua vian veiy tuuen - oeneuieu oy tne ireatroeui ibaiil ul by Dr. Freeman. r - MRS: MARIA CR0MPT0S -: " .Sn;iNQ Cur Utah, March 15, 1681 Dk. Fkeeman: I had a daughter 12 years old frith 'a 'had club loot, !: put bwr under your treatment with much doubling, bat I atn happy to say ti your treatment has made a perfect cure;' for which I feel grateful, and s&; adise others afiiicied with deformities or c'ironic troubles, to goto joo. 1 y. i W JACOB JOHNSON. Attornej at-ht. I bave bpen suffering from Nasal Catarrh for some time, sod havea ediucdi cine to no purpose. I went to see Doctor Freeman and mnn ia? thai 1 11 more than pleased with bis treatment, as he cured me in les than three mMti. - ' - ; " '.' . W It.GEm ' V 5' Coy. tte, :Utah. August 23. IS. Dk G. M Freeman: I write" to -:. you 'in regard to apparatus i do io' think be needs another for his foot, is as good as lhe other; noo&can which was the bad foot who did not know the child. -- We have not tike tif tirst brace.off altogether; no toes out a little more with that foot than tbeolitr, and as for bringing down the heel, it U down ; he, stands a flit on it as thioii er. I cannot see where another brace would benefit him; I aai satisGed fctii cured with two braces and feel yery thankful for the goo 1 vou have dou.' -, : Yours respecllully. WHJilAM HAtiii. This was a club or reel foot and the above is his father's own Ucstyre. mch 11 lm d&w -:i.' .': - .. ' The New and Old Purcelll T House Combined ! 2Gih. Another tract containing 25 acres, situated also on eaidEagla'a Ieisnd, aojolnlog the last above described tract, and being part of the land conveyed bv James W. Walter tn Julius Walker. . 27th. Kast part of lots f ad 6 in Block 93. aS'h. All of lota 5 and 6 la Blosk 97. "vitu All of lot 5 in Block 93. 30th. All of lot 3 in Blocks '. ' ' ' 81st. Fart of w. half of lot 1 In Block 51. MAKSDEN BELLAMY, -' Commissioner Busssu. & BicaCi, Plaintiffs Attorneys. mch 14 ti loch 10 lll lMAHKET DT. New Crop Cuba Molasses. gECOND CARGO, 554 Hogsheads. 66 Tierces, bow lindlng ex Araeiican Echconcr "Dran. ua,"diret from Matanzia. . l or fa'e very low by WOKTU & W Olll'U feb ii . . NEW FURNITURE HOUSE. Corner fecond and ilarkej Streets, -yy E ARE BERK TO STAY ASD KO'dlS conBtf Wo keep tbe fijeest and cheapest Fur nltnre la the city Ut prices tnit the rich and poor alike. - We can sell cheap" because we manufacture our own ooJa - v Also a fnlt lire of Baby rrlacs " ' - A call tud 1 arpection eollf ited. - - -: ' - -v r- ;K!OXVlt,bK FUKSITIIRE CO..' :.nch T 2m .r . . ir. SKEi, U&ha6r --r " . - - . .... , GRAND OPENING ! EOOMS FOR ALL I A been S THE NEW PORCELL HOUSE HAS overrun ever since f orinwl. T i 1 to nave jnoie room and to make It pleas ant for all, bave this-day leased the entire bull diner, which makes the house second to none . No pains will be rpared on the part of the Proprietor to make this House first c'asa in every respect. New furniture from bot tom to top. Busd and Baggage Wagon at ar- tivaiui.Mii irama Receiveo n Oonoignmcri 05 BOXES TOBACCO, 35 feb I tf N. FREDERICK, Proprietor. Second f Lot; of Early Spring Hats. ; JADlES AND ItHSSES.' ALSO. A VERY iare assortment of Em en and SUk Handler, ch'efs. S. & R. brand Cuffs and ' Collars, latest styles. Jersevs uidHoRlenr: rvrwut and Notions, Linen Towels, Tny and buffet NEW 8TAMPING DESIGNS and all the materials for Embroidery. ; - :s , Closing out all Winter Goods, terj low to make room lor fiprins: stock --i Respectfully; v - i ' . ' ' MISS E. BARBER, feb 23 YoKers Bailding.-Opposite Market. PENNYROYAL PILLS. ."CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH!" r THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY G END INE. Safe ami always Reliable. Beware of worth ies Imitations. IndlBpensble to LADIES. Ask your Druggist for 'Chichestkb's Ek r.i.iSH" and take no other, or inclose ie. (sumps) to ns for particulars in letter by re turn mall. NAM IS PAPER. CniCHESTES chestcal Co. , 2315 Mad Ison Square. Phlla, Pa. At Drngaists. Trade supplied bT Kol LP gnoMAKKB, hiladebphla, Pa. - dec2SdAwly . -! - . can live at home, and make more mosey at work xnr ns. titan at any thing e'se In the world. Capttal not AnTT needed; you are started free.- Both . V wxes; all ages. Anyone can do u t work. j Large earnings sure from the first t tar t Cos t'y outfit and terms free. Better rtot delay, costs yon nothing to send ns your 1 . ddrcr and And pnt; Jf you are wise you vtll loso stjonca, H.vDaLLETT & o.. Portland . lain. , : ;; - . , , , de? 1 Ccid ljw . . tl in.53- ; "' ' " ' 811 CADS 44 Which we are rffcrins per cent, less than maoofsctnrsrf1 ' ALSO, 20,000 Cigars, all "SOL; BEAK & CO, , f o. 9,-MABKJtT St- i , Who'eeale Dealcrj in liWr w 1 - mchr' ' Ornck Dipurr Collector V WILMI SQtOVr N- a . Mh SEALED PBOFOSAW 1, rt At this office until is ch n ttxm iRth iv nf Match. r.nh3tW VMW w 11. tnr v.- Sroperty auitaoie ig, authorized to be erected w, grr - 'l he dimensions of the 1 . rTv,- t mat, if a coiner 1-1. noi lAlr& dred and sixty 17 oce (105) feet ; if not a comer, w, . a should be not leas than tw", nr one hundred and five feet 0h f dred feet to be street jf2 oochi on either tide, the 'Jdf i,9JVJ deductea from the above cw nl&t logs on property celected to pt remotci by tbeoiroer JJJJJfS... sale of propcrtyfor a .iZf in? to be erected at t Ihaw ivn a. Una," ami addressed to Deputy Collector. SK0 f-S' notice- I HAVE BEIN irrww,"' ' -.',', is1?8. 4he Hartford life Uiw.13 ' All persons lre noic- v . , bant me i their nswe nBOwif. men d . - -: : . ,

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